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Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History

1989 The Advocate (Vol. 20, Issue 10)

Repository Citation "The Advocate (Vol. 20, Issue 10)" (1989). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 264.

Copyright c 1989 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. The voca e Marshall-Wythe School 0/ Law fOU N DaD '779 Vol. XX, No. 10 Thursday, March 2, 1989 Sixteen Pases

Twinkle Twinkle little hall; Renovations Wh ere we held our Barrister's One good time was had by all; Update Pix on twelve. by Caryl Lazzaro Responding to widespread reason for optimism." "We resistance to the received assurance that the administration's proposed decision was not final" The library renovation plan, an ad administration told the hoc committee of students met committee that it would be at with Dean ullivan and Library least two to three weeks Director Jim Heller to discuss before a final decision would their concerns and suggest be made. Charles Fincher alternate plans. As a result, (2L) reported that the students the administration has made a have "tacitly accepted that commitment to consider there is a genuine need to student suggestions and has consolidate all the (library contacted an architect to study staff) offtces on the first floor the feasibility of their designs. and that there is need for In addition, the set of books to open reserve space." Mark be placed on open -reserve has Hedburg (2L) and Mike been reduced. Tompkins (2L) also serve on More than 150 students the Committee. attended a February 16 open Dean Sullivan found the meeting at which Sullivan and two-hour meeting "constructive Heller were questioned about and helpful." Professor Heller the plans. After lengthy and said he learned "nothing new" not sure." He mentioned that until long-term expansion can 1, 1989. It is also believed often heated debate on the at the January 17 meeting, but certain suggestions by the be accomplished in 7 to 10 that two months' salary for matter, Sullivan promised to found the students more polite committee, such as glass or years. Students should not another position was available w0rk with the student and organized than they hac partial glass walls, were bear the cost of the building'S due to a lag in filling another committee. "Coming out o£ b een at tbe open m eeting. already part of tbe J>\an. J>b ysical limitations alone!" sta£[ position. When asked to the Thursday open meeting I The Proposals The original plan calls for The main college's Master comment on this information, saw a real impasse between enclosure of the first floor Plan of campus reorganization Heller replied, "I'll follow what the students and Heller and Several alternate plans, eastern wall overlooking the calls for an addition to the Dean Sullivan has done. I'm Sullivan," commented including the student proposal, glen in order to create office library in five to seven years. not going to disclose the committee member Jeff Craig. are being reviewed by the space for Heller, his secretary Explaining his position, source of revenue." Heller "Friday's meeting was much administration and the project and library staff. The Sullivan said, "Our goals are to also echoed Dean Sullivan in different. They were willing to architect. Heller declined to proposed oftices of Heller and make the library better and to pointing out "when you don't listen to problems and share the plans with the his secretary are 13' x 17' frnd space for growing spend salary money it goes proposals." Advocate. Commenting on the each. By comparison, lhe actIVIties such as the back to the College as a Committee Chair Steve viability of the student average faculty office is 8' x Administrative Law review, the whole. It doesn't stay within Mister (3L) found Friday's proposal Heller replied, "I've 13', less than half the size. As Bill of Rights Institute and the the department or law school." committee meeting with the done some sketches, but a result, the windows Legal Skills program. We're Another possible source of Dean ·productive,· citing "some whether they're feasible, I'm overlooking the glen would no trying to frnd the best way to funding would be the Dean's longer be accessible to the accomplish these goals." discretionary fund. students. The circulation desk, Asked about the outpouring of Access to Materials Public Servants copiers, and computers are to student interest, Sullivan The student commillee also be moved as well. A faculty replied, ''The fact that a lot of raised concerns about Well Endowed library and open reserve area students feel strongly is an restricted availability of are also being added. important factor, but that reference materials due to the by Francis Mary The plan suggested by the doesn't necessarily mean we'll addition of an enclosed reserve Dignitaries and explore public service. committee leaves the do something that a majority area and the faculty library. convened last Tuesday in the The fellow will be selected by circulation desk in its current of the students want." Sullivan The committee memo Wren Building to hear Dean a committee appointed by the position, locates the reference admitted, "There are going to emphasizes particular 'concern Sullivan announce the creation dean and the sole criterion for librarians and the reserve area have to be some trade-offs." with regard to the Federal and endowment of the Carter selection will be distinguished in the middle of the main Funding Secrecy Second, Federal Supplement public service. The first fellow O. Lowance Fellowship, named fioor, and places Heller and When asked whether and the bound law reviews. (whose identity has not yet after a distinguished and long­ his secretary along the western realization of the original Professor Heller reported that been announced) will serve the time public servant in Virginia. windows which face the proposal was likely, Dean original plans had been 1989-90 academic year. The fellowship, which will be a parking lot. The committee Sullivan replied, "I honestly modified so that neither the part of the Institute of Bill of Among those memo stressed that this plan don't know. I'm not sure we Federal Second nor Federal joining Dean Sullivan to pay Rights Law, will bring a would "allow (the librarians) to can do anything. 0 funding Supplement would be included distinguished public servant to tribute to Mr. Lowance were perform other tasks and makes has been approved." Continued on Page ...... the law school each year for former U.S. Sen. Harry F. them easily accessible to The funds for this project, several days of lectures and Byrd, Jr., former Governor of students. At the same time it according to Sullivan, will workshops with law students Virginia Mills E. Godwin, and maintains the openness of the come from within the College. INSIDE and other members of the President of tbe College Paul library and allows natural light At an estimated cost of college comm unity. In R. Verkuil. Mr. Byrd praised to ruter through." $65,000 - $85,000, special announcing the fellowship, Lowance as "a man of total After the committee allocation from the state THIS ISSUE Dean Sullivan reflected, integrity." Byrd expressed his meeting, the panel reiterated legislature is not necessary. Yeats returns ...... p.5 "George Wythe was in his own hope that the fellowship would their position in a three-page An informed source has right a public servant ... it is encourage young people to memo to Sullivan and Heller. reported that some funding Survey results ...... p.7-10 that tradition which we seek to enter public service,. The memo states that will come through reallocation perpetuate." Lowa n ce "everyone: students, fac ulty, of unused library payroll. A Barrister's Pix ...... p.12-13 The objective devoted his adult life to public administrators and library new research librarian position of the fellowship is to service in the Commonwealth personnel, should share the was funded as of July 1, 1988, Irrelevant Sports ...... p .15 encourage students to consider Continued on Page Jlliur f burdens of cramped quarters but was not filled until January Two LSIC Backs Gatntnon Tourney by Tamara Maddox of $2.50 combined per-g(l.lIlc;I; .. ~.Ib~. 'There's got to be a contribution. Neal Devins better way!" Is this the moan only represented the faculty of law students contemplating a participant and collected a alternative career paths? large Probablv! But in this case it number of sponsors, but also refers to'plannedevents by first agreed to match pledges made years to support the Public by his students up to a total Service Fund. One of the $50.00 for the tournament. resulting activities was last The contest was organized as week's Backgammon a single-elimination tournament Tournament, which raised until the top three players $408.25 for the Fund. remained. Sean McDonough, Professor Neal Devins and LSIC sponsored the G eor ge L eedom then tournament, on Wednesday, competed in a double- February 22, in the law school elimination round to determine lobby. Sean McDonough th.e final positions of the prize­ emerged as reigning Marshall- wmners. Wythe champion, as eleven A I tho ugh students and one faculty McDonough was initially member competed for three confused about which game he prize-winning spots after was engaged in (he was heard Environmental Law Society members Kathleen Pepper (1 L), Thomas Cody (1L) and gathering a list of sponsors to exclaim "fumble" after an Holmes (1L) were recipients of Summer Law Fellowships from the Virginia Environmental willing to contribute a set unlucky roll in the first round), Endowment. (Not pictured is 2L recipient Robert Steele.) Fellowship Administrator Ron amount for each game played. he went on to win the final Rosenberg said it is a notable achievement for Marshall Wythe to have provided four of the round, sliding by his six statewide winners. ~lark Payne and George Con~~ut~n~lawprofu~orin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . d spirit of the matches and U ClIC\J',... Leedom won a $10.00 gathered to watch the Leedom onglllated an a narrow 4-3 match and distinguished the M-W faculty gift certificate donated by the match. As Professor Devins organized the Backgammon winning a W &M Law sweat . bl by winning second place: a gift ever-popular Cheese Shop for watched his early lead Tournament as an enJoya e shirt, donated by the LSIC. certificate for a Vermonster his third-place effort. crumble, he remarked that way to aid the Public Service Although occasional losing . sundae a $11 00 value super "playing Sean is like a living F un d . 0 pen entnes were streaks spurred Professor ,- . allowed, but each contestant Devins to mutter "it doesn't sundae feeding 5-6 people, Tension was evident nightmare." Luckily, first year . db' tit donated by Jim Oettinger of throughout the tournament as grades are com piled solely by was reqUIre to 0 tam a cas maller," he seemed fully . I t Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. players attempted to calculate social security number. ten sponsors or an eqUlvaen . involved in th e competitive desired combinational Perhaps his much appreciated probabilities on the fly. Each support of the fundraiser -- his round continued until one of pledges alone amassed a total the players won four games of $13_.00 for the Public and indi\~dual games lasted Service Fund -- may excuse from 10 to 25 minutes. Prot ssor De.... ins pr~testation Master of Laws Al~ough backgammon is n'ot in the fmal round: "I'm doino Boston University oven helmingly acclaimed as a it for the funds." 0 School of Law spectator sport, a small crowd Opus #1: LLM. Degree in Banking Law Studies "Penguin Lust-"

