� o• SIGNAL Monday, October 4., 1976 's Favorite Son Skip INSIGHT Reigning King of 's Airwaves obtaining advertising for The Hawk's 17-game losing streak Federal Communications Omni group. last year." Commission (FCC)? "I enjoy my work obviously, "I want to win as bad as the "I don't keep up with what or I wouldn't doas much ofit," players," Caray continued. "I they are doing, but they are- Caray remarked. suppose the closest I came to appointed by politicians, so The 37-year·old St. Louis suicide was last year during how good can they be?" Caray native has been in broad- the Hawk's losing streak, then asked. The commission's latest casting since 1957. He began to start on the Braves as a move in response to the his career on a campus radio whole new thing and to have broadcast industry is a station at his alma mater, them lose thirteen in a row. I requirement that announcers Missouri University. was paranoid. Iwouldn't even state who employs them. Throughout his career talk to anyone. Losing is just "I am so happy that Caray has worked with many no fun." announcers, but he confesses Saying that he feels welfare everything in the broadcast that he would like towork with is this country's most pressing industry is sogood that all the Howard Cosell. problem, Caray comes across FCC has to worry about is that "I think it.would be fun to as a basic conservative. I say I am employed by the get us into a booth together. "I feel it is unfortunate that ," Caray said. Weare not too wild about one there are so many people in "If that is the case, then the another personally anyway. I this country we can't even FCC must be doing a tremen- By Alan Taylor Atlanta area airwaves a great , don't know who would win," feed, while we send so much dous job, but they are in deal. Along with -Ernie Caray said. "However, it money overseas. There are Washington so you never "The Lone Ranger was my Johnson and Pete Van Wier- would be fun working it out." also so many welfare cheats. know." childhood hero," Skip Caray en, Skip is working on the· "Skippy Star," asMcDonald But I don't blame the people as Caray seems to love his said. "I suppose it was because television broadcasts for the sometimes calls Caray, is a much as I blame the bureau- family, likes to win and hates ofmy father that Ididn't have . Jiggs Mc- very realistic individual. crats," Caray stated. to lose. However, underneath the childhood worship of Donald, the voice of the However, on a hypothetical While on the subject of that exterior of craziness, lies athletes most kids do. They , spends his note, Caray said he would not bureaucrats, what about the another layer of craziness. would all be friends of the Saturday mornings along mind interviewing Jimmy family and show up for dinner. with Caray on a three-hour Hoffa, Howard Hughes, or You just don't hero-worship sports talk show on WRNG maybe Charles Manson. someone like that." Radio. After broadcasting basket- Caray has been the voice of "The WRNG show helps ball, football and even indoor the Atlanta Hawks since their me," Caray said. "I don't get soccer, what does Skip Caray arrival from St. Louis in 1968. out as much as Iused toduring still desire to do in broad- His father Harry has been in my single days between casting? the broadcast industry for as marriages and the show "I'm like every broadcaster. long as anyone can remember allows metofind outhowthe I want to do a perfect and presently works for the average fan on the street broadcast. In nineteen years I Chicago White Sox. feels." haven't doneityet," Caray Skip is now married to his added. "I think a broad- Insight is a regular feature second wife Paula and has caster's best work is not when interview with top sports adopted her seven-year-old the team is going well, or personalities. daughter Shayelyn. By his during an exciting game, but first wife, Skip has one son rather when the team is going Chip, who is eleven years old. bad. It's tough to announce Along with his work behind when everything you say is the mike, Caray isinvolved in negative, like during the RIMEPREVENTION UNIVERSITYPOLICE Caray PRESENT Sportscaster Skip APROGRAMOF SELFPROTECTION

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