Research strategy 2015 - 2018 Department of Surgery University Hospital

List of contents

Introduction ...... 1

Vision ...... 1

Our Plan for 2015 ...... 2

Our Plan for 2016 ...... 2

Our Plan for 2017 ...... 2

G0 Section research goals and priority areas ...... 2

G1 Section research goals and priority areas ...... 2

Research Priority Areas ...... 3

G2 Section (Benign) research goals and priority areas ...... 4

Research Priority Areas ...... 4

G2 Section (Neoplasia) research goals and priority areas ...... 5

Research Priority Areas ...... 5

G3 Section research goals and priority areas ...... 5

Contact information ...... 6


The Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, diagnose and treat patients with congenital malformations, benign and malignant diseases in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. The department is divided into the following sections:

1. Management. 2. Research Section. 3. Clinical Sections: • G0 Section (Paediatric surgery) • G1 Section (Upper GI surgery) • G2 Section (Lower GI surgery) • G3 Section (General surgery) • G4 Section (Emergency surgery) The research strategy of Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, has been prepared in line with the framework and objectives of the research strategies and research policies outlined by the Region of Southern , Odense University Hospital and the Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.


The Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital, will actively contribute to the continuous development of the surgical speciality at regional, national and international levels through a broad commitment to innovation, education, research and knowledge dissemination.

Employees and Management will ensure a culture that stimulates everyone interested in research. The aim is to performe research of the highest quality, and make sure that the largest possible number of patients is included in scientific projects.

The research infrastructure will support any research initiative, including the involvement of all staff groups. The Research Section will encourage and support the writing of applications for funding. The goal is to have at least 75% of the total research budget covered by external funding.

The recruitment of researchers in the department should be supported on all levels by establishing a multidisciplinary Research Forum for all those interested in research. The primary tasks of the Research Forum are recruitment, exchange of experience and mutual support in close collaboration with the Research Section.

Every two years (in even-numbered years), the department will host a Research Day, where the latest research from the department is presented.

The present research strategy includes the appointment of a professor with related postdoctoral fellow(s), and internationally recognized research partners within each section. Each professor should have a continuum of least three PhD students, and an expected average publication rate of at least six original papers per year.

Collaborative research with commercial partners should be supported and strengthened. Translational research has high priority and should be supported by closer collaboration with other institutes at the University of Southern Denmark and by formal collaboration with international partners.

The Department of Surgery should establish at least one Centre of Excellence within the Region of Southern Denmark.

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1. Establish and develop an interdisciplinary Research Forum. The primary aim is to involve non-research educated individuals and groups (students and the department’s health professional staff) in research projects. 2. Review the mandate of the Research Section, create a working Research Council, and involve the Clinical Section Leaders in establishing joint policies and authorization procedures regarding the undertaking of major research projects. The department's Research Section and the Research Council will adapt the Odense University Hospital research strategy as part of their general strategy. 3. Recruit an internationally recognized research partner as an Adjunct Professor in the G1 section. 4. Prepare the first annual Research Report (2015) with details of the department’s research activities (to be published in second quarter, 2016).


1. Strengthen the department's research administration by the appointment of a Research Section Manager, a Trial Manager and a number of research assistants with GCP qualifications. 2. Recruit an internationally recognized research partner as an Adjunct Professor in the G2 section. 3. Determine the basis for the appointment of a Professor of Nursing in formal collaboration with other Departments at Odense University Hospital). Alternatively, an assistant professor should be affiliated to Department of Surgery or in collaboration with other departments.


1. Develop plans for arranging national and international seminars, courses and larger scientific meetings. 2. Recruit an internationally recognized research partner as an Adjunct Professor in the G0 section.


Paediatric Surgery

• The establishment of a specialised paediatric surgery centre. Multidisciplinary collaboration with all departments at H.C. Andersen’s Children’s Hospital, Odense University Hospital.

Research Priority Areas

• Centre for follow-up and treatment of patients with congenital anomalies. • Paediatric surgery - Clinically experimental and follow-up studies of children operated for congenital anomalies of the intestinal tract.


