S827 bus time schedule & line map

S827 - Harton View In Website Mode

The S827 bus line (South Shields - Harton) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Harton: 7:40 AM (2) South Shields: 3:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest S827 bus station near you and nd out when is the next S827 bus arriving.

Direction: Harton S827 bus Time Schedule 20 stops Harton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:40 AM Mile End Road, South Shields Heron Drive, South Shields Tuesday 7:40 AM

Mile End Road-Clasper Court, South Shields Wednesday 7:40 AM

Lawe Road-Trajan Avenue, South Shields Thursday 7:40 AM Lawe Road, South Shields Friday 7:40 AM

Lawe Road-George Scott Street, South Shields Saturday Not Operational

Sea Road-Pier Parade, South Shields

Salisbury Place-Beach Road, South Shields 146 Beach Road, South Shields S827 bus Info Direction: Harton Sea Way, South Shields Stops: 20 Trip Duration: 25 min Bents Park, South Shields Line Summary: Mile End Road, South Shields, Mile End Road-Clasper Court, South Shields, Lawe Road- Mowbray Road-New Crown, South Shields Trajan Avenue, South Shields, Lawe Road-George Scott Street, South Shields, Sea Road-Pier Parade, Mowbray Road-Kingsway, Westoe South Shields, Place-Beach Road, South Shields, Sea Way, South Shields, Bents Park, South Shields, Mowbray Road-New Crown, South Shields, Bamburgh Avenue-Euryalus Court, Westoe Mowbray Road-Kingsway, Westoe, Bamburgh Avenue-Euryalus Court, Westoe, Bamburgh Avenue- Bamburgh Avenue-Kelvin Grove, Westoe Kelvin Grove, Westoe, Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Bamburgh Avenue, South Shields Hill, Cheviot Road-Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Hill, Cheviot Road-Norham Avenue North, Horsley Hill, Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Hill Higheld Road-Cheviot Road, Horsley Hill, Horsley Bamburgh Avenue, South Shields Hill Square, Horsley Hill, Horsley Hill Square, Horsley Hill, Centenary Avenue-Witton Avenue, Harton, Cheviot Road-Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Hill Harton Academy, Harton

Cheviot Road-Norham Avenue North, Horsley Hill

Higheld Road-Cheviot Road, Horsley Hill Cheviot Road, South Shields

Horsley Hill Square, Horsley Hill Horsley Hill Square, Horsley Hill

Centenary Avenue-Witton Avenue, Harton

Harton Academy, Harton Direction: South Shields S827 bus Time Schedule 19 stops South Shields Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:20 PM Harton Academy, Harton Tuesday 3:20 PM Marsden Road-Bulmer Road, Harton Wednesday 3:20 PM Marsden Road-Tabernacle, Horsley Hill Thursday 3:20 PM

Horsley Hill Square, Horsley Hill Friday 3:20 PM Horsley Hill Square, South Shields Saturday Not Operational Higheld Road-Cheviot Road, Horsley Hill

Cheviot Road-Hemsley Road, Horsley Hill Cheviot Road, South Shields S827 bus Info Cheviot Road-Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Hill Direction: South Shields Stops: 19 Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Hill Trip Duration: 20 min Bamburgh Avenue, South Shields Line Summary: Harton Academy, Harton, Marsden Road-Bulmer Road, Harton, Marsden Road- Bamburgh Avenue-Kelvin Grove, Westoe Tabernacle, Horsley Hill, Horsley Hill Square, Horsley Bamburgh Avenue, South Shields Hill, Higheld Road-Cheviot Road, Horsley Hill, Cheviot Road-Hemsley Road, Horsley Hill, Cheviot Tadema Road, Westoe Road-Bamburgh Avenue, Horsley Hill, Bamburgh Mowbray Villas, South Shields Avenue, Horsley Hill, Bamburgh Avenue-Kelvin Grove, Westoe, Tadema Road, Westoe, Mowbray Road- Mowbray Road-Kingsway, Westoe Kingsway, Westoe, Mowbray Road-New Crown, South Shields, Bents Park, South Shields, Salisbury Mowbray Road-New Crown, South Shields Place-Marine Approach, South Shields, Pier Head, South Shields, Lawe Road-George Scott Street, Bents Park, South Shields South Shields, Lawe Road-Vespasian Avenue, South Shields, Mile End Road, South Shields, Mile End Road- Clasper Court, South Shields Salisbury Place-Marine Approach, South Shields

Pier Head, South Shields

Lawe Road-George Scott Street, South Shields

Lawe Road-Vespasian Avenue, South Shields Lawe Road, South Shields

Mile End Road, South Shields Mile End Road, South Shields

Mile End Road-Clasper Court, South Shields

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