Widcombe Church of Junior

Tel: 01225 310139 Email: [email protected] Website: www.widcombejuniorschool.com

10th January Dear Parents and Carers, 2020 HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope the year has started well, and that 2020 is a happy Term 3 - Wk 1 and healthy one for you and your family. It felt good returning to school on the 6th, we all enjoyed the last few days of the holidays to catch our breath after a busy After School season. I was happy to be back at school and get back into some sort of routine! Clubs

Clubs run by school staff start Thank you for the generous and thoughtful cards and gifts staff received in the next week. lead up to the break. They were all warmly appreciated and enjoyed.

Sparks Clubs are running as Our School Value for the term is Friendship and our Bible quote, 'Encourage and usual. build each other up' Thessalonians 5.11 fits in aptly with our school motto, ‘Be the best you can be!’

Nut Free Please! Please see below the Term dates for 2020-2021:

Term Begins Ends Term 1 Tuesday 1st September 2020 Friday 23rd October 2020 Term 2 Monday 2nd November 2020 Friday 18th December 2020

th th Term 3 Monday 4 January 2021 Friday 12 February 2021 Term 4 Monday 22nd February 2021 Thursday 1st April 2021 Word of The Week Term 5 Monday 19th April 2021 Friday 28th May 2021 Our word of the Term 6 Monday 7th June 2020 Wednesday 21st July 2021 week is resolution

INSET Dates: Please ask your child - Do you Tuesday 1st September 2021 know what this Monday 4th January 2021 is? Friday 12th February 2021 Describe it? Friday 5th March 2021 Can you use it in Friday 18th June 2021 a sentence? Monday 21st June 2021

(Please note: these are the same INSET dates as Widcombe Infant School)

Enjoy your weekend, looking forward to a weekend in Madrid. Miss Taylor

These can be dropped off at the school office at any time from Monday next week, many thanks. thanks. many week, next Monday from time any at office school the at off dropped be can These

t offer shoes or coats please due to space restrictions. restrictions. space to due please coats or shoes offer t ’ can We please. dresses skirts, trousers, shirts, shirts,

sweat- - uniform clean quality, good of donations any appreciate really would we stocks build us help To

amount. nominal a for available, when purchase, to

ginning of February. This will operate after school from the office, where uniform items will be available available be will items uniform where office, the from school after operate will This February. of ginning

hand school uniform shop at the be- the at shop uniform school hand - second a launch to planning are we initiatives, green our of one As

Please! Donations - Shop Uniform School Hand - Second

thanks. many school, to it bring they sure make please instrument an needs child your

After the first lesson the music teacher will issue a time table and inform your child of their lesson time. If If time. lesson their of child your inform and table time a issue will teacher music the lesson first the After

Jan. 16th starts - Flute - Thursday

Guitar Guitar - Wednesday Jan. 15th starts -

Jan. 14th starts - Guitar & Drums Cello, - Tuesday

Brass lessons started this week. Clarinet Clarinet week. this started lessons Brass - Monday Jan. 13th starts -

term: this days

- pre have who children (for lessons Music booked them via the music service) will run on the following following the on run will service) music the via them booked

Lessons Music

year. the throughout

thank you to everyone who came along. All classes will get an opportunity to host this event event this host to opportunity an get will classes All along. came who everyone to you thank - members

made excellent baristas, waiters and waitresses and were delighted to see so many parents and family family and parents many so see to delighted were and waitresses and waiters baristas, excellent made

morning. The event was planned and executed by the children with obvious pride and enjoyment. They They enjoyment. and pride obvious with children the by executed and planned was event The morning.

