CIT Students’ Union Magazine Volume Nineteen, Issue 5

Before After

6 - 8 FEBRUARY Your Union SAFETY Your Voice WEEK 2018 CIT POSTGRADUATE FAIR 2018 Tuesday 20th February

11am - 2pm Student Centre, Bishopstown Campus Before After 6 - 8 FEBRUARY WEEK 2018 SAFETY WEEK 2018 Crashed Cars on Campus all week

RSA Shuttle Bus and Roll Over Car (Outside Library)

MAKE SURE TO POP OVER TO THE INFORMATION STANDS IN THE MAIN CORRIDOR FROM 11-3PM EACH DAY WITH DAILY FREEBIES FROM CIT SU. CONTENTS Don’t Text & Drive Don’t Drink & Drive NEW 4 S U OFFICERS’ADDRESS 10 Don’t Drug Drive CIT Musical Soc’s new production 5 USI NOTICEBOARD Please Don’t! 6 #MYSTORYMATTERS 12 LIVE CIT, LOVE SOCIETIES Real stories, real people . Profiling The Enactus Society Part of Safety Week 2018 13 CIT ALUMNI SUCCESS 18 CROSSWORD 7 TEN TOP TIPS FOR Get a taste of CIT student success in Hard cash on offer! the real world! SAFE DRIVING 19 SPOT THE BALL Part of Safety Week 2018 14 SU ELECTIONS 2018 WIN! meal vouchers for Captain 8 GAME OF ENTREPRENEURS Thinking of running for one of the America’s and Cork’s newest prestigious SU posts? Full details here. restaurant, WOWBURGER! Part two of a three part series offering details of CIT’s prize for Innovation 16 EXAM RESULTS FAQ Last issues winners: 9 FLYNNER’SFLYINGCOLUMN 17 STUDENT RACEDAY Spot The Ball Kelly Herlihy, BS3, 6 - 8 FEBRUARY Crossword Kasey Kenny, SC1 An ode to Delores O’Riordan Tickets on sale very soon! BRACE YOURSELVES, RAG WEEK IS COMING! #CITRAG18

Crashed Cars on Campus all week

26 Feb - 2 March 2018 COMING SOON!

Down Syndrome Centre Cork has been selected as the main beneficiary of Rag Week 2018. They are a in aid of ... new Charity in Cork but are affiliated with the well- established Down Syndrome Centre in Dublin.

CIT Students’ Union, VP Education Stephanie Kelly Advertising Opportunities Bishopstown, Cork. E: [email protected] CIT has 17,000+ full and part-time students with Tel: 021 433 5274 Stephanie Fogarty over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote VP Welfare your business to this large audience? Web: E: [email protected] Our copy deadlines, advertising rates and techni- Email: [email protected] Projects Officer Sam Power cal specifications are available from our website E: [email protected] and upon request from the Publica- Rob Shaw tions Office in hardcopy or via email. CITSU Communications Officer @cit_su E: [email protected] expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’ expliCIT Production, Design & Advertising Entertainments Officer Shauna Hickey Keith Brown, E: [email protected] Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of E: [email protected] their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’ Sam Dawson Mick O’Mahony Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their CIT SU President Entertainments Manager respective owners and should not be reproduced without E: [email protected] E: [email protected] their permission. 3 Don’t Text & Drive Don’t Drink & Drive Don’t Drug Drive Please Don’t!



Hey guys, #SHOWMEYOURMENTALHEALTH MUNSTER TECHNOLOGICAL This is our newest campaign brought to you by Welcome back for Semester Two we hope you all UNIVERSITY UPDATE our VP Welfare. We want to see what you do to had a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and are We have been sitting in on a number of meetings keep yourself positive throughout the semester. Buzzing for what 2018 has to offer. and information sessions about the Merger be- We want you to send us your selfies on snap- tween CIT and IT Tralee and will be meeting with chat, Instagram, Facebook and twitter. Use the IT Tralee Students Union in the coming weeks SAFETY WEEK hashtag and you can appear in our monthly to discuss the impact it will have on students in With Safety Week kicking off our Semester 2 magazine and be in with a chance to win some both colleges. Again we will keep you all updated campaigns we have a full programme of activi- free goodies! with new information but feel free to pop into us ties and information. Whether you are a driver, with any questions you may have and feel free to cyclist or a pedestrian make sure you know your ACADEMIC CALENDAR make use of the online resources on this topic. bit on Road Safety. We will also be covering gen- eral safety throughout the week to ensure you WORKING GROUP get the full safety experience and breakdown. Your Vice President Education along with the Best of luck with semester two and we hope to We will have Info stands in the main corridor and President have been sitting on a working group get a chance to speak to you all throughout the even some freebies to giveaway. So make sure to to change the academic calendar to get the most semester, and have some fun along the way es- come over and see what we have for you. out of the year for students. At the moment there pecially during RAG week. are three options available which will be worked on further by this working group before anything RAG WEEK is finalised. We will keep you updated with any Sam Dawson, Steph Fogarty, Steph Kelly, The team here in the office have been super busy progress. Sam Power, Shauna Hickey & Rob Shaw getting prepped for this year’s RAG Week and PaddyWagon_Advert47142_Layout 1 13/08/2015 11:30 Page 1 hope to get as much support as possible from YOUR SU Executive the students and staff of CIT to make sure this RAG week is the best one yet. Keep an eye out for upcoming promo for our RAG Week events.

ASK FOR ANGELA We have been working alongside bars and col- leges in cork as well as the Gardaí in Cork to keep you all safe on your nights out. This initiative is to ensure people feel that there is someone to turn to if they are beginning to feel threatened or uncomfortable in a situation or even if the person is not who they said they were. We will keep you all posted in the coming weeks on how this is progressing.

EXAM DESTRESS Exam Destress Week was a great success with many students availing of the free massages, the puppy room and of course the munchies to keep the hunger pangs away during study time. We would like to thank you all for your participation throughout this week, we had a great time and we hope you did too.


