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Page Sixteen THE JEWISH POST Thursday, Ootober 20, 1966 Thursday, October 20, 1966 THE JEWISH POST Page Seventeen , -- ! I Welcome to . . . sey, Zina Kudevitch of Miami, and M, Singer, H. Slonim, A. Snukal , I Leo Derechin Dorothy DOl'fman of Winnipeg. BARNEY GLAZER'S Corner House I "Your best friend 'Mrs. S. K. Ra;sen and M. Wolinsky. Funeral service was held at Shaa­ Hostesses are Mesdames S. Bellan, CAFETERIA LTD. Passes Away rey Zedek Synagogue. Rabbi L, financially" In :tItmnriam Passes Away E. C Braemer, M, Caplan, A. Cham, Empire Bldg. - 10189 - 101st St. Berkal officiated. Interment was in 8 a,m. to 7 p,rn. Mon. to Sat. D. L. (DENNIS) HERMAN B, Cohen, B. Cohen, M. Cohen, M. HOLLYW06D 9 p.m. Thursday Shaarey Zedek Cemetery. Contri­ Cohen, M, Cohen, S. Cohen, 1. Dol­ Phone 429-1818 Edmonton Division Manager butions may be made to favorite lar, H. Faintuch, B. Goldenberg, J. , IIOTLINE Office' Phone 943-0361 charities. Gobuty, B. Goszer, 0, Grubert, S. , ' Gunn, R Gorelick, S, Glassman, B. Residence Phone 334-7988 n I ETHEL BOWSER Hatskin, Ted Hechter, M. Jeffries, PEOPLE ARE ASKING ... if is Jewish (if he is, his specializing in Facial Massaging I :r < M. Jeroff, M, Katz, H, Kravetsky, D, local golf club that doesn't accept Jewish applications had ',better not Hair removed by wax - Manicures ~u I Arches, etc. - Scalp Treatment, :!Itmnrtam Leven, H, Lander, J, Ludwig, M. hear about it) ... if it takes a Jewish writer to write Jewish comedy I Jt'or appointment Phone if4W&ftoM. SYNDlCAm UMII++ Margolis, ,B, Mayman, A. Miller, N. material and a Japanese writer to write Japanese comedy material (yes, ,Cecelia's Hair Design - 943-2597 I Micay, J, Parker, ).VI. Pockett, N, it generally' makes better, sense when a J,ewish wri,ter handles Jewish I " 302 ~eimedy Street ' I Distributors for. ' 'Roy, C.,Rusen;'A. Roher, M, saper, , 'humor but Morris Schwartz ana Sol Ginsberg write the Japanese comedy J, Silver, J. Secter, H,. Shell" G: material' for nightclub comic Pat Morita, the Hip Nip). BED BUGS , Investors Mutual of Canada ltd. Segal, J.' Simkin, Z, Selchen, Wm. People are asking ... if Sidney Miller and Vince Edwards are mak­ ! Moths •. Ronches. Silverfish poeitively Shuster, N. Tadman, H. Towe, 1. D, ing signs instead of conversation (they're still friends, Miller just wrote i exterminated. Government liceonaed Investors Growth Fund of Canada Ltd. .,' I lumia-aton. Country ctl!lltomera. write !. Victor, S. Waldman, D. Yates, and the 'material for Vince's Hollywood Palace hosting Thanksgiving night). i for pamphlet. Investors International Mutual Fund Ltd. Miss Brina Schwartz, . . . if Ben Oakland has compos,ed anytjUng since his halcyon days of CHARLES RIESS & CO. EotBbliah.d 1007 I '. '.I "I'll Take Romance" and "Champagne Waltz," (yes, many lilting tunes ! 877 Wall St. Ph. SUnset- 3-3529, :/, 'I'' including, his latest, "What's Your Hurry,' "Beatrice," dedicated with I : charming kibbitz to his ,beautiful wife. Recently, Katherine Durande, • IN REGINA GOLDEN Germany's top recording star, ordered lyrics added, retitled Oakland's Guaranteed Plumbing YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY STOPPING AT THE (Cont. from page 8) tune '1My Lady'" and now it's orbiting the continent's top charts,) and Heating Supplies Leo Derechin, of suite 5 Stanley Mrs, Samuel (Sadie) ,Kirshner that while the statue has many ,People are asking ... the source of that N.Y. Jewish columnists "non-commercia1') aspects, he hoped • Kltchl!n Sink! • Pipe and Fit.- I INTOWNER . MOTEL Grove Apartments, 2170 Portage II) loving memory of the late Raisen, passed ,away October 10 in claim for branding Art Linkletter an anti-Semite (the columnist's wife .0 W""h Rl18inf' tinlll' r Avenue, passed away October 15 at the assembled Eureka Springs busi­ • CI06et Combln.