A unique graduate program offering separate, multi­ disciplinary courses of study in American Banking Law Debuts at Studies and in International Banking Law Studies. Taught by faculty of the Boston University School of Law, Neighbors eminent banking law attorneys and management experts, these innovative programs provide an exceptional blend of by Christopher Lande intellectual and practical education at one of the nation's Pretenders and 10,000 most prestigious law schools. Covering the full range of After w~eks of Maniacs, though Penguin advanced banking law subjects, the curriculum also rumors and speculation, the L~st's energy and ingenuity includes courses specially developed to introduce lawyers band Penguin Lust played to WIll allow them to playa much to the economic and managerial aspects of the domestic its first public audience at wider \'ariety of music. and international financial services industry. eighbors Thursday night Penguin Lu t 'presently has a February 16. Penguin Lust limited number of songs in its This comprehen sive LL.M. program offers a singular consists of bassist Pat Allen, ready and rehearsed repertoire; educational opportunity for lawyers who wish to practice guitarist Da\'id Atkinson lead this has kept it from playing in these dynamic, fast growing areas of specialization. singer Kelly Harrington and more e j:ensively. However, drummer Owen Wilson, all of the band hop s to build on Applications are now being accepted for full or part-time whom are first-year Marshall- their accomplishments and enrollment in September 1989. \\')the students: The crowd, become a regular feature in which arrived early, gave the the Williamsburg club scene. band a warm r ception and T his new \\'as pleasantly surprised by enspmbl come as a great th ir cohesiveness and relief to numerous law For a catalog containing detailed cemingly natural harmony a stud~nts wh h:n'e been information and application forms, write: onsidcrable accomplishment mourning th demis of the Graduate Program in Banking Law Studies [or the first p rformance of ever-popular Wailing Cats. \",ho Morin Center for Banking Law Studies such a group. staged their final performance Boston University School of Law Penguin Lust's at Neighbors on the heels of 765 Commonwealth Avenue maiden appearance featured a Penguin Lust. Though Boston, Massachusetts 02215 \'ari~ty of danccable songs Penguin Lu t has a distinctively or call: 617/353-3023 particularly well-suited to Kelly different sound than the Cats, Harrington's dynamic vocals. they ought to provid many The band s basic guitar-bass- _ more e\'enings of diversion for drums and female \'ocal setup those who enjoy an evening seems a natural for playing of listening and dancing to live · "so~ -by." bands iike- The mUSIC. Page Three The Advocate ThUrsday, March 2, 1989 Word Processors are Bold Types recent addition of two staffers, ------~------~~--~ by Beverly M L an although we never know what to expect, we always get th Th old adage "You learn job done." som thing new every day," Som modern 0 currences ould apply to th discovery of su h as professors having th Marshall- yth \ ord p rsonal computers have Pro essing Center. Located in required the Center to become Ro ms 2].. m and 201, this profi i nt with "\ ord Perfect. nter is responsible for mu h All Center staff training has of the published material b en given by Della Howard generat d by the law school with h lp from Pr fessor administration, faculty, staff, Lederer regarding some and student organizations. a pets of the WordPerfect The Center has' a staff of system. Director Howard four, including Director Della made a distinction b tween H ward, who has been word processing and computer w rking in the c nt r fo r even work. She stated that many years. The oth r taff people g t the two confused memb r are Bett, Abd e, and th refore confuse the role Sherry Thoma, anJ Tina f the Center with a computer Dean. d partment. "Although our Ann B ckley, who works respon ibilities have changed with the tax onference and Jo over the years, we have never ette Eason. who works with The Word Processing staff takes a weI/-earned break. missed a deadline. H the Exeter' and Madrid programs also occupy th ~ office. Pr sently, the Center receives all faculty typing needs, assists administrative Taking the ~1arch secretaries and student groups, and is the touch-point for different law s hool offi es if the need arises, for w~rd l\~PRE? processing. ns major responsibility is the typing of several publications by professors and law school Take the BAR /BRI departments. The Center types the copy for the Admissions Catalog, all admission's ae eplanee and MPRE Course on rejection letters and registration materials, Alumni Magazine, Alumni newsletter, and two property newsletlers. \Vednesdav, March 15 After the copy is typed, tbe ..i. center sends it through telephone and modem hook-up to the campus typesetters. 5pm-l0pm This in-house generation of publications IS quite cost­ effective. According to D ell a FREE Howard, "The Center originally sent grades and ranks in addition to all of its other responsibilities with a staff of two - Betty Abele and myself." For all B~t\R / BRI Howard added that, "With the Vick Gets Summer'89 Enrollees Assist I am delighted to announ e that I have hired $100 tuition deposit required Suzanne T uck r fo r the part .. ti me position of Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs. to attend lecture G recei,-e materials Suzanne's ba kground indud s working exten ively with volunte ~rs, event planning, and Contact , -our B_4R BRI rep, publication. For six years sbe worked in undergraduate admi - ion at th University of Gilla PolicaIlo, to register and ~laryland and the University of the Pacific. Most recently BRI uzanne worked for tb' R d obtaiI} B_4..R PR \lanual. Cro s in G orgia, where sh developed and managed a vol unteer program. he re eived her rn a ler's d gree from the University in College wubrlBAR REVIEW Student Personnel. Suz a nn e' s employment with us begins Monday, February 27th. GINA POLICANO Please join me in welcoming he r. 1...... ~ .. Ii ...... iliI. -i·.-....·.... ·. -.-il ....ii.i -· i~ i- il· iI· i· iI· ... The Advocate Page Four Thursday, March 2, 198-9


