PAGE FOUR.-- - THE BISBCC DAO. KEVEW, I5e, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MOR NING, JULY 27, 1904, u 6ISBEE DAILY REVIEW STRAIGHT TALK FROM OASIS MAN. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. THE BANK OF BISBEE; B1SBEE, ARIZONA .'Allen T, Bird, publisher of the Invariable In Advance. Nogales Oasis, and incidentally a can- CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $115,000.00. DEPOSITORY FOR TERRITORIAL FUNDS didate for delegate to Congress on Director. Officers. By the year &0 Republican ticket, submits the fol- the Ben Williams. J. S. Douglas, J. B. Anglut, W. H. Bropby, W. H. Brophy, president. J. S. Douglas, vice president By the month... 75 lowing as the true, bona fide position M. J. Cunningham. M. J. Cunningham, cashier. H. A. Schwartz. Cashier of Republican leaders toward Ari- Ass't the world. Safety deposit boxes to single Drafts on all parts of the for rent. Mexican money bought and sold. Branch, Naco. Arizona. Itaued Every Morning Except Monday zona, and her admission Condensed Report statehood. Mr. Bird rises to remark: . to Territorial Ink Comptroll June 30, 1904 Republican leaders KESOUHOtb! ... LIABIL.TIES CONSOLIDATED PRINTING AND "Had Arizona Loans $ 462,521 40 who are In touch with eastern Repub- Real 16,250 00 PUBLISHING COMPANY. Estate Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit s lican leaders been frank In giving to Fixtures ' 000 00 115,794 01 the people of the territory the real Bonds and Warrants . . 106,738 92 The Review Is delivered xby carriers Cash on HanC and with other Banks 464,186 SC Deposits ...;.: 933,903 2" cause of the eastern opposition to In the following towns: " separate statehool for Arizona, and tl.049.C97 24 - . .jtit $1,049,697 24 Naoo. senators representa- Cananea, had eastern and Douglas. tives been as frank in their declara- always Tombstone. .iJl tions of opposition a3 they are Benson. In private conversation with Arizon- - Don Luis. ans, the muddle over the situation In Paradise. which the Question Is placed would THE Xacozari. have been avoided. In conversation C jw o - COPPER QUEEN with Arizonans Senator Beverldge, De- HOTEL o pew who can named, 4S NationalDemocratic and others he Jf gSJr iJH havenHvarlaCly asserted that If Arl-zan- a CAFE wants separate statehood she e TicKet. o will "behave herself," (which is the 8 For President Republican equivalent for the eastern o Democratic shibboleth if "sane and o ALTON B. PARKER, s by electing a Republican dele- o ol . sane") gate. The Oasis has never approved Hl I ft 3 : , .T""2M3 Vice-Preside- nt, ten- iSSHsfaBrsrC For of any course of policy that has a SfflUli (xzj - b a o HENRY G. DAVIS, dency to deceive the people. The r?s' 's w o Virgina. ita of West entire course of Arizona Republican c JHCHJff&Sii:? o leaders In (bis statehood matter has xjnzasssia b o --2a o POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. been one of deception of the people & o o The matter Is no better as now placed. s o o The Arizona delegation to Chicago s FOIt SHERIFF. o The undersigned hereby announces succeeded in eliminating from the Na- $ o the that he will be a candidate lor tional Republican platform a proposed o AFFORDS THE MOST Cochise county, DELIGHT office of sheriff of endorsement of Joint statehood bill; o subject to the action of the Demo- t- . FUL PLACE TO TAKE ONE'S DIN- but they couldn't secure a resolution o o cratic County Convention. NER. COOL AND CLEAN, THE "o A. V. LEWIS. endorsing the separate statehood de- o 1904. v SERVICE EXCELLENT, THE FARE o Tombstone, Arizona, July 3, sire of the people of Arizona. The o result is that the entire statehood 8 THE BEST OBTAINABLE. o FOR SHERIFF o proposition Is left open to the Republi- MUSIC o I hereby announce myself as a can- o SUNDAY EVENINGS. 