Website: Phone: 021 480 7400

Your Union Your Voice USI Noticeboard

POSTGRADUATE VOICE: WELLBEING MONTH SEXUAL HEALTH AWARENESS A USI SYMPOSIUM On January 29th we will be kicking off USI’s AND GUIDANCE WEEK The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is de- first ever Wellbeing Month! We will have Then from February 12th - 16th we have our lighted to launch a new conference for 2018 four weeks covering various topics and two 2nd national Roadshow for Sexual Health focused on engaging postgraduate stu- national roadshows! Awareness and Guidance Week. We will be dents and the issues they face, both locally covering topics such as consent, contracep- and nationally. Postgraduate Voice: A USI #CHATSFORCHANGE ROADSHOW tion, STI’s and more! We will be celebrating Symposium aims to ensure that postgradu- On January 29th - February 1st we have Valentine’s Day in Maynooth University and ate students are being listened to by their our annual Chats for Change Roadshow will be giving away thousands of condoms representatives, and presents an important which is celebrating its 5th Anniversary. throughout the week! opportunity to bring together students, Chats for Change is all about looking af- Follow us on twitter and search for #gettingit Students’ Unions, institutional staff, govern- ter your mental health. Having a chat can to see what we are up to. ment and other agencies to discuss the is- make a big change, and know there are lots sues that matter to postgrads. There will be of support services out there that are more ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND than happy to help. a range of workshops, speakers, exhibits, GAMBLING WEEK and panel discussions on the day. You can HEALTHY LIVING WEEK Finally from the 19th - 23rd February we will find out more and register for the event here: be covering addiction, with information on From February 5th - 9th we have our Healthy Living Week which will have lots of Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling. There will be information online covering a different topic #TRANSHEALTHCARENOW: information online on diet, exercise, mind- fulness and being healthy and well! We are each day and where to go if you need any The Union of Students in Ireland supported a help or support regarding these. protest calling for an immediate improvement also teaming up with Video Doc which is an in healthcare services provided in Ireland to online doctor service which will be offering free consultations to all USI affiliated stu- If you would like any further informa- those who are in the transgender commu- tion on any of these, please don’t hesi- nity. The current state of play is appalling and dents. The app can be downloaded from both the app/play store and is available on tate to contact the Students’ Union or many students are affected by a very poor visit system. The protest took place on on Satur- desktop also. day 20th January outside City Hall, Dublin.

5 #MYSTORYMATTERSReal stories from real people 6 - 8 FEBRUARY SAFETY WEEK 2018 Dear Reader, “Don’t DRINK and Drive” Dear Reader, “If You’re DRUNK Don’t Walk On Your Own” I wouldn’t say I was curious when it came to drugs. It was “If you’re DRUNK…… If you’re DRINKING…… never really my thing to be completely honest. In saying If you’ve had a few DRINKS” that, I was at a house party one night and everyone was It always revolves around being drunk. You are warned from when you raving about this smoke called King Bee. start socialising don’t do these things when you’re drunk. No one tells you these things can happen when you’re sober. Like I said, never something I would usually want to try but - I had a few drinks and I didn’t really know many people at There has been so many occasions where I walk to my car after drink this party and I didn’t want to seem like a snob just because ing water or red bull for the night and I think I am okay because I am they were all smoking and I wouldn’t. I was told it was a not drunk. That’s a load of bull as I figured out. I walk to my car after a legal high so not to worry. I gave it a go and it was probably night out by myself because I don’t even think that I could be in danger the worst decision I ever made. because I’m sober, it’s the way I’ve been conditioned to think. I mixed two forms of a buzz (drink and smoke). I would That changed when one night I did my usual, checked if anyone needed highly recommend NOT doing that as it messes with your a lift home, when no one said yes, I decided to walk to my car to DRIVE head. I was hallucinating and having an awful time. I also I didn’t register that I was home. After all, I’ve done this so many times. - didn’t feel comfortable where I was so that messed with being followed, I didn’t think about the group of people who were walk me even more. For someone who doesn’t usually take sub- ing towards the direction of my car behind me. stances, not feeling safe is shite and it really makes you panic when you can’t snap out of the “buzz”. Next thing I knew I was being shoved around the place, being hit, spat on and threatened of things which no one should ever be threatened of. I know that there are much heavier drugs out there now in I was only one person, I was terrified and on my own. I am very fortunate the social circles and I wouldn’t try them if you paid me. If for a group of people who ended up walking that direction and came a “Legal” high can do that what could an illegal high do? running to help. It is all a blur but I did everything I was supposed to do. I suppose my experience that I’m trying to share is 1) don’t My experience has proved to me that it’s not all about the drink YOU ever feel pressured into doing something just because consume but also about the drink OTHERS consume, if they were even you want to please people, 2) always be aware of what drunk. Don’t walk on your own, agree with a friend that you will bring you are taking as you don’t know what could be in it and 3) them home or if they don’t want that, ask two or more friends to walk safety first whether it’s your environment or knowing what you to your car. you’re taking is pure. Ensure you do what you have to, to stay safe even when you’ haven’t Anon been drinking. Anon

Dear Reader, L/N Plates constantly to abide by the law and rules of the road. After having to do all these I believe our generation is a generation So I’ve been driving about 10 years now, I received my full license of careful and Incredible drivers who know more than most people after 6 months of driving. I have more experience than most when when it comes to driving a car, but then people feel like they need it comes to driving but I still fall under the category of “a young to update their social media on their drive! driver”. I just want to urge people to put the phone away while driving. It Most cases I would dispute this as I feel people are trying to make could make the difference between you killing someone and it out that anyone under 30 is reckless. It gets under my skin but I yourself or ruining your car? Why allow the chance of a tragedy can’t argue much anymore and here’s why… people using Snap- just to let people know Cascada is on the radio? I personally would chat while driving! What is the point? spend my time singing along to that song and enjoying it. When I get snaps off my friends, some going 168km on the mo- Point of my story really is that we are an incredible generation who torway (illegal btw), driving out of their estate in the snow/ice (also must work ten times harder to get something which was once so illegal), or just using snapchat with the caption “omg haven’t heard accessible. Don’t throw it away? this song in ages”. Slow down. Ignore the phone. Be safe and sing along. I feel it gives all drivers, especially “young drivers” a bad image. I personally think as “young drivers” we have to prove ourselves so Much Love much more to drive a car. We have to study harder, do about 700 Steph, VP Welfare CIT SU lessons before our full tests (slight exaggeration I know), display

