Woonasquatucket & Promenade District

Recommendations for Management Part of the Metro Bay SAMP Plan Recommendations for Management

This publication is available from the Coastal Resources Management Council, Stedman Government Center, 4808 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879, and on-line at www.crmc.ri.gov/samp.

This document should be referenced as: Recommendations for Management of the Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District (2008). A. Becker, J. Boyd, C.Chaffee, S. Kennedy, J. McCann, N. Mitchell, R. Sheridan, M. Allard Cox, & A. Neville (Eds.), Rhode Island Sea Grant, Narragansett, R.I. 51 pp.

This publication is sponsored by the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC), under NOAA Grant No. NA03NOS4190100. CRMC is a state agency dedicated to the preservation, protection, development, and restoration of coastal re- sources for all Rhode Islanders. This publication is also sponsored in part by Rhode Island Sea Grant under NOAA Grant No. NA16RG1057. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of CRMC, NOAA, or any of its sub-agencies. The U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation that may appear hereon.

February 2008

Front cover art by Alan Tufts. This image was produced as part of the Professor Richard Sheridan’s University of Rhode Island, Department of Landscape Architecture project Revitalizing the Woonasqutucket River.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District TABLE OF CONTENTS


Map A & B Map A: Conditions in SAMP AREA Map B: Proposed Changes in SAMP AREA



Public Access




Appendix A-E Appendix A: Vegetation Design, Installation, and Management Standards Appendix B: Stormwater Management Using Low Impact Development (LID) Appendix C: Woonasquatucket River Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Dissolved Metals Total Maximum Daily Loads Appendix D: Potential Funding Sources for Woonasquatucket Projects Appendix E: University of Rhode Island Landscape Architecture Studio Renderings

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District Recommendations for Management

Acknowledgements CRMC and RISG/CRC gratefully acknowledge those who have contributed to the formulation of this plan. In particular:

R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council members: Michael M. Tikoian, Chairman Raymond C. Coia Paul E. Lemont, Vice Chair W. Michael Sullivan, Director RIDEM Thomas Ricci Gerald P. Zarrella David Abedon Bruce Dawson Donald Gomez Neill Gray K. Joseph Shekarchi

Thanks to members and individuals who provided technical expertise in the development of the Woonasquatucker River & Promenade Street District Manual Lisa Aurecchia, Woonasquatucket River Jen McCann, RISG/CRC Watershed Council Paul McElroy, Woonasquatucket River Austin Becker, RISG/CRC Watershed Council James Boyd, CRMC Numi Mitchell, The Conservation Agency Donald Burns, Woonasquatucket River Linda Painter, City of Providence Watershed Council Department of Planning & Development Eric Busch, American Locomotive Works Drake Patten, The Steelyard Gregg Cassidy, R.I. Department of Jenny Pereira, Woonasquatucket River Environmental Management (DEM) Watershed Council Caitlin Chaffee, CRMC Tracy Perron, Feldco Kelly Coates, Carpionato Properties, Inc. Clay Rockefeller, The Steelyard Sara Donaldson, Paul Cuffee School Elizabeth Scott, DEM David Everett, City of Providence Richard Sheridan, Prof. - URI Landscape Department of Planning & Development Architecture Grover Fugate, CRMC Lara Skilins, Student - URI Landscape Melanie Jewett, City of Providence Architecture Departmentof Planning Doug Still, City of Providence Nancy Kafka, Trust for Public Land Tony Thomas, The Foundry James Kelly, Commission Alan Tufts, Student - URI Landscape (NBC) Architecture Sue Kennedy, RISG/CRC Fred Vincent, Paolino Properties/The 903 Jonathan Key, Student - URI Landscape Wendy Waller, Save The Bay Architecture Julia Wolfston, The Steelyard Andrew Lipsky, Natural Resources Brian Zalewski, DEM Office of Water Conservation Service (NRCS) Resources Jean Lynch, Woonasquatucket River Don Pryor, Brown University Watershed Council Walter Pastor, The 903 Eugenia Marks, Audubon Society of Rhode Thomas Uva, NBC Island & Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District

Recommendations for Management


Stakeholders have identified a need for a Grant/University of Rhode Island Coastal collaborative visioning process for the Resources Center (RISG/CRC), together revitalization of the Promenade Street with the Rhode Island Coastal Resources District of the Woonasquatucket River. Management Council (CRMC), provided Currently, the river is considered to be research and facilitated drafting the plan glutted with invasive species and trash, its through interviews, site visits, and work- bikeways and sidewalks are unpleasant at shops that brought various stakeholders best, and access to the river is limited both together to inform the vision presented visually and physically. Busy streets border here. it to the north and south, and define the area’s primary function as vehicular access This management plan serves as a visioning to the Providence Place Mall. and guidance document and is a sub- element of CRMC’s Metro Bay Special Meanwhile, development is quickly filling Area Management Plan (SAMP). The in along the banks with new condos and SAMP includes an Urban Coastal commercial and retail uses moving into old Greenway Policy (UCG) whose goal is to industrial buildings. With this influx of new create a continuous greenway with public people to the area, there is a unique oppor- access along northern Narragansett Bay’s tunity to reclaim the river as a focal point urban shoreline. The UCG divides that for the district. shoreline into zones where different buffer regulations apply. This Woonasquatucket The vision described in this plan foresees a River management plan serves as guidance corridor that will offer a continuous for implementing the UCG policy specifi- greenway that allows for public access, cally within the coastal area between the recreation, and habitat for wildlife. It will Providence Place Mall and Atwells Avenue, be a source of neighborhood pride, bringing an area that is part of the SAMP-delineated the community together around a green Inner Harbor and Zone. This plan jewel in the heart of vibrant urban corridor. outlines activities and suggests changes for that area. This plan has been drafted at the request of numerous stakeholders (see below) and More information about the UCG is online presents a unified vision that may be at http://www.crmc.ri.gov/, and more implemented by state and municipal information on the Metro Bay SAMP may authorities, as well as nonprofits and be found at http://seagrant.gso.uri.edu/ private developers. This document synthe- metrosamp. sizes much of the work that has been done in the area by various groups and provides These recommendations cover special guidance for redeveloping and revitalizing concerns within this defined area, including the river, its banks, and the immediate public access, the maintenance of existing lands surrounding it. Rhode Island Sea sites, vegetation management (including

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 1 invasive species), habitat maintenance and measures by landowners and other stake- restoration, and sedimentation. Any holders to address vehicular and pedestrian physical construction improvements made traffic and sightline issues and other safety to the area should also take into account concerns linked to vegetation. Visual access projected sea-level rise. The recommenda- points will be identified and agreed upon by tions contained herein do not preclude stakeholders, and will serve as a framework other improvements that interested parties for vegetation management along the may wish to implement. They represent riparian corridor. Site visits by CRMC and portions from existing plans for the area interested parities will be organized and (see bibliography for plans consulted), permits will be efficiently processed by meetings with major stakeholders, and the CRMC to allow for the agreed upon man- results of stakeholder workshop held on agement measures to be implemented February 9, 2007. A subsequent workshop immediately. on October 9 further refined these ideas and developed consensus around the top Create New and Improve Existing priority recommendations for each of the Public Access Points sections. Through the use of the UCG, CRMC will acquire new public access points and CRMC will take the lead on the following improve on existing points. Public access top priorities identified by stakeholders: includes trails, new pedestrian bridges, canoe/kayak launches, and benches. A pilot Vegetation Assessment and Action project at the American Locomotives Works Plan (ALCO) site will serve as a model for In 2008, CRMC will seek funding and providing new and improved access, as well cooperative partnerships to undertake a as demonstrating the intended outcome of fine-grained GIS analysis that identifies the UCG. This management plan will serve invasive and native vegetation, as well as as a guide to CRMC and others in identify- density of vegetation throughout the ing future public access as well as improv- project area. Through this analysis, priority ing existing sites. restoration areas will be identified. Based on the vegetative assessment, CRMC will Create New Catch Basins begin work to secure state, municipal, and Beginning in 2009, CRMC will work with other funding to begin restoring and the city of Providence to identify areas maintaining vegetation in project area. The suitable for new catch basins. This work subsequent work will remove exotic may include acquiring land and creating species, create habitat connections, and infrastructure to keep sediment basins restore native species. maintained, and establishing an appropriate maintenance schedule, which will be communicated to the public. To be com- Address Immediate Safety/ pleted by 2010. Management Concerns By winter 2008, CRMC will respond to requests for immediate management

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 2 Recommendations for Management

Background old structures with their high ceilings and sweeping views of the city. Though clean- Before the 19th century, the ing up these brownfield sites and maintain- Woonasquatucket River, named by the ing their historic significance is a challenge, Native Americans as “the place where the a number of projects have already been salt water ends,” flowed through forests completed. At the western end of the and farmlands before it emptied into project area, Eagle Square features a Narragansett Bay. The southern portion of number of shops, condos, and a supermar- this 19-mile river is tidal, and the tidal ket housed in revitalized brick buildings, as influence still reaches to what is now well as new ones designed to match them. Atwells Avenue. Narrow and with a rapid Monahassett Mills has also been restored flow of water, the river was an ideal for living space and a nonprofit industrial location for mills during the Industrial arts cooperative. The Steelyard offers space Revolution. During the 19th century, textile for artist studios and classes in mills could be found lining its banks. Mill blacksmithing, ceramics, and other arts. On ponds and dams were built further up- the north side of the river, the American stream to allow for control of water flow Locomotive Works complex redevelopment during drier seasons. By the end of the project is well underway with creating 1800s, giants of the Industrial Revolution condos, commercial, and retail space. like Brown and Sharp, Nicholson Files, and Closer to the Providence Place Mall, the Riverside Mills all had situated along the Foundry and the 903 developments have Woonasquatucket. At one time, discharges also been completed and feature condo- from the mills flowed freely into the river, miniums, office space, a gym, and other coloring its waters with textile dyes. Heavy amenities. Remaining vacant or metals and other toxins from these dis- underutilized parcels along this corridor are charges still remain along the river bottom. expected to be redeveloped.