8 County, can majority in Congress to go ahead s o didate lor Sheriff cf Cochise o subject to the action of the Democratic and do as it pleases. That means County Convention. the Joint statehood bill or no state- o (Signed.) LARR1KU. JOE hood at all, unless Arizona has the 3 E. O. ROUZER' Manaoer political perspicacity and sagacity to THE ONE NOTE become "safe and sane." It Is to be hope "full dinner Republican of THE G. O. P. Elephant I he won't notice that OF DISCORD. . hoped that the leaders pail" until after the election. Arizona will have a like perspicacity We are somewhat curious to know EL PASO BUSINESS and sagacity to frankly tell the peo- HOUSES what Mud of a platform our Terri- ple of Arizona what they are up Teddy rlight begin at home by torial Democratic Convention will against. There has been too much settling the "race issue" at Oyster Bitter Warfare adopt this fall. If it follows in the From First to Last sshuffling and concealment of the actu- Bay, where a negro preacher was footsteps of the St. Louis convention, xTTTx. the vehicles we sell give satisfaction. al situation. The great states of the subjected to the Indignity of being Two Men ignores the Kansas City platform and Shot They are built with that end in view, east whose most important Interests denied a shave by a white barber. approves the gold stndard, this ter- The designers and makers have work- are imperilled by the prominence of ed ont each to perfection, ritory will go Republican. The voting (Continued from Page One detail and socialistic and financial heresies Russia may take a hand in the pres- nothing faulty Is found In style, mate- strength of Arizona Democracy is among Western Democrats will not ent political campaign in the United hundred strikers, tired of waiting ior rial or construction. Those composed of wage earners who be- Sen- headquar- concede any more United States States by having the Vladlvostock benefits from the Chicago Buggies, Snrries. Etc. came Democrats because they believ- ators of that stripe. Consequently they squadrn provoke Candidate Roosevelt ters, returned to work at the Armour ed the doctrines taught by that party and Fowler plants. are sold at a nominal price, but ar will not grant Arizona separate state- into some strenuous diplomacy. average were calculated to promote tho A new feature was injected into the much above the value. best hood. Let Republicans plainly in- telegram was interests and preserve the rights of Situation today when a form le of Arizona of the Judge Parker Is approachable and from a number of Texas cat- the plain people. If they ''find the tecelvtd P. NoaK's, situation." . courteous, but he draws the line on tlemen tendering sympathy to Armour ft Sir party is to abandon those doc- &. of the strike trou- Largest Repository In the After all. It is the same old story, being photographed in his bathing Company because Souttve trines and embrace the political ble, and intimating they would aold often told on the stump in Arizona: suit. heresies of Parker and Davis then their caf-l-e. grtrftrraraoKrirtrtrfttttrtrrac "Vote the Republican ticket and get - - o there will be a revolt that will end statehood." Omaha Butchers Go Out. THE H. LESINSKY COMPANY in defeat for Aalzona's Democracy. Omaha, Neb., July 26 Eleven hun- old Arizona pio- Arizona World's Fair EL The proper and only thing for Ari- But somehow, the dred members of the allied trades em- PASO, Texas, zona Democracy to do is to ignore the neer has a "hankering" after the Commission Phoenix ployed at the packing plants In South OJjJl Dmocratlc party. He believes the at Omaha went out on strike at noon to- "THE REIilABLE" acts of the St. Louis convention and C&rry Democratic party to be a true friend I day. The went out in sympathy with everything that the Grccer wants in class of goods that the reaffirm their allegiance to genuine striking This action was a.sV; for. of territory and with each suc- SITUATION OF ARIZONA EXHIB.ITS the butchers. Democratic principles. Before the this taken on an order from President Don- OWWMWWOWWWWO ceeding declaration of the Democrats AT WORLD'S FAIR DISCUSS- lnneor- - of thp tipt four .,vpnra , thp.. rfll . nelly. Nine unions are affected. ,. . . . - .., ED AND BILLSAUDITED. sympathetic Democrats will have regained