Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. chem. Māris TURKS Date of birth: March 11, 1976 Place of birth: Jelgava, Latvia E-mail: Professional Address: Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry Riga Technical University P. Valdena Str. 3 Riga, LV-1048, Latvia Phone: 371 67089251 Professional experience: 05.2012- Full professor, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia 06.2010- Director of the Institute of Technology of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia 06.2007-05.2012 Associate professor, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia 12.2006-06.2007 Docent, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia 12.2005-12.2006 SNSF Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford University, California, USA, with Prof. Barry M. Trost 02.2005-11.2005 Postdoctoral assistant, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, with Prof. Pierre Vogel 2001-2004 Teaching assistant, organic chemistry, EPFL, Switzerland 1995-2000 Assistant, Faculty of Chemistry, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia Education: 12.2000-01.2005 PhD studies, UNIL/EPFL, Switzerland, with Prof. Pierre Vogel 2001 DEA multinational de Chimie Moléculaire, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France (European Master of Molecular Chemistry) 1998-2000 Master of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry (with distinction), Riga Technical University, Latvia 1998-1999 Qualification as high school chemistry teacher, University of Latvia, Latvia 1994-1998 Bachelor of Chemistry (with distinction), University of Latvia, Latvia Other activities: 06.2015- Deputy Editor of Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 01.2015- Member of the Scientific Council at Riga Technical University (RTU) 04.2014- Member of the Professor Council for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at RTU 06.2013- Member of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics expert panel at the Latvian Council of Science 2012-2014 Member of RTU Senate, Chair of the Science Commission of RTU Senate 10.2012- Latvian representative at the Division of Organic Chemistry, European Association for Chemical and Molecular sciences 02.2010- Member of the Promotion Council P-01 at RTU 10.2011- Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Journal of RTU: Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry Dr. chem. Māris Turks. Curriculum Vitae Awards and scholarships: The Latvian Academy of Sciences Gustavs Vanags Prize (in Chemistry), 2016 Full Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2014 Corresponding Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2011 Riga Technical University Young Scientist of the Year 2010 Swiss NSF Fellowship for prospective researchers 12.2005-12.2006 for postdoctoral studies at Stanford University Invitation to “Roche Symposium for leading chemists of the next decade”, Basel, Switzerland, October 20-22, 2004. Thieme Poster Prize at International Conference on Organic Synthesis BOS2004 [Balticum Organicum Syntheticum], Riga, Latvia, June 27 - July 1, 2004. Scholarship from The Danish Rectors’ Conference for project in organic chemistry at University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2000. Prize for young scientists from Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999 and 2001. Selected research projects (2010 - ): 1) M. Turks (Head of Project). “Organic reactions in and with liquid sulfur dioxide” Latvian Council of Science Grant #12.0291 (2013-2016). 2) M. Turks (Head of Subproject). “Development of Novel Agents for Antitumor and Antimicrobial Therapy” Latvian Council of Science Cooperation Project #14.0593 (2014- 2017). 3) “Synthesis of novel (deaza)purine-triazole conjugates and applications of their fluorescent properties” Latvian-Lithuanian-Taiwanese joint grant # LV-LT-TW/2015/2 // W1935. M. Turks: Head of the Latvian part of the project (2015-2017). 4) “Design and synthesis of triterpenoids modified with cyclic triacylmethanes and heterocycles as additional pharmacophores”. Latvian-Belarus joint project # W1935. M. Turks: Head of the Latvian part of the project (2014-2015). 5) M. Turks (Head of Project). “Synthesis and secondary structure elucidation of novel carbopeptoids and triazole analogs thereof” Latvian Council of Science Grant #09.1557 (2009-2012). 