Brotherhood Directory Spring 2012

Grr… Glump! Glump! Smmasssshhh Glump!*

*Translation: “In here you will find a brief introduction on our brothers. I encourage you to talk to your brothers to learn more about each other. Enjoy!”

This version was last edited 3/12/2012 Active Brothers

2 Active Brothers

Aaron (AK) “AK-47” Kendall AK is a real down to earth guy, no-bones-about-it, what-you-see-is-what- you-get kinda guy. His head is full of random information about anything and everything, which means conversations with AK are never boring. He'll tell you your birthorder (how does he do that?), and how many siblings you most likely have, and what part of the country you’re from given your area code. So go ahead—ask him what Promethius' favorite pastime was, or where the most likely unexpected tectonic shift will occur in the next 6 years—if you can find him! Few brothers burn the oil like AK does, yet sightings are not all that rare. AK's the brother who's everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

AK enjoys an intriguing discussion, meeting new people, and staying busy; consequentially, he's always got something to do. But be forewarned—he will probably forget your name the first (and second through fifth) time you "meet" him. Ask him why, and be prepared for an articulate answer laced with reason which will make more sense than a barrel of monkeys (if you're a CS major, otherwise it'll make you want to smack your forehead from geek-speak overload). AK would have a degree in knowing how RPI really works—if they gave them out. He’s spent the past 8 years around RPI simultaneously working on 3 degrees, 5 majors, and 2 minors in fields ranging from Nuclear Physics to Graphic Design, Business Management to Environmental Sustainability, and interdisciplinary applications of System Theory employing Heuristic Empirical Methods. He also carves globes into pumpkins (above).

The pledge class president of Spring 2006 is an avid volleyball player, enjoys downhill skiing, tasteful modern art, good electro-house and classic rock. He also owns a business that manages other businesses, so when he’s not doing homework, he’s probably at work, or somebody else’s work fixing something. He might not have time for a roomtalk by itself, but if you concur that efficiency gains can be realized by a combined “Roomtalk+Brotherhood,” (i.e., the SuperTalk) well… now you’ve in the running for a signature on both. Grab a pencil and queue up your appointment with AK, stat—you’ll need about 8-days’ notice, a reminder call, and confirmation number.

3 Active Brothers

Adam “Thor” Tetelman Raised in the boonies of southern New Hampshire, Adam is a true redneck at heart. He misses the days of his pet chicken; and enjoys a good nature hike, camping trip, or horse pull. Don’t let his history fool you though, as a senior studying Computer Systems Engineering & Cognitive

Science Adam has quite the plethora of interests, activities, and strengths.

With a fondness for media, B movies, science fiction, anime, and general

Internet culture he’s a fun guy to just chill with. Even more so than a good couch session, Adam is prone to making bad and spontaneous decisions and is almost always up for a fun random outing; be it a walk to the gorge, a trip to Vegas, or an attempt at operation human kite … and occasionally sleep. If you ever want to do stuff, learn about campus, or just want someone to talk to, he’s your guy ;)

Alex “Zero Gravity” Fish I am a Physics and Math dual major. I was born and raised in Glens Falls,

NY where I went to Adirondack Community College for two years before I transferred to RPI. The reason I pledged APO in the Fall of 2011 was to meet new people and make friends at such a fancy new university. A few things I like are anime, snowboarding, documentaries, and stuff and things. I’m always interested in finding new hobbies. And I like to start sentences with conjunctions.

4 Active Brothers

Ali “Don’t Forget To Smile” Rodriguez Major: Biomedical Engineering

Class: 2014

Residence: The Quadrangle (Transfer Stack)

Hometown: Lawn Guyland

They call me A-Rod. This semester, I am the Rec Sec and am

part of the Party Planning Committee (semiformal co-chair!). I put

the “A” in JAM, and I live in Quad’s stack of transfer students. In

case you were wondering, we have the old APO couch from the

back office. I love nerdy jokes, spontaneous outdoor adventures,

writing, dancing, The Poly, fishing, soccer, calling my non-APO

friends EZ-FOCs, watching The Office, everyone in Alpha Phi

Omega, and being at RPI.