6 6 - 8 FEBRUARY SAFETY TOP TEN SAFE DRIVING TIPS WEEK 2018 Real stories from real people ’m currently your Students’ Union President DEFENSIVE DRIVING – watching what TAILGATING – If you’re a small bit too and I have level 7 and level 8 degrees in the other drivers are doing and pre-empting any close to the guy in front and he steps on the Automotive and Transport areas. I’ve been manoeuvres they might make can help you brakes hard to avoid a fox crossing the road, Idriving for a long time and had my fair share of avoid a potential accident – we might all be the what happens? You go into the back of him.

small bumps and near misses! I promise I’m best drivers in the world but if someone else You see this happen on the South Link every not trying to be preachy, driving is something makes a mistake or takes a risk, if you’re not morning on the way to work and if you hit that should be enjoyed, but staying safe on looking out for what other people are up to, you someone from behind, it’s automatically your the roads when driving is your Number one might get caught up in an accident too. Thing fault and you lose your no-claims bonus. Keep- priority. like trying to stay out of other drivers blind ing your distance could mean that you stop in spots, cars that could open a driver’s door in time and everyone is safe. SPEED – Yeah, I know you hear about it town and people who don’t indicate a manoeu- all the time. But a car coming to a stop from vre spring to mind. TYRES – Probably one that some people 100km/h takes in average 88 metres to come wouldn’t consider the most important but be- to a complete stop. The same car at 120 km/h RUSH HOUR RISKS – I know we all tween you and the road there are only tyres. would take 120 metres to stop and at 150km/h want to go home and watch EastEnders after Check the depth frequently and make sure 166 metres to come to a complete stop. That’s a long day in CIT, but don’t make any unsafe they are above the legal minimum depth of twice the distance of 100km/h and assuming risks to get you home thirty seconds earlier. 1.6mm. While so-called “premium” brands of that it’s a grand warm dry day and your tyres Everyone else is trying to get home the same tyres are often better (Michelin, Continental, are perfect. Plus as an added bonus, fuel con- as you, and if you take one too many risks GoodYear etc.), there are many brands of sumption at 80-100kmh is a lot lower than at you might not make it home at all. tyres out there that are more budget-orientat- higher speeds. Many cars are also at their most ed made by the large companies under dif- fuel-efficient at 90km/h, so you could also save DROWSY DRIVING – When you’re tired ferent brand names. Always buy the best tyre a few quid and drive safer at the same time. you aren’t concentrating. If you’re tired leaving you can afford – they usually last longer, grip CIT on your way home, stop and have a cup better and make less noise too. Tyre pressure WEATHER CONDITIONS & of coffee first. Don’t risk it,. Driving tired gives is another biggie – check it regularly, if they REDUCED VISIBILITY – During the the same risks as driving under the influence of are too low or too high they will wear une- recent snow I was taking it nice and handy drugs or alcohol – your mind isn’t on the road venly leaving you with potential bald patches despite having proper winter tyres, and the and it’s only a matter of time before something which have zero grip. amount of people driving far too fast for the bad happens. If you’re too tired, get a mate to conditions scared me. It’s grand travelling take you home or crash on their couch for an MECHANICAL CONDITION – are along if the road is clear, but when you need hour. A short nap and a coffee does wonders the brakes, suspension and steering up to to stop, water or snow and ice all of a sudden for you. Turning the radio up and opening the scratch in your car? Nothing wrong with run- make the braking distance multiply – a major windows doesn’t work, it’s just staving off the ning an older car (in fact it’s more environ- cause of road accidents in Ireland of people not inevitable that you’re going to fall asleep at the mentally-friendly) but your brakes and me- driving at a safe distance from the car in front in wheel. chanicals need to be up to par too. Last thing inclement weather. you need is for your brakes to fail and you are AVOID DISTRACTIONS – While it’s in a fatal accident. Make sure your car goes SEAT BELTS & SEATING good that you can bring mates in the car with for the NCT and keep an eye on brake pads POSITION – sure seatbelts can be a pain you, don’t let them distract you. If you have and discs, and noises from the suspension sometimes, but they are one of the only things an accident they aren’t the ones who have to or steering and make sure there is no play in between you and certain death in a road ac- pay for the damage afterwards. Same goes for the steering wheel or wandering from the car. cident. Seat belts are designed to keep you in phones. If you really need that call you need a the seat where you’re supposed to be – in the hands-free kit or pull over in a safe place. Your If anyone wants to know more, come see me event of an accident they will hold you in place mind is elsewhere when you’re on the phone. upstairs in the Students’ Centre – cars are my – contrary to popular belief chances of being And who needs 5 penalty points from the passion and I am happy to help anyone out thrown clear of the car in an accident if you Gardaí on your record too? Same goes for tex- with any car-related issues or questions. don’t wear one are almost non-existent. The ting. We’ve all done it before but it’s a bad and chances of dying if you don’t wear one, far too dangerous habit to get into. That time taken to high to not wear one. Same goes for feet on the write a text your car can have travelled for a All the best, dashboard – if the airbag goes off (and can go half kilometre - that’s a long way if you’re not off at any speed – even in traffic) your knees looking at the road. Sam Dawson, can be propelled through your face. President CIT SU DON’T WALK IN THEIR SHOES... A display of shoes will take place on the main corridor during SAFETY WEEK, a pair to representing each road death in 2017

