ORDINATION to the Sacred Priesthood
THE PERSONAL ORDINARIATE OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM ORDINATION to the Sacred Priesthood by the Right Reverend Kieran Conry Bishop of Arundel & Brighton in his Cathedral Church of Our Lady & S Philip Howard Friday 17 June 2011 Of your charity, pray for those to be ordained today Ronald Frederick Robinson Geoffrey John Anderson Cook Neil Patrick Chatfield and for all those within the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham who are being ordained priest at about this time together with the parishes and communities they will lead and serve Liturgy of Gathering At the start of Mass, we sing the processional hymn Thy hand, O God, has guided on them and on thy people thy flock, from age to age; thy plenteous grace was poured, their wondrous tale is written, and this was still their message: full clear, on every page; one Church, one faith, one Lord. our fathers owned thy goodness, And we, shall we be faithless? and we their deeds record; Shall hearts fail, hands hang down? and both of this bear witness; shall we evade the conflict, one Church, one faith, one Lord. and cast away our crown? Thy heralds brought glad tidings Not so: in God’s deep counsels to greatest as to least; some better thing is stored; they bade men rise, and hasten we will maintain, unflinching, to share the great King’s feast; one Church, one faith, one Lord. and this was all their teaching, Thy mercy will not fail us, in every deed and word, nor leave thy work undone; to all alike proclaiming with thy right hand to help us, one Church, one faith, one Lord.
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