Amanda “Fluttershy?” Hassan My name’s Amanda Hassan and I’m a Biology-Animation dual major in the class of 2015. I hail from the state of Massachusetts, specifically a little town called Hopkinton. In fall of 2011 I decided to migrate to RPI and quickly found myself pledging APO that same semester. My hobbies include reading (mostly fantasy), playing games of any type, and meandering around the internet. I love to bake, especially for other people and have a fondness for all things cute and fluffy. I’m currently the secretary of the Union Executive Board. Other than that there’s not much I do out of class.

5 Active Brothers

Bea “Lil Penny” Daguison My name is Bea. I am a Biomedical Engineering (Class of 2013). I am from the Philippines and I moved to US when I was 14 years old. I pledged APO in spring of 2010. I aspire to be the best of I can be. I am involved in many organizations but I am now focusing on APO and being a resident assistant and soon to be resident director. I love being busy and doing work. I love service and meeting new people! With all these things, APO is the best fraternity for me. I invite you to get to know me more via roomtalks or simply going to the office. If you need anything, give me a call or a text.

Ben “Piplup” Walcott COOOOOOOKKKKKKIIIIIIIEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! While not paying homage to Cookie Monster, Benjamin David Walcott (AKA Piplup, Ben-Scott) can likely be found in the APO office pretending to do his homework.

6 Active Brothers Bernard “Geobukseon” Kang Year: Junior Major: Chemical Engineering

Myers-Briggs type: ISFJ Known for: Sleeping everywhere anytime. (e.g. [email protected], kid-is-always-always-sleeping-anywhere-and) Belief in technology: (✓)Apple (X)Google (X)Microsoft Hobby: Sleeping, reading newspaper Other extracurricular activities: Current Vice President of Rensselaer Christian Association, and ex-Senator for the past 2.5 years. Random facts: I am often referred as a duck, cat, and many other animals. (Sometimes an awk too. Wikipedia it.)

Brandon “Dr. Lanning” Graham Oi, I am Brandon “Dr. Lanning” Graham and am a Senior Geologist. My interests are diverse and bizarre. Besides being APO EZ’s Service Vice

President, I am the President of W2SZ (the Amateur Radio club on campus) and the Vice President of Rifle Club. Outside of RPI, I build and battle WW1 and 2 model warships with the International Radio Controlled

Warship Combat Club. It is an awesome engineering platform for building and battling strategy. I am also active in different shooting sports, primarily

USPSA; practical scenarios that are based off of speed and agility. I enjoy cooking, teach people to cook, the outdoors, Boy Scouts, Amateur Radio,

Emergency Preparedness, and playing with my hyperactive Belgian

Tervuren Laser. I look forward meeting you all. 7 Active Brothers

Colton “Succotash” Schroeder I'm a Biomedical Engineering major, class of 2012...ish. I'm currently the small group coordinator for the Rensselaer Christian Association (RCA) a group which I have been involved with since my first semester. I also pledged APO my first semester, so I've been around a while. Other activities that I've done/am doing include playing saxophone, tap dancing,

Student Senate, and Duly Noted a cappella. My favorite thing I've ever done was last spring break when I went to NYC and worked in the oldest homeless shelter in the country with a group called NYC Urban Project. It was a life changing experience, seeing people who had nothing be so excited about us being there and about God. I could go on forever, but I won't here, ask me if you want to hear more.

8 Active Brothers

Daniel “Rock Lee” Zaharchuk

9 Active Brothers

Dave “Mr. Incredible” Pazzani I'm Dave Pazzani, but I think that will be in large text somewhere around this paragraph, so I'm just repeating myself. I joined APO when I was a freshman in fall 2009 and since then have been SAA, FVP, MVP, and

SVP! Currently I hold the position of ITSA Chair and webmaster, so basically computer stuff. I am an Electrical and Biomedical Engineering dual major and that takes up a good portion of my time. Besides APO I'm am Deputy Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus and an EMT. I live in various towns in New Hampshire in my spare time (summer) and was born and raised there for the most part. I also REALLY like doing service and making sure people have fun doing so! In my spare time I like running, games, music/guitar, superheros/comics, oxford commas, and helping wherever I can. I have three wonderful littles, Mikkel, Oliver, and

Chris, and my big Sarah is awesome!