7 Part Sean O’Sullivan 2 Rags-to-riches Multi-millionaire Flynner’s Venture Capitalist, and Dragon’s Q&A Den judge! Flying Column He pioneered street mapping on computers, is credited with coining MONEY IS COMING the term “cloud computing” and built up a company worth $200 mil- lion by the time he was 28. Sean lives in Cork but spends much of his time travelling the world as the head of SOS Ventures, investing about €44 million a year in start-ups. But his journey from school janitor to PART 2 OF a three part series which includes venture capitalist is a real-life rags-to-riches story. interviews from well-known entrepreneurs 1 How did you come up with your first business idea? and news of CIT’s annual competition for I got work experience with IBM before graduating in Electrical Engi- Innovators with great prizes. neering in Florida. There were 10 different high data storage applica- tions for everyday life we were learning about. I was interested in map- ping. I started with cutting edge technology that hadn’t even existed CIT Prize For Innovation before and I was the only person in the world working on it. 5th to the 9th March 2018 2. How did you get credibility quickly? The CIT Prize for Innovation is an annual competition held on CIT’s Bishopstown Campus. The competition awards Get customers to use your product! We attended a two day National cash prizes to those whose inventions and business ideas conference when we had our product ready to sell. Each product was $750 Dollars. The product worked well and validated something unique are judged most creative, novel, innovative, and likely to a product that worked and showed off how the technology worked. We succeed in the marketplace. sold about $20,000 worth of products at the conference. The competition is open to all departments within the In- 3. What is your biggest mistake to date? stitute. The Prize for Innovation application form is now up and running. There are a number of prizes available Trying to build a second product before the first one was working. We from a total prize fund of €10,000! Have an idea? Why were trying to be too many things to too many people. If we focused not win some cash to fund your venture! Enter on the CIT on the first product and be more accommodating it could solve our Enterprise Facebook page. sales and marketing of products. The market place was confused about our product. Most common mistake entrepreneurs make. Another way APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 23TH 2017 of saying it is first get a product, Sell it on a profitable line and create a THERES A TOTAL OF €10,000 UP FOR GRABS...the overall second product. five words – ‘Nail it then Scale it’. winner’s prize is €4,000 but you can win lots of other 4. How old were you when you made your first million? prizes aswell such as: Best Business Opportunity - €1,500, Best Concept - €1,500, Best Pitch - €500, Best Stand The way it works you could be a millionaire on paper very quickly. It - €500, Social Innovation and Enactus Award - €1,000 takes longer to get it into liquid. I would say at 24 I was a millionaire Adjudicators Prize - €1,000. on paper. By 28 I was effectively a millionaire when the company went live. According to the papers I was worth $15 million by the time I was 28. Most entrepreneurs raise capital based on their paper value. It is not Find the Robot Competition until the company is profitable and is able to float as a company. Put theory into practise. Find the robot competition is a competition for students run by the Enterprise society. This involves a clue regard- 5. If you were on a deserted island and could bring one item, ing the whereabouts of the Robot on campus. This clue is what would it be? released at the same time every day on the CIT Enterprise’s Certainly a Satellite phone. Social Media platforms - Facebook and Twitter. 6. What habits made you successful? I am very curious about solutions and interested in the long-term sus- tainability change and technology underlying what could make that happen. I’m probably a good sympathiser on a variety of info. One last thing, I also attract like-minded people and support their success. 7. Biggest achievement to date? Getting up early in the morning I guess. My best achievement is in the future. I am happy with the ground underneath my feet. The biggest achievement lies ahead!

8 By James Flynn AN ODE TO THE LATE, GREAT Flynner’s DOLORES O’RIORDAN In August 1993, when I was 15, I was in Drogheda on holidays, and I remem- Flying Column ber hearing for the first time, ‘Linger’. It would not be officially released until 1994, What’s been in the headlines… Back home, Repub- but it was released on RTE Radio 1 as a lic of Ireland manager demo for the Radio Show (Radio 1, unlike Over in Britain, the British Government Martin O’Neill, keep- today, had that bit much more emphasis have established a Ministry for Tackling ing in mind that per- on music), which was being played in the restaurant. And it was a pouring wet Loneliness, so as to ensure that issues haps one should not regarding depression, loneliness and evening, but hearing that tune did mes - stay in the one job for merise me as I looked out the window at anxiety are seen to amongst the general too long, has been population. A bit rich – or rather, some the Drogheda skyline, located in the won- testing out new pas- derful province that is called Leinster where I would neck – coming from a government which, tures by checking out the vacancy at via their swinging cutbacks on British have many a happy summer memory. I thought ‘Lin- Stoke City. With such a renowned ca- ger’ sounded very Irish traditional, but there was Society, have been largely responsible reer, Marty may have sensed the defeat something about it that said that it was referring to for such issues taking root in the first with Denmark may be the beginning of a generation considerably younger than the contem- place. And, through Brexit, are planning the end in the manner that befell suc- porary Irish trad at the time. I was just captivated by to isolate themselves further from the in- cessful managers Jack Charlton (USA the tune. ternational community? 94 and Euro 96 qualifiers), Mick Mc Car- And my feelings would be confirmed when ‘Every - And on that point, the ‘bould’ Nigel thy (Saipan 02) and Giovanni Trappatoni one Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We’ was released Farage has called for a second refer- (Euro 2012), thought about putting his as an album a year later. Hearing ‘Linger’ again, endum on EU Membership, and as if dignity first. He has of course recently this time now being played as a released single on there has not been enough self-victim- and put pen to paper. MTV and RTE 2FM, it was refreshing. And the tune isation via their own folly, Theresa May ‘Dreams’, transforming Celtic Rock alongside con - And the tragedy is that the FAI bigwigs temporary 1990’s Alternative, and the iconic looks, has stated that if a referendum were to were more afraid of him leaving, yet they be held again, she would vote to remain style, voice and personality would make one realise have no real intention of changing the that Dolores was special, not just in transforming (her original position). And with her old culture that has led to such past embar- the Irish music scene, but bringing a whole genera- predecessor Tony Blair, the man respon- rassments. All because they, along with tion of Irish youth into a spirit of rebellion and ex- sible for setting the seeds for the Brexit the rest of the nation are still obsessed pression of independence that was made special by debacle last decade, having launched with recreating the atmosphere that was the various watersheds of history that Ireland was his campaign to save Britain from Brex- Italia 90 all over again? Maybe when we undergoing at the time. it, with calls for a second referendum at least get to the semi-finals of some Sadly, after conquering the world with ‘No Need To getting louder and the polls indicating one of the tournaments will we have Argue’, The Cranberries’ career reached its peak Britain now overwhelmingly in favour of the entitlement. Oh, and the Best Fans with ‘To The Faithful Departed’, and, in no small way EU Membership, there seems to be a in the World? Quick to evacuate Lands- due to the roars of the Celtic Tiger that was taking growing trend in politicians wanting to downe Road when all went pear-shaped much of their fanbase off in different directions that become the Hero Of The Day. Maybe a against Denmark? These would be the were that bit more contrary to what the band rep - form of contention in all this may be that same fans who would, if Man United or resented, the band would never reach such heights Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, might not Liverpool was playing Cork City or St. again. Later Irish Indie acts have not been able to turn out to be all that great with the keys Pats in Landsdowne, would all turn up match such power, talent and achievement as the to No 10 when it comes to looking at the wearing the English Jersey. Trappatonni Celtic Tiger ground Ireland on. bigger picture? Blackadder would do a may have famously declared “the Cat is Perhaps the lesson of the passing of the very tal- better job in all this right now! in the Bag”, now that very Cat has torn ented and special but troubled Dolores O’Riordan itself out. So don’t make me laugh. is that with talent so unique and powerful, it is im- portant to appreciate and cherish it when you have WHAT’S THE CIT-UATION ERE?! it, for when it is gone, then you realise how much you will miss it. However, in a world consumed by St Valentines Day is coming, love is in the air, and that means that RTE’s Late Late Show pragmatism and materialism, it can be a task easier Valentines Special (or The Late Late Sex Toy Show, as known charmingly to some) will said than done due to our vulnerabilities to fall vic- be broadcast on that weekend. That will mean an audience full of singletons, Durex Sex tim to such forces. And now with Ireland the way it is, such an emulation of Dolores may never be seen Hampers – one for everyone in the audience, a game of Blind Date that promises more again, as people have gone too far and too many than it actually delivers and celebrity guests to add to the cheesy-ness. Rubicons have been crossed for such emulation to Someone who has caught the attention in a colourful manner over the last two years make the impact the way Dolores did. is that Romeo/Charming Rogue called “Deano”, appearing in the 2016 and 17 Shows, An Dheis De Go Raibh a h’Aimn, agus mile mhaith and yet despite the controversy he may have generated, he seems to be great at retain- agat chun na chaoimhanna agus na amhranna Do - ing his dignity. Or could he be marketing himself as a potential successor lores. for Ryan Tubridy when the Late Late Seat becomes vacant? Consider- ing how bland RTE talk shows have become, Deano may be just the breath of fresh air needed. The question; would the bosses at Montrose MEND YER WAYS The ongoing debacle with be brave enough? the Beamish Quarter. The Southern Capital still has not received a decent concert arena. Live at the HAPPY DAYS That time of year again. The Grand Marquee does some great acts, but one cannot rely Stretch in the Evening. It won’t be long now! on a venue of a seasonal nature now, no?