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• To be the most research active, highly specialized surgical department in Denmark in terms of the assessment and treatment of upper gastrointestinal cancer (Upper GI cancer). • To establish research and development collaboration with several international (top-10) centres for upper GI cancer. • To stimulate all research areas that interface with upper GI surgery, within all professional groups. • An intensified and more focused research strategy requires several key players, and the appointment of two Adjunct professors from international top-10 institutions to the G1 section has high priority. This should raise the level of ambition in general, help to identify appropriate research priority areas and strengthen project supervision. • Maintenance of the department’s influence in key areas, through representative and committee appointments in Danish Surgical Society (DKS), Danish Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (DSGH), Danish Multi-Disciplinary Cancer Groups (DMCG)(ØGC, DECV, DPCG, DLGCG) (representation), the Cancer Society, Danish National Board of Health (care pathways), Danish Regions (care pathways, implementation, monitoring), Odense University Hospital's Research Committee, Committee for experimental treatment, Review board in international journals as well as key European organizations (e.g. European Pancreatic Club). • Continuous recruitment of junior researchers primarily aimed at training in upper GI surgery. The goal is coherent career pathways with combined surgical and research-based training as outlined in Odense University Hospital’s research plan. • Appointment of a least one Postdoc surgeon.


• Utilize the international momentum and pivotal point (London-Stockholm-Odense University Hospital/SDU) to reinforce the department's profile nationally and internationally. • Be the prime mover in the "Scandinavian Trial Network" regarding upper GI cancer in close cooperation with the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. • Apply the Region of Southern Denmark (RSYD) for support regarding the establishment of the Centre of Clinical Excellence, to be called "Odense Pancreas Centre (OPAC): A solid, multidisciplinary collaboration on pancreatic diseases, from cradle to grave”. • Increased use of the Centre for Experimental Surgery (CEK). • Translational research (e.g., tumor-stoma interactions in pancreatic cancer). • Support for highly specialized treatment using newly developed treatment technologies or technologies not previously applied in Denmark (e.g., PIPAC, EUS-trucut, LUS-guided dissection). • Establish a PhD programme for upper GI nurse specialist. • Establish the first Scandinavian PIPAC Centre.

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The overall vision is to promote and develop experimental and clinical research on acquired and congenital diseases of the intestinal tract to the highest international standard, through the following objectives:

• Centre for follow-up and treatment of patients with congenital anomalies. • Centre for peritoneal inflammation and metabolism. • Pelvic Floor Centre. • A minimum of seven ongoing PhD projects. • A minimum of one completed PhD thesis per year. • At least two Postdocs (doctors). • At least two Postdocs (nursing). • Attract medical students to elite specialisms and to undertake postgraduate research years. • Ensure that the physical facilities are made available for the research unit. • Appoint a number of research assistants with GCP qualifications.


• Pelvic Floor Centre - Diagnosis and treatment of patients with acquired and congenital recto-anal anomalies. Development of new treatment principles. The centre will be affiliated to the Centre for Regenerative Medicine. The centre will operate in collaboration with the Department of Urology, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and the Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital. • Regenerative medicine and experimental surgery – the department is and must remain a key player in the development of new treatments and possible patents for medical equipment/aids in both centres. Collaboration with the Institute of Pathology, KBF, Biomedical Laboratory, Odense University Hospital, the Region of Zealand and industry. • Inflammatory bowel disease - Highly specialized centre for the surgical treatment of complications involved in inflammatory bowel disease. Development of experimental models for pathophysiological studies. Epidemiological studies. Development of new diagnostic methods. Collaboration with the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Medical Gastro-Intestinal Diseases and Department of Clinical Epidemiology, ODENSE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. • Surgery Complications – Including centre for peritoneal inflammation and metabolism. Development of new diagnostics for early detection of postoperative complications and the development of new surgical techniques for the management of post-operative complications. Collaboration with the Department of Anesthesiology, ODENSE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, surgical departments in the Region of Southern Denmark and the Region of Zealand and research groups in the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. • Anorectal surgery – Highly specialized treatment of complicated anorectal fistula. • The development of new surgical methods for a number of proctological disorders. Collaboration with surgical departments in the Region of Southern Denmark. • Patient involvement – The department will be highly specialized within the field of the involvement of emergency patients. Development of methods for patient involvement, to include pain management and patient care in acute abdominal pain (PiSAM project). Collaboration with research groups in the field of patient involvement in England.