INTER ALIA Letters to the Editor For someone To the Editor: who affects such dismay over More Letters, Student Survey Last semester, the impropriety of attending William Hicklin, a third year, graduation at a location Page Six set up a table in the lobby to "intended for watching The results of The Ad,ocate's comprehensive and collect donations to acquire a occasional student survey always provide excuse for jockfests," Hicklin doesn't shy new Elvis lamp. Several from the impropriety of editorial comment, especially when we need to ftil space. months later Elizabeth ' About said results, a few comments. pilfering funds obtained from Luck of Deininger [reputed bride of the generosity of other law Elvis] purchased an Elvis lamp, students. Come on Bill - Fork the Irish Despite the talented and diverse nature of our student at her own expense, to be a over the cash! There are body, consensus showed on many items. It should come as permanent addition to the law easier ways to boycott To: The Editor no surprise to anyone that Placement is the cat's meow school lounge. Although Ms. From: Robert M. McDowell, graduation exercises than 2L (75% above average rating); that Moot Court members Deininger has requested gelling expelled for stealing. should get funding (75%) and academic credit (75%); and Hicklin to remit the funds he "The 'Luck' of the Irish" that the administration is unresponsive (67% below collected from llis fellow This St. Patrick's Day, average), especially Prof. Heller (92% below average). To &tudent&, he continue& to Cathie Am&pacher while you are &wigging dovvn anyone who attended the SRO Dean's open meeting, pocket the contributions. Anne Wesley gulps of green-tinted beer and dissatisfaction with the new library policies (disapproval conjuring the Irish stereotypes ratings in the 70's and 80's) also confirm conventional of bushy-eyebrowed drunks in wisdom, or lack thereof. The faculty, apart from the tweeds, pause for a moment to administration, received a vote of confidence, but that's consider the lack of civil rights thoroughly covered elsewhere in this issue. in the British colony of TheAdvocate Northern Ireland. The most pressing problem, of course, is the percentage Last summer, the British (60%) of respondents reporting that their sex lives have Marsh~ll-Wythe School 0/ Law shocked the world by imposing a law which essentially "suffered." When law school doublethink, case law A student-4ldited newspaper, founded in 1969 as succasor. to the Amicus doublcspeak, and homework double duty gets one down, CUri8e, serving the students, faculty and staff of the Marshall-Wythe Schoo! suspends the right against self­ there is nothing like the palliative of engaging in the oldest of Law. incrimination. If you or I pasttime, with the significant other of one's choice in a were suspected of certain morally and biologically acceptable conte}"i, to chase the crimes in orthern Ireland, the BJlTORS IN a-lEF Cheri Lewis & Gerry Gray police could impri on us Gilbert's and Sullivan's away. The Advocate staff stands News Editor Stelle MJlroy ready to assist any and all students with this problem. Features Editor Karin I-brwatt without cause, indict us Sports Editor Larry Schimmels "'~thout e\~dence, and u e our Photography Editor Fbdney Willett own silence as a presumption Finally, a journalistic note. To a question with relatively Assistant Photo Editor Pandy Aepchek cven distribution among many answers, a surprising one­ Chief Copy Editor Mary Francis of guilt. I am not trying to third of respondents listed "hard-hitting news articles" and Copy Editors Paul Consbruck, Mary MJOson impose the U.S. Constitution Pobb Storm, Laurie Patarini upon our British fri rids; "inciteful editorials" rpun, evidently, intended] as the most­ Steve Mister, John Fagan Reporters however, that Con titution and \'alucd aspects of The Advocate. The third-years in the Stephen Lee, Charles Fincher newspaper staff had made a conscious decision two or Phil Steele, Cary! Lazzaro, its interpretation, sprang from more years ago to change the paper from a short, light Steve Zweig, George Leedom a British heritage. Today, U.S. Steffie Garrett, Chris Lande, courts till draw from English feature periodical to a longer, more critical, "hard news" Car1Mciltosh jurisprudence when making or publication. It would be unseemly and self-indulgent to Photographers Brenda Williams, Stephanie Burks contend that this survey response proves the decision Columnists Jeff Yeats, Gerard Toohey interpreting new law. So, by correct, so we leave it to the reader to draw his or her Tom Brooke, Pat PJlen, taking a huge step bachl/ard in Mke Aannery civil liberties, the English are own conclusions. Cartoonist Jon I-bison setting a precedent which may Prcxluction Manager Neal McBrayer eventually influence our law --S.J.M. Prcxluction Staff EIizabe1h Deininger, and the laws of the countries ...... Cathie Amspac:.her, Cathy Stanton that emulate the United tates. Director of Flecreation Paul Consbruck This i frightening. ' Director of Personnel Will MJrphy But this British action is Business Manager artch Banks not unusual given the history Spr ing Brea k 's Sales Manager JanetW' .Gee of Engli h relations ",~th Ireland. The Dutch King \ illiarn lIT of Orange (the Published every other Thursday during the academic year except during exam and vacation periods. Here Funded In part by the Publication Council of tt he College of William and Mary. William of William and Mary) Opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily represent those 01 the entire editorial board invaded Ireland in the or of the students. fa cully or administration crt the MarshaJ~Wyt e Schoo! of Law. Letters to the Editor should be typed at doubl~space on 8 " : x t 1 paper. The deadline for inclusion in se\"ent enth century at the the Thursday edttion' Monday at 5 p.m. The Advocate reserves the rig \ oed' submiss' for reasons request of the Protestants in of space and clarity. England who could no longer Happy Trai Is ! Printed by the Virgi 'a Gazette...... Continued on Page Six TIle Advocate Thursday, March 2, 1989 Page Five BORBORGYMY On The Fence by Jeff Yeats Su h a lot f dissent and sh uld be summarily eems a long way to the stacks By Karin Horwatt disagreem nt, lately. Tsk, tsk. dismissed from s hool up n and an even longer way to any recently criticized a professor, Cmon p ople, now, smile on the third offense. Two weeks have passed appreciable pace for ,at the ad hoc committee your brother, everybody get Class rank should be since I wrote my column. You contemplating the law or any meeting, but declined to give together, eliminated entirely because it know, THE column. That other subject. the professor's name; the try to love one another ... is in direct contravention of column was a ummary of Now, given the dearth of Sullivan Secret Police dug up \Vell, of course it's not that the ba ic prin iples of Zen and everything I have heard simple. t knew that, even 20 windows '(and plethora of expr ssed here since I came to the name, and Sullivan went all other truly great religions. seldom-used television sets) in years ago. It's never been Otherwise, what's wr ng Marshall-Wythe--and I and told that professor the simple for me -- check that. the academic wing, one could deliberately lef~ my OWll name of his critic and the ~ith the present system? surmise that our recruit might It's never been easy for me Everyone pretty much gets experiences out of the substance of the criticism, and shy away from the prospect of it's often been simple' what they deserve, and the discus ion (limited as they are that student received a phone sometimes I confuse the two. . surprises that inevitably arise spending 25 - 100 hours per to about ten faculty members, eall at home from that What's facing us now is are just little slices of life. Call week, 16 weeks per s mester they supply a colorful, but not professor. Furthermore, the neither easy nor simpl . it luck in one case or for the next six seme ter complete or consi tent, day after The Advocate (and Just as I thought things di appointmen( in another, studying the byzantine minutiae picture). The criticisms in last THE column) appeared, I was were looking really good for surprises make life fun and of American law in :1 red brick week's piece came about called into. Dean Sullivan's the future of this adorable old hallenging. The trick is to to bunker with buzzing artificial Ibecause of things that I had office. instit ution, the damned get used to the idea that there lights and a rather oppressive heard and that. with the Corr No comment. students had to insinuate is lot of both challenge and inner atmosphere. Itrial and the library changes, People--including Amy themselves into the decision­ fun in this world and it's Sure, we all know some had been said more and more Cook, have also defended making pr cesses. hatever easier to accept than it is to people who would find a lOUdly. specific members of the gave th 'lll the id 'a they deny. degree of satisfaction studying I Recently, Amy Cook came Administration. Cook pointed de ervcJ any input? Who told On a lighter note, the the law by Sterno light in the into the Advocate office and out that I did not separate them ~ hey could expect to have library seems destined to get sewers of ew York City and told me that she disagreed Dean Sullivan and Dean a ay' in things here? What darker. I understand that the I don't think they care much with what I said about the Williamson from the rest of makes them think they need to proposed remodeling i for our library'S aesthetic ide, faculty, and that, furthermore, the Administration. For know what's going on around meeting with ub tantial I do believe they are there was a letter circulating instance, "Connie Galloway here and why? It certainly r, ' ~hl,lU e among those who concerned ~ith the proposed among law students defending takes care of evervthing," she wasn't me. I w uld have told II "Iul:nt the fa ility. reduction f available pace the faculty from my column-­ said, From park'ng to the them the truth, that I must concede a couple of and resour c material, as are which has acquired forty library to the strange student opinion c unts tor lhings at this point. First I many who are concerned with signatures. (This letter i on scheduling of Criminal about as mu h around here as rarely vi it the library, whi h aesthetics fir t and the law the op-ed page.) I am glad Procedure II to the funding of secondarily. that Amy came to see me, Moot Court to the Honor If the library is for res ar h because , that is the fIrst time I Sy tern controversy. Dean and professors are to have have heard anecdotes about Sullivan is who we -face, and ulli mate priority in obtai ning faculty members that were not he tcnds to become a .lIlJ retaining volumes, why not ;negative, and students signing figurehead for the whole ju:.t build another library at ,this letter had reported quite Administration, Just as there the other end of the law ,touching stories about facuIty are specific faculty members chool and designate it for going very far out of their way that deserve (and receive) student' priority? Taken to its to help students. Meanwhile, student contempt (and best manifestation, rhis could if I'd had to write this column remember, too, that Dean bl; thl; most popular and cost­ again, I would have conducted Sullivan and Dean Williamson efficient alternative currently a survey. teach) and color our available. It could even include One thing: I should have perceptions, fairly or not, there ~dows and other neat stuff, made a specific exception for are specific members of the like reserveable study carrels Dean Kaplan and Linda administration--the most and an independerit shelf slip Spaulding in the Placement powerful ones--who ruin it for policy. We could call one the , Office. I think they should be the rest. To this end, Dean Marshall library and the other canonized--as does everyone Sullivan's open meetings do a raw sewage. But it's a rare may explain the the Wythe library. I've ever heard mention their lot of damage to the image of talent, taking good advice aforementioned academic Am I getting flippant? Well, names--and I also thought that the rest of the Administration when it's offered. carnage. Second, my mother is you could say that. Or you it was understood that my because he is not only I hate to sound cavalier a frustrated librarian locked could say a lot of other things column did not apply to them. unresponsive in those meetings (and, with apologies to several into a teaching position. So, and I wouldn't argue with you. My column did not apply to he is deceptive. ' of my friends, I'd really h ite understand that I bear no As I stated at the outset, them. And speaking of Dean to be one) but let's be hon~st enmity towards libraries or almost two years ago, I won't Another thing. "Shitty." Sullivan, he wanted me to tell with ourselves for a moment. librarians. In fact, I am a fIrm answer for anything that (Did I