'Fast Mhal" Edition Dated. 24 Hows Ahead--No Grafting Aero-O- ar Bate Lines Never Lie-T- he TIMES

f SECCIÓN ESPAÑOLA I "líP'É ( , O TJfjKw Th Morning Timen AAf 'llasJalvS ,.rinrl and aa fcWstribatrd Z.IJoD February Avenen A, A. A. Report. DAILY, I J.glT. mjmm Fetiruary Average. A. A. A. , razo mmemvLj jJJ ÍI.OIO. 34TH YEAR ti EL -- 4. 1914. ffiM'J&AS. SAIiüAy, APRIL TWELVE PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS VILLA TAKES FIELD IN Tofvam JOHN USD CHANGES rleeed an arrangement wit several Urge HIS FLAN OF VACATION, lulos csoipaslee la tg eut to deposit REMAINING IN VERA CRUZ esrb areata s stated amesnt of gold bul- CANAL TOLLS RECOGNITION lion with his stats (restorer ss ssrertty las Ataselstae Prcas for saner earreeey Issued. All of fa NDED IN Vera Crus. April 3. John Lind, larger mlsiog companies, saw Iter Is teres! I THE MOUNTAINS Prosldent Wilson's personal rep- sad ladostrlsl rorporetlaa la sorthrr resentative In Mexico, today Me leo bay their money tren from toe REPEAL BILL changed his plans for his IS NOW URGED stale tress-r- er at Calhaeatuv, paying at from Mexico. He now In- lite rat af three for one. or 3S cent tends to leave here next Monday es the detlar gM. for what tkey on. M on board the presidential , yacht i ai war wr re assaisu or reesivisg HAS REACHED THE SIMMERING Mayflower, accompanied by his MOVEMENT ON POR AP-- renulne earreney and of svoldlng isoeatar NEXT ATTACK STAt.K IN THE' SENATE AND daughter and the wife of Rear PEAL TO W. lf IN B felt.. It Is rfhly loas the bordar thai HERNANDEZ DROVE THEM TO CLASH 18 NEARLY AT HAND. Admiral Flctoher and the Misses HALF OF CO ONALISTH. esaiMsitssllag hs bees a popular form Fletcher. of naaac. Merman Urd and Mr. IJnd's rhHxssshee te Huri REPUBLICANS SEEK UNITY private secretary, Mr. McKach-ra- I save leeraed that tas sute treasury will remain in Vera Crus. CARRANZA IS RETICENT at Calkosbaa will seen operate Its own ON SALTILLO not to its ron rapacity aad ass already sal a stlTer coin, which cost alases s AUK TRYING TO LINE THEIR MICH GRATIFIED COMMENT IS premium, heeauao It Is at bated freso pure KILLING I ART VP SOLIDLY s cytgiuirnoNAi-iaT- g hills JUAREZ, BUT CHIEFTAIN DK bnllton. vitrroaiot al AGArirni PRESIDENT. FEDERALS MAY CLINKS TO MAKE COMMENT "Dwrlag las nest slsty dsrs northers rXADT planisjino ANOTaaxa ACCRI Mexico will probably arvs umpaivn. I: have relief from ra will be using ñ ceontsrfeltars ssd Its own DEMOCRATIC SENATOtS OPPOSE LITTLE DANGER OF NEW REVOLT SjUTBts. minted snd Issued by the eeoMsjglatasilst government." NO RESPITE FOR HUERTA 153 PRISONERS ARE TAKEN V III Re Kully Offset In Final Vote by QUIT PORT Rich Men Who Formerly Financed HcpuMl, n Who Will Vole for Re. Moves to Rest ore Itetaw or hpm pan. Tl Prlvlloge Are no Longed Rl.'li. IMtA M TO DRIVR KNTTRE rgDKRAI. TtRHV N HKXICO HTRONG ADMIRAD FLETCHER RRKOICTS FEDERALS IN Ptclu Up 16 Pieces of Artillery if y iAe .t ..or in if ii Preaa Abandoned by the Beaten Men tu CITY OP TAM PICO WILL BE (By he Associated Press.) They Sought Safety Washington, April I. The Panama ABANDONED WITHOUT FIGHT. The effect of ta rebel victory st Tor- in RightWounded ag Well at Gum and I stiffening of Canal exemption controversy reo wss felt here s ths AFTER IS MONTEREY Food Supply Left Behind Wilhout Artillery or Means of .toll market for eonatttatloBsltst money sad la SALTILLO has simmering; stage hi Subsistence Should Prow, an Easy Prey Villa Hopea Kill reached the IN Ik begianlBg of u movement to organise to the senate pending consideration of REBELS ARE CLOSING foreigners owning property Is Mexico to WILD PANIC or Capture Them to Prevent Their Reaching Saltillo the repeal bill and proposed com- aenassl sr DelssMd Terree Re to sppesl- to Waahlogtoa to recognise tks gorts Ursgglag trrldBursla .1tTMthgU promises .b the committee on Inter, government. Cssass Acrssa the Garrison at That PointMexico City Has Carroñas er tissMitis Desert. oceanic canals next week, leaders on FOR MANY MONTHS THEY HAVE Mas Not te gay. Not Tat Been Officially Advised of the Canvass hiss IHR.MMM. AND - Fall of Torreón both aldea continued their, activities BEEN VIRTUALLY BaCSltuGING latter Idea originated with former AaiAV tRttN AHHIM- - tre TION FSja-- Laredo Alto Lacks Confirmation today, however, preparing- CITY. hav- IN stall grrOáT TO gacArñ That Altillo will be Ihe next objective of tba Fall of That Federal for the THAT IMPORTANT Governor Carry of New Mexico, but, Strong-hold- . leglsla-tiv- e IM. CAVALMY. final clash of the absorbing ing placed tbe matter In the hsuds of point of Ihe coniUlutlontllat army under battle. lending g certain beoioersta to aork out. (ttp. Francisco vim, tke kellar of oen Two salient points were emphasised FIRST WANTED AS GULF PORT they premised to, do, he expressed s deatrt it eral rorrea Is In the undercurrent developments to- to worg only In Ike raaks for tbe aticceas HUNDRED FUGITIVES DIE I'saoiiisrt of the Sonora who By a Staff Correspondent Morning Times. day. One was the concerted effort of tbe moveineut. llenera Carranza de- - now In Juarex attacked to the atarr of Oen Meg., by Republican to Chihuahua. Chih., April 3. According to a message re- made the senators Now Ik) 1 ensured on Account nf the te cumnient on the movement, but rat carrgnia. Aftar Sgitnio ths iinllo against president's repeal It It caused msch gratified ceived at the cuartel general in this city tonight. Gen. Francukco Villa the Richness ol the C Usala Howe Re ef yiiTY y will push on tu gtttrk Monte pulley on the ground of official Jal Jssrei. HrxuRcn ami CAPrinen vie left Torreón today large re- - íoatot rrnxoaygng or carranza rey. With the or two eliUM at the head of a body of troopa for San cdlency .and the other was the Tke BMremeiit ls.ssld to.b algnlfleaat rail tke la ni forced determination of, administra af a prominent srntbnrnt that It GAUtm. tbsy atpsct to have tba enure army of Pedro da Col onias. where he will join Gen. Roaalio Hernandez gs I MUfCir lion yield no compromise on he Attodolrd Pma rompióte sue- - Murria In Ihe northern earl of Mexico in leaders to Following ta rvagtOB i, carrlsd to an attack upon tbe forcea of Gen. Refugio Velttaco. which niter lie providing Washington, April J. cess s which U driven out of their itrongnulds. house bill for flat repeal today the has the fight this morning thcmaelve hilla. toll exemption for American ships. olosely upon official advices generally been predicted would follow VILLA WARMLY CONGRATULATED t'lgltliea Rrsvs llesert Jsurnri. entrenched in the They are Republican Senator. from George C. Carothers, the Amer- really woutd not materialise. (irricia) dlipali-- rscslved last evening completely surrounded and General Hernandez adviaed that he could ican consular agent at Torreón, of the Disturbers He Rk-b- . at rrom the cuartol general or tbe Among RepuDllcan senators who troops J agr Ylrlery st Pavea nay Ceaialsta Jusrei capture them, but General Villa evidently want to make their cap- flight of the federal from that In tlila connection one of tke moat prom- - Tsrrrsa tar roreai. wkiah hag besa have .passed ss doubtful with regard a- ot certainty. city.'came prediction from- Inest AmvTleaua doing business In Mexico IrluapB llssatlluUossll.l.. Ileelarss transrerrsd from domes Paiten lo Torreón ture a their Intentions concerning the the Important l arreara Is lflrgrsm. Fletcher Ihut Msfd today that the Blestest slisrantee of aiatsd lint the federals una dineral Ve CMttaygg Federal Artillery, repetir, there is a general tendency to gulf port or TamPlco probably would peace foIToiv . - wtrieh'ria prophesied would laico woe fleeing due eastward toward mi' up against tne president. iemo- ft i understood from telegrams received bv Gen. Manuel ( bo abandoned by the federate without rebel surera a lies In the fact that tke In one huiKlreu aohilers or Ihe fleeing fU rialtlllo. It Is believed they tr beaded for ntlc sene tors who are championing 1 ' cornea of the rich men formerly able ti eral gsrrlson or Torreón were klHsd by this plats where UenertI Joaquin Mata, during the day that General Hernando ha picked me cause assert wei-m- e up 6 pieces of president's iney SStlniatrition officials made ni t regime - move, confident If can revolts to reatara ka old of rebel troops umier uetierala sltsd redersl farm is ssrri- agnatic ry. aoau oy uve lleeing they this that commeni. on inoTUBUU ui igonui "ni abacial privilege have been deplrtut In the iirtsga mis. mum isklng aa ; laonaa federals after were attacked hive no other effect than to solidify official sentiment- rs not likely t year to lorcrg. ana u ring last lour sn exteat whleh would redre, nUa eau liomocrats and aid In raorn is known It lIM mú- - , escesdlsgiy dlfflcalt for drsw and ft tea Veiaaco'a "H" , i"rsl for the administration. k ."Si atui fui-S- 1 1 was 7X,TaiW fall taf result of tho govern-menr- a ..i cannot be Indueed shrJntsrrmm ih-- defeat. Uielr number In the beginning the capture or in- - nr. uaok on a KaST budy &ml lutiar opposition to bill, llano Ckrrsnts telsarsaaiii ward iheie is mile or water and tr ihf A Ulow in abandon their the Tnmplco wag deemed eacentl! W it:utllnr. .rltetm etgAtiYri with (lepers! villi, (ienerki villa tolil rugittvss ni have to rrom a long streloh 'era tajfevn by tirnrM. fa thf flatlt Huerta. unlet Vhere I every Indication that all sajrtu-- The opinion waa ex pr eased order to easy entry for tits aOtl ITtprVOlll:ltlTiH nt WHstllllgt.tM HI tbfl eral iMrsnra ibtl hln the or uaasn Wiiwai LO0 feijkrala.tveee klflud that tho i majority senators eventually trooi't loaa of Tofreon waa her of war reqirtretl for the wrn- - I í d 'fen ap(iir haalftncn fltutl a blow from munitions eneeera propafaaaAv diipttcnuii mtt fleeing redera to k thrnwing sway their Vaissre With rrrtigg The Hi.i. III silopoft the hill. They also are army. The proclama gum rioldlrrs ItiavJng. wound('d. wtiich Fn in Huerta would nevo. ny eonatltutliinslirt snd all imiiedlmenit In their rilglii Thlt (lenersl Jure Herusio VelSsco la willl prei,liatH, thHr recover, ilrtc It iKHtired'Of support for the measure Hon of President Wllaon permitting easiwsru. thrtr artillery and aut-- atoraa of food meant' the annihila- Republican n ihe rsdenl rorre la ths belief' of Juirex tion of the boat army He ome of the members. the exportation of arms and ammunl-llo- Turvryt. puts th.- .1 i.l i,i r a a thex had been enabled to tak had beeti "Thr fill of Artillery f'aglured. i offlrlala based upon the dlapsiches ubte A. bill authorising ths president to across border Into Mexico on Villa abrt Mid with them n their evacuation ot to mwatat. registered the mark Hootiom niot.' Ueneral Villa retlorlen thai four riald reived rrom Torrson. Nothing further If tho rehala captured federal euntraet with American diminished the Importance of the port J, s. urllN vt win. I roniili- Torreón. the using Iuo, pieces liaci been left behind by the fedérala could be learned yealerday about the re artillery, as likely, d Hteamships and steamship lines lh reaped, but recently the ortit thf tnortt rx pert pvlnHeit In Mil- Rellevtyl u Marr) Imtgo Vwvr, aeemod it was (u- - that when they fled rrom Torreun. Also he ported sllark or Intsnliy atld to they gained enor-mou- a the Panama Canal was Introduced of the rebela, with nioatty Id th 1'nltivl hart There him been nothing In any that had an financial need had captured i.oon ahrspnel ilrslls and g been suffered by UenertI Velaaro following ev- liday by Representative Edmonds of knowledge customs house Htatea. "TW vallMf money llee In rocelvod hero to Indicate tho advantage, since the boat of the that the of iapr large or The number of me name or uoinez in.- Pennsylvania, ths measure, Tor-rto- number rtflet. lerriuc rállelo. In erything at command of Prealdedt under receipts at Tamplpo were heavy, lad i ui proniH t par. and tm ran or ' number of man Velaaoo'a party. ,n- - liriaonera wda not made rnrbitr. Whether he resumed command of Huerta had been utilised In cam- i. nn American ships would be re a renewnl tne Siege ano me has raarkfd thi raiu.tiatlon of n fat There are rumors that therv are be- thla of At the corlciualon of r.en- troops before ihe or Ihe - paign. muted for a period of tsn years, the mo--" lona; of which promtaa to ihe conference evarustlon ctly tween 3.000 and 4.000. and. iiM(im- strengthening of tne annexing serlrs eTU carranca lelrgranhed his rongrtlult- - waa mil onue snown in tne amount of such tolls to be payable out now aeems to maa ffoofj Vllln'a muí rnrranxa'H eril nrrirlll Infor irom the fóíce aent by Qeneral Villa to a point that nak written tlnna to and the army on mttinii asm to (lenertl Aa near MaaM Leung of the treasury every six months, and capture, of town. Ruaran tw which Is at bottom Osaertl villa carranta aarainat tnem, thla la probably true, Makes Hike. probable the the stsnfil thf tltetr victory. Hit message as ins ran learn iii, the American ships would be required 'OuttMStte. paper money lURMt1. rssd: roniiiiutionaiista ths total In their preaent flight, however, they Associated Prtst Constitutional of all thej bar federal force waleh escaped rrom to carry malls without charge to The the o uate ( birr I oooimuíales VIII torreón ahould prove an eaay prey to thu r-!. Tc,x., April .8. Oanerul Admiral Fletcher rephrted that i ine hid'hii rnnaiiimionai doss not exceed (.000 men. Aa the government. now outposts far tbnlr Joint accotiDt, baa la- "Have received your menage In which redertli conatltutlonnllata, aa- they, are almoat Joaquín Murs, with federal relnforce-mont- a constitutionalists have yon were reponen to have about thirty rsannn Not --Controlled of Tampico snd said stMd tAOvOOO.OOO of paper flat and announced lo me tlie capture of Tor wholly without food, abrfolutply with- proceeding to the aid of Gen- Railroad within five mile rurrfncr. in rorreon aud ueneral villa reports in required the commanding officer at Laguna for fight month (bo nifrrhuta along tba reon rronr where the remnitn or iin- out artillery mid believed to have but eral Valasco at Toraaon, waa at Hi- Proof would be that these kg garrison ried rover or diirg- nis official dispatches thai be has onlv can a amall amount of pólito, about 200 mllea eaat of Tor- were railroad-controlle- PiiarlA nlana to attack t ho I town United mataa bordrr anil In oorthrn Mx under rour ammunition for vessels net liens. I heartily cotrgrsttlltte you, your lured of these It la believed Ihgt the rlflea. In to prevent reón, late last night, according to a "All agreements made soon as 1000 troops arrive under Gen- Iro hnvt) gambl(l upon tho protnlaea of ara their order their with other orneara and your army rqr their reneraia dragging their big gnus with roachlng Saltillo to strengthen dlapatch made public" by Mexican Con-au- l or Unes Including eral Caatro. who I working toward Tlila and rarransa lo pay aa It appear! itolral them on the the parties railroad money- coridtictiBrTke eleven days of battle, march lo Saltillo. thern General ' Bravo here tonight. The dlapatch linen," bill provides, .shall be ap the coast on the San Luis railway. At written upon their paptr which Villa bopja the MUly brougtiUgs g" the rapture or the i lly. Carraaiá Congratulated to Kill or capture of Informed the consul Maaa would proved by the department of com i em. mi Puerto there are one thousand MIUUbji Id Curre. result all them that constitutionalists, according "Carramta baa IsaufU tnu.uiorOU of tbla I isiiTitplJsti.r ti.v Ike losses of ao many Ueneral Csrrgnta wss flooded with con proceed Immediately to Torreón, frota meree. and all freight rates shall be mounted i to- constitution- rurrenry to dble, sn1 Villa hns lsanad lie or our valiant companion. Thla lull gratulatory messages rrom sll parts or log No jNcwb In o CUjr. which-flt- ho promised to report posted with, and subject to revision by to the ndnfirsl. and the -- 9jV nam lirlnga the unneo unes, aagico, snd Kurope yestef-rta- thn Aosocintod day. At a late hour tonight It was proper alist line ST- -. said to extend east to from Chihuahua 30,iuu,i00 mora of Ma definite Irlumuh fruí the authorities." or rguae it III ta result of the C(ty, April govern- declarod nothing had been ships or lines would not be the coast frdro Canaollte On the Own fiiri cim our oearer. with su t rati of Torreón. At Mexico t. The further These Ta HaSroJeva Maaey. use the .tain of sn srmy or trtllora snd many rams to General villa and ihe ment perelated tonight In Ha denial haard from him. .1 prohibited from pro-rati- with all Tamest rlvsr'The admiral estimate unes Nuevo h.. federal irarrls ui at Tampico at "The Carrañas, tsautt la what Ik known tatistna on the name or our country were busy during the en that Torraon had fallen, characteris- Mexican federal officers at rail ronda on an equitable basis, but or or ure oty meaasges ing newa aa pure by Iaaredo. declare they have not been required to agree in one thousand. The situation of the as tba HoncloY money, aud takes Us naun The taking Torreón la Ihe gregtest irsmnntting these to the a fabrication vri.ulil be that It importance to m berauae we ran now ron Villa's headqusrtera. Among mora rebela. Informed officially of the fait of Tor- national emergency they would be besieged city Is made more desperate from the fact tbat was lseaiod under a the water, oonnectlona decree signed nt afoneiovu, Coahulla. la central large bodies of men agslnit sny of prominent Mexicans who telegraphed their Both Minister of War Bla liquet and reón and profess to be Incredulous of held at federal disposal and to give by the lack of the or fellciuilona to lh Minister Ignacio Al- reporta city has been taken. to goods made pro- havlne: been rut ny tne consumí ion May, 19 IS. TMa aioney Ims now keen la the atriingtsikla the enemy without anv chiefs of the Interior that the preference and a year, for reason baa danger.'' said (lenrrtl Csrranf yetierdgy Were "enor Corarrulilga, of London, for- cocer maintained that the government duced In United States. Toll alista Smallpox. It waa reported, is rlrcnlation and that By w the always had a firme and livtter es(Hhlabd morning. mer Menean ainbaaskdor to nt. Petersburg, waa giving Itself no concern about tho JOHN nOHKItTK mi hi be charged against any part of increasing. tMtaff Morning- TlntfO.. corren, y "f the mill lletleenl as ami senor zsmbrgno o Parla. Msny or ths Immediate aafety of Torn mi. althougn t'orreapondeut not originating In the united AfimiraJ Fletcher advise that there market than tbe ftat lo Futura ri asa. oiiii. April 3. m largwe tary genius Villa of northern military messages were rrom American admirera or admitting that they had hud no dl TrrtQ, Mexico. ..a. originating In South are already at Tampico "sufficient Francisco Tlis future plans or the conalltu wtp- - Suites or not Mexico. Ihe. ronsilliiilonglltia. Oanersl reci communication with tnut city.Mp tltf eonfaeton tncblent to tbe final America, consigned to the United naval forces to cope wiin tne situa- llniiallila he would mil discuss, laying uarrinxt uc (coerai garruon ur and fJarrency. "I do not wish to any aiu sn oau rersiveo no meaasges rrutn Menor Alcocer offered as proof of his itiC "i tne 'lorreon tion or with anything apt to rise." riucteatlon af tell of our plans bus been gitvn tbe pvla- - "This mongf has saM as bleb ns 33 cent berauae, though Huerta Wsahlngloii orrtclgll. stntcmenta a telegram from Luta little attention baa shown hlmaelf itn-r- ruprun-- d t lit-- daya on the dollar, UnKet Mtatea gold, and ae a poor aoldier. we ru Msvemeal fsr Hreegáiile. Comaduran. emigration chief at turltitf thirteen of ! aa. ir mads known our fl in- fighting of the cftj- low et 1. cents, da tin it the days of deprea- - plans, he pilghi A movgineoi to haw Amerlegns Paso, dated April l, authorising; a fir lure bsv tenis enough to snd for w id i. hundreds df prlsourra have htvu sloa and doubt aja to the smi-es- s of tbe , eignrra wno navs denial of all storiea that Torreón hai tase amainase of tneni. properly iDtercsts In fallen. employed In plcklog Op nnd burnlog or arranag gorentuent la tbe north; bnt Ha As to the possible reiignltlnn or belll- - Mexico pennon tne Washington govern, The Times and Torreón the Benor Alcotoet" aalaT ho had no newa burying lb dead, In digging trenebea ssd price baa times ramalned firmer llgersncy or the tpent to recognise the v or ihe atn conatliuUonallalt by lh beiiiserrm In rebulMlug the railroad frum Berniv-JlH- u than dr tne Villa money, tbe aa a constltiiiionsllsls wsaV since Senor Comaduran'a dispatch, but tbat and unneu Mistes rrsiitt of lias aucceai st atiggested yesterday mex I'litneln and In thin place, It la ow leaned baa probably 1m Torreun expected shortly to have dlapatchra The Moralng Tunes believes that the employee of a great newspaper are he would not commit hlnmeir. ."'"un uuaineas circles and Work to concerning the operatlona ut Torreón. actli'od tbat all of them werr of the "regu- bought sold at an average price of warda this end will be today, it is at 9 Carrsaia Insiráis Hall ef Meilee. started Ño def-'a- t gov- lar" Mneftlsta arjay. are no sh much entitled to commendation when they deserve It aa are public offi- cents orJietter, which has netted Carrauaa atld. Many of the pramlnsnt roretgn res word' of the of the "iierognuion does not depend on me," be forcea had the pao-pl- e InmdernH colonidea" (red flaggera among bile-spi- official alwut rr.SOtMno I'nlted Htates menta or Mexico wlw ernment reached cials, the loading business men or any other class of pa rt ted cttlxeaj-.hi- Mid. tre now rerugeea In ihfin. Tita eQloradoa" were for the ainews of war. Kl Paso gpprove a of the cataHal tonight through the. "hnndcraa tbe "With oui Torreón victony, ws now aurb mere. la volunteers, This belief offers the opportunity thin morning for tills paper to ea- - Ceeateefdteee Beep Hmrrmt. have nowapapars and It doubtful whether federal fornier" follawers of telegraphic and rsilrosd lo morning journuls t'naeual Oroarwj Tne Yues Halaaar, Mar-rcl- o entalilfahm-'ii- t of a market and rominunlistlon tho will confirm the i, ml i lianas to It employes tor (hear excellent work daring the past two Uurtngo and or or CARRANZA MAN OF DKaTINY. at- Oaraveo, iñas Jaiapllo P. sine value for both the Villa tbs outskirts ths rltv tact in face bf the governmaht's oriiinal und s In handling the Torreón bat giving news and to Tapir, on ('ampa, who n tie and In the of that remark money creeted tbe usual rem. It .araieras, the Southwell, to titude. Among foreigners the newa partb lixted In "'e tJroaco newspapers clera Mal amo as and almost to TtDrptco sn the untie (Hint Many Vrar rapidly during day, arous- agalnit'MRd-- In ii hie and thrilling affair to the people boor ahead of other and han been tbe history in all !atlti- - spread the lr'. sureros g e gi a nn loos upon iiilier news agjrsirli. paper currency sail snd to within abort Future. ing much speculation as to what would 'rneae men are hxikcii by General ericen countries where or Ban l.uls poioal on Jeans Valdeg, Kl The Times was first tq give near fronC'llie very Inception been Issued by de facto gnvernnivAta. the south," lie an Pusoan, recalls tbe saw. "In rari w tne following Interesting telepathic, - tuertean Imme- - bare eonplet control bank- plana. Other nnpapi i aad even the Aaaociated Press with crooks and counterfeiters of ovar hair of tke prediction many year (lee. I republic." sen for Map Showing Last 43 good It lately proceeded to Issue the Villa and ( Where Süuid Wei Made at Torreón. pilonally orgaatsstlon were left far behind when oe lo IlklkuskHS Hess. eral Venustlano arruma, first chief news froga tas Monclora money with tbe same eaae an ox ine llar salla allr battlefield. Jasi na In the rase of Vinas efficiency with which tbe constitutional Inlend In remain In Juarez long enoush constltiitlonaltstg: laeutar taking of Jearns. In early morning of November in complete sbms iirrsHng "In ia7, Oen era I carranza. In com- tbe It gorerament printed It." orrtelal tuisi pany - in rda megaealo victory Blanca, nesa and tbe I shall trkaarcr lay with attorney Jose atarla Mus- of Ttrrrn fallowed by the month af anal Person. Vleiemlaed. hear. UUls. Damasco Itodrleues and other nig and waiting at OJInaga, The Tintes was the paper to least at kH. Curtías states tbat It la estimated guariera: lo hlhuahita City. HbwSlrjng ba-- rnre una I osnunsns. want to witness the facul ra lado and Torreón. tkst daring the past ality daya. border will be rannot say. In s ahort ties of a Brpwnsvill- -. Tex., tlaie I intend lo rnovs my headquarters certain 'telepathic, child.' Whaai other papers ten days ago printed alteswsl of towns from to the Vhn Waa Kln I v. - s- the fan California coasfcv have been flooded with from r;hfhuahus to Torreón. ..klklU Hie Tatar rwntlaaed on Uto even tenor of It way and gave the goal "I will meet tlonai theater In Mexico City. aboot tC.,tV)0.ilOO of the alónelo n and uenersl villa within t verv divinations. OeneraJ n, each isatte. . Then causae the exit) Times Tacaney of this week In money. la short lime. Wlietber Ills meeting will lake "After other Villa counterfeit It a noticeabtv Carransa showed the youngster a card at anient ama añade that Villa waa In puasiiiilon of Tcsrreon. It fact that nearly all eouuterfelta have been place at hihushiit or si Torreón, I tsn-n- asy witn ma name on It and the latter, the first poeiUve stall lit of late kind. It was tras, aa later developa floated or sold In the Lulled States to la- - at the present time, but n wtP standing be In either or these two cHlss. at. a dtgtaac. bllndfoldsd. i, prima. Yesterday morning The Times gave, tor tbe first liase thro persu. nnbesitatlagly called out. 'Venustlano ,,n news anesTon, the oracaai afafraaanl that To on falten. ajeeertty seailsat t ereeeaiy . Cgailiale Mill lavestlgswa varnnaaVs sis had Osaarsl fills ssd Csrrssi aa well." When my commission sprssintsd "to as Ok eaesgy I I in "The performance over. some It for aaal.liili ragRa WtglgJ by The Tsaaea force Mr. "ksis been ksaaly vestlgsts tks killing of William s. publlo achnorirsagynegtt Csrtlsr Heuton friends and myself went over to ca- ii, seipgnig. Froan tbe atanaging editor at one silrs te' ta rgsat aecesalty of atalnisiulag will make Hi report to OK I rtoaol sty. ress ,,, Torreón PaatJsMi and make some presents to the Roberta la and in O aad preteetisg tke value of their eurresey, It la aay undersisndlng thst the commission child, while the latter wss aaklng hi ,u icporters at Jnares aad la El Paso aa latiaasudJsiles, there area liurlsg TUIa's gat aojsura in JBsrss ah la allll rsrrylng on Its inveallgstlon or ihe father to show hhm the man whose garrear a an lai mi's May or Iteallalliaa. all thU waa bsMxkid effort wss made by s reputable rsonsy msiter and that II u net yei reedy to mike name he read. papa pointed lalierrac. aad Kl had Ills - speed In Urn broker la Pass to eatabliab s firm sad Its report." to General Carransa. from stage. i,y sklU and the mrrfcaalahl )upartxnaU aad rapidity la e cor- - the bread saarkat for tea renstltatlosaliai The ov- -r , ulation MvlalBas, both city aad asalliug rnosn. chad loolied him carefully 'S&c . eary. vut kss sssarai times statevi that for second and, turning his The Tin a i has on It payroll atore than MO Mid It douhUul e the AesocisleJ fVi - a ta I V5tV aV SjV riMff. i. entire ststs ef Ckaksshos northern .y parent,tfcgciaitnea: 'Papa, I belle. e r C el putera nor eewi nmwm eiTert emu. aa well sa tks goversSMUil a prasa- - wsshlngtun, April 3 West Tesas tbat man Is going to be almost us wtmmrúeá by ef eapUmrnt lo tbe peper i is spy. is nuil, mut curreuej itaue oerai rains nuiuroay; nunaay rslr, great as my grandfather.' In brflrr tr mom emmmmtm emm mw "It la tVimt(dMt$jWtnml est "General may the Paxe piM Carraña recall i vs the rucees I Chlhuaka - i ) furalasti Ute wHttmi amm amLat nnc- - aad New slsalcn Fair. north: rain can - occasion, said Mr.- Valdea. "but nrob- - Thr l tfi and a Ptwf nre tbsn IS.OOü ÜOO in bullios, healile the tral aouth; poasiona, .tini; thm manimt Tbe TlaWia give mmtm to ami Humlsy ftfe. ably does not know that tba mlnrf- - kste goverstaent reveaas to bark up and anzuna atuxttgy una bun rsadeCs god is and B anil the Caayon dad Ouaraerie, where Vrlosoo's rodarais made their .ctoü be of lb wUmm jiiáuinnl ttvm tbe fuelu own currency. He rair father Oeneral Poo sis kss wjkttly any. rorfirio wag." J last fight for p ligases ion uf thn elty. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday. April 4. 1914. IMPTRINF R LMEtTÁilE MISSING: You 9t Much Time BUU,"L jpn nniKP ri nwii hp Have n Left in run iirr i.uuul ulutih ui Saturday Special to chooae BK.mOIH FIRI". RR8ÜLT( FROM Ktl'MIMll OP OAWLMt! TANK. Ovan Pot Roast. RtttOrt.c Lain down sv niEmDENT f Your Faster HoSanr hah become raaoucre pound IDC not Teso Orxtnoaiits of nullaina tn Flssrsea Another Man Veal Shoulder Roaat, 1 Clothes Rumerl . pound 1 JI 2 C Pickled Beef Tongues If you want to make ssffr of AMERICAN POLITICAL ART Roberto Casares and F. Carillo are satisfactory selection if pattern believed to have lost their Uvea In a pound IDC fire. Ninth and Stanton Areata) at 1 and . get." an early pick 151 Blue Valley Butter. tmi'U mi IIM. win LAJT Ml. ill o'clock thle morning. Ca- frl AA DisciWMEH Fernandos of these MiiLftMLniM rae sares, brother of Roberto, was aertous-l- y 3 pounds for . . . )leUU t amoN. burned about tbe face, hands and body. A grocery ntnaaa Hbrsh-Wickwi- email tntl sev- re Co. eral adobe rooms adjoining; the atore VEGETABLES. SOME VARIATIONS WERE NOTICED were destroyed. The buildings were wreaked, tbe wstlla and mora falling Fancy Lettuce California Celery Into the mass of burning debris, mak- Models Dtllrrserea ol Oplnlta Ixlit as In Haw ing a search for the bodies impossi- Artichokes . Strawberry Rhubarb for Spring and Summer. You Monroe Doctrine bhould Ve Apptlrd- ble. Tbe originated fire when a largo Fresh Asparagus Fresh Pea j . don't know what tank of gasoline exploded. tatitfaefion Hit you'll mies if you fail to have (As Aseoctslnl fresa Bad Blown Oat r Hoossa. I String Beans Florida Tomatoes Phllsdeiphls. April I. That the principle The room occupied by Carillo and ua show them to you before you ol tha Monro doctrina Is as mum alive the Causara brothers adjoined the cy Grape Fruit make a deciaion. now aa It ever was snd that President Mod atore room on the north. The gaso- Sweat Oranges roe's declaration la swi "obsolete ahlbbo line tank waa In the north end of tbe Was the trend of dlseuialon today Iski" atore, and when It exploded It hurled Strawberries tba annual masting of the American the bed on which Roberto Casaren and Arademv of I'nlUlral and Social Krlsnce, Calillo were asleep ronaldetlng nrsstet Internailonsl into the street. which la Fernandas waa covered with the horn- phone 220 tssatlons and obligation" of II United ing gasoline, but wss able to make his fain. way through exception were tbe flame and amoke to Meta Ave. While Moeakera with few the street, where byatandern covered m agreement wtin tbe general principle him with blanket and or tba doctrine, there were some variation extinfulshed m hie burning application. Hear Admiral Colby clothes. Hie and at to Its ahlrt were burned from him. but at Chaster urged a concert or action among thick republics In a policy of underwear prevented the flamea the American from getting to hie body. unpro- "Amarles for tha Americans." which, ha Hli CLABBV AND MUMMY tected faoe, arma alrcKhands were the DM said, was endorsad by Admiral Oeorga most seriously burned. EXPLAINS OBJECT Derision Dsway. Think Man Were Unpopular Newsesper Mea aad John Barrett, director general of the Pan Stunned. Hpectatnrs Don't Agres With Referee. a It le believed by Cesárea when Union advocated "Pan that BS tA sttocésted rea The Most Complete Line Bato in Clothes. In or tba the explosion threw hla brother'a beVl f of Headquarters .lor a American policy," which each Ssn Franrlaco. April Clabbv of ts twenty American countries would have tba from the building that Roberto and OF REVOLUTION J.JImmv 1 lltmmond. Ind., Billy Murray or sacra J as United States a anno were hurled to the oppoeite tnd the Southwest If It is We Have It same Independence ths aide memo. mlddlewelghts. rough! twentv I m as 10 eliminate any sense or rear on tne of the room aad that they were rounds lo dtrw tonight t Daly City. Central and South Amanean states stunned by the exploaion. Within a t Dart of moment MOVEMENT IN MEXICO 18 NOT ne nerision was impopular, but the re ss to United State aggression. Former after the exploaion their room MERELY TO THE fere grgued that although, Virginia, ar waa a furnace of flame AVENGE cubby ektUy Oovernnr MseCorkla of Wast and heat, and DEATH wss enllUed to fir-- i was If they did OF MADERO. the fourteen rouds. 206-21- sued that the Monroe doctrine nerei not make their way to alr Murrsy's gtmeneat throughout, s big 0 A 7 asry peace safety of the United two or lead San Street, El Paso, Texas to the and wunin tnree minuten ntonio after the on ba took In,tbe fifth round sad tbe strength States. flrat exploaion they were burled be But la Also Based Social and With a ton Erxmomic Considerations, and which he finished emulen 'aim in an Mi. nihl r.iplaln Doctrine neath or more of adobe walU even showing, A majority or the sporting A. e Low. a British Journalist sit ana root, In Im- Is Not 1'osslblr. Mauri' which caved almost critics believed ttttt In t finish Tight Mur- Honed In the United ttaiaa. stld It would mediately attar the tank blew up. ray would woo, but or Europa hare conceded citbby be easier to eiplsln the alliums toro Lose Total. By the Áttooíateá free, the rlghtrul decltlon on hU setusl . Villa nod trul waatp tima anatrarlng iincalloiiaj rasardliiK lrrtilna and before ibej ran towsrd ihc Monroe aoctrtne If Europe knew rne etore waa owned by J. J. Tarin. Philadelphia, April a. Declaring oibr cenMitiitlonalMe limera taaa really was. He believed of trnltnrouM nhararter, n1 tba detalla of tb battle. rerum In mat tlty . hoy will be o badly what the Aitnnugn ne did not carry a large that the real objeot of the present tori a assumes protection over Villi ! nnl'l in frttinlly nliliiDed thov will n.ld v.rv little In h ihat nation that stock hla loan la estimated at sev- revolution In Mexico Is "not merely le bo countries csrry out their ob- - It fortunate Indeed that the Wil eta.., t tm trait r'n .dratlr would tn Oetllns Really far Moaj'erey. strengtb of tbe aarHson la tbat pise. I other smaller eral hundred dollars. Nnthtnar to avenge tha death of the lata Pres. son llgsilnna with other nations, in this con family has a lot of common tense. inrt-- i out i" evfTj'.oae of th?m mpiitrctl Torretin, April 3, 3 a. m. nnia like Q eaprura ..niue of that fleet aaved. Moat of the atoe and fivtnr. Ident Madero, but la based, on coctel ronh.. Mtxlco. traction, ba said, tha Central American re for It Is mighty slim on looks. nadar anu. tba lnat been klltod, nf armored sutnniuhlles wbk'h Uaas ts said were new. Tarin but recently having and economic considerations," Roberto Hardly bad federal publics anear at Europe, laugh at tba V. Peaqdelra. agent Tboiivh It la mil Vjiuwii t but any ipturr-d or driven out of tuna tn liare, ra son Id usa t hem." wie store, aii or tne personal confidential in nrrv lorrmn United States, and wallow in anarchy as tba "e'.u Venue-llan- o the movement toward Mobterry and Pollelaa Ibe effecta of Causare and Carillo were the United State of General ing to say keep right on talking--. Buniniartlr after letiig tuken in llnets. result uf the Monroe doctrine. loet, aa were thoee of Carrañas, in hU paper before wna hefun. In the innvetnaot Wblle tbe great portion army -- aeveral othera hattlf, It la ti NlifullViint tbat of ft, of the now peaking of Uraat Hi Han. In relation to wno rooms the American Academy of Political nM hew mi neveral daya ttgo. wben tba In the tlrlnliy of Torreón la ocoupiea in the name row. 8peaklng of the Republican party. ( getUas mucb lha Monroe doctrine, he said the Brillan Although tonight discussed he de- tbrm tin b found ainong ih prleoticrii hrltfHth'M of ' i. ii Totuaa I'rhtoa nnd rear, or there were aeveral Mexi- Science what united It stood, and divided it can tnonaanda tbero ara at "crave no more territory." clared i up ooMttto-tlnpallet- (euaral numbarlna; U.OUO can friend f Casarca bad led to the Madero doing tbn tnrtilal work In t lie e' Maclovlo Herrera, work day aud nlgbt cleaning up tba city; European Earth Hunger. and Carillo easily elect a Democratic tloket. uiou, ware aoni eaat wltb the pnrpoen burying standing near the fire, none of them revolution, of which, he aald, the ranta nnr who wptt tnkrn ne tbe dead or otberwlae dtepoelua' fieplylnr to Mr. Low. Mac? aaw present conetltutlonsJUt movement is wed ni thnt lime of lnterri'ptlnw Tfderal of ii. in Caaarea and Carillo after ex- Having finished our little Roman Hrlaonara ilaca Hu attack cm Torreón aud nad making ibe .in bnbltabla. Corkle assarted that European s plosion. Many the but a continuation. Ita rnvlri.rit. Iifgan. reinforcementn to hnre beeu coifilng ureal uainaga by abolla. of them, auenttoned h. hlatory, we conclude that In those up from tbn of Hnlttllo. Is not dead." He mentioned tha British a Tlmea reporter, "Tbe revolution of 1010, led by good dlrertlon Tbe damage by abolla aud bombs by occupation Egypt, recent In expressed the belief old days men were crooked and Foterala Kill Wountte. ileneiiil Illa flertared durlntf t tin night snd of Iialy's war men Madero," Mr. Pesqueira said, flru baa heeu euormoua. To eatlmato It or Tripoli situation brought mat ootn mat their Uvea. They "wat brave. . In thf early n Hacha up"n tbn that he hnd 1n mind then the preparing of and the aerloua were not seen by not Inspired by personal or cltj, atlampt to do so at thla time would he between Germany snd France over Fernandos Casares, ambition mu lit flrat of tbi wm y for the advance of Ma army to about although of power. critics ntUrk linmni valu. There la no way fnr .rrKln., .. tl.i Morocco. If It were not for the Monroe he waa not taken to tha thlrat Maderos Palada, ft were) driven Motilen nuil Knltlllo un aoon na the altui- - emergency Even Dlae, nmaUttttlonallati figures until lursntorlea bate been mads doctrine, he added, the weaker of the Cen no pi ta! at the police sta admit that Porfirio after off in fi'-- Mixl miuaallad to Hon ftt Torreón liad hveti rloared up. Hon r..r the of recently recognized man) after abaolute quiet baa been rvatored. leal American slates might not now ba In abme little time after he srai fall Juares, wonnilad bfUlud tttrin. woundrd i no movement as one on Three Neit HnMlr. grrateat problem wltb whir Ii tieueral control or their countries. carried from the fire. the based ware all UI lad . at t Ion a a - Mum con Uu Hit v fOT Villa la confrontad la tas feeding- of Burned Man Wul economic and eoctal considerations." u Tm neat "gfeai Iratil poaaaaaion of Philip M. Brown, assistant professor of live. wwra leo tikt-- ita pfteunera, Humi. i) government flat tit- - nortbejn porthiu of tba republic wilt of Lsrdo, Uoaiaa Falacia ad Tor- International taw at Princeton university At the police station Dr. avena. "The of the 'mailed .lab aa :.'' tn SOft, unú not oka nf thoeo reón, or rne can never Impose a be fought i.' tboaa cltlca- wbo ara on tha point of starvation, and formerly in the diplomatic servt t.ynrn, police surgeon, dreased the Iron hand' wiia fount! n II vi- In anr of tin- - to peaoe Paso permanent In Mexico," Mr. El frdtrnl Caneral Villa doea not their ureat iinsntlttrs of sappllea bSTs been or man's burna and later sent htm to the coártala captured aa tba that urged an international law ambonyins the peace can nshl pruKretl. prtiaeut garrlaottft will be graalljr atreugth ilrr.in rrum J mire anil t'blhusbns. aad tba county hospital. ' 'asares waa suffer continued. "Buch Kiiuti aa sre great agony, be secured onlv through a nrooer ad- - a rrti. ned, la view e tk deetrmtpnu of tba "'r'uun usina; UlatrUittsd aa but It U neat thought - - "lUllarbly sel possible tfs ssaesaaaeah- ecosaiwlu ft firmly balierad ny tiui great girrlfuu at Tarrean and tbn loae of amrrsgttkM starrlk danTdf rtaTalTonil wax xmax axe WW die V faeliaeat af todl roaatltn psoplo. .r saw-ra-l t lonallat laa dar i ba t t bai r the ajreat'eat amount of artillery nnd Wiinten and cblldran and was A aearcb of wreekaare wilt cotidiuorm. To tnat adjustment "compauaroa1 other tbe all the atln American stales. There the he reacttonury Mexico U Theatre no military maintained nt mi y sgav are tea nrst, and after that the mada thla the element in wart kllM aoou aa capturad by ra aloren Steal need, he said, of pTlhr prolactlou morning for the hodlee of opposed, laaro'a man. and a point throughout tbo republic by tba but at tbat none gst saougb. to foreign In to xne two men who are but the constitutionalist tbr Mr tbftt r interests tba countries tha believed to have tmfty la on prlaala warw mada It aboiild lie Huerta government. of Meat. of UMVgd perurnea. Intent making it effective Days nol wou Pleatr south the SUtea. by armed force." S dered at. No aa tba "I am rertiiln," aald Oenaral Villa early Man bars been asnt to Iks sarrouadlag TBS Mealean Situation. hn torelgnera trun riiv to attempt tu dlw LUM tba matter tule morning, "tlmt (tetivral Pablo Hog ranrbss to drlre In bsrds of saUls. Bonis "The Mexican situation, Its problems snd Davldsaa ..ase with Jury. The tntorent of ss well as Matinee Every Day wltb tlpnarnl Villa. WbUa ha uae not al antee baa tba altuatlou at titouterey well lu of tlisss bsrs arriTsd and fresh bnsf ohiigationa, ' were discussed st tbe niaiit Bp (As Aasodsred press Mexicans, he said, "can only be con- bss by lowed htuiat'ir to tw ..ni-- . ewny in hand, and I doubt very inuuu If W wU been plentiful for tba past day or two In aasslon. Among the speakers were Henry wincnssier. ay., April J. The rae served means of reforms calculated Commencing Sunday Matines, oiuitatioii ovar lila victory, b t a rery meet with any great oppoaliluu in the ud loose iMiriionn ol tbe city which nr. o... Lsns Wilson, former ambassador 10 Mei agsinst Tilomas Davidson, accused or com to promote the general welfare of the April 6. 