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8-15-1941 The edC arville Herald, August 15, 1941 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, August 15, 1941" (1941). The Cedarville Herald. 1964. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/1964

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gETY-POORTH YEAR Kb. AUG. IS, 1941 PRICK, gL » A YEAR SEjNl*£ss Find 3fe&iut l f f r o « o « Kf BEALERS iB 'w p lir DcliydmMii* At Demi lit Wfcm m a m b c i t h f H W M f i i l f OW® State Infer U gh ig: :iaurtk«n- W T O T 0 8 Divowg* surra Mteri»rtow*d«ys,ia^ H p w w m m n m dF am i 0SMTP CUf- ley W, Wharton, Tg-yssr-eld gas fill .Howard . Heaataod, who married * r n Begtt mPiiayT COIBHKIS, MrM- ten Saturday with th* Gladys Ruth Knead and, Xenia, (R. R. tog station operator, was fetmd ingt-r* comparatively unknown sgri- largest inaugurated ON DRAFTEESthe Llttk Miami river, two saitee west T u IffiS i ™ SH I I 2, at How Carlisle, 0., April 21,1986, cuHural angle which has mushroomed by tb* Fans 1 of X«»ia,fn»day noon, now seek* a divot** on neglect from virtually nothing into a $2,000, Tb* X «3 a o f tite According to Coroner H. C, IMtiek, By CLMOCKC* 1, BROWN ground** They have four minor child­ Only two Democrats to Con Mrs. Amanda Bril* Omttt, DCffl-a-yswr Ohio busmeet during the Forum far-the Member of Congress, ren. - grass had the nerve to vote for toe Wharton apparently had shot himself Xeni^, met death late Saturday sdgM last five years—Is scheduled for its eamp, Paul program di shove tb* heart while sitting on . Seventh Ohio District Mari* E. Warrick, Xenia, charges draft extension of eighteen months In a motor crash on Route 42 whlb a major detest at the state fair, August rector, oemp wan tree stomp and hi# body toppled into neglect and cruelty to her di force ggit against promise* to the hoys and par­ passenger in a «sr driven by Howard 28-28. *g*r;-Jaawe in charge of tite water. The body was found by Late last -week the Rouse, After a against f arl E. Warrick, MiamHhurg, ents, as woli as toe nation^tbat only Pauley, *4, Cedarville. The other car bitter figh t, passed the Property Sefs- Stanley LayboUr&e, chief of the iport*. and and Raymond Bert Rider and Mrs. Batty Brooks, whom she married September's, 1988,“ state agricultural department's divi­ one year o f service would be required was driven by George Smith, * l, coior- pre Bill, which gives the President Cherry in charts mewping of each. both of Springfield, Who wars fishing at Newport, Ky. She also asks per­ sion o f plant industry' said Monday sendees. ed, who rammed the Psuley ear ikom power to seize and take over shy per­ Dean, o f The fight against toe most brazen in toe yicinity. manent alimony. In a separata civil that a miniature dehydrator would be Xenia, conducted toe rear furring it into a Arid. Nr*. sonal property of any dtiaea wtooh method to break faith with the draft Wharton had been the object of a actios, she seeks partition of prop­ included in exhibits of feeds, Seed* C rritf was taken to toe McCfirihw “ he deems” necessary, us*fol,.or bene­ erty and marshalling o f liens' and Motion pictur*# mitertiiin- ees in service wsb led by -almost wide search since Thursday when he Hospital where to* died at 1:40 A. M. ficial, to national defense, or in the and fertilisers, ment Saturday ewhaming left; home with a, .32 cabber pistol in •names the Home Federal Savings and solid Republican minority, joined tor Smith loft the scene o f the accident production of'national defeme article*. “The growth o f dehydration in Ohio was principal1 fisature San- his possession. His wife informed po­ Loan Association as co-defendant, many Democrats who could not be and did not report to Sheriff Walton Under the broad language of the bill, has been phenomenal," Laybourne as­ day, Albert ll tothat ho had removed SU personal MirriedSep|«nber 81,1840; Joseph h#ar Xenia, bought hpr bluffed into supporting toe Spahr until Monday mprning. He had , almost everyconcei vabla item, type, or serted. “We now have 22 plants ac­ won the day bird Saturday af- effects from his clothes before disap F. McEwap charge# fraudr in asking measure that; would probably keep left his damaged car at the scene of kind of personal property can be taken complishing in SO to 46 minute* ternoonjEtanley peering. The gun was found near the freedom from Margaret HtiSwsn. aear Xenia, draftees In' service, at home and toe accident. Coroner H, C. Eton* seasoning that formerly required front was second, and tree stump, but not before a cap, pate over upon Presidential orders* For Gail -Little seeks a divorce from Boots, New ajbtoad/.sa'long as ten years, which rendered a verdict o f accidental deati^ such confiscated property the original two to three weeks, hr addition to the Jasper, third, Mr- of glasses and set' of false teeth on Evelyn Little* Springfield, whom he won the rifle Roosevelt has said is his war program, OthOr occupants of the car, rid of , owner i* to he paid any amount that speed, , the rapid-processing retains in match with Robert Trees, Spring the river ibimk hadlcd tethe ditoovei® married November 24, 1830 at James­ , Congressman Shp%R7 Mo., was in whom,Were thrown out o t the soto,' the alfalfa, meal large quantities of Valley, -finishing o f the body, ' - 'the President may, in his discretion, town. He charges neglect. 1; ‘Forest charge o f the- .opposition and forced re William Pauley, Cedarville, R, R. vitamin A ,or carotene, which It ex­ Strong, Jefferson Surviving Wharton are his Wife/ consider “ just and-fair compensation.’ Neglect and cruelty are' charge* won the horse New, Dealers to reduce the time father of toe driver, neither of cellent for poujtiy, hogs and cattle,* shoe tournament James'Ander- Mrs- Elisabeth Wharton, and a step­ f j f the, property, owner is not satisfied, made hy Henry S, Stafford, Shaker- ihquirement. o f . service from three whom were hurt; Mrs. Patricia Pauley Laybourne said that about 30 per son, near Xenia, son, Lee Schawn, o f Dayton. Funeral with the compensation offered'by the town Rd.,4n asking for a divorce from years or mor* down to 18 months. of Cedarville, R, R, 2; Mr. qnd, Mrs. government, he is paid but fifty peri |cent of the Ohio crop was processed services were‘held Monday afternoon Petty Jo Stafford, Dayton. They were annually, principally for eastern ex­ A ns\ passage on the bill was 203 to Walter Cruitt, and baby, Xenia, and. cent o f the amount offered,'and ia Id toe draftees 18 months more to at top Neeld funeral home and burial married February,, 26, 1841, at Ur- port, and that the quantity was In tOok -place at Greenfield. Shively Hildebpandt, Cedarville, R, R. • . given the right to bring suit against bana, O. „ TQTHB 2j02 who- opposed the bill,, 2, all o f whom jraffered minor bruises "the government for the. balance ori­ creasing steadily.- The alfalfa- meal, Ethel H. Liles chargee neglect and. ground immediately after dehydration, i Two Democrats from Ohio support-' and abrasions,. They wore treated at ginally offered, pluk any additional habitual drunkenness' in asking for a od the bill, Harter add Kirwatn Other tl;e hospital. amount he may believe the property is used: principally as a mixed feed in­ As the mother $f a sop that H. a Registration divorce from Marshall Liles, -James ia fighting mosqqteos, chiggers, [Ohio Democrats charged by southern Born- iq Adams Cpunty, Starch 17, to he- worth. The hill -was amended gredient; town, whom .she married' October’ 8, Bwampi d oit and at times mud Democrats1 as being rebels voted 1884;'. tes^’C rditfs .husband, preceded slightly‘ by the House and is now in Set For Au& 21-22 1824. They have one child, custody of down at Camp Shelby and in against'the measure, They were Ctey- - the conference committee, but is ex- her in death,-November 24,1^89. Siufi. whom is sought by the plaintiff, along Louisiana, I want to do m y bit podl, Crosser, Davis, Holbrook,. Hunt­ vivors. include four sons and two ' peeled, to go to the President for his Manslaaghter Charged Supt. H, D. Furst announces that with allmpny. by encouraging Senator* Taft er, Imhoff, Secrest,- Sweeney, Thom daughters, William,' - Harry, Walter,!' . signature within a few days; qnd'Young. Cedarville High School students who Divorce is -sought: ’b y ’James O. After Auto Accident and Burton for, their part in expect to enter this year are- asked Donald, Mrs. Mary Babb, and Mrs.* Childers in his petition against Bertha holding the New,Deal to its .