January 25, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 147 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate to join with the like committee Whereas , the male 2005 Big 12 objection, it is so ordered. on the part of the House of Representa- Sportsperson of the Year, served his country as a Sergeant in the United States Marine COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND tives to escort the President of the Corps for four years—serving tours in Kosovo GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS United States into the House Chamber and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghani- Mr. MARTINEZ. Mr. President, I ask for the joint session to be held at 9 p.m. stan—prior to joining the team as a walk-on unanimous consent that the Com- on Tuesday, January 31, 2006. in 2003 and ultimately rising to the position mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of starting fullback and team captain; ernmental Affairs be authorized to objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the entire Longhorns team should meet on Wednesday, January 25, 2006, f be commended for its inspirational work, de- termination, and success; at 9:30 a.m., for a hearing titled, ‘‘Lob- CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF bying Reform: Proposals and Issues.’’ Whereas the University of Texas at Austin has a long tradition of athletic and academic The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without excellence; and objection, it is so ordered. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent the Senate now Whereas the Longhorns have brought great f proceed to the consideration of S. Res. honor to themselves, their university, and the great State of Texas: Now, therefore, be PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR 352 which was submitted earlier today. it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I Resolved, That the Senate— clerk will report the resolution by ask unanimous consent that the privi- (1) commends the University of Texas at title. lege of the floor be granted for the re- Austin Longhorns football team for winning The legislative clerk read as follows: the 2005 Bowl Championship Series national mainder of the 109th Congress to Reed A resolution (S. Res. 352) commending the championship; O’Connor, a detailee from the Depart- University of Texas at Austin Longhorns (2) congratulates the team for completing ment of Justice who works on my Sub- football team for winning the 2005 Bowl an undefeated, 13–0 season; and committee on Immigration, Border Se- Championship Series national championship. (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to curity, and Citizenship. There being no objection, the Senate make available to the University of Texas at The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the resolution. Austin an enrolled copy of this resolution for appropriate display. objection, it is so ordered. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask f unanimous consent the resolution be f agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, JOINT SESSION OF THE TWO CONCERN FOR JUSTICE IN and the motion to reconsider be laid CAMBODIA HOUSES TO RECEIVE A MESSAGE upon the table. FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask UNITED STATES objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent the Senate now Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask The resolution (S. Res. 352) was proceed to the consideration of Senate unanimous consent that the Senate agreed to. Resolution 353, which was submitted now proceed to the consideration of S. The preamble was agreed to. earlier today. Con. Res. 77 which was submitted ear- The resolution, with its preamble, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lier today. reads as follows: clerk will report the resolution by The PRESIDING OFFICER. The S. RES. 352 title. clerk will report the concurrent resolu- Whereas the Longhorns won the BCS na- The legislative clerk read as follows: tion by title. tional championship game, defeating the The resolution (S. Res. 353) expressing con- The legislative clerk read as follows: University of Southern California by a score cern with the deliberate undermining of of 41–38 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Cali- democratic freedoms and justice in Cam- A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 77) to fornia on January 4, 2006; bodia by Prime Minister Hun Sen and the provide for a joint session of Congress to re- Whereas the Longhorns have now won four Government of Cambodia. ceive a message from the President on the football national titles; State of the Union. There being no objection, the Senate Whereas this historic victory—the 800th proceeded to consider the resolution. There being no objection, the Senate win in school history—marks the culmina- Mr. FRIST. Today, the Prime Min- proceeded to consider the concurrent tion of an undefeated, 13–0 season; ister of Cambodia dropped the criminal resolution. Whereas, by scoring 652 points during their defamation lawsuits against five gov- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask undefeated season, the Longhorns set an ernment critics and human rights ad- unanimous consent that the concur- NCAA record for points scored in a single season; vocates. rent resolution be agreed to and the Whereas the University of Texas now owns Along with the administration, I wel- motion to reconsider be laid upon the the longest-active winning streak in the Na- come the Prime Minister’s decision and table. tion at 20 games; applaud his efforts to recognize the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas, under the leadership of Coach right of free political exchange. I am objection, it is so ordered. , the Longhorns claimed the Big hopeful that today’s action represents The concurrent resolution (S. Con. 12 Conference South Division title, won the progress and a greater commitment to Res. 77) was agreed to, as follows: championship, and earned their eighth consecutive bowl game berth; human rights and civil society on the S. CON. RES. 77 Whereas the Longhorns boast seven All- part of the ruling authority. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Americans, including Will Allen, Justin In recent months, we have had cause resentatives concurring), That the two Houses Blalock, Aaron Harris, , Jona- for alarm that the Government of Cam- of Congress assemble in the Hall of the than Scott, Rodrigue Wright, and Vince House of Representatives on Tuesday, Janu- bodia is engaged in a campaign of po- Young; litical persecution and intimidation. ary 31, 2006, at 9 p.m., for the purpose of re- Whereas —a ceiving such communication as the Presi- Heisman Trophy finalist, recipient of the Prime Minister Hun Sen and his appa- dent of the United States shall be pleased to Davey O’Brien National Quarterback Award, ratus have consistently and blatantly make to them. and the Maxwell Award winner—was named violated basic democratic principles, f the Most Valuable Player of the Rose Bowl; the rule of law, and human rights as Whereas, Vince Young scored three touch- enshrined in the Cambodian Constitu- APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO downs and gained 467 total yards in the tion. ESCORT THE PRESIDENT OF THE championship game, and he became the first Tonight, the Senate stands unified in UNITED STATES player in NCAA history to rush for more calling upon Prime Minister Sen and than 1,000 yards and pass for more than 3,000 Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask in the same season; the government of Cambodia: To im- unanimous consent the Presiding Offi- Whereas the Longhorns were captained by mediately cease and desist from its cer of the Senate be authorized to ap- Ahmard Hall, David Thomas, Rodrique systematic campaign to undermine de- point a committee on the part of the Wright, and Vince Young at the Rose Bowl; mocracy, the rule of law, and human

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