9 GET READY FOR BAD GIRLS THE MUSICAL “Get ready for the “Party of the Year” as Wing, you will experience love, lust, pride CIT Musical Society presents the Irish pre- and tragedy. Helen Stewart and her team miere of Bad Girls The Musical this Febru- of officers will guide you through the gates, CIT POSTGRADUATE ary at CIT Cork School of Music. Based on where you will be greeted by: evil-incar- the multi-award winning ITV drama series, nate, Shell Dockley; and her runner, Denny this original British musical will be this sea- Blood; prefect, Nikki Wade; old-timer, No- son’s “Baddest and the Best”. reen Biggs; the raunchy Two Julies; and the FAIR 2018 ultimate top-dog, Yvonne Atkins. We welcome you to G-Wing, where mur- derers, thieves, arsonists and prostitutes Bad Girls The Musical hits the from the salacious, cheeky group of inmates stage of the Curtis Auditorium, reside at Her Majesty’s Prison Larkhall. In a CIT Cork School of Music on the Tuesday 20th February game of power, come play witness to our 15th, 16th and 17th of February officers and prisoners battling it out for the 2018 at 7.30pm. ultimate key. During your sentence on G-

11am - 2pm Student Centre, Bishopstown Campus

Find out about: Meet with: • Taught & Research • Current postgraduate students Masters • CIT’s Research Groups and Departments • PhD opportunities • External institutes and universities from across Ireland 10 CIT POSTGRADUATE FAIR 2018 Tuesday 20th February

11am - 2pm Student Centre, Bishopstown Campus

Find out about: Meet with: • Taught & Research • Current postgraduate students Masters • CIT’s Research Groups and Departments • PhD opportunities • External institutes and universities from across Ireland 11 LIVE CIT, LOVE SOCIETIES For full list of societies go to

Society “Enactus, is using entrepreneurial action Profile to empower people to improve their livelihoods in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way” Enactus is a social entrepreneurial society within the campus. The society helps socially disadvantaged communities by coming up with entrepreneurial ideas. ideas are created and implemented as Email: [email protected] Facebook: a business to tackle current global social issues in accordance Twitter: with the UN sustainability goals such as, poverty, quality educa-

Enactus meet every Thursday at 6pm tion, clean water and sanitation, or equality. Not only does Enac- in one of the Meeting Rooms. tus make an impact, it aims to empower people from disadvan- Follow us on Facebook for more details on taged background by providing them with a sustainable business. our upcoming events and weekly meetings. Currently, Enactus CIT are involved in two projects described here by the Project Managers...

Renewable Restoration Cocoon This is a project within ENACTUS CIT, which pro- There are many problems associated with homelessness, vide a unique way of empowerment where people however the key problems that we have identified and that our from the age of 16 and onward can take part in. project aims to tackle are: a lack of privacy, a lack of shel- The project empower people through creativity by ter from the wind, rain and cold that characterises Ireland, a using recyclable bottles and transforming it into a lack of dignity, a lack of comfort and various health problems. work of art. This project aims to solve environmen- Our project also aims to tackle the problems of social isola- tal problems, through the use of recyclable bottles tion, low self-esteem and lack of purpose in disadvantaged and empower people by providing activities that youths. According to the Cambridge Dictionary a cocoon is can be beneficial. Recently Renewable Restora- a “covering made of soft, smooth threads that surrounds and tion had taken part in the Christmas Fair in CIT and protects...”, “a safe, quiet place” or something that “protect[s] raised €94.80 by selling15 bottles. Currently Re- someone or something from pain or an unpleasant situation”. newable Restoration is working with children from These are all the aims of Project Cocoon, to target the afore Cork Life Centre, where the children have the op- mentioned difficulties facing the homeless sleeping on the portunity to create products and generate income. streets, until long-term accommodation can be found for that In second semester person enabling them to have their life back. Another phase of the project aims to our project is to provide an opportunity for work, socialisation, continue to work and education for youths of 16-24 years from disadvantaged with Cork Life Cen- backgrounds by teaching them to tre, create more im- make the product and thus pro- pact on the environ- viding employment for them. As of ment and diversified now the Cocoon team are in the the productions of process of carrying out the feasi- different products bility study and preparing to cre- out of diverse recy- ate a prototype. The next steps for clable materials. our team are to create a working prototype and then test it whilst simultaneously working with rel- evant organisations, who will help us to work with the disadvantaged youths who will make the product.