write that?) Substitute the readers of this column that As a candidate·for graduation supporter of both. Beyond this, appears in this space, if only "adversarial." there is no factionalization in this spring with a class rank I am primarily a pragmatist because I don't get paid for On the other hand, no one the faculty and there is no m~a~ured i.rr tr~~le digits, is my and it's time to inject a bit of writing it. After all, you don't is defending Dean Sullivan. ~xplicit or implicit policy, opmlOn on reVlSmg the grading common sense into this melee. have to read it, so you can get ~ean Sullivan is doing a great Im~lemented by the Dean, and ranking systems at this If you are a bright young as mad as you want if you do Job of confirming what was ~gamst . students and faculty institution even relevant? My college senior, visiting various read it and are offended. said in my column. A student mteractmg on a social basis. fIrst response would be a law schools in anticipation of a Not p~etty, is it? Not from definite negative. fall enrollment, how does our where you sit and not from However my opinion was proposed library revision strike where I sit. But there it is. solicited for a change and you at first glance? Everyone has an attitude, mine when that happens I am Picture this: just happens to be very real WA N T ED usually amenable to expansion A ~ce, su~hiny spring day, and much harder to keep on a on the topic and my opinion. our lIllpr,esslOnable recruit leash than the affected tough­ I'd say that anyone who arrives at the law school guy stance some people spends as much as 50 hours a visib~y a~preciative of the larg~ acquire when they begin to week actually studying the law grarute sIgn out front, the trim attain some power and start Advertising deserves a spot on the Law evergreen shrubbery and believing their own publicity. Review and should have to abundant parking. The recruit We could change all this, stay on' Law Review as long as strolls into our spacious, well­ drop the attitudes and work Manager they continue to study that lighted and suitably appointed together. That would be a hard. lobby, meets the host student more civilized approach but Those ~ith more verbal and begins a tour of the law then we couldn't hide behind talents, the ones who till the school. our titles and bureacratic empty spaces during classroom First stop -- the Library. hedgehogs, we'd have to deal discussions by expressing any Yes, entering through double with one another as equals. semblance of original thought doors the recruit is suddenly The pluin fact is, everyone's should be assigned to do a enveloped by a numbing pall opinion is valuable and we are year's service on a Moot Court of dull flu ore-cence and all pretty much equals, or on team. Those who would take o verbe aring officialdom. the way to becoming equals. .JANET classroom time to discuss the Flanked by a long circulation That doesn't threaten me. banal and/ or state the ob\oi ou_ ~s aJld. ~ QJJ'e .'H!J it s!l{e D.o~s it. ~1!.reat~~ you? _. .."". . . .' ...... , . ~. .. ~ "".. . Page.'Six. I Thursday, Marc,h. 2, 1989 The Ad,voca,re On the Fence, ~ut Off tile ..Mark . Dear Editor: annoyance at the fact tnat in their subjects, they seem to opllllon, there are certam a good example. Professor ' Two weeks · some faculty have taken books enjoy teaching, and we believe issues, most notably the library Smolla was the master of ago these pages carried a from the library without they respect us as a group. policy, in which the ceremonies for the frnal round column by Karin ·Horwatt checking them out, thereby We recognize that teaching is administration has been of the "Win, Lose or Draw" generally deploring faculty- effectively reducing the ' a career, and most of the inflexible and in some tournament, Professor Barnard student relations here at library's collection available to professors will be here long instances unreasonable. was in the audience enjoying Marshall-Wythe. Although in students. Other than that, we after we are gone. If we want However, in the spectacle, and the the past, we have often found haven't heard any general to get to know a professor all fairness, we were surprised administration sponsored two Karin's On The Fence to be grumbling against the faculty. well, we have to make the by the column's tone and teams captained by Deans insightful and well written, this Frankly we effort. perspective because we have Connie Galloway and Faye time we believe she missed the don't know much about the Of course, a few had very different experiences Shealy. That same evening, at mark. Corr issue, only what we have professors are not as effective here at M - W. I believe that last count, Professor Devins To begin with, read. We hope that justice is as they could be. However, the faculty is concerned with was playing his 28th game of we must clarify that Karin's done in the case, and that the they should be aware of these ' the academic development of backgammon in that student column reflected her opinion, good name of the law school problems if they read the students and participates rn sponsored tournament. despite the fact that it was is not tarnished. However, it course evaluations completed many social activities. Other events that "intended as reportage." We seems it is time (other than at the end of each semester To date, we come to' mind are the tribute do not suggest that she is following the case itself) to put (assuming students are taking have taken classes with 15 to Martin Luther King and alone in her views. But her that matter to rest. the time to complete them). different professors. All of Libel Night, both well-attended views do not reflect our O\vn. Now to the Finally, if we were to them, vlith two exceptions, by faculty. Professor Karin took the matter of the faculty. Karin grade the , faculty, we woulld held regular office hours, were Donaldson attended student current student response to the gives the faculty a D- for give them a B + (would you accessible, and were very parties prior to Barrister's Ball library renovations, the Bernie "demonstrating a commitment believe just one point shy of willing to discuss questions and and Professor Koch attended Corr incident (a long, long to teaching" and "interacting an A-oo.). concerns. Outside of class, the the Ball itself. - In addition, time ago in a galaxy far, far with the student body as a fa cuI t y a d vis 0 ran d four faculty members will away .. .), and some incidents whole." She also implies Paul Barker independent research programs participate in the Dinner Date with individual profl!ssors and professors in general dislike Marcia Asquith provide an opportunity to Auction scheduled for March . d t h h David Keir d e t e r min eat t e student questions, ridicule I\-fark Hedberg develop a .personal relationship 16th. The list goes on and on. relationship between the students, and are unavailable Dave Ireland with one or more faculty . It is necessary for students and the faculty in outside of class. I'm sure we Kellv Barnes members. students to discuss and express · b d W . Holiy Hamilton genera1 IS a. e disagree. have all experienced one or Andrew Livingston In our fIrst their concerns and criticisms. The ' student more of these behaviors in a Lisa Cahill year, several professors went We, as well as many other response t 0 th e propose d pro f essor at some pOInt,. b ut SaraDon nBciroa Schewcl out of their way to make the students, are disappointed in Michelle Bodley Jim Ropelewski library renovations is we believe to generalize those . James Grussing frustrating and at times the library policies enacted this understandable, and discussions incidents to the whole faculty Dave Montgomery Monique Migneault terrifying experience easier by year by Professor James have taken place between is exceedingly unfair. . Pally Jennings Mark Pearson holding review sessions, Heller; and are dissatisfied by Ken Knuckey Brenda Williams Jeffrey Craig interested students and Dean We are quite happy Robert Chappell administering practice exams the administration's failure to Sullivan and Jim Heller. In with the faculty here as a Van Dorsey Cathy Wooledge and making additional sources respond to our concerns about conjunction with the library g r 0 up. The y are Mary Jo Allen available on reserve. In this issue. Perhaps these Chervi Hamilton debate there has been knowledgeable and interested Sara 'Austin addition, last year, Professors policies will change since so Chris Abel Barnard, George and Nichol many students have voiced Gerard Toohey opened their homes to the their objections. Professor Raising Ire Mark Taylor Amy Cook first-year class and hosted two Heller is a new member of M Continued from Page Four Susan Walker the Irish, the English continue terrific parties. - Wand certainly will realize bear the idea of the Irish Martha Leary Mary Lu/ch We must not that this letter ' represents the having the freedom to worship to apply a separate standard of "lm,tice." While the "Reverend" Mary Lou Lundin. forget that there is at least one relationship bel'.lJeen students, the religion of thei.r choi.ce: faculty advisor for each social faculty, and administration at Catholicism. Upon conquering Ian Paisley continues to proliferate his hateful bigotry To Karin Horwatt: organization at M W. M - Wand not the tension the peaceful and agrarian Although the degree of that has existed for the last island, the newly imported like the Ayatollah, the United States looks the other way, too Speak for yourself. participation vanes, they few weeks. Brilish lords imposed laws fearful of offending its closest provide ideas, contacts to the At the same time, it is forbidding Catholics to ally. -- Lisa Cahill, 2L outside world, and other equally important to recognize worship, vote, speak native As Leon Uris wrote in his support through lectures and the positive contributions the Gaelic, . or own property. The Dear Editor, panel discussions. This faculty and administration English lords razed the houses book Trinitv, "There is no We write in support is rarely recognized. make to our law school of suspected resistors and future in Ireland, only the past happening over and over response to the column in the Faculty and experience and the good exploited Irish agriculture for last Advocate concerning the administrators regularly attend relationship that exists. export to England. This again." Happy St. Patrick's Day. lack of faculty support at student-sponsored events. The ' Cathy Lee (2L) practice continued throughout --Robert M. McDowell Marshall-Wythe. In om activities of just last week are Garet Binzer e2L) the middle nineteenth 'century when a stubborn fungus repeatedly destroyed the potato . crop. The British continued to EDITORS WANTED export plentiful amounts of other food from Ireland during The Colonial Lawyer THE ADVOCATE the "famines." History shows the British engineered the food The Colonial Lawyer is requesting those shortages and easily could have Hone student opinion prevented the starvation of interested in applying for the position of Senior Sharpen your management skills over three million people, and . Editor or Managing Editor for the 1989-BI90 Work light hours the emigration of millions issues to fill out application forms and submit Piss people off more, by allowing the Irish to them to Felicia Silber, 2L, by March 17, 1989, Enhance your resume own and eat the food they . 5: pm. Application forms are available on the Learn joumalism lingo labored so hard to grow. It door of the office, Room 238. Informa1tion was a holocaust through the Impress your friends stomach. about the positions may be obtained from Get away from it all This history is important Felicia or Dave Thomas, 2L. while trying to understand the Anyone can be Editor-In-Chief of the Advocate, why new law. The British say it's not make that person You. all right to suspend the civil rights . of suspected Irish republican terrorists because Clf Applications are now being accepted for Editor-In the atorcity of their crimes. Chief and Business A1anager of the Advocate. You will Yet they are suspending these find the proper forms impailed on the door of Room rights without due process or a 238, only a few strides awtl} from the Law Review. presumption of innocence. While terrorism is atrocious Fill one out TODAY. and warrants harsh reaction, the British even gave the Nazis Deadline March 17,1989 around 5 p.m. more civil rights than this at the Nuremburg trials. But Contact CHERI LEWIS for more details. someho\", when it comes to Page.Seven - The ~d ocate Results of the Advocate Student Survey Library. Curriculum------do you feel that the general management of the library was better this year or last? Do you prefer to retain the current (number-position) class-ranking system or do you favor the proposed percentile system? this year 13% last 87% Current 57% Proposed 42% are you happy with the reserve-book system? Commentary: 'Good and Bad" Yes 26'10 No 4'10 'Either Way I'm F__ ed "