As manufacturing waned in the Northeast, The Department of Environmental Man- these old brick factory and mill buildings agement DEM recently developed a water were left vacant or underutilized. In 1997, quality restoration plan, or more specifi- Senator John H. Chaffee nominated the cally, a Total Maximum Daily Load river as an American Heritage River. (TMDL), that addresses pathogen and President Bill Clinton acknowledged the dissolved metals impairments in the Woonasquatucket’s historic importance, Woonasquatucket River. This significant naming it one of 10 American Heritage body of work received U.S. Environmental rivers, a designation designed, “to help Protection Agency (EPA) approval and has communities alongside them revitalize their been posted on the DEM website at: http:/ waterfronts and clean up pollution in the rivers, /www.dem.ri.gov/programs/benviron/ proving once again that we can grow the economy water/quality/rest/pdfs/woofinal.pdf. as we protect the environment.” The TMDL analysis determined that the Today, developers have begun to seize on largest and most persistent pollution the opportunities presented by these grand sources to the lower portions of the river,

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 3 including the Promenade Street district, pre-existing statewide buffer policy. With include stormwater runoff and dry and wet RISG/CRC as facilitators, and with a cadre weather Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) of technical experts and public partici- discharges. Other significant sources of pants, CRMC drafted the new UCG to pollution include illegal dumping, customize coastal vegetative buffer regula- unmanaged litter and trash, and pet waste tions for the urban landscape of the Metro and nuisance wildlife. The TMDL describes Bay region (Cranston, East Providence, pollution reduction responsibilities assigned Pawtucket, and Providence). The policy is to cooperating agencies and other respon- intended to balance development of the sible parties. Requirements specific to the Metro Bay shoreline with environmental protection, restoration, and public access Promenade Street district may be found in through a more flexible and streamlined Appendix C. This plan, therefore, does not regulatory structure. Parcels were analyzed specifically address water-quality restora- for conservation, restoration, recreation, tion, though many of the recommendations and scenic values, and the shoreline was will result in improvements to water divided into zones, where buffer require- quality. ments vary and reflect the unique charac- teristics of each urban area. The UCG also This document identifies many existing provides compensation options for devel- conditions and issues in the area. At the opment applicants; thus a developer, end of each section, suggestions for next depending on site location, may choose to steps and actions are identified. These reduce a property’s buffer width by provid- recommendations may be carried out by a ing new public access, increasing the number of entities alone or in partnership amount of vegetation on the site, or as funding becomes available. These creating new public amenities. The Prom- entities include, but are not limited to: enade District falls within the Inner Har- CRMC, the City of Providence, the R.I. bors and Rivers Zone of the UCG. Specif- Department of Transportation (DOT), the ics on the UCG and this particular zone Woonasquatucket River Watershed Coun- may be found at http://www.crmc.ri.gov/. cil, DEM, property owners and developers, the Paul Cuffee School, Narragansett Bay Woonasquatucket River Greenway Commission (NBC), and others. Project Land Use and Zoning Implementation Plan (2004) Other Studies and Projects This plan, created by DEM, was designed to integrate existing neighborhood plans in a single proposal that addresses Urban Coastal Greenway Policy (2006) brownfields, vacant lots, and attempts to The Urban Coastal Greenway Policy (UCG) reconnect neighborhoods to the river. A helps Rhode Island government work with task force consisting of the city of Provi- private and community interests to ensure dence, DEM’s Sustainable Watersheds that economic vitality and environmental Office, Smith Hill Development Corpora- enhancement are elements of a vibrant tion, Olneyville Housing Corporation, city Metro Bay waterfront. The UCG is a council members, and other stakeholders detailed buffer policy and alternative to the was established, and the Woonasquatucket

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 4 Recommendations for Management

River Watershed Council facilitated a prehensive plans, separating areas that number of workshops to gather stakeholder should be preserved outright from those input. A set of recommendations was that should see continued growth, and developed that aimed to improve the revising zoning to reflect the goals of the quality of the river and the surrounding plan. area. Key recommendations concern land- use density, dimensional requirements, parking regulations and availability, Woonasquatucket River Restoration brownfield property development, public Initiative (2002-present) access, and maintenance of the river. NBC, with support from CRMC, the city of Providence, DOT, the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, the Providence 2020 (2006) Woonasquatucket River Watershed Coun- This document describes Providence’s cil, and other sponsors, hosts a number of vision for the future of the city. It identifies events, including an annual Earth Day the Promenade areas as a place for innova- cleanup. NBC’s goal is to remove debris tion and a potential center for economic from the river, offer educational programs, development with retail, cafes, and small utilize floatable booms and screens to filter businesses. It also calls for improvements water at CSOs, and generally improve the to the civic places in the area, better quality of the river. access, and more efficient traffic flows. It identifies a number of potential implemen- tation projects, including improvements to Wetland Restoration Plan for the the riverfront edge, streetscapes, bridges, Woonasquatucket River Watershed, and parks; a transit spine; changes to the Rhode Island (2002) internal street network; and the creation of This study, conducted by URI’s Depart- a business incubator or incentive packages ment of Natural Resources Science for the district. (Francis C. Golet, Dennis H.A. Myshrall, Nicholas A. Miller, and Michael P. Bradley) for DEM and EPA. It is watershed-wide Woonasquatucket Greenspace and identifies 77 potential sites for wetland Protection Strategy (2004) restoration. None of these sites is in the This plan, funded by the U.S. Forest Ser- Promenade district. However, restoration vice, evaluates three resource types as they of sites that are upriver of the district occur in the Woonasquatucket Watershed: would clearly have beneficial results natural resources (wetlands, aquifers, and downstream. wildlife habitat), cultural resources (historic sites, scenic vistas, and rural landscapes), and recreational resources (hiking trails, The Woonasquatucket River Greenway bike touring, and water trails). It identifies Corridor Master Plan (1997) and maps priorities for each of the re- Conducted by the Providence Plan, in sources for use by state agencies, towns, coordination with the Providence’s depart- and nonprofits in making decisions about ment of planning and development and open space and resource management. Key other stakeholders, this master plan covers recommendations include updating com- 4.4 miles of the Woonasquatucket River

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 5 from Manton Pond in Johnston to Waterplace Park in Providence. It lays the foundation for a continuous greenway that links the 10 neighborhoods within the corridor and aims to improve the environ- mental quality of the river, increase recre- ational opportunities, stimulate economic redevelopment, and reestablish the Woonasquatucket River as a symbol for renewed neighborhood identity and civic pride. The plan describes the design of the proposed trail, gateways, and “action sites” along the way. For the section from the Eagle Square Bridge to Waterplace Park, this plan does not call for any new land acquisitions or easements for the creation of the greenway. It does suggest the widen- ing of pedestrian bridges around Bath Street, the creation of a café and additional state offices, and the conversion of some existing mill buildings for mixed uses.

Woonasquatucket River Riparian Buffer Restoration Project (2001) Prepared for DEM and the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council by Kleinshmidt Associates, this report consists of a comprehensive inventory of potential restoration sites. These sites represent opportunities for improving water quality, habitat, and other ecological and social values. It found that 19 percent of the river corridor remains natural riparian forestland. A subsequent restoration demonstration project was carried out at Riverside Mills in Providence. None of the candidate sites was in the lower portion of the Woonasquatucket along Promenade Street, though clearly restoration of upriver sites would have a positive impact on the environmental quality of the lower river

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 6 Recommendations for Management