‘Ohio Republicans voting, to keep, Rosie Kinzer all of Xenia; * half - legislation to defer from military to register on August 21 and 22. All Fay Childers, Xenia, whom he mar­ George Smith, 31, Negro, 713 E. promise'of one year of service faith with the original promise of toe brothers Richard Cassell, of .Adams. service, under the Selective Service students'entering in grades 9 ,to 12 ried at Newport, Ky,, January 18, Main st„ Xenia, was held to the grand for pur sons drafted a* they administratioiTand against the bill County; and -ten grandchildren. Act, ail*draft registrants who had Were: Baumhart, Bender, Bolton, ate requested to report at this high 1838. They are? parents of a minor jury under $2500 bond Monday by do; in Europe. ■ reached their twenty-eighth birthday school building for registration in ac­ Services were; conducted' Tuesday,, child. « ., Municipal Judge D. M, Aultman after Coming from- * family-of BroWn, Clevenger/ Elston, Hdss, Jenk - by last July 1st, has’ parsed both ins, Jones, McGregor, Smith and cordance with’ to* following,schedule. from too Neeld Funeral Home, Xenia,. f Separated since 1936, Kathryn Mar­ he pleaded not guilty' to a charge of Democrats, l aw done with the branches of Congress and been sept to ydrys. ' ! Seniors on Thursday, Aug: 21 from in charge of Rev. S. Andrew Hutchi- kin seeks a divorce from David Mar-* maiislaugter based on tfaetraffic death rascals in Washington for all 8 ! a .*M. to 11:30 A .M . wlth burial* in Woodland Ceme- - the President for his approval.4 The The Republicans fought desperately kin, TJrbans, whom she married in that early Sunday Of 'Mrs. Amanda Cruit, time. When l readin the papers tery." s 1 v . hill, as finally approved by Congress, Juniors oh Thursday, Aug. 2l Yrom city October 27, 198*, Neglect’ is 5?, of 16 Locust st., Xenia. that a Roosevelt S»n is in EU- < and won a notable victory even, losing . carried ho authority for. government lt30 to 4 P. m ; grounds for the action', Smith, Who allegedly fled after "the rope and ahbther bn Canada, 1 by one-vote oh k tie because under seizure o f4defense plants where in­ the bill Roosevelt can and will spnd : Sophoriiores, Friday, Aug. 22 from accident and surrendered: yesterday wonder what kind Of army, serv­ 9 to 11:30 A. M. terruption o f production occurs.- How- American boys to. fight in Africa, O. a & S* O. Home . ALIMONY SOUGHT to the 'sheriff's .office, pleaded not ice they are enjoying’in riding - ■ ever,< the final'draft of’ the legislation China and Japan. Freshmen, Friday, Aug. 22, from Marjorie Novak asks alimony and guilty to two other charges reckless airplanes at the expense of the does carry the provision that men al­ Cong. Sweeney, Ohio Democrat, Who :S0F. M.to/4 B. M.; / Will Entertain funds for medical needs. in a suit operation and leaving the scene'of an government.- y ready inducted into military service baa broken many times with the It is important that each student against' George Novak, Bellbrdok, accident, and the court fixed bond of I have aomd U^ghbors that New under toe Selective Service6 Act, and Deal, -stated on the floor the only register in order to avoid the'pos­ whom she married October. 5, 1940. 3200 for these. are for open war and shout .who had reached their twenty-eighth sentiment'for extension in service for sibility .of, a conflict in the schedule The plaintiff naked court .order to pre­ Unable to supply total bond of Roosevelt from this house-tops, birthday by July 1st last; shall be the draftees was with the state and after school is started. ‘ , The 0 . S. & S. 0 , Home;ba# extend- , vent the defendant from molesting j*$2900 the Negro was remanded to jail. v. yet not a one of them has a discharged from the armed forces as war department#. He predicted whole­ Student# who do' not fina it con­ ed an invitation to hold the 1942 gomh her... His car is said to have struck that of son of draft age, nor has a „ Quickly as is practicable and possible* sale desertion from the camps if the venient" to report at the time speci­ vention of the Ohio Civil War Veter- , Howard Pauley, Cedarville, from; the single one offered to enlist. The bill became a law. ~ ' fied above may register any time an ans through Supt. Capt. F, R, Wood-. ;' ASK JUDGMENTS rehr op Route 42 east o f Xenia. -- • omy peopie lknow ^ to a t ato August 21 or 22. \ ' -Early last week'the President vetoed ' The' Home Owners’ Loan Coyp, Is ruff and' the invitation bar been ac­ concerned about .W 4 '/• * -‘.f . School • will open fot tot' $$41*4$'cepted and approval given by toe S1680, a bill for the eonstruction of _plaintiff___ ^ in ___ a ^ suit____ against____ Mary____ ^ and government paiyrp: regarding toe opening o f be held itt August 1942, This year the ‘ ly passed Congress Without a- disserit ment o f $37fi'77- and foreclosure o f politicians Who jive off the peo­ school will 'be announced later, meeting is to Clyde, 0., and was at­ ing Vote. EeadonS-'given fo f the veto Xenia .city property, E. D. Smith, At Orton Pool Died Sunday ple and many on WPA or get tended, by phly twelve Civil War vet- , >• included thb fact that the Appropria- Xenia, is the plaintiff's attorney. Wil­ old *ge pensions* , i . ^ ; ’ Thurs., Aug. 14. erans. including three wives.- - , . tion originally requested had been in­ liam Downey, trustee of the estate'of Kenneth L. Bryant/ 84. Springfield, - Mr. -Editor; I have a sugges­ McLean Trial creased, and that the Congress had Edward Downey, Seeks 8181.77 judg­ R. R . 6, former Greene Countian, died tion that, should, appeal-to you I\ • 'T-rm-'-r. , i , - fined the method aud the area within ment' bp ■ two notes in q petition in the Clark County Sanatorium Sun­ from your, stand on these mat­ Children from toe swimmihg classes Set For. Seuts-8 which the’ appropriation for Federal o f Cedarville, Yellow Springs and, Os­ Cedarviliiait Falls against Mike Chambers near Osborn. day nooh, following an illness of two ters, at least I think it Would born participated in an acqu&ti& pro­ highways mightdbe expended, allocat­ Morris. D. Rice, Osborn represent* the, nlopths. - *- interest the public. Provide » Hayes A, McLean, 72, former village' gram of games and contests at Orton ing a certain portion- of such funds plaintiff. - • A farmer, Mr, Bryant, was born hear space in your paper and'give marshal, Indicted by the' Grand Jliry Into Confidence Traiii Fool in toe John Bryan -State Park *■ - 1 ?/ to' the highway department of -each Clifton, November 5, 1900, and Was a these New s Deal Democrats a recently on a manslaughter charge ift A .'j ", .-'f Stats for the construction-of defense on Thursday. \ • GRANT DIVORCES member of Central Christian Church. chance to announce they are toe fatal shooting 'of Wallace^C.^ Col- AnnMiller.Cedarville tellsXettia po- highways the building or strengthen­ The activities included: These divorces were awarded: Nellie Springfield. -offering their son for tits Eu­ tins; 18, last July 3, will go, on trial. Uce she was the victim Of a "con­ ing not bridges, and the widening of 1. Tableau “ Welcome," '* M. Lyric from .Elmer F, Lyric, cruelty ropean army camp. Let's see Monday, Sept. 8 in* Common Pleas fidence game,” worked last, Yfadno#- military roads. Wednesday the Senate, He is .survived by his widow, Mrs. 2. A T e a c h i n g Demonstration charge; Nancy E. Leahey from Mi­ just how deep their patriotism Court, according to toe date set by day noon by two Negro women, who passed the highway hill ’-over the Esther R? Bryant; one daughter, Mari­ Showing how the children were classi­ chael Pauh Leahey, neglect/ restored to really is? Common Plea# Judge F. L. Johnson.. struck up a,, conversation with her on President's veto by a vote o f 67 to 18. lyn Bryant; his patents, Mr, and fied according to their swimming skill her maiden name o f Rose; Mildred I confess I voted three timer E, Mairt st., Xenia, and "'talked bet However, Thursday-the House sustain-, Mrs.. Fred Bryant, Yellow Springs; and how these Bkiils are taught. LaMar from Albert. LaMar, cruelty two brothers, Dana/ o f Cedarv$He, and for the same matt for President opt” o f $65 worth o f jewelry, provided ed the President's veto by less- than 3. Hoop Diving. Contest, and neglect, custody o f three minor Paul, o f Barberton, O. and two sisters, that has broken his promise Write Congressman a s'‘'security" fo r A scheme they plan­ two votes. The final House vote stood 4. Swiming Form contest. children, to the plaintiff/* Ethel E. Hip- Misses Bernice and Martha Bryant, in toe'Campaign'bstWeeti war ned. T’.e loss included a gold wed­ 261- in favor of overriding the-- e to 6. Novelty' Contest, To Freeze Wheat shire from Carl