Nuttawud Nutchanat Fay Ní Chlochasaigh Project manager Project Manager

12 See more at: CIT Alumni Success [email protected]

Interested in the paths that current students and soon to be graduates are taking? CIT Alumni offers you that opportunity. Check out some of these profiles and get a taste for how successful you could become after your chosen course at CIT...


Nessa Hurley graduated from her MSc Will Sliney, a CIT Multimedia graduate is cal well-being of Irish Naval Service per- in Marketing Practice as a mature student an Irish comic books artist. He is known for sonnel. She has also played on the Irish in 2015. She is Creative Director for a his work on comic books such as the Mar- senior ladies hockey team for the past social media agency in Dubai & is also a vel’s Fearless Defenders series as well as ten years and has earned 209 caps over marketing consultant for companies in Ire- the best-selling graphic novel Celtic War- this time, competing in numerous tourna- land. She is co-owner of Dreaming Always rior: The Legend of Cú Chulainn. He may ments including European championships, – a platform, both offline & online, where be best known for his work on Spider-Man. Champions Challenge, Olympic qualifiers creative women connect. Will recently received an inaugural Faculty and World Cup qualifiers. Follow her adventures here: of Business and Humanities Alumni Award. Blog: Check out his latest work here: Barbara O’Mahony is an Electrical Blog: Engineer and Beauty Blogger, and has an Dee Mangan graduated with a MA in ever-growing social media presence offer- Public Relations with New Media in 2010 Cliodhna Sargent did her undergrad ing tips and tricks on all things makeup and and started The Kinsale Leather Company in CIT in Recreation and Leisure Manage- fashion related! On top of Engineering, the in 2014. The Kinsale Leather brand is mini- ment and completed her masters in the Marketing enthusiast is currently interning malistic, uncomplicated and clean. Willing same department on physical fitness of in CIT’s Alumni Office, while finishing an Irish Accessory Designer of the Year and hockey umpires. She recently completed MSc in International Business, before join- the Irish Made Accessories Award has giv- a PhD in the department of Biological ing the Jacobs Engineering Graduate Pro- en both Dee and the brand a huge boost. Sciences, where her research was based gramme in June. around the Physiological and Psychologi-


Do you think you could be the right Could YOU Be The Next CIT SU Vice person to represent more than President Education Officer? The role of the Vice President Education is very broad 8,000 students at CIT? and includes everything relating to academia; If so, then you’ve got to throw your hat into the ring for CIT ✔ building positive relationships and partnerships between Students’ Union Officer Elections. The elections will see Institute staff and students, you run a campaign across the CIT Campuses to show that ✔ you’re the right person for the job. Interested? Keep reading enhancing student engagement to develop and improve to find out how to run and exactly what is involved. You as a quality in education, Union Officer will take on the responsibility of representing ✔ managing issues around course delivery, timetabling and students, ensuring they get the best deal from their college exams. life. Whether you represent their academic or welfare needs The Vice President Education meets with students on a dai- or engage with clubs and societies it is your opportunity ly basis to assist them with their educational issues. Some to make a difference. The elections will take place on projects include student education campaigns, student en- Thursday 8th March 2018 and nominations will close on gagement projects including Sparq at CIT, and Class Rep Friday 2nd March 2018 at 5pm. training and organisation. The Vice President Education is The Union Executive is elected by the members of the Union a member of many of the Institute’s boards including Ac- and is made of up to three Sabbatical Officers (President, ademic Council, the Appeals Committee and the Student Vice President Welfare and Vice President Education) and Disciplinary Committee. three Non-Sabbatical Officers (Projects Officer, Communi- cations Officer and Entertainments Officer). The Executive is responsible for the initiation of policy of the Union subject to Could YOU Be The Next CIT SU Vice Union Council, General Meeting and Referendum. Becom- President Welfare Officer? ing a Union Officer involves attending meetings regularly and The Vice President Welfare delivers an educational and speaking on behalf of students in areas which will directly awareness programme throughout the year to help affect them. The main role is to defend the rights of students students to manage personal issues including sexual on all fronts, as well as representing student views to college health, mental health, accommodation, finance, safety, management and political figures. The Officers support/or- bullying and addictions. The programme features cam- ganise a number of ongoing Union projects and events in- paigns such as S.H.A.G. (Sexual Health Awareness & Guid- cluding Freshers Week, RAG Week, and Orientations for first ance) Week, Positive Mind & Body Week and Safety Week. years, as well as a number of Welfare Campaigns. These campaigns address different issues which may affect students in an attention-grabbing, fun and effective way. Could YOU be the next CIT SU President? Along with this, the Vice President Welfare sits on college The President is the chief Officer of the Students’ Union committees which, this year, include Governing Body, Stu- and oversees all workings of the Union. The President is dent Services Co. Ltd and the Safety Committee. the main spokesperson of the students of CIT. This person communicates with local media, political figures and busi- Could YOU Be the Next CIT SU nesses where appropriate. The President is a member of many of the Institute’s boards including the Governing Body Communications Officer? and its subcommittees. The main areas of concern for the The Communication officer aids in the development of President will be finance, representation, organisation, su- the Union’s information and communication policy. This pervision and guidance of policy, and will also liaise with Officer must be familiar with all the communication policies other SU Officers from around the country. and all the communication media available to him/her and use them to their full potential. The Communication Officer will keep the membership of the Union informed through the provision of a regular Union publication “ExpliCIT” in con- junction with the Sabbatical Officers and Union Staff. ? ?? ? You could be the ?? next member of the Union Executive! 14 