Priority Action Items

ƒ By winter 2008, CRMC will re- spond to requests for immediate management measures by landown- ers and other stakeholders to address vehicular and pedestrian traffic, sightline issues, and other safety concerns linked to vegeta- tion. Visual access points identified in this management plan will serve Photo credit: Pam Rubinoff as one of the priorities for vegeta- Swans on the Woonasquatucket River tion management along the riparian corridor. Site visits by CRMC and interested parities will be organized ƒ CRMC will require that all future and permits will be efficiently development plans include a processed by CRMC to allow for maintenance plan that follows the the agreed-upon management Design, Installation, and Manage- measures to be implemented ment Standards in Appendix A. The immediately. guidelines establish standards for maximum plant heights and set- ƒ In 2008, CRMC will seek funding backs around public access and and cooperative partnerships to recreation areas, public utilities, and undertake a fine-grained GIS traffic and pedestrian viewsheds analysis that identifies invasive and and sight triangles at intersections. native vegetation, as well as density They describe how to remove and of vegetation throughout the control overgrown invasive vegeta- project area. Through this analysis, tion and restore native plantings priority restoration areas will be around public access and recreation identified. Based on the vegetative areas, and within traffic and pedes- assessment, CRMC will begin work trian sight triangles. Vegetation to secure state, municipal, and management for viewsheds identi- other funding to begin restoring and fied in this plan will be required so maintaining vegetation in project that views are available at regular area. The subsequent work will intervals along both sides of the remove exotic species, create river. habitat connections, and restore native species.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 7 Existing Conditions pedestrians and cyclists. Overgrowth onto public right of ways of roadside vegetation behind the metal guardrail is a recurring Although the Woonasquatucket River problem despite the city’s periodic trim- courses through a highly urbanized environ- ming and maintenance efforts. An excep- ment, it has significant value as habitat for tion is the area adjacent to Eagle Square, resident and migratory species. It is tightly where the existing riparian vegetation has channelized and contained as it passes been removed and replaced with a highly through the western Metro Bay SAMP area. managed landscape that is mainly lawn. This habitat supports a reasonably diverse This area has little habitat value (but is and native riparian plant community along attractive to Canada geese) and is highly its banks: species such as gray birches susceptible to erosion. In places where the (Betula populifolia), box elder (Acer riverbank has been reinforced with hard- negundo), silver maples (Acer ened structures such as concrete and stone saccharinum), cottonwoods (Populus floodwalls, there is visible damage where deltoides), and elms (Ulmus sp.). Exotic vegetation has grown through spaces and invasive species occur as well: Autumn between stones or cracks in the concrete, olive (Eleagnus umbellata) and tree-of- which undermines the structural integrity heaven (Ailanthus altissima) may be found, of these features. and there is an understory of Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) in some Over the years, the river has been heavily areas. These invasive species, generally impacted by industry and development. introduced into the area from a foreign The most evident physical modification to country, can choke out native species and the river within the SAMP area is the reduce an area’s wildlife habitat value. This elimination of natural banks and the dense cover of vegetation provides habitat addition of retaining walls. In many for a variety of resident and migrating fish, stretches there are drops of more than a including alewife (Alosa aestivalis) and meter from the top of the bulkhead to the blueback herring (Alosa pseudoharengis,) water’s edge. Where revetments occur, they and neotropical migrant birds such as constrain riparian habitats to narrow strips common yellowthroat, kingbird, and black- and reduce public access to the river. These crowned night herons. The river continues walls may also restrict and alter groundwa- to support fish. Species recorded by DEM ter recharge by reducing overbank flow and just west of Valley Street include: sunfish natural floodplains. Silt and sand are (Lepomis sp.), golden shiner (Notemigonus introduced to the riverbed from storm chrysoleucas), tessellated darters drains, and runoff and sediments collect in (Etheostoma olmstedi), white suckers the slower sections of the stream filling the (Catostomus commersoni), alewife (Alosa pools. Chemical contaminants have also aestivalis), and large numbers of American been introduced through runoff, percola- eels (Anguilla rostrata). tion through soils, and directly by industrial sources. In the 1990s, the EPA found high Though it has significant habitat value, in levels of dioxins in fish taken from the some places the dense understory growth Woonasquatucket, and subsequently they encroaches on public sidewalks, impeding have found polychlorinated biphenyls pedestrian and visual access to the river, (PCBs), volatile organic compounds and obstructing sightlines for motorists,

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 8 Recommendations for Management

(VOCs), semi-VOCs, and heavy metals in soil, sediment, wetlands, and the water. In 1996, the EPA collected baseline data on dioxin levels in sunfish and American eels taken from the Woonasquatucket (Beliveau et al, 2003).

The Centredale Manor Restoration Project, a Superfund process, is ongoing with assistance from NRCS. Polluted soils are being removed or capped, banks are being restored, and fishways are being con- Photo credit: Austin Becker structed in this region upstream of the Woonasquatucket River looking toward SAMP area. Conversations with EPA Providence Place Mall personnel (Population Ecology Branch, US EPA Atlantic Ecology Division, Vision Narragansett, R.I.) indicate that the EPA has continuing interest in Woonasquatucket This section of the Woonasquatucket River programs and may have funding to assist features a diverse wildlife community, with them. Soil contaminant level, water beautiful views, a safe area for the public, quality evaluation, and contaminant levels and is regularly maintained by a partnership in fish taken from the river will provide between the city of Providence, local reliable indices with which to monitor property owners, and volunteer efforts. recovery of the river environment. Water quality is improved, natural banking restored, and Pleasant Valley Stream The DEM Division of Fish and Wildlife, in daylighted. Restored and enhanced wetland conjunction with the EPA Urban Develop- and upland habitat areas offer natural ment Initiative and Rhode Island Greenway environments for wildlife, as well as im- Project, developed a database of fish proved air quality, reduced urban heat species occurrence in the Woonasquatucket effect, filtered and cooled stormwater Watershed between 1993-2002, and are runoff, and improved neighborhood aes- currently preparing to publish their results thetics. These changes increase the integrity (DEM, in prep). Upstream portions of the and quality of the habitat corridor, promot- Woonasquatucket have a diverse fish ing greater diversity and numbers of species assemblage which would tend to wildlife species, including migratory birds. disperse to restored habitats downstream. Improvements in water quality and devel- The fish faunal assemblage provides opment of fish ladders will help anadro- another reliable index to recovery of the mous fish (e.g. the blueback herring, Alosa Woonasquatucket within the SAMP area. pseudoharengis) populations recover to Additionally, baseline data on toxin level in historical levels of abundance. Areas tree swallow eggs and nestlings has been designated for public access and view collected by EPA and USGS as part of the corridors are more intensively managed Centredale Manor Restoration Project. through invasive plant removal and natural landscaping with native species. Where the riverbank has been structurally reinforced,

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 9 innovative techniques such as green walls growing into large monocultures. In general, and terraced rain gardens are in place native herbivores are not adapted to eat providing structural support and enhance species with which they have not co- the existing vegetated habitat. evolved. Native plant communities tend to be diverse because they are controlled by native species of herbivores; therefore, no one plant species can get too numerous. Issues Greater plant species diversity means greater food plant diversity. Native plant Interrupted habitat corridors limit the communities also tend to support wildlife amount of wildlife diversity for longer periods each year than exotic Interruption of habitat corridors has plant communities, because ripening times resulted from tributary burial, retaining for fruit or seeds are staggered, not simulta- walls, and the absence of connected neous. riparian habitats. Vertebrate species (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish) Sedimentation reduces aquatic habitat may be disinclined to venture across areas River morphology has been altered by where there is no appropriate habitat. Most diversions and blockages, which have species avoid areas without natural vegeta- reduced the river’s cross-sectional area in tion because they are more vulnerable to many places and increased sedimentation predation, food species may not be present, by slowing flows. This has resulted in less or they may be unable to find the habitat available aquatic habitat and made the on the other side of the break. For these remaining aquatic habitat more sensitive to reasons, disjunctive strips of riparian temperature change and pollutants. Uncon- habitat may not attract or support the solidated substrates can cover or bury diversity of wildlife that a larger continu- aquatic vegetation, and are not appropriate ous habitat would. Revetments designed to retain and channelize the river vertically isolate riparian habitats, allow development to encroach on banks and to prevent wildlife access, and reduce groundwater recharge.

Exotic species reduce habitat value along the riparian corridor Exotic vegetation and poorly developed biotic communities have reduced habitat value along the riparian corridor. Exotic species of vegetation (such as autumn olive Photo credit: Caitlin Chaffee Pleasant Valley Stream and Japanese knotweed) tend to have no natural means of population control, and often out-compete valuable native species,

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 10 Recommendations for Management

habitat for many native species of fish and invertebrates.

Water quality is impaired due to past and present uses Chemical pollutants from soil, water, drains, and tributaries have impaired water quality.