Dylan "Kraken" Martinez I am a senior in electrical engineering looking to make a difference. I enjoy sports (Go Cardinals!), music, capoeira, oddly colored suits, and general shenanigans.

10 Active Brothers

Edward (Ed, Eddy) “H2AsP3Ge5” Lin Hi, I’m Edward Lin. You can call me Ed, Edward, or Eddy. I accept all three forms of variations, and all of them are used in the brotherhood. I am currently a junior in chemical Engineering, and am fairly interested in different kind of sports. I am a member of Rensselaer Crew Club, and the captain of APOcalypse basketball team (APO intramural basketball team).

Fiora “Mimosa” de Marco I'm an archie from the Bronx. In my free time I like watching mindless

reality tv and sports.

11 Active Brothers

Gerald “106 MoG” Franklin Major: Game and Simulation Arts and Sciences, concentrating in Human

Computer Interaction

Games you could join me in or talk to me about: League of Legends,

Minecraft, Skyrim, anything involving “OBJECTION!”, anything starting with “Mega Man” (or “Rockman”)

One of my heroes: Alton Brown

Other stuff: I’m a really good artist. Protip: If you want to get on any artists’ good side, ask to see their work. They love it when people ask!

I also compiled this directory so I hope you find it helpful.

Geri “Dory” Flood I'm currently a Sophomore and I'm usually always flustered. I don't sleep enough so I can get pretty loopy and I like to sing random songs that get stuck in my head which then get stuck in yours.

12 Active Brothers

Howie "Tiger Prawn" Lien Howie pledged APO in Fall 2009 as a freshman looking for a new community service organization. He uses his Business and Management skills to lead the chapter as President this semester. Howie also sings in the a cappella group the Rensselyrics and is Manager of the Rensselaer

Concert Choir. (He also gives great hugs!) As one of the older brothers in the chapter, he is a wealth of knowledge, so feel free to ask him about anything.

13 Active Brothers

Jess "My Hero" Sitzer I'm a Co-term Chemical/Environmental Engineering major ('12) from NJ. I pledged APO in Fall '07, have done too much to list here and probably know anything you'd ever like to know about APO/EZ and then some. I'm a sketchy old brother that's always up to no good and is always up for adventures. I'm on the RPI tennis team and in the free time I pretend to have I enjoy doing anything athletic (biking, hiking, skating, and running around like a maniac...), cooking, recycling, scouting, building trail, being awesome and having a good time in general.

Words of wisdom

"Don't Panic"

"Be your own hero."

James “Prime” Wittel BME class 2014. I am from NJ and was home schooled all the way though high school. Interests computers, classic car restoration, starting companies, scuba diving and horseback riding. I enjoy editing and lessoning to all kinds of music. My hero's are Batman and Nikola Tesla

14 Active Brothers

Jillian “McCheerio” Cahill I transferred to RPI in Fall 2011, the same semester I pledged

APO! I am currently a Junior studying Biomedical Engineering. I

cannot smell and honestly I do not understand the concept of

smelling. I also watch a ridiculous amount of TV, I know it is bad

but I cannot and will not stop!

