Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Dr Syn Returns by Dr Syn Returns by Russell Thorndike. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Cloudflare Ray ID: 658dda8edc4484b0 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Dr Syn Returns by Russell Thorndike. Identity/Class : Normal human. Affiliations : Curlew (Jenny Banks, sidekick - see notes); Hellspite (Sexton Mipps - see notes) Enemies: The King's Revenuers. Known Relatives : None. Aliases : Captain Clegg. Base of Operations : -Under-The-Wall, Kent, England. First Appearance : (1915) Powers/Abilities : A good horseman and pistol shot. His main ability are his quick wits and keen intellect. History : "Doctor Christopher Syn is one of the most interesting and unusual figures of the 18th Century. A tall, slender, charismatic man with a commanding presence, Dr. Syn was a man who would have succeeded in any career. Syn was a brilliant scholar and rousing preacher as well as being one of the finest swordsmen, riders, and seamen in all of England. Unfortunately, Christopher's promising career was cut short when he was betrayed in love and left his calling to pursue a quest for vengeance across the world. He assumed the identity of the soon infamous pirate Captain Clegg, and roamed the seas for many years. Eventually he returned to England and the little town of Dymchurch-Under-the-Wall (a coastal village on in the county of Kent, Southern England), where he became the vicar. But his past would not let him go. He learned that many of his parishioners were involved in smuggling. Syn resolved to protect them from the agents of the King's Revenue. Assuming the masked identity of the , and with his faithful church sexton and ex-pirate colleague Mr. Mipps, he led the smugglers who made up of 'The Men of the Marsh'. By day Dr. Syn was a respectable vicar, by night he was the 'Scarecrow', the much feared and admired head of the smugglers. Ironically, it may be in the masked Scarecrow that Syn truly was able to be himself. This persona finally allowed him to combine the compassion of the clergyman with the cunning and the swashbuckling style of the pirate captain." Comments : Created by Russell Thorndike, the Reverend Dr. Syn appeared in "Doctor Syn On The High Seas", "Doctor Syn Returns", "The Further Adventures Of Doctor Syn", "The Courageous Exploits Of Doctor Syn", "The Amazing Quest Of Doctor Syn", "The Shadow Of Doctor Syn" and "Doctor Syn". There have been 3 films made with the Doctor Syn character. Probably the best known is the Walt Disney film made of the character which starred Patrick McGoohan in the title role, known either as "The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh" or "Dr Syn, Alias the Scarecrow". However the first one, called "Doctor Syn", was produced in 1937 and starred George Arliss and Margaret Lockwood and another was released in 1962 by Hammer Horror called "Captain Clegg" or in the US "Night Creatures" starring . Strangley though in this the Vicar's name is Dr Blyss but the whole pirate / smuggler story is the same including the use of the all the other character's names. The change may have been down to a copyright issue, although this is uncertain. Thanks to "Gehenna" for correcting my spelling of Russell Thorndike's name, and informing me of the other two Scarecrow movies. There is an excellent site devoted to producing quality images of Dr Syn, located at - the full length portrait of The Scarecrow astride his steed is from their site, and used with their permission (i.e. please don't steal it for use elsewhere without asking them first). Another, very detailed Dr.Syn page is available at and is well worth checking out if you want more details on the character; alternatively check out the excellent davyo/drsyn.htm. There is also an in-depth site devoted to the Disney movie version, replete with dozens of excellent images from same, located at Tom Hering's Walt Disney's The Scarecrow site. Another site with Syn artwork is located here. David Ramzan sent me the above image of Syn, painted for the 'Day of Syn' Dymchurch festival a few years ago. In it you can see various aspects of Syn's life, such as his church and ship, and also his sidekicks Curlew and Hellspite. Copies of it are available to buy from his website, Matthew Baugh, whose own website on the character is quoted in the history above, notes in regards to Syn's sidekicks that "Russell Thorndike never gave Mipps a first name. He was always "Mr. Mipps" in the original stories, I believe 'Dimity' was the invention of William Buchanan when he wrote Christopher Syn (which was a reworking of Thorndike's Further Adventures of Dr.Syn ). Buchannan also invented