Unmanaged vegetation reduces both aesthetic and viewshed quality The existing vegetation is overgrown, littered with debris, and does not provide Photo credit: Austin Becker adequate views of the river. Though a Eagle Square with possible future kayak highly-groomed vegetation plan is not access always the best answer, areas that are left in a more natural state must still be man- from pedestrian, residential, and commer- aged in a way that does not block all views cial areas, and for boaters and kayakers on of the river and provides some access for the river itself. This may be achieved by the public and for maintenance purposes. preserving and restoring areas of denser native vegetation and designating them as Public safety is compromised due to habitat areas, while more intensively unmanaged vegetation. managing the vegetation at public access The dense understory vegetation does not points and within viewsheds and critical allow for safe access to river and blocks sightlines. The result should be an aestheti- sightlines for pedestrians and cyclists. cally pleasing natural design that serves the Dense vegetation also allows for hiding needs of the public while retaining riparian places, in which illegal or illicit activities wildlife habitat. A multifaceted restoration can take place just out of sight, a common effort will increase wildlife access to and problem in areas that are not visually use of riparian habitats, along with the accessible. In a highly urbanized environ- diversity and number of aquatic plant and ment such as this, public safety is a critical animal species. component in vegetation management and should be a primary consideration in the CRMC will consider the following addi- development of a management plan. tional actions and coordinate with other entities to implement them if funding becomes available: Committed Implementation Actions ƒ Expand monitoring efforts to include systematic and opportunis- tic collection of bird and mammal CRMC is committed to managing the occurrence data. Records should be Woonasquatucket River to preserve and maintained noting dates of use, enhance the area’s wildlife habitat value resident or transient use, and while allowing appropriate, safe public nesting activity. For birds, point access to the river, and improving views

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 11 counts may be made in spring and revetments on Woonasquatucket fall at two stations along the river and widen banks and riparian zones within the Metro Bay SAMP bound- wherever possible. ary to assess the progress of the recovery effort. ƒ Use selected stones from disas- sembled bulkheads to create com- ƒ Develop a draft monitoring report plex habitats for small mammals in that includes vegetative recovery, upper bank areas with native plant water quality, diversity, abundance, communities. As fish numbers and toxicity data, and species lists and restored natural bank habitat usage. improve, residents should begin to see mink and other mammals using ƒ Support a strong and diverse the area. stewardship program for the Woonasquatucket River to ensure ƒ Increase river flow to naturally that all activities meet the needs of reduce silt and sand deposition. If citizens and wildlife. coupled with removal of existing sources of contamination, these ƒ Daylight Pleasant Valley Stream, efforts should encourage fish currently beneath Rathbone Street; repopulation and support piscivo- restore banks to natural slopes and rous species of mammals and birds create riparian habitat. Banks of the to the river bank. Remove road stream should be reconstructed sand deposits; create sediment traps with shallow grades to provide and ensure that they are maintained access and should be revegetated (see Sedimentation section). with native riparian plant communi- ties. Purchase lands along the ƒ Create interpretive signage to Woonasquatucket and Pleasant educate the public about the Valley Stream (Rathbone Street), Woonasquatucket and plans for and wherever possible restore restoration. Interpretive signage riparian habitat. This will form a might allay concerns about the array habitat corridor between forested of wildlife that might be seen in a wetland at Davis Park and the particular habitat. Muskrat, for Woonasquatucket. It will also example, have a natural history and improve views of the area and place in the ecology of the marsh allow for increased groundwater that, when explained, might lead to recharge. Pocket wetlands or a park its greater acceptance by urbanites. could be constructed along this Signage could explain why over- daylighted corridor along Rathbone hanging branches, logs in the river, and Hemlock streets. and other riverine habitat features are left in place in certain areas. ƒ Wherever possible, restore natural banking to permit increased ƒ Enhance debris clean-up efforts groundwater recharge. Remove that involve various stakeholders to

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 12 Recommendations for Management

bolster community stewardship of the river. Residents, property owners, school children, and officials should all be engaged in these efforts at least twice a year.

ƒ Create an “Adopt-A-Spot” type of program that allows businesses, non-profit organizations, property owners, residents, or other groups to. choose a section of the river to maintain and enhance in accor- dance with the guidelines in this plan. Participation could involve activities from litter and debris clean up to invasive plant removal and native plant installation, to the installation of public amenities such as benches and educational signage.

ƒ Work with DOT to introduce traffic-calming features and increase pedestrian and vegetated riparian areas. Kinsley Avenue is a major artery to the Providence Place Mall, the Foundry, etc. and, as currently designed (a two-lane road), is an impediment to bank improvement and widening east of Dean Street.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 13 Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 14 Recommendations for Management


Existing Conditions

The current state of the river is uninviting to the public. A metal barrier and heavy vegetation along most of the perimeter obstructs views of and access to the river. Despite community efforts, litter is a recurrent problem. Pedestrians and cyclists face danger from a lack of visibility due to overgrown vegetation and from the high volume and speed of traffic along roadways adjacent to the river. Additionally, poor lighting, limited signage, and a lack of

Photo credit: Pam Rubinoff benches at strategic locations hinder Kayak launch site recreational use of the river. Although there is a bike path that runs from the Providence Place Mall to Atwells Avenue, it is seldom used and dangerous for bikers Priority Action Item due to cars traveling at excessive speeds along the roadway. Fencing along the road ƒ Through the use of the UCG, provides for safety, but prevents pedestri- CRMC will acquire new public ans and cyclists from accessing the river access points and improve on shoreline. The City Department of Public existing points. Public access Works does periodically maintain the grass includes trails, new pedestrian strips on the street side of the railing and bridges, canoe/kayak launches, and grass whip vegetation that pokes through benches. A pilot project at the the railing. One trash can adopted by the ALCO site will serve as a model for Steel Yard has been placed at an overlook providing new and improved area near Sims Street, though this is the access, as well as demonstrating the only one along the entire corridor. NBC, intended outcome of the UCG. Paul Cuffee School, CRMC, This management plan will serve as Woonasquatucket River Watershed Coun- a guide to CRMC and others in cil, and the city of Providence cosponsor a identifying future public access as cleanup effort annually to collect and well as improvement of existing dispose of trash and debris. NBC also sites. began a River Restoration Initiative, which included a floatables control program, an assessment of overgrowth, cleanup efforts, and education programs.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 15 Phase one of the Fred Lippitt sculpture and signage that will Woonasquatucket River Greenway, com- remind people of the name of the pleted by DOT, consists of bike lanes river and the fact that fish actually along the road and signage. A bicycle/ live in it. pedestrian path will eventually link recre- ational areas, green spaces, destination sites, and the neighborhoods of Manton, Hartford, Valley, Olneyville, Smith Hill to Vision Waterplace Park in downtown Providence. DOT placed benches along the river by in The Woonasquatucket River is a focal 1989 (some are now broken and/or tagged point for the Promenade District, with with graffiti) and the EPA and the areas available for wildlife and nature Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council viewing, kayak and canoe access, and posted signs along the river telling the public art that complements the landscape. public not to eat the fish and to keep the Bikers and walkers are given priority over river clean (some of those signs need to be vehicular traffic and there are ample areas replaced). The watershed council has to sit and enjoy the outdoors. The area is installed signs and artwork and runs canoe well-used by a community that feels a sense trips, and is collaborating with sculptor Will of pride in its river. The area is clear of Machin on creating 19 nesting houses for trash and debris and regularly maintained as American kestrels, screech owls, and tree such by a core team of volunteers and paid swallows. Banners indicating river assets municipal and private workers. Trash and highlighting the bike path adorn the barrels are found at regular intervals along lamp posts along Kinsley and Promenade. the riverbanks and regularly emptied.

Public access points exist at the following locations: ƒ Eagle Square. ƒ Pedestrian bridge east of Bath Street with benches and overlooks. ƒ New bike path at Eagle Square. ƒ Striping between mall and Dean Street. ƒ Striping between Dean Street and Eagle Square. ƒ Kayak launch with parking under- way at American Locomotive Company (Alco.) ƒ New bike path underway at Alc.o ƒ Large, barren pedestrian platform across from the Providence Journal. The Woonasquatucket River Photo credit: Austin Becker Existing benches on river overlook Watershed Council is installing a

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 16 Recommendations for Management

Issues public to access the river should be created. Traffic calming measures should be imple- Minimal public access points reduce mented when appropriate. Sidewalks use of the river should be broadened, and buffers and Enhanced physical public access is needed bikeways should be widened. New pedes- in this corridor. The area is relatively trian and traffic bridges should be created, inaccessible to those wishing to canoe, and present bridges should be improved kayak, bike, bird, walk, or just generally with art, landscaping, or interpretive enjoy the river area. signage. CRMC will use the contents of this management plan, specifically Map B: Public infrastructure reduces access to Proposed Changes in SAMP Area, which river identifies proposed additional access Existing traffic circulation and guardrails points, as guidance to achieve this goal. create an unwelcome environment for pedestrians and cyclists. Inadequate public CRMC agrees to implement the following parking exists for future access points. action in coordination with major partners Design and lighting are important consider- including the city of Providence, EPA, ations, so as not to create new areas for NRCS, DEM, and the Woonasquatucket illegal activities to take place. River Watershed Council:

Solid waste inundates the river Through the use of the UCG, CRMC will Trash and debris have been a constant acquire new public access points and problem along this section of the improve on existing points. Public access Woonasquatucket, but there is only one includes trails, new pedestrian bridges, trash barrel along this section of the river. canoe/kayak launches, and benches. A Tires, shopping carts, small appliances, and other debris are pulled from the river every year. As the river is at the base of a valley, trash picked up by the wind naturally settles out on or next to the river. Some of the trash is likely tossed out of passing vehicles.

Committed Implementation Actions

CRMC is committed to improving both physical and visual public access along this stretch of the Woonasquatucket River. Visibility for the public should be balanced Photo credit: Caitlin Chaffee Existing bike lane with creating sufficient tree and shrub canopy for wildlife habitat. Parking for the

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 17 pilot project at the ALCO site will serve as a model for providing new and improved access, as well as demonstrating the in- tended outcome of the UCG Policy. This management plan will serve as a guide to CRMC and others in identifying future public access as well as improvement of existing sites.