On Wednesday morning Stars class parents were welcomed to our third Wellbeing Wednesday coffee coffee Wednesday Wellbeing third our to welcomed were parents class Stars morning Wednesday On

Stars Wellbeing Coffee Morning Morning Coffee Wellbeing Stars

you. Thank

to donate £205.89 to Save the Children. Children. the Save to £205.89 donate to

Due to your generosity, we were also able able also were we generosity, your to Due


always gets everyone in a celebratory celebratory a in everyone gets always

festive pullovers, Christmas Jumper Day Day Jumper Christmas pullovers, festive

We loved seeing the children in their their in children the seeing loved We

you! Thank – Day Jumper

Save the Children Christmas Christmas Children the Save

News School

8th January 10.00 10.00 January 8th - 11.00 –

13th January 14.00 14.00 January 13th – Hospital 15.00 –


– 14.00 January 8th – Hospital s ’ Martin St.

form. consent

tial that you contact us to book an appointment to ensure we have enough vaccine, and to complete a a complete to and vaccine, enough have we ensure to appointment an book to us contact you that tial

vaccine then please contact the team on 0300 247 0082 to book into one of the clinics below below clinics the of one into book to 0082 247 0300 on team the contact please then vaccine it is essen- is it –

Therefore if your child is in Year R R Year in is child your if Therefore Year 6 (inclusive) and has NOT already received their free Flu Flu free their received already NOT has and (inclusive) 6 Year –

2019. September since i.e. Season Flu this vaccine flu the ceived

The Schools Immunisation Team are continuing to offer clinics for those who have have who those for clinics offer to continuing are Team Immunisation Schools The NOT already re- already NOT

Children ’ Aged School ‘ for Clinics Flu

thanks. many

Now the festivities are sadly over, please could we request that all nail varnish is removed this weekend, weekend, this removed is varnish nail all that request we could please over, sadly are festivities the Now

Varnish Nail

cold, dry days. Please make sure all items are clearly named. named. clearly are items all sure make Please days. dry cold,

ter coat, with hat and gloves if required, and suitable shoes as we send all children outside to play on on play to outside children all send we as shoes suitable and required, if gloves and hat with coat, ter

We are anticipating some colder weather will be on it on be will weather colder some anticipating are We s way soon! Please make sure your child has a win- a has child your sure make Please soon! way s ’

Please wrap up warm! up wrap Please - Clothing Winter

school office at any time. time. any at office school

lected a whole drum full last year! Used batteries can be dropped off in the collection drum outside the the outside drum collection the in off dropped be can batteries Used year! last full drum whole a lected

We are continuing our battery recycling initiative in 2020. Thank you for your support, your children col- children your support, your for you Thank 2020. in initiative recycling battery our continuing are We

Scheme Recycling Battery

them! support please hard, training are they and left days 68

half - bath - the - runs - schools

https://www.gofundme.com/f/widcombe visit: team our sponsor to like would you if meantime, the In -


runners runners - non of (plenty involved get can you which in ways for

view point at the school. Please see the PTA Newsletter attached attached Newsletter PTA the see Please school. the at point view

d n a e g a l l i v s r e t r o p p u s a r e h t e g o t g n i tt u p e r a m a e t A T P s u o l u

Excitement is really building at school over this event as our fab- our as event this over school at building really is Excitement

behalf! our on

and Mr Harley) will be pounding the Bath streets on 15th March March 15th on streets Bath the pounding be will Harley) Mr and

Mr Dorrans, Mr Walker Walker Mr Dorrans, Mr Seatter, (Mr staff and parents wonderful

Our GoFundMe page to support our runners is now live! 16 16 live! now is runners our support to page GoFundMe Our

Page GoFundMe - Runners Half Bath


Looking forward to seeing a colourful array of fantastic story book book story fantastic of array colourful a seeing to forward Looking

. March 5 Thursday on characters


this year, we will be dressing up as our favourite book book favourite our as up dressing be will we year, this – Day Book

It is never too early to start thinking about what to wear for World World for wear to what about thinking start to early too never is It

March 5 Thursday – 2020 Day Book World th

it! borrow and come so library our in copies two have We

” page.

merising debut immerses the reader in a distinctive culture and geography that sings on every every on sings that geography and culture distinctive a in reader the immerses debut merising

friend and the spirit animal of her grandmother for company. Wonderfully escapist, Bilan escapist, Wonderfully company. for grandmother her of animal spirit the and friend s mes- s ’

& the Spirit Bird Spirit the & Asha gion, sends a determined young girl on a Himalayan adventure, with only her best best her only with adventure, Himalayan a on girl young determined a sends

