An inner-city parish, a couple of miles north of city centre, Christ Church Harpurhey is a charismatic, evangelical church with a heart for worship, outreach and service in a community where many live in the midst of deprivation and its accompanying problems.

We are an eclectic and lively congregation willing to get involved with the chal- lenges and opportunities of growth, and have skilled and dedicated teams engaged in mission and support across all church activities.

We look to appoint a new Rector who will share and seek to inspire our ongoing vision and witness. Our desire is for a gifted Bible teacher, open and expectant of God’s leading and to journey with us in life and ministry in the Holy Spirit.

Seeking to share the Father’s love and Gospel of Jesus, our new Rector will build on our existing teams, equip, inspire and release the saints in using their giftings and service.

Having a passion for the worship of Jesus and desire to encourage community are key to the role. In a parish where family life can be difficult, our Rector has been a father-figure, someone the community felt able to turn to for pastoral support, guid- ance and for community leadership.

As you read the Profile below we will be praying, as you will be, as to whether this post of Rector is God’s calling for you. As always, His guidance is paramount for the further fulfilling of the good plans He has for Harpurhey, and for your future too.




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We are a lively and diverse congregation based For a number of years our mission statement in Harpurhey, and have a has been “Knowing Jesus and Making Him long-standing, evangelical heritage. Known”.

We believe there is only one Way to come to We aim to position the Church as servant and Salvation and that is through accepting Jesus leader in the community and to share the Fa- Christ, through faith, as Saviour and Lord. ther’s love with those we meet, and with each Renewal and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are other. core to the preaching and teaching of Christ Church. We regularly offer prayer ministry at the end or during services for healing and renewal. We We affirm the basis of faith as expressed by the invite everyone who knows and loves the Lord Evangelical Alliance ( to take communion, and the children may connect/about-us/basis-of-faith.cfm). come up to receive a blessing.

Our church building was erected in 1838 and We have two Readers and five Authorised Lay from the outset has had a high regard for Ministers, whilst many more in the fellowship Scripture. Until the early 20th century preach- regularly take part in the leadership of the var- ers wore the Geneva black gown to indicate ious facets of church life. their submission to the authority of the Bible. We encourage every member ministry and Today the services are much more informal; have a diverse team of preachers and leaders at both the building and services would best be both morning and evening services as well as described as low-church. Nevertheless, the in the Sunday schools, youth work and small whole of Scripture is still our ultimate author- groups. ity in all of our church life and we strive to be Christ-centred and Spirit-Led. There are over fifty individuals who have DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certification We are missional, preaching the Good News and we regularly hold safeguarding training by any means in order to bring individuals to sessions. choose a personal, saving faith and to nurture and disciple them on their journey. WHERE WE ARE

Manchester is a vibrant and diverse city. There regularly stages live- are many opportunities to encounter its culture ly cultural, food, arts, music, international and and creativity. As well as having remnants of artisanal festivals in the city centre. its historic centre, many areas of the city have benefitted from massive renovation in recent There are centres of academic and medical ex- decades and once dilapidated industrial sites cellence around the large campus areas of the and areas of urban decay have been revitalised adjacent Manchester universities. Uni- with fresh, creative uses. versity is only a mile or so to the west of the city centre. Close to the centre of Manchester This is typified in the restaurants, cafes, bars, is Trinity, Church of High School. shops and galleries springing up particularly in the Northern Quarter, , and Deans- Bus, road and nearby Metrolink trams make gate Locks, as well as and new developments Harpurhey well placed to access all that the in , and elsewhere across the city has to offer, being only a couple of miles city and neighbouring Salford. from the city centre. The closest motorway junction (M60 junction 20) is about two miles There is very much a cafe culture, as well as a north of the Church. wealth of shops and departments stores. The Trafford Centre, a large indoor shopping and leisure complex is also accessible, just a few miles out of the city centre. TOP: A Metrolink tram pulling into the newly re-designed St. Peter’s Square BOTTOM LEFT: Manchester Town Hall BOTTOM RIGHT: Spinningfields


There is a strong sense of community spirit in the local area, as evidenced by the “We Love Harpurhey” campaign, formed in response to a television documentary in 2013 which por- trayed the area in a particularly negative way. Responses to the recent Manchester bomb attack have also shown a very high degree of pride in the community across the entire city.

