Conference overview: Solutions ’96: Progress and new challenges

David Carr

 S  reconvened in New York this ten between now and the year 2,000. Here is the chal- March after a year of dramatic change. Since last lenge: why not rewrite them in Smalltalk?” Tyear’s Smalltalk Solutions, ParcPlace and Digitalk “IBM is absolutely, fundamentally, wholeheartedly merged, Easel became part of VMark, and OTI became a committed to Smalltalk,”McGaughey asserted. About wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. Meanwhile, the Web OTI’s acquisition: “We’ve set it up as a wholly-owned emerged as a potentially significant application devel- subsidiary, but all the Smalltalk people in IBM now report opment tool, propelling Java into to (OTI President) Dave Thomas. position to challenge Smalltalk. The study STIC released So maybe it’s the other way around These changes and challenges fig- —that OTI acquired IBM.” ured in the keynote talks of IBM’s last year found that IBM recognizes that it needs VisualAge Marketing Manager Skip companies adopting more successful partnerships like McGaughey and STIC’s Executive the one with OTI, which produced Director Reed Phillips, while Parc- Smalltalk were more likely IBM Smalltalk. “We want to have Place founder Adele Goldberg dis- 1,000 vendors out there building cussed Smalltalk as a teaching tool to have followed a formal parts and creating components, and for college students and computer process in choosing a they have to know where we’re going. professionals. For instance, Object Share is taking Smalltalk is gaining worldwide . out our visual programming envi- market acceptance as a solution for ronment and putting in their own on serious business problems, according to McGaughey. top of IBM Smalltalk.We have to enable our competitors No other technology is as scalable and robust, “But because they provide value.” we’ve got to translate this rich technology into business Smalltalk is going through a period of transition, enjoy- value.” ing unprecedented success at the same time that it is “be- Global economic commerce is accelerating the pace ing attacked from the bottom by Visual Basic, Delphi, and of change enormously. The trend is most obvious on the Java,” he said. Different strategies are required now that World Wide Web, where fortunes are being made over- Smalltalk is coming into the mainstream. “We need to night. McGaughey feels the value of that opportunity send different kinds of messages to make different kinds is “almost unimaginable. It’s going to radically alter our of sales. Instead of selling competitive advantage, we need management, and how we live, how we work, and how to sell, ‘This is safe, this will scale.’” we play. Look what happened to Netscape.” The ex- “We’re beginning to sell to a different kind of cli- plosion of interest in the Web, in turn, has transformed entele,” Reed Phillips agreed. “They don’t really like Java into a serious contender. “Java is going after not just technology, and they don’t like taking risks.” Those pro- market; it’s going after mindshare,” McGaughey said; moting Smalltalk for corporate systems now point to Smalltalk needs to keep moving to stay competitive. prominent success stories and provide more references, There are great opportunities overseas, McGaughey he said. said, citing projects in Turkey, Brazil, China, and the for- Still, misperceptions persist. Outsiders see Smalltalk’s mer Soviet Union. Another huge opportunity is a vast performance as a major weakness, while only 2% of number of legacy systems. In one bank alone, IBM found Smalltalkers agree, he said. And many corporate pro- 54,000 date routines that need to be changed. “We esti- grammers know so little about the language that it seems mate there is $400 billion in code that needs to be rewrit- too exotic to be a practical choice, “So a lot of people

