December 2006
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THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER No. 354 December 2006 Forthcoming COUNCIL DIARY ects, meetings and conferences. 17 November 2006 The Personnel and Office Society Management (POMC) also met Meetings Council business generally falls earlier in the morning and into two categories: that Council accepted its recommen- 2007 which (at least in the short dation to increase the holiday Friday 9 February term) is confidential or person- allowance of staff and also to London ally sensitive, and that which is adopt a Childcare Voucher P. Maini routine or dull! This presents Scheme, whereby staff will A. Stevens difficulties for your Diarist have the option of receiving (Mary Cartwright who seeks items to hold read- tax-free vouchers in lieu of part Lecture) ers’ interest for a moment or of their salary. Since POMC is [page 5] two before they turn to the concerned with Society 1 later pages of the Newsletter employees and their welfare Friday 20 April to read about more specific and hardly at all with ‘Office Midlands Regional mathematical news and Management’, Council agreed Meeting events. Nevertheless, it is obvi- on the new name ‘Personnel Loughborough ous from my years on LMS Committee’ (thus increasing Y. Colin de Verdière Council that without the often the number of ‘PC’ subcommit- F. Kirwan formal and routine work done tees to four!). O. Viro by Council, its officers and sup- Council was delighted to port staff, the mathematical learn that, after quite lengthy Wednesday 30 May activities of the Society would negotiations, a new contract SW and South Wales be extremely limited. for LMS-EPSRC Short Courses Regional Meeting, With the increase in Society (see page 4) has been finalised Cardiff business in recent years, many and accepted. These week-long matters are remitted to sub- courses aimed at PhD students Friday 22 June committees. As usual, have been highly successful in London Programme Committee met the past; planning future immediately prior to Council, courses is now going on apace Thursday 25 October and reported a list of very and further proposals Northern Regional attractive future Society meet- are welcome. Meeting ings with world-leading speak- The Research Councils UK Sheffield ers. Programme Committee consultation paper on the continues to support many Efficiency and Effectiveness of Friday 23 November high quality Scheme 1 to 5 Peer Review was circulated. AGM, London grant applications, where it is Whilst the aim of reducing the Presidential Address clear that the LMS contribu- direct and indirect costs of tions make a real difference to reviewing research proposals is the viability of research proj- laudable, Council was wary of a THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER No. 354 December 2006 broad-brush approach, for example concen- took councillors to University College Brief descriptions of the criteria for each 31 December 2006); and it may not be award- trating resources on big grants, which would London, where the Annual General Meeting Prize are given below. Council reserves the ed to any person who has previously received be likely to disadvantage mathematics. The was followed by two excellent talks relating right not to make an award of any particular the De Morgan Medal, the Senior Berwick Society will respond to the consultation to Ricci Flow by Peter Topping and Richard Prize in the event that no candidate of suffi- Prize, the Senior Whitehead Prize, the Naylor through the Council for the Mathematical Hamilton. cient merit is recommended by the Prizes Prize or a Whitehead Prize. Sciences, highlighting the special needs of Kenneth Falconer Committee. The full regulations for each The Whitehead Prizes are awarded to math- mathematics. prize can be obtained from the Society (con- ematicians who on 1 January of the year of It is hardly surprising that the ‘Next Steps LMS PRIZES 2007 tact details as above). the award are normally resident in the United Initiative’ to prepare plans for a possible uni- The De Morgan Medal, the Society’s pre- Kingdom or members of the Society mainly Announcement and fication of the Society and the Institute of mier award, is awarded every third year (in educated in the United Kingdom, who are not Call for Nominations Mathematics and its Applications is regularly years numbered by a multiple of 3), in already Fellows of the Royal Society, and who on Council's agenda (see November In 2007, Council expects to award the De memory of Professor A. De Morgan, the have fewer than 15 years (full time equivalent) Newsletter page 8). Council received an Morgan Medal, Senior Whitehead Prize, Society’s first President. The De Morgan of involvement in mathematics at post-doctor- interim report from the Joint Planning Berwick Prize, up to four Whitehead Prizes, Medal is awarded to a mathematician who is al level, allowing for breaks in continuity, or Group, which led to discussions on the Vision and the Naylor Prize and Lectureship in normally resident in the United Kingdom on who in the opinion of the Prizes Committee are and Mission of a combined Society, on Applied Mathematics. 