Many families in Harpurhey have different PARISH DEMOGRAPHICS generations still living in close proximity to one another, and this leads to a strong local The occupancy profile of the parish is wide- knowledge and shared history. Residents in ranging. This includes young and middle-aged Harpurhey face many challenges, and the bor- couples, many of whom have families. There ough was named the most deprived in England are elderly residents living alone. The number in 2007 by the Office of the Deputy Prime of single-parent families is higher than the Minister. national average. The age profile is similar to that of the national average. A huge amount of investment and regenera- tion has taken place in recent years which has The total number in the parish has risen transformed the area in many ways, and yet slightly in the past few years. This is mostly Harpurhey is still ranked in the top 1% of most due to asylum seekers and migrant workers. deprived areas of the country. (This is based on Currently, these are generally of African and indices of deprivation that relate to: ‘income’, Eastern European origin. A proportion of the ‘employment’, ‘health deprivation and disabil- population is transient. ity’, ‘education, skills and training’, ‘barriers to housing and services’, ‘crime’ and ‘living envi- Housing in Harpurhey is varied, in terms of ronment’. Indices of Deprivation 2015, Man- type and occupancy. As part of a redevelop- chester City Council). ment programme, a lot of modern, Housing Association accommodation was built to re- place the old, terraced housing. A small pro- portion of this is now privately owned.

The original terraced housing that was not replaced is now either rented privately or owner-occupied. There is also some modern, privately-built housing which is either owner- occupied or let by private landlords. There are several types of sheltered housing in the par- ish, most of which are maintained by the City Council. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS

Oasis Academy Harpur Mount is the closest Next to the Rectory there is a GP surgery and Primary School to Christ Church, and a strong a Well Being Centre. This caters for those with relationship between the Church and School mental health needs, which is a significant is- has been established over the past few years. sue in the Harpurhey community.

Just across the southern border of the parish Situated across the main road from the Church the Manchester Communication Academy was is the ‘Factory Youth Zone’ a Council-run fa- built in 2010 for secondary-age children. The cility for local young people. This was opened previous Rector and current youth worker have by HM Queen Elizabeth in 2013. The Church established relationships with staff and there is has good links with the staff here and we have scope for greater involvement. In the past year use of their facilities for community activities. a Primary Academy has been built on adjacent ground. There are three food banks in the area run by local churches, the closet being at Harpurhey There is also a recently-opened, purpose-built, Community Church. In the centre of the par- combined sixth-form college and library facili- ish there is a, Council-run, neighbourhood ty just over the northern parish boundary, with centre and a privately operated market. There which the church has had some involvement. is a Council-maintained day nursery in the Close to this, also in our neighbouring parish, parish as well as several privately run nurseries. is Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School. There are two modern, small, council-main- tained hostels for men recovering from depen- There are good working relationships between dency problems. Also, a small amount of pri- the Church and Manchester City Councillors, vate accommodation is available in the parish as well as local police officers, who are now for vulnerable adults. based in a modern station within the parish. Harpurhey is close to local parks and green spaces. Boggart Hole Clough, just beyond the northern boundary of the parish, is an ex- FACILITIES & ATTRACTIONS tensive area of woodland with a lake and cafe, and two play areas. Queen’s Park is another There is a significant shopping precinct ad- large area of parkland with a children’s play jacent to the Church buildings consisting of area. Both are within easy walking distance of a branch of Asda, Lidl, a market and some Christ Church. shops, cafes and fast food restaurants. There is a Post Office, a Social Services centre and a , one of Manchester’s largest medical centre. parks, is a 10-minute drive away. Here there is a children’s zoo, riding stables, café, boat- There is a modern, Council-maintained fitness ing lake, tram museum and two golf courses. centre and swimming pool on this site that also “Parklife’ music festival is held here every year, houses a branch of Sure Start. There are also along with various other events, and firework branches of Connections and Working Solu- displays, and fairground attractions. tions. TOP: The nearby Factory Youth Zone building BOTTOM: Terraced streets next to the Church building WHAT WE DO