Squire Banks (a cross between two Thorndike characters, Squire Tony Cobtree and the Lord of ) and his daughter Jenny. Jenny seems to be inspired by two characters from the Thorndike books also, Charlotte Cobtree and Cicily Cobtree, each of whom impersonated the Scarecrow in different adventures. In Christopher Syn it is Jenny Banks who takes the identity of Curlew. When Disney used Christopher Syn as the basis for their movie they saw fit to remove the element of romance and transformed Jenny into a new character named John." There is also a small mention of the Disney film on a French site, Le Mystérieux docteur Syn. Dr. Syn has also appeared in comics. The Disney movie was adapted into a three part Gold Key series in 1964. In Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen a portrait reveals that Dr Syn was a member of the 18th Century League, alongside the Scarlet Pimpernel, the Pimpernel's wife, Lemuel Gulliver (Gulliver's Travels), Natty Bumpo (Hawkeye from Last of the Mohicans) and Fanny Hill. A similar portrait, minus the ladies, is visible in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen film. LoEG also depicted Clegg attending a conference of famous fictional pirates. From left to right: Captain Clegg, Long John Silver (and parrot, Captain Flint), Captain Blood (back), Captain Pugwash (front), unknown (gaunt face, back), unknown (in shadows, back), Tom the Cabin Boy, Captain Hook, unknown (jacket, front), Captain Pissgums. Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know. All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source. Russell Thorndike, Author, Dies; Actor Wrote the ‘Dr. Syn’ Novels. LONDON, Nov. 8, (Reuters) —Russell Thorndike, an actor and author of the “Dr. Syn” novels, died last night at the age of S7. He was the younger brother of Dame Sybil Thorndike, the British actress who recently celebrated her 90th birthday. Mr. Thorndike, who was horn in Kent, Southeast England, followed his sister into the theater, making his first appearance at the Theater Royal, Cambridge, in 1904. Before World War I, he toured extensively in Britain, the United States, South Africa. India and the Far East, mostly playing Shakespearean roles. His first “Dr. Syn” book was published in 1915 and its hero, the smuggling parson of the Romney marshes, eventually made him famous. On the stage, Mr. Thorndike played in the London production of “Peter Pan” every Christmas until 1963. He leaves two sons and three daughters. The “Dr. Syn” stories were based on a legendary folk hero known to generations of English youngsters as The Scarecrow. By day he was Dr. Syn, a wise and gentle vicar; at night he led a hand of smugglers across the Kentish moors in the reign of King George Ill. An attempt was made to put Dr, Syn on the screen. A reviewer for The New York Times said that a 1937 GaumontBritish film, “Dr. Syn,” was “a humorous tapestry, full of 1Sth‐century gusto and grotesquerie and the decorative value without the historical to‐do for which nearly all superior British productions have been noted.” George Arliss played the main role. Mr. Thorndike also wrote, with Reginald Arkell, “The Tragedy of Mr. Punch,” a reteling of the puppet play in which Punch kills the baby, demolishes his wife and tricks the hangman into putting his own head into the noose. Doctor Syn. The Doctor Syn series consists of seven books, set in the eighteenth century. They were all written by Russell Thorndike. By day, the Reverend Christopher Syn is a mild-mannered country vicar. By night, the notorious smuggler known only as the Scarecrow leads his ruthless band across the Romney Marsh, easily defeating the authorities' attempts to capture him. Surely the two can't be connected in any way? And then there's the question of the notorious pirate, Clegg. Officially, he was caught and hanged shortly after Syn came to the Marsh. But the truth, of course, isn't so straightforward. The events of the series are set from 1754 to c. 1794. Russell Thorndike Books In Order. Russell Thorndike was a published author and English actor. He was well known for his character of Doctor Syn, which was made into a 1937 movie. A 1962 movie (Night Creatures) and 1963 movie (Alias The Scarecrow) also were based on the series. It was also featured in Magical World of Disney episodes. He was a versatile artist and although he did not become as well known as his sister, the Dame Sybil, his first love was for writing. His full biological name is Arthur Russell Thorndike. He was born on February 6, 1885, in Rochester, Kent. His father was recently offered a position at the cathedral there as a canon. He attended St. George’s School as a student and was a