114, the baay man. and, while- hr would no fnr out vaneo agalnat that point. Haltllln may dsr conatttutlonallst rontrol snd la which Ico, and Representsllve Frank E. Mondan purity in the murder or former sherirr maaaea and by maintaining an photoplay In alx vital and of hla way to OftU upou n dying aoldlar prova a harder nut to crnck, but we will lucre waa no street righting. of Wyoming, a paper by Robert V. Pas Edwsrd Callahan, of Bretthltt coanly, wss equilibrium between capital snd labor. thrilling parta. wbo bad anprenaad bu daalra to aaa him k it. If (lenarala Joaquin Ugge and A system of aoup kttrbens, something qualra, confidential agent of General Car- - given 10 ine jury by Judge nenton tonight The purposes of the constitutionalist i, .ik hi n befora h dlad. ba li uot tnucb in. II i t( Javier I 'fa II ou re aro not captured by tus syelem In vogue In American rams In lha united stales, ateo was raad. movement, he added, contemplate not cities In times of labor stress baa basar Tha molhoda and pulicles of the present Trsrllon Officials ludlcted. only the of constitu In charge f tha coinnilssary sdmlnlatrstlon tl Washington In dealing BP IAS Asloeestsd Press tional government, but a reform of of tbe arme. with Hie Mexican sllugtlon ware criuclsed Tsrre Haute. Ind., April F. drover the constitution Itaelf. Traffic Gen. Villa ! lies focr Are rsd. by Henry Lane Wilson, former ambassador mtntger or the Ttrre Halite, lndlanapoli Mr. Peequelra asserted that there is Francisco Idol of the At tbsse posta estsbllabed la rarSoas of lha united stales lo Mexico. Esstem Traction company, and Edwin no .need of Intervention In Mexico snd portions of the three towns sanp, brsad in refining to rcrognlte the provisional uans. suonor or ins company. Indicted by regarded suggestions favoring such a Constitutionalists of the mol mast nr.- dispenser! to tbe needy poor government of General Huerta, and by the grand Jury 0 charges or burglary tnd n ove as "emanating mostly from Noth. of tbe lower - of m rlaaeea. At other places ureat withholding moral assistance enabling It to receiving atoien goods, were arretted lo- thoee Interested in the restoration and bread are leaned to thoee who muy reatore peace and order In Nexlco, this ntgni and released on bond. dividends rather than In tbe restora bare hornea of their own In which to pre- glvernment waa uttbln Its rights," Mr. wil tion of peace." la conclusion he aald pare te fowl, but wbo, nevertheless sre In son said, "bul II coatrlbuiod to ibe dls Castre Deals Arms importations that no suggestion lor a compromiee want. by ISouls" credit of a government which wis endeav a, the associated Press would be conaldered the conalltu I' to bOUr thla mi. tin ua rctiorl orlng 10 restore peace and to Mexico, Port or Spain, Trinidad. April 8. Cip- tlonallsta. I... order ' A most unprecedented run has born made by del m nloely-algl- 'No comDromtse' means as much the nt of cavalry and which had the support of riano Ctttro, former president or vent-uel- t. been given this masterpiece from which went In pursuit uf u comparatively per cent of tbe opinion of tbe denied today tn people today aa the old cry ol sman American thtt he hat any con- the ftlmdom. hand of fntlrr.tla who escaped from and an tuner foreign colonies weu as nection with the or Liberty ana conetiiuiion, ne aaio at arms 11 European governments." from the Dtnlth cottt to Venezuela Castro1 weeks In New York snd still. When tha army wul says Is I Playing...... ,..,,,. mora aa a other vtaaainglon Errors. bs living peaceably here tnd hit While anmetlmea quarrel wllh my ,,, altillo Is uot What lie described ss "other errors of no desire to take part In any warlike wife, our disputes are uauniiy settled by IS weeks In Boston and eUll known, a but Ii helleved that Qenersl the Wttblngton administration," Included operations against Venetuell. , arbltraUon, which constats In letting her playing. map mu ne ' niter Use had an on Iba 'a'tinouncenieni or e new doctrine that hsvs ber wsy. Rut lloakina. 4 weeks In Ssn Francis, o. portunlty tn bring up fresh aupallea of governments owing their origin to vlolenco Canadian Womsn Murdered. ' food, aud I varearas In lens Angeles. ajurouultluu the move-mea- t would not be recognued by this govern Bu the asaoetfd fYss will ba begun, lu Hie I tbe meantime tbe menu dispatch of the nil minion, the Vancouver. B. C, April J The s railroad from Torreón eastward Is being attempt to dtacredll European nations and prohibit repaired In tc murder of Mrs. order tí facilitate the mova-men- t credited In Mexico tod misrepresent tbelr Charles I. Millard, wife of tbe chief ticket of troops once It la hewun AT altitude with regard to recognition, lining agent of tbe CtnadUn Pacific, was admitted THE GRECIAN e&aet """" ' sasvo supplies to the forera of the embargo on tbe importation of arms by the police after It hours.' fruitless and ammunition Into Mexico and tn tbe sesrch ror her. ending today. -- "lovriaent. assumption contlltuUonal elections II f "'S that ctn The servtnt or tbe Nilltrdi TODAT tsMbas over Ibe Nasas rlv.r -- in be hem In Mexico." It under arrest. Kimpleted today and tratas will begla run- - Tbe Ule President Madero was described CRAWFORD I 5-3-3 i., Last showing of the eleventh reel of BBwtfl mm o.ck ii. torreón, which will great by the former ambassador ts 1 person of Criminal Proceedings Felt. ly facilitate the bringing up iB of supplloa. "unsound mulled or imperfect educaitou Ss IAS Associated press vw ua waasset. and vlali.n Pans, April J The chamber or "THEATRE :: in e.err metalice where I h i - deputlet - "The responsibilities or orricers end the (oiugii. "Our Mutual Girr ...... me. or r conciuaeu in inveaiigttion into the cuariei other .t growing out of rivalries trial of Henri Rocbette, the Prsncbmsu The Greaet Kaahlon Real. m ,n,lr dead sad and intrigue shattered his reason com charged wltb woundedK. behind Iheai. Among defrauding tbe public or mil JtñlT tbelr losses platety.'' Mr. Wilson tsld. "snd In the Isat or dollars, by rejecting or MISS IT J were weoersia ltlcerdo ... v uoni t motion I... days of nu government, during the bom Juiea Deiehiye, inviting the government to of the hit COME early: o bsrdment rsplul, mental aualt institute criminal proceedings sselnit for- IBaaaaKaaaaa aaWsaW i'asaaaaaBKBB BB LX aeBT -- m coimiiiiiiiiinallat aeaeral. mm uiuj lies, always normal, a ab developed ell of mer Premier Ernest MonU ind Joseph Ibaagh numbor were wounded, auaoug Hie characteristic, dangerous ...... of that form Csllltux for having by menace, induced é urnersis siaalmo rout. Osrsia. Calltto of lunacy of which tbe beat example In iiiagittrsie to abstain from doing their mi. sad Psblo Mobles Among the ancient time Is a Nero, aad In modern ...... i. 11. - r. . . . uiuea duty. The vote tax to ML . V SUNDAY, APRIL .'.i...... , oionei Arte to. a Castro." wit 5 who urrlrvd from Jim rea In ...... line i TO REPRESENT Eli PASO. his death la the flghUng Tsewlay Cok.. BAD MEXICAN hLAIN Wigwam Theatre MaUnee and Nifht Only uei Arreiejo waa a member of i:...... i Walter Ponsford Winner of Locad Story, Jlauuel Thao a ataff aad was with him la Man Who Murdered River Guard A Romantic War . oeie., reeving nere leal Manda aa tas) xsuwsura High School nereasaetloii Contrast. "THE WEAKER BROTHER,' governor is Samoa enisling Arrest, . apeclal. Ha had asked for rjer- - sty pretal Wire le Fa Time In tha declamation eontrtt held at Featuring sesgar Jones, formerly of ailsslon tñ go to he front, as he wanted Valentine. Text., April 1. Word the High school Isst night, Walter an El Pasoatek company. WALTER MCMILLAN lo participate lu tbe battle, aud wss killed reached here today nf the killing rontrerd was awarded first place by shortly efter bis arrival uaaa . Judge Will represent Ita. - t. e some days ago at Pilares of Uno the and the El oíímn Balso, by a posas oonsUtlng of Sheriff Peso High school In the slate declama A Good. WbolesSkne Story That Cbastaln of Mart, River Guard Joe tion conteet at Austin, May I and I, Ends Right Oeux One V' "BROMO tgClXUfK." sitiera and Inspector J. A Bannister Tna other conteetants ware sward. MONDAY Burr get tna gesmtne, call U d plsoea In (he following Irv- Ths Inimitable Mr. to for full Balea one of tbe Mexicans who ' order: big Albert Taylor name, IXATÍVIgJpIlOMt) QUIXIMC. waylaid and murdered River Guard ing Schwsrts. Manuel Schwmrts Mcintosh Is Augustus Thomas' ....on tur ewnionsa ear a., w. UKOVK. Jack Howard, for which offense be Oeorge Newell, Rupert Glllett. I. comedy succees. "IN MIXZOI RI." excellent .uree a cmo tn one sjey, iio. (Adv.) was under Indictment by the grand Welech nnd Maurice uiumenthal A tl.00 show for 10 aad 10 casta and kit company in jury, xne poase sought to arrest him Superintendent Tlghe of tbe city the funniest farce comedy CerriesU Flgfat Albanians. and he pulled a gun. The officers scnooM. Clairbone Adams ..r the " JfStK-wle- over written, Ms frees were too quirk ror htm, however, aad school- board and others acted as Vienna, April t. A report waa re- the Mexican fell dead. Judges of the con lest ceived bare 10 day from Avlona. Al There Is a strong feeling here that The boya were congratulated upon bania, tbat Greek Irregular forcea the country between the G. H. eV st A. their splendid erroru and those wht were fiercely attacking Korttaa and and the river should have greater po n. tened to them last night predicted SEED POTATOES "Lend Me other towns on tne At and lice protection. Mexican desperadoes that young Ponsford would have to bl U We are headquarters for Korttaa tint. Korttaa reported to rrequsnzty cross tas river and commit reckoned with In the state corneal It ' be ta flamea and many persons were depredations and It Is aim cast Impos which The will participate as the loca Northern Osad Potatoes. sato, iu nave ueen killed. sible for the present small toree. high aejhool ipreytuuv. i ua for price rm , Your Baby" a later aaspatcn received Here re though composed of fearless and Early Porta that tbe Albansana were raise competent omcers. to cope wltb se Vre. TU. Rose forced and repulsed . Early the attack of the a the aeaasaelaal rvess Pris At Popular Prices, 25c, 36c xsreeas on ttoritaa. Tomorrow, aharrtrjee aad night only. Waamlakt. A aril tryis, Osbt g t: raw ford thetarA Taylor fa) we. waa utwbie to ifave Ms bed tdiy. 50c night and 10c snd Te a baseball fan. the football "Land Me Tour Baby." (Adv.) wss seperted I. tealgat. iirs peral E. P. KEPLEY CO. Éd v u duU rew eeys how- - ton lb i t tes!, Elu PAaVO, TEXAS. Weston's Dairy tJuWa etrietly gaal. ass, aiiinna task st his ; Get Heady However, a tine gsTS e: a to Laugh 'd7b.iV"0 tary; opened today. Ban At.tonto desk The' arrets aya III argument, and won't win a wae described SS a heavy cold Bmmhmm- m- Saturday, April 4, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TlMES 3S MR. SERGENT HAS COBB SPEAKER AT IDEA THAT IS NEW Gloves, Hand CABARET BANQUET V Kx This Store. With the Veils ceiii ion of tho Men's El Paso Mm Says rjlant juice kerchiefs, ROTARY CliVB COMMITTEKS COM-- Cloaes Saturday Makes Health Contagious nJBTK ARKANaEMBMTB Ft)R and Neckwear if f a Nights at i its o'clock. The VDRTHCOMINO JrfUOTVITfKs. WOMEN) SILK GIXJVKB Man'a Department Re- Instead of Olsaase length allk giovaa; double mains Open Until It P. M. Mct'lintack'a Mrrrysaaarrs Training finger tipped; black and white ao'.. i.v, -. B ..or.r lllllgrntly ami startling I Tog nun ol only: all sises. Saturday Kx I Mr. William Sergent of Kl Pud hu Hongs ana uamtoes la tTomlaeo. tra Special, pair. I wis a new Mea regarding Plant Juice. He a aye l ii iiii-.- s It makes, health catching nutran Zach Lamar Cobb will ba the speak- siki:n Standard Make of Women's of 110 dozen pure 50c Lisle dlauase, Mr. rVrgont la connected er of the evening at the cabaret din- Unen hematttched with the Sheldon harber ahop and ner to be given by the Rotary club unlaundared hand embroidered Ini- hi home la at Mil Wyoming street. April Sheldon hotel. Invi- tial handkerchiefs Satur- - I at the , 40m Mr eaya: tations were sent Thursday by wire day Hp,-- láalC Union , While They Last, Each. . "My rifa- baa Buffered aome " tima to Herbert J. Hayes, prealdant of. the M k v I Ml aVTBCIAD 29c with stomach and bowel trouble; San Antonio Rotary club; Robert II. Shadow net, at tlmea and then bowels Cornell, president or the Houston club, and flat lace, organdy, would move too fraely. Her atomach and Paul M. Pope, president of the chiffon and Swiss, Dutch ami roll- troubled her and her nérvea became Oklahoma City club, asking them to over collars, fichus and chemisettes. A SPECIAL purchase of women's line quality Oc. affected. I did not sleep well my-ssl- f. attend. F J. Drerer of Harrieburg, Values up to I Saturday Co A statement In an EI Paao paper Pa., who la connected with the na Special stub white lisle summer weight union suits they by a lady suffering the same way and tional organisation of Rotary clubs vnu who waa cured by Plant Juice, and who organised the El iaso Full also hemstitched plain are the product of a famous maker whose name we me try It. My branch, la at present at Silver City. and to wife had not novelty chiffon veils In black, uaed all of one bottle and her bowels N. M.. and will also attend. are not permitted to mention, but whom are not giving her any more trouble. Members of the entertainment white and colors Values uu to you are very Her atomach digests the food and aho committee met again Thursday at 14 01 Rolorrfoi, I familiar with. sleeps well and wakes up refreshed. noon at the Sheldon and further plant üpeclal n.85 Made umbrella knee style, with Her complexion for the approaching event were made. la getting better every eclipse any nay, ana any man wlwkhas had alck Indicatlona are it will deep lace trimming; low neck, no sleeves, hem- nesa thing of the kind ever offered In r.i at home will hat I moan aVsssa, when I say I feel aa-t- t erran ,n,lnd stitched band . Regular and extra sizes. nnd troupe as tPTla 41 all BBSoasoaa sat Bet body aa a result of k The known "McCllntoeJt that Merrymakers," which Is being trained 50c riant .lulce makes ng." by II. It Mo 'Unlock, will Introduce garments on the market. While they Plant Juice Is th H laTeriteat Ac eclflc novel dances, catchy songs and local SSesiery and IsTst ant and tonic ever devise man. It Is pro Saturday, a suit . . . purely alta of various aorta. Moat of tho T. .yC vegetable and la the rarest and gram la being kept dark, aa It la in- oeni comDination or juicea, extracta to some surprises. Underwear and tended sorlna novel essences that science haa been Hoi idling Kl Paao ami furtherance, of llll.imi'.N's SOX Of silk llale. able to take from the medicinal the spirit, witn an ap planta of In solid black, plain and lace ef- Pre-East- the earth, and no matter If proprlate amount of fun Intermixed fancy er your ailment is chronlo Plant Juico vlll characterise the evening. fects; alao a few colors; sises Specials in Novelty Jewelry will relieve It and bring a permanent Members of the committee who met 4 lo 4 14 only. Regular I(o values. cure. It la the greatest of all apeclflca Thursday were: Clalhomn Adams Special today, ORo '"p an atomacn, liver, kidney and nresldent: J. A. Wright. Burt Orn- 2 paira for..... 3C POR today's selling, wc offer six items in novelty Jewelry at saving prices. blood alimenta For sale at Kelly dorff, R. B. Sherrnan. H. R. McClln-tor- . ii .l.lt Vs KNIT PA NTS Very Items that will give a finishing touch to your Easter , and every Pollard's drug store. A. a. roster, B. C. Davis and fine quality, In lace trimmed, um- that It. c. Taylor. brella knae atyle. Suitable for woman delights in. children I yeara age. Well t to of GMjU I'll 1) VANITIKS a variety made havo band tops; $3.5 In of JET KAK KKOPS These arc quilo the ragr. Mailn and perfect pleasing styles; round, square and odd shapes, in In screw style with a very graceful dntp fitting. Our regular s- h C of Imita FUNDS FOR MINES RESERVE DISTRICTS tic plain and hand engraved styles; fitted with ooln tion cut to aure, era at. 2 for ÜC Jet he but with nil the stylo of holder, mirror, powder puff ez-- . CHIIiDRKN'S and cant holder; the more expensive kinds. Special, a pair. 25c union surra pertly made highly .1 and finish. Regular q AC TROTTKR CHAINS They are newest In Swiss ribbed. In a low neck, no $4.00 to $5.00 the effect values at, each pZ,JJ two-inc- 0L COMPLETED sleeve, knee length, drop seat ribbon with colored beads anil a h ARE NQTPLEASING (114. GO to tlO.SS) style! A well made, snug fitting $1.00 values beaded tassel. Special valuea at 25c garment, In a summer weight, that I ill IN.. M.VI.I TV l,A VAIilKRES CHAMBER si SIliVHR ft IN HOMIEIIS Also Tho values In thla lot OF COMMKTtCE EX- SOMK CITIKft NOT FAVORED AH BANK LO aella regularly at 5c. In range up to 75c. A varloty PERT TO RAVE 9 lift vanities. a variety of odb shapes and sizes. A of atylaa to select from, NECESSARY CATION H ARE SHOWING DISPOSITION Special today. 1 for :CUu more with pearl, aet- - .1 MOUNT ON HAND TODAY. useful and ornamental rthvolty would be hard rhlneatone and colored atone or TO RAIME A ROW. .orina, k m.is t tin , K'Han Ii tings. Very special at, each cUC . . HANI) BAGS Women's Chamber of Commerce i.bu. apeciai todai ryr. UüC too leather hand hags. In Interested In Pressure May Mr Brought Xa Bear aa the i the new spring shapes: Well made, with elebratlon of Opening of Frdrral Reserve Board In llake Same m AN D CMaK A aty- - (ireat I P pliant It limn AFTER SUPPER SALE M.s strati of frames leather covered, gilt and sliver flnlahed. Ckaages. Hah, large ilarllrTocida, finlahed with a 214 aome with moire, satin and leather linings. 8 to 8:30 o'clock inch croas. Very special at, PractlcaMy each 50c Splendid values at, each 95c the entire fund for the hu th A&todateá Prca Purchase the old 1C1 Paao Military In Wishington, April 8. There wis every No. 10 Voir Ututo, which will be turnad over to a of Wash tndlestion tontaht that the. announcement Hair Brush . . . 55c to sp Sl Colored Fabrics Beginning Monday, the School of Minea haa been raised Ask ee new . a by of the renerve districts and cities by the April bin, to be the greatest in the history the committee 6f the Chamber of -- i reserve bank urbanization committee had Orien- - n of mmar. KoDert Krakauer, presl-drn- t Gourfuida lie Parisian novelty (Me the Popular Dry Goods Co. of given the Hlraal for a determined stniffgie the commercial organisation on the part of cttles, which were msap Face Cream. "as elated last evening over the sue- - lJ M 1 Pb r Full Particulars See Our Mean pointed, to overturn the committee's de- taffeta silk coals Jor Avenue Window . eras with which the committee has met and yesterday cision and brlnr about a of 1.00 Bottle o! I I g g ass I BBTasarBSs Displays, Saturday's Herald and Sunday stated that the or the country or at least a cnanna In Women at II entire amount neceaaary (o purchase f vreaorsao $7.50 Mnrnincr'a .ne the reserve cities nkúed. Lamberta Ltstorlne Tim. property win nave been raised : sometime today. Under the law the decision of the organi- : as soon It sation committee Is not subject to review Just aa is possible the old except by the federal reserve board. Tbls si boot building will be remodelled board probably will not ba named by nnd put in firet-ciaa- s shape for the opening 'of the faU term. Tljc President Wilson for several weaka but It j Is believed that ' those disappointed with I rnfeasors and or aa to Identity. atory .XITr.n teachers will soon be committee's announcement will bend Wrt NmAbbvi. doubt hla The l STATES 'wr.ATHER BURKAIJ I.AII.V HI.I.I.KTIN. appointed and the school will be the flu (he A$ociU4 Pre all will 1q clear In a few dayu. every effort toward, paving the way for - i..t.il lj a. branch of the stale nnl. Trluirinii. April X A wrM of men- OF Juno reported lo 1' rank alterne h uBwtr.ai.ons ibs.b ai a p. os 7llh Moristau Tino,, April a. in,. aaat MIIRHFRFK Waa oatanajajwa asa dmedi isatgki t I. H onM M ,iaat dniuna. n.kinir tn aaemtAl tbe t r ...,.I tl... aarlll ,.,,1.M. on. pcrirttt Sre both Hecretary of ireanury Mi Adoo atut fm e- or r.i yaso a big aasats ihr fKt.riUO fur tin- pilrcnaM Hearing of extraordinary mo Temperatur- Wla.l ""'ion and to become WU or bill. the I X. a thriving tiompiroller of the Currency llama of truopaj new la el nest elnclty last 'JI Institution. organization are aud rrotul buia ual ty stale tlon for a trial for Frank Illgltest last Mint,, of per the committee exofflclo In (?olorndo aone, waa for day preceding thnt buuro vvhr.it ion For Dajii. the atrlke (runted Aurll 1. tha At 8 p. in. toilay. iiiirht. ..eotuon. IHre.-ticT- i li.uir. luchaa members of the commlsalon and hardly ovhlch I ... Members of tire Chamber of Com- In dlatrlct court late today agalnat Hoady on the execution la to take Allln 'Hi I'lonily NK IS 01 oiild be counted upon to reverte them- i :i merce became yeaterday Kenehan, atate auditor. Tbo petition waa place, waa auperlntendent Auhirlllo t tt llnJu Nsi II 14 interested In Inti- MARY PHAGAN frank l, . selves. The president given no Ml,,, .'i. I a suggestion made by Morning has preaentad by J. B. GHaban. rountjr ahtrtff, a yenctl factory. The Phagan glil o floor NW 13 wi the mation as to who the five members ll'iUc. I, lull, TO VI y, , i imea arrange other on bebalf of blmaelf and five utbera wbv waa found dead in n room In the plant llnuily ',, to a big celebration Iloslitn . .Hm i:iephant Butte will be. fnrnlabed boraea and auppllea ta tbe uni- April 23, 1911. Frank wna accuacd, tl XI iMear MV i: '.at dam. Robert Kraka "'lllcBgo .. :t'J .HI M I'liMi.ly H .oo In the senate today Senator Burton dis tary board. A arreatcd nnd convicted. ii in honor of the completion of IS KNOWN BIOYONO DOUBT, C ineianatt I ns ly N ii , approved of the Inclusion of Pittsburgh Irs 1.en ver n ri the Elephant Butte dam. t'OHDINC. TO WlaUIJAM BU1UNH, H Kobert the district or which Cleveland u the cen t" :l I'lear Hv '.04 Krakauer, president of the organtaa- - Ten cana ;iiWtj, 6 cenin, Frl (KE..T DflaOAVGO DICTECTIVB. .c.r.ilt K m no riondy n m - tar and that It would be linpoa Illllulli. Minn imII X III- of asserted day and Sat Bee Hive Grocery 'JO l lo.iily N V lo alt olio the Bible urdafr HI. I'AHll .. ..21 (If (nitration In to make finance turn westward from (Adv.) FURIOUS STORM S3 7.1 4A llaln . N tl ,lI Cithern modern th ... llalveslol. . . itii . opinion Pittsburgh to that city. Senator un. ... k 7.1 tst londy V, in oo malley, jind,, others are of Hsvre. Mont. 4 the pointed lo the fast that Omaha had been HAS INVESTIGATED CASE M loli.lv K 4 (Ml u 01 Hon't ne tickle you a laeksonrlllB . :m m eoniu nino oeieonmmi snotllri Hu- with -' I'leni 4 no un 'huh- in katisas ciiy dltrl(t Instead a si: be held to commemorate the com- - political Little Knrk ... ''ÍB M 13 jm of the Chicago district and said that trade SWEEPS EL PASO ... . A I. lloiidv n nuclei. H' 73 K A pletli of this great project which way. llnuily .00 did not flow that Among raulta, Bindll, Casilllo HAS M i I III I. MOW RVIDKNCK Nashville .. IK! I lenr NW will give renewed Ufe to the barren hu other Now (irleaus .. It 00 valley Defenders of the committee said Ihere wmtb chin whisker, and nylhlnf-yo- lay WHICH Wll.li INSDIll.: MDO M. n 74 mi rioudy m: 4 Vo lando of the Rki Grande and . . New York !.- . was no Jtistlfit-atio- for the charge that him la hereby enduricd 1'IIAXK M-.- TRIAL, UK - in i.l OK HAIL imi RUN TI'RBJN '- 4.1 m Ie,,r NW ad .00 make it one of the greateat agricul ftfluiit s1 Hi- M ,"i country. It was Influenced by any consideration STRMCTS toil A TINK IMIl riWIHI.IMI I'lear N v n 01 ture rest ins in the rliortill H Ml ikl W 4 110 other than the trend or trade and the bank TIIHIIKMM. H I'lear Laa Cruce to Colohrato. A Wise Woman Is one who will rtnpl.l t.Tty, . 30 MM N lug advantages or tho cities chosen. In M él I'l I.l). OA It Is a little rearly thla lime to never recommend a wanh woman or FRANK UNDER DEATH SENTENCE Hoswoll ... .. i" .".1 .k rion.lv NI-- ; no at 11 is referring lo the choice of Richmond. I.ot.1 I arrange a program drcsnmakcr to her friends. i ... ni. Uuai.po.tr a.i- II l lo loi.il.v NR 4 im but at the next llenellt From But Knit l.i,l... ( II v was said that although comment was rx 'K! .11 I. I'l . Hy. N II meeting of the Chamber of Commerce b.trbaa rllrrs Arr M'l.tri.lnn Hnlaril Nsn lip peeled because the fact city WMi-o- . 17 Alltnulri ) M NK .1 t.&i of that that opening; Tonight HiS Date or KxecnUnn Hoi for April l .i w - II llaln the matter will be discuaaed and some aaS J. limilrjl l sad Yards. Hsu r .H Oa is ine noma or Mr. wtuiams, the com- .st. II V But MoUuii New rki M I'lnuitv W II .01 plana will probably New .i.- UldK for Trial Will ,ii,Ci Ke t- roí tentative be out mittee was unanimous and Rlehmoud would - 40 i, mi: ao 00 Heard April 16. I lined. It has been auggested that s Seattle I I'l I'lonily N .1 have been named over Baltimore and Wash ,v nrer Ihe valley from ihr nono-tlin- '73 some prominent government officials TRAP SHOOTING JOMORROW. Washington Ml 41. I'leor NW II g Ington If he had not been a member. s terrine rain and hall llorm deliiaed he invited to attend. Las Crucea 1a Hu tht A$ocintni Pret vrieniu. sao. - I.l lo I loud y NK N Art Ho far no definite plans any kl Paaii far more than hour last Yams Ml a mammoth for right HeceMl Meellaa of the hholoun Arllsla to 1. of in 2 M I'lear hw 4 00 celebration to against Chicago, April The murderer and the and sidewalks Tor a opening the committee have been aired here e .Mary young aireéis lime r memórate ihe of the nam Is neia init fteaaon. Phagan. the Atlanta gin soon .ejcuibled - and there practically no way for such mill rares. nn ommitteea have been appointed a fight to Memberü of the I i'aao Oun rlub are for whoae death M. Frank li Luwerlng clouds hung heavy to outline the plana for event be undertaken except through aentenced to hang April 17, la now during Ihe the tite reserve board, it was auggested to looklnr rorward with great IniereHt to the Ism trtrrnoon and r. ti:ao a pall or dark clay pi if. un hoot on ihelr groundA In known beyond a doubt, according la night, however, that members of congress i Burna, detective, who lies desreaded on Ihe riiy. Lirhuun, mlghi Mundy Heights tomorrow morning. Thin William J. the rianluvd and Tor min- undertake to provide banks for their In Chicago completed hU lhander rolled fifteen by having will have been the nerond shoot this aeu arrived and utes herure IDs swept down districts the number of author report today, after an uxtenalve In- rainstorm in The Liver Aid Izad reserve cities Increased. ion, Ibe firat one liaving proven ho In lis fury. Th. heavens were illuminated as terejiiing and aureeaaful that mfnibera of vestigation. by or la the the lirhinin, for a moment and fne Times Map of Mexico the shotgun organuatluii to make Whether Frank another i.i His was hi ayer of the girl Burna would not darkness rtanse. To Blood Purity the aboots arrairo. Member 'aay. When .he mom. broke .he rain descended a well as their friends are c tended a klthough he strongly intimated In LOCAL DOCTORS AR new In the torren! and until arier 6 o'clock feu cordial invitation to try their lurk, shooting lie had found evidence people appeared on ihe afreet,. In many ability and nerves In breaking the little caae which would accure a flow trial man. place. It was Impossible to erosa the The Natural bin rocks aa Ihey go sailing iiirongh the for the condemned slroei, muí.,., n cor Stimulus Re "The of Mary Phagan waiflnt lo one'a Keaaers tir, released from a strong spring irap. murderer nines RUSHED TO TORREON get slioetopa. The witHi olnwins strons lour, quired Pur-g-at known to me and he cannot is Not die away," "1 will aay drenched rvrrythlmr. Burna aald. that. In i In my opinion, will not hang ihr Suburb,. ve Kind. Frank wm ,ii a few Complete map of the Republic of Mexico, Mining I .ngiiirtThiK. Reporta, Man- on April 17. 1 do not believe the minutes arier the rain printer srCllAL mus mil. SUKGBONS un raliln, arroyos runn.n, AND T MAIMED MUMgBg TO OAHJB agement; Etc. KcprcaventliiL Mía- court can Ignore the cvldenco ,be from on good paper, in folder form, from absolutely ompiulea. wo have the foothill aere fllMd lo merflowln, new FOB WOUNDED SOLDIERS. la and Milling gathered." and or Anticipate siretmt waier awirled and roamed plates and based on the latest surveys. Campblua A Avm Will Not Heport. 1o Ihe many new additions tb,l have been Oasteteeatasansel Aetkaritlas asara Ma Mill Iiuil. lila While Burna would not anticipate opened alou, iha tlops gr .Im mounialna. Effort ta Properly Cor fas Mas In- his report, hla lnveattfcatlona. he aald, i;llsrs were riosded in many placa, A map containing a world of which El Paao, Texao , .ml information jured ta Taro Weeks' JFlgattag. convinced him that Frank waa ot hi - hoc Instance, water reached Ihe first will aid the sort of a man capable of making; floors of several cotiasea. greatly those who are keeping up with the (on girl which-l- al- the attack the Deep trancha, sre rut through sandy war-strick- A aerial Irsln baarlag Dr. I. 1. Buss, preceded murder, military activities in the country. aerara! stker Kl Paso doctors and five leged to have the soil and yards ware lorn up In many aisle asrass will The detective eald hla .attention had placea. Mown bads and rqss bushes, were trslurd leave J asm early WATCH FOR ME to caae by tula morning uader to njaka all been firet called the a ruined and many- ware Iprb out by ihelr Get a map today at Times Branch No. 9, 105 orders young in waa possible speaS ta Torróos, morro toe su EVERYDAY tn from Atlanta who a root. Tbe hall did aom damage bul II ' on the gteamer Is Texas Street. Clip the coupon printed below pre- and aaraee allí assist la tao work paafsonger on whlcn not belle, ed the fruit trac, suffered lo and Moat Pflb An Biur Aw.,. Burna waa returning' from Kurope. sfiy Tim of caring for the wounded soldiers. The (real sent No. 9 Out-of-tow- n Through Burna newe-paper- a crin at Branch with ónjy 15 cents. lmporttvt aa It tat th bowels open. surgeons will have charge of such arajor aaaaaaaat him read in the Hailstones Kaiaafe Wladaws. ghoul km of concluded, a to rmitorMl that audi action oporatloos as asa oereasary, while the the trial and It was on ar the mo,i levare hail storms readers add 2 cents extra for. postage. Address Times not mmn th from the acoounta be aaw. that Frank the memory ur nM that tw auraea will direct the work of hos- in pioneer residents of 1 atlmuUtpd. ártica, B. H. ff. the mu r Branch No. SlreSt, bat two The of .amps hurrledes waa ffullty. he amid, while he the rity. Hall stones nearly as large as 9. 05' Texas El Paso.Texns. ta a aatural litar too hot not a bowel pital orgsolaed following Key Wee., the battle. waa In three clUaene tl mall marbles fell, breaking . number of rr It work la th llrrr cyj to oaalat bbbt At it uta asked him to undertake the ir ;h natural and aocaaury famotiba at Hooadod to Havo Ktr I'o.slbl. Aid. windows. .ararttag blo--d ; investigation. from tto VortatD fnttltu-.- I or coBBtllatlODSIIst ii ut ton It I. Mro The rain did . v.it'emouni of good, lo mío what aro toowl aavjaajfmllablo sparing neither aor Ham In Induced to Take Caaa. .ha faim.ng land, rilling ihe nall irriga . COUPON ... ,!), ft. Theae ara Into Dioucr their Burna refuaed on non - efforts to properly caro for tli. la. At first. aald. he ditches .nd r.servmrs ami furnishing in- ..mum to roartanlridlAtodpoftiaa turn urn were gufUv an or am1 bealtky mat-aj- In the great battle, only the around that if Frank .Mindant supply atar, Plowing This coupor witef presented fhe Times Branch Joivlhatf whlrh kt land sad these investigation could only at f df.trojred byVb tkaoue erase roaai non to too orrlous to permit hla hurt the lltne ir here and much of Ihe .alley has No. 9 15 ft of their resooral are allowed defendant. Frank' fMende declared beau rurrowed by the farmer. with en ts, entitles the bearer to one '.Times to rrusla- at Th prraeac of aabl'iod Wouhl aator- - Tórreos, he lesa he had not been given a fair trial The r.ln am general. Reports rrom the M -- KM : severrlr wounded- bring IViCJIJ t IT.CoaltaU. k r. aticirau a alazana h iirr. but thr. i. to and they7 believed he waa innocent, railroads ra to tb arrecí thai loe VI . M' W3íS, DroDertloa Isaeu Ciilhoanua. whare tho faclllllea norm iaal which I but If guilty they wanted indisputable sw spl over New Mexico. i,r.n lb llrcr, .(ill retain their Mr corlag for hoto aro atoro adequate, Asilóos and nljtlcrchlueawrrr to keep oa through tfnspltsl trains have been ap by evidence of Ale guilt. Western Tesgs. fitted the In- hliiod in ni 1 un ta alo battle with laapur ted t.'rooo corps and the weanaod are Burn then look the caae. Ilia wtorawar aaay vestigations showed, ObVaO asrw. lileo thry hare attld. fives overy rare ra route. A large num- he aald, that the f.n.nlnr Tmilrhl Kbouraattaaa. catarrh, anemia, moat akla ewrgeooe pa bile clamor following a "crime Co. NW Store and ber of and aarsoa uaa boon work-lo- lloli.hasnW Bids dineaaaa other rasulta of Impure blood. 10 wave" had resulted In the police mak- wm store fighting bogaa, sad their number lo bslag ing extraordinary efforts to adduca A nina (OM'f .lu ll o ...... la iDfl loereaaod ss rapidly, aa "evidence" to convict Again, i possible The aaeclel trsln thla Prank. tho smoke! usos his own matches. Address in the Btimakateaa of the tiaawa eel hi rarriod a largo quantity of medicalunk. ha said, reporta that Frank was a ihe healthy and sad man abnormal tudlrloua aelecrlon of surgical supplies, aa weU as food for the of eharact eristics had If a man haa no bad habits of hut if ir own aaaaattal Mrricaeat. olek. public opinion 'strongly agali)t own, hla wife . mi ran got . tn K Cut ambltloaa b. b. aay dnur atare. sosay His Investigations, he said, ui Inalat upon harta It. lojurrd ol Goato. I'olorlo. tu ,. -- vinced him then report were BOUS I , V- ,- .....a, - Take ao chance by pprmlttlna aoyone to A large boopltal has htrn astakllshod at that If Sh.au. rl aaa!. x, at not true. say you auianuair AIQ IT tM klAAd Goa.es Pelarlo, whare some of the stoat would ware Ignorant. rtWllI aa, saasu, lua I jm WOOU UMB tW ftgbflag pujeo No Myatery at AIL ,onsnlt aaMcfahwt. Ver took and it lo laato a addreaa T ft ft that tho American "There waa no mystery about It at Possibly man they ara aman- clflo Coaapany, 2t twlft Bids., doctors and Bursas will think -- Atlanta. Oa. probably. bo loco tod. all." he said. The tracks of the ar litan women because mors man MORAL USE TIMES WANT ADS murderer were clear and there la uo learn t" amoka.

