Events of the European Day of Parks 2009 Country Event Date Austria Donau Auen National Park A free guided tour through the Orther Auen and a visit to the castel 24 May island with Betty Bernstein and her friends Emy, Esox und Äskulap. Hohe Tauern National Park Special tours at Bios national park centre through the permenant 22 May exhibition “Adventure National Park” and the temporary exhibition about butterflies. „nature watch" in the Virger Feldfluren. 22 May Thayatal National Park Opening ceremony of the Adventure Playground May 23- Festival celebrating the parks 10th anniversary. Opening of a new 24 adventure play area. The events accompanying the celebrations are also adventurous with great performances, wild chases and a various fantastic games. A detailed programme can be found at Belgium Parc naturel transfrontalier Patrimoines sans frontière(s) May du Hainaut/Parc naturel The fourth regional day of natural regional parks (3) and the 11th 19-20 des Plaines de l'Escaut European Day of Parks in the natural parks (9) of the Wallonie region is the perfect opportunity for transboundary cooperation. Guided tours, round table discussions, thematic exhibitions and other initiatives are part of the programme in which 12 natural parks and their partners are taking part. Further information: Françoise Erneux,
[email protected] Czech Republic 20 czech protected areas (national parks and protected landscape areas) organized events for this year's European Day of Parks. There were 23 excursions, 6 exhibitions, 1 concert, 1 voluntary work and 9 games, competitions or educational programs for childrean and parents.