1941-06-18 [P 10]
both of Tarboro Youngster Greensboro, with 7,. POWER qualifying day. CARDS WIN OVER FIRST SAILFISH OF SEASON CHICAGO Wins Carolinas Medal Ward shot a two over .. Par , the nine hole fot 11 TO 3 f HITS YANKEES GREENSBORO, June 17.— (JP) — medal playott SPORTS PHILLIES, Taylor was next *** Harvey Ward, 15, Tarboro with ,, young- Beaver picked up on *"d NEW YORK, June 17 —W)—The ster, was awarded the medal of the th * Hit And Run when he was in ‘ecct111 Employ Age-Old Pell-Mell rush of the" New York trouble. 15th Annual Carolinas Junior Boys “By A Kayo"—Louis Play In First Inning To Yankees was interrupted today by NIGHT SOFTBALL Golf tournament after having tied Each human foot the Chicago White Sox with an 8 to contain,! * “I’m A Cinch”—Conn Score Four Runs with Ray Taylor and H. B. Beaver, separate bones. 26 7 victory after the Yankees had won eight straight games. PLAY RE-OPENS NEW YORK, June 17.—GR— ST. LOUIS, June 17.—MV-1The St. was a see-saw are the eve-of-battle state- It wild, struggle Here Louis Cardinals thumped the Phil- FINANCE HONE Godwin, ments of Joe Louis and Billy with each team using three pitch- LOANS Opticians Win Over adelphia Phillies 11 to 3 today in Conn for their heavyweight ers and the ordinarily light-hitting a of their drive to- Bakers Take Firemen continuation 20 hits. The only extra-base knock AT HONE title fight in the Polo Grounds but for all ward a pennant, prac- Sox 11 Robert Strange tomorrow night: White getting of the game’s At tical purposes the game could have For a sound, friendly, satisfactory source of home Louis—That Conn talks This the farewell finan Billy ended after the first inning.
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