L* Hipshire, confine­ Yellow Springs, and peace. I hope every mother ding ring; a diamond ring and a wrist to 128 against.' However, it takes a feels about this injustice as I 0, Head Bunting Water Ball Re­ wateh with gold chain band, she said. ment in-penitentiary aa grounds; and Fuherat- services were conducted Every farmer that wishes to See two+thirdsf Vote for a bill to be passed do, if not, tote* is: .notoing lay,... Dorothy Stralik from John Sttalik, from the Jackson Funeral Home, wheat reach higher prices should write over the President's yeto. The* vote that can be don* to protect the 7. E gg and Spoon Race. cruelty and neglect. Springfield, Wednesday afteriioon the congressmen and senators urging vraai so close that, fo ri the first time American home as given ns by 8. Presentation of the Red Cross With burial in Ferncliff Cemetery in that they Vote-for th* hill to “freeze” ColtxifibtiH Citizen in many years, a full recapitulation our forefathers. The scores of awards fo r swimming achievements, INJUNCTION AWARDED that City. Tb qualify for these awards child­ both cotton Und wheat that is now and;verification, of the roll call- was empty seats In «r*ry church, A permanent injunction was granted owned by the government outright or MiUtid Xiifttantly necessary. The bill now goes bark Sunday after Sunday, show# to* ren had to demonstrate their skill In Myrtle M. Cyphers in her suit against under loan. to the Committee on Public Roads, effect of th* whole New Deal, variety of leg and arm strokes, Arthur Varner. Spl*acklun Heimioxr The bill -would prohibit the govern­ William C. Chetorough, 46 , Gohna- where an attempt will be made to pre- from liquor to divorces, as w* distance swims, floating, treading ment fsom selling this wheat for the bus,-was killed Instahtly, making the- pare. new* legislation that will prove have bad itJn the White House prater, and other skills. The standards DISMISS ACTIONS Held In Marion duratidn o f the war or enable toe agfi-’j eighth death in,toe*county by acci- mare satisfactory to the President, the past few years. -1 often o f achievement are high and ortly a The cake o f Bruce Linkhart against few children won these awards. culttmaV department from osing .wheat dWt »nd-dr(riwfin^in one. Weak. Chee- The annual reiinfon fo r the Sprack- wonder after reading tetters The House Committee-on Banking C. B. Melvin whs dismissed without 9. Undgpvater swiming race for to break the market-when the price broogh was driving south toward Cin­ ien family-was held Sunday with a from my son, what some of and Currency ia holding hearings on prejudice to new action; The Lawyers distance. tends, to rise. cinnati whwi his car eofiidqd With that basket dinner at the-home o f Mr. and these “Church Democrats'' proposed legislation to give the Presi­ Co-operative Publishing Co. dropped 10. Demonstration- of elementary By holding wheat owned by the-gov­ driven by Lawrence Drake, flS/Marie- Mrs. Walter SchwaddStor In Marion, think of their leaders? dent power, to fix commodity .prices, court action against Ernest H, Huston forms of rescue. H o drowning* need ernment o ff the market would stimu­ mont, O., on Route. 42 boar toe Spring Ohio. Disappointed Mother ' According- to present indication* the and others; J. L. Hatcher, Xenia, dis­ occur if elementary precautions are late a higher price on com and in Valley cemetery. Among those present were Mr, and * Committee will not finish its consider­ missed a suit against the Xenia » * * * * * * * taken. The staff showed how fishing turn support a higher price for pork: According to the report of Deputy Mrs. Floyd Sprackien and “daughter ation of 'the price fixing legislation Amusement Co. following satisfactory TEACHER e m p l o y e d pole#, sticks, towels, clothing and rope Southern senators and congressmen Sheriffs Henry Bertiett and Earl C. Ruth, near Bowersville; Mr. and Mrs. before September. Tbs Issues involved settlement; and E. J. Kelsey with­ Can save many lives when promptly are fighting for higher price! on cot­ Confsrr, Drake swerved his car to Raymond Sprackien and sons, Ralph in the proposal are highly contro- drew a suit concerning revocation of Hiss Dorothy GalteWay, daughter o f and properly Used. ton and bate joined With legislators miss a fallktg Unto from a tree along­ Richard' and Lamar, near. Yellow ‘ versial and o f the* utmoat Importance real estate license. Mr. and Mrs, Wilton W. QfdloWay, Watermelon Race. from Wheat state* to “free**” both side the road during the, wind storm! Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sprack­ to the welfare of the entire country. who was graduated lit June from - The names o f p&ficipants ahd win- wheat and cotton. He headed into the Columbus ear. ien and daughter, Alice Marie, near ESTATE APPRAISALS ' Denison University, has been employ­ ner^will follow next week. Coroner H. C. Schick reported death While ft is realised that Administra­ Cedarville; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fer­ tion policies have brought about a Probate court this week* approved ed to teach history and geography in The swimming instructors from Ce­ was instant to Chesbtotigh doe to a ryman sH son Wendell, Cedarville; these estate appraisals; Mad.River Township Junior High darville include Misses Dorothy, Elisa­ Negro Farmers To fractured skull, Drake suffered frac-' dangerous inflationary trend, Moat Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Craig, Mr. and members of Congress feel that “price David E« Coy: gross valuee, $102,- School at Dayton, the coming school beth and Margaret Anderson, Jeanne thred riba and numerous cuts ore# the Mrs. Gilmore Rayburn, Mr. and Mrs. Picnic Saturday fixing legislation should he passed 14; obligations, none; net value, year, Wright, Clara Galloway and Barbara body. He was taken to the McClellan Floyd Cline and sons, Mr. and Mrs. only after careful study and consider- $102.14. Smith. Mr. Ralph Logan and Mr. Joe HhepHal While toe body o f te**'o»r i Ted Charles and daughter, Betty Lou, The fifth annual picnic o f Negro atito o f the entire problem. Hasty and Erasmus J, McCullough: gross val­ Corn. Mrs. Ann Smith and Miss Ora forttmata man Was taken to the Neeld Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert John­ SKEKi JUDGMENT farmers %ill be held Saturday, August ue, $1,500; obligations, hot listed; net Hanna have supervised the transpor­ Funeral Home. 111 considered legislation may do more son and sons, Bobby Jo* and Ronni*, 16, at Tkrry More Springs park, right value, $1*600. tation of the sixty children *in toe two harm than good, * Trebdrt; Mr, and Mrs, Verhoh Moors, Suit fo r $2,000 judgment has been miles south o f Xenia, near Spring Yal- Emms Randall: gross value, $$,* school buses With the help of Mr. Lo­ Toledo; Mr. and Mrs, Orris, Osman; filed in Common Fisas Court, Xenia, iey. 870; Obligations, $808.24; net Value, gan and Mr, Fisher. r a i n w a s w e l c o m e The latest mote for granting addi­ Mr« Kenneth Ferryman, Columbus; against Lawrence Fulkerson, Xenia, Farm problems will -be dieensssd tional powers to the President ha* $2,661.76. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Charles and Route 2, by Raymond Rogers, Xenia and recreation will include hall games, coma in a' measure introduced in the Kingsley M, Johnston: gross value, daughter, Betty Lou, of Dayton, Route 8, who claim* damages and in­ horseshoe pitching and clay pigeen Following one of the hottest dry $29,714,66; obligations, $6,029.08; net House to authorise the President to juries suffered in as automobile acci­ Land Fallow For shoothi# A basket dimtef will he1 Sprite tWa section has known ia year*, value, $28,884.57. fix time standards for n various sec* dent on the Dayton-Kenia pfc, three Sprted at noon.. crepe looked like great damage had tions rf tha ootmtry, up to as much Julia A, K ing; gross value, $8,600; mites west o f Xasda, July 8. 