We regularly enjoy powerful and joyful times of In a move to focus on renewal and related worship with people meeting with God as they themes, early this year we held a Vision and lift Him up. A new time of worship, introduced Prayer Day in which the whole congregation at the start of services, is aimed at engaging all participated. From this we are developing rel- generations from the youngest to the oldest. evant teaching programmes: currently: ‘Life in the Spirit’ based in the book of Acts. We value times of lingering in God’s presence, giving opportunity for reflection, prophetic Our 10.30am morning service current monthly words and song. Service leaders and preach- pattern has been structured to reflect this desire ers liaise with the worship teams in seeking to to be open to the Spirit within our worship: be open to the Spirit, praying before services and evaluating together afterwards. The entire Holy Communion team meets occasionally for an evening or day Ministry service of prayer, to review and seek renewed vision. Morning prayer Ministry service. Christ Church is blessed with a team, currently made up of 17 musicians and vocalists and 7 The autumn term has a youth-led service, some technicians, some of whom are freelance pro- all-age services and also an All Saints service fessionals who may be on tour from time-to- close to 1st November, led by members of our time. Consequently, a weekly rota is created international community. each term for the worship bands (keyboard, vo- cals, drums, guitar, bass and sound desk). Our vision for the 6.30pm service has centred on the theme “Restore” – Several of our worship team have led worship at national events and conferences: New Wine ‘Restoring the honour of God’s Name, summer festivals, New Wine Urban Renewal Restoring passion for Jesus and and Harrogate women’s conferences, Spring Restoring the broken.’ Harvest, Carriers of the Fire and as part of the Manchester youth band, Galaxy. This service has developed into an informal worship style where testimony, extended wor- There is a traditional pipe organ that can be ship, preaching, prayer and prayer ministry are used on appropriate occasions. among the elements. PRAYER, FELLOWSHIP AND CHILDREN’S CHURCH TEACHING The overall vision for Kid’s Work at Christ A prayer meeting is held on Wednesday morn- Church is this: “Reach, Love, Disciple.” It is ings along with special prayer days, evenings our aim to reach all children in Harpurhey and worship/prayer events. A weekly prayer with the Good News of Jesus, demonstrat- sheet is produced and distributed electroni- ing his unceasing love to them, regardless of cally, also a monthly newssheet. Various small their behaviour or background and providing groups meet during the week for discipleship, excellent and engaging discipleship for all who prayer and fellowship. want it.

At Christ Church we value community and Kid’s Church is growing! We now have 71 regularly meet together after the evening ser- children registered (up from 40 at the start of vices for food in each other’s homes. the year) with an average weekly attendance of 33. New children have started coming with A Church Missionary Society (CMS) Prayer their families for different reasons. Some be- Meeting meets bi-monthly to pray for Mission cause they have moved to the area and others partners in Kimbilio caring for Girls and Boys because one of their parents got saved at Messy from DR Congo, and others. Church!

Men’s Fellowship Weekend is an annual event More recently we have seen some children at- where men from Christ Church, Harpurhey tending even though their parents do not come Community Church and friends from other to Church. Good kid’s work draws people in. churches across North Manchester go away Christ Church has a stunning team of com- together. Usually a not-too-distant youth hos- mitted kid’s workers delivering high-quality, tel is hired exclusively for the weekend. Good Bible-based teaching and activities for those food, good fellowship, good teaching, good who want to come. worship….and optional hiking….are standard. Typically, 35 men come along. We run three groups each Sunday:

‘Carriers of The Fire’ is an annual women’s Mini Church: from 18 months – 4 Years prophetic conference held in Llanelli, South Reception - Year 2 Wales that includes teaching, testimony, semi- Year 3 - Year 6 nars, prophetic ministry and worship. Accom- modation is in sea-front apartments. We see We use material written by Urban Saints called significant impact on the spiritual lives of Energise. Currently there are 25 adults in- those who go along; typically 15-25 attend volved on a monthly basis with Kid’s Church. from Christ Church. There are opportunities for our young people to help out and develop as leaders if they want ‘Beloved’, a women’s, prophetic conference has to. been a new venture this year at Christ Church, inspired by ‘Carriers of the Fire’. As well as The Church Suite™ software database is used the women of Christ Church, we offered an to securely store all the children’s personal de- invitation to our friends in local churches and tails (and that of their parents). The system is beyond. Over 70 women attended. now being used to register all the children each week as well as managing the team rotas. MESSY CHURCH

Messy Church Harpurhey has developed over the last five years, from being an outreach ministry of Christ Church Harpurhey to now functioning as one of its congregations. It takes place on the first Saturday of the month from 11am-1pm. LEFT: The front of church set up for Messy Christmas TOP: Messy Church congregation gathers for a baptism in Church BOTTOM:Crowds at Messy Carnival watching the stage We embody the Messy Church values of Hospital- Our dream is that more and more people would ity, Creativity, Celebration and of being an all-age come to faith and grow in their relationship with gathering. God, to the point where they are fully using their gifts and making disciples. We are therefore We currently have an average monthly attendance pleased when adults and children engage in both of 150 people including volunteers. Several of our Messy Church and Sunday congregations and young people are regular helpers and some parents groups, which is happening more and more, and who we have got to know through Messy Church to allow crossover so that we can all function as have also become committed members of the team. part of one Church family.

Through Messy Church, we aim to fulfil our wider Church vision of helping people experience ‘life in all its fullness’. We do this by: FAMILY OUTREACH

- providing a safe place for families to eat, As part of our outreach to families in the local play and worship together area, we employ a Family Outreach Worker for 15 - being a family of faith hours per week. This work includes co-ordinating - sharing the gospel Messy Church, as well as leading a home group - providing discipleship for those who have for those interested in exploring Christianity, or made a commitment to Jesus those who have recently made a commitment to - giving opportunities for people to serve. Jesus. The Family Outreach Worker also works in partnership with staff at one of our local primary Each summer, we hold “Messy Carnival” in the schools, Oasis Harpur Mount, to engage with par- Church grounds, with crafts, worship and prayer ents and carers from the community. ministry, as well as bouncy castles, face painting and a BBQ. Around 400 people have attended each Messy Carnival for the last two years, which is a significant witness in our parish. We have seen LITTLE ANGELS healing miracles take place, answered prayer for provision, and people encountering the presence Christ Church has a very well established toddler of God. group that provides a safe place for children to play and has led to good relationships in the com- “Messy Christmas” was another really special oc- munity over many years. Some parents and carers casion, with worship, food, gifts for all the chil- attend other Church activities with their children dren and a presentation of the Gospel. as a result of this link.

Over the last year many children and several par- ents have come to know Jesus. We have had several full immersion baptisms; some at Messy Church itself (in a birthing pool!) and some at the Christ Church evening service. EXPERIENCE EASTER

We welcome children from Oasis Academy to participate in the various Easter stations and journey through an interactive experience of the Easter Story. This year the whole school visited over two days. Experience Christmas is also being planned for this year as a new venture. YOUTH WORK

It is an exciting time at Christ Church. God has ‘Megapixels Sunday’ is a mixed group for young worked in many surprising and uniquely amaz- people and has an average weekly attendance of 7 ing ways. We are looking forward to the future and growing. The purpose of this group is to help for and with the young people of Christ Church the young people develop the tools that they need Harpurhey. in order to thrive as Christian disciples.

We call our youth group Megapixels. Megapixels We use various subjects, each with a specific aim. mission is to reach every young person of the lo- We ensure that each session is creative and en- cal community with the good news of Jesus and to gaging whilst providing space for young people to disciple them effectively and creatively. form and question their identity and faith.

