Seminole Youth Spencer Battiest Sings National Anthem at Panther

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Seminole Youth Spencer Battiest Sings National Anthem at Panther Outdoor Enthusiast Standing Ovation Brighton Revival Crusade Snappers, Marlins and Mackeral, oh my. Spencer Battiest receives standing ovation at the Trina Bowers sang for the revival. Florida Panthers game Jan. 16. page 7 See below page 3 Presort Standard U.S. Postage Paid Lake Placid FL Permit No. 128 “Voice of the Unconquered” 50¢ Volume XXIII • Number 2 February 1, 2002 Big Cypress Groundbreaking By Janice Billie is the largest joint effort ever between the BIG CYPRESS — The official Corps and a Native American Tribe. groundbreaking ceremony for Phase I of The WCP will include a large the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Water canal and four water- storage areas to sus- Conservation Plan Critical Restoration tain tribal agriculture enterprises and Project (WCP) was held on the afternoon improve some 14,000 acres of swamp, of Jan. 15. Chairs, flags and a podium hardwood hammocks, and cypress were arranged on the edge of Mary sloughs, prairie and pine flatwoods. Called the “Native Area,” it contains some of the last remaining old growth swamp in South Florida and is home to a variety of birds and wildlife. On a list of projects deemed critical to success- ful implementation of Everglades restoration, this project was ranked sixth by the Working Group of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force and the Janice Billie Governor’s Acting Chairman Mitchell Cypress, Col. Greg May, Big Commission for a Cypress Board Representative Paul Bowers, Sr., and Big Sustainable South Cypress Councilman David Cypress breaking ground. Florida. Seminole Jumper’s cow pasture, with Cypress tree Tribal citizen and resident poet Moses hammocks in the background and blue Jumper Jr. was the emcee for the ceremo- Elrod Bowers skies overhead, it was a picturesque set- ny. Moses welcomed the gathering of ting for the momentous occasion. Tribal officials and guests to Big Cypress Light Heavyweight Champion Roy Jones Jr. Poses with two young fans (L) Harjo Osceola and (R) Little Cypress Osceola. As reported in the previous issue and invited Reverend Salaw Jones held a public workout at Warrior’s Gym on Jan. 25. See story on page 12 for more details. of the Seminole Tribune, the WCP is part Hummingbird to give the invocation. of a joint effort between the Seminole Members of the Seminole Tribe’s Color Tribe and the Army Corp of Engineers in Guard posted the colors as students from a restoration and conservation initiative. It See GROUNDBREAKING, page 3 Seminole Youth Spencer Battiest Sings Tribal Council Approves National Anthem At Panther Game Hard Rock Café Agreements By Ernie Tiger SAWGRASS — On Jan. 16, Seminole By Elrod Bowers engagement had expired and the Council Eco-Tourism officials and the Billie Swamp Safari HOLLYWOOD — In a special authorized an extension, approved the staff met at the National Car Rental Center during Jan. 16 Council meeting, the Tribal form of the letter and authorized Acting the Florida Panthers hockey game against the Council approved resolutions related to Chairman Mitchell Cypress to negotiate Chicago Blackhawks. the Hollywood Hard Rock Café Casino and execute the final version of the letter. They were there to promote the Seminole and Hotel. *Approved an agreement with Tribe’s eco-tourism facilities and watch the first The Council: the Town of Davie for the purchase of Tribal member Spencer Battiest and youngest to *Approved changes in the form bulk water and sewage treatment services ever perform the National Anthem in front of some and structure of documents related to a for the Hollywood Hard Rock Café 17,000 attendees that night. series of bond issues that will raise $410 Casino and Hotel. The agreement, which In addition, the Seminole Tribe’s Princess, million to finance the construction of the covers only the Hard Rock project and is Mercedes Osceola, was also featured at the night’s Hard Rock Café Casino and Hotel. separate from services covering the game. She was introduced to the crowd perched *Approved an extension of an Hollywood reservation, is based on water atop the Zamboni at the second quarter of the game. engagement letter with Merrill Lynch consumption and a meter will be installed The Billie Swamp wildlife handlers who Pierce Fenner & Smith. The previous to measure the water consumption. attended the game brought a sample of what ani- mals can be encountered on the Billie Swamp Eco- Tours. An indigenous Panther and a Red Tail Hawk Council Meeting: Time For were positioned in front of the National Car Rental Center entrance. The wildlife handlers educated spectators Constitutional Revision? on the importance of the animal’s presence to the By Elrod Bowers meeting in Brighton. Everglades environment and tried to maintain a HOLLYWOOD — At the Jan. Although unsure as