do you want the old shelf-slip system back--not the optional Which factor is the most important in your course selections? one recently reinstated, but the old one? 1. General interest 0 Yes 87 No 13 , ~ 2. Professor 3. (tie) Meeting time Do you find the library staff helpful/responsive? "Need it for the Ba r" 4. Easy grade Very 38% Fairly 53 '10 Not at all 9% Other: 'A ailability of other people's outlines, flashcards, Emmanuels and nutshells. "

Do you think that members of the Moot Court teams should receive academic credit for their preparation for and participation in competitions?

No 11 %

Do you think that the Law School should fully fund all the Moot Court teams?

Yes 75% No 5 ~o Only partially fund 20';0

Which course not currently offered would you like to take?

Among our suggestions, you only liked Dupe the Interviewer (Kaplan).

However, you had many suggestions of your own:

Right to Procreate (Smolla) Any two new courses taught by Hardy Architectural Design (Heller) The Art of Obfuscation (Sullivan) Marital Mistakes (I. Hillinger) Do you think that the library needs more study space? How to be a F ing Idiot and Still Drive a BMW (Williamson) Yes 79% No 21 % Would you like a smoking lounge for studying? Administration ************* Yes 13% No 87% How responsive do you think the administration is to student concerns? We tried to give you smokers a break, but it looks like your fellow students have spoken. Very responsive 1% Moderately responsive 30% How responsive do you think that Professor Heller has been to Barely responsive 41% student complaints and concerns about the library? Not responsive 26%

Very responsive 1% Note: That means that 67% of those responding gave the Moderately responsive 7% administration below average marks on responsiveness. Barely responsive 22% Not responsive 70% What issues do you think merit more administration involvement or attention? Does Professor Heller need more office space? 1. Library No 77% Other 23% 2. Parking 3. Teaching (as opposed to research) ability of faculty If "Other," Where? 4. Moot Court Funding 5. The Middle East Upper Volta was clearly the response of choice, however others among you had creative suggestions: How would you rate the services and efforts of the Office of Career The microform cabinet Planning and Placement? Anywhere but here "He's lucky to have an office" Excellent 37% and other assorted geographical and anatomical suggestions Good 38% Satisfactory 16% Professor Heller: Notwithstanding the violent response against Fair 4% your proposed office plans, the above responses Poor 5% seem to indicate a well articulated opposition to Note: 75% of those responding gave OCPP above average many of your policies. These complaints qualify marks. Give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back as neither whining nor personal attacks, but as Dean Kaplan and Linda! valid criticism. Page Eight Thursday, March 2, 1989 The Advocate

Faculty. Law School Experience

What is your overall opinion of the faculty? What movie (other than the obvious ones: The Paper Chase, Norma Rae, l3attleship Potemkin, ) does law school most Excellent 9% remind you of? . Good 61 % Satisfactory 20% Fift y-one movies were suggested, here's the 10 best: Fair 9% Poor 1% 1. Reds (long and boring) 2. Pee Wee's Big Adventure 3. Apocalypse Now Who is the best teacher you've had at the law school? 4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 5. Lord of the Flies 1. Smolla 6. Army V.D. Training Films 2. Butler 7. The Gods Must Be Crazy 3. Barnard 8. Peyton Place 4. LeBel (students are undoubtedly attracted to his .9. Catch 22 palindromic name) 10. Les Miserables 5. Gunn

What iis your pet peeve about law school? Do you find the faculty as a whole to be accessible? Takes too long' 67% Never enough stirrers 10% Yes 72% No 28% Not enough pets 23% Sorry, Karin. Other: I'm always making coffee Change machine is always out Tim Battin Classes "Too many status-hungry motherf___ s " Which professor would you most want to see as President?

1. Smolla 2. Barnard 3. Schaefer

Who do you think is the hottest professor of the opposite sex? Did you buy a parking sticker this year?

Hottest Woman Hottest Man Yes 56% No 44% 1. Butler 1. Hardy 2. Barnard 2. Smolla If No, Why Not?

Cost too much- 3 t resP.9~~es - '-ot - a\wa)'s - 'u\~ "\7 -responses' - .­ Whom do you think Dean Williamson looks more like, Alex Trebec Other: No Car 4 responses or Omar Sharif? Green is not my color 1 response

Alex 34% Omar 66% Other suggestions included: Peter Sell~rs, Fozzy Bear, Spuds MacKenzie, and Mary Queen of Scots. Has youl( sex life improved or suffered since coming to-law school?

Improved 40% Suffered 60%

Tabulator's Commentary: There appears to be a statistically significant correlation between buying a parking sticker and one's sex life suffering. Many theories were bandied about, but the one we s,ettled on was that only first years were big enough suckers to buy the things and they're still measuring their sex life in law school against the outside. Whom would you allow to marry your daughter?

1. Rod Smolla 2. Trotter Hardy 3. John Levy 4. Walt Felton 5. None of the above 6. Jim Moliterno 7. Tom Collins What is your favorite item in the vending machines in the lounge? 8. John Donaldson 9. Tim Sullivan MANY responses, but the best was: Change. 10. Paul Verkuil 11. Emeric Fischer

Your Son?

1. Lynda Butler What would you like to see in the vending machines in the lounge? 2. Jayne Barnard 3. Faye Shealey more chocolate 15% 4. Brenda the Librarian ice cream 28% 5. Mary Swartz something healthy looki ng & sweet 21 % 6. Deborah Vick (including a "Cheri Lewis" writein) 7. Susan Grover more popcorn 5% 8. Connie Galloway condoms 31 % 9. (tie) New Receptionist Other: Beer Exam Answers Gloria Todd Frozen Dinners 10. Dick Williamson "Those ugly little dolls that look like trolls that were big in the 60s' The Advocate Thursday, March 2, 1989 Page Nine

Student Activities/SBA ...... Student Body ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;,:::::::: :::: :m Which best characterizes you~ opinion of the new Bush Do you feel that the SBA effectively represents your interests as a administration? M arshall-~ythe student? Optimistic 47% Yes 58% No 42% Neutral 21% Pessimistic 31 %

Are you happy with the veil of absolute secrecy concerning the proceedings of the Honor Council?

Yes 39% No 61 %

Are you happy with the secrecy concerning whether the Dean has revised the Council's verdicts?

Yes 7% No 93%

Pretty clear message, eh Dean 'sullivan?

Should the SBA budget have included a grant to the Christian Fellowship?

Yes 43% No 57%

Did the privately-financed Christmas tree in the lobby offend you?

Yes 7% No 93% Who do you think is most likely to be convicted?

Tabulator's Commentary: The 93% included one respondent who noted Dean Sulliva n 61% that she is a practicing Jew and contributed to the tree fund. Glenn Coven '39% This may suggest that the posturing of a certain faculty member Other: Mark "Jams" Bramble (2 votes) about the offensiveness of the pagan symbol was just an excuse Tim Battin for starting his winter break early. Gerard Toohey - ~ . - What factor was most important in selecting your summer or permanent job?

Location 60% Prestige 12% Pro Bono (Yeah, sure) 4% Softball team 4% Mone,! 19%

What were you hoping that the hole across the street would be?

Williamsburg Colonial Zoo 7% Pancake house 10% Parking lot 3% 7 - Eleven 25% Jim Heller's office 35% Advocate A hole across the street 13% Other: Bar (3 votes) What is your favorite part? Sorority Row Heller's Grave The hard-hitting news articles 19% Who is your favorite Wailing Cat? The inciteful editorials 13% 1. Lynda Butler (receiving a whopping 40% of the votes) The thought-provoking 2. Chip columns 9% 3. Bo The information-packed 4. The drummer, what's his name Boxed Briefs 6% 5. Eddie The in-depth 6. The stuffed animal on the drums faculty profiles 6% The totally irrelevant sports information 12% What is your favorite test for determining whether two classmates The comprehensive are "seeing each other"? ...... surveys 27% Other: Letters to Editor from Sinclair 8% 1. Ask Elizabeth Deininger Cartoons 2. Late for morning class (note: this phenomenon was taken Yeats by some respondents to be a threshold. raising a Toohey presumption to be confirmed by asking Elizabeth) 3.' Seen shopping together at Farm Fresh Other: Making each other's lunch Wearing each other's clothing Ask Doug Yo ung What would you like The Advocate to cover in the future? Ask Cathie Amspacher (2 votes)

The Wailing Cats' rise ,to fame & glory 5% The Bernard Carr Trial 33% For whom would you most like to bid in the upcoming LSIC Date Library renovations 15% Auction? A day in the life of Dean Galloway 21 % Student expUlsions 3% 1. The new Elvis lamp The bottom of your bird cage 21 % 2. Jayne Barnard Other: Diets of Celebrities (~ Neal McBrayer) 3. Jeff Yeats Notes from Toohey's Shrink 4. Cheri Lewis (including a write-in bid of $30,000) Dean Williamson's Hair: Coiffure or Science Project? 5. Dean Sullivan Computers Law School Building --_------

Are you satisfied with computer services at the law school: Are there any changes to the physical plant that you would like to see? number of computers? Yes 50% No 50% Suggestions included: Adding a floor to the library, removing the maintenance? Yes 41% No 59% green thing from the lounge, adding a TV lounge, blocking all windows in the building not just those on the first floor of the training? Yes 55% No 45% library, replacing the Dean and the Vice Dean's offices with indoor parking, and "something approximating the Trevi response to questions? Yes 40% No 60% Fountain. "

notification about changes or revisions? Yes 35% No 65% Do you want access to the downstairs interviewing rooms for studying?

First- and second-years -- Will it matter to you if Word Perfect Yes 73% No 27% Version 4.2 is removed from the computers over the upcoming summer? Would you be interested in such access if you could sign out keys to the rooms? Yes 38% No 62% Yes 76% No 24% Is there any other software package or feature that you would like to have added?

Suggestions included: Italics for printing (Advocate sources report that this is possible with only minor revisions to the Do you think that the temperature in the law school is generally upstairs printer, how 'bout it Prof. Lederer?), Lotus 1-2-3, comfortable? SuperCalc, MacWrite, and "Auto Paper Writer" Yes 33% No 67%

Do you think Elvis is alive?

Yes 59% Other 41 % (notable response: "If he is, /'II kill him' ")

If yes, would he pay two bucks for the grad thing? \ \ "For two bucks, he'd play the Thing!"