Jim “He-Man Woman Hater” Young Once in every ten generations, a hero rises to lead a broken society to greatness. Such a hero was born many years ago, in Bakersfield,

California, at the edge of the Pacific, where the sun slants directly down from the window of heaven to illuminate men of historic importance. From his humble beginnings, the boy grew to be a man who would become one of the most prolific figures that mankind has ever known. In a different era, this man would have been a soldier of fortune, fighting wars in foreign lands, his only family; those beside him in battle, or perhaps the captain of a deep ocean ship, pushing through the cold swells of the north Atlantic, undaunted by the endless black horizon of night. As it is in this case, he is a physicist turned chemical engineer turned mechanical engineer, titles that in no way require any less courage. He is an adventurer, a novelist, and contrary to what his nickname may imply, a sweet and tenderhearted lover of all women that walk the Earth. He is an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. He rarely sleeps, but when he does, he sleeps in a chair. He can balance, weave, dodge frolic, and bowl overhand He is the greatest brother the fraternity of Alpha Phi Omega could have ever imagined. He is, James “He-Man Woman Hater” Young.

15 Active Brothers

JoJo (Tianjiao) “Red Lotus” Gao HI! I am JoJo. I am originally from China. I don’t know what else to say cuz you know I am super cute, smart and awesome! I love all my bros in


Jon “Tickle Monster!” Mathews I am Jon Mathews, always one step ahead of the crowd. I like doing extraordinary things, be it driving to Canada at 4:00 in the morning, walking to The Brown Bag for dinner with the coolest Bros ever, chillin’ and grillin’ some mean steaks, or just hanging out playing some games and having some good quality time. I might come off as a ridiculous, overly happy, fun and entertaining guy (which I am), but I’m also a deep thinker. Although an engineer, I appreciate music and the arts. In fact I am rather artistically minded; some might even call me a hipster (of course they are wrong). Above all other things I love people (a lot), and always try my best to be there for my friends, and always try to make new friends.

Though not a true gamer I enjoy a good RPG, any type of movie, and classic novels. If you see me around the office just ask me any ole’ obscure question and I’ll be sure to entertain you with an answer.

16 Active Brothers

Kate “Champ” Pelletier Likes: Is: • Alphabetizing • An Industrial Engineer • Bullet points • A giant derp • BRUINS! • Class of 2014 • Music • DA BEST • Moosicorns • From the best state • My dog (MA) • Pickles • Seven years old on the • Teal inside • You

Katrina “⡖⠶” Caban Hi I’m Katrina Caban! I’m a senior majoring in biology; and I’ve been a brother of Alpha Phi Omega, since fall 2010. I’m a member of Rensselaer

Christian Association, and I play on the soccer, frisbee, and basketball intramural teams with APO. I’m the historian of the chapter, and as such, my main responsibility is to take photos at all APO events; to capture all of the amazing memories! I have gained so much from joining APO. It has provided me with the opportunity to make exceptional friends, to serve others, and to grow as a leader!

17 Active Brothers

Ken "Agee" Bellows Ken is a cool guy hailing from the state of Connecticut. He is a senior

Computer Science student graduating in May, 2012. He pledged in the fall semester of 2011. He plays the guitar like a boss and has been heavily involved with the Rensselaer Christian Association all four years here at

RPI. Ken is engaged to his girlfriend of 5 years and is getting married in

August and moving down to MD to start an awesome super-shady gov'mentish job down there. Mostly importantly, he is a bear, through and through. Grizzly, Polar, Teddy, take your pick.

Kevin “Jabberwocky” Toledo Adventurer, gamer, and mischief maker. I am well known for always

"being up to something”. I'm a really kind hearted person, but I'm also a playful troll. If you so happen to discover a clothespin on you at some random time, you can probably blame me. I started it. :P

“What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail?”

Answer: I would attempt to fail at something.

18 Active Brothers

Laine “Shiver with Antici…” Major Membership Vice President

From: Maine & New Hampshire

Major: Chemical and Biological Engineering & Brain and Behavior Minor

Branch: H14

<3 Motorcycles, Kittens, Swimming, Dr. Who & Randomness

19 Active Brothers

Liz “Baroness” Plowman Management and Economics, Class of 2014

20 Active Brothers

Maggie "KaChow!" Sochko

Mandy “Get Sum!” Knight My name is Amanda Patricia Knight, but you are to call me

Mandy. Or else. I pledged fall 2011, my first semester at

RPI. "But wait Mandy, I thought you were a sophomore?"