40 Years, Luxuriant At 12:80 p. m * the quilts and light m m wnm w n i w * mb (wiv » fin m il ■ Obligations, not listed; net value, $8- Estle Home Ia at a two hour variant* from standard and dark oaks* entered by too women Aa * fiAsfilMMBilttw»seewwwm w^vsua '$00. ftsue*. Tb* plan la suede that such Threatened By Fire For 40 years, a 17ft acre, tract on and girl# will be judged and priaet 'Just hew mSrii dstneine 'La* heaw ' Prasidasthil authority ia needed in lAola Smith: gross value, $1,100; atw» W i l l T e a c h i n d a t t o n the Howard WUdetnan farm has re­ awarded. asmsstodene qa# to - *inpills wssasa cem lpaiajjs treti wwssmivw eagmet -hen^i as-1 obligations, $146; net value, $966, otder to conserve daylight, and electri­ Using tractor# to plow furrows,-Fred mained fallow, being used for pastors. Officers of toe group Include Henry titsatod. vet meav hehaTii t e M h cal energy for defense purposes. The Estle and a neighbor, Mac Harris, H. Hstosrt Omatais, Jamestown, This current season tl,« ground as 8. Carter, route 8, Wtimingtori presi­ will rsvive much « f it ^aai ssuttews APPOINTMENTS btgfaeafc aetimata given as to the pos- saved the Estle home and a nearby been broken and toe tract sown in dent; Howard Thomas, route 2> Ce- to -ttthtoiw.1.eaemws^asPA -mPastures aemwiaeuma - w^es-m wars am broem.asvst Mi ma s&te strings o f electricity under the The following appointments were woods from psasibl* destruction by •u Djr JWIlB mmmm Gm com. This com is toe most luxuriant darriEe, seertdAry, and Veracm Wea^ a berry but wifi be mired tehee Mil ie two percept of the electrical authorised; Janws H. Hale, adminis­ fire that originated Sunday afternoon to*"Sv art.mi^.sateach junior seees^ew imegp^mtick js**Wr*-^eeivewsis dstorv satd itiviee stand in the whole area and despite ffpritqt Valkyr teeiumm. Loeal mem­ iHtttiwse^ews .au-atot wss^sfilti im i! tflii H&Ukk . —- w i eivisj|j*iaS a. 0 jgiHtmfeiAaa'mt' aneegy new %dmi>'pradwead- f t is trator, estate of Ssllie Jones, late of in a large field o f wheat Stubble oil his R»KI pity(Hvlll wWe dry weather that is ‘'firing" muds bers ri! toe sriveri^g-emamitieewre: ivrni movE wm Sfii fti iiy 1 1 1 1 % fin m - cpwationald* that the hill, in tie pres­ Xenia city, under $1,000 bond; R . M. farm about one-half mile north of 'WvaeadlWral vmw com, tamers predict that this tract Mariam Anderson, DOton; Hoy Jnto- WT1 mmy^jtusa sseysailLiam? A^pnNI assEM Will' 4 ‘01Lj,^. TvCISMaK Aaa»afi iHWr ent form, wfil he passed by Congress, fimith, adndnistrator, estate o f Crilbst Clifton. The Mate apparently started Dayton Bsttoal i m i Wm 1941-1942. will prodace more titan 1,700 busbri*. son, m m 4 AiMtli&tii* from a rigaret thrown by a passing Hk will M in noAttiM witii tiis This Ik aw average at 109 bushels (htoiirin*; - Atteur JNlbaw, tSaek$a


m I* It AU m M P B p IH i m .) AlMHit Anyhow? Thau 4$ Rh- To A f f i WRpwAjwW^lll *1 lft$lll IIMW^WpjTWllflH 1 lll * * M; Under the present system, only growers who have more pie \vp have in Greene county that, Tue«oay,_-2 to 5 P. M. , ^ gnd was an elder fo r thirty years with Mias Annl er has raised wheat the year previous twenty-one years a* 'toaourer. The than 15 acres can vote in a referendum. That is why opponents oppose ihe AAA. The 'average farm-1 Wednesday.2 to 5 P, M. c tion at Wril or has a crop in the ground. A de­ presentation was made by Dr. R.-A, of Triple-A charge that a mere ? per cent of the farmers ever er trying to follow this program is |Thursday_„2 to 5 P. M. personnel dd get to cast ballots. But Jones would, by his bill, permit 100 mand will also he made for reduction Jamieaon, on behalf o f the donor, and o f the maximum payments of $10,QO0 having more trouble deciding'whether Friday ______".^Closed the gift accepted by Dr,.Donald F. per cent participation. That, it seems to us, is the American it is the farmers or Washington and Va.,.riw u»~o” II"e „ . Miss Alic| way to decide such issues. , , '' to 15,000 or less. This would reduce Kyle, an elders for the congregation. wheat acreage more than anything the AAAers that are cracked jn the **”**-* to 6 p . M. ? to 0 P. M. • tet of Mr. That the lim a, 0., eongraejunan will face tough opposition else and protect the -small wheat upper story. One day it is a demand has retumc*] from the administration and the bureaus which control Triple-A visited her grower. , for more food and (he next yon go to “ THERELUCTANT goes without saying, for he proposes, for good measure, to elim jail if you "over-produce.” The farm­ . DRAGON” Mrs, Irvin inate the county committee system and that may be counted We get the tip from Washington as er is having a. hard life in these New on to bring a formidable army of Triple-A agents into the fray Walt Disney’s 'full length fea­ ' Mr. and to the statement during the Senate Deal dapy8, | ------S Starts' FRIDAY, SATURDAY ture, it’s a three-ring circus, of The funds which go to pay expenses of these agents would. debate on the draft limitation and home' Hondl 1 laughs with comedian Robert Under the Jones bill, be diverted to farm payments, which breaking o f the Democratic promise of Farmers that heard the radio reply Sunday - Benchley and Frances Gifford. ' Y., where th j | TWIN.THRILL DAYS! and daught seems logical and sound. But what a howl will go up if this .One year in Roosevelt’s army. One to Ed Mason, WLW farm propa­ I Take a thrill-trip through Disney- largesse is diverted and the county committee system discarded Hutchinson, Democratic - Senator was very much gandist for the New Deal. AAA last FOR VICTORY | • - ’ s c r e e n — ' / land with your favorite humorist in favor of permitting the individual' farmer to become his uncertain 4s to the .Roosevelt de­ Saturday by Lament O’Harra, New '! Bob Benchley—star* at the Ma* " THRU I DAM YON RUNYON’S I ' Je'stic Saturday, August'16 for four own boss once more! —r- Ohio State Journal. mand for unlimited service. He ar­ Castle, Ind., president of the Indiana John Eldol UNDERGROUND | “TIGHT SHOES” ~~ | days.-‘Companion feature-is "Of* gued hie people did not approve of it Farmers* Protective Association, op­ O., has beeij . fleer and -the Lady,” with ROcheUe - 1 days o f his and he had to be a candidate next posing the AAA wheat program, re­ Hudson, Roger Pryor. GO SLOW CONGRESSMAN DIES year. A White House pimp trying to port the Cincinnatian receiVed not only Mrs', Raymoij line up votes o f . Democrats' under a shock but a distinct setback. Forest Congressman Martin Dies, head o f the anti-Communis1 threats, o f loss o f patronage let this R. Campbell, Hagerstown, Ind., an­ Dr. Leo Anderson has been spend­ - . Thiriy-five| group uncovering un-American activities among the Com­ fall: "We. must keep up this war un­ other Opponent of the program also ing several days this week in Indian­ derson picnic 4f i y t , munists made the open charge a few days ago that Leon Hen­ til after the next election or you and presented seme facts and figures'to apolis,-Ind., attending a gathering c>f and Mrs, F| 1 derson, the Roosevelt price-fixer was a member of no less than every other candidate will he defeat- give'the AAA the racket tag with its veterinarians. ■ last Saturrlal five Communist organisations. . - e d ” 98,000 "farmers** on government pay-, ants o f John The statement from, the-Texas Democrat ha# created no roll to pull the wool over the eyes of Anderson, pi(j amount of excitement because, most everyone who can rest No more $1 marriage licenses in. thousands.of others that have to pay and came fro StJRSCkiBE ToT he Hebald and observe. ha3 discovered long ago that Henderson is abou ; Ohio! The new law is now In fall the taxes and not so fortunate as to and Dayton ’ the nearest 100 per cent Communist thairHgrvard ever turned operation. You. must have * medical draw A government check. While wc out unless it was the Red professor Roosevelt placed on the examination before a license can be did not have the. pleasure of hearing ikr. Charll . Supreme Court. Months ago Congressman Dies and his com­ issued and this applies to both con­ the discussion We wonder how many in Mjss Betty mittee, a majority of whom are Democrats, published a list tracting parties. The fee is* $10. The this county on the AAA payroll heard guests pVCrl of 500 Communists that Roosevelt had placed in key govern­ idea is to head off the passing of con­ what the Indiana farm leaders had'to Frances Will ment positions. There are no less than fifty in the Agricultural tractual diseases. A number o f Btafes say about the trip Of the big check « V * m 0 , her parents, I T. WiHiamsoa Department and not one of;them ever planted or tended a have such a’ law but (o catch the class western fam ers. that had been sent 0 ’ f turnip patch. . . ‘ most desired, there is little, chance to the north central states by the a . While Dies may have good reason for exposing Henderson, until all states have the same law. New Deal in Washington. Many farm­ K*m Miss Nanc| What about Harry Hopkins, Cohen, Arnold, and even the First This class will ’now slip’ out of Ohio ers are asking among themselves been atteridi Bowling Gre Lady. Is it not a fact that every time even administration man- to' some state ‘that- does not have Whether Rd Mason is paid by the OHLY cuicf