~ _ Ht>avy Hot • Dining Room • 'Direct Dial Telephones Vancouver's General Hospital. She told him that Art seldom has Jewish kids on his House Party show. tiona Water Tanka • 2-Famlly Sltites • Free TV and Radio , the Winnipeg General Hospital after ANNA HOCHMAN had lived in Vancouver for the pa;;t nessmen would have their heads • Laundry Tubs • Pre;l'Iure Sya. Now, I ask you, is that any way to run a column?) , .. (Opon his return • Air Condltioned • 24-Hour Car SerVIce a brief illness. He had 'been a well who passed away eight years, Previously she had examined if they' did not capitalize, ,from Australia, Linkletter will personally answer the charge in this • Heati'ng Furnaces tcru Phone 569-3114 for Reservations • Radintont • n~jnfordDR known professional photographer November 1, 1941 been a resident of Winnipeg where on the tourists who will come to department.) • Coal Chllt. IroD i 1009 Albert St. Regina 25th Yahrzeit Eureka Springs to see the statue, AGE.NTS FOR .'UR.NASM ,I N STOKER, here ,for 43 years. she had been active in Hadassah People are asking , , . if anyone has written a book a~out Dean He is survived by Ihis, wife, J en­ Every day in some small way And he started off on the right Memories of. you come'our way. Mirulie Churchill Ohapter, and the Martin and (Cocoanut Grove bandmaster Dick Stabile is .NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUR I nie; a son, Dr, William Derechin; In loving memory or the late foot. After the dedication ceremony, SCHWARTZ I Though absent you are ever near, Ro'sh Pina Synagogue Sisterhood. writing "Nine Years with Two Beautiful Idiots." Jerry and Dean agreed three grandchildren of st. Paul', Still missed, still loved and ever In Vancouver she continued her the Smith Foundatioll charged $2,50 I ]RON & METAL CO. 'LTD FALL AND WINTER CHANGEOVER to write the foreword, separately, natch) .•. for more information IIbout FOR TROUBLE F1REE DRIVING Minn.; vhree nephews, Sam Klein Isadore Jack Roseman dear. activity with the Hadassah, and ;"'as a piece per, paper plate of chicken :299 Jarvis Ave., Phone J'L 9-130!1 who passed away , Harvey Korman, talented comedian on 's ·show (the cast of Winni'peg, Lou Churchill of Sas­ -Ever remembered and sadly ,active in Beth Israel Synagogue. and peas_ October 13, 1961 tossed a kosher Luau for Harvey who started his fourth year as Danny's ----~-,-'-- katoon, Edward Churchill of Mont­ :Ird Day of Heshvan missed by' her children and Mrs, Raisen is survived by her leevee pal. Would' you believe poi with kreplach?) grandchildren. E. &. L. B.A. SERVICE real; and four nieces, Nina Klein of (JewiSh Calendar) husband, Samuel, of Vancouver; a People are asking ... what happened to Michael Calinofsky, N.Y, A Complete Anto Service - Motor Tune Up and Repair Timex & Wesfclox Winnipeg, Ann Gillule of New J er- -Ever remembered and sadly daughter, 'Mrs, Mark (Reva) Wald­ Regency Hotel's popular and handsome young reservation clerk who Nominal Rates - Free Pick Up and Delivery Service Bowling Noles Sa!.. & S"~ic. missed by, his' loving wife I man, of Toronto; ~nd a son, C~ntor used to dream about Hollywood (but he never dreamed that he'd I and family Exclusive in the West Main and Polson Phone JU 9-8297 Philip Kirshner, of Des Moines, Iowa, Br~ndeis Lodge Mixed Five Pin become famous as Michael Callan) . . . when the Yiddish Theatre will " ....• ,.,' . '.t' .• to ... "'. '1 Prompt Attention to Mall Orders llluueiliug Funeral service' was held at fu:>sh Bowling League highs last week make its comeback, it already did, 'right here in Hollywood where'the Work Guaranteed r: ... 