Annual Report for 2018 paper province

“we want a bubbling and open innovation climate” PAGE 4

“bioeconomy is the economy of the future” PAGES 24-25

development - networking - innovation - meeting places - marketing CONTENT CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT

Pages 10-21 Eleven pages of projects “We have a unique opportunity

The projects are some of Paper Province’s most important activi- ties. On eleven fully filled pages, to contribute to the solution” we tell about what happened in the projects in 2018. What the projects all have in common is that they sup- was another tion the world over is demanding that we from residual materials from the forest. The port the transition to the fossil-free year of climate find solutions to one of our time’s greatest latter has a particular symbolic value since society. The Wood Region test bed changes and challenges, climate change. above all the globally strong and growing in Sysslebäck (photo at left) is a key 2018greater sustainability in focus. It was the aerospace industry is often highlighted as resource in Bioinno. Article on page year that pictures were spread around the When then are these solutions? Well, that particularly problematic from a sustainability 17. world of Greta Thunberg on a school strike, question has no simple answer of course, perspective. In , a new factory for the followed by young people filled with activism and above all there is not just one answer. production of prefabricated elements made and faith in their ability to have an influence. But I am convinced that we in Paper Province of laminated wood has just been started The speed with which a global call to action have a unique opportunity to contribute in up that contributes to more sustainable can arise is almost dizzying, which affects quite many ways to the future solution. construction compared with carbon dioxide- both hundreds of world leaders in Davos intensive concrete. The potential for the use and hundreds of children and young people In and the Nordic region, we’ve of lignin that can be extracted in pulp produc- More reading around the world. It feels hopeful, but also established that the forest is an incredibly tion and is being developed in the LignoCity troubling that nowadays it is not us adults important part in the transition from fossil- test bed in Bäckhammar seems unlimited. 6 New members 2018 who act with the greatest maturity and based to fossil-free. Many of our members, In 2018, Paper Province had eight responsibility for the future. There are those such as sawmills and paper and pulp compa- This is just a small part of the forest-based exciting new additions and thereby who dismiss the actions as youthful nies, who over the ages have worked activities that contribute to the conversion to became 108 members strong. foolishness, and with argu- tirelessly to refine the forest, are a more fossil-free society. In addition to this, ments that they are not now even more focused on the there are a number of development projects 24 26 23 Students discovering the industry seeing the big picture. products being sustainable that are being conducted within or with ties Bioeconomy Parliament Sting Bioeconomy The Paper Province trip is arranged Now, just like it has been and environmentally smart. For to the region, many with support from Paper twice a year. Every time it evokes for all previous genera- example, Rottneros is develop- Province. Here, in our membership area, we In March, we held the Bioeconomy The incubator Sting Bioeconomy interest in the industry among the tions, it’s indeed not the ing pulp-based packages that have a very good starting point to develop Parliament together with Region established operations in Värmland students. role of young people to will replace those of plastic, a test sustainable, innovative and profitable goods Värmland, within the framework of the in August with the goal of attracting be the ones who are most bed is being built at UMV in Säffle and services. We have plenty of forest raw Bioeconomy Region project. Committed innovators in the forest-based bio­ 28 Service innovation on the schedule nuanced in the debate. With where fossil-free barriers for liquid materials and a long tradition of developing individuals gathered fully focused on the economy. Since the beginning, CEO In September, the seminar series Greta Thunberg as a packaging board, among others, will and making use of them. We have a broad forest’s and the bioeconomy’s possibili- Victor Isaksen (photographed) has met began regarding service innovation. guiding light, the be developed, and several projects have assembly of members with expertise in ties. Maria Wetterstrand (photographed) with many innovators. The participants, small and medium- younger genera- been started to extract aviation fuel everything from forest ownership and carton was one of the speakers. sized enterprises, were given help manufacturing to building construction and to strengthen their competitiveness. biomaterials-based 3D printing and we have support from the region, municipalities and a Front page 30 Equality at work strong academic community. In the past year, A dozen senior executives gained we have deepened the consensus on the Why is Maria Hollander getting a tattoo? new insights into the leadership direction forward for Paper Province through Paper Province was founded in 1999 by programme “Inclusive leadership”. focused strategy work. seven companies with a need to recruit competent staff to the paper industry. Over 31 Research So is all of this enough to save the world for the years, we have taken the initiative for Close cooperation with future generations? Nobody can do every- efforts that strengthened the entire regional University’s research department thing, but if we continue to be inquisitive and business community and the skills supply was conducted during the year. goal-oriented in our sustainability work, we in in our industry. At the same time, we have Paper Province can do quite a lot together. developed into a cluster with a focus on the 32 Member successes forest bioeconomy. Of course, a lot happened at our Of course we have to celebrate this! member companies in 2018. In the photo Maria Hollander prepares for August at Karlstad CCC. Mark your calen- A selection of all news is presented ERIK KORNFELD the 20-year anniversary to be held on 30 dar and save the date. on pages 32-35. Chairman

2 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 3 WHAT IS PAPER PROVINCE? WHY BECOME A MEMBER? Eleven strong reasons to become a member

Paper Province is owned and operated by the member companies. Together, we work to achieve the global sustainability goals, safeguard resources and develop expertise. Here are a few good reasons for membership in the cluster.

With the help of the forest, we can create a fossil-free society. We work together to make the ENVIRONMENT. transition possible. Paul Nemes, Deputy CEO at Paper Province, describes Paper Province’s mission to create an innovation environment for the forest bioeconomy. More than 100 member companies from many different industries meet through us. We coop- NETWORKING. erate with many clusters, regions, universities, authorities and companies. As a member, you can broaden your contact network, find new synergies and business.

You get the pulse of the surrounding world and the trends that impact you. Our knowledge “we fight for a KNOWLEDGE. nodes, initiatives and projects take you forward and make your ideas come true. We are taking the forest into the future and you can be involved in influencing what the future INFLUENCE. will look like. 100 voices are much stronger than one. fossil-free world” The forest, the region and the actors – we lift them up together to attract talent. When we ATTRACTION. reach out, you do too. “Paper Province is a cluster and the foundation is our member companies. But in parallel with You become a member of a context that has a positive impact on your company’s develop- the cluster activities, we have a mandate to build an innovation environment for the forest bioec- DEVELOPMENT. ment and profitability. Research shows that companies that engage in cluster activities have onomy in the region,” says Paul Nemes, Deputy CEO of Paper Province. higher growth than companies that do not.

With the help of our project managers and innovation advisers, we can provide you with the CONTACTS. right contacts when, for example, it comes to innovation and development. In addition to the Many actors need to interact in order participated, for example, in the process with companies and considerable expertise member companies, we have many cooperative partners and other contacts. for us to drive the development of establishing our new incubator Sting in the forest industry.” towards a fossil-free society. There, Bioeconomy. But it is also a matter of If you need help or support with innovation and development work, you can come to us. We “Paper Province showing that a lot of exciting things are Another important component in the inno- FINANCING. can help you find funding, expertise, calls for proposals for grants and build consortia. With has a central role. We are the interface happening. This is perhaps our foremost vation environment is the test beds. There, expert know-how, we can support you in the innovation work. between companies, the academic com- role; creating a climate so that actors companies have the possibility to test and munity and the public sector. We try to with the right expertise are attracted here scale up their innovations. They also offer Paper Province’s website was visited more than 38,000 times in 2018 by more than 22,000 promote development and ensure that we and want to develop their companies an environment where competencies from OWN WEBSITE. unique visitors. Here, you get your own web page where you can present your business. are working in the same direction,” says and ideas here. We do so by creating the academic community, the business Paul Nemes. a vibrant, bubbling and free innovation community and institutions can meet and We spread news about our members on the Internet, social media, in newsletters and press climate.” new knowledge can develop. NEWS. releases – the news often goes out regionally, nationally and internationally. Paper Province’s work includes numerous “They are incredibly important for realis- components, but supporting the companies There are many actors who must interact, ing the bioeconomy and make the region Last, but not least, Paper Province arranges various events every year. Including Papermakers’ in their development is at the core. think innovatively and mentally switch over more attractive for innovators and busi- EVENTS. Night. It is held twice a year, spring and autumn. Cluster lunches are also an occasion for “Paper Province has concrete tools to a fossil-free world. ness,” says Paul Nemes. members to introduce themselves. We handle the practical matters while the members to support innovation. We have innova- “This is a journey that is not so easy. But Read more about the test beds on account for the presentation of their businesses. We also invite to workshops, lectures, tion funding and, during the year, we we have enormous strength in the region pages 11, 12 and 17. student-related events and much more.


