P<) RTLAND DAILY PRESS. 3 CENTS. MORNING. APRIL 1. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862--VOL. 19. PORTLAND, SATURDAY 1882._PRICE Letter. A Victim of Charity. MISCELLANEOUS Washington THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, FOR SALE THE PRESS. _MISCELLANEOUS_= What the Young Man Suffered at the Published every (Sunday s excepted,) by the Tariff Animus of d»y The Commission—The Fair. PUPS. PUPS. SATURDAY APRIL 1. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO„ MORNING, the Democratic Minority—Prospects for bred blue Yorkshire TERRIER PUPS for Public Busi- at 97 Exchahok St., Portland. FINEsale. Very small and will make capital Rat* the Future—The State of [Brooklyn Eagle.) and a half The Man and the Church ters. Mother weighs eight pounds. Can rail Young Con a he had come TOE SEW WET mi ness—Dakota and Washington—The It was at church fair, and Trhmb: Eight Dollar* a Tew. To mall tBbMnb be seen after 5 p. m. at 4 Maple Street. Fair. ere Seven Iiollars a Tear, If paid In advance. mh31dlw* gresslonal Committee—Representative there at the special request of his “cousin,” the MOST PERFECT as well as the MOST POPULAR of the Ea- table. He For Are Mr. Stanley Huntley Brooklyn Reed and the Geneva Award BUI. who was at the head of the flowe^ STATE PRESS Sale. TOE gle—the writer of the Spoopendyke sketches opened the door bashfully, and stood, hat In a A Neat Birch Office Desk. A Bargain. la every Thursday Morning at 92.60 of the scene before published at 193 Federal St. INSTRUMENTS IN USE. —enlivens a late number tha^ journal hand, looking at brilliant him. year, if paid in advance at 92.00 a year. Apply Washington, March 211. raar31 d3t* a satirical romance founded on the when a young lady rushed up, and grabbing with and determined in One inch of space, the After repeated efforts, Rates of Advertising: of the church-fair. The satire, which him by the arm, said: .ecirth of column, constitutes a “square. to he convinced of tills TRY their reality the face of Democratic filibustering and ob- first week, cent* per Let all wlio wish “Ob, you must, you will take a chance in our 81.60 per square, daily ^76 BILLIARD TABLES we reprint, is lively and good naiured, and succeeded or con tine the Republicans yesterday week after; three insertions less, 91.00; struction, cake. Come over here. This first 60 cent*. hits made in it are No in right way." inn every other day after week, the palpable. per- in taking up the tariff commission bill the or 76 to the roots of his hair, he stam- Half “quart;, throe insertions less, eents; FOB SALE. more Blushing week after. sons, we suppose, will laugh heartily House for discussion. The Democratic opposi- one week, V .00; 60 cents per mered out that "really he didn't have the plea- Special Notices, one-thu£ additional. over or its badinage tion ta this bill is difficult to under- Carom and one Pool in condi it, higher appreciate something sure of Under head of “Amusements’* and “Auction Table, good knowing—” tion. made O. L. Mass. Also those fishers of the who with at a distance from the cen- Salks,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- ONE by Briggs, , than men, merry girls stand people that’s all said the Cues, Balls, Hacks and thing that with “Oh, right,” young lady. tions or less. $1.50. every goes and tre to be new. one up fairs and like enterprises of Democratic councils. Professing Advertisements Inserted in the “Maine 8tate the tables when Also, good barber's get charity “You’ll know me better before you leave. I'm chair. of G. H. Mechanic of what call reform,” Press (which has a large circulation in every part Inquire BRIGGS, Kails, find their prey in visitors.of the male persua- iu favor they “revenue one of the managers, you understand. Come. for first inser- Maine. mar2Fdtf will be all taken If don’t of the State), for $1.00 per square sion. and changes in the tariff which shall reduce The cake you hurry,” tion, and 50 cents per square for each subs cent aud she almost him oyer to one of the taxation, they by all means in their dragged insertion. Corn Packers ! Yet the church fair is a good thing always yet fight middle tables. “There, now, only fifty cents a Address all communications to a measure which is to reform and for power calculated slice and may a real gold ring. Yon PoR vixANT) PUBLISHING CX>. PRESSES and Dies for tho manufacture for the objects of charity, frequently you get the revenuo laws throughout, and to re- had better take three or four slices. It will in- SCREWot Corn Cans for sale. Enquire of the victims of extortion. men can go Young crease chances, you know.” mh20dtf BC KM HAITI & MORRILL. duce taxation so that, while burdens may