0" • • - , • ',,~ .' • film cast for "The Busy Body" reads right to left: , Jan !Murray, Pina Synagogue. ,Rabbi Irwin Witty Iwere: Nat Turbovsky 659, Ben ASSOCIATED HOROLOGISTS and Cantor Orland Verrall officiated. I Shore 648, . R;alph Hamovlch 634, Bill Dana and George Jessel; and from left to right, Hobert Ryan and Royal Hotel Lobby' - 2nd St. W. Interment was in Shaarey' Zedek Charles Kraltberg 631, Ruth Shore Anne Baxter). Fn flrmnriam Phone 269-2990 Cemetery. 588, Loretta Labovitch 579, Dena People are asking ... if' anyone ,has written ,an LBJ, shower song , CALGARY ALBERTA Turbovsky 571, Clara Goltzman 563. son our Prez can sing it when Bobby Kennedy opposes him in the next B'nai B'rith Senior Men's 10 Pin Presidential runoff (yes, and it's titled, '\Let ,Me Call You Sweetheart, highs last week were: Harry Meyers BU'behleh, I've Called You Everything Else") ... when Danny Kaye HEBREW U. I 559, Ed Sasley 554. Harvey Zimberg' intends to visit Israel again (he and Juliet Prowse travel there next year ofuciallo (Cont. from page 3) 1547" Len Ray tel' 537, Harold Kope- to film dances to "L'shonoh Ha'bo-oh Beerosholoim" for Danny's teevee Be;"ulfl Z ' A I As 1,M BElow 531, Ron Berman 530, Nate' show). . sper" per, crgcr, ' , ' People are asking ... for the latest about Anne Frank's father (he Brotman, D. Bruser, M, Berney, A, Fingold 525, Sam Warhaft (212), Ben Salon Bricker, j, Burshtein, J, Bloom, D" Shore 162 (triplicate), remarried, this time to a woman who, as he did, survived Hitler's horrors. He retained title to his house in Amsterdam, always open to the public. Phone 42Z-ua Bernstein, S, Bass, Alex Berman, I Hebrew Fraternal Lodge Men's 10 Mr. Frank dedicated the building to Anne's memory and uses 3dmission 440 Tegler Bldt. P. Barnes, J, Bokofsky, H, N. Bern- ,Pin League highs last week were: fees and profits from his daughter's diary to maintain ,the property as a 10189-101 ,S~ • stein, H. Buchwald, M, Buchwald, I Shelly Zilzerman 582 (211), Harvey children's play centre) .. , . about the activities of Frances Goodrich and Edmonton, Alta. msurance N, Bager, L. Copp, A, Ca'ntor, L, Stoller 564, Lou Gordon 561 (218), Chechik, S, Churchill', I. Churchill, Pete Litman 529, Aaron Singer 529, Albert Hackett, who dramatized "The Diary of Anne Frank" (they haven't =====;:======~ written anything since). D, M. Copp" L Cutler, Jerome Cohen,' and Mort Greenberg 524. I People are a~king about the stock market (don't ask). S, N,. Cohen, J. _ Crust, M, Cantor, I Top-Cat League highs last week Don't be surprised if ygu find it's the "Royal". A. Dmer, M. Dmer, S, J, Drache" were: Celia Hornstein 491, Ruby J, Donin, A. Erenberg, J, Furman, M, (Gales 487, Blumie Portnoy 466, :Selle After all. it's the largest general insurance group COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE The children, grandchildren and Finkleman, N, Finkleman, N. Finkle- Stern 460 Freda Gillman 445 Marg great-grandchildren of ilie late I' , Fall Clean Up of Your Garden in Canada. Chances are you' didn't know that! In loving memory of the late man, N, Goodman, N, Gussin, S, Gel- Kay 440. ' Design, and Construction of AIl New Plantings ler, M. Gordon. M. Gol~in, W, Gold-I, B'nai B'rith Ladies' 10 Pin Bowl­ 100% Warranty on all Plants - Pruning of Trees and 'Shrubs Mrs., Mania Ziaia ,You see, the Royal does not have salesmen, In loving memory of the late' Mrs. Kay Freedman berg, J, Glesby, H. Goodman, A, M.' ing' highs last week were: No";"a For Free Estimate Call ' It deals through independent agents, like us. Fineblil who passed away lsraels, N. H. Knazan, W. S. Katz, J. Soode 528 (231) Sunny Kaminsky . ", K. JENSEN PHONE 474-3018 ,ADS, DATIU. SAM SHAPIRO October 24, 1963 L. Knelman, M. Lecker, R. Lyons, R: 481 (174). Debbi'e Beyer 434, Edah Weare neighbours to you; we're impartial-' . request their relatives and friends 6th Day of Heshvan, HOla ICIY TAGS to attend the unveiling of a 'who passed away Luke, S. L. Lazareck, L, J. Lezack. Goldstein (171). 