MANUFACTURING SUSTAINABLE SPECIALISTS AT GETTING OUT MORE TIMBER BROAD RANGE OF DIGITAL SERVICES SERVING THE MILLS WITH CLEANING WOOD PRODUCTS MOELVEN SKOG manages, harvests and renews forests with a FOREFRONT CONSULTING is a business and IT consulting DELETE SWEDEN is a part of the Delege Group, the leading STORA ENSO GRUVÖN SAWMILL in Grums makes sustain- focus on timber. They supply Moelven’s raw material consuming company with nearly 400 employees and eight offices in Sweden. actor in the Nordic region in industrial cleaning and demolition able wood products. In 2018, a major expansion was under way industries, mainly the timber and wood divisions, with raw materials They offer services in digital development, strategy, design services. for SEK 500 million and, in March 2019, Europe’s largest and (such as Moelven Notnäs Ransby, see the notice below). and technology and also offer business development linked to In summer 2018, Delete bought the Karlstad company most modern production line for cross-laminated timber (CLT) In March, the world’s tallest wood building, Mjøstårnet in , digitalisation. Waterjet, which then as now primarily works for the paper mills began with customer deliveries. made from wood from Moelven was inaugurated. With Mjøstårnet, “We work with property and forest companies, banks and gam- in the county and performs maintenance work at all of the mills. The production capacity is 100,000 m3 of CLT per year, Moelven shows the possibilities of developing sustainable construc- ing companies, to name a few. We want to remain broad because “We ensure that their lines are free from deposits and mate- which corresponds to materials for around 4500 normal-sized tion in the future. we see that we can benefit from knowledge from one industry to rial. We use high-pressure spraying that supplies 190 litres per apartments. The investment means 60 new jobs at the Gruvön “We are moving the boundaries by building the world’s tallest another,” says David Lassing, manager of the Karlstad office. minute and 1,000 kilograms of pressure,” says Patrik Axelsson, sawmill, which had 110 employees before the expansion. There wood building,” says Björn Johansson, CEO, Moelven Skog. Within the forest industry, they are among other things involved who works at Delete in Karlstad. is a strong belief in the future of wood as a building material. As a whole, Moelven has around 3500 employees and consists in developing VIOL 3 – an upgrade and modernisation of the The material is light and strong and can replace concrete. of three divisions: timber, wood and building systems. Half of the system used by the entire forest industry in Sweden. Wood is also the only entirely renewable building material. operations are in Norway and half in Sweden.

LIKING THE EXTRA DIFFICULT SUPPLYING WOOD PRODUCTS HELPING THE CUSTOMER THE WHOLE WAY PUTTING TOGETHER DIFFERENT IN MANY COUNTRIES BÄCKEBRON SAWMILL is a privately owned sawmill just NYKVIST SKOGS helps its customers with everything related to BUSINESS DATA outside Västra Ämtervik, specialised in small dimension timber. MOELVEN NOTNÄS RANSBY in and Sysslebäck supplies the forest. From the first plant until the timber reaches the forest QBIM is an IT consulting company that are experts at preparing After the timber has been sawn, dried and processed, it is sold wood products of spruce and pine. The products are primarily industry and the money ends up in the customer’s wallet. relevant information from companies’ various business systems on for use in the interiors and exteriors of buildings, such as sawn timber products and components. The buyers are mostly They have two thinning harvesters (Rottne H8) and one for- and source data and combining the information in graphically wood panels. Chips, shavings and bark are bought up by pulp industrial customer that use the products in their own production, warder (John Deere 810). The company is almost alone in having attractive reports. They can serve as input for important deci- mills and heating plants to become paper and district heating mainly planing mills, laminated wood factories, window manu­ small machinery in harvesting. A request from their forest owners sions and processes. in the next stage. Nothing from the log goes to waste. facturers, flooring producers and packaging producers. and the results of the harvesting are clear. “It makes it easier for the customer to make analyses, “We can do small and difficult series. It’s our thing. Doing Around half of the production is delivered in Scandinavia, The company has a steadily rising growth curve and today, enhancing efficiency and making wiser decisions,” says Mikael what the really large actors don’t want to take on,” says CEO but important export countries are also the UK, the Netherlands, they have a force of 25 people, nine employees and 16 contrac- Hyensjör, founder of Qbim. Björn Sjöberg. Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Japan and countries in tors. Qbim works on cloud-based solutions in the programs The largest market is Sweden and Norway. North Africa. Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Azure samt Alteryx. The customer subscribes to the service and thereby avoids buying a server and software.



SYMBIOSIS At the beginning of Decem- ber, some forty people met in Karlstad to talk about industrial and urban symbiosis. Paper Province was the host of the national meetings that created new collaborative arrangements and ideas that benefit society and the environment. The meeting was arranged by the Swedish Network for Industrial and Urban Symbiosis, also known as SNIUS, with members from Paper Province, Linköping University and Sotenäs Municipality.

The participants got to hear about vari- ous kinds of successful symbioses and Some of the participants at the national meetings for industrial and urban symbiosis. collaborative efforts and were inspired by each other. smarter way. Many successful initiatives Persson, Project Manager at Paper Industrial symbiosis means collaborat- are already under way in industrial and Province. ing at different levels to maximise financial urban symbiosis at a local level. and environmental gains from materials, The SNIUS network wants to take the The event was arranged by Paper energy and other resources and flows. next step and scale up the symbiosis Province and Linköping University “It is more important than ever to effect nationally. This will benefit both the with support from Vinnova and Robert Hackwill from Euronews filming at Paper Province’s office in Innovation Park. safeguard the Earth’s resources in a environment and business,” says Magnus Region Värmland.

The EU pilot project for industrial conversion began Investments in industrial jobs EURONEWS DID A GLOBAL NEWS PIECE

PILOT In January, the European selected regions achieve financial EXPERTISE To address the lack of NEWS In October, Paper Province among other projects. Pelle’s kayaks are our members. Paul explained how we Commission began a pilot project for transformation by leveraging their professionally trained employees for was visited by Euronews. The news being developed through cooperation link together various actors within the industrial conversion. Paper Province is areas of strength, identified in so-called the industry in Värmland, Paper team had come to Karlstad and Syssle- with the Wood Region test bed in forest bioeconomy to get closer to the involved together with other actors in smart specialisation strategies. The Province together with Compare, IUC/ bäck to highlight our world-leading Sysslebäck, which is also presented in goal of a fossil-free society. Northern Central Sweden (Värmland, purpose is to promote innovation and Stål&Verkstad, Teknikcollege Värmland, cluster and on-going initiative for a the news clip. Dalarna and Gävleborg County). digitalisation and to reduce carbon Region Värmland and a number of sustainable and equal society. The You can watch the news clips on Northern Central Sweden is one of dioxide emissions. industrial companies and union results were two global news pieces In a separate piece with Paul Nemes, The headings are five regions in Europe that is receiving Another seven regions in Europe were organisations joined forces and formed where the viewers could follow the Deputy CEO at Paper Province, we also “Deep in the forest lie future EU bio- support. The pilot project will help the added during the year. the Värmland Industrial Advisory Board. forest’s benefit illustrated through the got to delve a little deeper and explain industries” and “EU Cohesion Policy work of Pelle Strafhede to develop the background of the various projects boosts Sweden’s forestry sector- plastic-free and degradable kayaks, and initiatives we conduct on behalf of sustainably”.

Participation in the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth’s S3 pilot Effort for the supply of expertise

PILOT In July, it was decided that we would be part of EXPERTISE Paper Province was involved in starting the the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth’s Higher Ambition programme, which got started in Febru- Paper Province rewarded with European gold investment in clusters and smart specialisation, known as ary. Students receive a unique opportunity for a trainee the S3 pilot. Paper Province was chosen as one of position at a number of employers, of which some are GOLD At the beginning of the year, Paper Province was 22 clusters to be included in the pilot. members of Paper Province. Higher Ambition is being led rewarded with Cluster Management Excellence Gold – the highest The S3 pilot is to further strengthen cluster expertise and developed by Effect Management AB in cooperation prize awarded by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI). and thereby support the development of the companies. with Paper Province, Region Värmland, Karlstad Municipal- Cluster experts were here and assessed our working methods, All selected clusters are prioritised in accordance with ity, Karlstad University, the Värmland Chamber of Com- media coverage, activities, goals, results and more. Only some the regions’ smart specialisation strategies, meaning that merce, Compare, IUC Stål & Verkstad, the Karlstad student 60 clusters in Europe achieved the gold level. regions invest in what they can become best at. union and more.