control!"1 lavor OI s,ns,e l"'" Chicago, July 26. The renewed, PACKARD RETURNS. strike at the stock yards will be d of the party machinery and purged territory this confidence Is Tie of Ar,z03a know fuU tomorrow morning. The belated SOLD BY tie managenment of those false lead- - PPle The Arizona World's Fair Commis- sanction of the teamsters to join their we E lo as the Republican ers who have succeeded In betraying tnat sion held a meeting In Phoenix Satur- brother workmen In the general strike lh natlm,! TVmorrarv . the Party is in power "they are up against day afternoon, the same being at- was given tonight by the officers of the aim it,", but no amount of intimidation, tended by Col. A. J. Doran, president International Teamsters Union, and EiJ hands of the money and other trusts. B. A. H. B. KOOLBERG BROS. threats or promises, will swerve Packard and St. Claire. TOO drivers In the packing industry In Florence Blade. Very little of importance was done re Chicago quit tomorrow. i el from convictions will work Oh, dear! dear! Just as everybody them their heartfelt sides routine business. Bills were. Nearly one hundred of these luen and expression of tEese beliefs at of Arizo- struck-toda- y was taking off their coats and pre- an audited and the situation the of their own volition, re M the polls. na exhibit at the Fair was discussed. fusing to wait for an official order no- paring to "whoop'em up" for Parker EL PASO, TEXA8. Give us something new. The state- Mr. Packard returned to his home at tifying them that the sympatrjeti; and the Democratic platform, adopted Xaco last night, and Col. Doran re- umzu hood bait has long since slipped the strike was Indorsed. With the by a majority of 1006 delegates turned to Prescott on this morning's teamsters go out every union organi &4J&j&Z$GA&AA&i3&2A4ijz)i& hook. train. Chicago assembled In convention at St. sation represented in the' C. K. Moorhead, President. c. Last night Co!.. Do ran dated that he packing plants will be on strike. J. Lackland, Cashier. 4 Louis, the sage of the Gila delivers Intends to go back to St. Louis just as ? Joseph Magoffin, t. $. H. Russell, Asst, Cathlez j himself of the above paragraph, evi- GUILTY. soon as possible to take full charge of exhibit remain AN IMPORTANT RULING. dently in much pain and sorrow. Arizona's and will Judge Sloan rendered" a decision in I re The London Economist presents an there till the close of the Fair. He The State National Bank "Will the Democrats of Arizona by a case heard before him. In Prescott 1 Indictment against the United States expects to Te at the Exposition to of EL PASO, TEXAS pudiate the platform adopted at St. August and if can do so, will last week, which is of interest to which we must of necessity, enter , he he case involved the Louis? Well, hardly. The Populistlc-Sociallstl- c sooner. He said he would see stockmen. The Transacts a General Banking Business be there point of law that a raiser of cattle Solicits the accounts of banks, corporations, party, which has. recently a plea of guilty. to "it that the Salt River Valley was 2 firms and individuals Referring to action of the ad by some one could not sell his own product with- w?'sM--fr3s- s showed its head In this territory, will the represented at the Fair out obtaining butcher's license. i Who was acquainted valley a perform service, ministration in extending the Dingley with the case was tried befor a jury, and 0$OOOQOOOe0&0X&0009$00 be expected to this and resources. He will relieve The $0$O$0$O$O$0$$O0$O9 O tariff to its for verdict In 8 not the Democrats. barrier the he ar- the judge instructed a but Mr. Leatherwood as soon as of defendants. appears O platform rone, and contrasting this with tne Ford Is In favor the It & The Democratic national rives in St. Louis. E. E. from case that the owner of stock Livery Undertaking Co. attitude of our government in Its charge of mines exhibit. and Mrs. this I Palace o declares for singde statehood. Will the may kill and sell In any quantity he Eastern policy, the Economist