May 1996 27 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW decide, ‘Why don’t we use something less complicated, a neat binder of several “books” used for system plan- like C++.’” ning, experimentation, and development, and it feeds The study STIC released last year found that compa- students the modern Smalltalk class library a little at a nies adopting Smalltalk were more likely to have followed time. Using the internet as a medium for distributing a formal process in choosing a programming language. “If this free tool, she plans to have Open University students we can get people to do real comparisons, then Smalltalk collaborate on building LearningWorks systems as class has a significant advantage,” Phillips concluded. projects. “Smalltalk seems to have to fight its way into an organiza- Students can start by experimenting with rehearsal tion, but once it’s there, it does pretty well.” Smalltalk pro- worlds that illustrate key concepts and provide a context jects also were twice as likely to achieve their expected for exercises in organizing behaviors and allocating re- goals. “The Smalltalk industry has the opportunity to sponsibilities, Goldberg said. Businesses could train their grow and prosper be cause of the successes that are there. employees by having them create LearningWorks books It’s a matter of getting the word out,” Phillips said. that represent the essence of the company’s framework. To Adele Goldberg, the issue is not just teaching Reg Krock of the Ontario manufacturing firm Maksteel Smalltalk, but teaching systems building as opposed to was one of the people who approached Goldberg after her programming. “Too many university computer science talk to express interest in obtaining a copy of Learn- curriculums stop at teaching data structures and algo- ingWorks. “One reason is that we have a 67-year-old pres- rithms,” she said. It’s not surprising it so hard to recruit ident of our company. I could give that to him, and he people capable of building extensible, adaptable sys- would actually play with it.” tems. “The most significant part about a system is that Computer systems are the only part of the business that once we start it up, there’s a maintenance issue. You want Maksteel’spresident doesn’tfullyunderstand,whichmakes it to run indefinitely.” And while people can learn the it harder for him to manage, Krock said. “There’s always syntax for programming in Smalltalk in an afternoon, been a language gap between the CEO and the CIO. What

“they don’t get the systems building part,” Goldberg said. I’d like to do is take some of the mystique out of it.” ` Her solution is LearningWorks, a modified version of the Smalltalk implementations she used to teach pro- David Carr is a freelance writer specializing in the object-oriented gramming to 12-year-olds. Its interface is organized into programming industry.He can be reached at [email protected].

GETTING REAL InScavenges statistic to find out the CPU time spent per- continued from page 22 forming in-memory garbage collection, #NumberOf Scavenges to find out the number of times the in-memory virtual machine. Each session process has two caches in garbage collector has been executed, or #NumberOfMake RoomInOld Space

which to access objects, in addition to the shared page to find out the number of times the oldest` cache. One cache, called the temporary object cache, is generational space filled up (a large number may indicate where new objects are created. As the execution of server that the session’stemporary object cache size is too small). Smalltalk code causes new objects to be created, they are A session can also find out how well it is using the shared created in a section of memory carved out just for that page cache. It can get the #NumberAttached statistic to find purpose. This area of memory is garbage collected by gen- out the number of pages that the process is currently using erational scavenging techniques, since many newly creat- in the shared page cache, and #LocalPageCacheHits and ed objects die early and can be garbage collected soon #LocalPageCache Misses to find out how many times a page after their creation. If this cache should become full, then was found or not in either the shared page cache or the some objects from it must be written to disk, where gar- private page cache. A session can measure its transaction bage collection is more expensive. To determine the ap- activity by looking at the #NewObjs Committed statistic to propriate size for the temporary object cache, a system de- find out the number of newly created objects committed signer must consider the total size of all new objects by themostrecenttransaction, and#NumberOfCommits and created during a single transaction. #NumberOfFailed Commits to get a cumulative number of The other cache utilized by the session is the private successful or failed transactions since the session began. page cache. This cache is a private area in which to read The statistics described above are but a sampling of the and write pages of objects. This cache is usually small, since kinds of information to look at when configuring a multi- the session primarily uses the shared page cache to read user Smalltalk system. The key to successfully configuring and write objects. If the system is configured not to allocate and tuning such systems is understanding the multi- a shared page cache on the machine where a particular ses- process nature of clients and servers, and how different sion is executing, then its private page cache size should be memory spaces and caches are used. Fortunately, tools increased accordingly. are available to gather these statistics over long periods of A session’s process can get a variety of information time and then graph the results to analyze overall system about itself. To monitor garbage collection activity in performance. Without the ability to gather statistics about

the temporary object cache, a session can get the #Time each process in system, tuning is a shot in the dark. `

28 The Smalltalk Report `