FBI Help Sought in Martin Murder Case .....M Or Eligibility for Certifi KITCHEN a BATH Troductory Gift!!! Laundry Facilities
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to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. March 22, 1988 M HELP WANTED K tr W M IT E D APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNITURE Ill court 25Cstaiiiiis Moving up NEW Home decor ca TELEMARKETING talog! Earn $$$ and fA SpcciQlii 1 and 2 bedroom spacious TWO Loveseats, 2 end bonuses on your time apartments available tables, coffee table, 1 Town sues Eighth Postmaker hopes April hike schedulel Represent for April 1st. Rents maple rocker with 2 Whalers top Jets, If you're brad of work start at $550 Includes removable uphol >rob- ing for the lame pay Merrl-Moc's 100% gua over sewer plan /3 *■ : won’t be repeated very soon /8 I the heat and hot water. stered cushions, 1 up regardleaa of perform ranteed line. Great CARPENTRY/ holstered foot stool, all move into fourth /17 program for hostesses N E0U 8 Individual basements ance, we have the aolu- LAW N CARE REMODELING SIDING with laundry hook-ups In good condition. 649- and demonstrators. 9676. 3tion tlon for you. What are Cor and phone needed. ■ •■••■•■■a I In quiet residential Coun hsof you qualified to earn? C all free now 1-800-992- CARPiNTRYA R F Roii.'Ing. No lob too ODD lobs. Trucking. oreo. 871-2844. 1072. Q A G L a w n S d iw c c b‘g or too smoll. Will Home repairs. You TWO Bedroom aport- BOATS/MARME An eif ehas Peanut! Mowing, trlmailng and spring REMODEUm SERVICES w ork 7 doys, until lob ConipMa horns lapalrs and ra- nome It, we do It. Free ment In 3 family. Beau EQUIPMENT Update •ans- KIdi Stuff HPVHr. siaanup. OapandaMo sarvloa inodailng. Wa apdolaltao In baHi- c o m p u te . 1 0 % d is estimates. Insured. 643- tiful condition with new m b e and low prioas. For Iraa roonw and kHenana. 8ma8 seala count for senior citi Extendc Average '7«/Hr. asHmals call 0304. appliances. $600 plus Real Estate oommardal work. Ra^larad, In- zens. Free estimates. utilities. Security dep C O L E M A N canoe- 16 May 251 Real Money '10/Hr. Paul - 646-8868 or aurad, lafaranoaa. Jo e 649-9251 or Rich. Sp r i n g cleanup. Lawn foot with extras. $400. Bidwell able 871-1814 evenlnaa mowing. Hedge frlm- osit and references re 646-5828. Top Dollar MS & UP Dan - 228-9O04 8 4 6 -S ie S mlng. Related truck quired. 646-3253. Chang I the ■ Boanaaowa sement cure If you are willing to HOMES PRESTIGE ROOnNG ing, Professlonot MANCHESTER- 3 bed FOR SALE PHIL'S UW N CURE 8 6 8 H o m i Roofing of aN types. Shinglas. equipment. Insured. room Duplex. $750 PETS AND designet ig on work, we are willing to References. Roy Hardy monthly plus utilities. Spring doanup, fartlllzing, Im provim iirtt 6 R ipilr flat rooting, roof lapolrs. extender l y . ” pay. Call C. Brown to 646-7973. I'/t baths, modern kit SUPPLIES All real estate advertised In planting, mowing. Waokly Complata, home care. All work gutnnIttO. update t arrange an Interview YARD Cleaning.' Garage chen, all appliances. 2 the Manchester Herald Is sarvtoo available. “No Job Too Small" Call months security. Ref RABBITS. Mixed breed. 8 lHanrliPatpr MpralJi Topic! sublect to the Fair Housing and cellar cleaning, weeks old. $7 each. D ia ^ o s |203| 289-1156 Act of 1W8, which makes It Call for fraa aatlmatas. Frsi Eitlm atn gutter cleaning, yard erences. No pets. 643- 742-7631 2121. Telephone 646-6649. Patients Illegal to advertise any pref 7 4 2 - 7 4 7 6 cleaning, pointing onci erence, limitation or discrim 646-1143 decorating, oil other MANCHESTER- 454 Main Patients RELIABLE babysitter ination based on race, color, H6R CONSTRUCTION miscellaneous odd Street. Second floor, 3 tory Cai for school vacation. religion, sex or national Get the Want Ad hobit... FARRAND REMODELING MRCELUNEOUS Wednesday, March 23, 1988 origin, or an Intention to read and use the little ads Roofing of all typea. lobs. Coll Charles 645- room heated. No ap Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents •The cc 10-3. Good hourly rate, Room addHIons. daeks, roofing, 6345 Anytime otter 4:30. pliances. Security. $480 FOR SALE for Interview call 643- moke any such preference, In Classified regularly. aiding, windows and gutWrs. Fr e e e s t im a t e s . Nurses limitation or discrimination. 643-2711. WEDDING Photo per month. 646-2426, 2387 after 6pm. ■aokhoa and buSdozar sarvloa All Work Guaranteed. weekdovs 9-5. 6 Michael Jackson tickets educatio The Herald will not know ovallaMa. Call Bob Farrand. Jr. grophy. Trouble find for sole. Call between For rt .....M TEACHER- Long term ingly accept any advertise ing 0 photographer? 1 Bedroom apartment In 8-3. 