,r------· I : Housing Survey ( I I I I , The Mar.hall-Wythe La.... Parule1'$ Club i. 1.n the proce50: of d.veiop1.ns a list of available houa:inS and urvices I in the area serving William & Mary. It voold be distributed to all incoming lav swdents uM-W. We vould L ------. appreciate your candid evaluation of our community • ------

Please tate a moment to complete our survey. Deposit completed surveys in the bOl near the hanging files or in one of the fol1oving hanging files: Mike Tillotson 2L Gil Tea11L T1lAK1: TOU FOR TOn HELPII I. HOUSING· Where do you Jive? Apartment Where? ______o 2 . SaVICBS • of bedrooms ' I 2 3 ~ (circle one) Wbat is your favorite restaurant?______Ho,", many rooms are carpeted? ____ Is the carpet clean ? yes no Wby ' (i e cost. decor. food . etc .)______Ho,", prompUy does your maintenance man respond'______Is maintenance available 21 bours a day ' yes no Does tbe manager live In tbe complex' yes no Name Would you recommend them? Do you bave a bug problem ' yes no Gene ral Practicioner ye3 no OB 'GYN yes no Townhou5e Where? ______o Pediatrician yes no o..·n Rent lcircle one) " of bedrooms' I 2 3 1 [)entlst yn no What is the average price of homes in your neighborhood ' ______Veterinarian yes no Olhe ... Specialist yes no

::::: SIngle-family home Where? ______Can you recommend babysitters in the area? o..n Rent (circle one) • of bedrooms? I 2 3 ~ N&me l Address Age "' -- What IS the average price of bomes in your neighborhood' ______

How dId you find your home? Realtor Newspaper Phone Book Other ______Settling in to a new community is very difficult and we'd like to make it easier for everyone. If a realtor, who and which agency? ______Please share any information (pro or con) that you have discovered that helped you and your Are you on the shuttle route? yes no family with your own special situation (special doctors. support groups. special childcare If no. what is your commute time to M-W? ______situallons. etc.). Are there special facilities where you live (Le. POOl. tennis courts. etc.)? ______Would you say the majority of tenants are (circle one) If there is any other comment or suggestion that you thmJ.: would be helpful. please use the undergrad students grad students families elderly space below. THANI:: YOU FOR YOUi TlMEIl How nOIsy is your neighborhood? Very noisy Moderately noisy Quiet Very quiet

Please rate the following: Excellent Very Good Good fair Poor Almosphere 0 0 0 0 0

Parking Availability u~ 0 0 0 0 Gro unds 0 0 0 0 0 Laundry facililles 0 0 0 0 0 Nelgbbor:< 0 0 0 0 0

Closet/Storage Space 0 0 ~ 0 0 hitchen . Cabinet Space 0 0 0 0 0 The .Advocate' . Page .-Eleyen . ranges from libertarian to . involves civil liberties; when it authoritarian. Moreover, these involves other matters, they are Qver the Hill two spectra intersect, -- as often as activist as Earl An qccasional Colur7m by .John Field, whose Libertarians, by cOl~trast, shown in the accompanying Warren in his prime. graph. If you fmd this approach sole distinction is that he's the oldest man in don't believe in thowing I this ' d ' I -. money at anything. If we conceive of a political I persuasive, you might consider year s gra uatmg c ass. So perhaps it's time we. philosophy in two-dimensional its broader implications. In one of these columns I It's not enough to nOle that I figured out, once and for all, rather than one-dimensional I Whenever an analysis appears referred in passing to '~ ome Reagan solved Ame;ica's where libertarians properly fit terms, we can chart it on this less than satisfactory, ?be:als, .those with hbertarian economic problems, at least Iinto the liberal-conser':ative graph without any confusion. inadequately accounting for InStincts. . . The sound of for the ..~nce, by adopting all , spectrum. As matters now , For instance, a conservative- observable distinctions, the authoritarian--a fascist, say--fits problem may arise out of a eyebrows lifting almost brought the fine old Keynesian the')fies 1 stand, allowing conservati es to Marshall-Wythe a citation for of deficit spending embraced \ profess consanguinity with into the lower-right quadrant. misguided attempt to classify nois~ pollution from the by FDR and every Den: ocrat libertarians is as absurd as the A liberal-authoritarian ~, a qualities on the wrong EnVironmental Protection sin c e - - a 1 tho ugh the way the Federalist Society communist) fits into the lower- . spectrum. Libertarianism is Agency. Many conservatives Republicans can never :::.dmit I appropriates that name to left quadrant. A conservative not closer to conservatism than regard libertarians as their own that, of course. More descnoe a position historically libertarian--traditionally a to liberalism, or vice-versa; it's first co.usins, certainly not important here, in terms of occupied_by the antifederalists. western-style conservative, once not related to them at all. An r~lated ~ any . way to those distinguishing Reagan from the Some have tried to fit represented by the Goldwater additional dimension, entirely bIg-spending, bIg-government, Democrats is what he spent it libertarians in by arguing that wing of the Republican party-- independent, is necessary to bureaucratic liberals. From on. ' the political spectrum is fits into the upper-right resolve the dilemma. Rest this perspective, libertarianism What he spent it on mostly circular, that if you move far . quadrant. A liberallibertar~an , assured that ' applying this is merely a sort of was defense, defense, and enough to the right you'll find perhap~ a true Jeffersoman, . technique does not require conservatism that has gotten more defense, and as little as yourself on the left. Logicians fits mto the upper-left mastery of trigonometry. slightly out of hand. possible on everything else. have a technical term for this quadrant. On the other hand I'm still Yet we godless liberals Most especially as litfe as I sort of approach. They call it There remai? ~ertain I trying to figure out ~here the possess no monopoly on big possible on social programs. circular reasoning. nuances to bear m .mmd, of I cotangent of a radical spending or big government. That's what really idcl,.ified i A far more compelling course. Most Amencans are neoconservative populist fits In fact, it's altogether curious Reagan as a conservative: that analysis has come to my conservative in some respects onto this graph. the way' conservatives still he threw money at defense, , attention. It's quite simple: . and liberal in others, and the manage to pin those labels on and defense contractors, libertarians are not on the same holds true for their Libertarian liberals. No liberal instead of at social serv.ces-- liberal-conservative spectrum at attitudes regarding the administration has ever mired not that he refrained from all I A th appropriate level of this nation in deticits . . nsteau, ere are two throwing money at all. Hell, : distinct political spectra: one authoritarian interference. As approaching those that R ~agan no! He threw money a'> if it that ranges from liberal to law students, we've all attained. were confetti. conservative, another that discovered that the conservatives on the Supreme Authoritari an Court profess "judicial Record Revue by Tom Brooke restraint" when an issue N ew Order P erfeet s Its Tee hniquei"""""""""" """""""";""""" "":":"""".""""""""""*'*""''''''''''''''''{''; New Order's recent featuring all-new material, the irresistable, b~t New Order's @Mac S Terlll.s 0 m: commercial success has group recruited Gillian Gil.b.ert tare~ use of mstruments and ::~: At' , ~:~: brought them fame and (a young woman also hailing craftmg of sound make them ;::: r :::: money, but the band's from Manchester and, like the more than a disco band. :::: :::: approach and style have not rest of the band, lacking any Bernard Sumner's vocals no' if CLUE: TERM OF INDICTMENT FOR Ai~~: changed . appreciably. Instead, formal musical training) to longer sound tentative, yet the :::; HOT-TUB KILLER ;;:; they just seem to get better play keyboards and guitar. All listener may have to 5tram to ~:~: ~t and better at what they already four member.s .s~g some , but re~y understand what he is lll3 . ~ ~:' ~ ' ~l~: do. The vocals of lead the responsibility for lead saymg. The. band ha~ never :::~ ZARYC t ..A::: guitarist Bernard Sumner vocals has fallen on Su..nner pnnted a lyrIC sheet (m fact, ::::, F"-" I ::::: (a.k.a. Bernard Albrecht, a.k.a. because he seems the least their albums do not contain :::: CISTUJE J _ ~:~ Bernard Dicken, a.k.a. Barney uncomfortable with the j( .b. pictures or much else in the ~~:~ GYSYYZ ::~: Rubble) have grown stronger Both outfits have mistai Heimann won the intra-school band members (SU! :mer, cuts. Every instrument can be woman ~xcept change. Client Counseling Tournament last Tuesday. They will bassist Peter Hook, and heard, and the urgency is ~ometunes constancy and represent M-W at the i illA Regional Division competition drummer Stephen Morris) intensified by the distinct feel reSIStance to change wor~ . at West Virginia University in Morgantown this Thursday, decided to carry on without every beat provides. The New ?rder has not changed, It March 2 through Sat urday, March 4. The teams taking their focal point and uajor tracks are eminently danceable has SImply gr o~ better and fi rst and second place there will advance to the national talent After a brief tour and the beat is almost better at what It was already competition in Baltimore. . doing ·quite well. Thursday, March

Barriste1"s I Ball

M-W Students by Mary Francis and Laurie Patarini After weeks of anticipation, it was finally here. The ight. The Event. The Ball. Dresses were chosen, dates were dressed. Marshall-Wythe students were out to show everyone that they could have fun without standing ankle-deep in beer. Trinkle Hall, decked out carefully by JOY Price in so many Christmas tree lights that it could perhaps have been more aptly called "Twinkle Hall," beckoned invitingly to the revellers. Many, however, chose to indulge in pre-prom libations and gastronomies at local hot spot before stepping out to cut the proverbial rug. Local restauranteurs reported sightings at Ford's Colony, Talliaferro's Kitchen, the Inn, the Trellis, Indian Fields, and Dan Perry's house. After dinner, it was time for cocktails and the elite circulated among parties at the Alumni House and Cheri's and Liz's Pleasure Palace. The general consensus was that the eats at the latter were inestimably better (no dog chow . in the trail mix at this soiree). Early arrivers at Trinkle, although deprived of a grand entrance, had the chance to gaze upon selected faculty members in their finery (Koch, Felton, Donaldson). It "is rumored that Dean Sullivan made the rounds and even greeted teven Mulroy at the front door. Your r porkrs note that Mr. Mulroy's date the lovely Amy Birkimer is a Marshall-Wythe alum -- vi ions f dollar signs may have inspired the Dean's effusive greeting. Surely one of the highlights of Barristers' every year is the veritable fashion parade to which the admission price entitles one. If one didn t know better, one would mistake TrinkJe Hall for a Milan runway at spring previews. We are pleased to report that Marshall-Wythe receives high marks from fashion arbiters for improvement over last year's generally torti us fa hion conduct and are quite happy to notice that the keUy­ -...-- green sequined number appears to have been retired. The little, black-velvet backless number was far and away the favorite at this year s ball. Classic though it may be, however, we'd like to warn that onlv "wint rs" some blondes and eapolitan widows hould we'ar black. If it's not your color dear leave it at the mall. On the chintz front, we certainly noticed that Mme. Laura Ashley made far less money off this year's ball than last. Loyalist Lisa g was sporting a 100'ely Laura again this year as were various members of the se ond year class, including iargaret Lee who was resourceful enough to select her trapless gO\\'n in Exeter thi summer -- at significant savings, one suppose . even v.ilh the 'AT. Marshall-Wythe glamour girls were out in force Saturday night, too. Roommates Jerome Self and Kimberly Thompson confirmed their compatibility with their selection of ilver- equined outfits each reminiscent of the other: Ms. ~elf sh wed her Texan oil baron ba kground resplendent in a floor-length low cut gO\m rather of th ~ Bob :\lackie genre, almost up her date. the handsome Bill Dick. Meanwhile.. 1 . Thompson chose a sportier t0wn-and-country look v.ith jacket, bu tier and satin slacks, ap r • riate for her town-and-country date. the ever-charming Jef re.· Yeat . The Ad,,'OCate Thursday, -March 2, 1989 Page Thirteen