be your farther and fare much worse. He who can he stammered. "Bat I’m not ENTERTAINMENTS the benefit of reductions be “Very good,” lightened, may fond of cake—that is, I haven’t »dj use for the FOR SALE. a few dollars without injuring his own spare equitably distributed, and no industry shall be the fixtures and will of a first-class do well to ring—I—” good or wronging his creditors will To those who the ani- that will be ever so nice," said the ALLrestauraut, located in business part of the city. slaughtered. study “Ah, Gilbert’s Programme. these and “for now if you get the ring, you For particulars, call on J. BREWER, Jr., No. them Into the laps of good mus of the Democratic minority in yonng lady, drop present it and we’ll it in another Exchange street, city. in.irZldtf Instead of into the of worn can give back, pat Thursday Evening. pretty girls laps Congress, the cause of this fight is not difficult cake.” It is better to 1 Waltz. ..Walt* en who are pretty but not good. to find. The |ppointment of a commission “Y-e-e-s,” said the young man, with a siokly 7. Polka BUSINESS CARDS. smile. “To be sure, bat—” 2 G»*lop. to spend a dime at Rebekah’s well than a revise the whole tariff system does not suit the 3.. .Newport. I 8. Galop “Oh, there isn’t any bat about it,” said the 9 .Wall* dollar in the at some bar. It free trade Democratic idea, which isgimplydes 4.Walz. treating boys young lady, smiling sweetly. “You know you 6. ... TLe “German.” 10 .Ihe ‘‘German.’ for * is better to take a chance in the grab bag or truc'.ive of all measures to foster and care promised?’’ mar30 dif What the Democratic "Promised?” the fish than at the faro table or the domestic industries. pond “Well, no, not exactly that; but you will of at managers want is to pass some fragmentary dice box. The price of a basket flowers take just one slice?” and sho looked her whole laws striking down protection on particular in- the flower stand may be exorbitant, but the soul into his eyee. CONCERT dustries, and thus to make fatal breaches In “Well, I suppose—’’ is better than in a basket of —BY THE— money invested “To be sure. There is cake,” and she the system which has thus far proved so bene- your wine at a saloon. It is better to guess on a a great slice into his delicately gloved STEPHEN to all onr industries alike. At every slipped BERRY, ficjal hands as he handed her a dollar bill. “On that First Parish than on a ring-fight, to have one's Choir, ring-cake stage therefore they have fought this commis- is too nice,” added the young lady, and she and told at a than to tempt in this another of cake on of the assisted by an j$ooic, (gaid fortune charity-bazar sion bill, and it ‘should be remarked plastered piece top Job W’dnit'i.j one she had him. “I knew you It in a lottery. We -trust that young men that the two Democratic members from just given No. 37 Plum Street. place wonld take at least two chances,” and his dol- Orchestra, Harvey Murray Accompanist, to at the church have who are given grumbling your State—for Ladd and March leaped lar bill disappeared across the table, and she JOST 8t under the auspices nOBTOK, fairs and other enterprises whose objects from the Greenback cradle into the lap of then called to a companion: “Oh, Miss Larkins here is a who wishes to have his are laudable even if their methods are some- Bonrbonism—helped this Democratic scheme gentleman Men’s Library Association, FRESCO PAINTERS, fortune told.” Young: dila 14 Mai kel Portland. times will consider these as far asjlay in their power, by supporting an- PARISH CHURCH, Nquaro. questionable, “Ob, does he? Send him right oyer,” VENTRY SECOND obstructive movements. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. things. If the pleasure they get there is tory motions and swered Miss Larkins. as direct- "I yonr pardon, but I’m afraid you are 5th. it a They have thus done all they could, beg Wednesday Evening, April le3dlj_ sometimes almost pain, never brings mistaken. I don’t remember saying anything Don" as could, to break down the system Tickets 25 rents, for sale at Hoyt, Fogg & headache in the morning, or a sense of ly they about—” ham’s and Carter Bros.’mh29dtd» which has fostered alike the agricultural but the first young lady, WM. M. MARKS, eodAwly shame and self-degradation. We are ad- "Oh, you will,’’said and interests of and the at the youth’s arm. “It’s for the good who manufacturing Maine, tugging ourselves, of course, to those of the cause, aud won’t refuse,” and ouce dressing artisans will not this when the you “GRAND CONCERT farmerjand forget looked into have money to spend. Others would do more the beautiful eyes soulfully account is made next fall. However, the are. an — — and Job Printer up his. “Here we Now, take envelope. AT Book, Card, ; well to avoid the wiles of the fair church tax P .