✔ Could YOU Be the Next CIT SU Realistic: The Officers must be able to assess the fea- sibility of projects, ideas or campaigns in terms of legal, Entertainments Officer? financial and resource limitations. When dealing with stu- The Entertainments Officer is responsible for the pro- dents’ needs, an un-biased approach has to be brought vision of entertainments and other forms of social and to every specific case. Officers must check all the facts cultural activity for the members of the Union in conjunc- and hear everyone out before passing judgment. This will tion with the Sabbatical Officers and Union Staff. avoid leaping to conclusions based on incomplete evi- dence. Bringing every case to a fight will weaken cred- Could YOU Be the Next CIT SU ibility when a genuine case emerges. Projects Officer? ✔ Caring/Approachable: The Officers should be approach- The Projects Officer is charged with a number of one-off able, friendly, non-judgemental and welcoming to stu- projects each year. These projects can be big or small, with dents. They also need to be able to keep their work with the intention of freeing up time and resources for the other students confidential within reason. They must possess SU Officers. Also, the Projects Officer is often the Officer “on the ability to listen sensitively to people’s problems and call” should the other officers need help. A vital resource to be able to deal with them in a sympathetic, mature and the working of the Union, and can be described as “The oil non-judgmental way. in the SU engine”. What’s in it for you? What qualities are needed to be CIT ✔ Develop your management, communication, organisa- Students’ Union Officer? tional, negotiation and leadership skills ✔ Focused/Dedicated: The Officers’ roles are extremely ✔ Differentiate yourself from others on the jobs market broad and they need to set out a strategy for the year ✔ Expand your work experience profile with realistic and achievable goals. Project management skills are vital. The summer is a great time to learn what ✔ Join an energised team they need to know as well as prepare for the year ahead. ✔ Responsible: The Officers of the Union must oversee What are the terms of employment? many activities so having a responsible attitude is vital. For Sabbatical Officers including the President, Vice Presi- They must keep themselves informed of issues, while dent Welfare and Vice President Education, it is a full time being responsible for the students’ views is imperative. job, commencing on the 1st June and ending 31st May. The They will also need to sit on boards that deal with sensi- pay is set for all Officers and can be found out by enquiry. tive issues The hours are generally Monday to Friday nine to five, but due to the nature of the job this can vary considerably from ✔ Innovative/Creative: New ideas for events, campaigns week to week depending on how busy it is along with vari- and promotion will truly benefit the Union as a whole. ous campaigns that may be running. You will occasionally ✔ Diplomatic: Good interpersonal skills are necessary to have to work at night time events during Fresher’s Week and accomplish tasks and Officers need to be able to man- Rag Week and other projects. It is essential to get a copy of age relationships with staff, students, management and the Officer’s Code of Conduct before deciding to run for a others in a tactful way. Often developing good relation- Sabbatical position. ships and gaining mutual respect is the key to affecting For non-sabbatical Officers, including the Projects Officer, change and improvement. Entertainments Officer and Communications Officer, the ✔ Confident/Assertive/Influential: The Officers must often jobs are non-paid and hours of work will be based around stand their ground when it comes to all sorts of initiatives, the class time/free time of the non-sabbatical Officers. be it stand firm against Institute management, press or political figures. They will also need to become comfort- Should you require information relating to election pro- able speaking in public and be able to influence the opin- cess and rules, please contact Vicky O’Sullivan, Assis- ion of others. tant Returning Officer in the Students’ Union Office or by email at [email protected] ✔ Self-Aware: Officers should understand their strengths and weaknesses and by doing so create an opportunity to grow as individuals and as effective Union leaders. It is important to put the needs of the students and the Union as a whole ahead of the needs of the individual Officer. Nominations open 15th Feb 15 EXAM Results - FAQs Q. When are Semester Two exam results out? Q. My results are on hold, what does that mean? A. Thursday 1st February 2018 A. If you have not paid your fees, a hold may be placed on your results. Contact the Fees Office for more information Q. What do the examination results codes mean? Module Result Code Result Explanation I Deferred Result deferred due to exceptional circumstance X Exempt Candidate is exempt on the basis of certified prior learning NP Not present Candidate did not present at any assessment in the module W Withdrew Candidate withdrew before week 6 of the semester and formally notified the Institute WH Withheld Candidate’s result(s) withheld FL Fail Module needs to be re sat PS Pass Module Completed AB Not Present Did not sit an assessment C Compensated Module has been compensated - passed More information is available at Examination Appeals & NEW Review of Module Mark Process LIMITED TICKETS The grounds for appeals are: There are two types of error Review of errors in evaluation TH • Extenuating Circumstances 1. Error in calculation or recording of • Fee of €80 for this type of review ON SALE 12 FEB • Procedural or Administrative error on mark • Requires Review Examiner to be ap- behalf of CIT 2. Error in the evaluation of assessment pointed by module co-ordinator MAX TWO TICKETS PER PERSON! Details of procedure to appeal can performance or material • The Registrar’s Office is the apprised be found at Students must indicate which type or er- of the outcome and once approved by Please be aware of the five day deadline ror they believe occurred and each is han- the Registrar the proposed outcome to submit appeals. dled differently takes effect Students can no longer appeal on the • Student is informed of the outcome and grounds that there was an error in the Review of errors in calculation and records are updated evaluation of their assessment material or recording • If mark is increased the fee is refunded performance BUT Students can request • No fee for this type of review a review of their module mark. This is not an appeal. • Requires review of calculation and Outcomes recording of marks using the following First: student view her/his assessment • As a result of a review of module mark a checklist: script(s)/material(s) student’s mark can Yes No N/A Before requesting such a review it is • remain the same mandatory that the student view her/his Was all the assessment material    • be decreased available for review? assessment script(s)/material(s). • be increased Has all the continuous assessment    Go to for (CA) work been marked? details. Applications will only be accept- Have all CA marks been correctly    ed online and must be submitted with- calculated and recorded in Banner? in five days of the release of the exam Has all the final examination work    results. been marked?