' 'ft . EL PASO MORNING TIMES 1 Saturday. April 4. 1914. ber equal to 3t per cent of the vote 3C 3DC cant rnr tne leading eandiaate In me PREDICTS HAPPY sssswsasmBTMBBasavjiaig fKBTSsmrassaV' prevMing esttion, tne board 01 mis- - tees .hall Immediately rail an Her pon to determine whether or not ea loona ahall be permitted to operate tthln the corporate limits of the FUTURE FOR CHINA like a well. Yon town. If a majority of votes ara oast If Sealed in a Bottle it couldn't In favor of prohibition, the board of 9 CVE'S trualeea mu at at onre pass an ordi WORLD I Film I sbVENTlBTi MVS fall in but you've nance putting the will or the voters IT IS i OIATHY Mr.TI0Mn BY M0-r- In effeot. ISAIAH. be more Dust Proof, Dirt jest got t' climb out I fell in Villagr Board Hrfnaod to Act. The election wss called In due form MeaSrrfiil People la Nurlsers Perllsa sl love with VELVET and the result showed that 30 ballots Nsw Mea'aclle Wllk aleadle' Pkynlfus had been cast lie' favor of prohibition Are Nsver Sees is Asierlcs. Proof, Impurity and li against. Nine votes wars re first time I smoked fused by tas Judges of election. The Hff Timet iSpcUH Correspondent : returns wars duly certified to the Kmoc, Tx., April 3. prominent kmonr 1 it, an' I ain't never board of trustees, who. refused to pass itM deltlM iiendinf trte blennW Proof! HftB the ordinance. The "drya" ausd out of (be outhwttn Union oonrer wanted climb out. an alternative writ of mandamus re- enco of 8enih Dtr Adventistc. which bt- - f jtt&imr quiring the board to pass an ordinance fran hern la-- i night, and which U being or show cause why It should not do ailonded by rlervynten ami Bible tearher so. An answer was riled by the "wet rrom Toiaa, Oklahoma. Arkansas and1 New members of the board. ('. 6. Hoover, Maslco, U Paaior I. . Kvsna, the leader Frederick H. Pennington and Charlea or the Adventista In North America. Pastor Bourgeois, In which they alleged that Evana la preaident of the North American they could not legally pass ths ordi- Divlalon Conrarenre, and this It bis first VELVET, the Sm f&Xf&6vng Tobacco. nance beca uss of fraud In the elec rlait here in many yeri. tion prartloed by the election judges Masiy Yearn China. Full 2 i ,V L la V In refusing eight of the nine votes of He came to Keene Ibis momlnir from Qualified electors who desired to vote Loma Linda, (.al., on of the atrontrbolds against prohibition, snd receiving of iba denomination, whore ba presided three vote for prohibition cast by over the sprtnr council wblcb attracted unqualified electors. Thsy further the leading officials of Hie denominate t. ailraed that this fraud bad changed in thla continent. Intll the last general answer had been made by the board. the result of the election snd that the or wqrld's conference of the denomination. COURT DECIDES IN I he motion further untight a perim n certificate filed did not repressnt ths Paaior Evans was superintendent of the tory writ' of mandamua compelling true facts. AalMle Division or Adventicia with head ( no hoard to pas a prom hit Ion or Mu srrv t sar to hunmnr Court. quarters at Shenrhat, CtilM, for aaiaroi dinant-- for the reason that, even tf Attorneys John C. Watson and jrnra, and durum hta stay in that country FAVOR OF THE DRYS the answer on file could be treated Krrd Sherman represented the "drys be made a thorough study of the political, an an answsr by the board, ft ad- - and Attorneys R. P. Hamilton and moral and social conditions In that coun- milled all of the .material allegation Arthur A. Temke represented ths try. ex "wets." A number of supporters of OOIiVMBfJH of the writ and raised tío mum Predicts Happy Future. , ii.i. m.i BOARD id cept nuch aa wen- Immaterial In man both aldea were up from the border QCniKI) TO ilKMIN I damus proceedings. city to hear the arguments and the In an Interview hero today, Pastor Evans i'itoHihiliN(. l'ssHAVOOXH. spoke entertainingly or Chine. Although Decision Victory for Drya. case has aroused Interest in tns en tire of New Mexico. The opln be spoke or many or the barbarous cust- The motion waa auatalncd on both state oms still practiced In country and Import Up- Ion waa expressed that probably thi that Decision An Ant One ah arounHL It being held that the only numerous primitive methods sitll In use holding Validity of Ixsrml i n anwwer could be received would "wets" would appeal the case anfl let SEAL OF PURITY" Pa that supreme pasa on tne quea In connection with their occupations, yet earl last Year la New Mexico. he one emanating from the board of the court be declared that china was destined truataea of the village of Columbus lion. Cattle Bring Record Price. become one of the greatest natloos In the Ry Timr Special Corrf pendent in Us corporate oapaclty, end that In world. He emphaalxed the Idea that the mandamua proreedlngn allcfrattonn of A mtllo deal recently negotiated, nam Every- Doming. N. m April The fac-tio- n 2,000 world in now taking in China, and keeps out dampness wMer even the air. fraud In elections could not be heard, which Involved the tranafer of that it was a country Spoken of by the representing the Columbus the certificate of election constituting head, la reported by II. H. Kelly of bank, the Prophet Isaiah ac having people in It who thing undesirable is kept completely away from the "drya" won Friday In the district a prima facie right to the adoption the Demlng National with would be saved in (he kingdom of God court here when Judge Neblett sus- of a prohibition ordinance. Information that the animals brought, was Destined In Recome World Power. pure beneficial dainty inside. tained their motion that the answer Fraud In Kim Ion Alleged. aeveral dollars more a head than "The world today is looking lo china fresh of the "wets" be stricken from The caae grew out of a prohibition ever paid before In the Southwest. the was not with a peculiar interest," he said, "for ft I' for the reason that It did not election, held about two months ago Just how much, however, he onre becomes it will to of1 or when china sroused. So give constant and delicious aid purport to lie tho iniwcr the board In Columbus under the local option at liberty to say. The siock win be the strongest power tn the world. There alleging paased laid whipped for feeders aome time of trustees' of Columbus law, at the seaalon of the north ere ,but two nations In the world today your teeth, digestion, breath and fraud In the election, but merely of New Mexico legislature. This law In May. iiyati uroa.. j. c. as on Kerr. J. that have the saino amount of territory three members of the board, and provides that the presentation of Bdward Latham, James It bes. Of thase Russia Is the first and gum h - T. n. Templeton and other appetite with the with that, in it corporate capacity, no a petition, bearing signaturas in num- Barksdals, Ureal Britain the second. Russia Is the cattlemen were Interested In ths deal. stock and rreatest kingdom that ever existed in his Cattlemen report the tory. resources the "Seal of Purity." ranges of Grant and Luna counties In It has reserved its the year for best, and If time should so on Indefinite better condition this than Ty the world would have to reckon witb several years past. It docs not seem affected bor-d- Russia. that the tariff had the eight or J Common Sense Precaution counties as to price of beef on tho Willi million miles territory, Certainly with the Increasing with every natural resouive nature has hoof. provided to make a great, and every Protect your porch floors with Tuttle outside porch paint. cost of range atock, the price of meat nation will hold another tit thing that could be desired by any people, she has territory today that would easily $2.25 per gallon. tle aviation meet with tho prospect of breaking tho recoro. support hsir or the people or the world simuae But china comes next. England has i Files Suit for Divorce. great amount of territory, hut it la scat John H. Tllley, formerly of F.l Paso, tered tn Arrtra, In Kgypt. In India 'and Ir TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. through his attorney. J S aught, the Islands or the aea. Its main govern has brought suit In the dlatrlct court ment being on one or the latter. It has w. ...1ml Ida V. Tllley for divorce, to keep a tremendous navy to protect deaertloru It rrom hardships and the privatioiMt or .....rn.v lleneral K. W. Clsncy war. and I think thai no historian would ai.t. Coroorailon Commissioner say that Ureal Britain Is situated to main ... 11 William.. O. I.. Owen, M lalu iiseir. TABLE SUPPLIES FOR LESS ". '.i Htenosraubor Mlaa Minnie China Compart Nation. & mm p on their way l 'vsr Our Squad o( Hurry-U- WhMl Boy la Always Waiting to Rush Out Brumback are here ... "China's provinces He right up close to ii x jlx m were .n I" Silver City. They tasen other ami reason It Is i in; Your hi.no each for this in Urdir. 1.11 rtM . trln over the allc Bular I AA Stew M . Jv W. E. Holt of the local Secretary It is well able to protect Itsoir so far as F 20 Iba. SIsVV libs 25c Chamber ot Commerce 1 BY THE BOX 4, compactness is concerned. Huudan it fo We UsBHlraa Club Meeting. F Ion c.ar .JLjtiweraslMl...... !! IS Iba. ... in i n niri hi i.. The Chinese people nv' a very Inter for 85 cents at oaost iealers.eJkM M li... Shoulder Slesk ...... esting people," he continued. "The popu- ws as home of Miss Ksmer uoii. 7 25c 1 lbs DC were won by Mrs. lation or China is estimated between 35). wT boses day. Illley. Each box contains twenty 5 cent Toilet Paper Shoulder rtoast sss Sam WatklS. snd Miss Kitty 000,000 and iso,ooo.ooo. A census has never week at the It 25c 2 lbs. ZjC The olub will meet thla been taken. has been guesited at. Tor DRCKí They stay until used. rolla Sam Walklna. Ihere are so many of Ihem. m iges. fresh S Head Hound Steak home of Mrs. Hce Edward Reaener returned Thurs- I here is a diversity of appearance In 11-- 3 Iba 25c ib 20 c visit to HondsJs. the people or the or day from a hort vicinity north and the people Cracked Rice He reporta the crops In that lie south. The peopsn or Hie north are condition. "ire. some easily tipping the scales 6 lba h ..25c 25c In exoellent LecOmpte, al Any White Soap- F K. Burnside left for and " pounds. The women have Chew it after every meal Thursday morning where he will splendid physiques, and have never been or s' 25c 7. bars i 25c iuend a weeks visiting relatlvea. hat class which compress the reel and Gold Dust few Paso C W Moaa and wife of El are more delicate They have a peculiar yA Be SURE it's clean, purely w Large package 20c 20c ...... i from the Pasa city. manner of dressing the hair which lifts Mlas Veal Chops "BLTriJSh Worce.ter and hem up about five inches higher Hum they Look .luaephlns o, Msehan, two nursea d are. But in the south the women are very at Fort Bsysrd. returned from small. So are the men. These of the south jheaWfWRIGLEY'S. weanesuay . Black (English Break fait ), J,b. El Paao evr.i... ake pride in their small and delicate fea .. . Hnvurd. urea. The men take pride in their delicate Special Mixture, lb w .... a . li,., ir i.i. ho has been hands. However, ihey are the nmM frjjJ t li liilHl! TEAS Oreen (Qunpowdsr), Ib...... , 50c .1.7.;.,- - the Pacific cosst for tho gent class. suppose we nevfr - have seen in returned home Thurs- In America a chinaman who came from the haven't enough rice, tbey pour tn mora laugh at a man who groans over his pipe, Don't be afraid to aak queatlona or jw get water. have seen these poor people tako chlnsraep quit tobacco as easily as any- acknowledge Ignorance. Notice how .. . thn north. We the better class so far as McMICKLE'S GROCERY auto he intellect is concerned. The Cantonese weeds jrmd cook them, because they have thing. Here men baby themselves to death the Wlae and Qreat continue to add . i, li,., City qtHt "Jr.. between Silver come over to the l'nlted Stales, and the real no food at times, literally starving. You trying to tobacco, but ibe Chinamen to their library of reference books Son St. 6190-81- 91 Bl PaaO 11. 1 600 Antonio Phonos and Mogollón, came up front gu Into other routitrles. have beard stories about Chinese eating all quit have never seen a habit which on business for the klnda of animals. II la true, but the chl-- . the Chinaman could not quit. where he hua boen Rice Maple Kood Arllrle. And the man who never minces hia past wsek. In the houth rice raising is followed neae.. do., not., tike., the., eating., of urtem Martyrs For the Fallh. 11 worda ahould be slapped In the mouth on tiii- - ground Is also raised a rrou or some animals. ir we bed to oat rite1 And Is truly wonderrtil the experi Otll'C. some occasionally. beans, millet or wheal, china. raises the dog to live, we would eat the dog. The ences of these Chinamen tell. And oersons are hereby notified that or any same with rets. A Chinaman does eat any they go Jbrough persecution for their faith. All con most rice nation m the world, un After man fooled himself for the undersigneu. w havs bsan lesa It be India. thing. He eats a pig, a dog, a mouse, a too. "ne vi our i.nniian urriureu, wuo a has ouor Is now a preacher, was awhile, he la apt to he can ducting a wholes bustn The nread ol China Is sleamed. not rat, a oat. anything that is dead. And beaten to such an think nroa.. a fool everyone elae. undor the firm name' oldott baked, we would call li undone bread they have actually eaten each other. extern that his back was perreci jelly. ... the asms. He deny have s..ld their Taten ui or It we cniild make rood tmllelx Wc Occasionally Eat Their Wliea. refused to his faith until he was For the Sunday Dinner hereufrar be conducteo beaten into unconsciousness. But through The devtl la often condemned for will heve to actually peel the bread, we I which Liquor like Why. was told when was there that the organising hia forcee, but a. lot of under the name of"Ooldoft would peel a piece of fruit, on account efforts of our missionaries he revived, ,1'uti'i some of them have eaten their own wives ano ne is now engaged our Christian should follow putt Compsny, ine no. r the dust that accumulate on It. They actually in denomina to collsct all and children. hive noked Hon. i know of a case where one man cut corporation la authorised Snert Polalnr hr.v up. 1 seen thousands or car pay " them have his thumb oir.'and nearly bled to death. If you don't talk unless you have accounts, and will a.i "wsjti potatoes Is the cheapest 'food in casses or dogs and rata ou the streets; something to say, may Deli- March ID. ;hlna; so cheap thai the people wnen asaeo as to the motive, for his the convention Order Some of Our this dste. isn. will nol have seen whopping big cockroaches Hons he replied drag, but don't let that worry you. OUI.I,OFT set them on the ann I:, front of amata auger that ir Christ waa ee good QOLpOFT pickled In and sold as confectionary. as to glvn his Ufa him, MAURICE ror only the very poorest people eat Them for be wanted to Home-mad- Advornseiuent) (setting tira With Gods. snow ms appreciation of the sacrifice." Only a few church janltora know cious e Pies t The potatoes are baked In ovens on the 'The Chinese roo) their aAls all the time anything about ventilation. sirrei, and can be bought very cheaply, just like they- roo) a rurefgtier. I aaw a Headq so mai a man can uve on mem at a vorv god one time on the hill top in the uartera th a who like BOWLING SCORES. burn good eating, nl i. Fishing Isn't aa much aport as Binan run. muí he was enougn to Hotel Don They're even better than "mother used temáke." Your choice ing, shinmg neat Bernardo, Laa c, N. (Ad- - but It la more comfortable. club. Chlneae Love Learning. kill a man. I asked what that little gen It of Strawberry. Gooseberry. Pineappl Cranberry, Cactus .lina and Athletic "The Cblneae love learning. They have tleman was out there for, uh.' tbey said, leVlftnon. Cauuia League. proiouna respect ror it; ao much we are having a great drouth and we want Pumpkin, Peach, Apple. Mince, 15 Wals team that If they should see a piece of naner lo the temple to may ror rain; we told 1 1 :i o i . . . M 110 flying tn the street they would run their him that if he, did not us ram we 4(' J. Barsla 17 ftre toT ft. W. Fort us 1u 111 legs orr to art it. Not that they can read would take hint out in the sun and bake 111 Ihey PHONE 47. Coffee Cokes, Saturday Special, 10 Cents Each. H. Brisen III I7S fi... but want it to offer to the goda. They his pate.' And so they look him out in ... W. D. Strsttou. HI l!.3 111 iwiq ii trry caret uiiy, earry it in their the sun wTthout an umbrella or shade of 6S0 borne, and offer It aa a ,W. J- - Bryan... 141 Ill aacrtricw to their any kind aad intended to keep him there goos to I'tiy their laior. The have a urn until It rained. After It rained ihey would Total a ni mm found raspee i for any man win can read take him back lo the temple. Tbey fool Ibe White team There la not one woman in forty thousand spirits or. their wives and husbands when 11 11 1 who can read: and not mora than five per save aaanay. The Ed Schutg .... they bury them, ell to It is Saratov a Market 20- 1- ihu era The ian Bakery K. Hardlksr ... 161 1; fin auir reea or ni. supposed that the spirits need money; m 14T At AH Herd Workers. ver shoes axe what ihey offer lo the spirits. Jim Psul JJJ 117 WT 210 East Overland. Phone 310, C. F. Williams. . l The people of .luna are industrious each one worth about fifty two Mexican Sioii Whits ... Í 10 II 10 10 They are all bright. Everybody Is bright dollars. The spirits need money, so they aec China They have active minds and must be givon silver shoes. Hundreds of Tota i m are acitre pnyaicaiiy; Tbey work the Ion people make them out of tinsel and burn PACKERS AND DEALERS IN Points won. w.l. i: hteh sama. Bn eat anal hardest or any rare f have seen them at the gravee, and this is reckoned reía 27. high total, Hcnum ; avn.o i uven ror two ywara in a place where gs Just as good as real shoes. , Bsrsla, there was a rectory. 1 . .... chuta s.- While, Briash. , silk have heard the Make Real thrtatlaas. Brysn. whistle of that factory blow at 4 o'clock "But they are a nice claaa of penplc. I tn tne morning Holnies tesm jjj-- " M(. of MM dav in the aaata hare preached to them many times when Home-dresse- J. L. Andreas rr" i ! ueasjiu morning aijer morning mile tears would course down ihelr cheeks d Meats 11. iiB ISS lea ay gins veiling ano weeping, and their inoth When ihey accept Christ they are Carr WO made O. A. tiritchett. 1ÜJ 171 ers lashing them to make them wo to work hew ere at urea In Christ Jesus. They have $95.00 iss 111 VTI kl i nave seen mere driven In snow a God H.. Wood IIC tho of luve for and sacred thiogs. When I J. A weabar.. 11 U4 tne streets to work from ely morn In ihey lake bold of the word of Uod they until i o dock at night. 1 have 1ITI seen little believe It. To them u la a precious food. Hams and Bacd. Poultry, Game. New York City nd Return j Totals. Aim III 114 lit gins suiing in the shoos wurhlnr thu They will read li, weep over It, prey over Fih and stop-over- fingers in water that nearly Darbnll mam On aale dally. Limited months s allowed at pleasure. Tuttl team T1 it end try to understand u and talk about . . . 311 171 They do we can give you your choice of routes. a. Clark this with but three breaks in the It, When, they get down on their knees A. W. Howck. . , Ml 171 I ey or out hour each. Thev hav tbey will pray to God to a living being Via 111 4 is a. C. Abbott. . . 173 no Sabbatha: they work every day In tan) in earth. And they get answers to prayer v L. ÍIIH lf Ill week, ún the last day or the month they way beyond us. They have bad miracles Office and Salesroom 303 E Overland St. TMT M 411 I aJ . U u Hail ..... Ill nam one ni nay noiiaey. end that Is performed among them because of Ihelr in the rent they have The whole kingdom simple rattb. I have known of answers to 107 3171 I We retail meat at wholesale price and deliver Texas ic Tot. la Ill Itl works. wish you could see how they prayer way beyond ns- it ajlVFacif D.i.i. ann. Holmaa I. Tuttie Miracles Ural SIS t skaown. Market Open Until 9 P. M. hlah same. Clark and Houck l abor Ear THftfSM Wasnae. Tbey have had answers to Mayer where high total. Clark 71. "Tlyay labor for mere nothing Some men une nave peen tat seo as rrom tne oeati but four renta a day. The women get i a case sVaodara sanl-.da- y have aeeii where the coffin has J ry LuosiSi-sjrrtct- ly a wage oT Olnlag-ot- r ITsssaals about one hair r what the men been bought, and all irepaatluns made for opened ARlooly. gat, ami the ne fcrvicc. lsr illdrett Utlrd Bread and the funeral, and where prayer has been of assfTifafBAssTaTatassl HHK flour are about .the same in price as Ihey fered and the subject restore AU Meats Inspected by the City Health Officer. ate star, and you cen imagine how these mends. 1 know or these instances. I tune sutos, caret jl davera Phone people of China live. The greet maae of seen aten who Have used opium for Jorty (.Advertisement.) tnem ao not nse enough to wet if they years give u up m one Saturday. April 4. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Gén. Carranza May Start a Thoroughbred In the Races at Juarez that Old Rosebud and Ralph. Derby Nashville 4 I 1 REBELS INTERESTED candidate, have shown sensational Batterlea .eider. Coombs and 'ar- aped in their tríala at Churchy! MWtMHG tigan; Rogara. Snyder and Smith. Downs, alan B. II. Ilrn.il ley thre TIES F0RH CHART stales entries, Illack Tony. Boots and Atlanta S INCOMING MEETING Saddles and Bradley's Cholo. Br the A scl l t Prtee Little Nephew, a half brother to the -- JAMESTOWN RLSULJS- - Atlanta, Gs.. April 9. The Boston great Old Rosebud, a prominent Derby Nationals and the Atlanta Southern KARIi M'QIIAIDR WIU, BE AT THE candidate, slipped on the loe during; JAMKSTOWTt, va.. April I. weather cloudy. Track rait. Association club played a IK the winter and It la behoved ha tie here today, game ending OOTJR8K 'I'll MORNING TO thrt FIRST RACE Four furlong. the i to I TAKE ENTRIES. has bean ruined for life, Mr. Qoldblatt 3 because of darkness. RACING states. I.ivlngaton of - The trainer la ; Score- R. H. S the opinion hat Bd Howard will de- Wt,8i. v. Str. Fin. Jockag. m. ta. ad. Boston I 9 1 Kxpected TbaF an Unusually liarle velop Into the greatest In Commonada Ill - Nirol 4 I l Atlanta, '. i 0 Nnmhor Win Ho st the the east during the summer. DRnyal Blue Ill Mr largan l- out out Batterta Tyler and Hermann; Brrcsjr Goaaip nessifl ji .... 4 Davis I l '.'.- of Turf. t-- Reynolds. category ...IN a ft Waldron io i a Perrlman and Jockey Neylon, who ha signed a "rlr Helen Ambrose is a a So Interested haa General Carrañas, contract to ride for Jefferson Living- 'roily Flinders Fairbrother Fort Worth, 9; Chicago, . JUAREZ 1 Hull-ti- ft ., Sklrvln IS first chief of the constitutionalist array, ston, la resting up at Cincinnati. He By f Ae l i" ' Prrta In expects Alinea Leslie 100 (pulled up) Murphy 15 become the meeting to be staged at writes that he to start riding Whitney Entry. Fort Wotih, Texaa.swAnrll 3. Two tile Jockey Club Juareg ra courso Just as aeon as the Kentucky tracks trlplea and a double l!V Harry Lord Sunday afternoon for the boneflt of open. start good, won driving. Time :4. .to category mill when she seemingly gave the Chicago Americana an. early me widows and orphans of the heroes waa w inning, commnnada bothered but closed gamely. lead against Fort Wortl today, the were me- in SUNDAY, APRIL 5 who slain, during the now Indies who are Interested run SECOND RACE Six furlong. White Sox winning, to morial tattle of Torreón, that ha an- ning races are spending their after The score R. H. N. noons st Exchange. ' nounced hla Intention yesterday of the Juarex Turf Horse. m t. Sir. Fin. Jockey. 1st. id. Sri. Chicago I,.-- t purchasing thoroughbred enter- Roy Offutt, the proprietor, haa in 11 4 a and se.cioih ....im i P ni ScTaggarT" TTo"oüT'óVl Fort Worth ing It in one of the six carded events. stalled comfortable chairs for the l.asalnrella ...106 a ft Alley to a Batteries Johnson arM achala General Carranza and staff wositively be there. Genera i Ccrranxa haa been negotiating ladlea near the telegraph operator, so The rarson ....109 II ' 4 :u Murphy Veaey and Jordan. r, r. for several days for a thoroughbred' that they can hear distinctly tha de- J Diamond Cluster . ....tlo a i a Callahan 3 Six high-clas- s running First riding horse. Yesterday he stated that scriptive call of tha roan at the wire. Ilopsack ....na 7 ii ( I'lekens in a events. race at 2:30 Angle ft. .110 a a Ranilnlpb a IllfilauapnH, I ; Chicago. 2 he would In all probabilities buy a Yesterday there were more than . -- a Ity ,4 f sweet Times J J" 5 km in til the secta ru freaa P. M. Eight-minut- e horse today and run It Sunday In the dosen ladles at the exohgjigo Id hear III 10 a a car service. Hoi ....Utt -- 7' Dana .ii IniliHuapolla, Ind., April 3. The Mexican colora of green, whlto and ui" rnnniiiK "I tna Jamestown races. Princess Begs . nor-a- r , ... .Mrol an a a waa unusually Chicago Natlonala overcame a 1 to red. There also an large Moorewcmn ulled up) Booker m j In eighth Inning tmlny The veteran chieftain, his staff and throng of men at the room. lead the and the officials of Juares are so elated Start atKid, won galloping. Time 'i t r,. in 1:17 seralched, Spltflrr, defeat. .1 tha local aaaoclatlon team. 2 over Tomorrow, only. Campa. Uallop for winner. Parson away IO I. the brilliant victory 'of General matinee and night. ecor 11. Villa Crawford Albert Taylor in The H. E. that they are preparing to make theater. "THIRD RACE-- SU furlongs. Chicago 5 0 NKKD (.MIMSES? ARK c. Sunday a gala day with celebration Lend Me Your Baby." (Adv.) 15 2 si 'a llidlnnapolis 1 K 1 MOVE!) TO m$ A s STRKET. Dr. Che Hok at thti. .litaros course. Hundreds of H(,r Wl -- '., Sir. In. JoiTTv. 1,1 and Archer; (AWvortlirnitnt.) 131 Beat autos, drivers, phone L"!Í'J rJalterie rierce ptomlnont Mexicans In Paso. careful Tl CH1NKSB and 610. a Mungulile ..'...ili 4 T' 5s l.lniliiy 55 5 Schurdt and Livingstone. Junrez will (Advertisement.) I be at the race course to asilas cramp Jv,..itav 1' i' Davia i ont out ml Ii m' nt HrtarnHI. rilYSICIAH to A. 10f 8 ao 10 4 ftreet their chief and witness the Mark Mayer A.tio 4' 4 Nleol I.nill-lill- By the A&0 ÍUtcé MeafsrrowN I; n. n 111, Prtwt Corva Ithtnimatlnni. races. An unusually large crowd of rvraiKs. I Coming Cpon Ills I 1" a '4' Johnson IS 5 8 Rlooal FIRST HACE Selling, furlongs. an 4 Sy Tcrrr tlailU. Ind., April ii. -- Mnyor lion lolnrn tnl Americans, lovers of thoroughbred sit The Turkees J.II0 ' S S" Nlrklans lo the Prcai ail lntornul and Athene loo 1'lnilee 1051 S 4 I ...... 1 "1 ,. Itohrtla, on on r at- at- .... Miss Eleanor Líos a1 7 a1 McTaggart 8 11 kv At.rll - n.. trliil rimrn"- racing, are also expected to be in 7 I. May I0OI I 1 5 I Ulicniri. Oener'l Villa IOi Vellchen a 4" Murphy t bAtaklng the third game front Loula- - tempt tn rirrtiM rtorHom,, un ftrn t hin "In! Irfnttiiftitn tendance. It la confidently expected 7 a1 i a 1 Slar and Or too) Tie Pin 10a 3 Benedictina II S O'Beri villo today, mndo count for the nainot'tateai Horr Inillrtrd hy tho (trnml Jury at Mt.il- that all former records for attendance .100 a a Callahan an a the i. i.i iv 7 Miss llssy. loni 7)rolderol .. .lit Edna l.lska Seriea two lo one In favor mi clAirucri of rofltipirlnil lo lilre ut the course will be IIACE-Ilur- 100 7 71 (pulled up) Booker SO 10 .4 of the . Juares broken. SKCtiltn dle. uno ami f creat Surprise poraonn to vtito iiiorn than oiu-o- Many.Horaea American Association team. Consultation F r . Enter. miles. : bad. won driving. Time :ta :4a. 1:17 I S. Too far for Orump. Mayer The score K. I. B. OffU-a- This morning Earl McQuaide, the 1S4 sun Red Oak .. Sanctlm . .. 1M gP. ' Cincinnati 6 speed secretary of the promoters of Bronte . .. 1M NsL IM gagdjjg . toa Han Antonio ñt. orderly Louisville 1 o 1 the meeting will be at the 1M TUrT TTrr and i.rv Tuir rurlaiir ('i. i.. 'in Tnrji.Cit ... r Idle Michael l8 jFi'ir'HTTI Ilatteries Benton, Ames Mill track to accept entries for the TH1HD HACE selling. and one-ha- Fire ii nd five carded events. All horsemen who furlona-- . clnrk: loudcrmilk. Wooilburn H. , Horse. Wt. St. i 81 Fin. Jockey 1st. Sil Severold. MOHRy contemplate entering their horses a Billy Stuart M Molunt .. 90 NfW M. I, .. I'u-- t. - ( i colors 0 9 1 Murphv out Hilt Cut Rate Hardware t litre should be on the grounds to make Behest . M Amoral M it tin 9 I a' a" t Wahlrun H" ml Irfl to The l imn i Callara viol PAOIIO COAST LEAGUE Glass. their nominations. No entries will be Hugh Orsy. Incision . " Elsie (ireen . a e 11 Honkor S 9 Paint and WaaDlnffton, April New Moilt'O ii taken noon Jockeys Berkeley .. Dili 0 B 100 : 103 4 4 4 f4 McTaggart s a after the hour. Misterton Flalbush . sot Soui ii El Paso st. ri appolntad today warn: Thoma N. . . lov s 4 e out . who desire to make mounta for Sunday Elsewhere Iiouble Five 100 Pemuias si Haitian At Run Franclico Ii. H. K Itdcn. llut-ol- l: NuJih lU'linrnaH, Houilili. ( 1 5' 0s JMclnlyre a s should also be at the track. , 9)capl Elliott. to; Skeeis J Mordaral lol 5' Venire 0 4 ! IIK (refused to break) Randolph I haces have been made by Mr. Mc 0 Ethelburg II m II Rye Straw.. Big Lllmax 8a n Km nctaco 4 h 2 Quads that will make practically every oirteducllon . l s. nnttrrlt'H - Hltt, llaiknrHH and start good, won easily. Time lit, Seralched, Uncle Ed, - liorso tihw in training; at the Juares FOURTH RAfiB- -4 Handicap. One mile. Colors and Gastara outrlasscd others. Elliott; PtrnOll and- Schmidt. colime eligible to fnce the' barrier. A Progressive t00 Brynllniab. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY handicap In Counterpart Oklnniundy At Anfft'len . R. which suetl fast sprinters tt( 17 FIFTH RACE Six furlongs. Ib It. as Lady Hey-woo- d, t'.ooil Day .. 101 Carlton w Oakland .1 4 ranchita. Seneca, Lofty - Curlicue, Cantem i Roy- Meteor I05 Lou Aiiicli-- ' 2 4 S and other faat Va Fin. Jockey. . 1st. ad. 3d. AND ones are eligible to start, may be FIFTH RACE Selling. Handicap, six fur Horse. w)jp sir. Raltrrlfn rinmey and Mtz: ivr- - ACCESSORIES carded. 'This would no doubt add much longs. Stucco Tl Í Tl Carler 10 S r It t and Mules. Interest to the program. Kmer'd Oem M The Rump Corncrarker I' rl Pulley 30 10 4 Turf Note. Ir Gentleman Oil Coreopsis Free Trade ,'..!!!!ioa i :.' 1' si Nathan 1 t At Surrar.. nlo i: 106 4 . . ,107 10 S' 4' Waldron 4 Mono n W Wsridet. Boy'l Meteor tug Belfast Portland . .6 Goldblutt, tha 110 8 4 s MeTgggart ñ a t WESTERN MOTOR 11 rarlnr Boy 1H Garth ii 8a(jramn(o . . trainer for the Jefferson lavingston Brynavla . .100 5 9 el ' Fairbrother 13 S 9 fiskS-- SIXTH RACE Selling. Mile and twenty - Pr tires 1110 I Batterlrn Brown and 400 stable, writes from Louisville to the yarns i f walar l.ad 0 8' 7' Murphy s,"' . 4 4 ao to 4 Arellaneti and Hohrer. effect that the Mugene Wlr.id special Malatine . l0 7' ! Plrkett SUPPLY 52s" arrived without accident and alt tha innocence 91" Robby capk. 107 WOOdSM .100 7 o o Callahan 80 a a CWttMH horses were unloaded in good condi- uuis Around P5 5 MTiniinasa . 107 Joaquin 11S (pulled upf O'Bert , so It 4 Wratpn ulryTineh atriclly aani- - in Hancock v Jud'tv Monfk to- - ary; 0 tion. Not a single horse became flick fair, won driving. Time :84 :4B 1:17 Trade best, off puorly. obned toduoVK 8an Antonio. a Ella Orne..'103 Outlan 10 Start -(- WRITE TOR on the . t ' i Advi CATALOGUE Mr. Goldblatt states la hla letter My Fallow I0 S Camel 113 18 SIXTH HACE Mile and seventy yards. - Tanunds ... 1071 l.etourno .... 11 SEVENTH RACE Selling. Mile and sev- - enly yards. ' Horse. Wt. St. H Sir. Fin. Jockey. 1st. fit. 3d. - 10 Polly II .... l Napier - Sonny Boy 96 3 3- 14. 1" Murphy out out Independent a Assay Office tot a .. . l S" 4 - "Doran .... 4 a L Alglon Peacock V Callalian is SSTASUaMSD .... in "" 4 ' Ü a a McTaggart a a a D. w. KsoaaasT,1.K.W .. Pioprlssoi, 5 Armor t04 e utrrard a ... 7- - s StefcW.Mufc. Spellbound IM) arRKi ipulleil a s tallloefrMWort Hun Mitt up) lickena io aiiW.TJtfcUSW Jim Call rey (fell) Nleklaus Weston's Dairy strictly ani- SPALDING 1:17 Pace too L OOo ssaljsbacalorri tary; opened san Antonio. start bad, won drlvlua. Tims its. Mi:':.. It is tJ.lM Assess. Oil II ltV zf fait for Carbureter. Boy best ridden II MiO.TIIM. Hav. MEXICANS TIRE OF A Diamond Hero HOW THE BIG BOYS Chas. R. & Co. BASE BALL INSVi t07 MII.I.M ST. phoxi aaa. THE GUARDHOUSE WORKED IN PRACTICE