•inters’ rCxoIiange, bill is now fairly up for disenssion, and will Open it. There! you are going to be married a that after a contest. The in year. l9n’t jolly? Sovcnty-five cents, CITY HALL, gatherers. _ probably pass protracted 111 Me. lease.” This .time the youth was careful to Exchange St,, Portland, to continue for two week. Mr. II It carries a man back three hundred debate is likely E and out the exact change. Tuesday Evening, April fine Job Printing a Mpecinll}. Kasson of Iowa made a fine speech yesterday l snouiu lute to nave ioriune years to read the amazing dispatch from Ub, just my FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE Orders oy mail or in person promptly mw aed to and of suoh rovisicn f the told. I?” said the firs; lady. of Kiel!. The authorities, in favor of the bill, May the imperial city “Of course you may, my dear,” said Mirt MAINE GENERAL HOSPITAL, Particular attention to ■ k and tariff as shall conserve the interests ol all busr paid this incredible report, “have ordered Larkins, handing out one of her envelopes. to children." says have vol- Pamphlet Printing “Especially adapted ness Mr. Carlisle of Kentucky, the are to be married this at which the following artists generously TnTliStf*! the Jews to leave” the commercial mart of pursuits. “Ob, dear, you going unteered : Dr. Alex. Eobertson, 1057 2d At., N. Y of the Bourbon free in too. cents more, please?” suburbs leader traders, spoke year, Seventy-fivo the city and settle themselves in the and the youth came down with another MISS ANNIE LOUISE TONE AND FINE VOICING, then EXAMINE Harmless and favor of sweeping reduction,in fact,of abolition poor SUPERIOR ‘Pleasant, Wonderfully Efficacious Christian servants. All dollar note. “No here, know,” ad- Ind. and dismiss their that the Demo- change you Dr. A. J. Green, Boyerton, of protective duties, claiming ded Miss Larkins, the in her the measure needs to an authentic re- putting greenback CAR THEIR ELEGANT DESIGNS, prove cratic must be a free trade party, and Y, I prescribe it as superior to any known remedy." party pocket. Cantatas! of mediaeval intolerance and let’s our said ths 8cript rapacity to the “Oh, come, try weight,” MISS RUTH C. LONG, Contralto, Operettas! Dr. II. A..Arcber, 62 Portland At., Brooklyn. thus inimical not only manufacturing, be the result. like first young lady, once more tugging at the THE CECILIA CLUB, And an ORDER will INVARIARLY is the signature of some Christian king, but also to the protected agricultural interests is not nareotic. Nurses bashful youth’s coat sleeve, and before he knew IIIC WEBER wind tbo season with the Castoria Mothers, the tolerant Hohenstauf- CLUB, Now up muBical per- the gentle Tudor, of . His speech was in line with where he was he found himself standing on the and the celebrated formance of one of our popular Cantatas Specimen to rent and sold on instalments. and Doctors agree that for Sour-Stomach, S^Tnstruments or the tender The archaist the communistic raid upon the reve- platform* of the scales. “One hundred and copies promptly mailed for the price here mentioned Mailed free on application. Flatulency. Diarrhoea, and Constipation, fen, Hapsburg. sweeping TEMPLE OF 3^~lllustrated Catalogue said the young lady. "Oh, how I QUARTETTE BOSTON, JOSEPH’S BONDAGE ($1.00). will miss also the detail of burn- nue policy, which has promoted the present thirty-two,” £) A CDUn nothing is so prompt as old Dr. Pitcher's charming should like to be a great man like yon,” HARVEY Accompanist OAl/Kr,lf ruth and naomi rii.oo), made heavy MB. MURRAY, assimilating the food. the recalcitrants in cauldrons of oil and prosperity of the country, recently by and she on the scales like a bird. "One BELSHAZZEK ($1 .00), PRODIGAL SUN (76ctS.), Castoria. By ing jumped Sold at Stockbr and conclave of moss-back Democrats assem- hundred and Well, that is TICKETS 81-00. dge’ or the easy DANIEL (60 cts.), or ESTHER (60 cts. Castoria gives robust health nat- embalming tokens of Christian benignance jne eighteen. light. Music Store msrning, March 30th, at 9 “One hureday Ben-ett’s MAY QUEEN bled at to down a policy for the dollar, please.” Numbers out at 7. six tickets CDL'iTTI AD ($1), CO., ural sleep. with red hot irons on the arms Chicago lay o’closk. given Oily ORGAN Dranding the “one dollar!” isn't ENGLAND “What?” said Blit I1 LrAJtl. Root’s NEW youth, HAYMAKER’S, ($1), sold to one person at the openhig sale. It is another example of the Demo- or NEW FLOWER QUEEN (76 cents). and breasts of the Hebrew maidens. There party. that pretty steep. I mean, I—” roar‘29_