SEVERAL PAGES ABOUT OUR PROJECTS – IMPORTANT FOR THE CONVERSION TO BEING FOSSIL FREE All of Paper Province’s activities are realised through various by Paper Province, but we are also cooperative partners in a “The lignin will now projects. We identify needs and find funding from public large number of initiativs. The projects support the transition to authorities, such as the Swedish Agency for Economic and the fossil-free society in one way or another. On the following Regional Growth, the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova eleven pages, our employees tell about what happened in the and the Swedish Energy Agency. The projects may be owned projects in 2018. go to the market”

VINNOVA “LignoCity 2.0 is a very important project. We will find new working methods and Vinnväxt is funded by Vinnova and regional co-financiers, and is a way forward to get lignin out on the market and replace fossil-based products,” under way 2013-2023. says Per Myhrén, project manager at Paper Province.

ignin has extensive potential. It can in this process. In the test bed LignoC- “The project is to support the develop- be converted to environmentally ity at Bäckhammar Mill in , ment of ideas in a direction towards com- friendly fuels, bioplastics and carbon research and tests of the lignin are con- mercialisation, the whole way from idea Lfibres that can be used to make cars, ducted. to product. And the knowledge we gain in aircraft and batteries, for example. During RISE is the project owner and, besides the project will also be able to be used in the year, Paper Province began a project Paper Province, Kristinehamn Municipal- other test beds,” says Per Myhrén. together with RISE (Research Institutes of ity, Region Värmland, Nordic Paper and Sweden) and four other project partners RenFuel are involved in the project. Maria Hollander at the award ceremony in 2013. Paper Province is receiving SEK 65 million over ten years, which is invested in forest industry, innovations and the conversion to a bioeconomy. with the aim of developing the test bed LignoCity. The goal is to develop in detail new work- ing methods around lignin and finding EU In a future bioeconomy, we have to use models for how to go from idea to busi- LignoCity is funded by the European our forests optimally. Lignin, which is a ness establishment, and to find compa- Regional Development Fund, RISE, Five important years Vinnväxt, Region Värmland and others. residual product from the pulp and paper nies and start-ups that can be tied to the It is under way 2018-2021. as Vinnväxt winners mills, is an important piece of the puzzle activities. “LignoCity supports the development of ideas, the whole way in the direction towards commercialisation,” says Per Myhrén. “After five years as Vinnväxt winners, we know the major significance it has for the cluster’s and the region’s development,” says CEO Maria Hollander.

2013, Paper Province brought terms of building the fossil-free society. It is Much has happened in the five years as a home the Vinnväxt victory and extremely important that we are credible,” Vinnväxt winner. was granted ten years’ funding says Maria Hollander. “Thanks to Vinnväxt, we have gone from Infrom Vinnova, which together with regional being a cluster that works with paper and funding is being invested in the super-­ Through Vinnväxt, Paper Province also pulp to working with the forest bioec- important transition to a bioeconomy. gained capacity to further strengthen the onomy. This is a much broader grant that project portfolio. includes more stakeholders , both within The Vinnväxt victory entails a record invest- “We participate in projects that are both and outside existing forest value chains. ment in the forest industry of Värmland. national and international. The projects This is important to be able to optimise the Thanks to Vinnväxt, Paper Province can create possibilities for meeting places, net- forest’s contribution in the conversion to realise its strategic idea – to demonstrate working, innovation support, communica- the fossil-free society, but also so that we the bioeconomy in practice. tion efforts and more. Altogether, all of the will be able to engage more companies “This means that we will not only activities aim to strengthen the companies’ in the cluster activities. We believe this is develop new products and services that competitiveness in various ways and make positive for the competitiveness of both contribute to the global transformation, the region visible as a competence hub in the companies and the region,” says Maria but that we will also put them to use in the forest-based bioeconomy.” Hollander. the region. We will serve as a pioneer in


A new test bed makes the step from idea to commercial product significantly easier. “We pave the way for more biobased food packages,” says Peter Edberg, Project Manager at Paper Province.

new test bed for environmentally Eduction are participating in the project goals in the Government’s Fossil-free friendly packages is in Sweden with their test beds. Sweden initiative. thanks to the FFLAM project. “The test beds are unique in that we AIn the test bed, innovations are devel- combine three different environments into In parallel with FFLAM, the research oped that are to be launched in the form of one. We expect it to become very attrac- project Multi-Barr is under way at Karlstad ecofriendly and fossil-free food packaging. tive, both to national and international University under the leadership of “More than 20 actors in the value companies that are active in packaging and Professor Magnus Lestelius. The core chain in packaging are working together bioplastics,” says Peter Edberg. question for the research in Multi-Barr is “The conversion to a circular and biobased society knows no bounds,” says Gunnar Hellerström. to find biobased alternatives to the fossil “How are defect-free barrier functions laminates that are in food packaging,” says The project is being funded by Sweden’s achieved with dispersion coatings on Peter Edberg. innovation authority, Vinnova. It involved fibre-based packaging material?”. The laminates that Peter Edberg is talk- 23 project participants, including research- ing about are on the outside or inside of ers, carton producers, bioplastics manufac- packages. The barrier on the inside is very turers, printing houses and brand owners. shared strengths important for the food’s shelf life. The test bed is one of several important VINNOVA steps that are being taken in Sweden in FFLAM is funded by Vinnova RISE Bioeconomy and the Värmland actors order for Swedish FMCG retailing to be and is under way 2018-2021. UMV Coating Systems and Brobygrafiska fossil free by 2030 and to achieve the make us stronger In the Bioeconomy Region, Paper Province is collaborating with four counties in Norway to “Previously, food packaging had a fossil-based plastic coating, but the fossil-free alternatives are on the way,” says Peter Edberg. hasten the development towards a forest bioeconomy. “There are major opportunities for cooperation and businss across the border,” says Gunnar Hellerström, Project Manager at Paper Province.

he Bioeconomy Region is a three- huge business opportunity. Those of us on the Norwegian side. We also work on year interreg project that supports the in inner Scandinavia are sitting on a lot of measures to stimulate increased wood conversion to a biobased society. In the technology and the raw materials that construction.” Tbrief, it is about offering support to small and will make the conversion possible,” says medium sized companies to speed up the Gunnar Hellerström. By cooperating across the border, the development and commercialisation of new project participants believe that new ideas products, new technology and bioeconomy There are more cooperative partners in will be incited. services. the Bioeconomy Region. Besides Paper “It’s really exciting. We’re discovering Province and the four counties in Norway, many environments, companies and oppor- The Bioeconomy Region extends from Region Värmland is included as a project tunities on the other side of the border that the Paper Province region and into four owner, as well as Region Dalarna and Säffle we didn’t previously knew,” says counties in Norway: Akershus, Hedmark, Municipality. Gunnar Hellerström. Oppland and Østfold. Paper Province’s work package is the “The conversion to a circular and project’s largest and is about innovation biobased society knows no bounds. and demonstration. EU AND OTHERS TBR is funded by the European Consequently, it’s completely natural to “We map and highlight test beds in our Regional Development Fund cooperate with our closest neighbours. area. We work on approaching the innova- and several co-financiers. It is just as much a challenge as it is a tion environments, such as with incubators

12 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 13 MULTIBIO GREEN IDEAS Take your ideas out of the drawer

Do you have an idea in your desk drawer that would benefit sustainable development? Take it out. There is an opportunity for innovative private individuals in Sweden to receive a grant of up to SEK 50,000 for climate-smart ideas.

weden’s innovation authority Vinnova contact the clusters or go into the Paper pilot park for biorefinery development. “Multibio is a very exciting project with great potential,” says Magnus Persson. has awarded SEK 2 million to Paper Province website and apply (you can find Triple Steelix cooperates with several Province and the clusters Triple Steelix the registration of interest under Innova- national universities to develop knowledge Sand Processum. The aim is for the clusters to tion/Support for private individuals with on production of steel and metals. help innovators and get more people to dare green ideas). The mills’ waste becomes to test their innovations in the bioeconomy. “People are needed who drive develop- ment forward and have the courage to give It takes time to innovate and it can be it a go. We can help those who have not yet difficult to know if the idea is worth taking started a company and want to contribute new bioproducts the risk. The clusters therefore want to to sustainable development,” says Melinda help with the innovation process at an From, Consultant at Paper Province. early phase. Innovators can get up to SEK 50,000 as support, for example, for Paper Province has a large network of developing prototypes or conducting experts in virtually every part of the forest VINNOVA “In MultiBio, actors from various industries cooperate to resolve some of the major challenges we Green ideas are funded by Vinnova market research. value chain and can guide innovators on to and implemented together with are facing,” says Magnus Persson, Project Manager at Paper Province. Paper Province encourages innovators pilot machines and test equipment. Triple Steelix and Processum. who have ideas in their desk drawers to Processum offers access to an extensive