E njoy a , agers move to slip a. Communist mit onte1 the open air, Mrs. medical requirements. WLW corporation for expounding Green 6 ,,' hj Roosevelt is quick to register a protest at the White House. New Deal fancies or AAA. It might good mm ! ' auht, Dr. Flo The Democrats in Congress do not like it but they have to It is laughable to read reports of also be interesting to know just how UNIVERSAL teaches,at Bit the "co-operation” Ross Ickes of gaso­ k h i t h also has re swallow it just the same. ; *: , . much WLW hashed to .give in-to the m line fame has received from the East New Deal following threat of iorcing PORTABLE ei Greater Movie darville to pi Coast motor public. One would think WSAI out of the picture, the latter Sumnter, good old Democratic New York/NeW being owned also by Grosley, THE OMIY PORTABLE h a s h Season It; here! Dealers and all, would want to help U r. and Mi Uncalled For Merchandise Evansville, 1 out in any appeal Ickes might make Cash for. Creom-^-HlghcBt prices RADIO GUARANTEED B & B . the. birth o f ; to back up the Roosevelt war. .In­ paid at all times. White Mountain TO PLAY WHERE OIHEfcJ ■ - l o a n SUITS S4.95-S5.95ap stead of the motor car owners reduc THIS! Th u ro . I 0, Mrs, Sti Cream Station. Mrs. Erma Little, Guitars $3.95 up— Genuine Leather Aug. 14, Miami Count| O ffice ing travel to cut gas consumption for Operator. Ocean), more gas Male Help Whnted—I have some A b b ott St OpM, Evening* Ladies, Men V i 9 3 up $3,95 up Messrs. Jol has been sold in the twelve East Coast pleasant easy work fo r a man ih Cc- C ostello Msnsy To Loan On Anything Of Vslus O f. St. Louiq states than before the Ickes order. darville, Can easily make. $40.00 or theih wives Even down In Democratic Florida no more a week. Nothing to sell, Age “Hold That Hutchison, body pays attention to the idea. Even no objection, Goodman Construction Ghost*' Mrs. C, M. Franklin D’Ananias Roosevelt is wast Co., 728 E. Cecil fit.; Springfield, Ohio, iiuhniiitHwwmi re* ncctrrtOM w with Ted Lewie * B*m! Huey. ing fuel oil riding Churchill around in tnaiM, mancs , A«rree I am now devoting all my time to my Xenia office. the north seas, trying to explain just why he cannot get the American peo U.S.IATBfTS NO.2144251 DR. IRVIN S. HYMAN pie to join 100 per cent in England’s FARM 4% LOANS ‘ NO.2200474 war. The Presidential palace afloat No .application fee* No, appraisal ' Clean awe Chiropodist « . . Foot Specialist is operated by fuel oil from which fee. Refinance your loans at the goods. TREATING ALL AILMENTS OF THE FEET. gasoline is also made. Laughable isn’t lowest interest rates ever offered. Wednesds 127 W. Open daily— 9 A. M. to 5:80 P. M. it? McSsrsney A Co* ' London, O. iwviEfr Some verj| Evening Hours, Taos* Thun., Sat. Call or Write LEIG H Over In' Indiana a county board o f hogany dave| 10 Allan j * Phones: commissioner# has been notified they LEON H. KL1NG Cedsrville, O. “ M iat table. Old Bldg. Ntw Low Foes — ***** Pfceae: I-1M1 6 G 6 0 1 M ^ Sewing macll Xenia, 0 . 00House — Main 416-R must go to jail for raising excess csH95 wheat on county farm land operated Brown Hamilton* outfits, dish| imiiHmwHw»oi>wnwnnn»i tb provide food for the poor old folks OPERATES 3-WAYS. . . from Woman* erything goc * ’ T and indigent children. The AAA says setf-confotned battery or ,110- , w ith voh ACorDC . .The bvUi-b TjiU S^ mivHiitt irU irtiiit the county "over-produced 56 bushels L e'w nm cm O liv ar and must pay 40c a bushel penalty.” A NAME THAT STANDS movable Wav»magn*t assure* CCaSIMtMNf IN III ItWItT h VUr.MtiUP^r GRANO^TANn cj H0W performance under difficult The board is told they cannot sell or ijPUDbi tFxtuj'iivttY ran FOR GOOD conditions, This power fid su­ even feed the wheat In flour to the perheterodyne has 6 tvbot, •BROWN • B tU I-O R poor inmates. Crazy, you say? Well including healer cathode rec­ ______, *BUIf*ORAY ^ etA M I$ •BROWN-AlllOAU.•BROWN* iTOR get the reaction of the Commission- tifier tube, ■Us. OHIO FURNITURE • BROW N omhI IVORY . ***• ers. The AAA had been quartered in Welt Dlsniy’e Aug. I I the county courthouse where rent, heat full-length BUDGET PLAN feature STATE FAIR and light was free. That 56 bushels . AVAILABLE McCallister Radio Service o f wheat did the trick and the board “Tto Reluctant LblW yU Lj AUG 23*^9-1941 did just what any American with red Cednrville, Ofilo ^Dragon’ * slood in his veins would do-—ordered Bterting * the AAA kicked o ^ into the street A d $ i r f8 ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE PROGRAM Qt-ttm thtt Ptebert aenohley forthwith and no more argument, ft. Detroit 9L Yeitie, O. plus _ While the AAA in that Indiana WWWWMllllllijyilWIlilWliti um—a m«m,S “The Officer Bad A t county4was getting free rent just how •have dona many AAA offices In the nation are And The Lady’* their sent Rlohelle Hudeen so fortunate? We are told there are varsal’s ‘‘| STAR-STUBBED ^ * 98,000 men on the government pay­ bott and ■ in the CAVALCADE ! roll in the AAA alone in the nation. comedlamj In this county the AAA funds have WE PAY CASH AIRBfUNKf oven mor A N mtHm&og fMtan if Oil* yesA provided lavish quarters of a half doz­ la the ssr % g s y A OW* S<** Fair. Nov* betera .W n en rooms or more Where you are ABIDING Ghost," •nywheiw. Howard Tm W« |l|aMle must. THE WINO" paraded about and then given a "Hit- Rlgent . ill Nvm “BY DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT.” FOR THE FOLLOWING WRh Tim Hen er order—Do as we say or go to jail". ptue itentppR gg|£t0 Prtiwifli rack evening on a imimmiIi verting s| I H*l* M m dw p w A hihI. Offering ifcch I f the farmers had the millions being apABBAdK . whom ' Her Abb aUti *f ihi onitrUhMMRt World a* John paid the New Deal politicians on the Fence Wire.. $ 9.00 per net ton (2000 lbs.) HONKONO* and carry Charie* Gilbert, Maxine CseMtette, Qfk’rk i AAA pay roll as Cong. Bob Jones, porting c4 R Lmm, « • Md Toff V^Qiit, John B. -itna, states, there would be parity prsMive E itfi AM MUMy »o riv ' A l MMsfik Miud* on farm prices. Old Black Ghost" « 1 d ra n dfri

^4-* w- & *m-*t**i ■ - (, -y • j*-* ■ l 4 C W hlStStii —MAIM

Cfab m d Social Activities ° KliVANT WITH MS'mMMIT (MuVCB CHRTMJS — PLTM0UTB m. & AIM* W to to Nun -* ...... to it fee fetoe «us| Seetoew ir. sa* lbs. R**kto1ta9C]S»a aai Mr. and Mrs. C. P. RitefcJ* «WW»« Jefcs «e4 Jane, W m M m * Tebptai* $-lftl ...... They Mill*1 two 4mm U s, warn m m * visi­ sons wtoMI net ito£tjpn«piwmtimeWm OOOO U K * CAM MarMiSua awl Mr, Js#oa Yesqpa, * f tors with their parents at CedarviMs. West HBtta*, mtoaed tot Friday ♦ “ day Stool 10:00 A. M. Theme, family roof. JtopR He ufcto sett from * ate* day trip tiwmgk MWti- “Dhrktian Ways of Gaining Incom e,” had taken We depegkw* aewae yeers . H*a,._ Retort MacGregor and two Chttrch Secriee lliOO A. M.Sermoa, before. Be new t o a mmi new fids peti­ v * > Thsyagtoasuimidsjset Lake daughters, whd have been visiting in Msnurtique to th* Upper FenimWla. ♦Tim Art of Walking”. tion. Edgar the yonegor son was due Oranga, Ma**, for several weeks, re­ Note—Church Service Selma—0:00. to go aeon and the peettsg wo«dd be LONDON S2ad ANNUAL ti— turned home Wednesday. Miss Berth* Owes* is apMsettng *«v- - —-...... , • L - > hard- to ITWIW>n __ J Tke family ww Wm * *&**& evt* •r*l week* visiting: la MIKord, O., with UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH porstipn. All their hopes tore oonsid- her brother and da»*ht«r-m-l*w, Mr,' Reeent guests in the homes of Dr, Rmlnh A. JsmIams . erod together sine* the boys wore in and Mrs. Raymond Ovren*. ' and Mrs. C. M. Ritchie and Mr, art! Mrs. A. E. Huey were Prof, and Mrs. grade school. If rovers** came, they Sabbath School 10:00 A. M. Supt, 5 Days and Nights 5 Miss Margaret Bailey leftThursday C, P, Ritchie and .daughter, Jane Dee, were discussed in the family circle. Emile Finney. In the final high school.year, Edgar for a two week’ s visit with friend* end o f Pittsburgh, Pa., also Mr. and Mrs. AUGUST 17, 18, 19, #0, H . Preaching 11 A. M, Guest Preacher, was crowded off the first debating relatives in Cleveland, O. W, J, S. Hemphill and granddaughter Mary Sidney, Hutchison and Mr. and Dr. D. L, Ferguson, pastor of the team to favor the superintendent’s FEATURE ATTRACTIONS EACH MITE United Presbyterian Church o f Hew son. It was a political move. -Do Hats oft to Alexander Korda Mrs, Aims Wilson he* returned Mrs, R, W. Hemphill of St- Louis, Mo. Castle, Pa., your best anyhow," hi* parents sug-* and to brilliant co-stars Vivien after a two week’s Visif with. her W, J. S. and R, W, Hemphill are brother# o f Mrs, Ritchie and Mrs, Choir rehearsal Saturday 7:50 R. M gested. “We have to take the hitter Leigh and Laurence Olivier for SUNDAY NIGHT SUNDAY AYHpCNOCIM daughter, Mrs, Dellon Kahle, Ft, bringing to th* screen one el the Huey. . ■ No evening services. with the sweet in life." Amateur Show Wayne, Jnd, Robert -Wilson made a most outstanding picture* - of the The registration date for military Directed by Art Feature Attredfen to ’ trip there last week-end and accom­ last 10 year«—“ That Hamilton Wo­ service came, Edgar was twenty-one Longbrake - Im Rnnnimnad' panied hi* mother home, Rev. and Mrs. Day Kennedy of the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH man!" which opens Friday at the eight days before. He wax in college,' state. Produced qn a lavish scale Sugar Creek U, P, Church congrega­ Rev. Beniamin N. Adams, Agin]star A career was mapped out fo r him to‘ and released through United Art­ Miss Anna Smith has taken a posi­ tion called on Mr, and Mrs. A. E MONDAY NIGHT TUESDAYNNIHY' ... which he wa* naturally Inclined. Now, ists, "That Hnmlltuir-'sWbmatt!’