#0# DOI: 10.18276/pz.2019.4-05 PRZEGLĄD ZACHODNIOPOMORSKI ROCZNIK XXXIV (LXIII) ROK 2019 ZESZYT 4 ARTYKUŁY Lukáš Sláma ORCID: 0000-0003-0298-2653 Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Czechy e-mail:
[email protected] Military Role of the Ore Mountains in Thirty Years’ War* Keywords: Ore mountains, Thirty Years’ war, military aspect, town’s, northwestern Bo- hemia Słowa kluczowe: Rudawy, wojna trzydziestoletnia, aspekty militarne, miasta, północ- no-zachodnie Czechy The Ore Mountains, forming a massive natural border between Bohemia and Saxony was, is and will always be regarded only as a barrier between these two state formations. Only taking into consideration the period realia acquired in the regional history research of the Krušné hory (Ore Mountains in English, Er- zgebirge in German) area called Podkrušnohoří and their integration into the gen- eral history of the lands belonging to the Bohemian Crown and afterwards also to Central European history, is it possible to get a completely new perspective of the period in which the mountain range undoubtedly became an internationally renowned point of interest, i.e. the period of the conflict, now known as the Thirty Years’ War. * The study was supported by a grant from the Faculty of Arts of UJEP: SGS: “Landscape be- longs to the winners. Enviromental History of Northwest Bohemia” and UJEP-IGA-TC-2019-63-2: The Ore Mountains from the Hussite wars to the end of the Thirty Years’ War. The role and chang- es of the region in key conflicts between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.