ome 20 experts cooperate in MultiBio. the conversion to a sustainable circular The goal is to create conditions to get The project is based on converting the bioeconomy. the new products out on the market. Green ideas provide sustainable development. remains from paper mills and giving Sthem new life as bio-based products. Actors from the entire value chain “In the project, the process for making The products created are biohydrogen cooperate in MultiBio. The paper mills are biohydrogen gas will be tested on a larger gas, bioplastic and a fish food ingredient. included, as well as researchers, fish farm- scale. As a side-flow, acetic acid is created, “Every process step is unique, but they ers and a number of other companies and which in turn is fed to the bioplastic pro- are also put together in a series to benefit organisations, including Paper Province. cess. The Swedish University of Agricultural from each other,” says Magnus Persson. “Actors from various industries that do Sciences will make fish food from another not normally cooperate are now working side-flow that the company Gårdsfisk will The hydrogen gas can replace fossil fuels together to solve some of the greatest feed to its fish,” says Magnus Persson. and be used, for example, for internal challenges we are facing,” says Magnus transports at the mills. The biobased plastic Persson. can be used instead of fossil-based plastic, such as the coating of carton board. The The Vinnova-financed project builds on fish food ingredients can contribute to two earlier research projects that were reduced overfishing and soy production. implemented with funding from the Swedish “It is a very exciting project with sev- Energy Agency, Vinnova and Formas. “Then basic tests were done with waste VINNOVA eral interesting processes and highly MultiBio is funded by Vinnova current end products. It has potential to water streams and the calculation and together with the industry and contribute to some of the most important mapping of what flows could be used in is under way until 2020. Swedish environmental goals and benefit the mills.

14 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 15 SUSTAINABLE PAPER PROVINCE BIOINNO “We try to live what we preach” Paper Province has clarified and strengthened the work on Agenda 2030 by clearly linking the agenda’s goals and sub-goals to the activities. “This concretises our entire work,” says Deputy CEO Paul Nemes.

n December 2017, Paper Province was map it to Agenda 2030. This concretises The UN’s Agenda 2030 consists of notified by Vinnova that we had been our entire work,” says Paul Nemes, Deputy 17 global goals, with 169 sub-goals. granted SEK 500,000 for the Sustainable CEO of Paper Province. “For Paper Province and the forest IPaper Province project. The project industry, the Agenda’s goals are highly was under way until sum- Agenda 2030 is partly about liv- relevant. By getting more people to work mer 2018. In brief, it was ing what we preach, he says. towards a more sustainable society, the about increasing the “It’s important to always forest bioeconomy can be benefited. The The Wood Region in Sysslebäck is a key resource in Bioinno. The kayak in the photo is printed in a 3D printer and made of biocomposite. awareness of Agenda keep these things in global goals push the driver needed to get 2030 and even more mind. One can more the world to change and devote resources clearly integrating the often offer vegetarian to develop materials that can replace fossil global goals in Paper conference lunches, with renewable. Here, the forest is a gold Province’s opera- think about gender mine, a huge asset with major possibilities. The forest bioeconomy tions. The results equality and inclusively, It is also here that we can be involved and

are a checklist with try to travel sustainably have an influence.”




concrete tools and e and so on.




a is growing in Dalarna more stringent internal P “Our impact through guidelines. these internal considerations might be limited, but by taking into “We are now seeing how projects account the global goals in our projects VINNOVA At the end of 2018, we received starting clearance for Bioinno. The project is about Värmland and Sustainable Paper Province and activities can contribute to Agenda and innovation processes, for example, was funded by Vinnova and was Dalarna cooperating to help forest-based innovations out on the market. The Wood Region test 2030. When we prepare a new project we have the possibility of an even greater under way until August 2018. and think about activities and results, we impact. We affect others through our work.” bed in Sysslebäck is a key resource in the project.

“It’s important to show how we comply with the global goals. We influence others through what we do externally,” says Paul Nemes, Deputy CEO at Paper Province. n Bioinno, the Paper Province Vinnväxt area – can partake of efficient innovation kayaks, longboards and other products in iniatiative is connected to the to-date and contractor processes. For example, the outdoor sector are printed. somewhat unexplored bioeconomy in through advice, contact with researchers, IDalarna. prototype development and other ways Besides Paper Province, project partici- Vinnova “Dalarna has a forest industry, but no out to the market,” says Paul Nemes. pants include Dalarna Science Park, IUC clusters, and has therefore opened for Dalarna and the Wood Region through cooperation with Paper Province. We Bioinno will increase interest and demon- Torsby Municipality. believe that with shared strength, we can strate the business benefit of working on The full name of the project is: Forest increase the flow of innovations,” says Paul sustainability, renewal and development. Bioeconomy Innovation in Dalarna and Nemes, Deputy CEO at Paper Province. The test and development facility in Värmland. the Wood Region test bed in Sysslebäck Bioinno aims to geographically and in becomes a key resource in the project. terms of actors increase the critical mass Innovators can use the test environment to for the innovation work towards the forest produce small and large-scale prototypes of bioeconomy. biocomposite in 3D printers. The biocom- EU AND OTHERS Funded by the European Regional “We do so concretely by broadening us posite is largely made of sawdust and can Development Fund, Torsby Municipality, towards actors in Dalarna County and offer- be used as a replacement for traditional Region Värmland and Region Dalarna. ing the tools to more people. This means plastics. The largest printer can handle It is under way until 2022. that more people – in a larger geographic dimensions of around six metres. Here,


“Growth and the environment must go hand in hand. That’s when new business opportunities are created. Sustainable businesses become more attractive, innovative and profitable,” says Paper Province Project Manager Peter Edberg.

limate-smart innova- A gender-equal workplace is more innovative what professional roles tion is mainly about and thereby more profitable. and competencies are creating sustainable needed. Cand climate-smart solutions for PETER EDBERG, PAPER PROVINCE In Grums, the so- small and medium-sized enter- called GreenGrumsDay prises in forest value chains. was also held in May. Many different seminars, events, work- and Hammarö,” says Peter Edberg. The objective was to spread knowledge of shops and exhibitions have been created In the municipality workshops, we bring the bioeconomy and the unique projects in this large project. Here is a brief descrip- together actors, companies, politicians, under way in Grums with Stora Enso’s new tion of a small part of everything that has residents and the academic community to production line for cross-laminated timber been done. jointly talk about how the municipality can and BillerudKorsnäs’ carton machine, which Visitors to the GreenGrumsDay in May. convert to a fossil-free society. is one of the largest and most modern in Some 50 small and medium-sized enter- the world. The artist Björn Ling conducted prises (SMEs) in the region have All of the workshops have discussions with the companies from the been involved and received resulted in a number of dif- stage and interspersed interviews with Teachers on the help with, for example, ferent ideas and some entertainment. inspiration day at sustainable business of them have been the BillerudKorsnäs realised. , there was a follow-up of the Gruvön mine in models, internation- In October February. alisation and servici- Paper Province municipality workshop held at Hammarö fication (read more began the year with at the end of 2017. A day was also devoted about the seminar a workshop in Arvika there to spreading knowledge and inspira- series on servicifica- where the munici­ tion. Several presenters told about their

tion on page 28). pality, the university, ideas that can make the world a little Researcher Helén Williams, one of the lecturers at Hammarö in October.



The supply of e Moelven Edanesågen, better. Helén Williams, a researcher at




r Karlstad University, told about how we expertise and gen- e other companies and t e

der issues are other P residents in the munici- can resolve the problem of food waste. important parts of the pality were gathered. One Katarina Roos, Research Manager at Stora project (read more about this on thing that all of the participants Enso, spoke about the role of packaging page 30). in Arvika agreed on was to develop a for the environment. Pelle Stafshede, the “A gender-equal workplace is more wood building strategy. As a step on the innovator behind Melker Kayaks, described innovative and thereby more profitable. way, several people from Arvika subse- his production of kayaks made of wood And we know that young people today quently participated in a study trip to the chips and Anders Thorén, PR Manager at prefer to work in sustainable, gender-equal worlds tallest wood building, Mjöstornet in Löfbergs, told about Löfberg’s successful operations,” says Peter Edberg. Norway. sustainability work. Paper Province also wants to make research visible that is conducted regard- In February, 20 teachers from the Climate-smart innovation has been under ing the forest bioeconomy by presenting it Jättesten­skolan school in Grums received way since 2015 and extends into 2019. It in an easily understood manner (read more knowledge about the forest bioeconomy is funded through the European Regiona on page 31). during an inspiration day at the Billerud- Fund, Region Värmland and Vinnova. Korsnäs Gruvön mill. This was one of the Another part of the project is the so-called results from the workshop held the year EU municipality workshops. before. Climate-smart Innovation is funded by “We arrange workshops in municipali- The objective of the day was to give the the European Regional Development Fund, among others, and is ties to get them to go towards a sustain- teachers knowledge of how we can use the under way until March 2019. able society. We’ve been in Säffle, Grums, forest’s resources in the future and show

18 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 19 BIS AND INNOSTEP TEKNIKCOLLEGE Industrial symbiosis in the Baltic Sea countries

Imagine a society where we share the resources to minimise the negative environmental impact. Not only on a private level, but also within industry. This can become reality through BIS, Baltic Industrial Symbiosis.