Our hope is that every young person would be All three of the groups are growing and the num- aware of how uniquely God has made them, how ber of young people across all the groups has gone much He loves them and how he wants them to up by 10 alone in the last 3 months. work with Him to build his kingdom. We are very passionate about seeing our young In the same way that each Pixel in a picture has a people grow and provide other opportunities for distinctive purpose, we want the young people to this through one-to-one mentoring, opportunities know that when they come together bringing their to serve, attending events and yearly Soul Survivor own gifts, talents and abilities that they will cre- camp. ate a masterpiece that will display God’s love and greatness to the local community. We are also blessed to have a passionate and dedi- cated volunteer team which consists of 7 volun- We do this by running exciting and engaging teers who are involved in leading and mentoring groups that take into account the needs of the and are always looking for opportunities to devel- area and each individual whilst stretching them op and grow the team. to think critically. We do not prescribe answers to them but help them to discover God’s truth in a For the near future we hope to start up a new positive and supportive environment. group specifically for girls. We will also be fund- Three groups operate on a consistent weekly basis: raising and planning for Soul Survivor next year. We will also be developing our mentoring by ‘Megapixels Monday’ is a mixed group with av- growing numbers and strengthening how we sup- erage weekly attendance of 14 and growing. The port the young people on a one-to-one basis. We purpose of this group is to open minds, build rela- will also be looking to develop ourselves as leaders tionship and demonstrate God’s love. We use four by taking part in training and development oppor- main titles of Body, Heart, Soul and Mind and we tunities. design all our sessions and activities around that framework. As well as this we will continue to help nourish and encourage the young people that we already ‘Megapixels Thursday’ is a lad’s only group with have built relationships with. We will continually average weekly attendance of 7 and growing. We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to show us run this with the same framework of Megapixels ways to engage the young people of this communi- Monday however we tailor the sessions to feature ty with the Good News of Jesus and help disciple subjects and discussions that helps the young lads those who have started their journey of faith. of the community develop into Godly Men. CHRISTMAS DAY COMMUNITY MEAL

This annual event is prepared and cooked to a The event is open to anyone from the fellowship high standard by a dedicated team of our young and local community who is alone on Christmas adults and hosted on Christmas Day. There is Day or is unable to provide a meal for them- an emphasis on welcome and sitting at table to- selves. Last year this included small families, gether in an attractively designed setting, as we elderly people, and some local young people in would at home. Formerly taking place in the Par- care. Approximately 70 people, including the ish Hall, the meal has moved into the ‘Factory team of about 14 volunteers from church, were Youth Zone’ facility because the Parish Hall was seated and each guest was given a Christmas gift. too small to cater to the number of guests. TOP: Celebrating and eating together BOTTOM: Preparing platters to serve at the Christmas Day Meal WHO WE PARTNER WITH

Christ Church has consistently seen its mis- On the fifth Sunday in the month we hold joint sional role strengthened, resourced and widened evening services with local churches Wellspring by partnering with other evangelical churches, and HCC. Friends from nearby churches also para-church organisations and other fund- regularly come along to help out and support ing agencies, locally, city-wide and nationally. our monthly Messy Church events. Christ Church has a long history of engage- ment with evangelistic campaigns ranging from Christ Church and Ivy youth teams the Billy Graham and David Watson events of work closely together on various joint projects the late 20th century, to its more recent partner- including the Galaxy worship event and also ship with the Message Trust. with an annual youth trip to Soul Survivor.

