Adlink Internet Media AG Heads for European Market Leadership Submitted By: Pleon Friday, 14 April 2000

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Adlink Internet Media AG Heads for European Market Leadership Submitted By: Pleon Friday, 14 April 2000 AdLINK Internet Media AG heads for European market leadership Submitted by: Pleon Friday, 14 April 2000 AdLINK acquires Belgian Internet advertising marketer PubliCast Montabaur/Brussels/Louvain, April 13, 2000. AdLINK Internet Media AG, a member of the United Internet AG network, is expanding its international market presence. AdLINK, a leading European Internet advertising marketer, acquired on April 12 the Belgian online advertising sales company PubliCast. "With the acquisition of PubliCast and access to the Belgian market, we have gone a good way toward achieving our stated ambition of becoming the European market leader," said AdLINK CEO Michael Kleindl. AdLINK is now represented in 10 European countries and thus, by virtue of its portfolio of Web sites, one of the few online advertising sales companies that is in a position to launch and run an all-European advertising campaign. The AdLINK group now handles over 700 million page impressions a month on the nearly 450 Web sites that it represents. "In record time we have succeeded in making AdLINK a European company," Kleindl noted. International business now accounts for roughly 50% of AdLINK revenues, and its share is continuing to increase. "Further international expansion is a high priority," Kleindl said. Further acquisitions and the opening of new subsidiaries and sales offices are planned. "We are well on the way to becoming Europe's market leader," Kleindl added. PubliCast, a Ubizen and Regionale Uitgeversgroep joint venture, is a leading online advertising sales company in the Belgian Internet market. Its market position matches AdLINK's own very well. Both concentrate on selling advertising on high-image and broad range Web sites. "PubliCast too is a premium marketer and is pursuing a similar strategy to AdLINK," says Kleindl. The Belgian AdLINK subsidiary's product portfolio includes online editions of leading Belgian newspapers such as De Standaard, Het Volk, Het Nieuwsblad, Gazet van Antwerpen, Het Belang von Limburg oder Vers l'Avenir. In addition, it handles other successful Internet projects in the Belgian online market, such as the British Telecom portal Yucom, Kinepolis, Kamagurka and youth pages TMF, Surf-Inn and Carte Jeunes. PubliCast sells online advertising on over 30 Web sites. Page 1 They totalled 8 million page impressions in February. "By taking AdLINK into the Belgian market we are doing business in a very interesting area that impacts neighbouring countries too," said Kleindl in Brussels, explaining AdLINK's latest acquisition. He said that AdLINK was thereby underscoring its European orientation. Access to Benelux was, said Kleindl, an important basis for all of AdLINK's international network customers. "Belgium is an important European business centre. Many multinationals have their European headquarters in Belgium and run their European online campaigns centrally. Web sites in other European countries that AdLINK represents stand to benefit," he added. PubliCast CEO Erwin van de Mosselaer sees AdLINK's international network as having enormous potential for the online advertising market in Belgium. "Joining AdLINK's European network strengthens our competitive position. It gains us access to new sites and advertising customers," he said. Mosselaer sees high-speed growth ahead for the Belgian market. "We should like to take the lead in this market," he said. PubliCast will be trading as AdLINK Internet Media NV Belgium. The acquisition of PubliCast means AdLINK is now directly represented in 10 European countries. They are, in addition to Germany and Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. PubliCast is AdLINK's third acquisition this year. In January it acquired a 100% stake in XMedia, one of the largest Internet advertising marketers in Spain, and in February it bought AdLINK NMMS in the UK. About AdLINK Internet Media AG: AdLINK has sold online advertising since 1996 and is thus a pioneer in this market segment. As one of Europe's leading independent Internet advertising networks AdLINK offers advertisers and advertising media a comprehensive range of online advertising services all over Europe. Independently of media, publishers and agencies, the company markets online advertising space and online marketing concepts such as special forms of advertising, sponsoring etc. An extensive range of targeting options enables advertising customers to address their target groups precisely. The head office of the AdLINK holding company and of AdLINK Internet Media GmbH Deutschland is in Monta-baur, Germany. The company is Page 2 represented by independent subsidiaries in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It has cooperation agreements with companies based in Milan and Zurich. Sales offices will shortly open in Barcelona, Hamburg and Munich, with others to follow in the course of the year in the United States and Japan. In all, AdLINK represents a network of over 400 sites in Europe with 700 million page impressions a month between them. AdLINK markets online advertising on prestigious Web sites including SAT.1, CeBIT, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Dagens Nyheter, Le Figaro, Radio France, VWD, PC Shop-ping, Stockwatch, La Tribune, Yahoo Sweden, Yahoo Finland, Telia, Timeout, Der Standard Online, GMX, Hobby Press, Axel Springer, Marco Polo, Falk-Online, Autobytel and Euronews. AdLINK is a member of the United Internet AG network, Europe's leading network of Internet companies. Seventeen innovative firms, including GMX, 1&1 Internet, twenty4help, gatrixx and Jobs & Adverts, are united under the aegis of the management holding company, whicb is listed on the Neuer Markt in Frankfurt. They all make use of what are increasingly important cooperation opportunities and synergies resulting from network cooperation. For further information visit "THIS PRESS RELEASE IS NOT BEING ISSUED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND SHOULD NOT BE DISTRIBUTED TO UNITED STATES PERSONS OR PUBLICATIONS WITH A GENERAL CIRCULATION IN THE UNITED STATES. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OR INVITATION TO SUBSCRIBE FOR OR PURCHASE ANY SECURITIES. 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