APIIC-Retrofitting of Old Industrial Parks (Case of & Mallapur)

International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks”

G Nagabhushanam Dy. General Manager, APIIC LTD

July 18-20, 2013;

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 1 Industrial Parks in Andhra Pradesh

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 2 About APIIC

» Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. (APIIC) was incorporated on 26th September, 1973. APIIC is a wholly owned Undertaking of Government of Andhra Pradesh.

» APIIC main objective is providing industrial infrastructure through development of industrial areas. The Corporation has so far developed more than 300 industrial parks spreading over an extent of about 1,21,655 acres(including allotted area).

» The Corporation is also developing sector focused parks like apparel park/food processing parks/leather parks, Special Economic Zones in the state. The Corporation has also constructed 3,500 industrial sheds, 4,800 dormitory units and 466 commercial shops

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 3 About APIIC

» APIIC is exercising/performing the statutory powers/functions of the Local Bodies with effect from 01-10-1994 onwards in 287 Nos.

» To promote “Local Self-Governance” of the Industrial Areas, APIIC has evolved the concept of Industrial Areas Service Societies involving the tax payers community in the Notified Industrial Areas in the Management/Maintenance of Industrial Areas.

» APIIC has nominated 99 Nos of Service Societies as Nodal Agencies to APIIC Ltd., in respect of 183 Industrial Areas, out of 287 areas notified by Government.

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 4 About APIIC

» After formation of the Corporation with effect from 1-1-1974, old Industrial Estates were transferred to APIIC-Ltd for further maintenance and Development of Industrial Park.

» Part of the local body powers are transfered to APIIC IALAs. MSWM is one of its activities.

» There are concerns to be adressed on Infrastructure Facilities like Storm water drains, Waste Water Management in IPs, waste management in IPs

» Planning to replicate in some of the industrial parks as pilot of IP- Nacharam & IP-Mallapur

» Planning to upgrade further the facilities initiated by APIIC

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 5 Should existing/old Industrial Parks be retrofitted ---- Yes, no second thought!

Can retrofitting existing/old Industrial Parks to a greater extent result in sustainability of existing IP’s with Environmental Protection --- Yes!!

07/08/2013 Page 6 Why retrofit?

»A business case as nearly 30% industries are closed or are sick.

»Common infrastructure and services are lacking – waste water treatment, waste management, security etc.

»Land Use Conflicts – haphazard development around the industries.

Page 7 Why retrofit?

» Environmental conflicts/negative impacts • Pollution – air; water – rivers, lakes; soil • Climate change • Health impacts • Impacts on flora, fauna

» Land use changes around the industrial areas

» Over exploitation of resources (e.g. water, energy, materials).

» Pollution, climate change and disaster risks

07/08/2013 Page 8 Retrofitting intervention areas

» Storm water management – drainage network, treatment, recycle/reuse, treatment, disposal

» Wastewater management – conveyance, treatment (CETP?), recycle/reuse, disposal

» Waste management – clean up of common areas, MSW type of wastes, hazardous wastes, non-hazardous industrial wastes

» Water management – use efficiency, rain water harvesting etc.

» Renewable energy systems, Energy efficient measures

07/08/2013 Page 9

Retrofitting intervention areas

» Resource Management & Eco-Profit concepts in individual industries

» Plantation/landscaping; Biodiversity conservation

» Retrofitting of existing buildings to new buildings

» Industrial Park information system

» Capacity building, management/monitoring systems

07/08/2013 Page 10 Case of Industrial Park, Nacharam

Year of Establishment : 1967 Extent in Acres : 700 Acres No. of Plots/Units(Tax Payers) : 436 Units

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 11 Strom Water Drainage

» Storm Water Drains length 14 km were laid

07/08/2013 International Conference on “Green Enterprises and Green Industrial Parks” Page 12 Common Waste Water Treatment Plant (CETP) » CETP has been constructed and is operational

Page 13 Plantation

» Plantation of saplings along the road sides and open space areas » Visible improvement in the industrial park, micro climate control

07/08/2013 company presentation 2012 Page 14 Page 15 Industrial Avenue Parks Plantation Total Plantations: Mallapur 8 Km 57200 Nacharam 14 Km Cherlapally 15 Km Uppal 4 Km 1 Km Autonagar 1.6 Km 2 Km

Page 16 Use of Renewable Energy

» Solar street lamps (renewable energy) introduced in industrial parks.

» Costs savings and payback period of about 5 years.

07.08.2013 Page 17 Page 18 Ecoprofit in SMEs

» Demonstrated reductions of usage of materials (fuels, raw material, water), reduced usage of energy, reductions of emissions.

Parameter Potential Savings Actual Savings Achieved (Until Oct 2010) Electricity savings 1,629.5 MWh/yr 836 MWh/yr Coal savings 1,909 t/yr 2.8 t/yr Furnace oil savings 482.7 kg/yr 1.1 t/yr Water savings 14 mio ltr/yr 18 mio ltr/yr Material savings 4,632 t/yr 300 t/yr Cost savings Rs 32 mio (€ 492,307) Rs 25 mio ( € 384,628)

07.08.2013 Page 19 Propsoed APIIC‘s Green Industry Program

» Waste management

» Waste water management

» Greening/plantation/landscaping

» Green Buildings, Green Factory Buildings, Renewable Energy

» GIS-based Industrial Park Information System

» Community Based Programmes

» Promotion of Environment Friendly Techniques in Textiles, Pulp & Paper and Leather Sectors

» Planning of New (Green) Industrial Parks

» 1-month long Environmental Improvement Drive

» Green Budget, Green Manpower at APIIC 8/7/2013 Page 20

1-month long Environmental Improvement Drive » 75 industrial parks in AP covered » Plantation drive » Cleanliness drive » Awareness drive

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