Over a decade ago, the Message Trust sponsored We have good links with our local City council- an ‘Eden Team’ of around 30 people, including 3 lors who attend our community events and ser- paid, full-time staff who moved into Harpurhey. vices from time-to-time. This was a 5-year project that had a significant impact on the area, particularly in working with TLG is a national charity supporting young local young people. A number of the team have people who are in crisis in their education. Our married and stayed in the area, now have fami- Parish Hall was reconfigured to facilitate a lies of their own, and are actively involved in TLG education centre for nine students, which various roles within the church. Subsequent has been active since 2008. involvement with the Message Trust has been via their Genetik programme for training young Some church members attend national New people. Wine events and the monthly New Wine cele- brations held in St Philip’s Salford. Members of Our links with other local, city and countrywide our worship team have also led worship at vari- churches include: ous annual New Wine events; Shepton Mallet urban-impact venue, the women’s conference at - Harpurhey Community Church (HCC). Harrogate and the Urban Renewal leaders’ con- Each year we share Easter Day services ference. together, starting with worship and communion at Christ Church followed Members of our Church have been on mission by baptisms by immersion and a sermon with Open Arms to Kenya and Mozambique at HCC. The two congregations also and we have links with Kimbilio children’s work enjoy a meal together after the service. in DR Congo. The Church has sent out and - Wellspring (AoG) in Moston. supported many missionaries over the years. - The Saviour (). Oman, Brazil and Kenya are places where we - St. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s Anglican still have friends in mission. churches (Blackely). - Lightbowne Evangelical Church Some from our fellowship have sought selec- - Deeper Life (Harpurhey). tion for the Anglican ministry and others have - Christ the Vine (Harpurhey). joined or formed missional organisations. - Pathfinder Church (Moston). - Ivy Church (Didsbury). - Antioch Church, Llanelli, South Wales. HOW WE ARE RESOURCED


As already mentioned above we are blessed to Christ Church has an established budget- have currently: ing system, so our new Rector will need to be comfortable with overseeing financial controls. - Two Lay Readers There may also be a need to oversee substan- - Five Authorised Lay Ministers tial building projects on occasion. - One paid, part-time family outreach worker Being highly involved in mission in an area of - One paid youth worker extreme deprivation, we have been able to at- - One paid part-time tract significant amounts of external funding. administrator. These have included the following sources:

A large proportion of our fellowship are in - Manchester Diocese and Church designated teams or groups for organisation Urban Fund and budgeting purposes. We currently have: - Message Trust - Lancaster Trust - a finance team - Manchester City Council’s ‘The - a worship team Neighbourhood Investment Fund’ - a pastoral team - The Duchy of Lancaster - a preachers and leaders team - Theodore of Tarsus Trust - a children’s church team - a youth work team Because of the many activities that Christ - a Messy Church team Church is engaged in, attracting external fund- - home group leaders ing is of paramount importance to maintain - sides people team and advance the work we do. Consequently, - a cleaning team we need to be constantly seeking new financial - a maintenance team, for partners and supporters through contacts and day-to-day issues. grant applications. Our new Rector will need to be actively involved in the supervision of grant applications. ASSETS

Our principal building was founded in 1838 and has an approximate seating capacity on the ground floor of 250. There is a balcony that can be used for occasional, large events increasing the capacity to 400 in total. The address is Christ Church, Roch- dale Road (A664), Harpurhey, Manchester, M9 5TT. We had a new heating system installed in the main church building last year. The internal fabric is mostly in good order and was deco- rated about four years ago. There are two toi- lets one of which has disabled access. These would benefit from some improvement.

There are professional-standard stage lights to the front of the worship space in good order but the main lighting to the nave is out-dated and needs replacing. Recent months have seen the installation of a brand new sound system, computer system and worship software (Pro- Worship).

A short walk to the side of the church build- ing is the Parish (Community) Hall. This is a flat-roofed building constructed in 1975. It is used during the week for our youth clubs and various other actvities, and also currently houses the TLG education centre mentioned in the previous section. On Sundays our chil- dren’s church acticities and youth meet here. However, it is in need of renovation, particu- larly the flat roof that needs replacing. The Rectory is a few hundred yards from the main church building. It was built in the 1960s, and is spacious and well-maintained. It is a detached, four-bedroom house in its own grounds with walled garden. There is an attached garage and utility room. It has gas central heating. The address is The Rectory, 95 Church Lane, Harpurhey, Manchester, M9 5BG.

We became registered with the Charity Commissioners in June 2012. Our registered number is 1147847 and our Annual Report can be viewed on the Charity Commissioner’s website. An extract of this is shown in Appendix 1. We are formally known as:


In the last few years we have been particularly drawn to our Lord’s words:

“I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10:10

We can’t think of a better way to put our vision than Jesus did in this scripture. For Christ Church the “they” are us and all people connected to us either through the locality or relationship.