says: E, E. Ford has control of the educa- en- J. J. Bewcs J. . o the Democrats of Arizona repudiate Chri3ty was may choose, so long as he Is not Hntimt "It is curious to contrast the atti- tional display. George D. gaged butcher business. Coco Walter Hubbard o that plank? to have taken, charge of the horti In the tude of American administration nino Sun. The Democratic national platfdrm the cultural exhibit and Col, Doran atated J. J. BOWEN, Manager o on questions controlled by them (o declares against the trusts. Will the tariff that he hoped have Mr. Christy at o with what they adopt when foreign the Fair soon. Phoenix Gazette. $100 Reward, $100 Democrats of Arizona repudiate this Tho readers of this naoer will be Upptr Main Street, Telephone S3. Good territory is concerned. In the Far rigs and careful drivers. Special at- - plank? pleased to learn that there Is at least tention to boarding: East they are supporters of the policy OLD PIONEER DEAD. has tf ffiren of horses. The Democratic national platform one dreaded disease that science Utdertaklng parlors in connection. of 'open door,' but when It comes been able to cure in all its stages, and Walter O. declares against imperialism t, against Jhe pio- JInbbard, Undertaker and Col. J. F. Bennett, one of the is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Embalmer usurpation of power; favors to Panamawhejre they are custodians Arizona, that executive neers of New Mexico and Ik the only positive cure now known to of the-ent- ry; they slam the door vio Mex- government under the constitution; died at his home in the City of medical fraternity. Catarrh be- 1 lently of of the ' HmI to all special privi in the faces of the traders ico, lately. He was a member the ing constitutional disease, Tequire3 equal rights and famous California Column which a other countries." constitutional treatment. Hairs h 0Q0$0$090 0e09 leges to none. Will the Democrats of to La Mes-ill- a a 000OW090o This being a true picture of the sit marched from San Pedro Cure Is taken internally, acting Arizona endorse such a platform? in the early 60's. He was a man uation, can it be wondered our friends was directly upon the blood and mucous Well, perhaps not. of Impressive personality. He system, thereby de- ..Murphy Bros.. abroad complain they have ever courteous, of most pleasing man- surfaces of the that stroying the foundation of the disease, some difficulty In fathoming the mys ners and fascinating address. He by A world-wa- r would 'answer Russia's living and giving the patient strength Oil of American policy? has numerous relatives still as- Paints and very well at this iuncture. teries the large fainlly In building up the constitution and purpose here, and leaves a doing work. The sadly disfigured. We ourselves have great difficulty Mexico. The old timers of Arizona, sisting nature its Her face Is proprietors have so much faith in its Wall Paper i In that direction when we make a almost to a man, will feel and express curative powers that thty offer One party would like to search for consistency between the sincere regret at his death. He will The Republican especially Hundred Dollars for any case that it which be remembered from the postpone these strikes "until after the many and manifold attitudes fact that he was one of the most gen- fails to cure. Send for list of testi- PAPER HANGING! presidential election." the Republican party finds It neces- erous and liberal of men In money monials. IS OUR SPECIALTY sary to assume in order to fit Its matters. Never was an anneal made Address F. J. CHENEY &. CO., To- to for the ledo, O. '.o ground and tariff-barrie- r policy to the complica- him charitable aid, but New York is the battle response waa prompt and ample and Sold by all Druggists, 75c 3 , sUSrr3rw Shop Opposite Sweet Memorial Church the Democracy has the state half won tions of colonialism and he never turned back on friend Take Hall's Family Pills for "" his a in its presidential nomination. In need. Era, 4o"$oo$$oo$6$o$o$o$o$o$o6$o$o$6h$ooo$ooo$o$oo$o