MAXIMO STILIX) AND OKN-ERA- li NEW YORK YANKKKH HIT Assayer and Chemist V'K7, SAI.A7. Alt II At K IS Mil lit M UI HI AND WMXOP BARBEO W1BK ENCXOSVRK. BROOKLYN DO DOERS. GOODS Deckle to Risk Chance of Assassina- Texas Leaguers Again Kutfer Defeat Hfprcaentatl o"slftper. to tla tion In to Enjoy El SmSlter. Order SnnUTlit at Hands of John Met .raw and His Mo Captive Bulidlnc School Honse. (ilant Creti . IM Saa aTrauaelsoo St.. n Pass, taaaasa WW" Officially recognized wherever the game is played and r. o. Bos m Maximo Castillo and General Joae Brooklyn 1: New York t. Ynca Salaaar, the famous Mexican By the AeeQclatrd f'rete officially adopted by the National League. leaders, who are prisoners Brooklyn, April 8. The New VorU st Fort quality is vouched for by the millions of athletes Bliss were yesterday transferred, at Americans evened up the exhibition The to- OPEN ALL NIGHT their request, from the Fort Bllas series with the Brooklyn Nationals (jare using nothing but Spalding-mad- e goods. aYaarttaes rulad asd guard house to the special wire day by winning the second game, 0 HP3 stockade built especially for them. to 1. Brooklyn's run waa madu off Have you fully outfitted yourself jmtMiiri orne in and see the most complete line in town. Kail Ordars Filiad They became tired of the confinement Caldwell through un error by Hart-sel- l. 11. IS. CORK CENTER BALL PROTECTORS E. RYAN & CO. of ih,. guard house in which soldier Score K. ft kfsf&S BOPY A 'a. offenders are held. New York ....S00 200 010 0 8 2 MITS 9rES MASKS DroftrJuata, will Be Closety Watched. Brooklyn 01 000 000 1 t 0 GLOVES SWEATERS Both of the Mexican leaders ware Batterlea Caldwell, Cole and ' placed in the guard houae by Ueneral Sweeney; Brown. Pfeffcr and Placher. Scott aa their own request aa they We also carry a full line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. feared that enemies would attempt to. - Ilrauinunt 1 New York . The most complete line of baseball goods in the world is shown in the new Spalding Cata- YE them. The men will be' If y closely tk .laoosfci( Pre logue. Come in and get one. aloe $1.0 guarded in order tb prevent April a. to out win sell air any attempt to rescue them. Beaumont, Tex., The New per month. I Captlrea Celébrale Aniliersary. York Nationals won from the Beau- Soma New. Some III Hand. Thursday, the prisoners at the In- mont Texas league team, 6 to 1, to 1.1. IS BROS. PRINTING CO. ternment camp celebrated the anni- day. Score II. II. B. versary, of the capture of Puebla by Now York 10 1 Porfirio Días. An arch waa built In Beaumont 1 ft i W. G. WALZ COMPANY Avenida Huerta of the prison camp, Batterlea Schupp and Meyers; which waa decorated with the tri Taff and Bobo. G. & Custom Assay Oftlce color of Mxico and to which waa at- Southwestern Distributors for A. Spalding Bros. tached an Immense picture of Porfirio CKITCHKTT M I KltAlSON, Speeches ware by Nashville a; Boston 7. IHa. mads fill fa i . .... in r i .I J'rr Asaayers. Chmlsta Matfllluraista. a parade of some of tha troops Bos- 103 South El Paso Hepraaentatlvea tor Ore vBhlppera through the camp waa held and a Nashville, Tonn., April 4. The Street 310 San Francisco bt, band concert concluded the program. ton Amerlcsn league team defeated KI Haao, Temaa. 1 To Hare School House. tha Nashville Southern Association The prisoners ara engaged In mak- Miller Hugglus. the I'ardltml' pilot. club today. Score It. H. B. ing adoba brick from which they In- can consider hlmaelf furiunate It ho Boston 7 a 1 tend to erect a school house within all the other managers that the camp limits. A school waa recent- would Ilk to trade him out of Hallas. ly established at tha camp for tha Of all the St. Ivoul players he Is tha children of the inmate. most In demand. 'Slim" was the hardest worked tall-end- er Golden BAN ON TALK. pitcher for tha last year. State Limited H started In fifty games and finished booklet iwMM mm Negro W oman Fitted aad Forbidden well up In the percentages, too. The SlackGol mM Dusky Neighbor. notion prevails pretty generally to Converse With The Only First-Cla- ss RISTORATIVL.RLMLDT CCLBox Beaala Moors, a negreas, ras fined MT league circles that Bailee would Strictly Limited Train to xaia: leading S snd costa by Justice of the Peace be the aouthpaw Njlth a CABABCT OCT LUrN-- ffeHiM T Hnmiiv arrldav m ominar. strong team to give him a little en The judge told her that It h ever couragement. again heard of her talking to HatUa Eastern and California Points STUDY SHORTHAND Khmer, anoiner negree, no wumw Knars Is Exonerated, MSVICX3 Competent sxanosraphaaaa ara la have her arrealed and charged with fiy the Aueeialrd ITeu constant demand. Leas m Oram Akrturhln tha no ore. It was said the Atlanta. Oa.. Abril a. John Eggcrs ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO PRINCIPAL EASTERN System aimplwit, woman had a fight ovar soma oí new i org. a bantamweight uoxor, il.l5Qt. chickens. waa exonerated by Judge Bruyle to- AND CALIFORNIA RESORTS day of responilbllity fot the death Walking Jinuu llr.n. Iwhn K... n. ..,,-- . . Hy the AaseeiBfas eras at the end of a d eon-te- st Si. Jot. ii.. X. F. April a. A toe knar with Eggers Tuesday night and west by tealgbt without word front the who died today. Physicians testified Long Limits Stopovers eating steamer fiootbern Crow leer grew that pneumonia caused the death of rm Vmlmm CSMadsis ÍT tbat her erew of ) aaa bad been sdded grant antralPARTS THE II STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ALL OF WORLD to tb tall of Tuvad'a blleaard. In wklck aaUpB (Isjey s errnlDf the saes of tb saassr Xmfouadlsed lost their Uvea Tb Dumber of (a Mswfousd-land'- a Far Fares, Pullman) Reservations, Schedules,or Any Other Information, Ask dead Wa placed at 77 lat today. HU ong t.ood ang I with tb farther possibility that steer I of Hit II IU WAf fllty Tlckat Office ii i. Mrati:;oit, Geo. D. Kendall the 113 who wr reaeued woald Buceaaib HQ ara Bag daaclag. H Ornsral Agent, itulil III s ltNNI H III II IUNO Oily raasenitr Ant to the fort x B-kt- y El Paso, ,7 KI Paso. Texas Make Classes IUTt V9ua All effort of the j eight hour' to et. Taaas Phones bUaera FatL BAGGAGE CHECKED FROM HOTELS AMD RESIDENCES ton MESA Avac Bssg autos. drtvira Phons tit (Adv. EL PASO MORNING TIMES jatURJay, TKlt New Arizona Railroad. Untied Matas, and it Is pesad Ma tbat the naw disease No. Heard on the City Streets. would be equally as destructive if It became "Mitchell Palmer 2." Tba promised oarty now esteb. says C. our sotrustee t tan art Matted la tab) couatrr. By SAVi. TART). res. It ts tro;' tt Troat. "that firm Published by ona for new building KTary Dar li iba last railroad from Tucson ta Phooalx, aad thenars to On ra a san, per pa reason, why Pennsyl- has besn emnlnved as srchllecis the I. COMPANY . ha tha chief bank. We PARO T1MR tba Paotflo ooaat. which la forecast fa tba chartar haa not played grant part In to b put up by tha Commercial National Arrangements have Just boat) gala vania the th national plans aad will have them ta tSe PostcTflce at Rl Paso. aa fJL mads far tba legislature art at work now on th Tan for by Jtmee Douglas and aeboclatee Is Mill taken by soma atetas, notably Kentucky, on of forty million fast of timber on the Toagaaa na- Ohio, ready in 10 days, so that work nan begin the build keepln tba majority of tba Arlaona naw. papar, guess Mesas iihuasalla aad other; that could bo named sty to prepare plana PUBLICATION OP PI CM: tional forest Alaska. This Is In In many Pennsylvania they Ins at ones, Instructions are frr wrmmmm Ins, and as a thing disposed la forest eat up by bays that parts of rural have tho aama to tba con gis Tima rihi.mno Riza south uuwii añera! thay ara not to had a custom called "rotation." fixing It so that, a building and to submit and tálate, soma of which iva aa opportunity for 1 Know anout ma sue Addresa all coajmunlcsUona to accept tba atatement made by Mr. I "nuglss to tba however rapabla representative, ho must gdv way tractors for blda That is all THE MORN I NO TIM BH, EL PARO. TMXAB. taking the timber from tba mill to decks of the except Hudspeth of effect that It Is not an El Paso and Southwestern tba to another at the and of his first or second term and of the building that President the g at earners The Tongaaa forest at now bank told mo the company would erect a In commenting on tba naw Tidewater rosa, that other chosen by a Junta of the dominant party going to Its lumbar product being used largely of that district. steel and brlcxi structure. There la ba a tba Phoenix Qasette saya: Croat deal of building In El Paso flint year. We have In local Industries, much golnej Inte boxes for canned Thaddeus Stevens waa a. notable exception to this can FORMON AllVKHTInlNO RXpBRaRRTATlTRC "The Imarasaion that tba Tidewater railroad will it more work In our office than we handle and had , ttoa. rule aad doea not seem to have obtained In either sw York. R C. Ueckwltk special Agar..-,- Tribuna llulldlng eventually become of hie Kelly. to brine back hero Mr. Foster, one of our draughts Chicago... a, C. Beckwlth Special Agency, Trlbaee Bulldlag a part of tba Rock latead aystem the ottloa of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. today wont M. Bid Kendall, O'Nell, Bingham on toon, who had left. He arrived and rleht Louis. C C IpL Agtncy, ltd Rati Balk will not down. The fact tbat Mr. Douglas ta one of all had their many building Travail Acanta-- Latter iiemird. Charles v. Ohent. Belgium, furnishes practically all of the seals In congress, all died with harness on, and the to work. We have rush order for Ceo. Village., C. c Hauler Mir. the prima movers In tka enterprise aires this Imprea-alon- plans and I suppose ail of th architect In the city are Mai-to- advantage Philadelphia reaped experience Aatborlaad Colkrctore O. Miller, OUki potted specimena of ths symmetrical Araucaria. from this I 01 Markka He has denied that the El Paso aad South west- in Incalculable. Payne repreeented busy, tbos clearly indicating that El Paso to have a W. r. In video. Norfolk Island pins, used aa aa ornamental foliage and Dalteil so year." ern nan anything to do with It, but bis oonnsotton with Pittsburc, but in the deluge the latter waa eneulfed great building campaign this BUUkCKIiTION BATÍ, house plant. In Europe and America. The United I tu Mkll la Adrascal the Phelps-Dodg- e Interests which are now la control and now In private Ufe. Dally and Sunday, una year , Matas Importe at least 1 60.000 of these planta In I 4) D. R Unaerrwald, the leading merchant of Albn UsUy of that system aa wsll as ths Rook Island seem to con- a and Hunda?, ala mutotka querqus, N. M , owner cruxin or or pots each year, " In 101 Mitchell Palmar, then thirty-si- x years of and of in rnmm (Mlljr and Hunda, tbraa montos firm the Impression that eventually It will also became Is In Paat on bualnaaa and Daily and KuitUay. od month ace, was a leader of the bar of northeast Pennsylvania, clear atore In this city, El rka Sunday ana year the owner of the new road wbsn built. The News aid yesterday: "I have four clear stores In El Paso liiaes. Dr. A. Cook la still lecturing on North and decided to enter public Ufe. There was but one (B Carrlar) Letter, a publication Fraud ths way to get and am her looking after them. MY. Klnsetla It co Oallr and Rundnr. one month , r devoted to stocks, markets rod for him into politics and that was to smash Pola, principally to anal) country audiences, and the tha tradition of scores year iné .to civs mo a new Building at ioi Baa Antonio papar regularly ara finances, published In New York has ths following of thin "rotation" that my Robacnbara who fall u receive tbalr mora ha tells th falsehood embodied In his alleged had dwarfed his district to mere stump of a con- street. El Paso I a mighty good town and atoras raques. ad u n in tba bualnaaa office to tbat enact, to say of ths nsw road, under the caption. "Rock a Albuquerque la also a good arte poatofflc addrass la full. Including- county and discovery, tba mors firmly convinced he becomes that stituency. Ho would no longer be bound by a barren here are doing well. nata HemH dj monar nreer. draft ar lattaa. Island": ldealty and a vicious practice than Sampson would town and is growing steadily. Albuquerque youne " he la speaking the gospel truth. girls. Must Tslepsos kuou. Private braacb axaaaac enaaacu all 'Mr. Douglas claims that this la a private propo- bs thralled by the withes, and eo ha broke them Ha man are strong for HI Paso I married aapartmanta. one rarer wblch arnplora or whet depart-tnan- t Schutx of olty two more of our youne busi- .all sition, which Is an Intimation It Is not Phelps-Dodg- , entered the contest for the Democratic nomination for this and run wlik and connection aeJH bs made. After 10 p. ra. that a The February report of the El Paso Electric com brides congress In tho Twenty-sixt- h in 110!, pro- ness men came to El Paso and cot from the aad on Sunday and bolldara tba following departraanta will or an El Paso and Southwestern railroad pany district Aarer-llaln- Is as follows: dross earnings 111,044, changes claiming congressmtn same family." nawrr direct 004". Manager; Ooou, Editorial; 6vI, proposition, that tha office of representing N but Douglas' íuri circularlos. relationship Is so cloas tbat Increase tlt.ltt; net earnings Ml.tt. changes In that' constituency was no longer the personal perqui- a a a If tba earner lalla to dallTOr tka aaa'1róaTpDr7uoBrr It la difficult to de. ida that ths future of the new road crease 11,70; surplus after charcas 117,111. changes site of some bosses who, for so lone, had regulated "I was on a Sunset Heights car thin morning." aa orer anr of tka above Ulepfcoaea tha Nay, aaw little boy knocked down would not be a extension of the Increase, It.tOI. "rotation." he was guilty of the enormity aald a marchan t, "snd a Any trroaeous raflacrJaaa upon standing, charaataff Phelpa-Uodc- of proclaiming large automobile at corner of tka e road to the coast. This connection of from the stump that he would not bo and run over by a the ar reputation of anr peraon, firm or corporation, which mar satisfied with or put up with, a single term Hut Putnam street and West Boulevard. The street car appear la the columna of Tka Timen, will ba alaiUy cor- the El Paso and Routhcctsm at Tucaon would also A Pennsylvania gun company Is using wsste rected upon Ua Itelna brought to the attention of tka man- ths platform, In a word, waa, "Rotation Is rot." Ths poli had stopped to let off two amall boys who, on leav- agement give It a oonnaotlon that way to the coast Independ- placea of black and Circassian walnut, left after ticians and the organisation fought him tooth and ing the car, passed behind It to crone the street. At ent of the Southern Pacific.' veneer cutting, for gun stocks. nan, but the people knew him, trusted him, accepted the asms time a ble machine, which appeared to be him, they by, one "In this It sdds that there Is a atrong Intimation and cave him a majority In every county of Colnc about 26 miles an hour, dashed knocked Che district. of boys down and passed over him. TIM machine that Phslps-Dodg- n at Co. will In the Some Operations of continue Rock Island It still looks as If Hnglanri .will have to confer If you have read Sir Walter Scott's "Legend of was traveling so fast It had to eo some, distance and and that Rock Island will In tima have Its own line to home rule on a portion of Ireland with a club. Montrose" you wll Irecell how Angus McAuley picked brine up against an embankment before it was the oosst. It further given some Information which out the great captain of tha loyalists from a throne. stopped. One of the men ran back, picked up the people to boy, I suppose, took Check Artists has" not been made nubile here, to the effect that, 1 Trust ths do that. They mad Mitchell put hlnl In the automobile and. Wives Outlive Husbands. Palmer congressman, and they made Woodrow Wilson him to Hotel Aa ray cajvAvent on lta way after oclated with J. R. Douglas In his snterprlss ara Dlu. many president. Now guided by my poor observation I do lotting off the two boya I do not know bow seriously W. J. Burns, th. fa in o in datactlva, In an addrtw Cong-do-n Why are there twice aa widows aa widowers Oeorgs E. Tener, Chester A. and the Olivers not believe that, Intellectually. Palmer haa his master the little fellow waa hurt. But tha incident reminded the American Hanker' aaaoclatlon In Boiton re- in ths United States? of Pittsburgh, all men of millions.' Is It because widows are more In th national house of representatives; but thers ts me very forcibly of the wisdom of the traffic regula- cently, ''forger. ea vaetly exceed all reluctant than a heap stated hut other "It concludes by aaytng: widowers to the married state, or does it more than mind to Palmer greater and better tions In Los Anéeles. A friend of mine residing In Los tnday." than mind character. He ts not a roes water man. waa out here recently and waa driving my forma of hank fraud " 'We believe the above announcement of Mr Indicate that the wife will outlive the husband? Anéeles He does not glide. He Is why down when pass-In- The Texaa Uankera Hocord tn commenting on thte may These questions wsre rslsed In a statement deal not much of a handshaker: car and I asked him he slowed irougian ne of great significance 'n connection bue he Is terribly in earnest and he a street He said In Los Anéeles It costs l&OO.-00- ing with mortality issued by hss ths stamina car. that declaration eaye theee annual loeeee amounted to 0 with " national the conservation the Rock Islsnd situation.' department of tba Equitable Life Aasuranoe Society, of Andy Jackson himself. from tit to tlOO to pass a car at a fast speed or to In 1900, 16,000.000 In 190, 116,000,000 In 1911, which fall to alow up at street crossings. These ara eood continued: youne and the elupendoue total of 123,000,000 estimated In Some Arizona Tax "In 1110 there were 3,170.32! widows and but Well, this fellow cot to concresa. Cannon regulations and for tha protection of people leaving Statistic.' 1,471,110 widowers In the United States. The census was speaker and Palmer cot the tell end of two com th street car." A atatement of stats and county tax collections for shows ths astonishing fact that thsre were 10,101 mittens that never organized. But you could not hide a a a Not long ago one manufacturing company In Hous- man In body oongress. the ysar haa been given out by the Arizona tax widows below the age of 10 and but 1,110 widowers. this a Ilka th American Ha "Every time they have a land suit here," says J. C. ton had nine cheoks on ons hsnk ralead within a pe- lilt had measured lekal skill with John O. Johnson, ths commission, snd affords sn Interesting study. In tbs to wnat extent aoea the fact that the average Jones, "It seems that I am wanted for a witness and riod of three monthe. ace of th huaband la a higher head of th American bar, and held his own, and now Juror and wltneases show up the lawyer con- statement under heading "Charged to little than that of the was after Bay 116 the Treasursr, wife account for. ha to measure himself In forensic debate with tinue the case until the next day. Well, I reported Recently a check drawn on a City bank for this? veterans many Cochise county Is the highest with 11,040,113. 4. and "From the ace of 10 to 14 there were 66,364 the of such conflicts, and before the here today as a witness and If I am not called to- was raised to 1 1.600. Through the use of acid, all of sixty-firs- Maricopa next, widows and- 11,116 first of the three sessions of the t congress morrow guess they me for contempt A with I001.0l7.lt. Cochise and Marl but widowers, and the difference I will be after the original writing except ths signature waa removed, expired wss in the front rsnk of the foremost cops are also first and second under "Amount Col continues to a marked degree throughout the older for I am colnc on about my own business. But In aad the 11. COO written In over the genuine signature. age periods. msn of the body. Texaa courts do not make such lone stretches for lected, Cochise having 11,000,110.72, and Maricopa the Innumerable other instances might be mentioned "To every 100 widowers there were 264 widows in a a contempt as do the courts In New Mexico. At . you 1134. 66.16. 110, III In 1000 and In 1110. Do know that the beat Judge of men In our a friend of mine, who had been notified by a of shock alterations in Texss. A recent lssus of the tit country is Cochise also leads with exemptions, which total Such tai Intica as are available show that the death the American congress? Do you know It neighbor that he would have to eo 'to court over a Denver Post cxplaina the modus operandi of a gang hates and will not tolerate a dunce? When a new 114,203, and Maricopa a closs second with tit, 141.01. rate of husbands Is hlcher than that of wives, and I. water dispute, replied: The court be damned; I can of check raisers recently In this state: is still higher among widowers." member ceta up the house la all attention. In five attend 'to my own business.' The court was not in n amount delinquent Maricopa totals 1111,160.01, and minutes It pssses Judgment on fellow and in "A gang usually worka In threea In raising checks. the that aeaslon at the time nor waa the Judge In the county Yavapai second at 120,703.44. Qraenlee Is lowest with behalf congress never yet has made a mistake. It Is court convene neigh leu- They are adepts. Judging from nomo of the samples From But when did the notified ll.tll.14. Freighting El Paso. instinct and it is almost uncanny the way congress the nidge of my friend's remark about the courts and of their handiwork shown by the spotters. can tell of the new member? The per cent of delinquency of Santa Crux Is th Las Cruces Republican. the Judge sent for my friend and sentenced him to 00 "One of the gan, ah advance man, gone to town Lata cruces teamsters are finding Palmer owed much to his personal présenos, his days in Jail for contempt of court." e a highest with 24.67. Maricopa's Is 11.71. Is profitable em Orsenlee ploymnnt these days of good roads In producá stalwart, athletic, graceful form and his strong, sg two or three weeks ahesd of the othsr two. He hauling gresslve a a a the lowest with 1.71. Ths psr cent of delinquency of to El Paso and msrchandlse back, making round and handsome countenance; but these could s In him-ae- lf the "By the 4th of May." aald Joe Gardner, who was makes depoait some bank and ingratlatea the Is Apache 7.01, 7, In not hsve ssrved to place him a leader. Felix Orundy other counties Coconino Cochlss trip two days, hauling five thousand pounds at up from Flnlay yesterday, "I will have the Fort Hancoc- with bank officers and clerks. load, way, heaing of Joe Holt's speech in the Baltimore Demo 1.68, Olla 4.11, Oraham 11.64, Mohave 1.14, Navajo aach and chanting therefore 26 cents per k-Sierra Blanca road completed to Sierra JJIancn "About of the hundred pounds each way. lata Cruces eratle national convention of 1044 snd perhaps as a the first month the other two mem 0, Pima 0 40, Pinal 1.76, Yavapai I as, aad .Yu merchants specimen I will get out of the sand next week and wUl then rind it pi utltahft, rer employ the taarasaors, da the as- of ''conventional eloquence" It waa ever ex canyons bers of the gang arrive. Through information oh celled I the annas of American oratory, . strike tha and mesas and I think we will be Oil. ta Fa railway from twenty to thirty cents per not' by rneei-- fa' tamed by the advance man chares soli, able to move very fast aa the ground hard and the aecond member of Friends of Arizona are watching with a grsat dsal hundred more to unload goods at Cruces than It or Conkllne. or Oarfleld, or Bryan himself tas Orundy asked, "Did there will be very little tiUtnc to do. It I It milt the gang stations himself on a street corner In the of Interest every evidence of progress does to haul them to El Paso. As a consequence. he make the daubln' stick and prosperity Precisely did he say a hearer would from Fort Hancock to Sierra Blanca and If I can vicinity of merchants that ure In the habit of pay-la- c troods are shipped from Chicago or New York or Kan somethlne that that oc.nca to light In thai state, and evidences of think about and talk about. get the road finished to Sierra Blanca by the I nth their bills by checks to collectors. ass City to El Paso over the Santa Fe, colnc through of May it will be pretty faat work. We are now at progress and prueperlty are constantly coming to l.as Cruces, and forty miles beyond, and then the a a a ' swinaier wntcnea the collectors, who aro We are not left to speculation this, Flnlay. The work was pretty heavy between that the light in every portion of ths nsw stats. There Is life merchants psy the teamsters to haul them back to about for cub We good usually young fsllows. Seeing a oonbressman that he was, having eons home and cast point and Fori Hancock. will have a road collector leave snd snterprise seen In every Arlaona community, and Isa Cruces from Hancock to Flnlay aa soon a we can cot rain small merchant's plaos of buslnsss, ths swindler begs Of course, It Is probabls that the goods are mostly "rotation" into the garbabe can, he came back, and ths entsrprlslng outsells of ths state are making rapid his party, now In power at that end of the capítol, put on tt," his pardon and asks him if he did not get a check shipped over ths Rock Island or other roads Into El a a a progress In a development that is challenging the ad Paso, or still, to La Tuna, Texaa, him on ways and means, th vary aristocracy of from so so In payment batter and then do not see any possibility," saya and of a hill. miration of every observar. to Laxa by wagons Is American statecraft. "I a local architect, hauled Crucen which cheaper by county to get "The swindler says he, too, is a collector, and haa several cents per hundred pounds than the rate to Los It Is not necessary for me to talk about certain "for the to work on the new court house It "popgun" bills the chief of which was over the bulldtne this summer. Aa I understand It the attor- more ready money than ha wants. The ood roads have made possible to - Sixty-secon- d ney not approved- Jefferson Davis Birthday. haul much heavier loads, It they do not result in protest of Mitchell Palmer that e. in- ceneral has yt the bond and after "He offers the cash for the check an the guile and they are approved It will 10. or 00 N gress, game day to sell i Jofferson Davis' birthday will ba by lower freight ratea ws miss our guess. when the waa not tariff making, but take ens youtn uauauy mages me exchange, la this way celebrated There wss some mighty peanut politics them, and it will take three or four moaths to pre- the students of the University of Tsxas who will deslc-nat- e pare the plana." Judge Eylar will eo to Austin Tues- ths swindler gats possession of checks with bona-fld- a there exemplified, but palmer hkd no hand tn It I ths day as Confederacy Day. The exercises will Plainsman and the Baby. no believe his motto was, serves his party day to have the bonds approved. denatures Theae are then turned over to the third "He best s ' be suapondsd and th entire atudent body will gather C. Stevens, In St. Pioneer-Press- . who serves his oountry bst." member of the Rang, who la an adept with a pen Alexandsr Paul in the auditorium for an hour. The commander-in- - He was a typical Westerner with fierce must aches a a a in ana acia ana the raised chrckn are handed over to And then cama the Baltimore convention. Pal- Man With Nail Lung. chief of th Southern Confederacy, ths laat surviving and a wide sombrero. His cheeks were bronxed by " the advance man, who has no trouble In winds storms of eyes were mer waa the stoutest captain of the Wilson foroes In Silver City Enterprise. cashing brigadier general the and the prairies snd his them. of tile conflict, will be Invited to at- alert aa becomes a man of his free land and life. He that battle royal and he waa one man who never One of the rarest cases of a foreign body lodging tend the meeting and address ths Catherine. Profes- eat In evident discomfort on the side seat of s St. Csve In. "nevar doubted. It Is tradition that he in the lungs on record in medical la "The beauty of the achante lies In the fsct that annala reported the sor W. B. Blmklns, sn ex Confederate who organised street csr. He was flanked by and tore up a telegraphic dispatch, that, had by Dra. Bullock and Twltchell from the New Mexico checks are all cashed on or about the 10th of the pretty girl and a buxom dame who were dressed up to he acted on It, would have chanced the result and it Cottage sanatorium of thl city, when tn examining a the Klu Klux Klan tn Florida, will make the principal was said to have come montn ana the merchants situ drew them, never nee the demsnds of the calendar day. Opposite sat an from Wilson himself, patlant for supposed tuberculosis laat week, an X-r- addreaa. In addition, two students, ons from the North the withdrawal of name. ts tba cheoks till the first of the next month when they elderly man. two spinsters and four high school girls hie If that true. Photograph of the lunes wss taken and revealed a six- and one from the South, will aieo speak. man open country It only shows what a major ceneral Andy Jsckson-of-a-ma- n penny lodged have their pass books balanced. Ths from the faced a' battery of nsll in the middle of tha right lunc, aa The Texan, the atudent dally paper, makes the eyes. Hs waa vlalbly uncomfortable. However, he Is Mitchell Palmer. "I take the responsibility," shown In the picture. (An excellent photograph ac- "In the meantime the swindlers have ampio Is his motto, none la fit for public place. time following comment on the purjtoss of tho colebratton: held ateady and aternly stared Into space. and other companies the article In the Enterprise, showing tha to leave town. And then happsnsd, as often does, hap a a nail embedded In th half-ton- e re- "The purpose of setting apart a somsthlnc lunc). which la a the such day will plly to break through ambarraaslng situations. As now recollect, but two Demócrata have been production of the photograph. "The gang baa operated successfully In El I'aao, be twofold: First, an opportunity will be given actual The patient's where A little girl came and with her mother aat down In elected United States senators from Pennsylvania name is W. P. Stanley he halls Mo., Houston, San Antonio, Kockport, Jacksboro, by the young men and women of the university will and from Bedelía, Jack a seat directly In the ranee of the plainsman. She since Abraham Lincoln waa first ohoasn president. where his father 1 encaged In newspaper agaville, be given the bum Sweetwater and other Texas towns. the opportunity of perpetuating Southern waa eo bright and petite. Her birthdays were not In 1882 there was a revolt against tha administration nean. He Is It years of ace and a civil engineer by Lincoln owing to successive Confederate vic- , "Within ths laat two weeks thsy worked vaiiuus tradltldna and paylnc tribute to Southern heroes. The more than two, and eo It waa only a little while since of the trade. , In th field Years later, W. A. W liaos, a Naw Maxico cities In Wlllard, New Mexico, the gang argument in favor of this Is tbat the traditions ara nhe had anniversaries of months Instead of years. toria The story of his lunc trouble date back two years, She waa even now young enough to be eenulne end Democrat, waa senator from Pennsylvania, his term when one day In AprU he was raised a chock drawn by the Wlllard Mercantile Co. worthy of being cherished, and, if the South doss not putting In a transom tn lacking in Before the witchery of expiring in llll. Since then, Cameron, Quay, Pen- a aereen door. He had a nail In his point 116 to J in f, respect heroes, no mouth with from hsr other section will do so for her. the ways and the innocence of the eyas of a baby the rose have been Pennsylvania representatives In th out, ready for uae. after the custom of carpenters. Secondly, opportunity annate. tmiA check drawn by the llolman Mercantile Co. of sn will bs thsreby given r"r attention and the intereet of the car was made captive. The transom being higher than his head, he waa look-In- g fashion plate Isn't it about time for a change? If so, why should up Corona, New Mexloo, for 11 was ralssd to 110.14. binding all sections closer together In the strong bond The standard, the flirtation Idéala, straight when the chair an which ho was even the staid cltlsen Indifference were overcome by not the old Quaker commonwealth take bar stalwart standing tilted, or his foot slipped At "One check In the possession of the 'Spotter' of true nationalism. No blttsrnasa or strife 'will bs son, a new any rat the the healthy presence of sn angel of light. youne Mltchsll Palmar, and start regime Jolt caused a quick intake of the breath, In doing Washed clean acids, enaendered, but spirit of unity and patriotism will so aa and with all except the signature and th Our little lady of the street car had a complete In the United States senate far tha old common- eo he sucked the nail Intn hla windpipe. The nail Was raised to 1100. The bank paid the check dominate the Catherine and characterise th remarks triumph. For when we looked around to aae the big wealth la concerned? gagged him tor a second or two and slipped without Pennsylvania not than down BOSHation of those requested to participate as speakers fellow of the mains his eyee had the light that never For mind and character has bad as easy aa an oyster. For several daya of the body In century. after that Mr day." was on land or sea. It was the tender glow of the hie his match in that half a Stanley says when he exhaled It aeemad as If could "Tba signature wss recognised ss genuine, and Washington. April 4 ba the manhood behind the bronse of climate and the stoic- tests Iron. He went to his physician Immediately and taller supposed that tba check had been drawn for ism of self restraint. H was now tn his native coun told him of the Incident aad that the nail felt as if It 1100 by aotne clerk." t Production and Use Denatured try. He had found one city being without a "make-up- . had eons down hla windpipe. He waa told by his Alcohol. The child had discovered the man. The look Prices in Persia. physician wa The banking laws srs such that the man who Oermany now usas forty that that it Impossible for such an object between and fifty million tlod hold In reserve for every soul was shining John Uo ranea In Boston Advertiser. to enter tha lunc. Several daya draw a a check la protected only In the signature gallóos later he reoueated n and of denatured alcohol a year, of which over through, and he who aaw was not ashamed Persia la the place where those should eo who are more searching examination and an picture of not the body of the check. For instance, if s check thirty million gallons are sold to ths general public "By, by," she aald as h waved her hand in getting constantly complaining of tha high coat of living. One the abdomen waa taken. There waa no of was over. evidence Signed by William Morris for 16.00 haa been ra land for burning purposes, according to a moaocraph off. The viaitation But tho spell of that can there brine up a family sumptuously on 160 a the nail and' Stanley