SMALL GROUP Q’s 4/11/21 "Doubting Thomas”

“It’s not always about our feelings, it’s about our focus. We have to decide, every day, what will get our focus first.” - Pastor Christy

Start Asking: ● “Doubting Thomas” gets a bad rap. One weak moment on his journey, and down it goes for all of history. Poor guy. ● They say “you are always 17 in your home town.” Is there anything you are known for that you wish you could leave behind once and for all?

Start Thinking: ● Think back to Pastor Christy's message (search Acton Methodist Church on YouTube for all sermons). What are you still chewing on?

Start Digging: ● READ - (:24-27) ● These are the verses that give Thomas his name, “Doubting Thomas.” What do you think contributed to his unwillingness to believe what the other disciples were telling him? ● After revealing himself to his disciples, returns just for Thomas. Why do you think he did this and what does this tell us about how Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, pursues us in the here and now? ● Jesus gets Thomas’ attention so that he might focus on Him. Does what we focus on impact our day to day lives? How?

Thomas, “I will not believe.” Jesus, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

● READ - (John 20:25) ● Thomas comes to believe Jesus and claims him as Lord. Imagine a time when Jesus has gotten your attention enough for you to claim again (or for the first time) that He is Lord. Did it change your day to day life in any way?

Thomas, My Lord and my God!

● READ - (John 20:29-31) ● What are your immediate thoughts on this passage? ● Jesus invites us all into the story when he says, “…blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” How does it make you feel to know that even then, Jesus had his mind on you, had a heart for you? ● How has/does/could this influence your day to day life?

These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name. Thank you Jesus!

Start Praying: Lean in, Trust God, Stay on the lookout for what God is doing: ● Pray every day. Pray by yourself and if you can with a spouse or a friend. (P.R.A.Y.) P-Pause, R-Rejoice and Reflect on the glory of God, A-Ask God where HE is moving, what HIS will is, and for anything you need HIM to enter in to with grace and mercy and, Y-Yield to the direction God is pointing you in. Say yes to God. ● This week, will you pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to turn your focus to Jesus? Will you pray that you are guided every day to go deeper in faith, deeper in service and deeper in witness?

Start Doing: Commit to a next step and do it this week. Commit right now! Let's go! ● Brothers and Sisters, Jesus meets you right were you are and loves you enough not to leave you there. The Scriptures say that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth (:13). Will you commit this week to read your every day (even for just a little bit) praying as you read that the Holy Spirit will guide you to truth? Does this change your reading time? What did you hear? Write it down to share with your group next time. ● Yes, this was a “Start doing” from last week, but remember, we want for Easter, the CHRIST, to matter in our lives and in the lives of those around us. So, this week, identify one person in your life, perhaps a stranger in the grocery store, you can speak the love of Christ into this week. All it takes is one person showing the love of Jesus to one other person for the fire of the Holy Spirit to spark anew. You can fan the flame this week. Will you?

Start Inviting: Who can you invite to worship or your home-group? Most people are just an invitation away from experiencing Jesus, being transformed by Jesus, in worship, a home group, or class. Will you invite at least one person to church or your home-group this week?