Good question you stalker! I transferred to RPI after a year

at the University of New Hampshire. You probably won't be

surprised that I'm a dual major in mathematics and computer

science. One may describe me as a 4 year old, an elderly

man, and an elderly woman all mixed into one moderately

good-looking 20 year old.

Important Facts: My inspirational leaders include Stalin and

Angela from the Office. My dog is my best friend. I shutter at

the thought of flat rate income taxes. I can lick my elbow. I

secretly aspire to be a stand up comedian. I know ~70 digits

of pi. I'm at the 64th percentile in height for females. I

research math pick-up lines in my spare time/when I should

be studying math. I have over 10 million neopoints on


21 Active Brothers

Mark “Dr. Boston” O’Donnell Mark is a senior Mechanical Engineer. He was on Co-op last semester, and looks forward to getting back to the real world. He is a former Chapter

President, SAA, and Office Manager. He is now a semi-curmudgeony casual event connoisseur. He is also involved with RPI Ambulance and is the 1st Lieutenant of the Agency.

Mike “Rom” Giehl I am a member of both the RSFA and Genericon committee. That means that I know I am a nerd and that I like anime. I was also a member of the

FIRST robotics team 375 (this will make pretty much no sense unless you have heard about FIRST robotics, but I will gladly explain) I am a past

APO president, past service vice president (x2), and a past sergeant at arms. This means that I have probably lost my mind. I am also the current

Pi Tau Sigma treasurer, and a member of the rifle team. I love to play video games, soccer, and basketball. I am always looking to try new things.

22 Active Brothers

Murr “Mrs. Crazyeyes” Khalid Murr is a border-hopping terrorists reigning from Connecticut. However, in

real life, Murr is a senior business and management major here at RPI

with a minor in literature and communications (Yes, they offer that here).

On campus, she is obviously involved in APO along with greek life by

being a member of Pi Beta Phi, she is also involved in athletics and is a

goal keeper for the women's lacrosse team. In her spare time (when she

finds it) she likes to go cruising, do work for her nfp, and hang in the back


Nelson “Steeplechase” Lim I find it hard to write about myself, so I ask people to do it for me. (Written collectively by Tyler, Dani, Murr & Katrina) A senior mechanical engineer hailing from Flushing, N.Y., Nelson is a hardcore, dedicated, passionate, kind, funny, peaceful and sincere brother of the Epsilon Zeta chapter of APO. His favorite pastimes include running track, rock climbing, intramural sports (soccer, frisbee, basketball), being active in clubs like Engineers for a Sustainable World and RPI Ambulance, eating fried chicken and standing in front of cameras looking angry while holding a shovel. His ultimate dream though is to juggle, while unicycling ON A TIGHTROPE! His hero is of course Steve Prefontaine and being the Asian running machine hailing from the planet Marathonia, he aspires to one day be on the cover of Runner’s World. As a transfer student, who settled on the merry town of Troy after deciding that there weren’t enough hills to run in NYC, joining APO is one of the greatest decisions he has ever made, as he has been able to find true friends, do tons of service and grow as a leader. Nelson is super outgoing and tries to attend as many events as humanly possible. If you ever need a helping hand, fun day out or serious life chat, Nelson is the brother to seek out. He’s super excited to get to know everyone and I would take Nelson up on his roomtalks as they are unforgettable, so be sure to roomtalk him! Lastly, Nelson is INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE!!!! That is all.

23 Active Brothers

Oliver “Alpha Wolf” Yang Just like the lead wolf (his favorite animal), Oliver puts the Alpha in Alpha

Phi Omega. This exceptionally active materials engineering senior is an obvious leader within Epsilon Zeta with his trifecta of chairships (LAF

Chair, Retention Chair, Overnighter Chair) and his trio of captaincies within intramural sports (soccer, ultimate frisbee, basketball). An ex-

CorrSec (Spring 2011) and past pledgemaster (Fall 2011), Mr. Yang is one to keep his family of friends close and howl for their contributions whenever he hunts something big! Ollie is a brother who would sacrifice everything and anything for his pack while pulling the whole sleigh through the rough weather, so get to know this man before he graduates and you won’t regret it!