IS was given the green light in unutilised potential that we will ensure September 2018 when the financ- There are extensive comes to better use through coordinated ing was approved by the Baltic Sea opportunities in the residual efforts. The basic idea is that something BProgramme, Interreg Baltic Sea Region. that one industry sees as waste may be material flows in the Baltic a resource for another,” says Magnus Sea region, including in The educational programmes at Teknikcollege Värmland are adapted to the needs of the the industry. BIS is a cross-border cooperation to con- energy and residual materials. Persson, Innovation Advisor at Paper tribute to better resource management in Province and a project participant. the industry. From Sweden, Paper Province Paper Province’s role is to clarify the on is participating with the Swedish Agency ss residual material flows at regional compa- er P for Economic and Regional Growth and s nies and arrange matchmaking regarding u n Linköping University. The project is being g them. In a so-called Living Lab, a conceiv- teknikcollege – for a led by the Danish Symbiosis Centre and M able new industrial symbiosis will be tested a total of 18 different actors from Sweden, in a real environment. Norway, , Denmark and Poland are participating. The project’s total turnover is The objective of the project is to create a the industry’s needs EUR 2.3 million and extends over two and platform for networking and matchmaking a half years. between different actors in the Baltic Sea Paper Province are a partner of Teknikcollege Värmland. Teknikcollege is a stamp area. “A rallying of forces of this calibre is no A unique capacity and knowledge base of quality on technical educational programmes and shows that they are especially everyday occurrence, so we are very on industrial symbiosis are also being built well-suited to cover the future needs for expertise. pleased. There are extensive opportuni- up. The goal is to give life to new business ties in the residual material flows in the ideas that are both environmentally and Baltic Sea region, including in energy financially sustainable. upplying expertise is an important rgårdsgymnasiet, Karlstad Teknikcenter strengthening its profile within technical and residual materials. There is a major part of the work at Paper Province. and Brobygrafiska. education,” says Dan Forkéus, Head- “There must be a competent In September, the pleasing notification master of Adult Education at Älvstrands­ Sworkforce to employ for our member was also received that two adult vocational gymnasiet. companies so that they can continue to programmes at Älvstrandsgymnasiet in In Teknikcollege, Municipalities, educa- be successful. This is why we are involved were certified by Teknikcollege. tion providers and companies collabo- INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION COMPETITION TO RAISE THE PROFILE OF VÄRMLAND with Teknikcollege Värmland, which is a This involved the programmes “Electricity rate to increase the attractiveness and certificate of quality for vocational training,” & Energy, Automation” and “Industrial quality of technically oriented training nnostep is an endeavour to take another to create an inflow of new business ideas A key is the proximity to industry and says Lina Sundberg, Process Manager for Technology, Basic”. programmes. Today, there are 25 regions step in the development of Paper Prov- and attract the best talent in the field to that we can open the network to innova- Teknikcollege. with nearly 150 Teknikcollege-certified ince as an innovation platform and to Värmland. tors and give them access to all of the “We are very pleased that we have education providers and more than 3,000 Istrengthen the region’s attractiveness to experience and expertise that exists in the Ten upper secondary schools in Värmland had our adult vocational programmes collaboration companies from north to innovators and entrepreneurs. Paper Province cooperates with the established companies,” says CEO Maria have the quality stamp of Teknikcollege, certified. Through Teknikcollege, the south. Common to all regions is that they Innostep consists of several compo- region’s new incubator Sting Bioeconomy Hollander. which means that they are well adapted students get contact with working life have been reviewed based on Teknik­ nents that shall together lead to a greater and will, among other things, establish a Within the scope of Innostep, Paper to the future needs of the industry. and we thereby get a better matching college's eight quality criteria. inflow and stronger reputation of Värm- network for start-ups. Province also wants to conduct more These are the schools Taseruds­ to the requirements set. The students land as a node in the forest bioeconomy. “Värmland has all of the conditions to efforts to increase the supply of capital for gymnasiet, Solbergagymnasiet, gain access to the modern technology Teknikcollege Värmland has a collabora- The largest component is about establish- offer a concept that is of benefit to both companies that are in an early stage. Älvstrands­gymnasiet, Sundsta Älvkul- that is out at the workplaces today. With tion between the Municipalities of Karlstad, ing an international innovation competition start-ups and established companies. legymnasiet, Presterudsgymnasiet, these new certifications for adult voca- Hammarö, Sunne, Kristinehamn, Hagfors, Brogårdsgymnasiet, S/G Broby, Her- tional education, Älvstrands­gymnasiet is Arvika, Eda and Säffle.


We invest a lot in students and have a close cooperation with Teknikcollege and Karlstad University, among others. We arrange innovation competitions, study trips, conducts degree projects, recruit students to innovation projects and much more. Here are a few examples:

Students from Chalmers University of Technology visiting Triton Valsteknik in Grums. Eye-opener for jobs in the industry

hn ra The Paper Province trip is arranged twice a year for engineering G a Tobias Söderbom Olsson and Gustav Liliecreutz travelled to China and carried out a student assignment for Paper Province. ri a students from Karlstad University and from Chalmers University M of Technology in Gothenburg. Every time it evokes interest in China’s forest industry the industry among the future engineers. n March, we filled a bus with engineer- about their working life and the road there. ing students from Karlstad University. Our This time, BTG Instruments, Valmet, Cowi, under the magnifying glass member companies and the engineering Sweco, the BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön Mill, Istudents had the chance to meet and estab- Triton Valsteknik, Rottneros and the lish contacts for the future. Stora Enso Mill participated. Member companies that do business with China benefited from an analysis “The trip was an eye-opener for what`s available in the regional paper industry” A few weeks later, it was time for engineer- of the Chinese sawmills’ production chains and side-flows. This was a said Maria Grahn, one of the students who ing students from Chalmers University of It was a fully packed day with study visits, student assignment that Tobias Söderbom Olsson and Gustav Lilliecreutz participated. Technology in Gothenburg to take a similar presentations and inspirational lectures. New During the day, the students had the tour. They had the opportunity to meet seven knowledge and interest in the industry was received from Paper Province. chance to listen to presentations from eight of our member companies: Nordic Paper, incited among the future engineers. of our member companies. Most of the Stora Enso Skoghall, BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön, speakers were young engineers who told Somas, BTG, Cellcomb and Triton. he students Tobias Söderbom Olsson received from Paper Province. The analysis Tobias and Gustav also conducted a and Gustav Lilliecreutz who were will help our member companies obtain a survey of students to find out what values studying industrial economics at picture of the establishment opportunities lead to the selection of a product with PAPER PROVINCE AND MEMBER COMPANIES AT HOTSPOT TKarlstad University travelled to Hong Kong that exist in the Chinese market. forest raw materials. The analysis was n February, Hotspot was held for the tion stands, companies from the business our member companies. A much appreci- in 2018 to study at the Chinese University of sent out to our member companies. If you 21st consecutive year. The job fair where community and public sector presented ated component among the students was Hong Kong. In parallel with the studies, they Tobias and Gustav looked at how the have not received it, please contact Paper students from all programmes and courses themselves to find the right expertise. the quiz walk that Paper Province arranged. investigated the Chinese forest industry with Chinese obtain a higher processing value on Province. Ihave the opportunity to make contacts with Paper Province co-finances the job fair The answers to the questions were found a focus on sawmills. An assignment they their waste and what techniques are used. potential employers. In more than 100 exhibi- and was present with a stand like many of among our member companies.


Christer Gustavsson receives the Paper Province Award. BioShare was rewarded for its bioeconomic cooperation model

he first Paper Province Award ever was awarded in connection with the Bioeconomy Parliament. TThe award winner was Christer Gustavsson who founded the company BioShare. The award was established by Paper Province and goes to a person or group who have made extensive efforts for the development of the forest bioeconomy. The prize amount is SEK 25,000 and the winner is Regional Commissioner Stina Höök was the opening speaker at the Bioeconomy Parliament held at the Karlstad Congress Culture Centre in March. Some 30 speakers shared their knowledge in bioeconomics. One of them was Maria Wetterstrand, appointed by a committee consisting former spokesperson for the . of researchers and representatives from the business community.