Was told he must have 'dreamed fifteen minute remained as th afterglow of the sun OS IX. to ir.O6.00. and ths signature has not besn recently issued by do-- . altered. ths bureau of Joretgr. aad when the day Is done. Not ajjain did the old world So saya H. H. Topaksyan. Paralan consul-genera- l For two yean ha haa coughed Mr. Morrla la the peraon who loess and bad bloody and the 1416.00, aad nestle commerce, department of commerce. The weary expression come to tha travelers on the later t New York, who la In Washington Just now. brownish expectoration and a few ámall bank, way. hemorrhage aot ths whsn the aback Is cashed for HOC. 00. Importance of thta fuel la Oermany may be appre urban "You can buy a cow la Persia for tt." ha says, followed violent exercise. Four week ago Btanlev comes with little child. Thanksgiving 10. However, If the nlenature haa bean changed aad ciated when It la considered that France uaea about a Written "and a ble turkey for Chickens can underwent an examination In the East, tuberculosis deep 'in the heart experience of race are bought each- - Regs waa suspected ths bank paid tba money on the check, eighteen the tha be for Ic sail for lo a doaan aad aad be wa sent to tha Cottage sann then the million callona, the United States about words, "A little child shall lead them.'' other food products can be bought correspondingly torium at Sliver City tor " bank Is Hablo. treatment. Ha told his atorv toa million gallons, and the Uatted Kingdom only Homes that crow so recular and aro eo settled cheap compared with American prices at Ua nail Incident to Drs Bullock and Twitehell of Bo many cases of check raising have coma to light four million gallons annually. Denatured alcohol and quiet need th childish prattle and the merry "Of course, that mean that people do aot earn tha medical staff aad thay immediately teak aa SB shout. .. money. Thin can ba easily Some of tho lungs 9 Texas tbat ths Associated Detective haa s aot only gaining la favor for general burning pur- much illustrated. with the above result. Stan The neglected orphaned aad horn pita ruga 1 110,000 ly"a oaae iba of all banks to stamp It poses, children of Persian sell for each, but they are made baa baffled a number of celebrated lung out. but a determined effort la being atad to fiad tho world could at onoe all nava comfort aad would wonderfully cheap. The wages of those making rues specialists tn Beat tt aid by tha and remalndsd for Dra. Bul Banks can grsatli advising and Insistí na- a way of using It aa a motor fuel In place of tho all help brine lasting heart culture aad peace If pros- range trota 6c to 16c a day, and only those making look and Twltchell to discover cause perous the of hi trou ta? tbalr depositors using all precautions la writing high priced gasoline. All the recent developments and competent home folks would welcome the better elaaa of ruga earn the better compensation. ble a six penny nal;. mem. "Now tt may be aaked why should such a Now tha question la are dealt with In the bow monotrraph, en- fanciful that troubling the doctors and which la Th children of our saintly city, of our atnly dry, price be paid tor ruca produced so oheaply? Well, Mr. Stanley la how to titled. extract the nail without Injury "Production aad Use of Denatured Alcohol call ua from our asaren after pastime, from our ds- - the material coats high, If not the labor, and go far to the lunc tissue. It Is quit likely President Huerta's ass as to' M- -n he will be sent to mi tba cun. In Principal Countries." atre after cold, that In their pure Uvea aad Innocent aa tho United States la concerned there tt a duty of Dr. Fletcher Incalía th areas Wednesday received scant celebrated surgeon tn bron attention until lattrai we may search for Ufa. Holidays center In a 00 per sent on all Persian rues Imported. choto any In Chicago, who baa Invented little child Lett ,n an Instrument executive stopped la th midst of Its delivery and California ateta Inspectors at Baa Francisco have and la childhood. no stain of sordid "It la wonderful what splendid' work these poorly ,k broaohlai tubas for aelf-dol- ...nrt'n tba extraction RsHatad his digit at the body. new keep aay little child In our city from all paid people do. The rugs are made entirely by band, of foreign objects and he. Twat with Than found a canker tjlaaaae on chestnut trees re- the hspptneas Its wonderful success one nature seeks. but tha dyes aro a aserst. It Is against tha laws snd aotne of trio lawmakers loas obtusa than his as- cently Imported from Japan. According to Or. Haven Discover yourself la of ' ths face little children. It relbxtun of sums of th Paralan people to work Tha first t hrbjimaa trae decorations realised applause wereaapawaAsTataxTtcmads of a sociates that thunderous waa ex Met calf, taw government's expert od' such diseases, there are none In your own arma, of your oxyi name, in the figures of raen snd women aad of ani- An non,, a i it i s xt open lra enapeo ot ramiiiar anímala. pactad, and hs proceeded to lead ka a demonstration this appears to be of the same type aa the chestnut them wide to gather la some of tho overlooked, mals. Hence their art la la othsr forana at d nstRii little ones A smile will psy you snd ta hard on th eye of theae poor pnnnl bllcht which la mveatruj tba foreste of th it There Thane la Utile or no passing in Northern Italy. in Parala thaa elsewhere--' yet it la vary prevalent la Naples,

.. lii. StttSÚffiIiiJ

--attRU Saturday , April 4j, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES. An Invitation to Women PROHIBITION IN TRAGIC DEATH OF No tujering woman thould sea tha D. trmtmtnt of any nnrnkOkd person A Eyster's C.O. Grocery who kat not toa iptnal training in the ear of tke dtUtaU feminine TEXAS FOR TOO V SMELTER EMPLOYEE mnttitvhim I therefor tnviU every invalid woman ta eonenli our ft'! wS .At KS Grocery Department. 440; Meat Department, 44. SUV Sí prVeanf Suremmt and Spoeialieto at (As rnvaixdi' Hotel f We make four deliveries In the olty dally. The first delivery leaves and Surgical hurtitute, 1 nn ttcHooi. irrrjra I Buffalo, New York, by Utter or permmaUw I k ro ti halt (ITCt MBS IN HnaptTAI. ROM frKAK the store at o'clock a. m.; the second delivery leaves the store at 1 mi my expenee. R, y. -- 11. Or LIQTOri IHHIII l.lllll 1 PIERCE. U. D., Buffalo, New York IR lOI.l.OWlmi ACCIOBNT IK o'clock a. tn.. the third delivery leaves 2:10 o'clock p. m.: rtAW ItITOl AHOa. the store, at the fourth delivery leaves the store at 6 o'clock p. m. I ( FRK8H rut AND V K G KTA A IX, Remember your horl.l lut. Ceta asa Ordlaery Kales . About ta Ampa.ale Tare. its BUM OF KIND. daughters t Ran Law ZJSUSJSt rail aitrr at Jtsgartless Irbaa PatUat Rnta.alr x- - California Head Lettuce, Fresh Asparagus. Where Ta Ara Located. the same sufferings to the headaches, backaches, hot flashes, dizziness, alrea VMtaa Waa 1'aaaarrt.d. 2 for . . . 15c per pound. 15c extreme nervousness, low spirits, lassitude which afflict so California Green Peaa, Orean OnlOrrs, Radianes, Bests many women Kalooaa sad rafes of erery hotel aod H. Mchulte, an employe of the Kl Psso Carrota. In today. per pound 15c and at times. But the condition indicated by these symptoms may be reme- elub the state will be rlberl smelbr, died Wednesday afternoon in s t bunches 5c Until laat ntM ..mm Attorney Price laeel hospital Just as be was aboat to be New Potatoes, died if the proper help is sought promptly. was Inclloed to lelifjr-- that the school placed on the pounds Sweet Potatoes operating table, acanita 2 pounds trustee election Is rural precísete through-oa- t wh) engaged In coupling a car on a slag 25c for 25c the state ronld sot have the effect of train In the sowlter yards, was esnght be- eloilng the ealoom In El Paso and In tween the hamper In some unaccountable Blue Ribbon Butter, none better, per pound, SOc. Fresh Texan KKffe. other Independent achool dntrlctt. manner. Three flnsera wera rruahatl Tha per rJoMn, tfto. DR. PIERCE'S Atteraey Wscral' Ralhftg. Hinfortumtte man was rushed tn tbe boa pltal. An Austin dlspstrb giving attorney where the surgeon derided that am- Freeh Tomatoes. rtichokp. the putation eA.' general's on of tbe fl age re was neceeaery. ruling this point bad been Kehulte per pound 15c 10c Favorite Prescription cnlled to the artenilon of .Mr. Price, how- consented to the operation, and ever, Jnat aa he was about to get on the table Peacock Brand Canned Fruits, guaranteed extra standard, put up in and. while he wsa nut Inclined to he fell over (lm conatrur the state statntcs In the sad eiplred almost Instantly. Pure Sugar Byrup. Tabid or Liquid Form sime It wa discovered way, be wired Attorney Qeaeral lten Loo-ge- later that the man had Peaches, Pears, Plums. Apricots snd Hleckberrlen, targe cans. long Buffered from a weak heart, u la is prepared St Austin i.. Information. The fol- and each .' 20c under the direction and according to the directions of a physi- - lowing supposed that this, together with the answer wss received Inat night shock S tall cans Carnation Mltk, 6 small cans Carnation Milk' AV cían T.iuinrrtin vcr of th accident, brought about hla ot long and varied expenence in the treatment of the troubles of the day dent i' the átate, and aalooas must close, for 25c organs peculiar in-- uliether Ueceasod, Is SSS. to women. It is soothing and strengthening. It is, - election are held or nut who survived by his moth- er nnd one slater, was D)-l- dee a restorative, invigorating tonic which 'B. K. IaOOl?KT, well liked by hla Snow Drift, better than lard. pall, 50r; pall, t.35; 20 NSS. haslasting good effect Attorney He waa a member of tbe Ueneral." Boas of Herman snd lbs. best Granulated Sugar, 11.00. NSS. upon, the health and strength of women. Weak women are made aléese Advleed ka i the Woodmen of the In la. World. Tbe latter orgaalsatloa took accordeuce nlth tbla meaaage, County charge Half-gallo- n bottle Greje Quart bottle Grape Nxy stronger; sick women healthier by use of Attorney Price ash) of tbe body and will conduct the be would advise that funeral services, 75c Juice 40c saloons and duba reinal u closed during which wilt he hold this Juice wr. ravontc rrescnpiion. day. afternoon at the chapel. 106 North Camp Pint bottle Crape Ilalf-pln- e bottleI Grape Two Daughters Given rwren the bell The a Health Little Is Election. rematas will be taken to lel Juice 15c "It la Utereet Ble for Interment, with pleaaurs that I write you a teatlmooLal of For over forty yaars Dr. Pierce'. Favor- No accompanied be the Dill eJL what your Favorite Pnaerlptlon' don for me randltlatrs have announced for a mother and sléter, Helm Pickle. rfíour Pickles. hu end for trusteeMtlp In any. who srrlved in i:i I'nao my two oweet deuahtertv, ' ite Prescription baa (Wen universal of (be rursl prtvlnrts yesterday. per dozt-- per dozen 10c wriUi Ur, Ma Kit a New it may be obtained la either In Kl Paao county, aud, as Is usual, the Uw hum, The men at the smelter hate taken up in. Sauerkraut Fancy Ripe itllves. Altoona. Wilton Count, liquid or tablet form from all dealer, in county con.iii..ouer' court will be called a ' I would bav my collection and beautiful flowers tisvf per pound 5c per pint 25c Kan. not one-ce- on to make sppotntmenta. Judges of rlor- - only boy If It had not been medicine. or .end SO .tamp. been secured, which will arrompnny tlon snd polling pluc liare beou , the Wu handle nothing but the very best Fresh Meatft on the market. tetV Dr. Pterce'i Favorita for a trial boa nj.aaaahsete to Dr. Plrea. casket on tbe sad Journey to the old PreecHption and PIaaant however, and a raftering vote may home. We all our Poultry and know It is absolutely fresh. Petlete.1 I alen recommend be east otVr tbe county, though no official HUM, GIARANTKKU. Favorite Prescription to biAeLo ballots have been printed, and voters will HMO irla juat Dr. Pierce's Pellets help and ioorl Iteamlu Vnr Piicoa Lowes4 mother who have find It necessary to write tbe name- of iiio Of (Junlfly the Best. th1 turning Into womanhood. I sUxnaml a humever they I "! ) Hllla. rave It to my oH sat deoch-ter- . regulate Avfn and bowels. choose to vote for No Kldner and tt WW tasa Hke a election, of course, uin be held In the city. When run down lih kidney One to threetiny granules to a dose. as Kl Paao la na Inilrpendeni acliool dis- truuble. bothered mlth healthy f backache, younfr ladle, and as trict snd not uffeeted by the statute pro- rheumatlam. awollen Jolnta or blad- will alway recommend thl neasant to take candy. viding' for IN HEAVY HAir T PFCOS. remadr to my f rienda and to elertlou for school truatees In der weakneaa. you will fln.l good NEWS BRiEF all who aaffar fit rural preeliicts. follow the uae of Foley Kldnev PIMa. Mi. Mary (AdvsrUsemsata.) rhlekene ami V.xrn Voting Porkert) Wllapn. Lynn, Maaa Killed by Driving TO SHOW tlHUt'EKH. aya: 'My feat, anklaa and llmba ero storm. awollen. A uaad Foley Kidney Pilla Or Ebsrt. DeoJt, lllll Bids, till Time lprciai Vorrrt,onittit Weatera Coffee Company Plana Deaaeaet ra ami the ifcllllr'jone from my hack Pecos. Tex , April ... -- Pecos was tios for Benefit of Iealer. and the JawMJlni haa dlaappeared." (ieorse Iternard Shaw n omealiat (Hirer visited by a heavy rntn storm Wednes- Becauac lllllllllllllllUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIinilllllHHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIH I.I. Mi Kmma Chaffee winning of the dUaurreal.le weather of - haa. N. Fox. Illmrod. N. v.. wrltea: ent from oilier autuorft In rtsny ways, for day night. In several localities thft tha prise. i strnnd of bead". laat eveuluK the Western t 'of fee Conipany "Foley Kidney Pila have dona rno extniplr. heitifr arniftetl of plsgsrliin. he ruin waa acctimpnnled by heavy hall postponed tho vntcrl:iinuient to have been more good 1160 00 rhcerfully iiltnlts tt. which did considerable damage to given than worth of ' Auction Bridge Ouh. the merchants of the city. The com medicine." Try them: A. K. Ryan chickens, arid even tnxou ng shoata, pany some days ago sent In vitat tit all (AdV.) Tbs swellsst ib io.áv-r- inojl one man. J. R. Sullivan, losing ten Miss Karma Dean .entertained the grórers leas bsr Gossip of Thursday Auction Bridge club yester- the to attend an "open bouse'' en l tbs Gem. shoats In tne driving storm. Window Society tnrtalnment a and demonatrntiou for litut l neri were shattered, several day at her home, 707 Msa avenue. Longwelt ears. M;i evening. It was the IdeH of the tuausKers bss tbsl sod tourlni sheds were riddled, and alfalfa Miss .w Brick won the prtie. PHONE tu 4 The next meeting will be April 17. to have the big factory on Hitu Anttuiio ARRANGEMENTS fields were shredded. In some spots Ktreet In full upe ration nnd to how the FOR the hull stones rifted six Inches deep. with Miss Cole, 1131 East Boulevard, RctMm Julia A. Sharp. Society Editor o irroeor through the plant. It n JcuMi MorvhanU 'hargf. The rain was followed Thursday by .Meeting Day Changed. planned to have the vsHous department liy thr A 9oriatsú f'rttn local showers over-- a large portion of In operation, no thai tbe ariK-e- Douglas, S. Charges country, and the ctoudy Telephone meeting day for the Rescu muid DINNER Arts.. April the Peces 3049 The have the opportunity of following the cof WEDNESDAY made by t '. G. Soriano, const 11 ut ton- weather prevailing made the wholn Home society has been changed from fee from the raw bean through al 1st nt Agun immeasurable value MondHy. Beginning the various customs collector precipitation of Saturday to processes te uo nal bed on. duct In cntaM In to stockmen. niiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiinimniiiuuiiiud 8, Print.,, that Jewish merchs nts farmers nnd Monday, April the society will meet The firm will within a few dsya aonouncu BANQUKT Tí OBNERAIi St Sonora were responsible for the cir- every second Monday at the city hall I'KOMISKS Tt) Dm in- another date for the demons! rst Ion BK IiAROKLV of rebel money, BtrrrKR DAYS. orchestra, there will be vocal and In All men culation counterfeit Stuart h Mtudlo llnow In the More- the council chamber. and AND KNJOV AHI.K. In culling of ,. meeting Jé Better days than ever are the days strumental solos, trios, quartets, etc., women Interested In the movement resulted the house block. ivjmuí Texas Bank we're living now. by local, talent. today which decided to Heek Imme- Trust V. t'omfrrul see us. ( Adv.) are earnestly urged to attend. Kl caused the Sunlight in the spirit and 11a hlossomn o o Paao Cliamlxw of t'onunen-- diate retraction. Horlano OPENING I I Mex- on the brow. Dinner for Itentucklans. Visiting TONIGHT tiling in u. II ror llellrlll( distribution of hand bills in the Chicago women have bad ibelr rhanee at Parents. ommaildi-- r f Hllna. ican border town today laying the the halloi. but no slepi ha e been taken Better dnya than ever. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Ford entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. ft. Gilbert, of Chi Kverybody Fort And they're sweeter all the time at Thursday Invited. blame of circulation ..f counterfeit toward rbangtna the nanie of that tillase dinner night at their cago, 111., are vlaltlng parents. Tljta dirfer-etiee- With love to wake the laughter Home, 807 in their money to the Jewish merchants. t.. topia, Nnthinir iHiikea Mimh North Kl Paso street, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gilbert, 6r., at thy Judging from the Intaraat that la of ruse H. S. And with youth to ring the chime. honor of Miss C. A. and W. mmaiuameQ oy whs an outcome the of Prentiss Hotel Delmar. At laat. our now store In tha Itoh- - " tni. ouxincra and Prlzer, an American-Jew- , who was C. Kltngman, both of lioulsviiie, Ky., , l the Hid-- la complete ln "t illy in the arrcMtnd and held wit houl bull at it - frequently alated tbat. weie T. It. Better days ever as we drift In und McKeowa, of 131 Paso. The ' 1 Ue than John Maaquenuln Ball. every detail, and we Invite tho public ''. I" 1lvon Wedneaday on charge of counturfelt- - prsMdeul. troop would already along ...... Canama the American n dreim table decorations were lilies and ferns, a. ih in u...... -- ...... night In honor of tten.n'llua-- I. Kroii a ininki. ihi.. h.u i.. i...... 1.... inc. 1 be in Mexico l that a knock or boon, To luf ripple of the marching oí the the dainty groen forming a 1 and white the Modern . . aivJ v? . li1 V? . song eta eorer nafhl. Bfo'h5bl-v"-y ,WrylWn l'Mau SuvlaJ. d sort foe wtfOaa 'iv.'i feél of fttttnir ftn the nem'- vasa regmar is mane anay : .7, mof.1'1iwoit Dr. Cameron, hob. Ban. t i America moniun non mat in isooq uo.1 n.T iientit.02 lildr. Better days us dinner. Mr. Kingman left the samo social dance. only masked dancers will give a j demonstra tlon and Blioruy for Washington. he en.nl will Ahd days right here night hbj home in Kentucky. there bo by better for participated, the being un- will bo TftfT aouvenlra for all vial-tor- attended tho larxeat atherlnic Jobo T. Hill. )aw4, 81112 Capita Bldg With the sunshine in their chorus usually attractive. Th Gooch orches- Thf naura are from 7 to 10 and of man evtr prenent ut, a Chamber or CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY And the blossoms in their cheer. bridge (lob llsbanded. 'omrner:e lunt-lieo- In aoValS44 tra rendered the music during the you are cordially Invited. ihia city. Cbol MnihpM h'hn va hie t Itel r n n rntiifort Bridge club ! The Friday Auction evening- Arranrementa for the banquet worn rl(i, hscks. bsggags hisw-- hi eta I ühoijld coun- by nnd the welfsresW llilr Id reo. Better days than ever, and the was entertained yesterday Mrs. J. completed yeaterday. The affair will never be ijái- - n nf Mother uray's sweeter, 13. try's too, Winner, of 611 Montana street. Tomorrow, and night only s. nii White v o.. lie held in the aeucmlily room of the Dr. Anna y hurkler Bldr . over Ellis. Hweet PoWfttra Ailill'lrrii. for use by In itm' beaajs Vp With rosea the lilacs the The rooms were daintily decked with Crawford theate. bert Tavlpf In Hoberts-Banne- r Bldg. Paao del Norte. The banquet wl II throtiif lmutt The? Hresk ( otiat Ipsilon, dreamy dales of dew. tarnations lor the occasion. The prln faoj -- (AdVj "Mafety Druggists. atart promptly at 7: IS and parlón AuslraJlan Murdsrer. rolda. HelBve aTirtiliiiP, 'L.end Me Your first" fvlaorn.-ra- Tleadschp mid Htotn-BC- Better days han ever, uy mm. si, j. iiv ; thp AiMDciattti Press Teetliltifr wa nun r. uuiubiciu. dteirlnf ticket should notify th; by for And we passed along meeting yester ii. I Is Trouble! Ueedf Mothera :i when have club held their last corr e El Paso n mc TKN CENT. secretary of the chamber of Com- Perth, Australia, April reported THEHK fnWDKltH N KVF.lt ugca , disbanding summer For rut rears. faII. The still will sweeten day, for the optical Co 1W& street. (Adv.) merce ut the earliest poastble moment. Unit the blacks have deHtroyed the Kohl hv nil lrit Ktoreii, ;. Uon'l Aceepi To the rippled rune or song. months. Hall it i.id an Local Market la Constitu- Among those who will apeak will bo river mbmloti oud murrlered tn-- ny iibstltute. Ham pis mailed Baltimore Bun. o tionalist Csreeacy. Collector Zach U Cobb. W. H. Burgea prletls, Hik lay brethren and iinuiv linlf-b- Allen K. Uhnsted, l i; K. Y. o H, S. Club Met, Conatltutlonalln monay Increaaod about will uct us toaatmaater of the evening, Is. i n i' Organ Recital. Mrs. Charles Loomls was the 10 cents iter pesó In value on the iocs! ex- other apeakers are on the program twelfth last tn the serine hostess yesterday for the S. S. club. Things Social change yesterday as a result of the vic- lor brief talks. Ur Blsck, to-- Mills Pldg. The and Mrs. of free organ recttals (season 1913-- 1 Miss Frances QHIesple and Fort Bliss and Country Club tory of tbe force under (lenersl Yllls at It. B. Orndorff, chairman of the vJ 4 at the First Christian church Withepspoon weie the guests of the Torreón. The money la now aniline nt be- program committee, la arranging an Bill, tbe Optteiau 431 Uss. Ue given Sunday at 4 club. ' Mrs. Emmeti Hlnes won the tween :?J nnd eeota, with many huyera. nabornte one. There will be will afternoon By MUS. W. 8. TILTON. n by Bdwtn Knlckmeyer. prise. The next meeting will be Mon- People wIki h uk in up t hnuaand of dol- and mustcil selections and PHONK D automobile. us Candy Special o'clock C Meu- - nr ber Matthew H. 1. mm. baritone, will as- day with Miss Martha Thurmond. lieutenant Haluh Talbot. Jr., lar of cmuJt llutoiiullt money a a other dlveralona thai will go to make nell'a William Denton, hleutenaut It 10 per of sist. Following is the program: tenunt mneh if nt cent Its the evening one long to be remcin-be- ? M. t n B. Amory. Phillip G. Young. 8. H. A Krench attract mieuiioti h Chocolate and Vanilla Prelude and Fugue In Cmlnor. Bach III. faee value. tl)l hold on nnd look for a ed. uonian Btackahear, Lyman Johnaon, Jr., Gar-no- tt In aylrur huhand nhotild ftrrasioiiall fra'l a) Tdyll , Kinder Mrs. T. W. Laanler is still ill at her atlll further lucrene value. The committee on Invitation yes- i King, M. J. shout ami Mm wtih the other women. Mot i.i Bymphonique.Gutlmant home on Montana street with and Dr.' terday called upon (o Hcott at Bhnso d needed urging, bu,t a My Mrs. Uinlm is th- rresl-- W. Muehum have Just been admitted Fort Rllsa In- that the bunbaiidR Baritone Solo, Qod, Father tonsilitis. and extended hiin the t nt of the Woman's Chnrlty associa- to the Country club. This fills tho presa mo earn bin lalary. Nut Caramels From the sacred cantata. S60, vitation to be present us it guest of The Seven Words of tion and hna not been able aa yet to membership, whit b Is limited to the bualneaa men of the eity. meet Miss Bergen, who Is here to and from now on there will be a wait- Bewlbj Bowlby. Ottjbpatha. 7tH Milla bldg. Christ") imbols ing BAD OPERATION thanked the committee and Today 25c Ib. Regular organise an Aacoclated Charities In list. exir-aaar- t delight otf, Kplthalatne MacMaster his at the opportun- Hub. A Has. which Mrs. Lanier Is very much In- Raid an enthusiastic member: "The ity of meeting the bualness men at Ot. iSgU UDUi Bids price, 40c. J a) 13vent.de llarker club has never been In uch finí- con- ib) Final, From "Flrfct Sonata' terested. every way. success ' the lanqiiet. Many of the officers RrvoR In Qullmant p dition In It's stationed at Ullss uill benate. promptly. person AVOIDED Fort attend. A Phone orders filled I bM tlon of Officer. not due to any one or thing, Bu Preaa o but to many things combined- Wu Washington, April 3. .Nine mem- Dinner With Mr. and Mm. Nafo. The Woman'j Christian Temperance f MUM IN Kl MM Ml S 111 II unb-- met yesterday afternoon at tha have an enthuaiastlc president, a hard bers of the senate, headed by Rensior Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde V. Nafo enter- working board, an earnest and capa Y. W. C. A. central rooms. The meet- I r.-- ,l,.n, In sight for ii.iii Who 111.,, I. laFollette. openly rev'dted salnst dinner evening in honor manager, good hef, the eras By Timely Uee of Lydi E. to- tained at last ing was called to order by Mrs. Horace ble a ed lull Dellvrry Here,. lit oceedlngn behind ulosed doors ef Dr. Shanklln and son. William, who president. Mrs. M. lor the new dance and. labt but not night aTter en executive session In the retiring Vegetable Judge Ii.iii Al Thirty-fo- arc spending u couple of weeks tn Kl T. Peck read 37th Psalm. The least, the space the Morning Times de- Ptnkhun's Jackson f the which the senate, by a vote of ñ lo the urth Is In l aso. Dr. 8hanklin la president of votee to the social aide of the rluo district court receipt 27 confirmed the nomination of ooUego treasurers report showed a balance Compound. of a letter from Von llagen of the WesWyan U Connecticut. of S47.65 on hand. Ufe." Ioula Wmthrop M Iianióls of Now Jersey o- board of pardons - E. I was elected as the snnounclng thai lu bo a munihPr or the Interstate com- ( Mrs. Harris over pardon for Willis Brumflcld. It oral Society Organlxed. 131 Where everyone is rejoicing a merce commission. delegate to represent the I'aso I Mr. Sower' Own Statement. s ntenced to penitentiary two A churu! society been organlzeil W. C. V.. the promotion of General Hugh the for Henator Im Kollette d that haa T. at tho state convention be- Hodgdon, Main. "I feel it a duty years for burglary, recom- among Highland In May 8. Scott, yot the whole border Is I had been to defy the rules of the the residents of UalnesAille, Tex., Election losing owe to all to tell mended. Judge and others he proposed Park, with the following officers; of officers resulted as follows: Presi- moaning the thought of him. auJfaring women what Jackson señale in the future and dlacuas President, t. C. Ruby; president. Bald one' of his officers: "Th general Lyuia kj. Pinkhaav Interested themselves In behalf of legislation not affecting vice dent, Mrs. L. L Koblnson; first vice to every man prevent- publicly Candy Specials secretary. Bernto A. has endeared hitneelf Com- Hrumfleld. who laat October foreign later it was an- Mrs. J. U arlfflth; president, Mr J. Potter; second Vagetabla delivery In relations and director, I, A. Barnes; as- G. Jones; under him and a host of friends ed a whoteaale Jail here Henal ote Hrlstow, cum- Sanderson; vice president. Mrs. I. pound did for me. 1CI In nounced that director, Charles Hokahx; ac- E. corre among civilians, who appreciate his Paao. Included the plena of Kenyon, Norria, Jones POPULAR HONE sistant secretary. Mrs 1. Harris; and who regret his leaving it One year ago I found llenry Bell, half lireed, and sev- mins, t'lapp, companist, Miss Cora McCormlck. A spondent secretary, Mrs. Kittle worth the and Oronna, Uepubllcan, and ASSORTED CHIPS concert will be given Friday evening. Weeks; treasurer, Mrs. Horaco l.,y; Paso." myself a terrible u f eral other Mexicans was the assassina- Progroaalve, would maintain It Is understood that General I had tion of Jailer Bill Ten Kyck It Is Mar complimentary to the friends assistant treasurer, Mrs. Emma Chaf- Lieu- ferer. pains likely the same attitude. RegulsjfctTÍce 25c Scott's son and aide unite that Governor Colquitt of the members. The chorus consists fee. D- Scott, been in both and favorably on recom- tenant Hunter. has will act the in- CaajiUM Glub. 15c. of fifty voice and In addition to the After the adjournment a social hour transferred to the First ravalry and such a soreness I mendation. Join Today Only.ihcJir. t horal numbers, accompanied by an was enjoyed and a guessing contest Meyer, Va- will be stationed at Fort could scarcely Try tbe ee 0IHfit bar. oa get ta near Washington. up KerHs iMxIng Ulll. p. straighten at r.t r. gtniipss Ardoin's Confectionery times. My the Aiaot0tc4 tsi t Mrs. Harry N. Cuotea surprised the back Washington. April 3. Hearings on oermany Telephone mi j ached, I bad no ap- tr. Auer lelbora. a birthday dinner Thurs- Herrla bill, which would open, I captain with the CbronlC, Neriatai i and cilia le ulaeaaei. Stir- 20 Nan Stre-n- t. night. was In yellow petite and was so leasing system, the min- Antonio ! day Everything through a sery ííjO anTlrfniiio tover Ardolna.) Adv. Read My Free Offer In honor af tha cavalry colors. Broad nervous I could not sleep, then I would eral resources of the public domain, Sister: hands of yellow satin ribbons extend- be so tired mornings werg closed today by tbe house lands r I could scarcer tarnegle, the cnlebrated lama, length table, that Andrew ed the full of the tho get around. seemed almost impossi- committee which agreed to begin and armor plate manufacturer, lale flowers were apple blossoms and yel- It executive consideration of the meas- are getting long of yellow ble to move or do a bit of work and I l annoiiiif ed that llmei bailer. low Jonquils, sticks ure next Tuesday The bill tnty be be i in a posiUun to know thought I never would be any a aittioiiKii mints tied with yellow ribbon in better un ready to report to the house week niurh about tbe rlgora of hard winicr: Candy Special rlmlv mm nli.tn.n t aaaa la mA tt aa a . i - ..a rompió glasses were at each plate. til I submitted to an operation, I com latfser. The birthday cake was frosted tn yel- . Pecieiary On Delicious yoor menced taking Lyrila E. Pinkhtm's Vea-- President Wilson and riesolog. dysfKaV ressiag. Creeeeot d to ne4Ma caeuwt edraiie1 worn n a low with yellow csndles surrounding Taaine in bill It MAPLE PECAN BAR an e table Compound are Interested the and Clcanlnir Works. WlrTOl wagón win rail. know (rom experience, we It. It wouldn't be quite fair to tho and soon felt like a waa vuggeated today thgt a !. may n. I want to tall tow how ta many aw woman. I had slept well, 2fic the Lb. e at acoet of about 12 cenu a week. gallant captain to telPJust how not be Invoked In the bouse to procure Hew Meslee Bank Llqadalete. candles there were. had good ,p. tjtsrluVl id do almost action on It at this sewlon. My sprcisl Wire io Th Time i SATURDAY ONLY After the beautifully served dinner all my own work fsVa family of four. Wsshlagloo, April S. Notlcs, waa glvaa I tern Had I way Argument. today ot Sec Our mj E"lr all danced I shall always i 1 1 otro my good hart st tbe trcaaerr tha llquldsUo of aP""' The guests were Major and Mrs. C at . Bp the 4foc4effJ rVrsa - Netlooa! Dank of N. Candies .'-- tbt- state Arteal. II.. health to your - X S. Barney. Mr. and Mm. W. $b tur- Washington. April - Argument on wbleli bkm eouselldsta-- d with iba rirat N Tooley. Mrs. C. H. Ladd and Major WARD 80WEB8, , Maine. the Application of eastern railroads for tlousl Itauk of Artsala. Imppwa. erssal Míenle. If you are 111 dolmt drag along a I per eent incrrae In freight rateej Me Elite ItaaikaysMlaiM.selaWesW' until begin before fhs com- l.uarfAi: r law ey aa tftw ton sh operation la n e aary, but at once will interstate Weatnn s Dairy strictly sani i Be SKgpUNU DAUaiCTBB. merce commission April 27, and briefs opened today. (Jo. lite BS WSnB take Lydla E. Flnkbtvn'g Vegetab! tary, JBaFBan Antonio. Confectionery YOU in ike case must be on file one week lv.) I WYTTT TO SEW TODAY FOR MY FREE TEH DAYS TUfJlTSOfT Army sweatee AppwaJ compound. cartleTTAprll 20. heae .li ..i and learn bow aUaaenta caa be .aailjand auratrooaaoared at borne without the dai Mat h far AaeUlaeec. an- li f r fas of operation. we and yon Chairman Harlan made this Baggage Ti "Tjajai Prompt einenae as Wbe. r able to enjor lita aaeln. rou can neaa Adjutant sad Mrs. Pitt of tti Kaltatloo If hve tbe sllghtaat doubt today upon conclu- Pfcoo l Adv Js ar a other aanerar. MrhomeJ.treatmant la for reaaa er mU. To Metfcen a nouncement the irvioe. Longwell'ar Army bare received a letter from .Berke- that Lydl K. Pin klmm'i Vegettv. sion of presentation of testimony by a la tn young women and restore tñem ta ptompnaaa aiul i ley. Cel. ssklog for lufoniistleu of Blasette ble ComDOona will belpyou,wiite railroads in support of their ap- m rtrrek, dtWnajabaa moved to 41 , urdauahter. xawawaae- - wit ews Üyche. pr filset-- Ilerdalrk. The girl's (rplication, with a formal aia.fM.ent of .New rirat National Bank lil.lt A, I, 111 to E.llnkham MedlclneCo. Wéal DBotber Is very fa BerkeWy and louglng ludiiiK iny (confidential) I.ynn,Maas.,forad-Ttea- . the commission's deetre to expedite (Iff Car weed from her dsagbter. Asy one mi I will mm an in mala wrapper poecpaatL To saw tieae. you i final dlapoeltioh of the case. er 'i si ik. Uss. cane offer. iaar yoqt aaaa knowing of tbe wbereebeute of tkls girl Yonr letter wlU taeopetM, Drugstore ngsr ooauon : will rarer on a poor, i.. IND. rosfer s atek mot Iter read and aasiwered by m wmmmm. No on admire th man who ha Ten cans sma "Vila, s cents, IIS K. HtrfsrL WaafSbr--M- tf they will communicate wit a Mrs. Pitt, p.rrland , una tvsia la strict to turn around and spit twice before day and Saturday Qroaery. 1710 Best Boulevard. he starts bis story. CAdV.

V 1 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday. April 4. 1914.