Highly evocative of rural India and the spiritual traditions and beliefs of the re- the of beliefs and traditions spiritual the and India rural of evocative Highly “ story: her about

school visit and so it is nice to feel part of her exciting journey this year. This is what reviews have to say say to have reviews what is This year. this journey exciting her of part feel to nice is it so and visit school

Jasbinder came to talk to us about her book last January, just before its publication publication its before just January, last book her about us to talk to came Jasbinder we were her first first her were we –

. Bird Spirit the

were very thrilled to hear that local author Jasbinder Bilan won the award with her first book, book, first her with award the won Bilan Jasbinder author local that hear to thrilled very were Asha and and Asha

Tuning in to hear the announcement of the Costa Children Costa the of announcement the hear to in Tuning s Book Awards 2019 on Monday night, we we night, Monday on 2019 Awards Book s ’

s Book Awards 2019 Awards Book s ’ Children Costa

on Wednesday this week and will continue through terms 3 and 4. and 3 terms through continue will and week this Wednesday on

Thank you if you have signed your child up for the Year 4 Widcombe Book Spa Spa Book Widcombe 4 Year the for up child your signed have you if you Thank these sessions started started sessions these –

4 Year – Spa Book Widcombe

News Library

nova also started their weekly Forest School sessions with some amazing den building and toolwork. and building den amazing some with sessions School Forest weekly their started also nova

Others have been planting bulbs, stroking our visiting guinea pigs and making wooden pendants. Super- pendants. wooden making and pigs guinea visiting our stroking bulbs, planting been have Others

butter! and sugar flour, oats, apples, just from create could they recipes many

This week, some children had a ready steady bake off (!) on the fire in Chestnut Corner. Its amazing how how amazing Its Corner. Chestnut in fire the on (!) off bake steady ready a had children some week, This

Corner Chestnut from News

Friday 13th March Nebula Class Assembly Assembly Class Nebula March 13th Friday DATE OF CHANGE note: Please -

DAY INSET March 9th Monday

March 2nd of Week school in Week Book

Monday 24th February First Day of Term 4 Term of Day First February 24th Monday

Friday 14th February INSET Day and last day Term 3 Term day last and Day INSET February 14th Friday

follow to details - Evenings ’ Parents February 10th Monday of Week

Monday 10th February Widcombe Championship Day in school in Day Championship Widcombe February 10th Monday

welcome! parents 9.00am, Assembly Class Rockets January 31st Friday

Work at Bath of Museum to trip 3 Year January 30th Thursday

Friday 24th January INSET Day INSET January 24th Friday

trip 6 Year January 20th Monday


Done! Well

Top of the school last week were ROCKETS class who all achieved 98.00%. 98.00%. achieved all who class ROCKETS were week last school the of Top

96.27% was week last attendance accumulative school whole Our

emergency appointments to out of school time. time. school of out to appointments emergency - non keeping by us help Please future. their for skills

ensure all of our children achieve their potential. Attendance and punctuality are also valuable life valuable also are punctuality and Attendance potential. their achieve children our of all ensure

Maximum pupil attendance is really key to us as we believe every lesson in school is important to important is school in lesson every believe we as us to key really is attendance pupil Maximum

Attendance Class Weekly

Junior WILD CHILD 2020 Monthly Sessions Booking Now. Open to all WJS children. Sessions booked on a first come first served basis. For more info or to book, email Zosia on: in- [email protected]

JANUARY – Sun 19th Jan 1pm – 4pm Rainbow Woods An afternoon session, cooking lunch on the fire, making catapults and rope swings, den building and nature spotting. £18.

FEBRUARY – Weds 19th Feb (Half Term) 10am-4pm Smallcombe Woods A full day with lots of fun woodland activities including dam building, tracking, knife work, whittling and cooking lunch. £28.

MARCH – Sat 21st March 10am-4pm Rainbow Woods A full day giving more time to explore the site. Making Mother’s Day woodland gifts, cooking lunch on the fire, den building and nature spotting. £18.

APRIL – Sun 26th April 10am-4pm Brook An exciting full day exploring the woods and streams of Midford valley. Track- ing, dam building and playing in the brook. £28. (Exact drop off point for this new exciting location to be confirmed but it will be just south of Combe Down. Please enquire if you need help getting there, as we may be able to provide some lifts)