In his company BioShare, Christer “The forest and the bioeconomy are our future” Gustavsson develops technology for co-production of aviation fuel in new and existing combined heat and At the end of March, Paper Province held the Bioeconomy Parliament together with Maria Wetterstrand, former spokesperson willingness to change that exists today is power (CHP) Plants. The objective is Region Värmland. Committed individuals gathered at the Karlstad Congress Culture for the Green Party, spoke about the major something we have to preserve. We can to be able to develop large incinera- environmental challenges we are facing. disregard the excuses. We have to believe tion Plants in industry and the district Centre fully focused on the forest’s and the bioeconomy’s possibilities. “We only have one planet, but in Sweden in our moral responsibility to do what is heating sector for biorefineries where we are using resources as if we had one needed and in the possibilities of handling products other than electricity and heat and a half or even two. If we all lived as we it financially.” are produced. ioeconomy Parliament 2019: economic growth, how we implement the of Paper Province. do in Sweden, we would need four.” some 30 speakers illustrated bioeconomy nationally and in the EU, what Värmland is far ahead. Here we have the But she also spoke about bright points. Minister for Rural Affairs Sven-Erich The motivation stated: “By combining ideas and thoughts from various requirements the consumers set, how knowledge, research, test beds and, not at Such as the enormous technical develop- Bucht (S) described the Government’s his own research and that of others, Bangles and shared their knowledge the bioeconomy can give use more and least, raw materials. ment, inexpensive renewable energy and climate policy with efforts as the Energy Christer has created an entirely new about bioeconomics. Lectures were stronger small businesses and what the an environmental policy that continuously Commission, the Innovation Council and market for CHP Plants and an oppor- interspersed with debates and panel need for expertise looks like in the industry. “The forest is our great opportunity and advances the positions. the National Forest Programme. tunity to contribute to a green trans- discussions. More than 170 people in the the bioeconomy is the economy of the “What I see as the most positive is that “All of these processes aim to ensure formation in the bioeconomy. By using audience listened and were involved by “We want to send a message to the future. Our greatest growth area. But we people and industry are on-board at the long-term political rules of play that guide the incineration Plants in a new way, voting on their mobile phones and asking politicians, give each other knowledge and are not alone. We have to look at the equa- same time, ready to change. There are us away from fossil dependence.” possibilities are created to make both questions of the speakers directly. inspiration. If we make something good tion from many angles and see each other’s more and more people in the industry The Bioeconomy Parliament was fuel and green chemicals and the goal Questions that were aired included from the forest, we have a bright future to perspectives,” said Regional Commissioner who are setting goals in relation to what arranged in the scope of the Bioeconomy is to reshape the CHP sector. A chal- the significance of the bioeconomy to look forward to,” said Maria Hollander, CEO Stina Höök in her opening speech. the planet needs. That force and the Region project. lenge worth paying attention to.


SaraClaes crushed norms

Papermakers’ Night has been a tradition for many years. Paper Province invites the regional forestry industry’s representatives to an evening of lectures, entertainment, good food and mingling.

n November, it was time to meet again. Some hundred people were in the audi- ence at the Elite Stadshotell to listen to Victor Isaksen is the CEO of the incubator Sting Bioeconomy. ISara Lund, among others. Sara Lund, who is also named Claes Schmidt, offered insights, reconsideration of values and mindsets, as well as a lot of laughs.

Our brains are programmed to think in a New incubator certain way by society through, for example schools, churches and the media. But what Claes Schmitdt, alias Sara Lund, spoke on Papermakers’ Night about our ingrained values and mindsets. is actually normal, SaraClaes wondered.? “There are seven billion people on Earth other things, 5 per cent of the population is “Four people were killed by terrorists to help start-ups and not two are the same. We are none­ transsexual. while 28 drowned last summer. Swimming. theless surprised that people are different.” “The fact is that many conceal a part Are you afraid of swimming? No... but of themselves because they do not fit the terrorists... The Paper Province region offers a unique environment for innovation The truth is that minorities are majorities, norm we were programmed with.” In summary, it can be said that Sweden’s according to SaraClaes. We all belong to But what controls this norm? Well, it is most booked lecturer probably left nobody and development in the forest-based bioeconomy. The incubator Sting, some kind of minority in society. Among most often fear, explained SaraClaes. unaffected. which was established in Värmland in August 2018, realised this.

It is fantastic. Backed by Sting, we can Together, Sting Bioeconomy and Paper cast (called Bioeco) to increase interest be the strong innovation node we want Province constitute a unique innovation and knowledge in the bioeconomy area. to be. We now have an offering that environment for the forest-based bio­ “Making the concept of the bioecon- SMARTER AND MORE EFFICIENT INDUSTRY WITH THE HELP OF DIGITALISATION “addresses the forest industry both nationally economy and the goal is to attract innova- omy accessible is important to us and with and internationally,” says Maria Hollander, tors both nationally and internationally. the podcast, we want to evoke curiosity at nother speaker on the stage develop­ment work reduced the costs by erate with 3D models,” said Lars. CEO of Paper Province. the same time that we incite new thoughts at Papermakers’ Night was 50 per cent, compared with earlier gen- He also had another exciting case Since the beginning, Sting Bioeconomy and evoke new ideas,” says CEO Viktor Lars Ydreskog, Deputy CEO of erations of fighter aircraft. The develop- about hos digitalisation can work as an The cooperation with Sting Bioeconomy has met many innovators and business Isaksen. Combitech.A He shared his experiences in ment work was estimated to have also enabler. In this case, with regard to the strengthens Paper Province and acceler- operators. Several are so interesting that digitalisation and told how industry could been shortened from ten years to two and goal of a future fossil-free Sweden. ates entrepreneurship in the region. they chose to go further and support Sting Bioeconomy has its base in the get smarter and more efficient. a half. Among other things, by being able “This is an important milestone for us. them on the way to the market. One of -based business incubator to digitally exchange digital 3D models “We are partners to LKAB in their future Sting has a lot of experience and is among the companies is Melker of Sweden that Sting. They transform ideas into busi- Among other things, he offered insights and avoiding expensive time being spent mine, which will be entirely carbon the best incubators in Sweden. The coop- prints kayaks of wood fibre. Operations nesses and have provided business into the work with Saab Gripen, one of to synchronise various actors’ processes. dioxide-free and have a productivity that eration gives us a strong network and ties are conducted in the Wood Region in development support to more than the largest digitalisation projects ever. “I can’t understand how we can work is 50-60 per cent higher than today,” he us to their tools and investors,” says Maria Sysslebäck. 100 start-ups since they began in 2002. He confirmed that the digitalisation of the with drawings when we can instead coop- explained. Hollander. Sting Bioeconomy also created a pod- Eight of the companies have been listed.

26 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 27 SERVICE INNOVATION TRAVEL Tokyo, Toronto, Brussels, Pamplona… Paper Province actively works to create exchanges with other countries. Among other things, by participating in trade fairs and other events. In 2018, we were in Tokyo, Toronto, Brussels, Belfast and Pamplona.

n the beginning of October, Paper Province The Swedes also had a well-visited ström, Project Manager at Paper Province. visited the trade fair Tokyo Pack and seminar where Paper Province participated monitored Asian trends in the packaging and spoke about food waste, fossil-free In June, Magnus Persson travelled to Ifield. Our member companies UMV Coating liquid cartons and the benefit of Paper Vilnius to lecture at the conference Systems and OptiPack were also with us on Province. They shared the stage with RISE, Packaging Innovation for the food industry. this trip. Packbridge and other Swedish exhibitors, Paper Province also participated in a such as IKEA. number of contexts in the EU and various Tokyo Pack is one of the world’s largest networks where issues, such as bio­ packaging trade fairs. A perfect opportunity A few weeks later, we were represented economics, cluster development and to interact with the crème de la crème of at a large cluster meeting in Canada – the forest-related issues were discussed. Japan´s packaging industry, market climate- TCI conference in Toronto. It is counted as friendly innovations from Sweden and spread the world’s foremost cluster event and we In addition, we participated in the Inter- Pär Skinnargård, CEO of Nykvist Skogs, was one of the participants in the seminar series on service innovation. “It was incredibly rewarding,” he says. the results of what we do in Paper Province. were there together with Region Värmland reg project “Inside Out EU” and travelled “There was extensive focus on Sweden. to create new contacts and develop the to both Belfast and Pamplona. The project At the inauguration, the Swedish Ambas- Bioeconomy Region project. works to promote SMEs in internationalisa- sador of Japan, Magnus Robach, held a “At the conference, clusters from around tion and improve the tools that can involve fantastic speech on Sweden and the strive the world met to discuss and be inspired. the companies in innovation processes. “Forest companies are towards a fossil-free packaging industry,” This generated many new contacts and says Peter Edberg, Project Manager at ideas for the Bioeconomy Region project bad at getting paid” Paper Province. and our networks,” says Gunnar Heller- In 2018, Paper Province’s seminar series Business development through service Paper Province and Region Värmland were in Canada to make new contacts at the international cluster conference TCI. innovation was under way. Pär Skinnargård, CEO of Nykvist Skogs, was one of the participants. For him, the course was rewarding and gave him a different insight into how to get paid for one’s services.

n September, we started the much appre- “I was the only one who came from “Most people drop their car off at the ciated seminar series on service innovation a forest company and it was incredibly repairs when it breaks. It’s a tendency in for the third time. It was led by researchers enriching. I am already familiar with the society. It’s the same way for us. Forest Ifrom the Service Research Centre at Karlstad forest companies and know how they think. owners want help with most things and are University and two business coaches. Now I met other interesting people who, for willing to pay for that help.” Paper Province’s objective for the example, sold gas alarms and technology... course was to help SMEs to strengthen skilful people who told about their stories, His thoughts on this were reinforced at the their competitiveness by increasing the problems and successes. It was incredibly servicification course and made him realise value of their products. rewarding.” what needs to change. “Forest companies are really bad at get- Theory was interspersed with practical Pär explains that forest owners choose a ting paid for services. We only get paid for exercises and experiential exchange. small company like Nykvist Skogs because the timber, not for providing advice, plan- One of the course participants was they want a close relationship and extra ning and helping with buying and selling. Pär Skinnargård, CEO of Nykvist Skogs. service.