Avers Hair Vigor has no effect what- NEW MEXICO STATE Rich ever upon the color of the latir, ft . Hair cannot nossiblv chanfle thtf color in nvwafHtdírpromptlylfopsfalUng SCHOOL OF 1 -a- MINES JLdOnQ O hair, and gffeatly prenotes growth. That's Lot of Pleasure h 7 fl Ask your doctor first iTfiS: mm (Htm. o.xk i BEOT Kgl'IPPKII AND MANAGEDof IN UNITED BTATK8. AN Kb PtM) CONCERN. 'rjt H!l I'.,-- .. '11. I. la .), fir-.- . Knit brought liy the attorney general a In a s.uall Day In It H Owning Spring Clothes Early Knnwn I i m omnany Ctiargrd With i:iatulil Yearly (J retínale.l0 Hold Violating Texan Antl-Tro- Um. violations aluce the settlement o( tita Many important Position. K HpttUl II ii. risir. moving plrture trust suit several viola- Austin. Tex.. April J Aii.-ti- vio- months Ago. The suit alleges Timtt Special t'orrraaossCsf a , lation of the anti-trus- t law In enter- tions during 100 days at penalty N. M.. April 3. In view FEVER is overcome n per day. ing Into an agreement for the uppres-alo- ranging (row MO to 1160 of the movement on (nut t.i establish SPRING of competition In the, moving pic- a El aewn winins-nei- a to school of Mines in Paso spring clothes; they 2 ture business with another concern, Lieutenant Barker' rain (acta concerning New Mexico J1ew police depirtinent the the attorney genersl'sdepertment to- serve In the York School .r Minea may be of Interesa. day (tied In city (or 1160.000 may he listed among the nut patriotic ut- act as a stimulus to renewed ault this way The New Mexico School of Mines against the William II. Hwsnson Film terance ir you reel that about It. wag created byun act of the legis- lature In lift. Captain M. Cooney. efforts. a pioneer ot New Mexico, and atlll residing In Socorro, had the'honor o( This is particularly true of introducing the Mil for me creation Mi UbHa .(iiiiWci.kciaisfnnfisiiK o( the Institution, which ha now grown ono o( the most important In the state. For the support of the school We You'll Look Well In If There Is One Thing act (Testing It provided that there should be nn annual tax of one-ha- lf Adler's of one mill levied upon all the taxabh. property of New Mexico. Under an better than another that we like to act two years later, a board o( trustees it waa appointed and an appropriation Collegian Our Spring Eats get Watson's Grocery it's their of $4,000 was made (or the puipose at of buying modest equipment (or the chemical and metallurgical labora tories. In 1803 a second special an Young Men's Suits proprlatlon of 431,420 waa made rp O HAVE a hat that will become YOU is the policy of BUTTER nut on MERIT which the institution a firm JL (oundatlon. thia hat (hop the proper hat ia the necesaary part which is always pure and sweet. Generous Land (Irani. we're showing they're as bright of any man' wardrobe. Two years Inter II. H. Fergusson then delegate In congress, secured the and full of life as any we've dis- To have a stock which shall offer a proper hat for any They are alsfíeíing fresh passage In congroes of an act granting 50,000 acres of public land the pro- played they're distinctive and man involves tha carrying of large stock an obligation , ceeds of which was to be usad for the Strawberries iifsirery day now. support nf the school. which we have gladly assumed. Each succeeding New Mexico legts individual, "classy." as the lature htis nutdc generous appropria Spring soft and stiff hats in a large variety of colors and ' tions for the support of the school young fellows say. Rich colors, the Inst session, which was held In Watson's Groceries 1913, granting a sprclnl appropriation models, yalues. purpose. smart great v7 of $22,500 yearly for this Quality The act of congress under which Are Famous for the territory of New Mexico became $2.50, $3, Up C1 $4 -a CTDrDT DUsTkMC R1 a state, granted 50,000 acroa of and p- - áiAIOas TTVáC VN- - I I ILAttJ aSinUI' public land for the support of the school. Most of thin land has already been selected and will soon become $30 the source of considerable revenue. ( Get Your Easter Hat Now Housed In Imposing lluiltluig. The institution Is housed In Impos V0 ing buildings. The main structure of I thn group is built of trachyte stone. taken from the neighboring Socorro ( MAT a CLOTHING CXV mountains. This building waa erected ' $rm t js twn iiiinn - HAT & CLOTHING CO. ) ARE YOU GOING EAST? under th direction if Col. 10. W. f Eaton, n pioneer, who cama to New i Mexico In 1$B3. Colons Eaton, waa accidentally killed In Socorro last ran TAKE Superintendent Fayette A. Jones. THE The Institution Is In charge of a rtsssai appointed by Qov-orn- board of trustees of Socorro county, New Mexico, which from tha attorney veneran depart- mnimiiinimtinininiiniiiiiiiiitiiiiiiij traction at the Qrectaa next Monday W. t Mclionald and confirmed embrace an arej. considerably greater ment today. This Tullriff was madd and Tuesday. by tha state senate. A. 0. Torres, of than tha state of Maasachusetta The on the baata that April 4. the flrat SUNSET ROUTE Socorro, Is chairman of the board, altitude of the town Is 4,100 and a Saturday In the month, la the election A War Romance at Wigwam. while Prof. Fayette A. Jones, a mem- ex- thermal spring at the base of an day for school trustees set aside by Edgar Jones, a former El Pas? ber of the hoard, in president of the tinct- volcano supplies It with an statute. Fallurh-t- abide by the rullnif AMUSEMENTS faculty In active charge la stock favorite, will be seen at th and of the abundance of the purest water In the grounds for the forfeiture of char- Wigwam today In Institution. Prof; Jones Is one of the of by with- "The Weaker west. Sickness Is almost unknown ters clubs ""It and the Brother," a dashing war romance In IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME most noted mining experts In the and the rough mineralised country drawal of liquor licenses by the comp- (ADVKRTIHEMBNT) United States and probably few men troller. Where no elections are he!4 two roela. fAuntle" Is a Vltagraph adjacent to the school furnlihc an picture a story every-lif- e In western coun- accord-In- s; wnjci tens rrom nro belter known the Ideal flold for the etuay ot geotogy the law la applicable as well, aay ilnfi Is (Irat-claa- Show Interesting. BIJNSKT LIMITED (dully) at m., carrying s try from Alaska to southern Mexico nil pat'tlc of stuiients are constantly to the rullhi of the department-Wh- Fashion at Grecian. Qiidayf fcnd Prof. Jones, It was. who headed the Tuesday "In Sleeping Cars, Dining Car and krvatlon Compartment Car. In the field tor this purpose. The eleventh reel of "Our Mutual zourl," wftH Burr Mcintosh as "Jo famous expedition to Tlburlon Island Across Rio uranar. It suits I u r tit ii in i People Olrl" series Is a great fashion show. years ago, exploded Bridge Foley's Honey' Vernon." It is r $2 show for 10 nn some and the The new highway and Tar Compound Margaret and her aunt select their 20 cents. NEW ORLEANS IN 35 HOURS. myth that thla mysterious island In brldae acroa tha Rio Grande, three Is prompt and effective for coughs. Raster hata, a plcc from about two thu of California contained vast colds, croup hoarseness, bronchial dosen newest from "Joa-nh'- " auif lotlee north of Socorro, ha lut been creations Dairy - NEW YORK IN 76 HOURS. stores of mineral weilfn guarded trri completed. ,Tho structure, wnicn ia reuffhw atíd for any eondlttoa .where Xanoua niUincry ahup in Kew West Lunch; strictly sani- auvuirc Serl cniiiübnl. In addition m tire membraneá of York. tary; 32 m or steel, is 48 tet in lengtn, was the throat and (AdV.) Mil. il (.11 TOI'IUST IXJualPIUia TO WASHINGTON. to his position" aa prealdent nf tho bullí by the El Paso Bridge and Iron bronchial tubk.iWe Inflamed and raw. Blanche Ring, with the entire com- School of Minea Professor Jones la company, which required 64 days Thomas Vesrtsf. Hancock. Mi.-h.- pany, In "When Claudia CITY TICKET (H i n t: NÓ. NO. OREGON, Jut Smile," er.' IM also atata mining commissioner of to put the steel In Place. The bridge writes: ",IVV Honey ami Tar has also shown In this realrwolng through i t Paso County Taxes. New Mexico, and he has recently aiwuys proven eErecuve, quicKiy re- - KTKAMKIIIP TICKETS TO AIJi PAHT8 OF I II I forms an lmnortant link in the trans two of the bent nutnueraof this latent By Special Mi.-- r Tkf Time been designated by the Sap Diego continental highway connecting eaat-e- lleving tick: fcroat anew stopplnjc musical hit. Don't miss this! Coma s. r i aOthorltles to select the min- cough ie bad effect." Austin. Tex., April' The tax col- the anlr New Mexico with Artsona and tho early. lections from 131 Paso county, amount- of New Mexico the M-- It no opiates, la a pure. eral exhibit for west via Magdalena, IS. ana contains and Thanhouser's big Broadway pro- ing to $i vs. 0ti3 for the month of exnosltlon. II was appointed preal F rlngervllle, reliable medicine. That's why It sutta mag- one Aria. Kyan. duction, "Frou Frou," In four January, 1914, were received toda dent of the school of mine about particular people. A. E. wU by yeur ago. but served a term In the (Adv.) nificent reels. be the extra at the comptroller's department. iiiiitien-- Diseñara Very Prevalent. sume position from lf8 to 102. every Object-- , to uaa sciiooi. Whuonlng cough is about The New Mexico School of Mines where. Mésales and scarlet fecr al was founieft ror tne purpose ot.provtu-In- g most ss bad. Use Foley's lloifty an.l young men- with a practical educa- Tar Compound for raw. Inflamed STATE port-lion- Hos- NATIONAL BANK tion and fitting them (or various throat and coughing. MriVIC. (KM l .S l Alll.lSlll D APltll.. 1881. mining Industry. tler, Grand Isndk Neb., say: "My In the severe attacks of LEADING JtA Every phase of practical, mining Is three children uof nOTFL? CAPITA! SURPLUS PROt'lTB. StOO.OO0.gl com whooulnir eouKh.tral a very rew aosss taught, the curriculum Including guv pute courses In mining engineering, of Foley's iioncyVnd Tar them Interest rWd on Savings Accounts mining geology, metallurgical en- great relief." Contalna no oplatea Do gineering, civil engineering and chem- - not accept a substitute, a. r.. i;yan. IIOV-FS- (Adv.) C. R. MOREIIEAD. President JOSEPH MAGOFFIN. Vlrs-Pre- a hilry, lending to run uegreos. mñ RRTMFNT 1 i 7. N. I) licet Koulmied III the Weal. sisan una C BASSKTT. QEOROE FLOUT. Cashier. only, The college Is probably the best Tomorrow, frWtlni and ntaht west, being Crawford thesfeh Albert Taylor m U J. GILCHRIST. Asst. Canillar. equipped of it kind in the aby." (Adv.) J supplied with every variety oi ap- Lend Me YUgyP paratus pertaining to the mining In of EL PA90 dustry. Hitualed as II is, convenient to several important mining district parties of students are taken on EL PASO BUILDING trips to the working mine of HOTIL McCOY HOTET THE LOCKIE K liy ami Mogollón nnd inner aa- - Absolutely fireproof. "modern." Banking By laccnt Itelds. An extensive smelter, Lrocated at the head of EJ Paso St. PASO DEL NORTE MOTi:i. A1U APARTMENTS Mail )n 40 AH I A A SAVINGS ACCOUNT US let tner v onerntatl uy tne American PERMITS the Pioneer Plaza. rooms with I I Paso's Million I Houae JIM TO OPEN WITH AS $248,960 shower single or 'ollar THOUGH YOU LIVED DOOR. Ktnelting and Refining company, and baths, en suite, wjjfh 12.00 and up. Corner Mlllsfsnd Stanton Streets NEXT school, been $1.60 and up. 40 rooms with Rata bath We pay 4 par cant Interest, compounded twice every year. We do situated near the haa'also tub ruofilng up. El Paso, Texas In i BrtoW- - bat ha, single or en milter Urates With water, tl.tt aad depesaagsfer guaranty made use of by the student that CITY i:i.i.i:t Mercbaaia' business under the la of the tai or Texas, aaa . INU nki:sUHUWTH DURMU Till-- $2.00 and up. Every roejn abso- - Noomlay Lunch In Grill R. J. Uockle, Mgr. 6408 a Quaranty provided by such department. F Phone are Fund Hankfa law. (iraduatex Hold lull Poaltlolls. Mt N 11 OF MARCH. UBUIIUC, tl:0 a. at B " m St Ovr plan. In addition toNgalng convenient, la safe, profitable aai Graduate of the Now Mexico a liberal. Nobody haa aver lost a dollar In a Rata Bank In Texas. Bchool of Mines are Invariably Kx- - no Take Fourth INsritlon In Teaas, WRITE TODAY KOK OUR Fit EE BOOKLET. "BANKING BY MAIL mining men and have occjOlna; Ualveaum, Man Antoulo, A DAY vr SHELDON HOTEL OR SIMPLY HAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. oirriinltv In necurtng nositlon of re Wortli. Ueaamunt and Austin. Till ORAefD HtJTKLi HOTEL ZE1GER ' sponsibility. In (act the (or Fort Use Centcraof El Paso demand Moderate In Hot - TRUST It graduate I greater than the and Cald Running Water, Tl- EL PASO BANK CO.. El Paso. Texas flu .mm oil golea te Timr, Prom th The Commercial Asn's House. Up eptyJne In Every ecbonl can supply. Many graduate of rr - Room. New Mexico neno.it aro FVirt Worth. In.. Aaril i. AccorS- El Paso to date and loamtstl convnlntly the nomina by Texas Éern. EuropeajT Plan. Restaurant. Buf- i... ttio is a superintendents and gen Ing to a report complleo tb Bts. to the bualneas Justrlct of El Paso. Buslnea Men's aaaoetatlon, building furntohed. Dally tWc fet Private Dining Room Open eral manage re of tutors and smelters Business Menitiunch AU Night. ard reduction works throughout the Dermit totally $1 ,601.670 were is Clean and sanitary. Sbetdoc. Cafe. Rats 11.00 to 43.00. United Steles. Mexico, western cunada sued during March in the nine prin and South America. cipal cities of Texas, 110 population 7 An Ideal Location. con The location nf the school is an This la the highest amount of ALBER' fA HOTEL ANNEX 1 licenses Uaued la any month one. Socorro the county sent atructlon U i ' ideal of thla year and compared with Feb- 'orn. Wast s)an Antonio aad Santa ruary, 1114, ia an Increase of 1171. - e Bi.., one tiiocK rrom Alberta. WHERE TO DINE II. VAtJ une block West Ho) 1 Paso del Hanan highest Oxfords Is total reach This also the Ndrte. ltMUApen aidout April lat. e4 far one monlh'a building activities Al l oulaldl fr.Mj.rs . vlth private suwrisasaTAuaAaT since July, 111, when building per- bath. AT WlHf H TO BAT. ECZCHia to of. I Bteajkneair hot aad cold Q.lol. Guaranteed mits the amount .,46 WSTtsr. knk. l.u.t,, Style, appearance, comfort were authorised In these cities. runnlnJ clal rates for FLORENCE CAFE het January permits of tat year th uirrmef . Mr. B. Tom Smith. ni.. and fit in all these, as in amounted to only a Utile mofe than Mgr. PhoflellSl. SJSBBSSJSJSJSJBJSJSSJSJSSJSSJBJfm sasassssssssasssssi IggTesa. St Remedy half of the nun of construction li- 0, cense Issued during March. rjoirit of shoe V nrr often Mktx to rtipmo d a every other for ktB iroiii.Us Dallas took first rank with bulldlm: X NMH wall I I Kvurrd t lto txirltitlre agtwey far I llosa, totalling 1807,111. and Waco supremacy tLsVÜgh quali- - cante second with 141. Houaton OBITUARY. NEW SILVER GRILL look third position withI. permits amounting to 2i, 4B. and El Paso 1 JPrgStXTSUKQ is BJUT ty oxford upholds the great H AN AX reputation. reported building DAVUI Mrs. P. W. Daels. aaed ti fourth with $14l.lt II tseah m a- permita Other amounts authorised died at her residence, 181 Rio arando wm'mmjr asi - o gaUsa. í , street, yesterday morning. Mrs. Da WAS, " are: tlalveston. 34.116-- sata . Ill S learsstees. IRAO MAWK vis Is survived by her son. O. K Fort Worth, tls,IM: Davis, It's oxford time, why get best? Beaumont. Austin. and two, ateces. Miss Rllssbeth not the Kl.tl. and Kelly and Mis Mabel Petty, of tin. IN i city, Oysters, serrad styles. ECZEMA REMEDY bulla-In- g besides a number of other rela- Irssh Is all , Th enormity of last month's tive In rr éataF Is splendid testimonial who reside different parts ot The - - permits a the south. Funeral services will ha KKt .a Be., sag of the building activities which are in a sell progresa la held this afternoon at t:U at th Phil Young's Cafe UBaTaTalM Tula llaulil la this state and attributed chapel, 608 principally to an unprecedented wave Tasas street. El Pass Also Ksrhllsdss. Cata ao.1 Beans. Hot Cluo House Cafe prri.arflttoB sredleiita fast friend are Invited to. serv- mm MM It txf-ri over attend the and Old Uuscbes. Uoeruto Beer ea Vsaak Par rv.aa. not la salve tona. of prosperity which l sweeping ices, which will be by ss ax thf-- - conducted Iter. draft. bWEKHSl, rrep. rasa nitd liivv l num. aal- th slate. W. C. - Xhe body, bls a. litff propvrtlfs. rsaiages ot Baber. accompanied Itemed,ma1.1 er nil by Mr Davis arid Miss Petty, will be ether AUi KALOONB Ml'HT ClAaHK, kla nmMlts nr of special value 1 taken to Newmarket. Ala., for inter- tb tmitufnt of tbli dUtrestlag aa ment. tuhttoru ill sea sc. No Mortal t'labg Osa Pat isitae IJsjasr PAN-AMERI- C la Texas Todajii lrsUkli Day. AN CAFE Crill. Price Bur. $1.00. (Malal irirs to Pa raass Opening It 104 N. El Paso Hoar Oncn I' niter Co. Stoire qfrJMtrt- - Bldg. u Austin. Tes.. April t. No saloons Nw Banner Kll.-r-- i. nivvL-- . v. u...mHl kMitu.ti.it vitMa open busi- co.. in Tags can remain for BI Paso's Popular KaUaa Place for I Ad lee usto ness on Saturday. April 4, nor caa ASK SEGAUD. and Qentlomen. aterltol Agvscy. social cjuds dispense mruor on tost "' Drtivak. i.nxm. aun on Un, Managers KM day, according to a ruling that cam o (av.) Píame (IS7Q. raoNoamoos del tiempo. COTIZACION DE tKTAIdE, Waurmlngton, Abril J En el Oeste A Texas. Murtas locales I náhado y Cobre 1.714.I.V, despejado y máa callente al domingo. Plata, por onza lofte Arizona, despejado sábado y do- Plomo, por ion libra. $.60 J.6 mingo. Zinc, por 10 libra...... fi.2SOB.se

. tv&. f. 'JB.-.-- r , ' Bnw Ta Mayar amtartta PRECIO AÑO 34. Pasada, aa ai Unan, EL PASO. TEX.. SABADO, ABRIL 4 DE 1914. interesados mas en el restablecimiento bldo. mejoría durante la semana últi- lableclmelnto de una firme y dura- qus pas AVISOS DE OCASION NO HA ma, y no hay rasón para nueva ansie dera pas, basada en la Justicia, la NO ESJÍENGANZA de los dividendos en el dé la CAMBIADO dad, loe TAMPICO SERA y de Méxho Kn conclusión dl)o que médicos han recomendado a libertad y laa reformas económicas compromiso considerado - Bu Mageatad que profesor y que a cabo ningún serla uua ralU LO aNIíachj ila- consulte al sociales serán Havadas por lo. constltucionalistaa. aincNJKMk uuinermo neiner, eapecialtata ale- cuando un gobierno constitucional sej que "ningún 1 en por Termino diciendo palabra, una vas., LA SITUACION mán enfermedadea internas, establecido por nuestro partido." POR LA MUERTE cumpromlao" significa maa que el via 1 que hay Indlccaclones que de A0AND0NA00 paisbraa, una va ta de sufra jo grito y Constitución. 1 oo nuevo del mal de eatOmago que de "Libertad linea ai mea II - ha . venido padeciendo. El profesor Fiel- PARA VENDER - cuartos amuabla-- HASTA AYER ÍYAN CONMCIONK8 llegará. A esta el i FLKTCH-B- DEL PRESIDENT MADERO yt'K y der sábado próximo.' El. M n mi it LOS FEDERALES .dos para familias un restaurant ÜK TORREON PERMANECIAN Rl rey ha estado enfermo hace si DICE QUE SABE QUE NO SE LA REVOLUCION EN MÉXICO en conccclón. Infórmense 107 8. EN Eli MISMO ESTADO. gun tiempo. stafrUT una operación por HARA RESISTENCIA. LLEGARA AL TRICMEO. Dr. S. Hatfner Sania. Fe 81. apenaicitis en 1910 pn Octubre del de Chthuabna EL, LUOAll MAS BARATO para Ijo que C'onoonn los Secrctoü Cons- - ano panado volvió a eentlrac enfermo. Roberto V. Peaquetra Refirió que la 1:01 I Kltnat'lon del se por VAN PROFUGOS Teléfonos: Nal (Habitación), comprar muebles bueno en El Paso sutuc.onsJlte Dicen que Hace farrio Acrata Intervención iki Podrá ser Admltlila No. US (OMblna). Oficina: Roberta-- 113 EL REY ALFONSO XIII. I Falta de Agua y H Aumanto do por es FOUTZ & ZINKL.EK. Calle N. Dies Fué Capturado Torreón. los Constituclonallxtaa. Banner Cuarto No. Stanton. la Epidemia de Viruela. Sulldlng: Halblo en si Parlamento No EN SU RMDA SON ALCANZADOS 622 lío Piso). Horaa de Oficina: Loa Buena Oportunidad Para Adqui- Hasta ayer la solución de la batalla ore la PrtcrAéi de sus Subditos. POR tAM III 111 I 1U IIACIÉN-DOLE- Pe la Prensa Asocfatta. 11 a 13 y 4 a I, rir Bar Propio Hogar. de Torreón permanecía aún aln cam De la Prensa Asociada. Da la Prensa Asociada. VARIOS MUERTOS. Fllsdelfls. Abril 3. Declarando So vendan lotea; en Rivera Addi- bio alguno, aegnn pudo saberse de Madrid. Abril 2 En su Washington, Ahrll da que el objeto de la presente revolu- discurso del tas ' iiSrMlás de tion, cerca del Washington Park. So boca de loa empleados de Jtiáres. La trono en la apertura del parlamento Torreen Helaron laa El por Tele, ción do México, no "es meramente la t que preaicrionea del Flet-fh- .r íral. Canrania Kcllclta venganza president lamente fio al contado y mensue única información arribó del español, el rey Alfonso aludió a los contrslmlrante (rafe al Oral. Villa por su Inipor. de la muerte del lea. L1 reírse loa Interesados a la oil campo de operaciones fué la que ae ultrajes qu loa españoles y otros ex acarea de aua el Importante Mndero: sino que esti fundada en Atención, Modistas puerto (ante y Tascendetital Victoria. y c.n. del seflor Félix Martines, Herald refiere a que loa federales oe hablan tranjeros hablen reTsiMuo n México de Tamplto serla abandonado consideraciones de csracter social manequfee lluara-he- . por los Vendo Ltulldlnc, Núm. 12, Teléfono 103. trlncherado en el cañón del El gobierno yipanol. dijo Su Mage-stad- , federales sin resistencia. económico." el agente confidencial en en una buu-an- Este inform, ha fldlr recibido con V. automáticos, mar- cons- - donde estaban haciendo ha buscado y continuaba Cien federales fuoron muertos ñor los Estados Unidos, Roberto HE NECESITA dlnaro lueAlcano tense, constltu-oioñallsta- s ínteres. pe dr obstinada, y que ios .... asa...... profundo Vr muchos meses las tropas de los generales Hernández presentó ante la Academia Chi- ...... ,..,,,,. t ca Acme, de tltuclonSltst. biUetrc notas de opurtunl-da- ' iaJknsIiSS na han. tSYl.-- v ( on ta ña na an y pa- rugamos ir pre no hablan tenido v Mita A- an Ma.,... i tunal!ir Irlft, mu an de Ciencias Política, esta noche, banco. loa úul altos de poder obtener ninguna ventaja ser debjdamente pre aitlando Tamploo con vi propósito de huida de la plaza capturada, en las ra hablar de lo que él constdsró como cago. Block, pi'evrt.is. la S: ríe l . .., vj.. ,, .... 9 cies. Herman le.et. para desalojarlos, no obstante toas sencia ae ouques eapan. w-- vers i.f un ,.: em.tra.1a an r.a n,i a la revolución da Madero y las rela- VENDA, compre cambie usted na noche de lucha continuada. Los cms, ha demostrado la eoTTcitud delItlolfo. i millas al Este de Torreón, habiendo ciones de la presente, que no es mas Ocurra o escriba, No ni - i ' de segunda mano ni empleados conatltuclonaltstas hicieron gobierno en favor de aua súbdiios. AI principio se consideraba cscen- sido hechos prisioneros soldados que la continuación de la de 1910. herramientas ni- - ó y se lo enviara cata- - rifles, quo aeua mis precios. conocer a loa representantes de la clal su captura para 'Introducir mu pertenecientes a las m lamas fuerxaa "La revolución de 191 no fué haata prensa guerra; poro por - Telefono 411. H. Mohr, 10 & El que los rebeldes poseeien la clones de el levanta- federales, .egun lo aupo el Gral. por personales ambiciones o Paso. mayor parte dé' la ciudad y que es- wtrbarii, iSajs. eerrranza por una conferencia teleprá-absndfr.- ó sed de mando, los mismos críticos de peraban el resultado final de la ba- LOS PROPOSITOS éVataone. aui.oue conncíeY.-illpy- : cmr- nwuituvo con el Gral. Villa. Madero admiten esto mismo. Aún el COMPRAMOS ORO, plata y cobre en talla en cualquier momento. 'jilo au Importada como aduana .....ti.!., que sabia que loa fedrvales mismo Porfirio Diss reconoció esto, Raymundolujan cualquier cantidad o oonaicionca, exponen las Masones. cauusaora, nan Mfiio a is cunten ao precipitada fuga rrojiinan toda denpues de la calda de Juarez, mani ', la, metales, n lanchas. Dreclnltadoa. etc. Algunos conatlruclonallstas, que wzdt i x tíiruT n-r tapiurax ta clase ds Impedimenta, dirigiéndose festando que la revolución era de 711 Myrtle At, Metala Buying Retining Co.. i o tienen la confianza de los altos em- DE MK. JOHN LINO oblaclóft al pareecr najóla el Este. carácter social y económico. san f rancisco su pleados del arobierno. dijeron ayer que El contralmirante Fletcher dice Al salir de Torreón los federales "Un gobierno de mano de hlerró que t a DOCTOR AUER conocían perfectamente que las tropea los rebeldes leñen avunsadse ahondonaron en su huida cuatro nunca puede Imponer una paz perma- n, cinco millas de Tampleo y que plesas 1,000 dt3 la de Heidelberg, Alema del oral. Villa hablan capturado arandea de artillería, nente en México, Tsl paz solo puede facultad deade hada doe días. La ra- SE DICE gUE NO REGRESARA A el ataque tan pronto como ruñadas, gran número de rifles, ha- por un justo especialista en eníermedadea cró 1 1 y quedar estnbledda medio nia. són para que no se hubiera hecho "E.VH ÍJVK VISISTARi A el Oral. Castro llegue' con algunos blándose hecho muchos prisioneros, y nicos, enfermedadea de las mujeres. CARRANZA. arreglo político, económico social, publico el hecho es que habla ciertos miles de hombres por el camino de aln saberse hasta ahora el número, y a tal arreglo el elemento reacciona- SE COMPRA ORO CiruJIa. Callo san Antonio Núm. o movimientos militares, que Iban en San Luis Potosí. En laguna hay Al la conferencia con el "Ardoln'a.-- terminar rlo en México esta, opuesto; pero el Y PLATA Arriba de progreso, y además no era el deseo 000 constltuclonsllstas montados v Oral. Villa, el primer Jefe do los re- Nada ha Hecho rl t.'oblerno Ameri partido constltncinnsllsta esta can- L)K. GUILLERMO Q. ELU3WORTH del gobierno oonstltuclonallata anun cano que Slsjulftsuto Reioonocliti lento sus lineas se extienden si Este haxta rindió sus congratula- suelto a Imponerlo por medio de la en cualquiera formn o Ksneclallstu en enfermedadea de les ciarlo, sino haeta que toda huella del del oonicrno le Huerta. las costas de Canaollte, sobre el rio ciones por la captura de Torreón, en fuerza de las armas. Precio aiá com-- góblerno Tamesl. El eatlma la tidad. señoras y el rujia. Consultorio, Calle federal hubiera sido borra- contralmirante los siguientes términos "Loa Interesen extranjerbs y me- . 424. Teléf. 1412 y da del aquella región. guarnición de Tampleo en 1.000 fede- Felhita al Oral. Villa. por ...... i. V San Antonio b.N. Le. De la Prensa Asociada. situación de la cludsd es xicanos solo pueden conserveras Habitación. S. HUI 806, Teléf. 9448. Brigada MoreJoe. rales. La "Acsbo de recibir su mensaje en reformas calculadas1 pars De manera no oficial ae dijo ayer Washington, Ahrll 3. El anuncio desesperada por la falta de aa;ua y que me partldpa la toma de Torreón, medio de que oromover el bienestar de lss mssaS y ENSAYDORES. que la brigada "Moreloa," del Oral. de la próxima salida del Sr. re por la falta de comunicaciones en donde Ion reatos d la guarnición y SflWberg Hermanw Llnd. Se que la por el equilibrio entre el capital el Urblna,, habla pueato una emboscada hsn sido cortadas. dice federal fueron derrotados huyendo en 101 O Y presentante personal del presidente trabajo. propósito del movimiento Esquina Avenida Mesa y COMI' R OUO PLATA a los federales que trataban de acer- viruela estA aumentando. las sombras de la noche. Sincera- conslltuctonallata, es un el mas alto precio. por Sureste, dlstan- - Wttson, ha vuelto a revivir el Interes dice y Pasando carse el s alguna El contralmirante Fletcher mente felicito a I'd a sus oficiales gobierno constitucional y reformar la Calle Texas A. N. Ldmbardl, Calle Sur El Paso. cta de Torreón, y que esc combate sobre la futura política de los Esta que hay ya en Tampleo "suficientes k su ejército por la. estoica conducta altua-cló- n Constitución misma."' al Banco Rio No. 107, Segundo piso. Cuarto 1. todavía continuaba. Ksto, sin em dos Unidos hada México. fuerzas navales para copar la desplegads en los 11 días de batalla, Frente bargo, no pudo ser confirmado por loe en caso de que surja cualquiera que dló por resultado la captura de El Sr. Pesquelra manlfestoó que no HERMAN BLOCK CO. Calle E. Mientras el presidente hn dicho que hshla necesidad de Intervención en Grande. Boulevard Núm. 305. Teléfono 6463. oficiales constiruclonallstas de Juárez. dlfic ultad." la ciudad. lamento prof lindamente No Ha v Ningunas Noticias. el Sr. Llnd deberá regresar a Vera pérdidas de vidas de nuestros va México, y los que Inician este movi- Loa altos precios pagados por las son que cslAn mis cueros, Chihuahua y Juárez están aln noti cruz, después de haber obtenido un EL NUEVO CONSEJERO. Hentes compafteroa, trayendo esta miento los vivamente metal, sobre, hule, huesos, etc que un nues- viejos. Se ao licita correspondencia. cias acerca de lo ha pasada en descanso de vacaciones en los Esta- victoria el triunfo oeiinmvo Torreón y cerca de Torreón. Los pa Robert Lauistng.'que ejustituye a Bas- tra cauaa ron el cual borraremos toda MR. FRANCISCO ARMEN DARLA aajeres que llegan de Chihuahua di dos Unidos, algunos observadores de net! Moore. Rindió la Protesta. muncha del ejército de traidores y ss Chihuahua. Jeron anoche que los vecinos de aque la situación aseguran que no regresa De la Prensa Asoclsds. asesinos sobre el nombre de nuestn; Oficina: Sur Stanton 405. Horas de Ha ciudad car cedan en absoluto de rá más a México. La poco voluntad Wsshinston, Abril 3. Robert Lan- país. consulta: 10 a 11:90 y 2 a 8. la máa aimple noticia del campo de de tas facciones para aceptar las pro sing, el nuevo consejero del departa- La importaiKia ae torreón. Teléfono habitación: 6316. operaciones, durante los últimos dos poclslones de un compromiso o de mento de Estado, austltuto de John 1a toma ú Torreón es de grande Telétono oficina: 8044. días, y que los empleados constltu una mediación ha obligado al go- Bassett Moore. rindió la protesta hoy Importancia porque ahora podremos servicio del cuerpos oe - y de clonallstas de Chihuahua hacían todo bierno americano a tomar una actitud para entrar al Kobierno. concentrar grandes ejeri- DE VENTA tipo cajas usados lo que eataba en su poder para conse- de verdadera nefltralldad. Toda la Sera el segundo del secretarlo Bryan to contra cualquiera plaza., federal, Imprenta. ae tu departn-mrnt- - Oficinas fsso guir que las noticias salieron para el atención de n admlnltaración se ha y secretarlo en funciones del sin ningún peligro." dijo el Oral. a- Morning Times exterior. concentrado en la batalla de Torreón cuando el Sr. Bryan esté rrauza en el curso de una entrevista, Dlfl VENTA Pollos de sangra, hue luiinuirrun im CjIiuttwu. Visitara a los Rebelde. ausente. ayer. nur nara la Deles. Dlrlsire (en In Al llegar los trenes de herldoa a Motivo de espeetselón es lo que el Manifestó que aunque iiucria so gléa) a W. M. Gregory. Róndale, N. Chihuahua, dicen los pasajeros, que Sr. Llnd pueda hacer, después de ha- habla revelado un pobre spldad" no M fueron colocados soldados de guardia ber descansado en los. Estados Unidos, deseaba externar sus futuros planes THE para que gente y es para que no se aprove- y las evitar la entrevistara proniihle. ulirmHis nbserv SOBRE SALTILLO de campofta, TRATAMIENTO de las manos a dichos heridos, y se supiera lo nuce dores, que verificará un viaje a través chara ds .ellos. Al hsi'lar del recono- unas. Cuarto No. Ib, edificio Ham dldo en el campo de batalla que aun del territorio dominado por los eone- - cimiento de los Estados Unidos dijo metL continuaba. tftuclonallstas, que se dice está en que esto no dependía de él; pero que ACKNOWLEDGED SUPREMACY bU NECESITAN muchacho para, en IvOs hilos telegráficos todavía están control del Gral. Carrañas. V MONTERREY tenían ahora comunicaciones con f tregar o repartir y colectar varias en operación deade Juárez a Gómez La RdmttiIstraelÓn fjAICft ftW MaAsuawrus. ees da Tampioo y OP THE urngrrae jueparo-ment- o Palacio; peí o la cotrertrrn CfTTf TulfUolf rhara.-mné- oe quT irnWnTOrtosT Zacatecas, y eaal se estaba en comple- i i.ris del Time, ai lu de Circulación del Times, des no ae ha practicado. Loe mensajes del sr. ia n d no si g n i rican n i ngün SE DICE QUE EL EJERCITO VIC- to dominio de más de la mitad de que se han recibido en Juárez están cambio en la política del gobierno república. pués de laa 6:30 de la tarde. TORIOSO DEL GRAL. VfttA que paso firmados en el "cuartel general de americano; el encargado de negocios MARCHA SOBRE ESTAS PLAZAS. Después el Oral. Carranza dijo El ísorntrio tintes DR. GUHalaKHMO Q. ELLSWORTH, Gomez Palacio" y por eato ae supone )'8hnug-hnes- continuará en la ciu aunque pensaba permanecer en Jufl-re- z Facultad de Inglaterra: especiadla que el Oral. Villa no ha trasladado dad de México para la rutina de los algún tiempo, establecerla sua ofi- At the Real Estate medium of ta en enfermedadea de las señoras y todavía su cuartel general a Torreón. nefrocloa que pueden stlrglr con el go- Lo que Dice 4 ral. Carranza Acerca cinas en Chihuahua y mas larde en n- El Paao gOC, without question. t irujía. Coiirtultorto. Calle San Anto bierno de Huerts. Ninguno de los cíe i rumio lorrcoii a un Toi reon. nlo 424. Teléfonos 1412 y 6214. Ha CAPTURAN LA ARTILLERIA. actos del encargado de negocios ame- respousal Extranjero. Keflríéndoee al caso Benlon dijo bltaclón, 8, HUI 806. Teléf. 