CRMC will consider the following addi- tional actions and coordinate with other entities to implement them if funding Photo credit: Austin Becker becomes available: Existing guard rails and unsightly solid waste along the riverside ƒ Place trash barrels at regular inter- ƒ Maintain and enhance existing vals. public access.

ƒ Place signage along the roadways ƒ Where possible, replace railings discouraging litter. with less intrusive barriers that allow for increased visibility of the ƒ Increase street sweeping along both river. These barriers could also sides of the river. allow for canoe/kayak access where feasible. ƒ Increase community clean-ups involving various groups to four ƒ Consider restricting heavy truck times/year. traffic to Harris Avenue.

ƒ Parking – Although there is plenty ƒ Increase public awareness of the of parking in the area, it is neces- value of the river to promote sary to identify specific spots where stewardship. Awareness may be the public may park vehicles and increased through signage that access the river area. This may be depicts the history of the area and/ achieved through striping or or the current conditions. Commu- signage. New parking areas should nity events such as art installations implement LID techniques to block parties, cleanups, and street address stormwater runoff (see Map fairs will bring people down to the B: Proposed Changes in SAMP Area river to enjoy a natural environment for proposed new public parking within this urbanized area. spaces). ƒ Trim low-lying branches to retain ƒ Require all undeveloped riverfront shade while improving safe passage properties to grant a dedicated and visibility. This requires an easement for public access. ongoing maintenance plan that

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 18 Recommendations for Management

the street with a pedestrian crossing and/or traffic light. o Sims/Kinsley Avenues – the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council owns canoes and kayaks that are kept at The Steel Yard. A launch at this location would facilitate public paddling trips.

Photo credit: Caitlin Chaffee ƒ New paths down to the water could Metal guard rail be created at any or all of the following three locations, which, due to their shallower grade, are doesn’t require permits/approval most suitable for public access. each year. Placement and infrastructure should take into account projected ƒ Canoe/kayak portages could be sea-level rise: created or improved at one or more o To the east Acorn Street of the following sites (see Map B: bridge on the south bank of Proposed Changes in SAMP Area): the river. o Eagle Square with parking o To the west of the Acorn provided in the adjacent lot. Street bridge on the south o At 349 Kinsley Street bank of the river . (across from CAPCO), there o To the east of Holden are two possible kayak Street on the south side of launch sites, one to the west the river. of the bridge and one to the o Traffic calming devices east. Both sites offer an would be required at any easier grade to get down to new canoe/kayak portages the water and a flatter area where crossings are danger- for kayaks and canoes to ous. Parking spaces would launch. also be needed to integrate o A kayak/canoe launch is with new access points. possible at the foot of Dedicated parking spaces Holden Street on the 903 may be designated within side of the river. This site existing lots at Eagle Square also offers an easier grade to and other properties. get down to the water and a flatter area for kayaks and canoes to launch. Parking could be provided across

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 19 ƒ Consider an adaptable traffic ƒ Curblines could be moved out to scheme whereby lanes could be create a dedicated bike path instead opened to traffic during peak flow of a bike lane. times (during winter holidays for example) and blocked off for ƒ Consider installing more traffic pedestrian/bicycle access at other lights. times. ƒ A gateway structure could be ƒ Improvements could be made to constructed at Dean Street and bridges: Kinsley Avenue and/or Atwells o Pedestrian bridge east of Avenue and Kinsley to help create a Barron Street could be sense of place on the river. improved with art, land- scaping, and interpretive ƒ Develop interpretative and histori- signage. This bridge could cal signs that promote protection of be opened up for vehicular waterways and enhanced under- traffic to create better traffic standing of American and Rhode flow and more options for Island heritage. Form a committee vehicles to turn around to decide what signs would be without having to drive the appropriate for which locations. entire length of the Prom- enade. Alternatively, this ƒ Designate space for education and bridge could be used for public events. For example, plat- public access parking and a form access points near new kayak new public access site, as it launch sites could be used for is constructed to carry student hands-on education oppor- vehicles and could be tunities (water sampling, hydrology converted relatively inex- lessons, habitat lectures, etc.). pensively. Create platform access points o New pedestrian and traffic between Dean and Acorn streets bridges are needed along the (north side of river) and/or at end river. Bridges could be of Holden Street, with a possible constructed to allow for additional river crossing there. canoe/kayak passage Platform access will allow for underneath them. One student groups to have access to possible location for a new the river for educational program- bridge is at Leland Street; ming purposes. Placement and another could be at the infrastructure should take into 903/Holden Street (see Map account projected sea-level rise (see B: Proposed Changes in Map B: Proposed Changes in SAMP SAMP Area). Area).

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 20 Recommendations for Management

ƒ Widen areas between walkways and roads and/or alter traffic patterns to slow or reroute traffic adjacent to heavily used public access points. Specifically, widen the sidewalk along river on Promenade Street from the Providence Place Mall to Bath Street, and widen the bikeway on Promenade Street and Kinsley Avenue. Curve the road to slow down vehicles and create interest along the streetscape.

ƒ All above improvements should be open and well-lit so as not to provide areas for criminal activity see Map B: Proposed Changes in SAMP Area.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 21 Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 22 Recommendations for Management


Priority Action Items that discharge polluted water and sedi- ments into the river. ƒ Beginning in 2009, CRMC will begin work with the city of Provi- dence to identify areas suitable for Vision new catch basins. This may include acquiring land and creating infra- The river is navigable by small craft except structure to keep the sediment on the lowest of tides. River water is clean basin maintained, then the estab- and provides fish passage through to the lishment of an appropriate mainte- upper portions beyond the project area. In nance schedule, which will be the summer, the river offers areas where communicated to the public. To be the public can paddle, fish, and enjoy the completed by 2010. water’s edge. A regular maintenance sched- ule will ensures that new sediment basins ƒ CRMC will require that all future are cleaned regularly. development plans incorporate low impact development techniques to minimize runoff and insure 100 Issues percent on-site treatment of stormwater. This will mostly be Sedimentation is impeding navigation implemented through the UCG. by recreational craft and affecting navigation downstream of the project area at Waterplace Park. Existing Conditions Polluted water and sediments are Sediments from street-sanding operations, affecting water quality and habitat. stormwater runoff, poor catch basin maintenance practices, and upriver sources are flowing into the river and making small craft (canoe and kayak) navigation difficult Committed Implementation due to shoaling and shallower depths. In Actions addition, the basin at Waterplace Park acts as a settling pond and is rapidly filling in. CRMC is committed to managing the river This impacts the WaterFire program by so that it is navigable by small craft most making small motorcraft navigation diffi- of the time and that this portion is clean cult, especially during low tides. Flood and provides fish passage through to the waters following large rainfall events push upper portions beyond the project area. this sediment downstream and eventually CRMC agrees to implement the following into the Narragansett Bay estuary. There actions in coordination with major partners are also a number of overflow outfall pipes

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 23 including the city of Providence, EPA, NRCS, DEM, and the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council.

In addition to the priority action above, CRMC will consider the following addi- tional actions and coordinate with other entities to implement them if funding becomes available. Many of the sedimenta- tion issues identified here are addressed in greater detail in DEM’s TMDL report (see Appendix C.)

ƒ Create program to re-open ponds in Greenville/Smithfield to increase Photo credit: Austin Becker Sand sedimentation from street sanding flow during low flow times. operations.

ƒ Identify and protect from encroach- ments a settling basin just upstream of the Providence Place Mall or near Dean Street that can be easily dredged from the land on an as- needed basis. Develop staging area for dredging to maintain settling basin on frequent basis.

ƒ Begin regular public posting of catch-basin maintenance schedule online or in other public arenas.

ƒ Create dredge plan and fund to provide for ongoing coordinated dredge maintenance schedule.

ƒ Create sediment basin(s) upstream of project area to catch sediment before it filters downstream.

ƒ Inventory stormwater discharges and identify which sediment catch basins and sumps require more frequent cleaning and maintenance.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 24 Recommendations for Management


This plan is meant to guide improvements to the Promenade District of the Woonasquatucket River. Since its days as a driver of the Industrial Revolution, the river has become neglected and overgrown. But, the area is full of promise. Nestled between the ever-popular Waterplace Park and the up and coming Olneyville neigh- borhood, this river area can serve as a gateway to the downcity area and as a new place for recreation, habitat, and enjoyment of the outdoors. As the center of the neighborhood, the river can generate community pride and a sense of steward- ship among residents and visitors alike. Much work has already been completed for the area, but much is still left to do in order to achieve the shared vision laid out in this plan.

At the request of the stakeholders, CRMC, together with RISG/CRC, has assembled this plan to lay out a course of action. Responsible parties are identified, as well as a timeline for completion. Although some of the recommendations in this plan will be implemented by CRMC through permitting, many must be adopted by other responsible parties. This plan is meant to serve as a guidance document, and can only be effective with the ongoing collabo- rative spirit already established by the stakeholders.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 25 Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 26 Recommendations for Management


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California Stormwater Quality Association. (2003). Municipal Stormwater Best Management Practices Source Control Fact Sheet 73. Retrieved April 26, 2007, from http:// www.cabmphandbooks.com/Documents/Municipal/SC-73.pdf

Code of Ordinances, City of Providence, Rhode Island. Retrieved September 1, 2007, from http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=11458&sid=39

Clinton, W.J. (1997). State of the Union Address. Retrieved February 11, 2008, from http:// www.let.rug.nl/usa/P/bc42/speeches/sud97wjc.htm

Ferguson, B., Pinkham, R., & Collins, T. (1999). Re-Evaluating Stormwater—The Nine Mile Rune Model for Restorative Development. Colorado: Rocky Mountain Institute.