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• Staffing – The group will be consolidated by the provision of an adequate number of permanent academic staff to ensure future continuity. By 2018, four permanent academic staff will be appointed (professors and postdocs). At any time, no fewer than four Ph.D. students will be engaged and no fewer than four thesis students. One or two adjunct professors will be appointed to the neoplastic group and linked to the department. • Publications – The group will every year increase the impact of publications and the number of accepted publications in peer reviewed journals. • The group will intensify collaboration with units at Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark such as the Department of Quality, Research, Innovation and Teaching, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Mærsk McKinney Møller Robotic Centre, The GCP unit and Institute for Chemistry-, Bio- and Environmental Technology to facilitate international translational research in camera capsule tracking and development and international fund raising. Automated 3D measurements of polyps and cancers, and its possible clinical gain will be conducted. • The group will win an increased level of external funding each year and will prepare for a major Horizon 2020 application in 2017 or 2018. • Elite Centre – The SATC group will achieve recognition as a national reference centre for diagnosis and treatment of large adenomas and early cancers.

Collaboration – The group will promote cooperation with national and international research groups. The group will continue to be a significant partner in several international studies.


• Neoplastic conditions of the colon and rectum. Focus will be on large adenomas and early colorectal cancers including minimally invasive treatment, diagnosis and staging, especially transanal ultrasound techniques, dual energy CT and visualization-fusion techniques EMR, ESD and TEM surgery. • Screening and camera capsule studies. The unit will achieve an European leading position in camera capsule technology in colorectal cancer screening in collaboration with dedicated European Screening Centres. The capsule technology in diagnostics and follow up will also be part of this work package. • Primary, secondary and tertiary prophylaxis against colorectal neoplasia: Prophylactic effect of Falcarinol and Falcaridiol from carrots to prevent colon neoplasms. Cell lines and rat-based trials are being conducted, and human studies are planned. Collaboration with The Danish Cancer Society and the Institute of Chemistry-, Bio- and Environmental Technology on the molecular mechanisms in the polyp-inhibitory effects of carrot derived inhibitors will be expanded. • The effect of up-skilled help through the treatment trajectory on colon cancer patients' mental health. • A feasibility study is underway and a randomized multicenter study is planned.


The G3 section has yet to be formally established in terms of research. The vision is that, by 2017 at the latest, research projects will be underway for the G3 section, and an organizational structure will be in place.

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Niels Qvist Professor Michael Bau Mortensen MD, DMSc Professor, MD, DMSc, PhD Mobile: +45 2969 4625 Mobile: +45 2969 4638 [email protected] [email protected]

Gunnar Baatrup Professor Claus Hovendal MD, DMSc Professor, MD, DMSc Mobile: +45 2057 5154 Mobile: +45 2969 4633 [email protected] [email protected]

Helen Schultz Marianne Kristine Thygesen Post.doc., PhD Assistant Professor, PhD Mobile: +45 4021 8430 Mobile: +45 3053 9701 [email protected] [email protected]

Morten Kobæk-Larsen Tanja Sotiris Millinge Post.doc., PhD Research Secretary Mobile: + 45 3057 9310 Mobile: +45 5143 6864 [email protected] [email protected] Jette Bang Hedelund Marianne Frederiksen Research Secretary Research Secretary Mobile: +45 29164664 Mobile: +45 2460 8398 [email protected] [email protected]

Claus Christian Vinther Susanne Barren Chief Consultant, MPM Senior Nurse, MPG Mobile: +45 2815 1548 Mobile: +45 2443 4165 [email protected] [email protected]

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OUH Odense Universitetshospital Svendborg Sygehus Kirurgisk Afdeling A

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