chorister as part of the Chapel. He suggested to his sister that they should both try out acting. She agreed and in 1903 they both began attempting to pursue it as their career. As a result, the two of them attended Ben Greet’s Academy. Just two years down the line, the two of them were able to join the company members on a tour of North America. Russell enjoyed touring and would stay on with them for nearly four more years. He would also go on to tour Asia and Africa. After serving in the first great world war, Russell Thorndike decided that he was going to devote his time to writing. Thorndike passed away November 7, 1972. Russell Thorndike is the creator and the author of the Doctor Syn of Rodney Marsh series of fictional novels. The series kicked off for the first time back in 1915 with the release of the debut novel. It is of course titled Doctor Syn. Readers would have to wait nearly twenty years before getting their hands on the second installment. A third book would come out just a year later, however, and ultimately there are 7 books in this series. Doctor Syn is the first novel in the series by the same name by author Russell Thorndike. If you are looking for a classic novel with plenty of action and adventure to be found on the pages, then check out this book for yourself! When it comes to disguising your identity and fooling everyone, Captain Clegg is good at it. That is the true name of the Dr. Syn, a man who is pretending to be a vicar. No one would ever suspect that this respectable man in the town of Dymchurch is actually a retired pirate who used to captain ships and sail the high seas. It is just about the turn of the eighteenth century, and Dr. Syn has been able to get away with all of this because people believed that the pirate Clegg was dead. They thought that the captain had been hanged and was by now dead in Rye. As a result, the authorities are not looking for him any longer as they do not intend to waste their resources on a pointless search. With the person that he used to be now officially thought to be dead, Clegg had a clear path ahead of him. So he traded in the old identity and life that he had for a new occupation. If he was good at being a pirate captain, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be just as able to adapt to being a religious authority. You would think that this quiet life would be somewhat able to occupy him, but it is just too quiet in the country. Dr. Syn ends up taking on smuggling because he simply is just too bored living in this identity. It turns out that you can take the pirate to the countryside but you can’t rely on the fact that he is going to be able to embrace it all the way. There’s always going to be a little bit of that pirate impulse left. Such is the case with Clegg, who cannot help but just indulge his appetite for chaos. Now the doctor and former pirate captain has taken on a new secret identity (that’s up to three now if the reader is counting along). Clegg has now become The Scarecrow as well. He needs a gang of people to back him up and recruits some smugglers to join his crew. They become known by the name of ‘Marsh Men’. The gang ends up traveling at night, going across Romney Marsh on the backs of their horses. Sometimes they decided to use their mounts painted up with phosphorus. The glowing nature of it makes them take on an appearance that is ghostly or spectral in nature. This is very effective as the word of them spreads and gives them a supernatural reputation of being full of menace and evil. Syn is a criminal, but he also wants to help out the people of the parish with the things that he has gotten. He is kind of like Robin Hood in that way, and becomes just as wanted. He has gotten back onto the radar and now the King is definitely sending men to find out where he is, catch him, and bring him back for punishment. With a group of hardened thugs out on the loose, he has to get his gang out of the law’s way. If they all end up captured, he is going to be sorry. Full of action and rebellious fun, this is one of the top adventure books of the day. Pick up a copy of the debut book in this series and read to the end to find out what happens and why this series was so popular back in the day! Doctor Syn On the High Seas is another tale in this iconic series by Throndike. Full of adventure and packed with action, check out this book if you’re a fan of classic fiction or just love a good fast-paced story! Syn had his old life as a pirate, but that’s done now. He’s a doctor, and he’s doing his best to move on and resist temptation to raise trouble. Fate led him to the high seas, but what is in store for this captain? Read this book to find out!