Golet, F.C., Myshrall, D.H.A., Miller, N.A., & Bradley, M.P. (2002).Wetland Restoration Plan for the Woonasquatucket River Watershed, Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.

Herson-Jones, L., Heraty, M., & Jordan, B. (1995). Environmental Land Planning Series: Riparian Buffer Strategies for Urban Stream Protection. Washington, DC: The Metropoli- tan Washington Council for Governments.

Horsley Witten Group, Inc. Model Landscape Zoning Bylaw for the North South Rivers Watershed Association. Retrieved June 4, 2007, from http://www.nsrwa.org/pdf/ LandscapeBylaw.pdf

Klienschmidt Associates. (2001). Woonasquatucket River Riparian Buffer Restoration Project. A report to the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Sustainable Watersheds Office and the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council.

Millar, S., Flinker, P., Dodson, H., La Cour, S., Blanchette, H., Wilson, K., Claytor, R., & Kelly, N. (2005). The Urban Design Manual. Rhode Island Department of Environ- mental Management, Environmental Protection Agency New England.

Millar, S., et al. (2004).Woonasquatucket Greenspace Protection Strategy. A report to the Woonasquatucket Watershed residents.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 27 Nicholson & Sands, LLC. (2004). Report on “Hard-To-Dispose-Of” Items. The Narragansett Bay Commission and Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation.

Northern Virginia Planning District Commission for the Virginia Department of Conserva- tion and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. (1996). Nonstructural Urban BMP Handbook—A Guide to Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Through Nonstructural Measures. Virginia: Department of Conservation and Recreation/ Division of Soil and Water Conservation.

Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (2006). A Source Book on Natural Landscaping for Public Officials. Chicago, Illinois. Retrieved April 26, 2007, from http:// www.epa.gov/greenacres/toolkit/index.html

Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council. Coastal Buffer Zone Management Guidance. Retrieved April 26, 2007, from http://www.crmc.ri.gov/pubs/pdfs/ buffermg.pdf

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, in prep., data from Alan Libby, Freshwater & Anadromous Fisheries Biology, Division of Fish and Wildlife, DEM.

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. (2007). Woonasquatucket River Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Dissolved Metals Total Maximum Daily Loads.

San Bernadino County, CA. Landscaping Standards 19.28. Retrieved April 26, 2007, from http://www.naco.org/Content/ContentGroups/County/Codes/Planning/ PL004.pdf

Scenic America. Landscaping Model Ordinance. Retrieved April 26, 2007, from http:// www.scenic.org/planning/model_ordinance

Schueler, T. (1995). Environmental Land Planning Series: Site Planning for Urban Stream Protec- tion. Washington, DC: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; Center for Watershed Protection.

Stevens, L.E., Brown, B.T., Simpson, J.M., & Johnson, R.R. (1977). The importance of riparian habitat to migrating birds. Importance, Preservation and Management of Riparian Habitat: A Symposium July 9, 1977. Tucson, Arizona. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-42, pp. 156-164.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2002). Woonasquatucket River tree swallow project. Woonasquatucket River Environmental Update, Centerdale Manor Resto- ration Project, US EPA, New England Region. Retrieved September 1, 2007, from http://www.epa.gov/region01/superfund/sites/centreda/35147.pdf

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 28 Recommendations for Management

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Waste Site Cleanup & Reuse in New England: Centredale Manor Restoration Project. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from http:// yosemite.epa.gov/r1/npl_pad.nsf/f52fa5c31fa8f5c885256adc0050b631/ CE2CFB58C8F034F38525692A00054D04?OpenDocument

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Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 29 Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 30 Recommendations for Management


greater than 1000 square feet) and includes LANDSCAPE DESIGN the following: General Considerations ƒ Photograph(s) of existing condi- Intensive landscape management will be tions. allowed only in those areas of the ƒ Property lines. Woonasquatucket Promenade district ƒ Location, Latin and common riparian corridor that are designated as 1) names, and caliper of existing viewshed areas, 2) public access areas and native trees and other native their associated setbacks or 3) public vegetation. recreation areas and their associated ƒ Location and Latin and common setbacks. Only minimal management will names of vegetation to be removed be allowed in designated wildlife habitat ƒ Latin and common names and areas. caliper or container size of plants to be installed, their planned locations, To maximize habitat value and maintain a and spacing. “natural” aesthetic in all areas, informal, ƒ Easements and public utilities dense groupings of approved plants should ƒ Existing and proposed curbs, be used in lieu of isolated specimen gutters, sidewalks, or pavement plantings. Plantings should include an edges. appropriate mix of trees, shrubs ,and ƒ Proposed public amenities (parking groundcovers and a diversity of species areas, walks, etc.). similar to that of existing native vegetation ƒ Proposed stormwater management in the Woonasquatucket riparian corridor. practices. Monotypic stands (large areas covered by a ƒ Hardscaping and any other pro- single species) are to be avoided. Plants posed landscape features should be sited appropriately according to ƒ Cross-sections of landscape fea- the requirements (sunlight, soil moisture, tures etc.) of each species. Existing native trees ƒ Delineation of public access, should be preserved in all areas along the viewshed and habitat restoration Woonasquatucket. areas. ƒ Delineation of existing and planned Landscape Plan Requirements turf areas Applicants wishing to alter riparian vegeta- ƒ Vegetation maintenance plan. tion within the Woonasquatucket Prom- enade district riparian corridor must submit Plant Selection a landscape design plan that is created by a In order to minimize fertilization and licensed landscape architect (for areas irrigation requirements and improve wild- life habitat value, only native species or

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 31 approved non-native, non-invasive species ƒ Selective pruning and removal of should be planted within the dead native plant material should Woonasquatucket riparian corridor. Only only be done where necessary to native species should be planted in desig- protect public safety (e.g. where nated habitat areas. Minimize maintenance vegetation poses a threat to existing requirements through the proper selection utilities). and siting of plant material. Determine ƒ Clear cutting of vegetation is not planting locations for each species accord- permitted in habitat areas. ing to its requirements (e.g. full sun, shade, ƒ Only native species (as identified soil type). on URI/CRMC Coastal Plant List) should be used for restorative Vegetation planted within the floodplain of plantings. the river should consist of riverbank ƒ Hybrids and cultivars of native species that will help to mitigate erosion species should be avoided to and that are capable of withstanding the maintain genetic diversity within shear force of storm flows. Appropriate the plant community. Use of erosion control measures (e.g. use of specific cultivars will be approved coconut fiber mats) should be applied on a limited basis. where necessary during establishment of ƒ Restorative plantings should mimic riverbank vegetation. the existing native plant communi- ties along the Woonasquatucket Lawn areas should be kept to a minimum riparian corridor in species diversity throughout the Woonasquatucket riparian and vegetation type. corridor. Lawns will not be permitted ƒ Maximum spacing between planted within designated habitat areas. Where shrubs and groundcovers within lawns are planted, low-maintenance fescue habitat areas should be equal to the seed mixes should be used. plant’s estimated diameter at maturity to ensure an acceptable Habitat minimum density of vegetation. The following guidelines should be ob- ƒ Living herbaceous groundcovers served within designated habitat areas: should be planted or shredded bark ƒ Existing native trees and shrubs mulch applied beneath new should be preserved to the greatest plantings of trees and shrubs to extent possible. discourage the growth of invasive ƒ The leaf litter layer should be plant species. preserved to enhance habitat value and inhibit invasive species growth. Public Safety and Access ƒ Invasive species removal within To promote public safety and facilitate designated habitat areas will be pedestrian and visual access to the river, approved on a case-by-case basis, the following vegetation height restrictions and must be accompanied by a and setbacks should be observed*: revegetation plan.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 32 Recommendations for Management