565-1779. substitute for grades ment which Is In violation of GOOKKEEPING/ Bin. 047-8509 647-0280 266-7149 .....U the low. We do emergency Bolton. Available May FOR Sale- As Is. 14 foot .....M • 78.8 Math. CT. State MCOME TAX R ll. 846-0849 booking! Call 649-3642 1st. Country setflnp. dates, I .....17 Certification In Math SOUTHERN N ew Eng- and ask about our In Stove, refrigerator, metal Bestos SS 2 stove land classifleld ads pipe. Shennandoah FBI help sought in Martin murder case .....M or eligibility for certifi KITCHEN A BATH troductory gift!!! laundry facilities. Heat ,....19 cation reaulred. Aca reach n e arly 800,000 TAX ATTORNEY FLOORING Royal Wedding Included. $500 per Wood-Coal stove and Alumi homes In Connecticut Iftsoisd asm ms) 10 pieces of 3 foot pipe. d em ic concentration In REMODELING Photography. month. Security dep By Andrew Yurkovsky Math and some knowl and Rhode Island. The Will advise and prepare 649-1573. being sought because the depart lab reports, photographs, etc. — death in connection with a sexual to have a profile from the FBI in The M From the smallest repair to osit. references. 643- Manchester Herald The FBI attempted last year to edge of computers are price fo r a basic 25 all tax returns. FLdORSANDING HANDYM AN 0445. ment’s own investigation of the have not changed during that assault in South Windsor, was one or two months. do a psychological profile of the Phi is h< desirable. Contact Mr. w ord ad Is only $55 and the largest renovation, we case is “stalemated." The profile time. questioned about the killing by on Satui A will appear In 43 news WHITMAN will do a complete job. Start •'Floors Ilka new Home Improvement - Folnttne death of 17-year-old Michael S. A ......91 Vene Hording Princi - Botementa Finished • Tiling - Police are seeking an FBI could help police in their search Brooks would not comment in Connect .....92 papers. For more In tSB Dowrtay Drive., A pt A to finish. Free estimates. a Spaelsllzing in oldar floors CONDOMINIUMS e n d r o l l g Manchester police but has been Linders of Ellington but deter pal. Tolland Middle Manohasisr, 528-1691 Light Coreentrv - 000 JOBS - psychological profile of the type for suspects in the slaying. Martin was found strangled on any detail on the circumstances .....93 formation call Classi a Natural & stained floors iNsuaeo ' 271k«Mlh-aM ruled out as a suspect. mined that there was not enough alumnat School, 96 Old Post Heritage Kitchen A a No waxing anymore FOR RENT of person or persons who may The FBI puts together profiles March 7, 1987, in her Mayfair of Martin’s killing, except to say .... 94 Road. Tolland, CT. fie d , 643-2711 and ask ssftfMt • t te r 2 M Merrill escaped from Somers information to put one together. call Bea .... 95 BARRY SCANLON have murdered 88-year-old Ber of a murder through an examina Gardens apartment on North that a "ligature.” a string or 06084.875-2564. Applica for detalls.n Bath Center Jehn Varfallls - 648-5750 MANCHESTER- Nice 2 : SMJST a t pMkad aa M ««• Main Street. A fire started in'a state prison in August and re Linders was found dead Nov. .... 9* tion deadline March Come visit our showroom at; 646-2411 free estimates bedroom Townhouse : HareM OHIes Manday Wh u nice B, Martin last year, Capt. tion of the circunistances of the mains at large. rope, was used to strangle her. .... 97 MANCHESTER. New list sofa in Martin’s apartment is 14, 1986, behind the apartment 31st. Position to begin ing. A 16 X 32 Inground 182 W. Middle Tpke. with deck. Hot water : TtHHadaybafoia 11a.m. only. Joseph H. Brooks said Tuesday. case. Brooks said. He said Brooks said police decided to Brooks declined to say what the building at 125 Spruce St. His April 7th. EOE. pool puts you In the YBO , Manchester HAWKES TREE SERVICE Included. $590.643-4263. Brooks, who is the commander composing such a profile should believed to have been set to cover Seoul HEATING / up the crime, Brooks said. turn to the FBI in January for next step for police would be after death was originally ruled a swim In this lovely Bucket, truck 6 ohtpper. Stump of the detective division of the not be hindered by the fact that assistance when they had no Boy St neighborhood. Our Income Tax 649-5400 PLUMOiNG removal. Free eetlmetae. receiving the profile. He said he homicide, but the slate medical HOMES Manchester Police Department, the murder occurred over a year Frederick R. Merrill, who was further leads to follow in the did not want to lip off any co-sponi sparkling Cape offers 3 Spaclil conelderetlon for said the profile by the FBI was ago, as the evidence gathered — examiner reclas.sified it late last ★ bedrooms, I'/j baths, Prepared elderly and handloeppad.