'To join league, ------, - - f. November I, 1957 Every day in some small way' tlJe best kind of insurance men to ,~ headstone dedicated to M. S'"Medzon, R. Matas, A. Mutch- contact Belle Schorn 338-0620, or TYvewriters - Calculators - Adding Machines her memory on 7th Day in Heshvan Memories of you come our way. Cash Registers nick, S, Malkin, C" Malkin, Wm, Kay Sera 339-4440., The Edmonton Rubber Stamp know your needs, It's an arrange­ ROYAL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1966 , Your memory is our keepsake Though absent you are ever near, Made in Sweden co. LTD. From which we'll never part. Still missed. still loved and ever Mindell, M, Marmer, W. B. Malchy, M 1 Leaf Mixed 5 . Sold and Serviced in 131 Countries INSURANCE at 11:30 a.m. at the H. Nitikman, Tom Olenick, A, Om- , ap e Pin League i ment that works well for you. GROUP God has you in His keeping, dear. throughout the World ' 10127 • toW ~ "::~TAI SHAAREY ZEDEK CEMETERY We have you in our heart., , T PtE p't h Ch highs last week were: Max GIlmore -Always remembered and sadly son, . or noy, ' 1 c,' as. 797 David 'Morosnick 2 Lee A. T. OFFICE MACHINES LTD. , -Ever remembered by his wife, missed by her children and Powell, S, A. Portigal, I. Parr, D, Ch' hi 40 M 76 , FRANCHISED DEALERS children and grandchildren. grandchildren R o th s tem,' A . Ra e tz en,.D Rob'Ino- DaDC nov. 7, ax Hochman 716, REPAIRS - SALES' - SERVICE - NEW and REBUILT . CALL IN EVENT OF vitch, G. L, Stern, M, Stall, B. A. ve Wmcure 705,. Anne Kneller 10448 Jasper Avenue , US TODAY 69~, Marlene Palatnick 614. Team A DEATH Sh uc k e,.tt A Sta r ik0, ff M ' Share, B . h' h 1 Gilm . , LEON SANDLER Edmonton, Alberta I WE WRITE AUTO INSURANCE 'ld d D W' t be 19 was Sau . ore & Co. with IN YOUR FAMILY T ess Ier, J . W1 er, an . In ro . 3267 . BEN GOLDSTEIN Telephone 429-1596 1 SPECIAL PERSONAL EFFECTS POLICIES FOR TENANTS At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max' _ plns, call the 'A. Long I SPECIAL POLICIES FOR HOMEOWNERS Margolis, 129 Smithfield Avenue, the Hebrew Fraternal Lodge Ladies' SPECIAL POLICIES FOR YOUR BUSINESS OR COMMER­ €arb of lEbanks convenor is Mrs. Alex Billinkoff. The Bowling League highs last week CUSroM TAILOR CIAL RISKS ••• FIRE, BURGLARY, LIABILITY AND Independent JonCQs Upholstery Co. BOILER PBO'1'ECTION MRS. N. KORNBERG AND FAMILY committee consists of Mesdames N.I were: Ruby Gales 441, Claire 'Rissen FURNITURE REPAmING AND RECOVERING Bercusson, J. Erliclunan, J. Pollock, ,423, Sheila iRoitenberg 443, Lil Stoller Phone WHitehall 2-6612 BNAY ABRAHAM wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, A. L, Simkin, J. Simkin, I. Spector, 427, Carole Wolfe 477. Trailers and Rumpus Rooms, Car, Truek and Tractor ~ats, , CEMETERY friends and neighbors, in both Calgary and Win­ Hote] Contracts SAPER AGENCIES LTD. H. Stuart, M. Wagner. Glendale Mixed Bowling League 306 EDMONTON ST. A, RABER - ED 4-7174 nipeg, for the kind expressions of sympathy dur­ In charge of 'registrations are highs last week were: Arnold See­ 1. WOLS(')N -'-- JU 9-1205 MRS. C. JONCAS, Manager MAX SAPER CB:ARL1!lS SAPER ing the recent loss of their beloved husband and M es dam es R. Hamovich, s. L.I tel' 580 (223), G: Gershman 560 (223), Phone 477-2232 , "Dignified reverence for c:ua­ Free Estimates Winnipeg 1304 Main St., Win11.ipeg 4 " '\Morantz and J. Putter. The pour~, David Wolch 533, Gert Ludwick 484, EDMONTON. ALTA. Phone 582-3023 tom with consideration md father. 9540 - 125 AVENUE 586-5690 l¥lderstanding... ers are Mesdames L. Fineman, N. I Shirley Cham 465, 'Evelyn Gladstone. ! Koffman, P. Kravetsky, H. Michel, 455.

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