Our desire is to see all these people have the life that Jesus promised in all its fullness; being loved, sustained, a people who come into a relationship that goes deeper with God and seeing our community transformed spiritually and physi- cally.

We seek to offer opportunity to encounter God through worship, the message of the Gospel and relevant teaching, and to journey with us in fellowship, in life and service together and in listening to God for renewed and ongoing vision. WHO WE NEED AS RECTOR

Our heart is for a leader who pursues the pres- We are therefore looking to appoint a minis- ence of God and will both lead and journey ter who has vision to see the Father’s love and deeper with us in passionate worship and Kingdom transformation come into the midst prayer, as we seek to be a people of His love of a deprived, and often fatherless community, and Presence. We are looking for someone and to make and build up disciples. We believe who is prepared to minister and work along- that God wants to work through us in this way side a diverse congregation and community more and more and we look for a candidate and who will share in our life as a Church who has a heart for evangelism and to equip seeking to grow together in unity, hospitality and inspire us in our ongoing outreach. and generosity. We have a strong community focus and our We are keen to appoint someone with a gifting desire is for a leader who can help us to build to preach and teach, who can feed people from on existing links in our local area and develop the Bible with prophetic insight and to inspire them further. Many in our parish and com- vision and, as a team builder, will help people munity look to an ordained minister at turning identify their giftings and encourage and help points in their lives for advice, spiritual input to equip us for service within the fellowship and leadership, and we therefore see this ap- and the community. pointment as vitally important.

One of our core values is to be Spirit-led, and The pastoral and spiritual needs in our com- an openness to the work of the Holy Spirit is munity are wide-ranging and we are seeking therefore something that we would be look- someone with a depth of life experience, as ing for in a new minister; someone who seeks well as spiritual insight, who can inspire confi- personal renewal in the Holy Spirit, and will dence in the congregation and community. seek healing, refreshing and ministry amongst us and our local community, being open to Inner-city life can be challenging and the miracles, signs and wonders as God moves. Rector and any accompanying family should be comfortable with living in an area of social We are seeking to appoint a Rector who feels deprivation. We are aware that the person who a strong call to the inner city, seeking to fulfil is called will require experience, resilience and Jesus’ mandate to preach Good News to the strength of faith and character in the role. poor, bind up the broken hearted and proclaim release to the captives. APPENDIX 1

Financial Review for the year ending 2016 (Extracted from the Annual Return to the Charity Commissioners)

The PCC again this year has taken a cautious approach to its finances, due to limited reserves, irregular income through giving and ongoing commitments to support local ministry. The PCC regularly received financial information from the finance team, to ensure that informed deci- sions could be made.

Levels of planned unrestricted giving decreased compared with 2015 by 11%. Total unrestricted income decreased by £4,616 or 5.5%. This decrease is mainly due to a significant reduction in both planned and unplanned giving.

The parish share is an amount payable to the Diocese to support ministry costs and the work of churches in other areas of Manchester. The amount requested from Christ Church Harpurhey for 2016 being set at £32,190, after receiving a 2% rebate for prompt and regular payments throughout 2015. The Trustees are pleased to confirm that this was met in full. For 2017 the share has been set at £29,194, again after receiving a 2% rebate under the encouragement scheme.

Other unrestricted operating costs of £39,517 were increased when compared to 2015 (£35,963); this is mainly due to an increase in costs of maintaining the church and making charitable dona- tions from our designated fund.

All these factors combined to result in net income of resources from general unrestricted funds of £6,664 (2015: net income of £13,137).

Restricted funds are detailed in “Fund movement by type” on page 16 of the full Report. 2016 has been a successful year in applying for and receiving grants for various projects. We have received an £18,000 grant to support the employment of a part-time administrator and a part- time youth worker, as well as specifically supporting Messy Church. We have also received sig- nificant restricted income for the following:

- Messy Church summer event – single grant of £2226 - Youth Work – single grant of £4,700 - Family Support Worker – Recurring Quarterly grant of £2,085 - Christmas Day meal – single grant of £1,000