* tion at Wright Field, Dayton, in, the Kuey, Monday. 10:00 A . M. Sabbath School, Mr. H. brings to moviegoers everywhere Border Legion Rodeo will military, duty change hi* career? E*ra BusDstsurtou audbto personnel department. K. Stormont, Supt. one of the great, romances of «9 A colorful Western 11 A% M.—Rev, H, G. Wilkerson of Must a sorry European situation in­ time, the love story of Lady Ham­ Exhibition 1941 Rtotie Revdero Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A- Jamieson veigle America? Must young men ilton and Lord Nelson. Miss Alice Marie Spracklen, daugh­ the First Presbyterian Church o ! ieft Monday on_a two week’s vacation, Bridgeton, N. J. will preach. .of peaceful inclinations he transform­ As portrayed by Vivien Leigh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spracklen, to be speqt in Illinois and Wisconsin, ed into warriors ? Bo ran the thoughts and Olivier, these two exciting W e d n e s d a y n ig h t THURSDAY NIGHT ;' has returned from Dayton where she They will visit a brother of Dr, of the family. .characters come to life on" cellu­ Flash Williams loid and reach, a new high in dra­ ' and his c W LW Poona County ^ visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Jamieson, in Monmouth, Illinois, and THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE By kindly consideration of the gov­ Mrs. Irvin Craig,- matic Interpretaion, Mis* Leigh ia. Thrill Drivers JamboKoe - spend Sabbath; at Hanover, Illinois, .Raymond Strickland, Paator ernment, college hoy* might receive of course superb as that exciting V- . 1 - ' ,t ' ,* - with Mr#, Jamieson’s people. Then on Sunday -School 9:30-10:45 A. M, deferment to complete their courses. beauty of her day, Rmma Hamil­ Mr. andJU^S. J. S. West arrived to Milwaukee to spend ten days at .Preaching Service 10:45-12:00 N. Edgar waB a senior, so deferment un­ ton, who ’ was* painted 40 times home Monday from Eggertsville N, the Downer Home, with Rev. and Mrs. Superintendent o f Sunday School, til July first was granted.*. M r/an # by the great portrait painter, Rom- • HARNESS RACES Y., where they visited their son-in-law Frank E. Wiley. ’ - > - . Rufus Nance.. Mrs. Langston always believed their ney. Olivier is seen In the role and daughter) Mr; and A* Evening ' of the hero of Trafalgar, the man Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ‘,v sons should graduate from'college. It who almost staked his reputation . Hutchinson,. Jr., fo r several Weeks. Junior Service 7:00-7:30 P. M. . had much to do in the fashioning o f BAND CONCERTS-L*IV^STOCK PAKADE&-BOY SCOUT The Kyle-Jackson annual reunion that he might lay his love at the EXHIBIT-GRANGE SCHOOL—4-H CLUB—VO-AG. DISPLAYS Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M, character and’ in bringing economic . fe«jit of the lovely and fascinating John Eldon Zimmerman, Old Port, Will be held in Shawnee Park, Friday, EXCELLENT DINING SERVICE. ' ' Wednesday—-Prayer meeting 7:30. success. Now 'that Edgar is finishing, Emma.' ' -j ■ , O., has been .the guest fo r several, August 22 at 6:30 R. M, both boys completed their course at Membership Ticket, admitting’man, wife, .and children under 12 years , days of his uncle and-aunt, - Mr,'and age twenty-one. Parental support Miss D.oriS Ramsey as -been elected of age, $1.50; Single Admission, 25c; Child under 12,16c; Grandstand, Mrs. Raymond T. Williafeson. Hie Madison County Fair will open then ceased, It will not be bo - hard to part in to teach in the intermediate grades , 25c; Night Show, after 5 p. m., 25c Gate; 25c Grandstand. • Sunday and continue" through Thur$- The final family reunion occurred Toledo." - ^Thirty-five persons, attended the An­ j day, August 21. The racing program of the Jefferson TWp. schools. Mrs. over commencement Week-end, Nel­ “You drive the car, and we’ll do as Stewart Anderson, President - Fred' M.~ Guy, Secretary derson picnic held at the home of Mr. 'opens Monday afternoon. - Martha Pyatte, wife o f C, D. Pyatte, son flew from the Capital, The alumni you think beat," said Mr. Langston. and Mrs. Fred Estle,' near Clifton, new athletic, director of Cedarville mnquet, the baccalaureate; the sym­ At Toledo he drove by the bus ata- j’ College, has been chosen to teach ih last Saturday. They were descend­ ■ Mr. and Mrs. G, H. Hartman spent phony concert and the graduation ex­ tion. 0n and on they, traveled, until ;i the high school in the same township. J r. ants o f John and Harriet Truesdale several days last week in BettsVille, ercises were high lights. The' family they parked in front o f the naval base Anderson, pioneer residents of Clifton O,, where their son,. Justin, is pastor Mrs. Pyatte taught last year in the was happy. - Then came- a few side headquarters. The three did their best Winston-Salem, N. C;, schools last and came from Gpliimbus, Springfield i f the Methodist . Church, trips, several restful weeks, and fin­ to make it a pleasant trip. Edgar left, year. and Dayton to the reunion. ally July fourteenth arrived bright the driver’s seat, Father • Langaton stepped^ over from the opposite side, Mr. 'Montgomery West has been and "clear. "It wasr-the day induction -Mr. Charles Ritchie, Toledo, and into the Naval Air Service was to be He bid a hasty adieu to his sop. Mrs, ‘lcctcd as principal of a grade school For Sale—Upholstered davenport Miss Betty Bishop, Dayton, were the consumated, the day o f parting for Langston embraced him in true :n Butler County. with two chairs to match. Also one guests over .the week-end' of Mis* Edgar and pis parents. mother style, and kissed him good­ extension table. Call Mrs. Mary Mc­ Frances Williamson at the home" of “ Take me to .Toledo, and I’ll ride thfi bye. Then the car started toward her parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond The K. Y. N.1 Club held their annual Millan, phone 6-1071, Cedarville, tf home with mother waving at son 'till picnic at Bryan State Park yrith fifty bus to Detroit," said Edgar. “ I do T. Williamson. ' , ' 1 not want a scene at the naval base* the ear was out o f the son’s sight. member's and families'in attendance, It was" a hasty hut significant part­ Miss Nancy . Williamson, who has Married, man with small family de­ ing. There waB no scene, but there been attending summer school at the The annual picnic for the Clan Me­ sires to rent form of 100 Or lSO acres «MW»NH00MH*0lM were tender thoughts, Will they ever- Bowling Green University^ Bowling ridian wilhbe held at the Alford Gym, on the halves,'can finance himself. In­ meet again?' What will the NaVy and E. Third Sb, Xenia, Ohio Green' 0., has returned home. Her Friday, August 15th a t 6:30 P. M. quire Herald Office. COZY the emergency do to their son? aunt, Dr. Florence J, Williamson, who The Langstons met 'a moral ^obliga­ teaches at Bowling-Green University, Mrs, Wilson Crosby of Boston, !Mas*., i THEATRE m tion. Will the government now do as Buy a home and apply four rent w I l X X to’JR' JB'' i JE# also has -returned to her home in Ce- is her© on A month’* visit with her well? Will the parting he worth all on the payment. See tu for plans, Ce- darville to pass the remainder o f the mother, Mr* James Mitchell. it cost? ‘ - summer. ' ' V »darvill*F«d*r«l S*ving* A Loan Assn. Pit!., a n d t o t f* 115*16 'We have white pine joice, studding and BILL ELLIOTT IN Rev. Paul Duncan and wife of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Stretmater, of Coulterville, HI., at© guests this week “ ACROSS-THB SIERRAS” For Sale-rA $teel cot in good condi­ heavy timbers well seasoned and In good Evansville, Indiana, are announcing of the latter’s mother. Mrs. J. H. FAMOUS BARITONE tion. Will sell reasonable. Phone the birth of a hoy David Allan, Aug. Also Late News, Sports, S Stooges; 6-1524. Mrs. Cora Trumbo. 