Curriculum Map

Course Description: This course is designed to develop a thorough understanding of the marketing concepts and theories that apply to sports and events. This course is based on the business and marketing core that includes communication skills, , marketing-information management, , product/service management, , selling, operations, strategic management, human resource management, and the economic impact and considerations involved in the sports and event marketing industries. Leadership development will be provided through DECA.

Students Will: 1. use computers/electronic equipment whenever possible, utilize business software, appropriate web software and other kinds of technology to collect, organize, and communicate information and ideas. 2. develop knowledge of and its importance to sports and event marketing. 3. develop an understanding of career opportunities in the sports and event industry. 4. demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of marketing concepts, functions, and strategies as they relate to sports and events. 5. identify the role and components of sponsorships. 6. identify and evaluate why businesses would sponsor a sports property or event. 7. explain the role and types of promotions. 8. identify the components of a promotion mix for a sports marketing or entertainment event. 9. explain the process of developing and the factors involved in developing a promotion plan for an event or sports property. 10. describe the importance of and customer service in /event marketing. 11. describe relationships and factors that motivate people to participate in/attend sport/event. 12. describe the importance of and media selection in promoting a sports/entertainment event. 13. analyze the impact of legal issues (i.e. contracts, unions, intellectual properties, liability/risk management) on the sport/event industries. 14. identify the components of branding, licensing, and intellectual properties within the sports and event industry. 15. discuss the economic impact of sports/events on local communities/regions. 16. demonstrate an understanding of basic economic concepts (i.e. supply and demand, price elasticity, economic utility, free enterprise). 17. explain the factors involved in planning, conducting, and evaluating a sporting and or entertainment event. 18. apply math and language arts skills relevant in the sports/event industry. 19. describe employability skills required for success in the s ports/entertainment marketing industry. 20. utilize activities of DECA as an integral component of course content and leadership development. 21. identify individual work habits/ethics (individual/team skills, confidentiality, problem solving, punctuality, self- discipline, communication skills) and explain their importance in the work place. 22. describe the factors involved in offering a product/service or product mix based on market opportunities in the sports and event industry. 23. describe the factors involved in selecting the distribution channels and methods in the sports and event industry. 24. describe the factors involved in the pricing decision in the sports and event industry.

Connections Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards – Marketing and Services MBA Research – Knowledge & Skills Statements National Retail Skill Standards Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Common Core State Standards – English, Language Arts Common Core State Standards – Math

WEEKS UNIT TITLE ESSENTIAL ASSESSMENTS CONNECTONS QUESTIONS/ LEARNING TARGET/STUDENT OBJECTIVE 4 Introduction to A. Explain the seven -Create a chart illustrating Kentucky Occupational Sports/Event marketing functions (e.g. the seven functions of Skill Standards – Marketing distribution, pricing, selling, marketing. Marketing and Retail promotion). Services (KOSSA) -Define marketing in your B. Explain marketing and its own words and share with MBA Research – importance in the economy. the class how you believe Knowledge & Skills marketing affects the U.S. Statements C. Explain the concept of Economy. target markets and market National Retail Skill segments (i.e. demographics, -Segment the classroom Standards geographic, etc.) using demographics, geographic, etc. and Secretary’s D. Identify and explain the four explain how marketers Commission on P's of the . could use the information to Achieving Necessary make marketing decisions. Skills (SCANS) E. Distinguished between economic goods and services. -Create a poster using Common Core State pictures from magazines Standards – English, F. Explain the principles of and newspapers to Language Arts supply and demand. illustrate the marketing mix. Common Core State G. Describe the concept of -Create a poster of sports & Standards – Math price. entertainment products and distinguish them as either a H. Identify the factors affecting good or service. a business' profit. -Create a graph to illustrate the principles of supply and demand.

-Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the pricing strategies which utilize consumer perception (prestige pricing, odd-even pricing, target pricing).

-Make a poster using advertisement from newspapers and/or magazines to illustrate price lining, bundle pricing, loss- leader pricing, and yield- management pricing.

-Create a PowerPoint about the factors affecting a business' profit.

4 The Sports and A. Describe the different types -Make a poster to illustrate Kentucky Occupational Event Market of sports and events. the different types of sports Skill Standards – products: sporting events, Marketing and Retail B. Identify differences in sports information, sports Services (KOSSA) marketing sports and training, and sporting entertainment products. goods. MBA Research – Knowledge & Skills C. Explain the unique qualities -Make a poster to illustrate Statements of sports and event marketing. the different types of entertainment products: National Retail Skill D. Describe the economic movie, television, video Standards impact of sports and events on games, books, magazines, a local/regional communities. theme parks, etc. Secretary’s Commission on -Compare and contrast Achieving Necessary current sports and Skills (SCANS) entertainment products available. Common Core State Standards – English, -Create a chart comparing Language Arts and contrasting the marketing of sports and Common Core State entertainment. Standards – Math

-Research a local event and discuss the impact the event has on the local area.