how to pro- stress-free environment for each animal being 18 Council meeting, Tribal members ceed, Gopher asked for the Council’s viewed. The rare opportunities to see these animals sought the Tribal Council’s approval to be approval to get started in earnest. Gopher were provided by the Billie Swamp Safari and the recognized as the Constitutional Revision assured the Council that there would be Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki and Okalee Museums. Committee. While the Council did not no major changes. The night’s Hockey Panther fans were also officially recognize the Committee, it “I don’t want to go around and treated to a special performance by the talented asked the Bureau of Indian Affairs for change everything,” said Gopher. gospel singer Spencer Battiest. Spencer sang the help in setting up the Constitutional The Council was receptive to the National Anthem before the large crowd of 17,000 review process. idea of beginning the process of constitu- attendees plus, gracefully without hesitation or According to Committee tional review. breaks, despite distractions from the crowd, who President Lorene Gopher, the idea was applauded and whistled throughout his performance. hatched six months ago at a community See REVISION, page 8 Spencer, 11, has pursing his career since he was four. He got started into the singing field after his father, Junior Battiest, saw that his son was Andrew Bowers, An Inspiration To All interested. “I don’t try to find my children’s talent and By Michael James push it on them. I let them find it and let them pur- OKEECHOBEE — He is 18 sue it, if they show interest in any field I help them years old, the absolute pride of his par- Ernie Tiger as much as I possibly can to reach their full ents, Andrew and Kay Bowers, a role potential,” said Battiest. model to his peers and pure sunshine Tribal Member Spencer Battiest sings National Anthem before Jan. 16 See BATTIEST, page 2 to anyone who has the distinct pleasure Panthers Hockey Game. of knowing this young man. He is none other than Andrew Bowers, Jr. Andrew is the only child of Tribal Fair Committee Meeting: Talent Show Cut Andrew and Kay and a resident of the Brighton Reservation. He has truly By Alexandra Frank and a motion was made, which received a tion for the Tribal Fair is shown on the been the focus of his parent’s life. It is HOLLYWOOD — On Jan. 8, second motion, a collective vote was screen. When the information is almost this “genuine” love, interest and devo- the Tribal Fair Committee Meeting met at taken, and the motion passed. over, the bull rider is released from the tion from his parents to which Andrew the auditorium lobby to go over new busi- The decision to cut the contest chute. attributes his many achievements. ness that may have arisen since the last hinged on the fact that the Talent Contest At the time of this interview, meeting. Committee member Sharon Osceola See FAIR, page 6 Andrew had just received his accept- After the minutes from the last would have to relinquish the position, due ance letter from Florida State meeting were read, David Zacher to surgery scheduled at the same time as University. His plans after graduation informed the committee that the Council the Tribal Fair. Inside This Issue . are to relax for a short time and then had reduced their subsidy to the fair by With the Talent Contest cut from Letters/E-mail ........................2 off to Tallahassee in the fall. $25,000, which left the fair budget with a the contest line-up, the budget deficit Andrew is an avid sportsman, $15,800 deficit. decreased to only $1,800. A more work- Community News...................3 he plays wide receiver in football, With this bit of bad news out on able figure, it seems that most of the con- shooting guard in basketball and cen- the table, so to speak, the solution to the test money will not be greatly affected. Tribal Fair Information ........6 problem had to be found. Hollywood Board Representative David terfield in baseball. His interest in Andrew Bowers sports peaked 4 years ago. Some suggestions made were in Dehass said that the Corporate Board of Columns..................................7 Andrew has a philosophy, “if the ideals of trimming prize money from Directors would take care of the $1,800 Sports ......................................9 I am going to get involved in some- some of the other contests, held such as deficit. thing! He has recently had the honor of the Clothing contest or Arts and Crafts Broadcasting Director Danny thing, and be there to do it, then I am being selected as a state finalist for the Casino....................................11 going to do it the best that I can. I can’t contest. Jumper then went over the ideas for the High School Heisman Award for the state Gloria Wilson, Pow Tribal Fair commercial that will be used just settle and get by.” Well, one would of Florida, sponsored by Wendy’s.
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