86-2 condition# Plenty of sheeting for all hinds Stormont and other relatives. AT CHAUTAUQUA “ Cuckoo Cavelier*” * 9. Mrs. Stretmater was a former HR of building. " ’ ' Miami County teacher and. frequently visited here, The Kensington club held, its regu­ I^MHN lar summer picnic Wednesday even­ Sun. and Mon., Aug. 17-18 Herbert Marshall—Virginia Bruce Now is the time td get good lumber cheap Messrs. John^aWd Robert Hemphill ing at . the country home o f . Mr, and F. I#. NELSON, O. D. of St. Louis, Mo., accompanied by Mrs, John A. Davis. "ADVENTURE IN for your farm buildings. All material for their wives and granddaughter, Mary - ..... v...... WASHINGTON" OPTOMETRIST Hutchison, were recent visitor* with Mr/ Forrest Nagiey and family of New#—Bsiter Keaton Comedy . sale on the site. Apply to Mrs, C. M. Ritchie and Mrs, A, E, Alexandria, Va., are visiting here with Huey. his parents, Mr< and Mrs-M. C; Nag- Jamestown. Ohio ■ ley.. Wed. and Thur*., Attg. 20-21 PUBLIC SALE Robert Stevens—Karen Verne | • Pm L. Murphy Mrs, Tinsley Com and daughter, Especial Attention Given “MISSING TEN DAYS" Clean • sweep o f all ’ my household Leola, attended a dinner Sunday at Manager ROOClS* : ' the ome o f Mr, and Mrs. 'Cester Vaun- Also Comedy end Serial * SCHOOL-AGE EYES Wednesday, Aug- 20, 1:30 P. M. arsdall, near Jeffersonville. It was a 127 W. Church St., Xenia, 0 . / iimniiHiHttinWHiwimiw>nniinuim»imm»Hwiinmifi n tU 0Ww>n to 0M»»HH tm H if m ii i w#«m*tm Mn i M»>ii>m ii Mme surprise birthday dinner for Mrs. Some very rare old piece*,' Ma­ Chester Baker of Springfield, Ohio. hogany davenport, and octogon center . * table. Old chairs. Washing machine, sewing machine, gas range, bedroom Supt. H, D. Furst, wife and son, outfits, dishes, cooking utensils. Ev­ Billy, who have been spending a erything goes. Don’t miss this one, month on vacation with relative* in T . D . SfLU Sb Augustine, Florida, and visiting various places o f Interest in that state are expected home this week-end. REGENT Mis* Bet'ty Nelson* who ha* been visiting in Detroit, Mich., a* returned ■* -?** home. ' i No, Jrott oeadn't raise your voice when

v a c a t io n f o r c o n g r e s s you talk with grandma by telephone. Even

According to present plan* Congress if her bearing is impaired, modern tele­ will take a vacation for a month be­ phone equipment provides an amplifying ginning August 18th, There will be- no adjournment hut a rece** for a device for her telephone so she can bear month to hold a check on Roosevelt Bad Abbott and Lon Costello dearly and distinctly. Years ego, whan LTO done it again! Following *!* declaring war without consent of Con-' sir sensational suocww in Utti- fra*#. - ...... grandma was a girl, it was necessary to wsal’a ’‘Buck Priratea” and Ab* about to be understood over the telephone. >tt and Co*t*llo and Dick Powalt JOHN CHARLES THOMAS th© Navy, the#* two stsll*** But continuous research and development madlans crash the screen with Peaches For Sale John Charles Thomas, who 1# mm more hilarious performanc** regarded ax mo of the foremost have made your telephone easy and natu­ the same company's "Hold That FROM GlLLtLAN ORCHARD singer# in the world, is to appear tost,” Which opens today at th* as soloist on the WLW-MUml ral to use. This constant search foe better Leave Order# at Cedarville Federal Valley Chautauqua program Meant Theater, Savings A Loan Association or Equipped with even a more next Sunday, August 17, equipment and methods to improve your irting story thread than the *ar> A featured personality of the service never ceases and is particularly » Abbott and Costello vehklea Walter Huffman Metropolitan Opera, Thomas Ml carryiag a more imposing sup at Gillilan Orchard will bring to the stag* of the valuable in meeting the rapidly rrtlng emit and a* elaborately im* Chautauqua a program that is eesly* ssonaUagr "Hold That creating much attention from changing communktotoni pfoh* host" i» probably destined to music lovers throughout the l»m* demands arising from irpuse.evM the ettotmone Middle West. . piled ttp by UaiT*rs*rs Arq>y We pay for In addition, the WLW gym* ibe national defense program* 4 Navy iaagh-jeritsw, phony orchestra, directed by Abbott and Oostella are in top William Stoss, wld take part In rm throughout -Hold T hatG hct” HORSES 1400 this all-star attraction. YHI OHIO i m fiilSNANt CO. rioidotent, IsediBg their andi- This program will conclude a ioes m m laugh to hwgh ta COWS 12.00 Series of eight Sunday afternoon i broke* ohaln. Carlson is «*- entertainments that have been lient at th* young doetpr, shar- of fcis* and condition presented jointly by radio sta­ g tom u M * honors with th* be*** Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc. tion WLW and the Miami Valley TUN* IN "tMS TtltSHONC ROW and squally-talented Bveiyn Removed promptly call Chautauqua Associrtion. MONDAYS AT ? f. M. o v ta wtam . mw *#< wtrn cm Davis, MMXA Auer «xtd 1 XENIA During the sari*#, thousands rat? ISetafift raw a ****** Of persons have tr*v*l#d to •k rase t o seeotoary tftoedy I W f t O Z E K Chautauqua, On near Franklin, iot*. Lewie « r t tt» 0W*f *** on rent* No, 28 between Dayton *rt*M&g ft— start t# tmmfo PH0NR MA, m Reverse Charge#' and , to attjm the va­ tie rn Andrew. JMeters stow to X. G. Buchsleh, Xenia, Okie rious programs, Th* program to itowatoe Sunday stem yd IdNt $v m* MX* 1 BfliMwtij Her ri|*i nyming fleet fl*. m tm w m * • s i o a r laws *U *le«g am Athunttc ue » ferbmse to *sUs* . ICmMmai. tm * *># o*r harfccM and the twolv* mile h**fc mat at sa*. They sent user a than fifty A m . ia g iw fy, ’fatto a i "Bestroy*?*” ov*r here to break ear dor |1«* bead; D M % W on !**** c n r v 'T 'v Th# orifteal Im a J. I " Jo# JaakagR, law*. W* gave her fifty real navy •xmatrix, aria** *< F 1**» M. Admm$ MMb> Iat* ai Spy* A M « * r 9M M ***** 9 Vrdooritt it ju tt m lamg-tmndod “ Destroyers” to say* her htoesatog toarimist a n ff c a b s m m m A h Empire. We gave her r«*l gun heats flora It flt- John, aimMstrMq, «► known through­ **Y of toying tko kbot, tdkfofc toe, She gave us “Sons-p-Gun" heats tat* o f -Lesris* A* EwMwe, k to o i Mam m filling silo ' RMtfce otto tfrotekt bog you neodn’t out the natioji L***o« for A w trt I f filled with whiskey, -rum runners, 3atm **§*m dm m**M i*lM **' w < m « f tb* j torotch too hard for tko right «n* r y NsgJify, vKsmtor, aatoba a t 3am C. Cfowwi?*, will bootleggers and law breakers. They Dry, Materials • moors to,tk o Gam Again eomtottt Sold us boose at a robber’s price, and Ssi^r*, J*A* of I « i * oify, awier $«r «r*«*nt hi* t pot ’em in tho tjtaoa provided, thm world faswu* Spoil Readily, got the cash mostly from foe poor, #00 ho«d; Oiivwr A, Glrtffy pad G*org** *$t M CBM Of chock your answers and fund your God said: “ Rob not the poor * * * anna Rotes, «*-****uto«i, aafote a t t h « MCptOCM FEVER ENTOURAGES 8GFFEE- Ify P*w7«7c7MILLER rating, for I will despoil the soul of him who j u r y E. Griffy, 1st* of Spring Valley in ike musical ING CHRISTIANS (AsritufmtM/ jtoefrtwtfiK Ocjwtowrt. OW* (1) If your pitch was bunkered, rob* him." Twp,. without bond; John W, RoWa- cavalcade “B y m e tfmbmrttf.) ^ you’d be thinking of (*) tennis; (b) The English make the whiskey, son, administrator, *stat* of Mfry C, Dawn’* Early LKS80N TXXT-I F*ter -tffMP: «:*•«. . Most effective results in ayoiding polo; (c) golf; n i Robinson, l*te o f Xenia city, under Light", *■ to bo COITOBK TEXT—K any maa «* * r aa a (d) bowling. L i I The Germans make the Beer, By CLAIM Christina, tot blm not be ashamed: but tot spoiled silage art obtained by taking And Crowned Headed Emperor* $2,000 bond. staged nightly him atortiy God ©a JM* bvhau.—I Peter 4:1#. proper precautions in silo construc­ <*) If Albania is on foe Adriatic, ■ Member | in front o f the tion and by harvesting foe silage Albany is in (a) California; (b) Think Democracies are queer. Ssventh-: grandstand a t / ’Sweet are the uses of adversity" crop at the right period. Georgia; (e) F lori-f~l AUTHORIZE TRANSFER the Ohio State —so says the poet, and it is true In general, silage spoils because it da: td) Massachusetts. 1,* I ! Chief Chaplain Speaks Lola E. Hoover administratrix of History was: Fair, Aug. 23 that' God fa able to make eyen the comes in contact with air filter it Captain Robert D. Workman, Prince­ tb* estate of John Anderson Hoover, one, last Tues t o . 