24 Active Brothers

Rom (Rhomni) “Cheers!” St. John Cheers, I suppose this is where I write about myself…right, name is Rom

(Rhomni) St. John, nickname is “Cheers!” (note, the exclamation mark isn’t there because I’m excited about it, even though it is an awesome nickname, it’s just part of the nickname). I’m currently a sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering, though I’m fascinated by biomedical issues. My big is the one and only Dan Zaharchuk and I was office trained by none other than the great Tyler Cassetta-Frey. Service is my favorite thing to do ever, but I also enjoy games (particularly board games), anime, LARPing, browsing the internet, and cooking. Feel free to hit me up for some hugs anytime and don’t be afraid to share your hobbies and interests with me, I love being exposed to new things.


25 Active Brothers

Sam “Murr’s Kampf” Brown I am a freshman electrical engineer. I enjoy rowing (crew), skiing (alpine and cross country), reading (the darker the better), music (dark!), outing

(you name it), and the environment (Go Green!). I also enjoy short descriptions (3 sentences, beat that!)

Sarah “Café Chanteur" Hulse Hi! I'm a senior, majoring Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication, and

I pledged in Spring of 2009. I've done some cool stuff in the chapter, and

I'm doing some cool stuff on a national committee, now, too. Outside of

APO, I'm on staff of The Poly, which you should probably definitely all read, and also involved in the Rensselaer Christian Association. I tend to get distracted really easily, but that makes life kind of exciting. I like going to the beach, and things that glow in the dark, and cats, I guess.

26 Active Brothers

Sarah “Bo Peep” McCaslin Sarah is a senior management and psych major. She is really really good at snowboarding and really really bad at math. She loves puppies and kittens and will coo awkwardly at any sight of cuddly.

Susan “Fa Mulan” Zheng Major: Biomedical Engineering – Biomaterials

Interests: biking, painting, rock climbing, crocheting, EMT

27 Active Brothers

Terrance “Aquaman” McGovern

Tian “Experiment 626” Shi HEY! I’m Tian ( or if you can pronounce , it’s Tianyuan)! I love Lebron

James, and the Stitch in the movie. I’m part of Frisbee team , an RA and loves to do service (especially related to ANIMALS)! I aspire to own a farm one day, where I will grow oranges and TOMATOES. Now,I’m majoring in

Mathematics (best major ever!) and enjoy my LIFE!

28 Active Brothers

Tyler “フシギダネ” Cassetta-Frey Just like Bulbasaur is great in Pokémon, Tyler is a great example of a brother of Epsilon Zeta. With his super vegan powers, devotion to service and concern for his brothers, this computer science/math sophomore is only just discovering his potential. Aspiring to positions where he is able to aid others, it just doesn’t feel like an APO service event if Tyler isn’t there feeding the homeless at Joseph’s House or fixing broken bicycle tires at Troy Bike Rescue. Tyler is one brother you can truly depend on whether it’s helping out with any event or just having an open, understanding ear to rant to. Ty won’t try to vine whip you, so don’t be afraid and ask him “How was your day, today?” Everything else will fall right into place.

29 Active Brothers

Vicky (Victoria) “00Bubbles” Song Vicky Song loves APO! However if she could, she would add Puppies, Food and Snuggles to the three original cardinal principles of Alpha Phi Omega. In her natural habitat (on campus), she can be found trolling,, eating more food than would feed a small African country, and cuddling up next to a brother. Her energy has been compared to a "small squirrel on crack" or a “Sonic the Hedgehog". If you want to find her, often times she will be running around the SGS doing fun E-Board and Phalanx business, digging through Coke-In-the-Fridge in the APO office, at Ballroom class in Academy Hall, or hiding from everyone in her apartment in Polytech. Although she will be graduating this year, she promises to visit often because she will be working at Johnson and Johnson in NJ (NJ IS GREAT AND SMELLS WONDERFUL.). Vicky misses her big brother, Julie "Toys R Us" Timm, everyday and hopes you all get to meet this super cool alum too!