Second: Request a review of module Have marks for the final    mark if deemed necessary examination been correctly calculated and recorded on the Having reviewed the material students front of the Examination Scripts(s)?

may request a review of module mark to Has the final examination mark    address an error she/he believes occurred been correctly calculated and on the appropriate form which will be recorded in Banner? given to students once they are reviewed Was the approved assessment    their assessment script(s)/material(s). breakdown in the module descriptor adhered to in The completed request for review determining the module mark? Please call to the Students’ must be submitted to the Registrars’ Have the examination rules and    Office within 5 working days of viewing regulations including Marks and Union Office for assistance Standards been correctly applied in assessment material. determining the module mark? or contact Steph Kelly, Students must give details of the per- Was the overall module mark    VP Education via email: ceived error (i.e. no longer enough to say calculated and recorded correctly? I am not happy with my result). Was the module result notified to    [email protected] the student the same as the result approved at the Module or call 021-4335270 Examination Board?


Q. What do the examination results codes mean? Module Result Code Result Explanation I Deferred Result deferred due to exceptional circumstance X Exempt Candidate is exempt on the basis of certified prior learning RACEDAY NP Not present Candidate did not present at any assessment in the module W Withdrew Candidate withdrew before week 6 of the semester and formally notified the Institute WH Withheld Candidate’s result(s) withheld nd FL Fail Module needs to be re sat Thurs 22 March 2017 PS Pass Module Completed AB Not Present Did not sit an assessment C Compensated Module has been compensated - passed More information is available at Cork Racecourse LIMITED TICKETS MALLOW ON SALE 12TH FEB MAX TWO TICKETS PER PERSON!

€15 ALL IN! he 2018 edition of Cork’s RedFM Student Raceday at Cork Racecourse Mallow will nd Ticket price includes: Tbe held on Thursday 22 of March. Final information about the particulars of the day will be on the CIT SU Facebook page • Buses to and from the (, twitter (@CITSU) and on racecourse and back Don’t delay because these tickets are the hottest tickets in town! People who don’t have to CIT Bishopstown an early bird ticket must arrange their own transport on the day. You can either organise a private bus to the track for a group of your friends or you can get the train or Bus Éireann to • Racecourse admission Mallow. There will be complimentary shuttle buses at the train station to pick you and your friends up and bring you to the track. • Race card On the day, there will be plenty to look forward to. There will be seven National Hunt races • DJ after racing for with the first race due off at approx 3pm. After the final Race, Red FM will be playing the two hours hottest hits and chart music for two hours. There will be plenty of giveaways on the day too! There is also a ‘Most Appropriately Dressed’ & ‘Best Dressed’ Competition on the day. • Bus back to Cork City 17 Name: ACROSS DOWN Easy CrosswordComplete the crossword below 1. CIT President 1. CIT Cafe 1 2 3. Student Union President 2. A Week Of Charity 3 (First Name) 3. Body And ...... Campaign 4. Grumpy .... Coffee 5. What You Gain In College 4 5 6 7 8. First Year 6. Event You Attend After 8 9. You Do Six Every Semester College 10. Upcoming Welfare Cam- 7. End Of Semester paign 10. Grants In Ireland 9 12. If You Get 35% 11. Essays And Projects 10 13. National Students Union 14. What You Get After 11 15. Flynner’s Flying ...... Completing College 12 16. Not Allowed In Exam Halls 16. Table In The Common 13 18. Something For Everyone’s Room Interests 17. Student Centre Venue 19. CIT SU Magazine 14 15 20. VP Welfare And Education 16 17

18 Sponsored by 19 20




CASH FARE Cash Fare Cash Fare Cash Fare Cash Fare €2.30 €2.70 €1.30 €1.60 €1.10 (Valid up to 16th Birthday) (Valid up to 16th Birthday) (Valid up to 16th Birthday) LEAP FARE LEAP FARE LEAP FARE LEAP FARE LEAP FARE €1.61 €1.89 €0.91 €1.12 €0.77 (Valid up to 19th Birthday) (Valid up to 19th Birthday) (Valid up to 19th Birthday)


Red Zone Adult Student Child (Valid up to 19th Birthday)

24 Hour €5.60 €4.40 €3.20

7 Day €23.00 €18.00 €12.00

Month* €84.00 €67.00 €41.00

Red Zone plus Cobh & €143.00 €109.00 Midleton Rail – Month*

*Month refers to calendar month eg: January Valid from 1st December 2017

18 WIN! meal vouchers for Captain Americas and the newest restaurant in town, WOWBURGER SPOT THE BALL

ENTER YOUR DETAILS HERE: Name: Class: Mobile Tel: Pic by Darragh Kane Mark an X where you think the ball is and deliver this page into the Students’ Union office, 1st Floor Student Centre. You could WIN a meal for two at Captain America’s or WOWBURGER Last issues winner: Kelly Herlihy, Bus Studies3

During the first semester Barrier Free Society, CIT hosted a wheelchair challenge around the college. Students ‘wheel- WHEELCHAIR CHALLENGE chaired’ themselves around the college undertaking certain obstacles. This is our second year organising the challenge. We had 29 participants, up from 25 last year. Only 18 had taken the survey, however, whereas last year there was 7 more participants. Our survey asked: How hard they found the challenge and 12 participants said they found it hard, 4 said medium hard and one said easy. Basically, the results show that most don’t realise how dif- ficult it is for a student in a wheelchair. 71% said this chal- lenge left an effect on them. Many comments mentioned that going through doors, lifts and corners was difficult. They verbalised throughout the challenge how their arms hurt from wheeling themselves around. On the other hand, 29% of participants wrote that this did not have an effect on them. 76% of participants left com- ments indicating that certain parts of the college are still not wheelchair friendly. Overall everyone in the committee and participants enjoyed taking the wheelchair challenge. It was a real learning curve and we were advised to hold another one next year. So, here’s to next year everyone! Nisha O‘Mahony, Chairperson, Barrier Free CIT

19 Herlihy’s Centra Curraheen Road, Bishopstown STUDENT DEALS Tel: 021 4541232 TO FILL YOU UP!! ...... Hot Chicken Baguette Meal Deal (2 fi llings) Any Sandwich & Hot Soup of the day (Regular Size)

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Offer valid from Monday 29th January to Monday 12th February 2018 inclusive. See instore for full details. Customer quotas may apply. #LIVETODAYTODAY