Diocesan Living Church Review

Summary Statistics for Vicariate IV

(, Christ the Redeemer, Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Anne’s, , St. Luke’s, Nativity, Aghagallon, & )

May 2014

Diocesan Overview

The Diocese of Down and Connor includes , the greater part of County Down and part of County Derry.

Parishes: 88

Parishes administered by Religious Orders: 3

Churches: 149

Parish Priests/Adm.: 81

Total No. of Diocesan Priests: 163

Priests in Parish ministry, full time and part-time, including Religious and Missionary priests: 130

No. of Religious Brothers: 27

No. of Religious Sisters: 190

Analysis of Sunday Mass Attendance

Based on the 2011 census figures (NI), we estimate the Catholic Population in the Diocese of Down and Connor to be around 350,000. The estimated Sunday Mass attendance in the Diocese of Down

and Connor is therefore approximately 21% of total Catholic population in Diocese (72,000).

60 51 50 40 30 27 30 21 22 21 21 17 20 17 20 13 12 8 10

Percentage Attendance% 0


Fig. 1.1 Comparative Analysis of Sunday Mass Attendance (Percentage) by Country

(Statistics taken from Amarach Report 2011, CSES Report 2006)

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, , BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]

Sunday Mass Attendance

Male 44% Female 56%

Fig 1.2 Sunday Mass Attendance by Gender

On average each parish celebrates 3 Sunday Masses with the range of Sunday Masses between 1-8 Masses. Across the parishes, the attendance ranges from 100 to 1,100 worshippers over the weekend. At each Sunday celebration, the attendance ranges from 27 to 600+ worshippers.

Demographic Analysis of Diocesan Sunday Worship *

Age Range (Years) Number Percentage

0 – 6 4,256 6

7 -11 5,675 8

12 – 18 6,384 9

19 – 25 4,966 7

26 – 40 9,931 14

41 – 60 16,315 23

61 – 75 15,606 22

75+ 7,803 11

Total 70,936

* Figures are based on the 85 parishes which have provided statistical returns to date.

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]

Analysis of Weekday Masses

Each parish celebrates at least one daily Mass with over 600 Masses celebrated across the Diocese from Monday to Saturday each week. From the data collected, approximately 10,000 persons attended daily Mass on any given day.

Age Profile of Diocesan Priests in Down and Connor

Age Range Number (2014)

50 and under 27

51 – 65 55

56 – 75 34

75 + 47

Total 163

Profile of Diocesan Priests Under 75

Age Range 2014 2019 2024

50 and Under 27 21 17

51 – 65 55 51 43

Total Under 65 82 72 60

65 – 75 34 34 32

Total Under 75 116 106 92

These figures assume on average one ordination per year and do not take account of sickness or death. They indicate that Diocesan priests under the age of 50 years will be reduced by 37% within 10 years. Diocesan priests under 65 years of age will be reduced by 25% within 10 years. Diocesan priests under 75 years of age will be reduced by 20% within 10 years.

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]

Sacramental Provision in the Diocese

Year Number of Baptisms Number of Weddings

2013 4,896 1,026

2012 5,293 1,025

2011 5,051 985

2003 4,329 1,012


Range of Funerals Indicated per Parish Number of Parishes in this Range 1-25 39 26-50 21 51-75 14 76-100 4 100+

Parish Sister, Religious Orders and Societies

Religious orders and societies make a significant contribution to the life of the parishes and the diocese of Down and Connor. This is reflected in the work of Parish Sisters, retreat centres, support services, education and ministries of many kinds.

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]

Vicariate IV

(Lisburn, Christ the Redeemer, Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Anne’s, Derriaghy, St. Luke’s, Nativity, Aghagallon, Glenavy & Killead)

Clergy Profile within Vicariate

Priest Number Parish Priests 9 Curates 2 Resident Priests 1 Assistant Priests 3

Vicariate Sunday Masses

Masses Time Range Number Vigil 5 pm – 7 pm Sat 12 Morning 8 am til 11 am 16 Midday Noon onwards 8 Evening 5 pm onwards 1

Vicariate Sunday Masses

Masses Total No. of Masses Total No. Attending Average Attendance per Mass Vigil 12 2,317 194 Morning 16 3,020 189 Midday 8 2,883 360 Evening 1 339 339

In this vicariate, a range of 50 – 500+ worshippers attend Mass in their parish each Sunday. There is a total provision of 37 Masses with 15 Priests.

Demographic Analysis of Sunday Attendance

Age Range (Years) Vicariate % (In attendance) % (Diocesan Attendance) 0-6 599 7 6 7-11 846 10 8 12-18 922 11 9 19-25 546 7 7 26-40 1293 15 14 41-60 2064 24 23 61-75 1578 18 22 75+ 693 8 11 Total 8559

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]

Weekday Masses

Day Morning Evening Total Monday 6 6 12 Tuesday 6 6 12 Wednesday 7 6 13 Thursday 5 3 8 Friday 8 5 13 Saturday 5 5 Total 63

 The range of attendance at weekday Mass is between 22 and 300+ worshippers (funeral). 18 funerals were recorded over the period of the three week diocesan survey.

Sacramental Statistics for Vicariate

Year Number of Baptisms Number of Weddings 2013 819 154 2012 828 147 2011 821 144 2003 663 152

Lay Commitment across Vicariate

 Over 1,500 people are involved in a range of activities and organisations within the various parishes of the vicariate.

Living Church Office, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GS Website: www.downandconnor.org Tel: +44 28 9069 0920 Email: [email protected]