3443. ricano ha traslucido nada que signi- que esperaba que la comisión nom- (T The representative men of any city are the TAQUIGRAFIA. CuntablUldad. Me El Oral. V illa Sale en Persona a Per fique el reconocimiento, pues el go- Telegrama especial para el Times. brada por él rindiera muy pronto el II men who handle its real estate interests. El Inglés. Telegrafía, ora seguir a Vdasco y sus Tropas. bierno tiene que tratar con las au- Torreón, Abril 3. Al comenzar el Informe que con ansia ae esperaba. .noirafla. , que do- Paso ha, a, fine a body of gentlemen who do mat lea. ArltmHlc-- Español y Solfeo. Telegrama toridades de hecho tienen el movimiento de hada Saltillo y Mon Especial para el Times. minio del territorio en México. La terrey, federales fueron this great work successfully a, any city in the Cursos especiales para señoritas, du Abril 3. Por un tele loe últimos ..i Chihuahua, mención que el Gral. Huerta hace en o nrrojadas de nt din Claaaa 4 domicilio. Oil grama, que llegó esta tarde, al cuartel muertos, taptursdos ESTA IGNORANTE country. berto HcUguin, 24 Buckler Bldg.. altos au mensaje al Congreso mexicano Torreón. El enfecto, el movimiento general de esta ciudad; se sabe nue el acerca de que loa Estados Unidos lo envía del "Commercial National uaná." Gral. con un cuerpo tropas comenzó hace varios días si ser SI Our real estate dealers are a representative villa de hablan Invitado a la conferencia de daa las brigadas de, los generales To- y sano para Ham rearo, con el fin de Haya no Implica tampoco ningún II body of expert realty appraisers and they COMPRAMOS oro. plata cobre en Hernández, para La más Urblna y Macrovln Herrera, quo cantidad, metales, pian unirse al Oral. batir reconocimiento. In- AUNLACAPITAL El In with cualquiera a las fuerzas del Oral. Velasco, las sumaban 3,600 hombres, a fin de are all boosters for Paso. interviews chas precipitados, etc. Pagamos el que No lo ha Reconocido. terceptar los refuerzos que se decía gentlemen the prediction for 1914 mas por todos metalea después de la' lucha de en la Ia administración' explica este he- que venían pera Torreón, procedentes many of these precio alto mañana so en loa ce Y Johnson Asaay Co., oficina, Sheldon atrincheraron cho por la circunstancia de que a fin de Saltillo. DE LOS SUCESOS DE TORREON expressed itself in one brief sentence "The rros. El Oral. Hernández da parte de todos los obstáculos, se ha- la PERIÓDICOS HABLAN DE Hotel. El Puso. Texas. y de allanar El Oral. Villa declar; durante LOS we've ever had." que están por completo rodeadas bla enviado Invitación a todos tos ko- - PC ESTAS VICTORIAS. biggett and best que puedo capturarlas; pero el Grai. noche que habla penaado preparar iu Ht blernoa para que mandaran delegados camino haeta Monterrey y Saltillo tan gT The Times is proud to have helped in this Villa desea que todo esto sea una originales a 1st conferencia que por CUATRO MIL VIUDAS. verdad y para eso ha salido en per- pronto como la situación se hubiera i;i Ural. Blanquet .Mgura que 11 work in the past, and will continue to tercera vez tenia que reunirse en Ia despejado. a Torreón great sona.1 Haya. nota, en forma de (ral. Yetaaco Retiene ). - Esta misma gran push "El Paao to the front." Rnribirán Pensión del Gobierno por el Antes de que el cómbete se icene- una copla, fué enviuda al encargado sitio de la batalla. No Será Capturado. Deudos, captor por posesión del hervido Prestado poattus rallxara el Gral. Hernández O'Shaugneasy.-tHujrorsiner- a rutina La gran batalla la Undoubted results obtained through De la Asociada. 18 piezas de artillería, echándose so entregó al gobierno deHuerta. Norte de México IndubabUmente se la Prensa Asociada. Prensa por y la M le d Washington, Abril 2. Las pensiones bre los federales sorpresa ha registrara un estas doa ciudadea. México. Abril 3. a apital I the Timet advertising. y o ciéndoles 100 muertos y 153 prisión Oral. Villa no cree que las guarni- Ignorante de la calda do pera las viudas niños menores huyó México está rdad. do los oficiales y soldados qu eros. El resto en precipitada ciones de estas poblaciones aan re Torreón. Ninguno do los periódicos gobierno en guerra con fuga abandonando artillería, heridos forzadas debido a la completa de- nada que se refiera a la de- sirvieron al la GOLPE MORTAL y contiene v Kttoaña, la insurrección filipina y el y provisiones. El deapacho no dice strucción del ejército de Torreón rrota de los federales. el número de hombrea que lleva e mss que todo debido a la pérdida do por contrario, todos publican levantamiento Boxer, en China, aera que el autorizados en un proyecto de ley que lasco; pero se Juzga son de ".000 su artillería y los aprovisionamientos victoria ganada por el Oral. Javier a 4,000. Loa federalee can absoluta- que no se tienen ya en el Norte por A loa rebeldes, cerca aé preaentó a la Cámara esta tarde y de Moure subre por una votación ae .e por St. mente sin alimento, sin artillería PARAMUERTA gobierno de Huerta, de Torreón, entre tanto los federales parque y para que y El proyecto concede 812 mcmntafr escasoe dsj evitar Monterrey Saltillo fuciles. testaban de unirse eon I" Kuarnlcion puedan iregar a Saltillo el Oral. Villa "Estoy seguro que el ral l'abl y evitaban nlas vludae Y 12 cada mes a los aol de Torreón loa rebeldes y por hijo, espera capturarlos o matarlos a todos HA SIDO LA CAPTURA DE TO- Gomóles." dijo el Oral. Villa, "tie que esa union se verificara. dadoa marineros, cada me QUE NO PODRA nor de 16 años, que pertenetcan a las RREON DEL ne también a an dlaposlclón la situa- rui periódicos dicen que .el Oral, RECOBRARSE NUNCA. ción de Monterrey y dudo mucho qua conseguido rec bazar viudas, casadas antes de la aprobacló PEREZ CASTRO ACUSADO. respe Velasco ha do la lay. Laa pensiones están Umita pueda tener alguna opoHlclón ejército del Oral. Villa, diciéndose que podr.v .. dan a las viudas que no tienen medios Varios Comerciantes de Tampleo han Los Periódicos en Mfxk-- Publican table en eae lugar. Saltillo h(t retirado definitivamente Vic- preaetitár alguna resistencia; pero Jiménez," de aubatlatencia mas que su trabaj Acusaciones Contra El. que Veaaeeo ha Ganado l'na '"jtrata de organizarse en diarlo y suyos salarlos no lleguen Presentado toria Sobra loa Hebrides. venceremos. Hi los generales Maura li Oral Blanquet negó n tzbO al año. De la Prensa Asociada. y Mass no son capturados por Ijs Presna Asociada que hubiera verdal l'na Investigación de los veteranos Veraorus. Abril 3. Bl general Péres generales Urblna y Herrera, antes de en lo de la calda de Torreón. Castro, comandante federal, llego aquí De la Prensa Asociada. que los Jefes federales tomen refugio No de la guerra con Kspana enseña que 3. el ha caldo todavía. 4,000 qu anoche procedente de Tampleo. a México, Abril Ests noche en ests oitims ciuaaa, serán iun nu- No solo el Oral. Velasen retiene a hay cerca de viudas de los aunque sun persiste en negsr que To- ayu- hirvieron en la guerra con España bordo del vapor "Libertad." damente asotados que muy poca Torreón." dijo el Oral. Blanquc y el departamento de Our.rra le habla rreón ha caldo, caracterizando las da prestarán a esta guarnición. Me ainpenilldo i n Filipinas; se estima que ae ne noticias a este respecto como de pura aillo lo lian resitan 92,600,000 para pagar estas ordenado que hiciera el viaje en el agradarla capturar loa cincuenta au ataque, no quiero decir que no re- "Zaragoza." que debió haber fabricación rebelde. que Se qus el pensiones. caflonero y tomóviles dloe ursi. gresarán, que probalemente lo haráo. hoy. Loa ministros Blanquet Alcocer Maa tiene a su disposición para nue presente loe renemea re- arribado sostienen que el gobierno mismo no "Por el El Oral, peres castro vs a Mexico stro propio uso." tienen potlalones en el Norte de To- BY Anteojos? O Texaa 101. El Pa- acuesclones que con habla dado ninguna Importancia a la ÍBUENTID r Com; Adv.) a contestar Isa lucia contra Veiaaco. rreón; pero quedan entre laa Tuerzas rJ ,o optical él presentado . ctertoe comer-- seguridad de Torreón, aunque admi- la que n Hsn tra han que no comunica- Kl Gral. Carranza recibió un tele- del Oral. Moure, está fj THIS PAPER TO YOU otantes de Tampleo. ten tlnenen ninguna y aldo re- ción con aquella ciudad. Alcocer grama el viernes en la maftaim del Pedro, Torreón, habiendo LA RESERVA BANCAIUA. El caflonero alemán Villa anunclgdoln uue re- forzado el mismo general Moure por llegó al puerto, hoy. ofreció como prueba de su declara- Jrs!. habla ción un telegrama de Luis Comandu cibido otto del Oral. iRoaalla Hernan el Ural Maas, eapersndo iue itlW la Organisation de la Reserva Ran- dez participándole que habla encon- quedan más reforzados." as Establecen, en Heglnoea. UN TREN DE PARQUE. ran. Jefe de Inmigración ahora resi gran numero ile hsbl earla dente sn Rl Peso, fechado el pri trado a laa avansadas de loa fugitivos Aunque hay ir- de la capital que almpatlzan la Prensa Asociada. Salló un Car, sánenlo do mero de Abril, autorizando una ne federales del Oral, velasco, el jueves tantea Washington, Abril 9. Después de de Juárez que en la noche,' al Suroeste del cartón ,.,, et elemento revoluciona rio de y Parque Para el Sur gación a las historian de Torreón secreta, y que creen en el tre meaea de consideración, la comí. Provisiones ñama csioo. del Huarache, matando a muchos e manera HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREE ...m de la organlsación de la reserva Cinco ametralladoras, dos carros que hiriendo a un gran número, agregando éxito do los rebelde,, sin embargo El ministro Alcocer dijo no de los resultados ,1, loe bancos, manifestó esta noche con parque y 150.000 da provisiones tenis más datos que el despacho re me creía batir al ruerno principal ,lo tienen duda acerca Clio oat end SfMsst sex habla 'divido el territorio de loa de fueron despachadas al federals, y obligarlos da la camparía del Norte. Hay unu dates. tog.OW with special price of either 68c or lor wssckeaef ,,iie todas clases cibido: pero que espera Informes Jot derrotados aquí y ear Ms ciados Unidos sn doce distritos ral. Villa en un tren especial ayer a aceña de las operaciones en Torreón a regresar a Torreón. estricta senaura laminen lana ty I. at binding you prWar. Both sins, are est izHplay ka .linearlos y escogido doce ciudades. Qómez Palacio, destinadas a laa iro d comunicaciones Hiendo hoy un Hasta esta noche el pueblo .de la Coa dirección de saltillo. as .pit- laa que serian colocados los bancos paa del Oral. Villa, que estAn hacleado caoltal no recibido nngunas no Bl número de humores qu. com día da fiesta loa nntMtaniea federal, bajo To- ha dedicado a la celebración i. las reserva la nueva la camparla contra loa federales de lletas de la derrota de las fuerzas del ponen la columna de federales quo a! lo han go monetaria. rreón. provisiones consisten en y ae conocido; pero se de Han Añila, las oficinas del ESBRAHCB9.,0i,prln:re Ias góblerno, por los periódicos, duda van de huida noes 10 l.as ciudades serán Boston. Nueva dost carros de azúcar, doa da café, uno si los díanos de la mañana nuinrma estima que debe ser mayor dsl que bienio se hsn cerrado mnnio mi. York, rilad elfia. Cleretand. RlcD-inon- de arroz, otro de manteca, y grandes ráa e) kecho frente a la actitud del si principio ae suponía. Indubeble muchas cas d comercio. COUPONS Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louts y ds harina, sol. y demás Ayer también tue oiro Secure Vol cantidades aoblerne. Entre loe extranjeros se mente el Oral. Velaaro trata ds hacer de """ 6 AND 98C the oí ras tan importantes como tas star artículos de primera necesidad. Parte esparció la noticia, rápidamente en su camino rn dirección ue aaltlllo: y laa ofeinaa de la secretarla Oda. $2.50 .. .. '4pXVt '.''cty.a de estas provisiones .eran repartidas que rra estuvieron todo rl dta csrrsdaa. B..utlfully bound In rich u sutajwd In god, artistic itsy día. y hay cierta especia ción sobro pero Hernandez, hace días salló Torreón i.i undeciáo distrito señala a Dei- - entre a los podres asi atstriio oe ta cuál será la actitud del gobierno en de Torreón, i, interceptara ei pas- No caerá design, with IS of to. world's meat samas. ,v con uh capital de cinco milloneen Laguna. perse-uld-s Anoche el secrstarto de Ouerrs. angers. las, vista ds esta derrota Kn opinión Veiaaco, que también esta que hablan vary of mnstrsl Unas. i.mprendlenoo el territorio oe 'rezas, captura de Torreón os un Dor la brigada de Contrema, p.lsnquet. manifest ne. I A señera! la oficialas, sunque por todo Nuevo Mexico y Oklahoma; todo EL REV OK MU golpe al presidente Huerta del que es fácil que caiga bajo dos fuegos, se llegado notlolas ...uihlana y los siguientes condadoa de porque significa gún esperanza ejercito con conductos fidedigno, aahla que Tor- ci5Sw Socas Vosas, Gastado nunca se repondrá; es la del toda captura. 6 68c ta. rizona: Pina, oranam, ureeniee, Se Encuentra en Alarmante aniquilación lo aei ejer reón estaba al ebrliro de $1.50 la de mejor tliutloaallsta. que al Oral, de 1st rnchlse y Santa Cruz. para los Subditos de su Reino. cito qus habla logrado reunir. También manifestó áeH bound plain green English Ctatb. but without saa notttaj Y ser Motue hablan derrotado a los rebelde, nil... i - De la Prensa Asociada. ai los rebeldes capturaron tem El Oral. Carranza al entrevista Impedir ao s vanee S. con fedsral, como parece ayer :a toma de Torreón por que trataban de la Estokolmo, Suecla, Abril Le bien le artillería do sobre rebeldes hablan Ido f by. Hall 'Add 15 Extra I con KI Nuevo Mundo- - de rey Gustavo cau probable, una enorme venta-J- a el reoresentsnte del "8t. Lrfrult Port Torreón, qui los for ln,urnl Parcel, Pe.i Antea dlclón del continua tendrán ... ,t.. . Km mínenlo, al tiesto da ni huahua, participa a la Colonia eando general ansiedad. Un boletín deeds el ntdsnento en iue todo lo liat,atch dijo: ..i... r V ue los federales ,'hihuahuenae oe abona as encueo-- expedido hoy por los médicos de la mejor, a disposición asi presiosnte "Kl triunfo de Torreón algnlflcaru w.n Pedro. "HEART SONGS' -- matando ... en la tienda la Popular" de El corte aase: Huerts. habla sido utilizado so esta el violento triunfo de la causa quo estaban persiguiéndolos aasavaiaunra. re, rear. kVSTZ.SiSSlSrSsmssms be Vm. fcwrr ... lart.isr. siempre. estA a rey deci- - campe representamos y, por lu tanto, el as- - muchos de ellos. " l'sso. donde, como "Aunaue la salud del ha $s "

a.iiaUtSa.. JF.V J ...'a... V !l. A- P ... 7.. . " JWs 1 ... .iRdfcdJPl'IP X .ft. a. K ' - 1 I r alai, - 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES S.twdy. April 4. 1914. WL TALK to the TOWN Through the TIMES Political Announcement! le Htp WnUd For Rent Hair eg For Sala Real Estate lAdvertlaeBMnt.l SMALL office I for 903 - We, Ike 1CAN OPAUaVBome of the rareet rekt. Inquire HEWING MACHINES ted by Ponm RESTAURANT and lunch room for Bale MAKE AN OFFER. oadrlgud. ignum urlve Herald Bldg. 1: excellent a candidates CAklP i'OtlK wblla roan N. U. roneo are ene- - a Zlukler. Pkon location; El Paao; clears 911. . HIGHLAND PARK LOTS. for th office. Indicted. 0 dtepiay la enr I to o( rt Mtrurtural atre! men. Art., 9o, S fconra. O I weeB.y; tow rant. 81.2A.I caah. partleu What tbe best caah price yon will give Ik notion the Daño? ra. lo i ovwe. ra plain rtgnree. KIM'S TRANSFER CO. BUY HER Jacob caadle, laat 981. rle to be bald ?6, 1914. raspset stMiorrapher, Arla, ITS ajo Jap or t'hi CUIyTÍS KÍNO, Deliver It Blghl. "made Isrs Interview only. Owner, Box for two corner loll, front, on Jal and A night." at Tlmea Branek No. 8V 109 St., within a outhtbloek ot car line, folly solicit jour support t neee k ptlrata bnoae. Arla. $40 Mr mo. Manufacturing jeweetr Watcnmakera, Pbone i' FOR BALK BIB a Tremont " a Texaa S. furnished rooms aad Forty-ilra- Baker, week, t rlose lot Jo l l LMttrirt ahon. Arla.. hamner- 119 Taxaa Street. 1 restaurant in connection. Apply 107 S '"are M OB T- Large dry 1 A BUNGALOW, . Court; maid. N b S3 I, and r. f REN- light WHY BUFFER WITH CATARRH Try Santa Pe .'HARMING p. m. KALL MITCHELL. oaeemeni in guoo location t 914 North Black' Remedy. 13 for St the kind yon would build for a home one paica nt. day' treatment deelgna oae For District 30 San rranrlaro St. Éat. IkXM 'irenon Hatlafactlon guaranteed or mona re- WANTED A partner In new line; big of tbe neeteet exterior and of Aflorar: mitted N. money ro most beautifully finished we W. w BBIDOBBt. At Ward's Pharmacy, 9M ne made, t ou tnuat be honest, tbe interiora Staatoa. with reference Bad bare from 9800 to hare Been. There te "clesa" from base- rot District Clark: For Rent Furnisbed Room Second Hand Goods. 81.01X1 cash, which Is eeeored. Apply Box ment to roof heating pinnt, finished tJ: J. A. ESCAJHDA. PHONE tS8:'qnlok delivery. City H, Times. ventilating system, garage, arid ret Co only Judge; H LL BIN DB atOO ala, WHY thtow gout otd furulture away when atand. Overland aad Campbell front terrace, hardwood floor, pop caaes, ADRIAN W. W. INkoiiMATION HUH KA U w r poaltively tbe klgheat Boyara tor Baggaae and tranafer. POB SALE A small grocery atore. 319 buffet roomy rsblnets. POOL. mu m. 1:1 I. 1 Laear rsndsom kitchen iiiriminv ri.EABINl Hooaa .1.1 rala aevoao-aan- eou nan rranclBeo County Beujlleh-Spaalaf- nouBBnnio st white enameled bedrooms and hath. Five Pot A4 tornar t e Slraatmpher. Hraleo, etr aultco, A pa lurnuure artl FOB KALE Violet plants. 23c doaen C lilla, rímenla PRICE cie. r.i on XMCone-tta- i rooms : on B. Boulevard ; south front. See C W. BOOat Blti aer laaalh, n4d. t arragalra warkmre, come N Phone 92S0 OOOtl location for a 92,000 grocery stock pooii. wKi.cciHK. arouod. kan Phone 901. 400 S.. Kl Paan. oe before It I sold. tot Cono tv c in k : . SS par day. Arleona. Steel rfeatar. SS per Stanton. Pkoae ta. PUBLIC, or a 95,000 general merchandise stock, B. B. day. Arla na BBLL Yot It nttentlon The Pekln Cafe to . . t BAST EL PASO BARGAIN. McCLlMTOCK. KCRNISHED PUBN1TUBB tin Ul lu now cmaed. All eel are good at ami isa BHViiiinaiei, Iota on Rivera St., backing on canal Por Sheriff MILLS III I". rHONB IMa. room. Call morales. 1114 wotth. Rangea. atuvea, all klnda ; Ileal ticket car Times.uunni. 24 til c. r.i 1 . ao. era. linoleum, fee the Silver Grill. 210 8. Bl Paan. Beet vacant lots In that locality. Pin P. P. EDWARDS . Tea Pura. Co.. garden 900. n o n. rnon OBT. BUSINESS chances. anil Ifor County Tarn A I'URNIKHED rooma. N. Oregon. ni IP psrtlee who took aafe from Interna Plctnre show BUNGALOW lit: tlonal Produce Co.. T90 S. re, will 98,000 9000. . , m um At once, spot S0ta Confectionery Owner forced to cloae below coat. Ea EtJoli Hurpiun. . WANTED -- Male female NICELY furalabed houeekeeplng rooma n ut wanted boo ka and papare tbey may store a dandy 84.800 out 'Pat County co u and aolirllora: casu aoo nouaenom retara keep Orocery la a BBcriftce a genntne bargain. call tor. -. ' epmeilnr and reliable peraona only Til Brown. Phone BUT. paiu ror lurunure the safe. ,. . , store At invoice Tbl. and lu 1 an vnone at Cigar atora In good neighborhood. of Cotton I. A HUN. ii. apply. Htndlo, room S, gootia ut Binas two...... ' .,. 8990 Writ wis.. Ilorrey orer LARI1K. ulce, convenient room, 2 Store, 800 Mesa. good Are. Inveeilgste, Par County euperlnteadeal of Publl. old Flrat Nal'l Bank Hid Han Antonio private Furniture PHONB MISS CLASSIFIED Restaurant; location 9700 Bettor cavuv aieeoina 00 re nee m. Advert Is rt wtshlnjt to place an "Accom- PAKK BBOB., REALTT CO., anil Kl Paao Sta. , FURNITURE for nal. 991S Peta. modation 117 Main Phone 1079. Truat Bldg. HIM MY It IJ WINKt.KR, POR HENT Completely furnlahad 2 room Aceoaot Wast Ad" la Tba Tlmea St. Block North of Poatofflce Pot Coauty Surveyor.' Kins i i. asi baker wealed at one. I...... ,.l .. NI.,. V I GUARANTEE the beat orteea tor second abonld call 8080 and ssk for Miss Classi- a.ll. I'm.IK She will WE loan money oa diamonds and real re POB BALE Centrally located rooaBlag J. w UU Home Bakery, Albuquerque, N. M. Phone 41AM band J. M. Cnerntn. Phone 904. fied. nramnUv take tha ad ova. 25 9SD: BANKS. cloth. the phone and end yen a bill the follow tate. Confidential. houae: outside rooms: rant food Pat Cu une y cas MAN yr. trade 91. ton Address li met: and wife, poaltlon In betel, chamber. DELMAB 417 N. Hot cold WE BUY, aell aad exchange second band ing mornins. Acerrante are payaoie on W. lewis. transient Price i- - ft- Stanton. and 196 Q.-- care Time A PONDIB. maid and dlabwaeher; experienced water; free hatha; rooma 30c, 91.00 furnltnr C. L. Efwla Co. 11 a day ef fleet insertion. Nortb Stanton street. Pbone a7S2-J- . day; VliJTÍ? of tka Peaee, Precia. I, weekly upward. Phone 1090. sianion nt. tnone 17. BEBTAUBAMT and lunchroom toe la WANTBD MEN TO LKARN BAR I excellent El 9100 3. If- DBAVBB. THE CABBI7A1ZO PEOPLE WANTED Second hand asadle goot Drpaamnkint location. Po; clear REIt TRADE. By our method yon are Coming to El Paao condition. Beply tbl office. weeaiy; low rent; gi.atw cask. Partlcalara ROOSEVELT AVE. BARGAIN. 8TSB LOT. prepared for poaltlon In few week many Stop INFANT WARDROBES order Ph SSI nsasrsTew only. Owner, P. O. Box 681, PER Here. WE pay caab for second-han- te 4 Iota, alnndy paving JAMB Joba waftlag; toólo airen: ware while Bach Room With Private Bath. furnltnre Height, paid for. J. MUHPHI. learning. Write at once. Moler Barber gat our figure before selling. Schsf DRESSkUKINO neatly dene. Phone BS OWNER MUST LEAVE." Can make tenns cash, balance Pot Conattbla, Electric Paag. ftps. B48 Myrtle. Por quick sale will 9100 1 Induct 1: oiler. Port Worth, Tea. Hot Day NlghL Tkone 799. tsks caah tor to 9 years at s per rant. Cheapest close-i- n DOIIINOO HUN TOTA. Water aad DRESSMAKINO at home or by day. Mr raady atore fixtures, stock. Including fnr- - lota In this addition. Por HULP WANTBD, Hatea 91.U0 Day. WANTED All klnda of furniture. We Croas. Phone 2808 W. in oí atore ror Commlatloaer. Precia. It TRAVELERS HOTEL, pay mere for your gooda any tt.utua. complete JA. J. WATTS, Ail LB CL1PPOBD. 8ALESPKOPLB POR VAHIOUB than firm Qneen housekeeping; rraplaudid chance to Install 104 San Francisco St. Phone 494. i MUST BR 12H Ban PrnncUco St. Pbene 274 in 10a city, sua B. ei psso. wi TUB City College designa, ceta and small erocerw atock anA ,.... ,...,t . ....i.. Por Sana tor front .weatr-flft- CAPABLE AND your tka lian l urnltiir Co. Phone 1482 fits garmenta aad Showa yon how st once 70S N. Ochos. ' yT atorlal Dl.irl.i. Tiionoroni.T competent, appli- HKDIIOOMS CHEAP Cloae In. Phone to maae tnem tor one a day. phone 8342. ' CLAUDE B. cations OP INKXPEHIItNt'ED WILL mata, 107 S. Paso. HUDSPETH. NOT BE t'ONRIIlKRKD. TIMHK WELL El SUNSET EATING HOUSE Better than Por l I all Bepreeentatrra ot iba un Hairier, QUALIFIED AND KMPBCIALLY WKLL IIOI'HKKKBPINO ROOMS GALORE Wanted to Rent the teat; dinner every day; Innch (Bl Pmo and Culbanub counter, short order 108 B. El Paao. S2.B00. Countleeli ACQUAINTED WITH THE LOCAL Cloae In. Phone 491. WANTEIK-- I of narntr ÁÍMTT S. J. Kl :.aic TRADE WILL BB OPPKRRD OOOp bona, Storage brlrk honor. Mgiir renta for. FRONT room, downatalra. T03 N. nlahed; reasonable; cleaa In. Addreei Por Repreocalallve of iba llalli Dtatrtei SALARY AND PERMANENT POHITIO.S. Stanton. S. B. frntiir bonis, eaaily for IM 1'aao D.. rat Times. LYONS' STOBAOE WAREHOUSE safest Board and Rooma rnta Ctunlyli APPLY AT ONCE. FUH.NIHIIED room: prlrnle borne. 71 N snd most ssnltsry In city; I move, atora. It P. IIUUIiBH. EVERYBODY'S DEPT. STORE. INC. Santa Pe. Phono 3420. WANTED-- By msn Snd wife of refine Tonus on above, $800 caah. meat, and sick, tinca ano snip lorniiurc CONVALESCENT HOME t'OB 1UUKR. ano por not the care of soma nice CTJLOS18 Catering to people who dealra month. WANTED Onod eolleltora. (lood propoal NICELY fnrnlahed front room. nirinaneo nome tor tne summer ; good rer Galng awayt Just pack your 9800. Announcement. tloa to offer. Apply Circulation Depart- trunk aad high clsss sccommodsGoB and careful mantón, t'nona MZ2. erenco. Addreaa A. B. !.., cAr Tlmea. phone 2400. We will take ear of roar nursing, 2 miles from city, frame, Ii lota; $ion caah, ment Morntnr Tlntae. gooas. Port Bliss car 910 par 1 Imreliy auUuUuca aa a NICE ROOM wllb 2 alngle WANTED uou.enoia ana most pa ases door. Telephone 4081 812 month. caauitula lot beda. for two; nnfnrnlshed cottage: wareheoa cientla tbe dtp. Lowest per Bale 91,400 BARGAIN. County Judge, in opposiuuu ui AtSrUs ew-u- . 000 meaa. arnona ; ran ao name pnnoe week nn. Help Female aum. cioae in rent, lzu rste Insurance. 1 block Alta Víala, 3 room pebble Pool, and suiijecl to ine action of tna Wanted CITT CO. BOOM. BOA Democratic prtmsrlcs. lovi rooma, right In the heart of tba WANTED About May 1. by man and wife, TRANIPCB BP. do in. Phone 1670. daah. EXPERIENCED worker , - ...... small ,00. EUIK.-I- i. II MilllS. feather ik kuo 00c nwr any. furnlahed house or rooms In STEAM HEATED BOOMS. table Hiiiithweatern Patrick Farm, 41T HI Scotch Hotel, 21219 Ban Antonio. Phon Amuse with good fsmlly ; nortbeaat part of alcalMnt room bnogalow, J nut being com- 1 Tia ooero. mea, ataaop 2n proepeet Ave. hereby announce uiyaalf a candidate tot ciiypreierreci. Aoareaa Bret, care Tlmee. For Rapt Fumuhed Housea pleted, .I glaaaed sleeping porches; County lo opposition v. WANTKD American aerrlng glrr for WANTED Couple everything up to terma. herveror, to J. SH7 UNI of gentlemen; nice bow; Tha nfolerla Mr Clark. Milla SI LI. ROOMS; cloae In: no alck. FOR BENT Nicely furnished 4 ; Babank, and aubjnet to tbe action of tka Mtjsical modem irom room hoard. Phone 320S. beat on 2 car llnaa. Democratic primaries, h. m.i.miju. girl npta. roone ouui. 014 Meaa room cnttsge. with bstbi Altar Park. WrfiOO. WHITE lo reglater for factory work """ii Apply A. it. Highland BOARD, room Bleeping In city i $7 Cook bouaekeeper. MIIH. FOSTER, 820 E. 4UK! netsei, aad Park and porch for tenement. new, on 1 week. and Overland Ph. HEIIERT ROMO VEBGABA. piano teach ear 111 iwo; aeretiraouounc myself a oaodldAta month. Seeeral uonaegtrle city home comforts. Phon' Broadway, doaa In; money maker; for tba office of Constable, I recluí l No. at for RED ROOMS CHEAP et. Profeaor a piano. Boom 19. Buck tJlrr work. Howell Employment Agency, IB Cloae In. Phone FOR RENT c, room NICE room, 3T9S-- terma. Kl Psso County, subject to Demo-ctatl- c heautlfolly furnished with good hoerd. Call On. the Morgan Bldg. bouse; W. Phone 848B. 4 acm, 2 noaaaa. In Crtieea. Priwar.ee. í,í. ROOM, beard and northeast sleeping DAUrh Want city property. W J. TEN HICK, BUY bi",r"D' wtth "eeplng porch, 2 WHITE-rAuK- Hint Jac.il.a' Candlea: made la at 'r,;.Bl Paao. For Sala l.ivcxtock for conralaecauta. Phone IHaJ. BEAI.TY CO., nlghl." at Tlmae Branch No. u. IOS ii siorgan ning. Phone ir.to i exaa I. FOR SALE Good driving For Sale MUcellaneou. FOR RENT Room and board with prl NICE ROOMS: clot In. 709 N. SUntou. son and vata Advertising Rate Card. octi'ieonaor man wagon. . at a bargain MEAD abplti porch; convalescent taken mtrxsra vkhuome. snvk Earn Orerlnnd, Call or phone Ccnntrr Clab. TIMES. CLASttHFlBD ADS AND Situations lll.e V f r 1. ...I ...... PROFIT BY THEM. ' THSY OTU-EB- Wanted ...... , u.u a area 31111 HELP UJUtblllkU UNKIIa. COld Water In e.eh rnnm , , h. . , POR SALE Presh milk rows, on easy WHT NOT TOO. COMPORTABLE rooma and breakfast for tc per word cacti itueriloa. KDUCATED, atrlctly anber and tnoronghly or month; only half psyments to good, responsible pa riles. inuiea ; private tamily. Phone SWL A per on ethical pharniaclat block from Juarea cur NICE LITTLE BARGAIN. Irrc word Sunday. dealrae permanent ....w W . .1111 Up. e. ri. FIRST-CLAB- 4 7 'in., canoa. home cooked meal ; weekly Neat little room frame bunga- c per word eacb tnaei lloua. Addreee l. é Noble, car General low, with bath, l line per tuuntb. lii'llvery. El Paao. Teg. BUY HER Jacoba candlea. FOR SALE Cheap, one gentle driving board, 93: room If doslred. Mrs. Msck, annde treea, olea pr "made laat ...... , grnas, onthouaac, fencing, 3 ftna río ad taken lor leaa man and caab at urálico no. V, Ittj wr. 001. MBgnrnn Ave.lOR SALE Some second hand type nieurn, oio nan Antonio. rn. ,isso. 9s, Y'dCNO man wanta poeltlun of an tiui.i Hull. jnn ii Bad corner lota; tha beat location In uauii accompany tlie order. arrount Taxaa"".St ins NOTICE"'' I lug or aaecutla office In tbe "i ai morning lime cinic. have again opened my dining (orerntuent VIH, worth cent UUpuy silverllsitig mi clasiined paa natara II HA -- I ...... room 004 flrat-claa- NICELY furnlahad rooma CP Int.b at N. Oregon St., and will b of .L':,n. We can vail 91,tuu. double price. No cute permitted. snulhweal: college graduate, with I4U Up. on m gUd for eaierleiice aafd reference. Boa P.-- , Phon 4807. white poind.; phaeton and harnees; wlli to have all old patron aa wall aa Hstc your rblckena and garden here ear Time. - mu Lnrugweti a new one. Mr a. Woods. and he Independent. Juat half LEOAL ADVERTISING. JOHNSON HOUSE. Home cooking Kali for. trans from WE losn 'money on dlamoads first-clas- block car line. Letal adveníame, at letal ratea WlnVTKLl By ynung man. poaltlon 0T1. mi N. Oreaon. No .let and real ea COrlVALESCENTS desiring s BUY tate. Confidential. 4990. HIGHLAND PARK BEAUTY. once : bayo reare experience lu I HEH Jacoba candlea, made laat Call DISPLAY All SPACE tia'H P95TTa .BOOMB. su on. night. W. W. LEWIS. Fine little .room brick, beauti- cal department itore. Addreaa L. F., cure block JMJatM at Tlmea Drancb No. 0, 108 108 fully finished, built ma- Open flat rate, week days, per loch, from P. a (Or. 79c. 11 per day exit ex. North Stanton Street. of tha beat insertion, Tlmea. terial on a nice twat front lot, column wide, each lie. FOR SALE -- For Sale Real each iiiaerlloti. Hfrc. WANTED Brand new tent, 10x18 ft., 910. Estate right on car Una and In beat n Same, Sundays, Leaae. by one who knowa how BOLDKN WEST ilalea 10 permanent room 803 Mesa. In display ada. per men, per to mine. Addreaa care aro K Miscellaneous Highland Park. Will aell Hiandini Inae. Tlmea. en. over lap d. Phone ton SPECIAL BARGAINS. on rery easy terms 93.000. month. Slo.su. B room frame; 91.300, 9100 at 111, OUOM'S caah, balance A NICE MA contraen for Ierre amount or diapliy WASHING AND lRONINH. hand work CLEAN, ly raraiabed rooma. eie N 'i'BANa't.U cu. 9U.80 month. LITTLE RENT VEIL rough dry a flOSD. Deliver it Bight. Nice Utt la ad apace or leaders subject lo discount. apeclajty. Phone fcanaa FOB SALE A genuine old brick, painted and Phone 10ns. male 8 lots, large stable; 81,900, papered frame houae, on good, level WANTED Poaltlon .., Mexican baker; THE WESTERN chihuahua dog. Price 910, It token at 9100 cash, 920 month. Tot In Highland alck BEADIMU NOTICES. HOTBL. WANTED Good once. Call Tlmee 2 room 3 91,830, Park; no ever par apeak either language. oar Out flrlwa. secoodband Nntlonsl cash office and aak for Leigh. frame, lots; 9480 cash, ocriiptid this nlace. PrluCe Puro reidiug matter, tack Ineenton. Morning O.iwr reglsler; n la good 823 snd tnteresL only tine. Sfc. Tlmea. Will make ralea to ault: 14 reara with Ban condition and email rash payment, balance Bl Paao leading 1 ÍSSI f"' rejK B, C care Times 4 room brick, large yard, chicken house, Ít.OOp; Lócala, per Une. eacb ' ertlon. ike. II It naalea nllk Ta I 92,000. month. Better look at this. ...lu- - n&w or atable: 940U rada. 929 and Roomrrk Hoejses at Cloudcroft. Phon 8279. RiMTB 'reWgi-fat- : holds 100 lbs 4 Intamt. for Sale. room brick, cloae In, 2 fulflola; x;,wki PKItRY El. PASO TIMES CO.. tgg for Sale tee. One bed aad aprltrga st a barxaln 9300 cash, 980, KTRKPAJCW' balance including intoreat. It A I. TV Publishers F.l Paao Morntnr Time, IF MM WANT A urn 'Ml mi HOUSE, ONE Wanted Buy jtB 8. El Psso. Baa CREEL, K CO., Texas. OP THE MU. to WHITE latghorn eggs for hatching; the With 300 Mean Ave. 1579. n Paan. Ptil.l.uWINC, Ill' BE Ph. KITS. AUSTIN M s l: It Phone WHAT YOU ABB LOOK1NU FOB: celebrated Wyckoff at rain. Pbone 237-- ; MONEY TO LOAN. a w nr. 1 an ig 11 W bare to loan 910,000 on Improved 0 rooma on Myrtle, rent 133 9 SSS Liou t rorow your 01a away. BUY HEB Jacoba "mad laat 10 rooma, clothe We : - - -- ...... aa candi, well located, rent ISO ffii will pay you the hlgheat price for them, paaaed j a. ii,ii ciuee nlgbt." ut Tim Branch No. 0, 108 -- T rooma on Magoffin, rout 0 400 .'em Mill, Furniture for Sale and approveil. Texas St. Ü hi TIMES BRANCH 3 , blocka P. O. w. nr. liKWls, r of swat. bal. ni" 2,100 108 8 r., reut 940; a mighty good buy 950 WANTED Tn buy aecend-hau- tool ami liberal loaua on furniture and planoa North Stanton St. VALLEY BARGAIN FOR CASH. at.. S -e- BVi scree country OFFICES T r., exceptionally fino ftirn. ; reut 930 323 Xi.ua. 11, H.lltlf, :xrj H. El Paao St. .V"- esosami co.n BUI on road, main Allah B r. N. ', HER Jacoba candlea, "made and line, ten centa taxee re or it patron on Oregon; reut 990 .. 000 a er fare: For ihé convenience 10 r.. In. WANTED To buy few counter ahow TuighL st Tlmss Branch No. "5 mall. Lane, with The maintains bianch offlcea cloae fine furniture; beat buy caaea, cheap. The I Tim, si la towa i,Boo China Palace. BADGER FUEL CO. PPER VALLEY FARM BARGAIN, thf rollowtiir placea Pianoa for Sale ion aorea, all under a h I g h atata of cultl- - 106 We hare buugalowa In any part of the AM In the market for automobile, allgbtly 11500 AMERICAN sods rmintsin. goto e 2Va Ixibby Hottl McCoy; Texaa BL; city, any price any WB FOR BALE lota, block 80, Government vitiu, w in a nana or alfalfa Cigar Mtnl, and term to ault YOU; uae.1; will pay caab or trade real catate will make liberal loans on planoa at excellent condition, lot a. El Paao. HUI; bargain. Phone 1023. Elite Teiu and It will lie our pleagure to yon. car low small honrliiK orcfuird of 3 irtt- hit t..r- v m MrM A ; Highland DrUK anow if If aulta. Olvc full particular. P. O. iak. Equitable Loaa Aaa'a. 318 outhulldlngs. 8(0, you want valley londa, wo Box 8T8. ruev an FOR..AI-KTera- i wagon, "FORTY IN KL windmill and tank. etc. ; lliirliltiul lai k El Faso Drug have Jual what barnaae for YEARS PABO." by W. pavd ros,s main Eiu you want. Peddling Ice. vegetable., etc.. 9128; aad- - W. MILLS. Tula book ahould SSS ftni Irrigation glor, 291 Al imoda St.; Boulevard be read .. Mii.t-- We are able lu offer you tbo WANT to buy a light farm wagon. Pbone ...e. . UIIUB ISO 01.1 it. I S SO by everybody Interested Juki iron. Linuuuo; noth- fu ti ir Bior, Boulevard and Florence beat apart aat t.I la El Paso. Tea. ing any In mept huiiae alio wv have ever had. Sale anrj Breeding For eale at Pharmacy, better the valley; all .id joining fita. StaUes FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter Ward's 000 N. land not ito good held at over 9200 luaiirauce and notary work good Stanton. an acre Want adt and lubacrlptinnt taken. given STALLION AND JACK service. St. JSW- Addreaa Typewriter, car Morn-In- Tata plaoe is being McrifWd ut 9100 an prompt atlentlou. Louis " Time. ' acre, with terma. Come pkhi i.. a. mi Personal oato jtaoiwa. na w. campoetb to -- "ft SELL or EX- In and get full turn IFiCHANGEw'Improved or unimproved No t Burble to ahow; our auto J. ii. s.Mi a son. OLD MATTRESSES 91.80: rel goea ni ALL 11a Kverywher you medo over. new estate or np dally. WUTexna St. Phone 441. traneactloke wtlk atrlctly sea Sociallgtlc nd up. Erwln livestock. Call on or write B. & Equitable Loan S19 --ilf,kJ Mattress Co., 11. Thome. 318 Thorpe Bldg., El L.AjgfftlN KA li MM CO. Special Aaa'e. tenaencicg. Vlrglnls. Paao. Tex. W TreatmanL MKK 1'AItK IIKOK. Truat Bldg. Pbone HIO lthHawna Broa. Phone 2800. MIC it. Manager. For Haranlne and Mutiey Mukara. AIM I in III .11 ttUY UKJt Jacoba 11 n. eldf. cloae In. S11JD. mk cundlaa, "mad laat Lumber Butiding TO4 Meaa Ate I'llone. night." ut Tlmea No. 0, end Material Pat Stock and Poultry For Real Estate 'M rooniK, all in bouaMftHilnK, . I'J.TOU Branch 109 Sale " 12 t Texa. HI. i.c.Miii.u - rtrtmitt, ?18A; mntt Investment au nullum- uxaterlala com- M .f;,70 plete FOR HALE Barrad Rock gga, per ruuma. ItuiiM1 ., , , . ... n bouse bills shipped anywhere 91.80 Keal Látate )eaUrs CITY CLEANERS AND DVIJrW 811 Sun Long setting: fertilily guaranteed. 