28 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 29 INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP RESEARCH “diversity provides new perspectives” During the year, CEOs and site managers from a dozen member companies in Paper Province received new insights through the leadership programme “Inclusive leadership”.

During recent years we have pro- equality as an important competitive advan- participated in “Inclusive leadership”. Hen- duced seven films that describe parts tage. In 2016, he won the Swedish Gender ric Nedeus who is the CEO attended the of the bioeconomy projects at Karlstad Equality Prize, which is awarded to organi- first part and the remainder of the time was TUniversity, in a tone that is easy to under- sations that have worked with gender attended by two colleagues in the com- stand. The purpose is to spread knowledge equality in an innovative way. pany, Niklas Nyysti and Jesper Jansson. about ongoing research and get the civil society involved in the bioeconomy. Per Lärkeryd provided three important Why is gender equality and diversity Paper Province is investing in these suggestions to the participants: important to Cellcomb? issues for two simple reasons: • Find your own why. Why are you working “We want to be a good, attractive • If the companies are to manage the with gender equality? Talk about why you employer and I believe that it is crucial to supply of expertise in the future, they want to work with gender equality. The more be open to different perspectives in terms Two of the 11 research projects at Karlstad University that were presented under the heading “Science is beautiful – research is art”. have to recruit from the entire population. you talk about it, the more ideas you will get of gender, nationality and educational • Greater diversity contributes to more from your surroundings, staff and so on. background,” says Henric Nedeus. growth and innovation. • Have a clear structure for how the work What does it mean for the company to will be governed. Be clear about the role have that mix? The Confederation of Swedish Enter- division and make sure it is well-rooted at “It provides us perspectives to think in prise’s leadership academy held the the highest management level in the com- different ways and gain various inputs and Research helps us course according to the GoGenius process pany. Little will happen without manage- perspectives, which means that new ideas model that focuses on creating profitable ment being on-board. are generated in the development work. organisations with the help of a clear gen- • Do not forget knowledge of gender equal- It also makes us an attractive employer. der and diversity perspective. ity. It is not a separate matter outside the I believe that it is more fun to work at a step into the future Pär Lärkeryd was invited to the conclud- operating plan, but must be treated like all workplace where everyone is not made ing seminar in September. He is the CEO of other strategic issues. from the same mould.” Norra Skogsägarna and views gender Cellcomb was one of the companies that Without researchers, our work would not be possible. We conduct close cooperation with Karlstad University’s research department and some 40 researchers.

“What is crucial for companies is to be open when it comes to inclusion,” says Henric Nedeus, CEO of Cellcomb, one of the participants in “Inclusive leadership”.

o spread the research conducted March, they were hanging at Karlstad CCC and get civil society involved in the when Paper Province and Bulldozer were Paper Province mainly bioeconomy, we produced seven nominated to the award Guldvargen.. cooperates with the Tfilms in recent years that describe in an easy In December, the art was once again three research to understand way parts of the bioeconomy hung at Karlstad CCC when Karlstad environ- projects that are under way at Karlstad University and Region Värmland invited ments at the University. The viewer can, for example, learn companies to a new researcher vernissage. university. more about the future of paper, residual • Pro2Be water, packaging and food waste, and what As a member of Paper Province, you can (Processes and prod- Borrow a brain! can actually be made from a tree. The films also borrow a professor. Several professors ucts for a sustainable A unique opportunity to get help with can be found on our website and on Vimeo. are at the disposal of member companies bioeconomy) the research and – primarily in the areas of energy, the envi- • CTF (Service Re- development work. In 2017, we had Bulldozer’s designers con- ronment and chemical engineering. search Centre) vert eleven research projects to works of To borrow a professor is free of charge • CRS (Centre for Re- art. Under the heading “Science is beautiful for member companies. Simply contact gional Studies) – research is art!”, Paper Province together Paper Province and we will review the with Karlstad University invited guests to a needs. T he company is visited by a researcher vernissage. The art works were professor or somebody else from Karlstad also noted and exhibited under 2018. In University with appropriate expertise.


As a cluster, we are pleased by our member companies’ smart innovations, new businesses The fashion and interior design industry is facing challenges to produce fabric for a growing population and other successes. Since Paper Province have over one hundred members in the cluster, and at the same time, reduce the environmental impact. it is impossible to mention all of the highlights in 2018, so here is a small sample. ANNA BERGQUIST, BUSINESS UNIT MANAGER AT AHLSTROM-MUNKSJÖ

We begin with a look at Stora Enso in says Fredrik Werner, Business Development innovation and circularity and a collabora- The engineering and architectural group . They inaugurated new machines Manager at Stora Enso. tion between several different industries that refine materials into the CartoCan for a more sustainable future,” says Anna Projektengagemang signed a contract to paperboard packaging. Triton Valsteknik in Grums received its Bergquist, Business Unit Manager at acquire the company PreCendo AB and CartoCan is similar to a traditional soda largest independent order for rollers ever. Ahlstrom-Munksjö. thereby strengthened its position in fire can, but is made of paperboard and is The customer is a Swedish paper mill and protection planning and risk management. recycled as paper packaging. The carton is the assignment extends over four years Autotech Teknikinformation in Karlstad “The acquisition of PreCendo makes us produced at Stora Enso’s mill in Skoghall, and contributes to a number of new jobs AB changed owners. Four earlier minority one of the leading actors in fire protection printed at HQ-print in Sunne and then coat- and further investments in Triton’s premises owners purchased the majority holding planning and risk management in Sweden,” ing and punching is done at Stora Enso’s and machine park in Grums. in Autotech Förvaltning AB, the parent says Johan Renvall, Division Manager. unit in Forshaga. The new machines inau- company of the Autotech Group. In con- gurated in Forshaga punch out the cover of The steward Andrea Montano Montes in nection with the change in ownership, Modvion was a major attraction at the the package, among other things. the picture to the right was wearing a dress they changed name to Devarion. Wood Products & Technology trade fair “We have worked with the project for made of paper during the Nobel banquet at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress more than a year and it is enjoyable that in December. The material was supplied by During the year, Forefront Consulting Centre. The company produces wind we have finally begun delivering materials Nordic Paper and Ahlstrom-Munksjö and opened their ninth office – in Karlstad. power plants out of wood that competes to the end customer. Together with local developed by Svenskt konstsilke AB (SKS). “We will offer the region the latest tech- with traditional steel and concrete designs. actors in Värmland and the German packag- “Ahlstrom-Munksjö is a global leader nology and knowledge in, for example, the Modvion’s alternative is more environ­ ing company Hörauf, which owns CartoCan, in fibre-based materials and we wanted Internet, cloud solutions, IoT, AI, humanoid mentally friendly and less expensive. we have designed a system solution from to shed light on the sustainability aspect robots and business transformation. As a paperboard to finished product. As yet, it is within our own industry. The fashion and native of Värmland, I want nothing more Skoghall Mill decided to invest EUR 22 a relatively small product, but we belive that interior design industry is facing challenges than the region to reinforce its business million in an expansion of the mill’s water there is major potential for this kind of bev- to produce fabric for a growing population strength for the future. We can help with treatment plant. The increased capacity erage packaging. We see a strong growth and at the same time, reduce the environ­ this,” says David Lassing, Office Manager and more modern technology make the in the segment both in Europe and globally,” mental impact. This requires focus on and Consultant in Karlstad. water treatment more efficient and low- ers the environmental impact. The water used for paperboard production contains small wood fibre particles. Through the Triton Valsteknik received its largest order ever. CartoCan is made of paperboard and is recycled as paper. expansion, improved breakdown and separation of sludge is achieved, which improves the quality of the return water to Lake Vänern. The sludge can also be used as biofuel. “We continuously strive to use as much of the tree as possible and to find new areas of use for our residual materi- als at the same time that we minimise our environmental impact,” says Margareta

CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Dress made of paper from Nordic Paper and Ahlstrom-Munksjö.