1 January of the year of the award. The only at an equivalent stage in their career. Grounds membership categories, and on the delicate Members wishing to nominate candidates grounds for the award of the Medal are the for the award may include work in and influ- matter of possible names for an should use the designated form, which is candidate's contributions to mathematics. ence on mathematics. This Prize may not be 2 amalgamated society. available to download from the LMS The Senior Whitehead Prize is awarded in awarded to anyone who has won any of the 3 Council concluded with the President website ( or can be obtained odd-numbered years, in memory of Professor Society’s other Prizes. Members are reminded thanking those about to retire from office: by contacting the Secretary to the Prizes J.H.C. Whitehead, a former President of the that the scope of the Whitehead Prizes (as of Martin Bridson (Vice President), Norman Committee (tel: 020 7927 0803, email: Society. The Senior Whitehead Prize is award- the other Society Prizes to be awarded in Biggs (General Secretary), Jim Howie [email protected]). Nominations should ed to a mathematician who is normally resi- 2007) includes all aspects of mathematics, and (Publications Secretary), David Abrahams, be received no later than Friday dent in the United Kingdom on 1 January of Council has emphasised that this includes Frank Kelly and Nina Snaith. A short walk 12 January 2007. the year of the award. The grounds for the applied mathematics, mathematical physics award may include work in, influence on or and mathematical aspects of computer science. service to mathematics, or recognition of lec- The Naylor Prize and Lectureship in turing gifts in the field of mathematics; the Applied Mathematics is awarded in even- Senior Whitehead prize may not be awarded numbered years, in memory of Dr V.D. Naylor. LMS Newsletter to any person who has previously received The Naylor Prize is awarded to a mathemati- General Editor: Dr D.R.J. Chillingworth ([email protected]) the De Morgan Medal, Polya Prize, Senior cian who is normally resident in the United Reports Editor: Dr S.A. Huggett ([email protected]) Berwick Prize or the Naylor Prize. Kingdom on 1 January of the year of the Reviews Editor: Mr A.J.S. Mann ([email protected]) The Berwick Prize, named after Professor award. The grounds for the award may Administrative Editor: Miss S.M. Oakes ([email protected]) W.E.H. Berwick, is awarded in odd-numbered include work in, influence on, and contribu- Editorial office address: London Mathematical Society, De Morgan House, years. The Berwick Prize is awarded to a tions to applied mathematics and/or the 57-58 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HS (tel: 020 7637 3686; fax: 020 7323 3655; mathematician who, on 1 January of the year applications of mathematics, and lecturing email: [email protected], web: of the award, is a member of the Society, is gifts. The Naylor Prize may not be awarded Designed by CHP Design (tel: 020 7240 0466, email: [email protected], web: not already a Fellow of the Royal Society and to any person who has previously received Publication dates and deadlines: published monthly, except August. has fewer than 15 years (full time equivalent) the De Morgan Medal, the Polya Prize, the Items and advertisements by first day of the month prior to publication. of involvement in mathematics at post-doc- Senior Berwick Prize or the Senior Whitehead Information in the Newsletter is free to be used elsewhere unless otherwise stated; attribution is toral level, allowing for breaks in continuity, Prize. The winner of the Naylor Prize is nor- requested when reproducing whole articles. The LMS cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or in the opinion of the Prizes Committee is at mally invited to give the Naylor Lecture at a of information in the Newsletter. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the views or policy an equivalent stage in their career. It is award- Society meeting in the following year. of the London Mathematical Society. ed in recognition of an outstanding piece of The award of the Fröhlich Lectureship and Charity registration number: 252660. mathematical research actually published by Forder Lectureship will be considered by the the Society during the last eight years (up to Programme Committee. THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER No. 354 December 2006 LMS DURHAM LMS-EPSRC SHORT COURSES LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH SYMPOSIA We are pleased to report that the EPSRC has The Research Meetings Committee is respon- reached agreement with the LMS for contin- MARY CARTWRIGHT LECTURE sible for the planning of the LMS Durham ued funding of short courses for postgraduate Symposia, which have been running success- students for a further three-year period (and Friday 9 February 2007, University College London fully each July/August since 1974, with 84 potentially five years) beginning January 2007.