Have a Ball Favoring a frothi r look, Tonia Jones was radiant in a sunset­ ta~p e-chi[f n tiered dr.ess. Not to be daunted al though we might h~ve been, MatIlda Brodnax answered with a stunning peachy-plllk, tea-length, lace dress. Ms. Brodnax also deserves re ognition for her d:lte, the most-missed former member of the second-year la -s, Eric Mit h 11 in [rom D.C. Women who l1ave accepted high-powered jobs in major metropolitan areas were heard to hriek "Cute Eric" and throw themsel es at the unsuspecting Mr. Mitchell. Ms. Brodnax was not the only one to import out-of-town talent. The Class of '88 was well represented by Wayne Melnick (in the company of fiancee Sherri Cox), Sarah Sullivan (on the arm of Larry Schimm Is), Jude Klcna (with Gina Policano), and Photos courtesy of Lisa Ng, Keith Kru z, sporting made-to-order London tailoring (escorting Mary Munson and Rodney Willet. the radiant M.L. Nawrocki). Mr. Krusz also deserves special recogniti n for his transatlantic journey, although one wishes that the off-the-rack band could have been good enough to merit the airfare. As befitting future la\\yers, attention to detail reached new heights thi ball season with manicuri ts, tanning salons, and hairdres ers reporting full calendars. Despite lovely results all around, worthy of special mention is Elizabeth Deininger, who managed to select a date whose hair olor matched her own (or was it, a haircolor that matched her date's?). The first-year class performed well for newcomers. Lilt Tazewell demonstrated that fashion savvy doesn't suffer after a Peace Corps tour in Nepal. Mr. Tazewell's date, Katherine Cross (another Third World v~teran) also seemed undaunted by the fashi n demands and wa stunning in a deep blue frock. Other members of their cla s could have taken a lesson from Ms. Cross and Mr. Tazewell and refrained [rom rumbling at the coatrack. As always, ballgoers were safe from any potential co~munist attacks on the 'Burg with our men in uniform out in force. Ex­ Cat Ed McNellis was dashing in his Army dress blues, even if he doesn't seem to be sure whether he's in the infantry or the JAG Corps. Jon Hudson, in Navy "mess dress," was disappointed this year however, not to fmd himself the highest ranking man in the room. He grudgingly revealed that his Navy lieutenant commander rank ti d with Cynthia Gleisberg's husband Scott's Army major status. His honesty is to be commended, as no one else ever seems to understand what Navy ranks mean. The more energetic of the ballgoers refused to call it quits after the band stopped and headed to various locales, among them Frank's Truck Stop and Cheri's and Liz's. Colonial Cab made out big on post-festivity transportation; Mark Dumler and Tracy Mays found their service particularly cheerful. The revelry continued into early morning as the hardy clocked out of 18 Priorslee moments before sunrise. The memory of fashion and etiquette maneuver fade quickly, but the lasting qu stion is, when \\Till the sleep-wake cycle of Marshall-Wythe students return to normal? Page Fourteen Thursday, March 2, 1989 The Advocate Faculty Profile: Hunter leads Eclectic life by Mike Flannery spring term at Marshall-Wythe, Episcopalian, was also the first in Washington, D.C. for one Theatre of Harlem. Professor teaching courses in Sales and woman in the diocese of year. This was followed bv a Hunter provides legal support 1t's time for a pop quiz. Remedies. Professor Hunter Georgia to be el cted as short stint in the army, which for his wife as a director of Name the professor who: is on leave from Emory senior warden of her parish. in turn was followed by the the Georgia Volunteer Lawyers 1) spent last summer in University where he has been This was "much to the chagrin mO\'e to Atlanta and the for the Arts, who provide legal Australi a, teaching a course in a mcmber of the faculty since of the then bishop, who was private firm of Hansell & Post. services for "starving artists Restitution at the University of 1976. In a recent interview, he very ardently opposed to The Hunters have a twelve­ and mall, non-profit artist Sidney on a FuIlbright grant; discussed the foregoing topics women in the priesthood and year old daughter, Emily, and organizations." 2) owns a farm thirty miles and many more. women III positions of she is currently settling into Professor Hunter is known east of Atlanta, where he and Professor Hunter is from a authority," according to school in the town where their for hi expertise in the area of his family raise ten show­ small family. "My father was Hunter. His lone sibling, a farm is located, Mansfield. contracts. In 19 1, he was jumping horses' a chemical engineer with a sister, is an elementary school Georgia. Susan runs the farm asked to help analyze a 3) has represented Cuban paper company but he chucked teacher (fifth grade) in is a freelance writer (with partnership agreement (take refug es whom the Justice that all when he was about 48 Georgia. periodic articles appearing in heed, legal skillers) for tax Department wants to deport; or 49 years old to become a Hunter attended Yale (1964- the Atlanta Constitution), and purposes, following the 4) grew up in rural shrim p fisherman," said 71) for both his undergraduate is very active in arts promotion dramatic and untimely death of Brunswick, Georgia' Hunter. "He loved the water and law degrees. [His wife, (especially dance) in Atlanta. one of the partners. The 5) met his future wife while and he loved boats so he said Susan was attending Cornell She has been responsible for deceased was an elderly in high school when both 'To hell with it.'" His mother at the time. "We d see each bringing to Atlanta such noted woman who had fallen prey to attended summer school for has run an insurance agency other now and then," said dancers as the Alvin Ailey a fast-talking con-man who science students 1 n for the last seventeen years; in Hunter.] After law achool, he Company, the Paul Taylor Continued on Page Fifteftl Massachusetts. addition, she has written for worked at Hogan & Hart on Company and the Dance If you can't name him, the local newspaper, chaired don't despair; this is a tough the county Democratic party one. Howard O. Hunter is and been a member of the Tourney Has Big Draw the Visiting Mills E. Godwin state Democratic executive Professor of Law for the committee. Mrs. H unter, an by Christopher Lande used legal terminology along for individual teams, but it with titles of movies and might do so should it hold The final televi sion shows and an ther tournament next year. round of the Black Law comm rcial jingles as concepts Beverly M Lean, Owen Library Student Association's "Win, which one team member Wilson, Sabrina Johnson and Lose, or Draw" tournament illustrated while the other two Kevin Hopkins led the Continued from Page One culminated last Wednesday attempted to interpret them organizing and publicizing evening with the first-year properly. Some of the efforts, which inclnded in the reserve area, leaving two none." Jeff Craig did not team "The Fun Bunch", drawings elicited correct soliciting prizes and judges for predict the outcome, but copies on the shelves for consisting of John R obinson, answers almost immediately, each round. Prizes were added, "They have no reason but others required analysis student use. As for law Rob Garnier, and Brent Allen awarded to all participants, reviews, one set of bound not to look' at our proposal akin to deciphering the taking first place. Second with each member of the first reviews will be moved to the and give it a thorough place went to another group of Rosetta stone or an obscure place team receiving a ticket to faculty library and one will examination. " fir<:t-years, "Gr ound Beef', form f Egyptian hierOGlyphics. the Barristers' Ball. Other remain in the stacks. "Only In other library news, comprised of Bob Bua, Brian B L S A prizes included gift certificates current issues will be kept in discussions between Heller and organized the tournament to Guidash, and Fred Helm. for breakfasts lunches, dinners, open reserve. Heller pointed raise money for the Marshall­ another student committee Professor and local "bon and between-meal snacks at out that "many libraries have Wythe Public Service Fund and continue about closing hours vivant" Rod Smolla served as some of Williamsburg'S finer current issues of law reviews as an activity for Black History and library security. Heller, the master of ceremonies for eating establishments. BLSA on closed reserve. Students Month. Approximately $125 concerned about securit y of the final round, which captured deemcd the tournament an have to ask for copies at the property and life at the library, was raised for the Public an audience of about 50 overall success, with money circulation desk." had originally proposed a Service Fund through 1 curious students. being raised for a good cause, Waiting for a Reply a.m. expulsion time for donations and a three-dollar "Win, Lose, or participants reaping fun prizes, Explaining his position, everyone in the library. entry fee for each team. Draw", resembled the popular and ever. one involved having a Sullivan said, "Our goals are to According to Mike Tompkins, BLSA did not seek sponsors board game "Pictionary" but good tin1e. make the library better and to a member of the student find space for growing committee, Heller now says he activities such as the has narrowed down options to administrative law review, the two: hiring Ii. security guard to Bill of Rights Institute and the throw people out at 2 a.m. or Legal Skills program. We're buying an electronic key trying to find the best way to doorlock security system. The accom plish these goals." b.tter includes either enclosing A sked about the outpouring of off the entire library, which in student interest, Sullivan Heller's view is prohibitively replied, "The fact that a lot of expensive. or securing just the students feci stronglv is an computer room, which m 3.Y not important factor. -b'ut that be. Another relevant fac tor is doesn't nccessarily mean we'll th 3. t the Coll ege may install a do som'thin g that a m3jori tY cam pus-wide. a ll- purp sc of the. students want." Suiliva;1 electn nic card key syst m admittcd. 