3 Market A. Explain the importance of -Review a survey and Kentucky Occupational Research in the sports discuss each question and Skill Standards – and entertainment industry. how it would provide useful Marketing and Retail information for decision Services (KOSSA) B. Describe how marketers making. collect, disseminated, analyze, MBA Research – and utilize marketing research -Discuss the steps involved Knowledge & Skills information in decision in making the location Statements making. decision using market research. National Retail Skill Standards

Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)

Common Core State Standards – English, Language Arts

Common Core State Standards – Math

3 The Product A. Define the -Explain how the sports Kentucky Occupational Decision sports/entertainment consumer differs from the Skill Standards – consumer. entertainment consumer. Marketing and Retail Services (KOSSA) B. Explain the nature and -Create a poster illustrating scope of the product decision product mix components: MBA Research – and the concept of a product product line, packaging, Knowledge & Skills mix. and development. Statements

C. Explain the importance of -Research the complete National Retail Skill event planning as a product line of a specific Standards component of the product type and brand of sports decision equipment. Describe the Secretary’s target market for each item. Commission on Achieving Necessary -Identify local seasonal Skills (SCANS) events and discuss the planning required to hold Common Core State the event. Standards – English, Language Arts

Common Core State Standards – Math

3 The Place A. Identify different channels -Create a list of distribution Kentucky Occupational Decision of distribution in the sports and channels in the sports and Skill Standards – entertainment industry. entertainment industry and Marketing and Retail explain why each channel Services (KOSSA) B. Explain the nature and is appropriate for the scope of distribution. industry. MBA Research – Knowledge & Skills C. Differentiate between direct -Map sports and Statements and indirect channels of entertainment options in the distribution. region and discuss the National Retail Skill channels of distribution for Standards each. Secretary’s -Divide the class in two Commission on groups (direct channels and Achieving Necessary indirect channels) and have Skills (SCANS) the students present why they are the most effective Common Core State channel of distribution for a Standards – English, given set of sports and Language Arts entertainment products. Common Core State Standards – Math

3 The Price A. Explain factors affecting -Create a list of the factors Kentucky Occupational Decision pricing decisions. that can affect the price of a Skill Standards – sports/entertainment Marketing and Retail B. Calculate breakeven point. product. Services (KOSSA)

C. Explain the nature and -Given specifics for an MBA Research – scope of the pricing function. event, have students Knowledge & Skills calculate the breakeven Statements D. Identify factors involved in point. the pricing decision that National Retail Skill affects profit. -Define pricing and explain Standards its role in the marketing E. Identify pricing strategies. mix. Secretary’s Commission on -Create a chart of the steps Achieving Necessary used to determine price. Skills (SCANS)

-Create a PowerPoint Common Core State presentation to explain Standards – English, pricing strategies: Language Arts psychological pricing, prestige pricing, volume Common Core State pricing, promotions, Standards – Math quantity discounts, trade-in allowances, etc.

3 Branding and A. Explain the concepts of -Using given examples, Kentucky Occupational Licensing branding, brand loyalty, and explain if the brand Skill Standards – brand equity. effectively conveys what Marketing and Retail you believe is the intended Services (KOSSA) B. Identify the types of . message. MBA Research – C. Describe how to develop an -Create a poster to illustrate Knowledge & Skills effective brand name. the basic types of brands: Statements manufacturer brands, D. Describe the types of intermediary brands, and National Retail Skill intellectual properties (i.e. generic brands. Standards trademarks, copyrights, and patents). -Create a new logo for a Secretary’s sports product of your Commission on E. Explain the concept of choice. Explain your logo in Achieving Necessary licensing. regards to how it conveys Skills (SCANS) the brand’s image to the F. Identify the steps of the target market. Common Core State licensing process. Standards – English, -Create a poster to illustrate Language Arts intellectual properties and explain how each picture is Common Core State an example of a trademark. Standards – Math

-Using examples of licensed products, explain the process to license a new product.

-Create a list of the steps in the licensing process.

3 The Promotion A. Explain the role of -Compare and contrast the Kentucky Occupational Decision promotion in the sports and role of promotion in the Skill Standards – entertainment industry. sports industry versus the Marketing and Retail entertainment industry. Services (KOSSA) B. Identify the elements of the promotional mix. -Create a poster illustrating MBA Research – the elements of the Knowledge & Skills C. Explain the importance of promotional mix. Statements advertising and media selection in sports and -Create an advertisement National Retail Skill entertainment marketing. an upcoming school event. Standards

D. Explain the aspects of -Create a PowerPoint to Secretary’s sponsorship in the sports and illustrate and explain Commission on entertainment industry. sponsorship in the sports Achieving Necessary and entertainment industry. Skills (SCANS) E. Identify the steps in developing the promotional -Discuss the steps a Common Core State plan for a sports or company would utilize in Standards – English, entertainment event. creating a promotional plan Language Arts for a local event. F. Describe the importance of Common Core State personal selling and customer -Role play a personal Standards – Math service in sports and selling situation (concert entertainment marketing. ticket - telephone sales, G. Describe the importance of concert memorabilia - sales public relations/ in associate). sports and event marketing -Research concert disasters (trampling, riot, etc.) and discuss how the negative publicity affected the band.

-Research examples of charity work done in relation to events (sports and entertainment) and discuss how the positive publicity affected the success of the event.

3 Careers A. Explain the skills needed -Research a sports Kentucky Occupational and ways to prepare for a marketing career that Skill Standards – career in sports and event interests you, and write Marketing and Retail marketing. brief description of the Services (KOSSA) career and the B. Identify career opportunities skills/education needed for MBA Research – in sports and entertainment that field. Knowledge & Skills marketing. Statements -Research an entertainment marketing career that National Retail Skill interests you, and write Standards brief description of the career and the Secretary’s skills/education needed for Commission on that field. Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) -Create a chart of the four areas of entertainment Common Core State marketing careers (public Standards – English, relations, brand Language Arts development, event planning and marketing, Common Core State and talent management). Standards – Math