Sandström, Environmental Manager at cables. The only thing needed is an electri- plastic was replaced by materials that are Skoghall Mill. cal socket and an Internet connection,” 98 per cent bio-based. Depending The project comprises three large says Intertechna’s CEO and Sales Director on the product, the carbon dioxide footprint ponds for more efficient sedimentation with Lars Djuvfeldt. is reduced by up to 80 per cent, compared associated process and control systems. with newly produced plastic.

“This is another example of an environ- BillerudKorsnäs launched a climate-­ “Reducing the amount of plastic in Skoghall Mill is investing in an expansion of the treatment plant. Improved breakdown and separation of sludge will be achieved, which improves the quality of the return mentally sustainable investment, which positive packaging solution – D-sack. It is society and replacing it with renewable and water to Lake Vänern. has a directly positive impact from the a sack that dissolves in the cement mixer biobased materials is something that takes beginning. It is also an important part of the and minimises both cement loss and waste place gradually. Stora Enso’s biocompos- continued development of Skoghall Mill,” management. A good example of how ite DuraSense™ is a new and innovative says Hans Olsson, Head of Technology and conventional packaging can be remade for material. The wood fibres used in the Investments at Skoghall Mill. a more sustainable future. biocomposite are by-products from the We continuously strive to use as much of the “We believe in the possibility of devel- production of wood products and cellulose, tree as possible and to find new areas of use Intertechna broke new ground with an oping existing solutions further, both in our which means that the use of the timber for our residual materials at the same time award-winning sensor, a small, but very operations and in the packaging industry. is optimised,” says Patricia Oddshammar, that we minimise our environmental impact. smart innovation that can save the industry Concepts like D-Sack strengthen our Manager of the Biocomposite Operations MARGARETA SANDSTRÖM, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER AT SKOGHALL MILL several millions. The monitoring solution, contribution to a sustainable future,” says at Stora Enso. Bluvision, won first prize for the best inno- Henrik Essén, Director of Communication vation at the large process and automation and Sustainability at BillerudKorsnäs. We wrap up the member successes with trade fair Scanautomatic. The Bluvision two major building projectsin Grums. Stora used for building everything from small The BillerudKorsnäs Gruvön mill was fully for beverage packages, as well as regular sensor warns if a machine indicates prob- Sustainable kitchen utensils made of bio- Enso Gruvön Sawmill finished the produc- houses, to industrial premises and apart- occupied with installing its new paperboard packaging board and white kraftliner and lems and it is not much larger than a USB composite were launched on the Swedish tion line for cross-laminated timber (CLT), ment blocks. machine – also one of the world’s largest Cup Stock paperboard intended for prod- memory stick. market. The biocomposite is made at Stora an investment of SEK 500 million (which The production capacity is 100,000 and most modern of its kind. The ground- ucts in food service. “The most unique aspect of the product Enso’s factory in Hyltebruk and consists of was ready for production at the beginning m3 of CLT per year, which corresponds to breaking ceremony was held in February The huge building involved a large is that such a small investment can give a mix of wood fibres and sugar cane-based of 2019). The new factory has the country’s materials for around 4500 normal-sized 2017 and it will be inaugurated in October number of suppliers, several of which so much back. The investment is less than bioplastic. The household company Orthex largest production of CLT and has one apartments. The investment entails 60 new 2019. are members in Paper Province, such as SEK 1,000 and the sensor is installed in Group designed and produced the sustain- of the world’s largest and most modern jobs at the Gruvön sawmill. The 350-metre long machine, KM7, will Valmet, Voith, GL&V, Somas, Pöyry, ÅF, minutes on all kinds of machines without able kitchen utensils. The kitchen utensils’ production lines for CLT. The material is primarily produce liquid packaging board Sweco and the Packaging Greenhouse.

BillerudKorsnäs D-sack minimises cement loss and waste management. Stora Enso’s new production line for CLT is in the Falu-red building in Grums. Lars Djuvfeldt, Intertechna’s CEO, shows their award-winning sensor. Stora Enso’s kitchen utensils made of biobased materials instead of plastic.


Gunnar Hellerström Annica Åman Lina Sundberg

THREE NEW FACES We only have one planet and it has to last for many generations to come. AT PAPER PROVINCE Maria Hollander Paul Nemes Annica Åman Malin Hildén ANNICA ÅMAN, COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER CEO Deputy CEO Communications Manager Communication Officer ome of use left in 2018 There are challenges con- (green name plates) and nected to attracting women others began. to technical professions and S increasing interest in the industry Annica Åman took office as “We aim to show a posi- Communication Manager after tive image of what it is like to Robert Rundberget. Previously work in the industry. There Annica worked at Valmet as are many different profes- a Communication Officer for sions to choose from. But it more than six years. is challenging to find some One attraction factor for her competencies such as indus- was the possibility of working trial electronics technicians, for a greener society. construction engineers, and “This is something that production managers”. drives me, feeling motivation for a good cause. We all need Gunnar Hellerström began as Marja Wängestam Lina Sundberg Peter Edberg Per Myhrén Robert Rundberget Marcus Elmer to convert our lives to man- Project Manager when Marcus Communication Officer Communication Officer/Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Communications Manager Project Manager/Innovation Advisor age the challenges society Elmer moved on to a new job. is facing. We only have one Gunnar previously worked planet and it has to last for as Operations Manager at many generations to come,” Connect in Värmland. His for- she says. mal training is as a mechanical engineer and he has worked Lina Sundberg, formerly the for ten years in the paper CEO of Torsby Utveckling AB, industry. Around five years at began as Process Director/ Stora Enso and another five Communication Officer and years at a consulting company. replaced Jeanette Löfberg. “Since 2000, when I left the Lina provides the industry with industry, I have worked in what expertise in the role as Pro- is known as the innovation cess Director at Teknikcollege system. For Almi, Region Värm- Värmland (which is a partner to land and Karlstad Municipal- Paper Province) and she works ity, among others. I have also Gunnar Hellerstöm Magnus Persson Elisabeth Söderlund Camilla Persson Fredrik Karlsson Sundell Jeanette Löfberg half time as a Communication managed my own companies Project Manager Project Manager/Innovation Advisor Administrator Finance Controller Project Manager/Innovation Advisor Officer. during the years.”

36 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 37 FIGURES BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of Directors Paper Province

Erik Kornfeld, Chairman Ola Brundin Anna Jonhed Energi Pöyry Miller Graphics

More than 100 participants at Papermakers’ Night in November. 2018 IN FIGURES – website, PR and events

Anders Berglund Anna Wilhelmsson Björn Fahlin More than 1,000 people participated in a Paper Province event during ÅF Consult COWI BTG the year. And thanks to extensive focus on communication, we have more and more visitors to the website and followers on social media.

38,251 visits to Paper Province’s web- ether media. Including two TV pieces, on Around 930 people participated in our site - This is an SVT and EuroNews. events during the course of the year. increase of nearly 6.5 per cent since last year. 37 films were produced in 2018. The films The number of followers in social media are available at increased in 2018. In December, we had: 22,067 people made these 38,251 visits. 675 followers on Facebook - an increase The number of visitors thereby increased 1,001 subscribers to our newsletter that of 54 per cent since 2017. by 5.6 per cent since 2018. was sent out every three weeks. Fredrik Björck Peter Olsson Anita Sjölander Peter Lindgren 425 followers on Twitter - an increase of GLV Stora Enso Nordic Paper BillerudKorsnäs 127 news articles were published on our 35 meetings and events were arranged, 13 per cent. website. such as Papermakers’ Night, cluster lunches, the Bioeconomy Parliament and 162 followers on Instagram - an increase 21 press releases about us and our workshops. of 102 per cent. member companies were sent out. 25 lectures were held in various contexts. 930 followers on LinkedIn - an increase of This resulted in at least 134 mentions 30 per cent. in newspapers, online newspapers and

Jenny Lahti Samulsson, Deputy Member Elisabeth Jakobsson, Deputy Member Märet Engström, Adjunct Johan Sterte, Adjunct Valmet Nordic Paper Karlstad University

38 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 PAPER PROVINCE 2018 39 a Cluster passionate about bioeconomy & forests

Paper Province is a world-leading cluster in the forest-based bioeconomy. We are active in Värmland, norther Västra Götaland and Örebro County, but also have national and international activities.

The cluster organisation is owned and run by over one hundred member companies. Through cooperation we develop and improve the competitiveness of member companies and the entire region.

Paper Province, Sommargatan 101A, 656 37 Karlstad, +46 54 24 04 60,