'Th re are goin g t,) suitable for dorms. academic h3\'e to be some tradc-off : buildings. the meal plan The student commilte ~ has cafetcria. and credit at the nOl recei\'ed a formal repl .. to College Bookstor ' . If thcir mcmo. Jeff Craig appr o\·ed. im plem en tation reported that they ~"Crc told it would be complete in two to wo uld be two or three weeks three ycars. The b w school Dean Sullivan, President Verkui/, f rmer tor Byrd and were before a decision would be li brary -ecuri ty pr blem may among those gathered at Wren Hall Thursday, Feb. 21 to announce the Carter O. Lowance made. Dean Sulli\'an said he thus be "a short-l rm Fellowship. hope: to hear about the problem." Tompkins xpbined, ~1ed i ca l Colleg of Virginia. Pr sident · Continued from Page One funding "within the next justifying interim use of a T hen from 1970 to 19 4 he stated that th name month: ' security guard. If so. the i sue of Virginia. H e sen'cd as an wa- E xecutive V icc Presid ~n t law sch001' used to b ch 01 \\ hile Steve Mistcr belie\'es v,ould become how bt the 3. id to six Governors and his at \\"illiam and M arv. For his of Law and Citizenship. that some considerati n is school would pay a gU3.rd to gO\'crnment po ts incl uded leadership in -tate gO\'ernment Although th name changed being gi\'cn to the committee stay. C o mmissi o n e r o f and publi sen'ice, Lowance m any years ago, \ erkuil concerns; Charles Finch r is Administrati on and acting ha- re c~ i \' d th Virginia e mphasized that "it is less optimistic. "My personal Secretary of Education. H e Distinguished en'ice 1edal important to communi ate that impression was that our chance left govcrnment sen'ice and and an honorary d~gree from ~ n-e of en'ice to our of having them actually accept ...... from 19 - to 1962 he served the College of \ illiam and tudents." the suggestion was slim to as Assistant President at the 1arv. The Advocate Thursday, March 2, 1989 ,Page Fifteen ~+~~~~~~++~~~~~++++~~T~~~T++~++ Speaking of Fair Notice ,Cont' d Sports Graduation , Robert Merhige, a judge of the United States Di-trict ~ - by Larry Schimmels Court in Richmond, has accepted the invitation of the law Moot school to speak at the separate commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 14. Dean Timothy Sullivan, extending the Irrelevant Sports invitation on behalf of the Graduation Committee of the Court Student Bar Association, asked Judge Merhige to prepare Second years interested in Article a 10-to-15-minute talk of interest to the members of Class applying for the 1989-90 t.loot Carl Falmezger's floor hockey team lost last week. Carr of 1989 and their guests. Court Board may pick up declined comment. Now on to college basketball. In order to improve chances of obtaining a class's first information sheets from umber one Oklahoma was kno ked out of the top spot choice for speaker, the Graduation Committee now polls outside the Moot Court Board once again, this time by Missouri. Missouri also looked class members in their second year. The Class of 1990 has Room, located across from the tough against the Sooners earlier at Oklahoma. Look for just completed balloting for the person to be invited to Moot Co u rt Room. Missouri to tighten up and fare well in the NCAA speak at the separate commencement ceremony of the law Statements of interest are due tournament. school in May, 1990. In the flllal round of votinrr Justice Friday, March 17, at 12 noon, The "Law Geeks" star, Diane Davis, scored their lone William Brennan of the United States Supre:~ Court and candidates should sign up goal. rec~ived t~e second-highest number of votes (H), former for interviews to be held The University of South Carolina pulled out an upset ChIef JustIce Warren Burger placed third (12), and First Saturday, March 18. ' Please victory over Metro Conference rival Louisville thi Lady Barbara Bush came in fourth (11). The Graduation contact Bruce McDougal for weekend. The Cardinals just can't seem to get back into Commillce has asked Dean Sullivan to extend an invitation further information. form since Pervis Ellison came back off his knee injury. to the most popular choice, Justice Antonin Scalia of the They'd better shape up fast if they want to go anywhere United States Supreme Court, who received 19 voles. come tournament time. Jimmy Johnson from Miami is replacing Tom Landry as ~+++++++++**++++++**++++++***** h ad coach of the Dallas Cowboys. He's apparently bringing quarterback Steve Walsh with him. Now maybe America's team can cheat as well as Oakland used to. Intramural Faculty Profile Carolina (the black one not the blue one) looks, well Floor let's just say, odd this year. The Gamecocks should get an Continued from I Pag,e · F~ NCAA berth, especially with victories over Tennessee, Ohio Hockey meant to steal her plentiful limbo ever SInce at various State, and Louisvill , but they've got to stop losing to jewelry; unfortunately, the penitentIanes around · the perennial powerhouses such as Citadel and Oral Roberts. con-man killed the woman in country. Professor Hunter has St Hi Graf has not lost a set thi year. The Cunning Litigants the process. Professor Hunter lost both of the cases he has In the 193-+ All-Star game Carl Hubble struck-out five Hockey Team, having won became involved because the taken in this regard (on behalf batters in order. Ferna;do nezuala tied that record in every regular eason game this estate's estimate of the value of th e Atlanta Legal Aid 19 6. We find it difficult to call it an actual tie though, semester, won their fir t of total assets involved was 18 Society), bu t the two refugees wh n you consider the five that Hubble put down were playoff game last night. million dollars less than the were not immediately deported Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Joe Cronin, Al Simmons, and Silvertop and the rest of the estimate made by the Internal because of a case pending in Jimmy Fox. team played very well in a 3-1 Revenue Service. Arguing for U.S. District court which Bill Buckner has once again refused to run in the New victory over "Team x. " The the estate. Professor Hunter speaks to the fate of all of the York Marathon. Bo Jackson has taken up knitting, but he Cunning , Litigants have pursuL'd the case to the refugees. says it's just a hobby. outscored their opponents 20-4 Supreme Court, where For the foreseeable fu ture All you p ople who hate the Celtics because of Danny this season. The defensive shift certiorari was denied. His Professor Hunter plans to Ainge can relax now. Ainge and forward Brad Lohause of Chris Heimann, Scott Ollar, argument prevailed at each remain at Emory. He is went by way of trade for Ed Pinckney and Joe Kliene. and Paul Katzman has not level. commuting to Atlanta on Don't expect the trade to put the Celts over five hundred. allowed a goal in nine straight As noted earlier, Professor weekends because, after the Some say the Celtic s best strategy would be to dump the games. Chris Brasco continues Hunter has also represented trip to Australia and the recent remainder of the season and look to a lotto pick for Danny to intimidate all opponents. Cuban refugees threatened move to the farm in Mansfield Ferry or Shawn Elliot. Newcomers K 'n Knuckey, Jeff with deportation by the Justice (including a change of schools Harry Lewis was not able to play floor hockey last week Lowe, and Andy G\lrdon Department. These are the for Emily), "We decided that due to a strained liver. continue to contribute I \l I he same refugees who came to the whole family had moved team's offensive success. the United States in 1979 in around enough (n one year." "Skullcrusher" Kaufmann, who the massive boat lift from During the week, Professor Th is article was written by Tim Huge and George Leedow. hospitalized an opponent last Cuba and have been in a sort Hunter can be found in room Larry Schimmels is on vacation. week, promises to do the same of citizenship/criminal/legal '-______-J in our next game if law school 229B. support increases. The next game is Thursday night at Four M-W Wonten W&M Hall. HllNfI LING Suntntoned to Court C CHINESE RESTAURANT McGrail, 2L Lisa "Magic" recapture the regional title ' Cahill, and 1L Carolyn "Sig, won two years ago, as they I' COME AND TRY US! by Mary Munson the kid from Brooklyn" were runner-up last year. Signorelli. McGee, the tallest The members are excited ' Four M-W women have member, assumes the role of about the match, the notoriety earned a berth in the fInals of forward and inside shooter. and the free booty they \vill the Schick Superhoop Regional Cahill is a superb outside pick up. "It's fun because we TAKE-OUT Basketball Championship. shooter, while McGrail has get tickets, sweatshirts, t-Shlrts, ORDERS This landmark game will be great endurance and cat-like and other loot," bragged played at the Capital Center quickness. Signorelli, as point McGee. They are optimistic DAILY on March 31, during the guard, makes up the plays and about their prospects. "Janet, LUNCHEON halftime period of the handles the ball like a Harlem Liz, and Carolyn are clutch SPECIALS Washington Bullets and Globetrotter. 'go-to' people," remarked Portland Trailblazers game. The final game will cap Cahill, "With them, it's tough The tournament is 3-on-3, three successful years for the to lose!" initially pitting champion M-W team. In intramural Co-Captains Liz McGrail 10% off with Student 1.0. intramural teams from several play, the team has suffered and Janet M Gee hope that schools against each other. only 2 losses in three years. the winning tradition of the M­ AwtheRtic ~, Szechuan & CuisiM The M-W team earned their Unfortunately, one of them W 3-on-3 team will continue (OCIT AILS AND £lone ORINIS . h h "0 I spot in the fInals by crushing was last Saturday in the next year WIt out t em. nee MAJOR CREDIT CARDS their other opponents at the playoffs, a nail-biter lost by 1 graduate," explained McGee,/ ' prelims at George Washington two points. Luckily, it did not "I won't be playing hoops; I'll , 220-2344 University in January. affect their spot in the Schick be jumping through legal 204 MONTICELLO SHOPPING 'CTR.-WIWAMSBURG The proud team consists of tournament, so the team ones." Old habits are hard tol 1k. .MIU _ ~ ' HI$TOIIC MEA OFF RICHMOND 10. 3L Janet "Air Janet" McGee, members are not completely die, but, hopefully, she will not 3L Liz "Big Apple Biter" grief-stricken. They hope to Aribblf? ,in fr.opJ of .any judges. Page S~ Thursday, March 2, 1989 The Advocate

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