Vikki “客氣的惡” Huang I'm a sophomore majoring in pre-med. I pledged APO in Fall 2011

(basically last semester). I enjoy reading, watching movie and playing

Wii games. And for those who cannot read Chinese, my nickname means

"politely evil."

30 Active Brothers

Will “Good Lookin’” Anderson

Yuan “RMS Winne” Yuan Joined APO in 2011 fall.

Personality: Quiet (sometimes), but positive and willing to make more


Dream: Traveling around the world and taste all kinds of food!

Hometown: Qianjiang, Hubei, P.R. China.

Major: Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D)

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Reading, Traveling.

Sports: Swimming; Jogging; Playing table tennis, tennis and badminton.

Favorite movie: Titanic

Favorite book: Pride and Prejudice

Favorite flowers: Lily and Rose

Favorite color: Pink

Favorite food: Chinese, Italian, French.

Favorite animal: Dolphin

I like singing and dancing.

31 Associate Brothers

32 Associate Brothers

Amanda “FBS Mandy” George I'm a Senior, graduating this May. You can find me in the union at a table outside the office most of the time I'm not in class or in a concrete lab. I love painting so hit me up if you need more hands for that. I love there's that too.

Benjamin "Ness" Lee I am the coolest ninja you will never meet. If you find me, greet me.

And then we shall see what happens next.

Hanhan “QTΠ” Wang Hi! I’m a junior majoring in Math and Economics. I traveled 11718 miles to meet all my awesome APO brothers in Spring 2011(Ask me in person to know where exactly that is). I like food, music, languages, movies, random videos, design, and math. Besides APO, I’m also involved in CASA, Women Mentor Program, and E-ship Exemplar’s

Program. I’m fascinated by how things work, so occasionally I will take my electronics apart and put them back together.

33 Associate Brothers

Jessica “Night Fury” Maulding

Lee "'Nergizer" Sharma

34 Associate Brothers

Olivia “_? What_?” Torre Just like an owl (her favorite animal), ‘Owl’ivia is quite active from dusk to dawn, snatching up helpless prey on campus whilst serving on nightly RPI

Ambulance crews as a trained EMT and crew chief! A cuddly creature with big, beautiful eyes, this senior biomedical engineer has served EZ as presidente (Fall 2011), fellowship vice president (Spring 2010) and recording secretary (Spring 2009). The E-Tree savior, with her trio of little pineapples (Jam, Steeplechase, Mimosa), Olivia also loves the warm sunshine, the sandy beaches y todas las cosas en El Salvador! Ms. Torre is an inspiration to all with her passionate intensity, desire to serve others in need and deep affection for friends and family. Meet this incredible brother while you still have the chance (before she moves on to graduate school at Cornell University) because she is one you’ll never forget! =) Owl always love you forever! ~Written by Steeplechase

35 Pledges

36 Pledges

Aaron Wise

Aimee Beaudette So… I’m a freshman Environmental Science Major from upstate New York

(i.e. Canada) super enjoys running and being outside all of the times. I am a happy person because I don’t see reasons to live life not being happy. I also love animals of all kinds and lots of colors.

37 Pledges

Alex Allen

Andrew Chung Pokémon Name: Anchoo

Type: Junior studying Mechanical Engineering and DIS

Species: Pledge

Height: …yes please

Weight: …yes please

Evolution: Andrew evolves into Mandrew with APO.

Description: Come meet me!

Attacks: Yawn, high five, pound it, glomp, eat, sleep, roar


38 Pledges

Chen Shen My name is Chen Shen,and it's an honor to be a part of APO family!!!

Chenguang (Dave) Wen

39 Pledges

Il Shin I am an Industrial Management Engineering major/comp sci minor from

Southern California. I like to travel, scuba dive, and hang out with friends.