ƒ Vegetation within designated view corridors should be kept to a Landscape Installation maximum height of 3 feet. Trees The following installation guidelines should may be placed within view corridors be observed: if they are able to be limbed or ƒ Planting should be done according otherwise maintained to preserve to nursery specifications. the view of the river ƒ Materials to be planted should meet ƒ Vegetation within sight distance the American Nursery and Land- triangles at the intersection of the scape Association’s Standards for public right-of-way or at the inter- Nursery Stock. section of any ingress or egress ƒ At time of planting, canopy trees driveway and the public right-of- should be at least 1.5 to 2” caliper way should be kept to a maximum size (min. 20 gal container size). height of 2 feet. Sight distance Shrubs should have a minimum triangles should be calculated container size of 5 gallons. according to the American Associa- ƒ Planting should occur in late fall or tion of State Highway and Trans- early spring. Avoid planting during portation Officials (AASHTO) summer months. guidelines (http:// ƒ The use of soil amendments such www.fhwa.dot.gov/programadmin/ as compost prior to planting is y2kgb.htm). encouraged to reduce the need for ƒ A setback of 4 feet should be additional fertilizers during plant maintained from the edges of all establishment. public access areas within which vegetation should be maintained at Landscape Maintenance a maximum height of 2 feet. Maintenance plans should be submitted ƒ Vegetation should be maintained at along with landscape plans, and should appropriate heights such that it include a detailed list of vegetation mainte- does not visually screen public nance activities. Activities addressed within access areas. Public access areas the maintenance plan should include: and pathways should be easily ƒ Pruning and removal of dead viewed from adjacent streets and material. properties. ƒ Leaf removal (not permitted in ƒ Planted trees and shrubs should be habitat areas). offset so as not to interfere with ƒ Weeding and removal of invasive overhead utilities and signals. species. ƒ Mulching. * In public access, setback, and viewshed ƒ Irrigation. areas, shorter dwarf cultivars of approved ƒ Fertilization. species may be used to facilitate mainte- ƒ Pest management. nance of the vegetation at specified heights. For each activity, the maintenance plan should identify the party responsible for

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 33 that activity, as well as a detailed schedule ƒ Reduce the use of high-nitrogen of when the activity will occur. fertilizers that produce excess growth requiring more frequent Suggested Practices: mowing or trimming. Use soil mixtures that reduce fertilization. Pruning and weeding ƒ Avoid landscape wastes in and ƒ Whenever possible, use mechanical around storm drain inlets by using methods of vegetation removal bagging equipment or by manually (e.g., mowing with tractor-type or picking up the material. push mowers, hand cutting with gas or electric powered weed trimmers) Irrigation rather than applying herbicides. Use ƒ Keep landscape irrigation needs to hand weeding where practical. a minimum through proper plant ƒ Avoid loosening the soil when selection. conducting mechanical or manual ƒ Irrigation of plant materials will weed control; this could lead to only be permitted during the erosion. Use mulch or other ero- establishment of new plant mate- sion-control measures when soils rial. are exposed. ƒ Whenever possible, utilize water ƒ Place temporarily stockpiled mate- collected in stormwater manage- rial away from watercourses, and ment practices such as rain barrels berm or cover stockpiles to prevent and cisterns for landscape irrigation. material releases to storm drains. ƒ Where irrigation is necessary during plant establishment, use practices Invasives control that promote water conservation, ƒ See CRMC certification for such as soaker hoses and moisture invasives control. http:// sensors. www.crmc.ri.gov/ index.html#coastlandscapes Fertilizers and pesticides ƒ The use of fertilizers will only be Waste management permitted for the establishment of ƒ Leaves, sticks, or other collected new plant material. vegetation should be disposed of as ƒ Soil tests should be performed to leaf and yard waste at the Central determine whether fertilizer is Landfill. Do not dispose of col- needed for the establishment of lected vegetation into waterways or new plant material. storm drainage systems. ƒ The use of fertilizer is not recom- ƒ Place temporarily stockpiled mate- mended for newly planted trees. rial away from watercourses and Soil amendments such as compost storm drain inlets, and berm or should be used in lieu of fertilizers. cover stockpiles to prevent material ƒ Do not use fertilizers or pesticides releases to the storm drain system. if rain is expected within the following 24 hours. Apply fertilizers

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 34 Recommendations for Management

and pesticides only when wind ation of alternative application speeds are low (less than 5 miles techniques. per hour). ƒ Triple-rinse containers, and use ƒ Calibrate fertilizer and pesticide rinse water as product. Dispose of application equipment to avoid unused pesticide as hazardous excessive application. waste. ƒ Incorporate fertilizers into the soil ƒ Dispose of empty pesticide con- where possible, rather than broad- tainers according to the instructions casting onto the surface. on the container label. ƒ After application, sweep excess fertilizer from pavement and *Follow all federal, state, and local laws sidewalk back onto lawn or veg- and regulations governing the use, storage, etated areas. Never rinse fertilizer and disposal of fertilizers and pesticides off of these surfaces with a hose or and training of applicators and pest control sweep excess fertilizer into a curb, advisors. gutter, or storm drain. ƒ Periodically test soils to determine fertilizer needs. ƒ Utilize a comprehensive manage- ment system that incorporates integrated pest management (IPM) techniques (see the Northeastern IPM Center’s website at www.northeastipm.org for refer- ences). ƒ Use pesticides only if there is an actual pest problem (not on a regular preventative schedule). ƒ Purchase only the amount of pesticide that you can reasonably use in a given time period (month or year depending on the product). ƒ Do not mix or prepare pesticides for application near storm drains or within 50 feet of the river’s edge. ƒ Prepare the minimum amount of pesticide needed for the job, and use the lowest rate that will effec- tively control the pest. ƒ Employ techniques to minimize off- target application (e.g., spray drift) of pesticides, including consider-

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 35 Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 36 Recommendations for Management


Stormwater runoff from urbanized areas can be a significant source of pollutants to buildings can feature a wide variety of LID surface water bodies. In addition, the high techniques that result in new habitats, percentage of impervious surfaces (roofs, visually interesting architectural and roads, parking lots) in these areas prevents landscape design features, and zero un- water from infiltrating into the ground and treated discharge into the replenishing groundwater supplies. This Woonasquatucket River. increases the volume of stormwater runoff that is generated during rainfall events. Recommendations The UCG requires 100 percent onsite stormwater management through innova- The Metro Bay UCG requires applicants tive LID practices. All new permit applica- within the Metro Bay SAMP area to use tions must be signed by a reviewer who has LID to the greatest extent possible to been LID certified by CRMC. Property manage stormwater runoff. LID refers to a owners not required to submit applications suite of stormwater management tech- to CRMC are encouraged to enhance their niques that aim to mimic the natural properties using these types of techniques hydrology of a site. LID uses small-scale in order to reduce the pressure on the sewer distributed practices that retain, filter, system in the area. infiltrate, or collect stormwater on site for reuse, instead of directing it to a sewer Innovative LID Applications for the system and discharging it into surface water Woonasquatucket River Area: bodies. LID reduces stormwater volumes ƒ Vegetated “green walls” can be and enhances groundwater recharge, used as retention walls that provide protecting water quality and groundwater for new habitat and greenspace. supplies. Because many LID techniques ƒ New and old buildings can be fitted have vegetation incorporated into their with “green roofs” that provide design, they offer aesthetically pleasing habitat, improve air quality, and stormwater management methods that can filter and use rainwater. enhance property values by doubling as ƒ Terraced rain gardens or tiered landscape amenities. LID techniques can systems can collect water in a series also be used as educational tools to raise of basins that filter runoff before it awareness about stormwater and its envi- finally enters the river. ƒ ronmental effects. LID techniques include Vegetated swales can be installed as drainage channels that help to slow rain gardens, vegetated swales, dry wells, surface runoff and convey it to cisterns for rainwater collection, pervious other storm water management paving surfaces, and green roofs. practices. The Promenade district can be a showcase for LID innovations. New and renovated

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 37 Additional Information The Urban Coastal Greenways Design Manual provides detailed guidance for selecting, designing, and implementing LID practices. This document can be found online at http://www.crmc.ri.gov/regula- tions/programs/UCG10oct06.pdf.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 38 Recommendations for Management


April 2007. From RI Department of charging directly to the river. Best manage- Environmental Management ment practices (BMP) priority areas must include those outfalls and any other MS4-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS stormwater conveyances located in Dyerville, Olneyville, and Smith Hill. Many City of Providence streets within this area exhibit a significant The city of Providence submitted a Draft slope towards the river and allow rapid Phase II Stormwater Management Program concentration and transport of stormwater Plan (SWMPP) in March 2004.TMDL to the river. Priority must be given to those recommendations for the city focus on the outfalls that are greater than 24 feet in control of stormwater from the large diameter. All BMP evaluations must amounts of impervious area draining to the investigate the feasibility of distributing river. The EPA Pipe Reconnaissance infiltration throughout the drainage area of Survey identified approximately 236 pipes priority outfalls. along the Woonasquatucket within the city limits of Providence. The SWMPP requires As part of its Good Housekeeping/Pollu- the city to compile a map of existing storm tion Prevention requirements (Section sewer overflows based on existing munici- 7.3a), the city must investigate the feasibil- pal mapping and GIS projects. The city ity of street sweeping certain areas within should utilize the existing information the watershed more than the required once- compiled by EPA and coordinate with the annual schedule. Additional street sweep- NBC and DOT to confirm EPA study ing would be beneficial within the outfalls and identify and map any remaining Olneyville area. Street sweeping must also outfalls. occur more regularly in those areas within the immediate topographic boundary of the Upon approval of this TMDL, the city of river (i.e., focusing on those streets and Providence will have 180 days to amend its roads that drain directly towards the river). SWMPP consistent with Part IV.D of the In addition, the city must make efficient General Permit and more specifically, removal of debris and litter on streets a Section 7.3B and 7.3D of this TMDL. The priority and tailor street sweeping activities city of Providence will be required to accordingly. The city should coordinate identify all outfalls, including channelized with NBC and examine the feasibility of flows, to the Woonasquatucket as part of increased street sweeping activities within their Stormwater Phase II Requirements. the CSO catchments. This would have the added benefit of reducing litter and debris The city should coordinate with DOT to that enter and often block regulators and complete the identification, mapping, and diversion structures causing dry weather determination of ownership and intercon- overflows. nections for all stormwater outfalls dis-