6) M. Turks (Head of Subproject) “Development of multiheterocyclic chemistry for the preparation of new biologically active compounds” Latvian Council of Science Cooperation Project #10.0030 (2010-2013) 7) “Tetrahydroindazoles: synthesis, chemical transformations and biological activity”. Latvian-Belarus joint project. M. Turks: Head of the Latvian part of the project #L7630 (2010-2011) 8) M Turks (Head of Project). Biosynthesis and isolation of macrolide type of antibiotics and antiparasitic agents and production of synthetic derivatives thereof. ERAF project #2010/0278/2DP/ (2010-2013) Teaching and research supervision: Supervisor for 2 finalized PhD thesis and 1 active PhD thesis Supervisor for 13 Master’s thesis Supervisor for 28 Bachelor’s thesis Courses: Modern organic chemistry (PhD students) Selected chapters on heterocyclic chemistry (PhD students) Selected chapters on organic synthesis (Master students) Chemistry and technology of pharmaceutical drugs (Master students) Purification and analysis of organic compounds (Master students) Chemistry experiments and demonstrations (Bachelor students) Technologies for obtaining biologically active substances (Bachelor students) Page 2 of 5 Dr. chem. Māris Turks. Curriculum Vitae Selected publications: 1) Rjabovs, V.; Ostrovskis, P.; Posevins, D.; Kiseļovs, G.; Kumpiņš, V.; Mishnev, A.; Turks, M.* Synthesis of Building Blocks for Carbopeptoids and Their Triazole Isoster Assembly. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 5572-5584. 2) Turks, M.*; Rolava, E.; Stepanovs, D.; Mishnev, A.; Marković, D. Novel 3-C- aminomethyl-hexofuranose-derived thioureas and their testing in asymmetric catalysis. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2015, 26, 952-960. 3) Uzuleņa, J.; Rjabovs, V.; Moreno-Vargas, A. J.; Turks, M.* Synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole- linked glycohybrids in the gluco-, gulo-, and allopyranose series. Chem. Heterocycl. Comp. 2015, 51, 664–671. 4) Stikute, A.; Peipiņš, V.; Turks, M.* Synthesis of allyl sulfoxides from allylsilanes via silyl sulfinates. Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 4578-4581. 5) Novosjolova, I.; Turks, M.* User friendly synthesis of Vogel’s silyl sulfinate and its application in quantitative GC-MS analysis. Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Rel. Elem. 2015, 190, 1251-1256. 6) Lugiņina, J.; Bizdēna, Ē.; Leonciks, A.; Kumpiņš, V.; Grīnšteine, I.; Turks, M.* Synthesis and antibacterial activities of milbemycin A3/A4 5-phthalate and 5-glutarate derivatives. Chem. Heterocycl. Comp., 2015, 50, 1404-1412. 7) Turks, M.*; Vēze, K.; Kiselovs, G.; Mackeviča, J.; Lugiņina, J.; Mishnev, A.; Markovic, D. Synthesis and X-ray studies of novel 3-C-nitromethyl-hexofuranoses. Carbohydr. Res. 2014, 391, 82-88. 8) Romanchikova, N.*; Trapencieris, P.; Zemītis, J.; Turks, M.* A novel matrix metalloproteinase-2 inhibitor triazolylmethyl aziridine reduces melanoma cell invasion, angiogenesis and targets ERK1/2 phosphorylation. J. Enzyme Inhib. Med. Chem. 2014, 29, 765-772. 9) Mackeviča, J.; Ostrovskis, P.; Leffler, H.; Nilsson, U. J.; Rudovica, V.; Viksna, A.; Belyakov, S.; Turks, M.* Synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole-linked galactohybrids and their inhibitory activities on galectins. ARKIVOC 2014, iii, 90-112. 13) Novosjolova, I.; Bizdēna, Ē.; Turks, M.* Application of 2,6-diazidopurine derivatives in the synthesis of thiopurine nucleosides. Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 6557-6561. 14) Lugiņina, J.; Rjabovs, V.; Belyakov, S.; Turks, M.* A concise synthesis of sugar isoxazole conjugates. Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 5328-5331. 15) Kovaļovs, A.; Novosjolova, I.; Bizdēna, Ē.; Bižāne, I.; Skardziute, L.; Kazlauskas, K.; Jursenas, S.; Turks, M.* 1,2,3-Triazoles as leaving groups in purine chemistry: a three- step synthesis of N6-substituted-2-triazolyl-adenine nucleosides and photophysical properties thereof. Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 850-853. 16) Bizdena, E., Belyakov, S., Jure, M., Grinsteine, I., Kumpins, V., Turks, M.* X-Ray structure analysis of a solid solution of milbemycins A3 and A4. Nat. Prod. Res. 2013, 27, 1936-1939. 17) Turks, M.*; Rodins, V.; Rolava, E.; Ostrovskis, P. Belyakov, S. A practical access to glucose- and allose-based (5+5) 3-spiropseudonucleosides from a common intermediate. Carbohydr. Res. 2013, 375, 5-15. 18) Kreituss, I.; Rozenberga, E.; Zemītis, J.; Trapencieris, P.; Romanchikova, N.; Turks, M.* Discovery of aziridine–triazole conjugates as selective MMP-2 inhibitors. Chem. Heterocycl. Comp. 2013, 49, 1108-1117. 19) Turks, M.*; Strakova, I.; Gorovojs, K.; Belyakov, S.; Piven, Y.; Khlebnikava, T.; Lakhvich, F. A facile synthesis of 4-acylamino tetrahydroindazoles via the Ritter reaction. Tetrahedron 2012, 68, 6131-6140. 20) Turks, M.*; Rijkure. I.; Belyakov, S.; Zicāne, D.; Kumpiņš, V.; Bizdēna, Ē.; Meikas, A.; Valkna, A. On differences between racemic and enantiomerically pure forms of aziridine- 2-carboxamide. Chem. Heterocycl. Comp. 2012, 48, 861-868. 21) Lugiņina, J.; Rjabovs, V.; Belyakov, S.; Turks, M.* On Moffatt dehydration of glucose- derived nitro alcohols. Carbohydr. Res. 2012, 350, 86. Page 3 of 5 Dr. chem. Māris Turks. Curriculum Vitae 22) Rjabova, J.; Rjabovs, V.; Moreno Vargas, A. J.; Moreno Clavijo, E.; Turks, M.* Synthesis of novel 3-deoxy-3-C-triazolylmethyl-allose derivatives and evaluation of their biological activity. Centr. Eur. J. Chem. 2012, 10, 386. 23) Exner, J. C.; Turks, M.; Fonquerne, F.; Vogel, P. Concise Synthesis of Complicated Polypropionates
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