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• In 1437, the City of Trier established its first universi- Trier is proud of its rich history, which is reflected in the city’s mu- ty, which was closed under Napoleon in 1798. In 1970, seums and its many historical sites. As the capital of the Western the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate founded a new Roman Empire, Trier – alongside Rome, Byzantium and Alexandria university in Trier – initially with the University of Kai- – was one of the ancient metropolises. Thanks to its landmark, the serslautern as a twin institution, but independent since Porta Nigra, the Trier Cathedral and other significant architectural Universitätsring 15 1975. monuments, ’s oldest city has been declared a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. D - 54296 Trier • By the end of the 1970s, a new campus was built on a Today’s cityscape is a Tel.: +49 (0)651 201 0 high plateau overlooking the Moselle River. With its mod- fusion of history and ern architecture surrounded by luscious green nature, it is modern lifestyle, not said to be one of Germany’s most beautiful campuses. least characterized by a vibrant student life. With • Faculty and depart- bars and cafés and a col- mental buildings are ourful range of cultural grouped around the offerings and festivals, Forum and the Cen- Trier is a tourist attrac- tral Library, to which tion with international appeal and a beautiful place to live for the they are connected city’s 115,000 residents. by bridges. Since Roman times, wine has been cultivated in the area around Trier, flourishing in outstanding hillside vineyards along the Mo- selle. The economy of the city is characterized by a few major Advice & Guidance enterprises and many medium-sized businesses. • With its roughly 1,000 Its proximity to , an important financial center and the Programs & Courses employees and 13,200 site of several EU institutions, as well as to and Belgium students (including more puts Trier in the heart of Europe. Nine twin towns and cities across International Office than 11 percent interna- Europe, Asia and the USA attest to Trier’s international orientation. tional students), the Uni- Admissions versity of Trier embraces contrast: young, yet true to tradition; international- Faculties & Departments ly oriented and regionally rooted; on the geographic Student Services edge of Germany, but in the heart of Europe. About Trier 2017 January English Version departments studies research departments studies research international departmentsdepartments studiesstudies researchresearch internationalinternational

Biology • Studying in Trier means choosing from a broad range of pro- • The University of Trier has a strong focus on the humanities • An international orientation in research and teaching is Business Administration grams, which have been completely modularized and adapted and social sciences, but increasingly strengthens its environ- one of three central leitmotifs of the University of Trier. to the Bachelor/Master structure, with the exception of law mental sciences programs. It has more than 50 partnerships with universities on all Business Information Systems studies. continents – focal regions being Europe, South-East Asia Classical Archaeology • Many research projects are interdisciplin- and the USA. In addition, there are over 300 agreements ary in nature and embedded in global Classical Philology • Real interdisciplinary cooperation between faculties allows for within the framework of the ERASMUS program. networks. The impressive amount of Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities multifaceted studies and interesting subject combinations. third-party funding proves that research Computer Science done in Trier is able to compete both na- • Studying in Trier is an international experience. More than Economics • All Trier master programs are research oriented and lead stu- tionally and internationally. 11 percent of the student population is made up of inter- dents quickly to current research topics. national students, who come from a total of around 100 Egyptology • Established and defined areas of research include: Europe (and different countries, making the campus a meeting place of English • Doctoral and post-doctoral students are welcome to do short- it’s relations in a globalized world), humanities (from classical cultures. Environmental Sciences term research or enroll and complete their projects in Trier. antiquity to present), environmental and regional transforma- tion, information and communication, challenges of modern Geography • For international students, the University of Trier offers life. Gender studies are an independent element shaping the German Studies • With most of the university’s departments located on a single a broad range of summer schools, introductory programs university’s profile. History central campus, students are able to pursue their studies with- and free German courses throughout the academic year. out detours or delays. In programs aimed at advancing integration, German stu- Japanese Studies • The University of Trier actively participates in a research initia- dents can gain international experience and intercultural Law Studies • A comprehensive choice of sports, cultural and leisure activi- tive by the state of Rhineland- competence. Mathematics ties complements the academic programs. Palatinate. Some of its outstand- Media Studies ing research networks are: the • As a member of the „University of the Greater Region“, Nursing Science Research Center Europe, Trier Cen- Trier University provides students and staff the opportuni- Papyrology ter for Digital Humanities, TriCSS ty to study and do research in Metz, Nancy, Luxembourg, - Trier Centre for Sustainable Sys- Liège and Saarbrücken. Pedagogy tems, Psychobiology of Stress. Philosophy • The International Office Political Science • A particular concern is the education of young scholars. (Akademisches Auslandsamt) Psychology Besides structured PhD programs in some faculties and re- coordinates the university’s Romance Studies search training groups funded by the German Research Foun- international co-operations dation (DFG), transdisciplinary advancement is coordinated Sinology and is the central contact for by the Graduiertenzentrum (GUT). This central insti- students and scholars from Slavic Studies tution aims to enhance doctoral studies at the University of abroad. Sociology Trier and, among other activities, offers counseling as well as a broad range of seminars for both German and international PhD students.