At home I have an adorable little maltese that goes by the name Bean. On campus I am involved with APO, RPI Formula SAE, RSA, Playhouse, and some other stuff. During my free time I love watching sitcom, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. I love meeting new people and being involved in community service.

Eric Shapiro My name's Eric and I'm a math and physics dual major, class of 2015. I like doing bizarre things and going on pointless adventures. If there's a reason to do something I probably won't, and of course the contrapositive is also true. If you want to know more about me, feed me cookies or something.

40 Pledges

Jacob Merson

Jake Sheppard

41 Pledges

Liam Moynihan

Linette Diaz I decided to write my mini bio in third person because I think it sounds cooler that way. Linette is a transfer student from NYC. She currently resides on the same floor as JAM. She is obsessed with nail polish and loves Dominican food (especially her mom’s cooking) and pasta. On her free time she likes to read, watch tons of movies, hang out with friends or just relax alone, and procrastinate. She is always in need of a massage so if you’re good at giving massages and want to give her one, she’ll be very grateful. She is shy at first but once you get to know her, she’s a cool talkative person who tries to be a good friend, makes people laugh, and just likes helping people in general (if they deserve it). Some people call her a sarcastic pessimist but she likes to think of herself as a realist

(because she really is!). If there’s anything else you want to know about her just ask.

42 Pledges

Rana Hanocka Major: Electrical Engineering

Year: Senior

Hi! I’m Rana, I’m an Electrical Engineer going to graduate school starting fall 2012. When I’m not studying, I like to travel. I’ve visited 14 countries and lived in 3 different countries, and speak 3 languages. I love my cat

Lilah, and also Laine’s three kitties. Okay that’s it!

Rebecca Nason My name is Rebecca Nason (as in Nason Hall). I am a freshman dual

Cognitive Science and Psychology major with a minor in Science

Technology and Society. I live in Nason Hall and am the co-chair of the

Vasudha Living Learning Community Council. Rebecca will have a conversation with you about ANYTHING, but common topics are inappropriate jokes, hearts, musical theater, movies and music. I am a

Masshole and am proud of it. <333333333

43 Alumni Brothers

44 Alumni Brothers

Tom “Obi Wan” Waldo Gamer Tag: Tigre Agusto

Occupation: Network Administrator

Employer: Lansingburg Boys & Girls Club

Likes: Tigers, League of Legends, Food, Chemistry, Computers, Friends,

Service, Adventures

Dislikes: Bullies, Homework, Boys who mistreat girls

Tags: Redneck, Gamer, Troll, Adventurer

45 Staff

46 Staff

Richard "REV" Vehlow

EZ pledged Spring 88’ RPI BSME 1991, MSME 1993, MBA 2002

I am a native of the new York City area (Bayside in the borough of Queens). Arrived at RPI in 1987 and have pretty much stayed in the area since.

I've been around since pledging spring semester freshman year. F-tree member and now patriarch to all F-actives. Chapter offices I held as an active were FVP and historian. As a grad student or alumni, have served on section staff for much of the past 20 years including section corresponding secretary, Xi Rho (Oneonta) rep, fellowship coordinator, and alumni coordinator/resource. i have served as section 88 chair since April 2010. I have also participated in almost 50 section conferences, 9 region conferences and 7 national Conventions to date, and so should all of you!

My day job outside APO is HVAC engineer for New York State government, specializing in prisons. Have been doing this for 18 years now. Many criminals serve less time!

My other extracurricular besides APO is ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. Currently I serve as Region 1 vice chair of membership promotion (2010-2013) and was formerly the RVC of Student Activities (2007-10) and local (Northeast) chapter president 2005-06.

Married to the former Jenny Snyder since 2009. She is a native of Alberta, Canada.

Hobbies include travel, outdoors (camping, hiking, swimming and boating), most sports, playing poker and other games, and trivia contests. I did have my 22.5 minutes of fame through appearing on Jeopardy on June 2, 2006. (second place).

I have thoroughly enjoyed being of service to APO and my community all these years and will continue to do so for a long time to come!