29, sufferings.of man a source of bless­ is placed in foe silo. Defects in silo House o f Repr This noted ing and an occasion for joy, "if a construction,’use of material which ton. classmate and friend n f the writ­ was given, permission to transfer real comedian comes man. suffer aa A Christian’’ (I Pet, is too dry to pack writ in foe silo, er, is chief chaplain o f the United estate. . ..■-*/ » margin of one to th e Ohio 4:16), In a world where Borrow and too much speed in filling or too States Navy, Speaking of the moral tion bill to extep State Fair di- and suffering have been heaped r little tramping, of foe material are standards of the navy he says: “ We $ a l e CONFIRMED the term of se t r e c t from high, by roan's inhumanity to-man, foe. chief, agencies that permit air are thinking in. terms of those folks N ational jSuarc it is, indeed appropriate that we A sale in foe estate of Amanda J, U r a i d w iy , to ruin fo* silage beck home. If they have entrusted others serving where he has think of the encouragement which, Every type o f Silo whether it be Keiter was approved* bean cooyulsing God!* Wop?, gives to those, who are their boys to our care, the highest United States. ’ a permanent upright type, a tem­ 208 In favor of tt summer theater in distress,-. porary fence-structure, or a trench standard and ideal which the Navy ^ ORDER APPRAISALS There atp. roaror helpful Scripture Department, can take*—must be in The vote tollowe crowds. below ground surface can be built The county auditor was directed to "B y . Dawn’s passages on thi* point, those before to preserve silage effectively if fop keeping with foe highest standards hate during whic appraise estates of Julia A. King and Early Light", us today being from, the writings material placed hi foe silo is moist foeir parents have hack homo,” and tempers which promises of: Peter'to. the Jews of the disper­ enough to pack well or if water Lola Smith, ' r* sion. Scattered abroad and no more vote result was to be the great­ enough is added to,permit thorough was made for est spectacle under the guiding and, protecting packing of drier material. -But when shall we “ get there?" I (3) ’The dog and eat In this plo- m a r r i a g e l ic e n s e s verification of •ever staged out­ hand; of Paul, Luke and the others, ture are easy, hut the birds are (a) don't know;- but if you mean to be a they; were undergoing severe per­ The rule of thumb method for (Granted) doors, Is being determining foe correct moisture blue ja y s; oint northwest of Franklinton, (Matf, 5:5), so it is true that only trial. foe humble are ready to cast their return can be made; pay that when they buy the drinks. a huge standing Ciielevile, one on the Pickaway cares on the Lord. "God resisteth Then too, English whiskey shipped to questionably mea How ‘Operator Plains and two others In Franklin foe proud, but giveih grace unto foe United States is “Imported" whiskey, . tiation has turned Cofinty, - The Commission had recom­ humble . . . Humble yourselves in. MRS. ERMA LITTLE Farm Notes and we cannot tax imports locally, A plan it originally mended the Delaware site on agree­ foe sight of foe Lord, and be shall ship'load of English or Scotch Whis­ lift you up” (James 4:6,10), Selective Service. ment that the town wan to donate lh« The 25 per cent of the people in key imported in United States Is “ Ex* HOTELS to create a reserv Capitol site and erect the buildings V. No Wavering (5:8-11). fo* United States living on the land empt” so long as it is in the original having one year's with ether concessions, but after lob­ "Steady, 'perfected and established ere furnishing 50 per cent of foe in­ in Christ, strengthened by His package. 50 00 ROOMS IN 8 STATES while other group bying and political influence, Delaware crease in fo* country’s population, Did you se$ the picture o f the big (MKHO.Khi.uil grace,- sure of the eternal call, and according to the bureau of agricul­ Msmr. sniMUii.iUiui.t8ua being Called in for I lost out by * close legislative vole. with foe eye o f faith on the g lo ry to ship loaded with English whiskey in MTTON.OHIO...... MUM ...... FAIRMONT tural economics, OMO.u.ui.VOMniMM - *»**••* JLNkMDNDH - here believe that] come, such is.the man wha;is able the Tribune recently ?.'-Y**paid taxes SOUMCSOa OMK>»i...,.rO*T HATS* Mvrs. stsuutA.wMK muna/ and ready to successfully meet foe .Mewasuntsw United'States wf ICE CREAM A dairy bull, after he is two years on your household furniture—Haig A OMONMin 4HO.MWTUI HOIK or tour million devil when, like a roaring lion, he old, should be kept a little on the Haig'paid rio taxes at all on a ship­ CANTON. O K I O «SBbDOt ESnWUOKV.OWSMSBO*0 0 Is now kept and served Iter* again Washington Letter seeks to disturb and devour God’s •r LOOM.MO-.....MAMC nous. im anu»u.,.„,.,.M uiM s trained reserve £d thin aid* rather than fat. He will load of whiskey. PACKAGEOR BULK people. WCK Under the Original be more fit for breeding, and this English Grandees made great for­ ( CoNTTNuan F s o u F irst P ack ) Satan is busy In our day, Dr, Wil­ slight limitation of feed need not when foe Selectiv bur1 M. Smith says: "It is admitted injure his growth. tunes during Prohibition days, sending passed ih 1940, Most legislators believe that if any everywhere by outstanding Chris­ GIANT SANDWICHES ■ * * * shiploads of English booze tb this would have had time change is necessary, such change tian leaders, in every sphere of life The U. 8* department- of com­ mately two millionl should be made by the enactment o f today, that there has never been a merce has cessed publication of a reserve force ofl PHONE 6-1M8 k law fixihg the time standards for time, at least in our generation, statistical information on exports of when the temptations of Satan have American farm produce and will sand men at the es fo* entire country, rather than by been so" fierce, so frequent, so con­ simply authorizing the President to keep such Information secret be­ training period, t| stant, as just now. What Satan wants cause of foe war. additional nine change the clocks o f the country as he, to do is to destroy the testimony of r w « trained men wouldl or some subordinate, may believe God’s people, to take them out of F .E. H arper 1 9 E A L ’ 9 . An effective farm windbreak benefffcial, - places of power and influence for iiiwiMHnmii)il»iiwmiww>»wiiiMmHl foe gospel, to rob them of that joy, should have several kinds of trees, including evergreens, Winning foe l«j and victory, and power, by which, ♦ ♦ the service extens through their labors, others will be V*te certainly do brought to confess foe Lord Jesus Contrary to many beliefs, foe trac­ Clrrlst, Christian people today who tor can work more efficiently on great victory for arc cohscious of being fiercely as­ curves in farming on the contour even though tficro| sailed by evil ought hot to be than in working up and down the Plumbing oi All tration pressure hill. alarmed, but should realize that this * * . *. On this hill than experience of theirs is general, tive measure in M«c8RE»«iflMmn everywhere, of true believers, and Good poultrymen will see that their birds are well fed on growing New Deal. The Tbfepwfote tatetenghtt ye* that there is sufficient grace for ev­ ery need in such dreadful time* as mash, whole corn, whole oats and shallow one- fo r1 aawisi«i9 ports these.” green feed during foe late summer margin foe Adrnlj Odd tbs kfsot se> and fell. . BATH ROOM EOMHUERT darn attempt at< -ssttandaHsaf a t t ic I U « « through additkma *jg|9| amM^A 'AgAyiUf tfsKalk rtlmllsSilttii Ripe, Valves and Fittings for LEGAL NOTICE gtoafiy planned, as|*y ikOitlirt% SNs water, gee and steam, Hand and all and any At Electric Ramps for all purposes, Homer F. Nall, residing at Company* MODERN KITCHEN SINKS o f the Western ehh | Lm . oamtua wm* Rolfs. Rntleysj V Belts, Plumbing “ L " 147th Div„ 37fo Infantry, Camp j where in the foreea, or other RATES AND UP and Heating Supplies, 1 Shelby, Hstttolrimrg, Mississippi, is O hereby notifiai font Patricia Null has 1 filed her petition against him tor di­ HOT WATER HEATHU Late last weak ] J- P. BOOKLETT vorce in C ato N o. 28584, before the [ j ^h« amemlment IfcaM UCE HOTEL SUPPLY CO* Common Float Court, Greene County, ] m m a t Yttii lY iittt Ohio, and that laid eauto will be tor (CoattewHl 1 hearing on o r after. August 28,1941, 'M M M iL MANAMK 4 XENIA, OHIO LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES <7-11-65445) MARCUS SHOUP, OUWIIHMliSSmuSMIllllUIIISMinMSSlWIMIIMWlMMIMSS? Attorn*y for Plaintiff

NURMI -* w ,