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 39 As stated in the SWMPP and in order to prevent water quality impairments from stormwater runoff, the city must focus their efforts on the following, particularly in the Smith Hill and Olneyville neighbor- hoods: ƒ Focus commercial and industrial educational programs on companies located in the floodplain. These programs must include discussions of proper waste management and good housekeeping practices. The city should continue to work with and support the efforts of water- shed organizations such as theWoonasquatucket River Water- shed Council. ƒ Focus on an aggressive city-wide educational program to change current behaviors to protect and preserve water quality in the Woonasquatucket. Topics that must be included are pet and solid waste management proper lawn care and good housekeeping practices, and discouraging litter and debris. ƒ There areas located along Kinsley Avenue and Promenade Street where significant amounts of industrial, commercial, and high- density residential areas exist. Focusing on the illicit discharges in this area may dramatically reduce the amount of pathogens dis- charged to the Woonasquatucket River. ƒ Consider other litter management strategies such as increasing the number of trash cans in common areas, using youth volunteers to pick up trash, increasing the num- ber of dog waste receptacles, and initiating targeted inspections by city officials to insure dumpsters are covered and regularly emptied.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 40 Recommendations for Management


Feb. / March?—319 Grants ($4,000,000 for (DEM) FY07). Clean Water Act Section 319(h) funds are May/June–Riparian Restoration Grants provided only to designated state and tribal Funding for these grants is provided by the agencies to implement their approved Narragansett Bay and Watershed Restora- nonpoint source management programs. tion Bond to restore and protect the water State and tribal nonpoint source programs quality, and enhance the economic viability include a variety of components, including and environmental sustainability of technical assistance, financial assistance, Narragansett Bay and the state’s water- education, training, technology transfer, sheds. Eligible parties include state, local, demonstration projects, and regulatory and regional government and nonprofit programs. Each year, EPA awards Section agencies and private individuals with 319(h) funds to states in accordance with a appropriate administrative capacity. The state-by-state allocation formula that EPA grants, provided on a matching basis, will has developed in consultation with the give financial assistance for projects for the states. In accordance with guidance issued re-establishment of native species or other by EPA under Section 319 of the Clean improvement projects that restore riparian Water Act, Section 319(h) funding deci- habitat to a natural condition for the sions are made by the states. States submit purpose of water quality improvement/ their proposed funding plans to EPA. If a protection. state’s funding plan is consistent with grant eligibility requirements and procedures, Nov. to Jan.—Recreation Acquisition & EPA then awards the funds to the state. (RI Development Grants (individual awards = Coordinator: Betsy Dake) $40,000 to $300,000) Eligibility: applicant must be a Rhode (OTHER—STATE) Island municipality. The property must be kept available solely for public outdoor Coastal Habitat Restoration Trust Fund recreation on a permanent basis. Once the (CRMC) funds have been granted, the structures, ƒ $250k annual. land, and facilities may never be used for ƒ Eligible Organizations: City/town; non-outdoor recreational purposes. State; NGO; Non-profit. ƒ Match Requirements: None, how- May(?)—Historic and Passive Park Restoration ever match provided included as Grants ($8,000,000 for FY06), evaluation criterion. ƒ Contact: Caitlin Chaffee, CRMC June—Greenways Land Acquisition and Bikeway Development Grants Ongoing - R.I. State Revolving Fund ($15,000,000 total divided between land ƒ Funding through the R.I. Clean acquisition and bikeway and greenway Water Finance Agency (CWFA) and development projects). DEM.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 41 ƒ Contact - Anthony Simeone – (401) March 15 to November 1 - Wildlife Habitat 453-4430 (CWFA) or Jay Manning Incentives Program (WHIP). (401) 222-4700 x7254 (DEM). ƒ Funding through the NRCS ƒ Eligible organizations: Local ƒ Contact - Joseph Bachand – (401) government entities. 822-8818. ƒ Fundable activities: Restoration ƒ Eligible organizations: Private projects with direct benefit to water landowners, state agencies, and quality. non-governmental organizations. ƒ Matching requirements: Unknown. ƒ Fundable activities: Ecosystem restoration. Tax Incremental Financing District (TIF) ƒ Matching requirements: Up to 75 (according to Fred Vincent, 903 Properties) percent cost share. This form of public financing was used for public improvements for the Providence May - Community-Based Restoration Program Place Mall and also for the Corliss Landing ƒ Funding through the National waterfront project. Given the huge pro- Marine Fisheries Service. jected tax increases to result from the ƒ Contact - Robin Bruckner or Chris Farmer’s Market redevelopment, the Doley – (301) 713-0174. American Locomotive development, ƒ Eligible organizations: Public and expansion of the Foundry complex and the private project sponsors. full tax levy in 2013 from the 903 Resi- ƒ Fundable activities: Small-scale dences, it would not be difficult to craft a locally driven habitat restoration TIF that would generate sufficient annual projects. tax income (above current tax income) ƒ Matching requirements: 1:1 cash from these developments to fund a local and in-kind. revenue bond for river improvements. June 1/October 15 - National Fish and Wildlife (OTHER—FEDERAL) Foundation Grants ƒ Funding through the National Fish February - Five Star Restoration Challenge and Wildlife Foundation. Grants ƒ Contact - Karen Hester – (401) ƒ Funding through the National Fish 222-2023. and Wildlife Foundation and EPA. ƒ Eligible organizations: States, ƒ Contact - John Pai (EPA) – (202) federal agencies, non profits, 260-8076 or Tom Kelsch – (202) universities and local government.s 857-5662. ƒ Fundable activities: On the ground ƒ Eligible organizations: Public and restoration and conservation work. private project sponsors. ƒ Matching requirements: Varies. ƒ Fundable activities: Community- based restoration initiatives in September - Wildlife Conservation and watersheds. Appreciation Grant ƒ Matching requirements: None. ƒ Funding through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and EPA. ƒ Contact – (703) 358-1852.

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 42 Recommendations for Management

ƒ Eligible organizations: State fish and wildlife agencies (*Private organizations and individuals must work with their state agency). ƒ Fundable activities: Restoration of habitat as part of broader conserva- tion plan. ƒ Matching requirements: N/A.

(Ongoing) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Partner with local sponsors (state agencies) to provide technical assistance and funding for large-scale projects involving environ- mental remediation and restoration, natural resource management, stream bank and shoreline protection, and navigation main- tenance and improvement.


December—Embrace-A-Stream program, Trout Unlimited Embrace-A-Stream (EAS) is a matching grant program administered by the National Office of Trout Unlimited (TU) that awards funds to TU chapters and councils for coldwater fisheries conservation. Since its inception in 1975, EAS has funded 884 individual projects for a total of more than $3.5 million in direct cash grants. Local TU chapters and councils have contributed an additional $6.5 million in cash and in-kind services to EAS funded projects for a total investment of more than $10 million. Partners include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Costa del Mar Sunglasses, and the Fish America Founda- tion. In 2007, the average grant award was $5,800. Projects were located in 18 states and were consistent with TU’s national conservation priorities concerning water quality, instream flows, Pacific and Atlantic salmon restoration, and native and wild trout conservation.


The renderings below were done in Spring 2007 by URI Landscape Architecture students in Professor Richard Sheridan’s senior design studio. This class studied low impact devel- opment and best management practices for the Woonasquatucket River area of Provi- dence, Rhode Island. The selected illustrations highlight increased public access, recre- ation, green space for local residents, and new methodologies for storm water retention and filtration while providing for wildlife habitat in an urban setting.

Greenspace. (Pleasant Valley Park) Rendering by: Lara Skilins

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 44 Recommendations for Management

Eagle Square with urban wetlands implemented as well as a boat ramp. Rendering by: Rayna Coletta

The Green Bridge showing solar panels, informational signage, and vegetated channels with pipes. Rendering by: Rayna Coletta

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 45 An intensive green roof on the foundry. Views of the river. Rendering by: Rayna Coletta

Green Rooftops. Rendering by William Sewter

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 46 Recommendations for Management

Woonasquatucket River - Proposed Renovations Rendering by: William Sewter

Roadway Cross Section- Catch basin/Wetland Alternative Rendering by: Michael D'angelo

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 47 Storm Planters Rendering by: William Sewter

Indoor/ Atrium Water Treatment Rendering by: William Sewter

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 48 Recommendations for Management

Streetscape Rendering by: Lara Skilins

Greenspace Rendering by: Lara Skilins

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 49 Roadway Cross Section - Catch Basin/Wetland Alternative Rendering by: William Sewter

Access & Connections Rendering by: William Sewter

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 50 Recommendations for Management

Riverbank (green walls) Rendering by: Lara Skilins

Greenspace (Clearwater Park) Rendering by: Lara Skilins

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 51 Eagle Square with possible future kayak access Rendering by: Michael D'angelo

Woonasquatucket River & Promenade Street District 52