2038. POB SALE X2 ruuun, larRe dining room; a dandy A0QU tu uní o. rto aur leaf lamber. Grade, guaranteed.' Phon room ;W rtirt Hum Ibc pbone Poor modern frame bunga- fctUk i. candlea. laat ui . lend cetlmate. Independen! in.' Jacob "aiade rooiun, ruunlna r; new pta(.o. .H,4U0 Pboue 3024. ttiinarlor ,lry chaining. BABBED Rock egga. 91 mi selling. 81T0. low, oa full ulgbl, ut uruuua No. g, BB tlv Lumbar compaoy. Lake Charlee. La. Ph. three corner Iota, inuea -- block from car Una. la Gov-er- Taxaa st PAKK CLAIRVOYANT readlnu fr, 1.11 IIHOIie mi egos for haichuig. BkOS. with Belle Owen'a ment Hill; tree, gtaaa. fence FOR 8ALB. UOUMIMr M; 'I. A K:-- . Fare t'roaiu. itio Tt iaa St. Phone UUL1 prlre winning 2129. 1 of II"! strain. PIhhm nd heda. Por price lew htegteur lb LeeUtn UT K. HI. Hide sad terms brick. bath, aleeplni; f Malu Nortb of the Park. nny Wanted Board and Room sddress L. A. E . rare of Timan 1 kelale Aicawle Paaa. PKIIStlNAL Will one who vrna on POR sale Large pair of Great Dane norah. on lota, ti block fisim car II rtroiiilng houae Oovcrument Hill car laat so g pups; line, in Altura Park. ANUKIIM. - I lil A 1. I l ItooM for hit. good iunl.it WANTED By young 8 weeks old; nicely marked; out Price ll.l.l.ll 111. i. n. 'lien .1. Dauglierty waa doctor, furnished a - 9300 caab. balance and 2 UurkH-- ...ii. he l'buiie John Injured oe nf Harlequin bltck,- hard to beat. Price small monthly liida on Tulnroae HI. pleaec commuiilcalo with ionio, muai airicny modern and on 830 payments. north aide. Writ H, McCoy News if taken at once. Addreaa Dr Cranetou AUtiriN a. MAMK lil at 1420 Lai telle St .1 stand Owen.. D. V. g.. Tucumcari, N. If. TEXAS STItr.KT BABOA1N ttotldlug 493 (Splendid Btjrgalns! Now S lots, .pie. lelepboo WE loan money on dlumouda GENTLEMAN desire comfortable room Is The Time south front well located 11 rooma. Myrtle, 99oti. und real and eleuiog porch, SINGLE Comb Rhode Island Rede - Mv for 91,800; 9500 win handle them. UUOADDL'tl UAUON. Confidential. with tíratela.. hlrda i,,...,, a II. 7 rooma. Hon Antonio. HE NT g'JO: only i ; rvpiying atute rex have h only eight shows anil Don't overlook a anan W. W. LEWIS. pbuue number, have won 28 a To Buy PI TU, whh 91IN. ei" 11. en ,111 , . prises, record that la Land W. W. LEWIS. de.tn. 103 North Ktantou ctreet. t lo beat. Eggs gt hard 1700 i i .i 11 rooma, near bargain price. After acres lu one body, located 70 mllee 10ft N. Stauton St. Phone 4144. ii i.i.ui it ci.ui; Phone inc. Iraualrlit, million. dollar May tivtw-l- OF PflfjO. hotel: lenae: reut 9Thi. tine of be.i unmet MANCHRlmi--M,Mi- 13 Ouuimett Block villi sell mv ti, .i,,, t i. .. UOrth El OB rlt main Una. nf thai i i gain Santa tu mi in si Kit CO. niakera lu Kl Pneo; 91MK). terina. For Rer.t Apartment price. BatUfactlon guaranteed, both ta railroad innn Hoiet Kbel 'on. Uotk Phone. 22 rooma; cululug money; AT TIMEH any ua aa a mi stock and egg. Mend for my level and all river bottom sljt aoU. balsnce peach; near of conld little .cats. hill land, rnilUt tn . P. O. ; rent 9100; leaae; cut price. yjmr 1. ao arraugou OEORUETTK APT 8., Til N. Stanton. T " auu ii s rree, too. alvina an rln. P. COLK a BHOI1. Heal ,u..or. unes S."""'II. "tij. ' of grating country. Bee ... UlUtrH4 113 SWELL ItOOMH. ilclliflitflll .1, ,. Baaham. Midland, Teiaa. na, aa st tba price Ibaiiraai e Moreboua It k Phone IkS. ioiii itieutia i.aoy Ft'RNIMHED apartment, private off.red of 930 par SACRIFICE. MIBMOUHI: will aa.rlflcc; turma: low patronage aollclletl. El Paao Loan A- bath nud ll acra. It will not laat runt. Realtv sleeping porch. 700 TU Ell mockingbirds: singara. - DOUULA C. CBUWKLlu. newa. etc., atore, only Co., Room 302 Two llennbllca Blda. Mundy. Two iouk- airs, e rue, nrat served. Bliss St. New bunga- iinr. a., terma; ,,ie wee low; - Keel Itok ; O. K. puis. oeigian ttaksry. hardwood floors, built-i- but- Katat. loauranc. Utile Hula beauty fnr lady or gent. Money A LOVELY bousckcepiug suite; alck. CLAIR VOY Read 00 BUY Buchos rat and bookcases, Bcreaned-i- a I P. r maker. And other Imalneaa chancee. given ueaa. luge dogs or children. 210 W. Franklin. HEB Jacoba candle, "mads laat Schuster Company sleeping porch, a hamuli a non. a rooma, modern, 94A; 4 tatty, jui Phone 2notl. nlgbt." at Time, cement walka. Tbe f Hamuaett Block. 22a rent leaae; gae br.n.lt V. paving Is now Pkoae raugea: Magoffin. YOU PGR LI. VI ot uofurulsbetl Texaa Rt Ckilll.ltw Aaanla In. South reoar ' JliBT WHAT FtlR SALE AT WARD'S PHARMACY. BOO t Nothing to HORACE B. KTLVel.NM WANT. 9JI9 901 And au N. StantOB St.. HIack'B nodarn 4 room aotu-- uieuta. with slrfju Plrt Floor Hotel Sheldon. Bl Paao. Tai this on taah. Price Catarrh R.marf. IMS-J- . Bliss St. 93.75.1. anana. 91 18 lUK porun. I'd out at on eeay term, Real Katat aad Inauranc other for dare treatment. Money refnud- - it ami: y BROS. I'llone TIIWLK. ir.'TT. 12.1 Broadway, with eo tt bui aaii.raciory. try It. JAB. J. WAl'aat. TIP TUP REALTY CO., I'llone 813. 104 m ,. BPIRELLA HKAI.THY. HAPPY HAHtr.tl Ran rr. l.. St. Pkan M Branrbe Herald Bldg. ; 421 Meaa. Ante C'or.rta Mr Hultt. Pb 3672. For SaU or HOliBBKBUPIWO fcwjgggi tatma ggo Btawart St. This Is more Interesting to tbe public Of 1.1, i a l s DON'T borrow from your frlenda. BUX Bl Psso Villa Is Sing A III. KM s 1.1. Borrow - UKB than Torreón. . f.flm a. nil. . NEW all cylinder, full- Matpped aoto. l- ..oOlea. "mü.7 laat reentry POR SAUL Money to Loan it rooma, rent 90S month, today for 943.1; I..... n .hi " at t. T -- borne op tbe lower eonnty road. Truat Bldg. BMWU, alft W. . an. mi 70120 feet, corner Overland aad Camp half caah; good location. Ta. it. " who in eoneenlent-e- or the elty snd hell atreet, cheap. PRIVATE BANK money ; Loaua on fnrnl 14 rooma a boantj) ; locatloil t be best ; YOU BA1.K 55 HfiCUANGK renntry eomhloed, curb as slectrle lights, re, pianoa. GENUINE human hair awitch for .ale. ra. aur electric No 717 alacofflu ave. 80x190 feet; flu aiamonaa ureetock. real dandy furnltur and piano; werth 91.200: Bwllctma made from combing Cut chundUa atora tu A r launa doluc about H,..,Fe.fK..l!t.1K" "MS I" eeoud hli.k beatlag, Intemrbaa car aervlc, location for an apartment a. etr flood note, bouelit anil anld your. f,.r 9600 I hair ITü.otX) ituHiut-k- Temple. ISM v Kl combloed your garden houae. down. Hurry at. BOU 11 .rr aanuu. attack 1 with of tomatoes, Pkone our i ,.nr - iiougni. air, a. rtoee, N. about 8 " 99 room aa.or call at offW 23 rooua,1.cloae lit a good buy ay 8432 i...nni eimnlsul. lettuce, entona ..nil- - Ji&'.il;1 and confident Ul daallnga and at 1'l.ooe W. rnmt owner una otbar bnaluona flat, Prlc"""ltlajkya. treaimeut extend price. full flower, celery, etc., and kickeus. egg. Six room UIU d. 3tC Two Republic Rldg. Phone tbal rjqulra atteutluii. Aaavar W TWO completely furiil.hetl bouaekeenlng house. N. ; 144 room brlrk buaastow. wear, worth car 'Unit's. room; eloiie In. HI8 ,iiia ,.. nutier, ou nave ail rue rreenom 41 feet. Price 9Í0OU 9M0O. tal ti... lgoffB. of the 13120 94.400; cik, WB alwaya have plenty of money Ut Youta payment, Financial conntry, and not he .eeoped up. In ualance eaay terma. lena balance for9;miall HOCSK'-KBPIN- elty spartmrets higher a furnltare. planoa. He atock. dla Ilka rent. o.l furo, room. PUT.' at coat. We' ran Two atory brick untitling, No. 819 ; Tka la J11.1 a of I TWO CENT give yon acreage tract from one to ten Anton ,1 aeeoa. . . . Sa aid', etc good not boagbt, aetd and fen tbe PVgalga have PBB DISCOUNT nn all Educational H'lllattKUKPIStl room exsi B - aaJIkingee) Be na waa ta of out to aave you money. See in before yon liny bulldtxut contracta algned nn from now Oreaon. aerea at about halt the price per acre of xim t--r e. a) . BlCKNKI.L. R23H May IT C. M. TVVO an orniuary lot. teral-- tqullahle. Ill If TTutt Bldg. Ph. to Ynungherg, General YOUR rooms for llgkt boueekreplng : city P. HAMMETT SON. rOB CONVENIENCE oo Come In oe. IQAVt 14 Btevena Bldg. Tka Tlauea malntala'a un .own sick, no chllilren. no Jogs BKi S. Ocho. aod talk to Texsa SL branch ornee at MM Texa St. TWO or three hooaek,-e,u- C. and at McCoy room. 813 K. I. BAIL.BT. Loat tte Hotel cigar MUaourl. Phone 1418. , ktee Are. Phone All Klmds Baitteliw and Found stand Ten can place roar Want as. ON t s OOLDEN EAULE CAFE. ' Ada give aabecríntloa MUM IN KCKT LOST A gold rent and BUU" ere have several home completed Short order dtw and cwrhL Regular Rooming Houaaa watch, with coin fa nay hill at the hraufrkeav !i Itooaak In , . ... and IV7T 7 7 I . . ib Si'. under tontrui-tlo- no ruaavar. 99c. IT 10 a rig o. ai I'aaq BL and mearte rawwrd. bouae. in... 95ASXI. ibis henatlfal BuameaM rrrrr. ..a..; .' " Erie si .no WAKTKIt aetuml hv S etreet we are offering on exeentlooally Chances I moot in, X ; tTY made mux it Kit jet,n. foutliee. ''made ri.t r,,,,,l.i....i arela improved; talue 9aJ990. A. 13. eaay tense. HER Jarona laaaaei Bight.' Auction Sale bo.iae, tHrnbsrietl. :l ktrktalh. room 4 nlgkt." el llanca Branch N U, IU9 W. W. LEWIS at limit Brnarh N.o. Hostt :ua Stevena Bldg. WHAT HTEHI.lNtl' IS TO Xli.VKB aa nr. reta si t klATFIP.I.D' IS TO A W. A. WILLIAMS i A KNAP tOJO 106 ntio..,eiiiu runin 9UYP1EL1) Bl fMl - N.Stanton POCBD and ra.ra Auction Sslea Bud Commission Hrokee ... .. K 7T 1U lota, nice rrwaae Mp, ctT. INC. DICK'S CAJ.- Bnaar mare: hav ie item tour Flat. Oiilek Work keuse; email psy KB cuppett. a or 1 year, lava nanda. hind Office Phone tl Beeldente Prtune 30811' PAItKii meal aad no latewat, bo taxee; 913 50 per kan Praciaco St . lkrald Bldg. : Kims un.au i.,7,t.. anklea white: buggy runabout, black, high llfflct-- ni r ilo to Caiilea Itlile 117 Malu I St. Pboue M for Auto U'Uao and gout lamen apeclala aeat. r Tiber Oree Pomeroy'a El Paao Sell Evvrylhlug at Aut lloe or Private Sale. VaT ' l Roouixu mu hm Tiwu.fer Co." Pn UHKT 3 Bleely iaW A ' T oay. aa to uc. CUM II UL SACK. 813 N Ctuipliell furnl.hed bouse ' ABSIIIV SEB1.. ceiiaate5aWaeaxi m St. ' ,n: real, Mds guad f rooma; rent aav barMln. . POUND Pony, atud, 9 rear old, aortal, Saturday. April 4, 10.30 a. m All klnda .lene. Pkoae 1TM from . '".ates ,, ,., lniiissli a rouina : rent MO white face, left front leg of lions. In, furniture will he sold pub- barcalu aad rlghl kind at OFFICE D. Q. 91 . El room . 94 loae . white, lic auctlba. Don't misa fkla ttr a t.UX Paao. Teat.. Aorll i. EeáWSSryBa4l A reut la ... wall apota both flank, ule ItCH Jacob tanate. a.nO. last RUOMGYtCLl: ST. iaU.Jla.lHl .l.i . si in ies 10 rootua cloe lu (HnlajT nMtta ftbranded Williams. nlarktt. a Tliu. u a Two corner lol bargain. 4uctlonecr. " at Will kere until 11 a m Ma 1 tata -- iaVjf: Urama: rent 936 cloae In . . U Tero Sr. take vendor' lien note a BUPPLICO Mew.ll Kmplo part or opened, for furnlabliig, an man Jag July 13rma:aoad furnliura is . Pomeroy'a Kl Paao Tr.ua full paymear . .orage una fey Ce. , A KOU9WWO lesu, coart U.uM 9I..SS1 .. .let, strew three and twelve loiooaaa. Autos and iiite-k- aaa. ni'l VA1.UB. month anpiilyi. wood, i;JS ' Pboae 10 nnlthlng coal, gaa letel Iota oo first uteaa. near ollne. .mineral oil IT moma ; all light htiTlaekecplng. LADIES Private party mil lean you chai. kin or broken cylinder a. aluiulnum car hue itwelr months supply 1. Wanted iLam money on your TW.I light hoanekeesrlBg rooma far rent; will eell for 94Ó each If fresh beef snd mutton 11 rooma : at new iMitoiontia. jewelry or any crsns or gear caaea Anr nroaen metal - sold snd lo months' furniture good aeenrlty 93 but eater and llgkta: at I9S9 N this week. miltplyl snd sabaiatenee ". WANTEO-- raíante, ah rooma ; new furniture; nw beuec In Mini from un. aad you pert of your car. welded as goad aa new. Oregon. II AM .n.itT. A fu 91.a a Itat-- Pkoae 4ST0. l.i OBUS,. aaeii 29 roeeue; a dandy good can nay weaklr noon. AO Tarn He. Kl Paso Welding Co. cMMeen tjonlh. suiiplr. remire! st campa or t place 92.511 uulille. 999 PI rat Natl Baak Bldg. Ph. 4IX D. S. troops serving m) rooma of town 93,4011 Itldc ,tnn. till HOCHBKKKPINti room est tlsrlrsn l keert SECOND-HAN- AUTOMOB for rent, oriv.ts -. TWO evil draaind yean ealeeiaen to work 9 rooma aU new ; maw -- l.'oeon furn houae.. tj.40,1 Bench at key, oetwaae en you a eecond-ham- l iuPoblU. Pkoae 897 cTtioe- WS. HUNT! " pmo eomrthlim ui.irrt bat A Paw of Our Houae. oht Ileal If want R ja ar ureter ana corner 01 uregon nee van roeuater or HOP8BKEBPINO BaTDROOatS, at leeef S3 aa depoalt a nee cagan, vert A. eitner toartna car 9F te and cloae tonto: were on key ttngT Return to soon, write or aa U OBUES. IRQ, ta; aa soca, en 11 Baoen 4 and 9 Uldg ph. UIJ9. ALBTIN A V aSua,Bsa area or lavalla. 901 cite lAltll Tlmea office Aaeaajr, 413 Ban Antonio BL rnene gpm ford. Sill Baa Antonio. Phases 484. Saturday. April 4. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 11 IfYou WantWhatYouWantWhenYouWantIt,HereItIs NotKaat not laauad, aa may ha determinad by the Missouri Pacific einla. l.rrfiO. Market 51 US- htaher Too. EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY JfaJ, raid election. Natlount niactiit tHt Uiifc tjm im.ttiiu.s. I barty natne aod appoint tba nffleara National I.et1 l 'I If KOCaiMa, .'!". Ill.'ltnl TDK To Um UJU Uli 1 i . tliat mil rfav n In their reapecttve pr tarta, god Katlonnl Itya. uf Men. d pfd ll Aleen. Market strong and net h e llcef Aurll, A. It. in wiiHiitr r tbo placaa mentioned for holding the elec- Saw York fl.2MiT.!ir utock ra. ttiii 7. run a. We Will Buy for Cash attommcvii. LACK CURTAINS aaOa Ilka (Mtu Central 4 'iHt mbmii trUU tion and tba omcara of tha aald elactloi. Kew on tn rlo tt-- Wcatcrn. MJmMJB; heifers. V'V ,f'- 'oil. A. 1HT. 0. boods fur the purpuMi of pruvlillng men va ' in.Mi; FLEMING J0KH8, former Called, luadt aball ba tba aarue aa baralnabova Norfolk Western lota up to calves, All ar Am .AS (.UUCFS, N fi tvr purcbavauá4 ni hi aubijoi buliUlug tluiiad In Hita ootlca. North Anicrlrtin M.w; Ktooker ana hetrer-- . Port af romni!lonr. MMt, flUfl art t rosi M...n.fii. ÍI haré filo brande Val airelallat In public UTiriAN lur lilt Mini fuUsttTUltlng A It la oaraby direnad that thla aotlra of Northern Pacific Hbefi ItaVMatt. lafltA Market alow and ft. lead raitteri clijr puullc bltfai tit ii.. ol BU nnii ley R T. Co. at tilted public : New Max. buUtl.uif. fvf election aball ba publlahad for thirty daya, 39 straily. Wethira, ewes, $1 IMtH lamí teño VL PASO OPTICAL CO, If Teiae St tuii(ru( ling liupruvstittsliu raolflc Mall 9940: r'n irsi ihTiren First Nntlona) If" Mult ievruituriit t exrltialve of tha data of publication and of petinaylrimln 11(14 lamtia. 9908.10. Baatt lita. na aay oo WDloa anau oe at :.3i5 aald election people's i;as 111 shnrea ominerelnl held. In tba official oewapapar of tba dty 7 ACCpi;.VTAWT. racatino. Plttsburtih. C C. at. Ht. I t.hkaoo Utastoek. nr.-- lkoCi.aO.ATlUtN UP Til K UaYOU. or .i raen, and a tru copy or thia notice By thr Aaaoclaferf Prca Itniik nt ft - WbslftassV tile laHh 1vir t.f MM r al P PllloburKh Coal am I.. ..lime, Unilk ' liSTltN AKlU'r I'll Phona picked bait the elobe. Ult of electloo aball be poataa op for at laaai ChlCMgn. n. "klO. IMM ft HI a OOOKS br A. IX 1V14, 11m pr.ssai Ktei car l.t Hi Anrll lloara Her.tpts. City Clr. 244SJ-- Lit count it ui i Urn 11 wl days aald ' Trust Co. at .i.X 136 Narto.! Bask Birlg atorase, repairing. I'h. ?44. iblrt prior to lha date oo whlcb II 1M I lit- Trsserer. Kl Ml A Pit man l'nlnce Car Market Mi above veftertlfl ncraare. e i I'utu. rvgOiftr lUMLlltg ibr- election aball be eeveral placa " Hbr JMls m bald at tba Rending IBT. Hulk. 99.TfTon.Fo: 'jNnxKrKICII a v k s j K a r. '.'Lose "f. bjr Um uovmuiluou rvlm f iu heratohefora designated for bottling tight. h: loiiAt. l'S shares rotyffiji.li, "M. Un tha Ktpubll- Iron 4k mp- -i S MaVlO i TaMTf , rpngb. i Amar. ok Bids. P. O. Bol Ma. PI BI.IC HTFMK.MrHKB.ii pregue, iLtt t.yluy sildiinru aid .election lo v ck of afotvaald elae 9. jJM0i i.ire fbr tba - prwMUL, I until J prlMd kUll ftltoUltfU oT tlon pratslacta. Ho preferred Ml " ptga. 9T.0OtA.7l.. APDIWO H A N NON STKNOUDAI'lllC CO. tain tiitiluanta. urutrLiu ju4 uiuurliiui Given nnder my official sent, lo Bock Nlnnd Co. , H attic nrcclPta. .im. Mnrkot nirntui MACHIWM hand and Do Hrevfu. 9rXMrflP.no; utrera, T.:ft , am miii bmi. 1M iMHUUO ot CttMpun iniBUS Vt BiU mj everallv pacified ahova to conduct tka prrftrrd ..a.. U Trine tur 'iu-- it. A s mi 3d tt H.2: st r m.i .in Addlag MirMaee. a Milla ibe iurpoa9 vt imu hik ui upwu tba city of Kl I'aao. Taxaa. oo tbe-ttt- Itu'u Fran. pfd.. wratrrn steers. 9rt.lt. kert thla i Hod ."ii'f)T IX Stw-f- ibt orcuu ut tt iu lty to ln umt1 ror lay uf rtbroary, A. Ii. 114. Air Mao feeders. cons and hrtfer. nrokrrs MACHI.NBL tU (ollOWlMJ purpuajdMt, IWM kiii Do prrfrrrc! Wt.liqX4f)i calvos, 9n.Tr.fjKV ARÍHIIII1K SEWINU ' In 11 Hrt Natlnnal Hank tlulldlag, iuuutMU.il avUar ijuu.yuu.ijui : Mayor of Kl Hlosa h)u ffl.'t-- Hteal A Iron Ktirri. ncre lit. P.UftO Markrt firm ari tba City of Paso, Taxaa. ;. ' h phnn. ,170. I I I';.- - ., - ll'YVinii KN'P.KZRL. irebltect, rooma 7 UBNT tka ea.v running White anil Stan- For to purputM ul purcuftslug aud t Attest: fiontheni PaMfle) "i N.'tlvr. niinrtís; weatrrn. s.i.40f( im 24V wurld for (or lij pnullc tn.iivi.ij btltiülug Honthcrii llnllwny rettrllnga. U1 WSJ745 ; native Inmhs, state National Bank Bldg. Flume dard: haat machine lo lha fta, C W. FASSETT, ins m,. uaa; m lur tii rcctiiix tiDU cuutetrut-tlu- City Clark. City of Kl Paao. Texaa to prefrrct nu kW; tern laniha. 40, family repalre guarantiee. tty atgul 34 I WHITK SEW I.NO kUCIIISK OFFICE nuhlic úiicu titiliuiuic. uuu lur Tnnsfr Ciiprter iuuNtiuctuig I'll" N IH:i'OSITOUY 1'exna A I CARPETS fHANKO. S. retintos. H. p.. Stewart. Agt. ttuti irwuii triáiuuflui CnsAt FOIt CITY Paa'tlV ft. h.niM- iMy Llvtalork. sat iu tba puutu. acbuui umu- OR tin log IVH. Htt fhrt Vt KLI.HOKNF., I'aHflc .tianclutfd Prcaa I'l SANO ii. Ut Bel Kl IIi io iirpferrcn Ateam 8DM. vi iua tllj nú, igiii Th Rtaie uf Texaa. County uf P.iae n Knninn Anrtt :t. Recalo ta. and imroum carsH cleanlne?. P U ti.-- riiv. lloes SAFE AND LOCK KXrtBTS. it juuinii tu iau acrwa ut bund NutlffY Is herehr alrvn the city raocll nlied Si Itenlty mu i.Wn. Market I". Iilaher. ftnU. tt..Vir In tb utu it-- i fui fata mi tor m puruua will rerclve ifiilad pronos.-- for PnHrd St.itesj DAILY MARKET FOR the itvhhcr ui', fS.7o; hinvy. MA"4t.7 ; pin ltrrs uud no luu arurwulu. ulikd ttttia'orr'iu.imtf atluut- of the rlty any Imnklng I Mil.-- R, SAKLb AND vaults ope nan by amino, funda firm (Uk hiitcherji. $HM.70; light, 4s)SAlf: CIVIL rs'l.lvKr d at ataran id, hi ibltowa: or aaaociatloo or Do !' . . drllllila. ITJ s. El I'aao ai. rnona ia'w, t'u.inn corporation rorporaltott, jilvferr.'d not; (Mils', t, .ai'i: '., SURvVXIItG. aeanrirtttnna Indtrldnat hank or hankera 'opl-- 'r KNOINVEltiNO AND 18HUANCK m MS 'St tie l.taeelttfl. t.rtBt. Market r..n ur UiiNijm tttiM tmu doing hln Kl lthVlrglnla-Cnrollii- Civil and mechanical eng.neere. examine 1'OHK huliies 'it the ctty' of laso Chemical Rl't Prime fed ..i.., gMiMiéji iiienpeiv uaar TEN THOUSAND HOGS anil LKaWONS OF lKOVlilNU J.MH kOli that may deal re to ha neleckatl M lb ile Wshsah maka reports an Irrigation and othar SPANISH PUUCQAblNU CITY ' 1'UUL.IC iH sieeva. ST.40fsj.4r): icestern aters. tltt t project. .uperlntend conatrnc-Hen- . bCUOUL poattnrv or denosltrI of the funda of tha m preferred , Dallen and BUILbl.VO ASU l'ÜH UakiCTlNU S southern steers, l'iíyh; $l.."níV7 W; Maka plana, napa, plata, tracing, hlTKo rttv for the year followlnir tha date Western Mar.vlnnd JO Ta ?; v ;;, 0OOD METHODS, corract lananaa. Prof. nit lielfrrs. ...i nud feeilers, ' w office of the meeting bervln provided for. IVeeterii (on -. blue prlnta and paten, drivtingi. io Elite Hraen. It ML i 1.1, i In ni H40fl7.wv: Mill- M&M to '" ,r' "ysfr, OF KVtlH Cooialai. Boom n. Kill M'lilnH. Nii AN Ii KtiH n..vwt7: K Townslte and aoraara i.ins mil ror naing mano tue WaatlnghMtae Rlactrfr 74 4 Her.-- MH 11 S I Nl- - fiverrirneet and M in n, l.maV Mnrkct strong. tlBTIlTl.. U III map. Engineering LUNsTKUCl'INtl 1'.1IUA.M.M' drpoaltory of all funda of city, or A a .peetaltv. MEXICAN Prof. Bravo. Caplaa Bids. i tba tita Wheel hit Lake Rrta 4H l. uní. st B,'.f(H renrlinga. 9jr7.uv; SKHH IN THIS MTATK. Co.. W. : himkulms ruuLic M MiiUl. any component of inaa ft. rtnaarlt. Prea. II. lA Salle. See.. to part tbaraof, not rhino 11, wetbera, $ojoajg.no ; .1 íl-'i DuiiauiiMia or cuy oa1 llin.oori, bid atate New phh, Tram.. Í0 New 1at n Bank Blitg 1'At.O, NAh. tuu kl tban and each ahall Haven Ml wbatber It Is made for tha handling of all Con Ftirt U ii ih Block nrtlN ITOSAUK WAKICHOUSS. tGacn of aaw i r latutra of bantla ao lint otiinn trlta of funds of city or any component mi -, propuaad to tha the Total Ira fur the day, 19.1.400 shares. MIS( H Putting Oui lirood Sow- ami liriui.i-Ct- l I" ll ' tm AUKNCnS. wara- - ba laauad la to bar data oa tbaraof, elating iicb Kl.l ANC.Ot Mit let. pasii 'I'UUNk FACiOlli New tb da of to purcbaaar, ur aa uaar part tha amount of Npeelat Wire In From L. 4. Honr to Km IMF HH! datlvtrr part. Sm dally balancea to be KM the Tlm' tMiruMc Imlntry. WILLIAMS infective Agency. bouae, ureal loemiun; iuaioc ...w tbaratu aa practlt-abbi- la Interest MINIMI Mix HAKKF.T. i Inveitigatlnu aid tu bear paid quarterly. Ovrrloek, lll.l.s.- made In rtvll and criminal .Hea Ball lora- - from dau at tka rata uf (h par cv&t Ulahe... Aria. Ai"" ,T chinó. 4?; Hnv, tt-i- ? Any hanking Corporation or I. -- Hy Special risa nt Nil. Bk. Bldr. I'h 4406. (u iur ut) iter ftnuiim. iiavaula 'ini corporations, MoMon tni Minnii iTJ. lien, H ; nspl ral loii. 17 Ublo, !ÜV riaief mvi spondrnl association ar naaodarlons or lndlrlilu.il fíft thfi .1 aortofcil p. M annuallj, uud la to ubaulutaly dut - 'rrss Hhiitituk. intra; Tonopah, 7 Pacos. Tex. April 2. K."gg. SPaOlCAL INSTRgMaCTT. uuu iu yvara, aiib)x.'t tu ra-- bank or baakera doing hitalness lu rlty Huston, April X . I I. ,:i.iuii- r.iij desiring hid ahalF deliver fo the MOOl. HAgKET, lilted Htiltca ir- ililiitltui aervlco S04 to rlty AIL mes 42 glnaer, t XBUSSKB. etc. Mew. Pbone cUy clork. on or N'fore Tburadny. the IHb lay Ahi'ilejiiinarfHl and r. h'rench. secret urv 111.1a. after tba tiplrauoQ uf twent tmr Ciprier Bneten MclNTnsH. Daotlat. fa A. B of April, 1914, a - He.len. "f the Boya' imd und Hah from áútm, aud tua aald i ilna uiukea aealrd pruposal stgtltitt Hie American Xlnr, laoad 70t. H" iflr- l.lf.rf tjlrl' Hoc upon Nwltlng star-a- provialnn Tor Ivvylut; uu rale pt ctot dally la1an'oa thm said Com Tt-l- B.ef cltibn of Texaa. were Ihe mis UltOtVN OALI.OWAY. Him MKTAi. WURV, and colivctlnM rtzonn in Boston.t.Mu.. .April :; The "itiin.- Btdc Pilona ana. uually a aufflelvut tax tu uatf tba luti-- tinnktug rornorstlnn, iissoclatlon or I 'almnei a- Arlaona ' ten ken ut the iiieetlng fi.' ('ecoa m i Hiilletln ulll v,n t .on. MK MK'l'.u. woRavi ieaeral eat un aad tu at maturity Uie bubda hanker offers tbr rlty for lb A Met ' , i Al SrlttX rdetti Citlnroei in 11" Lnrirer j t.r Inttpr pi 'iMtinerelnl club this week The cluti abeet uielal iiutractora oi amua uuu u luaraoi. prlvllcgf of being made rbf depoaHory of Vntenntaj 10 interei-te- ui j trine 4 wools ttu hum! In Host.),)) Uii i week luomn wure vrowdmJ itn l FURN1TUBB aHFAIBINO. 411 St 1'bool 54SU. Aud tba aald urdioabce ano provldca all of the funds of hr rlty, or any com- Cop Itnntrc i nn Co nould Telai U ponent iar 5T', undotihtailly hat míe r.tr t larger Intsl farm era and btmlnega men, ml the - tliat atiaii take effect and ba in forct part ttieraur. sistlutt tht amount of Raal nttttr Cop 11 1IMIOLSTERINO. rinnlrlr.- and picking lft,alK), Mine neaa, hut prices hare been very firmly twti talka were ft in 345 Mjajle. 7r.2 wiid it uaa bean rauiiao by a majority aucb part, not to he less than for Prnnklln n , listen cgerl. hi'cichol.l gonda. riiono TAXIlllCltlllaT. vuta of lefully qualified th yenr next follonlni- - mntntnlneil on the liusln.! i, the pruparty the date of tha satd 'otiaoliilaied Hp i,..-,- lug I'liurtHiglilirt tlranby wnii-- haa prlucip.illy In i ll Kovta. votera of tbn clu bu ur. Iritallr moellug. t nad McCLELLAN BROB. Tbone 700. 300 Frlsoo Oreena 'nnanea 17 mie .11., s..in, Mr. Kr"on'h repre- niii.il to vota at au alectluu beld tu All bidders nre rotiulred to atlUnitt with I i..reiKn fiw An. hua hem here, JINK IIEALKK. le llovn lie upper Irallana. sent Lug Kurt VVuiih wbétbar ur uut tba bonda prupoaad tV'lr bid a .certified chfyk. payable to the Kerr I alike the Htuck Vavds 1.1 l.MHk UvrTLa. 4 JUNK tUMPA.1V. thereby i "Contrnctliig in the weal hnn rath-c- t I i v rtvv HI i l 11. ahull b laauad. votut at ao mayor of aald dty. In the sum of aa aslke npper been nitipany. wit h reference lu ho plac- i,1 Phona 1041. hold (u detarmloa wbatbar ur nut such aubmlt-U- f Interin It rein, hut some mil lota Borland. an evidence of thetr gout) faith lu Nul le i ing in the I'eciig countr ( m number LA.il. w ii 1 Office supply Co. bouda aball be laaued, mi l rfjajW - iinner taken, and for beat fine medium Montana MKT A L t5U3 tub and tbttt unlaaa a Irht M In nil Copper 'I thorousjhhrgd to EL I'ArJO IKON a CO.. San or au H fllns aa high s tu tow lie came acrnp AJI laa ka aoin, rantea aou rapairea. majtirity aid lefaiiv quailtlvd uter Tba herewith reaverves lha right renta has been paid." Antonio. Uesleri la Iroo. rubber, bXi. ii i Vuta Mohawk t eriilMt iinijl I' ICt'i'eH Itflnl-i- I'fcoa from Kort Htocklon, where lit! rnnper. 4M0. 2li. Ullla hi. Puuue vuiui. iua aaiu ateitla abull la tu reject any and all bids. S'etada ii. l. hnaa. lionaa, ate. Ball favur uf the Liruuo'aitluu fur tba laauauee. Oled, r, Vtd ' d hud finished t ring thlrty-st- Wlineaa my Jiund, this the 31at Iny of Mplaslna Mltien .. TStnTV: úh tbco tba aald bunds abull not be laaued, March, A. D. 1914. C. W. KAB8KTT. IllblllffK. , ttr.lMi.ie iiliuf..l.... h ml io farmers then- him talk wub i but, tfn thk cuotrary, If tba propualtlou fur rlli Butte 3 fine JIVBLBM. ai tuna City Clark. City of Kl I'aao, Tex. lawkr niiwnshed. ic. ot rompi'lllng Ititéreat, ronihlnlng his- tba laauanaa of aald bonda, rvapacttvely, rib mi. nit;. ml :ew ork Fine unwnehcil. tory mid roinlnlKCenoe, l.egifininK 127.00 your hall au No, 1721. Ohl Domlnton ,, r with uieaoeu ees. eptiua. ."v., Ladies' suits to orda: HO ba at allied by a majurlty of aald ao una soaj hla Hirvaaa "eu .oaiL-rla- . ao your laajally vot- - la . recollsnrtlona ot Iho parly Ouya vt warranted 15c. Cssb lor old own no llaan aalte: quailflad pruparty THE TATF Of TKXAS Vo tha Khtrlff three eight lis I.I una asilad. 'JMfitv : críatele era voting or auy Kl Uraet-tng- : Qvlney 01 the cattle iiuhiMrv, goiu. lull Han Antonio, iienvcr .v. material. Jlemodehug a ipecJalty. Out Truat at tba aald tlstctlon tutu tba Constable of Paso County. (junrter Moods, '.".V uml tluwn irwar HI. IK am Ltonun auuu ua laaueu. F mm a m Jouea, administratrix, with Mianrtnn Incoimln and Missouri Three , lo the preat-nt-da- dfarth .f uottlo ora, notli-- 11. Hiipcrlur WATI claMned A. Lnalu eurtUkt. .'lie. Now, t baref la hareby vea will annexed of tha aataca of Ban Junea j blooHs, ; htMld, und hogs. ll.- id nf i imby lltl I lllfll he beoí cryiisli 10c. All work guaranteed twa bat au election In all thlnga bald accord- - dreeased, having filad In our count r court Superior A Rnton Mtn 2 lHr. and pig club movomcnU, and what ua uam or uccouut Tanrnrack no n irara tleneva jevv.ii to.. VETERINARY SUROKONS. iDf iu iaw win iu tu city kj ber final of tua ouadltlun uf the Kentllrlw mill Mlnilln. tl if ihswaa.. i hey wen- doing In 1'aau, In B. M . the training f Amonio St. and aach and all roiluc orvc.ucti eatate of aald Beu Jones, together wltb Smelt Itef A kiln R eighths V ; at. . Uao. dUO blm.d unwashed, 324c the adult Ult iii'.v.i.... ,ri tbcreuf, on Tueaday, tba litb day uf April, an uppllcatlun to if nlachargrd from s.ild preferred I7'i hloodn, otic .farmers the atólo ihn.ugii oreaon. lioabilui lor buraea aud do(a a- i' yon are hereby Ctnh 'liinrter ihelr children MJtRCANTILK iur tut iiuiyvH oi auuuiiLLlii( udmlnlatrationsblp, cum ronNnlldiileil IOS rieourad IbbIb: 2ir AUtata. , to tb vuiara qualified mu n. i n ii p ii i uca i I "t ii li Cu - m 1'. 1. 1, . Octavia aud S. aa i of ion ui una writ Copper M 8 Teaaa-- Clue eUf i.im.M.s Utn. .ti HogH (vare.- Ant - le nuil Mght In aforeaaid tha propoaltlon wbatbur or du for at least twenty days in a uewa- win'Mia H IHtj.Ttl, Tra.-- LuL'AL Ui.UCAM'lLk. AUUNCV. fine all to elcht months, 'Twenty .urw hk-,- hi- aaitl. tba aforeaaid buuda aball he laanad, aod aper printed tn tha county uf Kl 4JiU4,V. there U.purle and cantiga ol inuiviuu.le. col iea-- u Were Iwu hngM pfi(.lllutt-.- . I Ibaraby aoabllng aald uiMllflad nsu vou iclvs due notice to all ueraona lu- V p.f cHplta li amo. AIMJOA ..all Mi. Butte Huperlor ti II furnia Northern, vlluti. Jaeianei of lia .euuuat property voters tu ratify ur re- In the account for final eettleuit-n- t ...middle In this country. Today lltc-r- is lrn al Agsocles. teiested ...... i .... U.rvauuie pudiate tba action uf tba city or one-ha- . Mgr. lo .lean. 1'boue council lu auld eatate tu nppeiir and cuuteat tb than of n hog per capltt. IIAUIO 1'Ale.llA'-'- tba leauauce of aald bouda. Tba aama. If tbev tea proper, on or before in Kft-S- tba wregon l anl he twenty pntiml- light. r than Herald Bld. pulla 'ball ba upaned aod tba alactlo'n held May term, ID14, of auld couuty court, f astern No com . MSJ.'Mr; Ihcn. A lug i'hlcago den or WAOO-- YARD. in tba a varal vutlug pracincta aa fulluwa. menclng and to ba boldan ut tba cuurt- - THE URAIN easiern valley No. I, the other 1 MARKET I lUC tiny goi in nn l'rcioct No. At Troy lauadry, oa nouaa or saiu county, in tha city or Kl enormotia order I' 1.1. lit. HS. COUUT mil M. WAUON I AK1, bay and Wat uverlaud atreat. W. C. Ualgar, pre- Paso, on the 4tb day of May. A. U. lint, I errit iiry Fine sin ole r ... nunpitunrl lard. He wruir ws nnkltu siding B. Uwr-ga- niedlum ,.Vi2.V.. hh.'i. .v,-- atralu: UOUYav. Iba dairy lead. .NLT1LA- - iiulg. aod J. Badgar, J when aald account imd application will atanle. fine how ninth Its i t. I'uiilrl furnish him. CITY. I l.l MIll.NU CU. Uatwi plumb cneaper 41. A. iolau, aa aaauciata Judgaa. be on by WHKAT MABK1CT CLOSED HKAK AT T7c fine mcdlinn ciothinir. ;,n lilt . LaiNb, tua boraa lead, better aud aetrd said court. half wt annwereU. '.Not u p.. imd.' At .n. . i No. J At gacVad A DKCLINK A Ql A Mood combing, MSjVn ing lur lea, t'u. uu .....i'. than all tba roat. liOliSES and MULJvS l'rectnct IU nut Given under my band aod eral of aald OF ART Kit OF three clfihtbs i he an me un urd-- treat, clam Wlndbauae, praaldlav Judsa. my CENT. blood combing. 4Uti4k-- lime value in fi.r .. WU bousbt, lold and boarded. Tborougbbrad court, at offkee in tba city uf Kl Paao, NATION'S I'LUMUINU and üugana Walaa, kl Ii. Klr-a- w. it. Oth d..y D. Pulled "A A," supaes. the rheapeat grade ..f ruta aasA Jereey bull for aervlca. Corner Overiaud tbla of March. A. 1914. "A" Maw-al- l f'r ..pinn bi. Fbon: Lutiuiurti, na unauciaie ju a;ea.. W and the Kort Worth marl;, t ami aiuiibellaBta. I'bona stH. No. a PARK PITMAN. Cora Plnleheg Hair a i.iijiAjV t'LUMBKala Hat Taxaa. Pboua Preciuct At Ccnunl flra atatlon. Clark County Court UI Paao County, (eat lllcber and furnished every pound, nf it Nut until i. caro d curuur Overiaud and W, Oats Were Practically Nominal Pro- - ilAka wwra alii ii.. Jacoba laa. "luaua laal htautou reata. Ctotfc County. Cown, BI Pago SBMEU a a can receive In uiir Knrl Worth aoaniuiaaai. IttaaKlt-Av- - lk. JbiJ hir at ii.uea market a total ..f nt l.aat ten thou-Fau- FA CAWl ana aiTo iuonj oa our ,.!vyT".i.ÍRr..wr By C. AKA.M'A. Dapoty. New York. Anrll reoi , im..nr. hogs n can wo sup-pi- ) ...... aura. All work cuaranlaao. THit uaruciaia j una a. uay By the row w(ll aay day, hopo in o. a a laaueu mis uio oi aiarcn, a if. itu. .I'.miuf,, Press t in now . "K Kl Faao tlt.bibllis Co., Via iieciuct no. At niawart grocer W. la . the ileum ml ha prenaliitf lal. UU T. j, PABK PITMAN, Chicago, April I Profit by anee- "There a rnml itostl nt i a We deny no man hla rlfhl lo cbuoee nil Kast navund atraat. C. Lyou, tskln, na. That la the reaaon we are lull. Judge, Clark County Court, Kl Paao County, mauve noiaera nr developed irada reporta While Imslness In uian ihal own lieroei, and tiiuie who cunaidar Jobn aod Bernard Mack. P. a. Tasas. wheat tutu lines make anxioug to gel you people lntereste-- A VEBTI HKM KNTB IN THK BL'SINKHS Mátese. J A. rial, a SMOClata Judgea. mora tban an offset today for of an lccD tabla con rlsmi nlth Brown tba areaieii ikanian our par By C. ABANDA. Deputy. alorles last rear, the ...... In the hog bum nest- - out here, iiiHKcruitY of ma. 1 1 uaa Ana. olva Praoloct Nu. 5 At No, 41u Taya street, groen huga In Oklahoma Accordingly the inslorltv .f n.uini. wtiero IbUALLX UOOD BUSINtjB OETTKHB. million lu to inai coisf ou. betwawo Hecuud aud Third at reata, w. u. market closed weak at the aama as last hesTd la found In tba tendency to buy In condltlona are n near Ideal." liare, prealdlug Judge, and kid ki Juoaa. nigni i o down; corn finished un suuill lota for iiniiirdiiue i.h.-- rather than Should Start on Sum Scale. (Jus Btauüt, Uaoual taicujitla, aa changed totivv' higher, make heavy purchases fnr Mr. akaoclata He oats off t wants, distant French sinted that he wa Judges. "P uuu provisions rungmg from aTAoa. B with the conditions that do AUfu usa. For Sale Praclnct No. At City Hall. J. portar THE STOCK MARKET yeaterdsy'a ratrst figures decline, In the winter wheat to'D7Hc Im irntn. found here and ut Fort ijtoektuii. Bender, presiding Judge, and H. M- lleporta of the presence of green hugB there more optimlaiu than cunaarvatlsiu Ofc' Oaurge After he had hla he Auto, aaíeu cara ata ouoa NuTlCL saki: uf Unclaimed Kralgbt Uucbaunn, Uury Jarrall, i. ronrirmeo ano iieniao from tha sauje n:lss trade In g collecttrn senaa finished lalk tía yaaiur i aa aaamiuta Judges. rxhlhifta WHti queatloned hy (he o uouia. ' ' ui'sui huu oiuriKC ii.iiufn THAt'El OP THK t TWA HI) MOVE-MKN- stations In tiklahonui, aod aaemlngly tupi uvement. fa riñera preaciit muí lima ium ' it'i.iii -- Nu. 7 Kl All tbfY Vaviwy Kl Paso, Tax., April 1. 1U14 Tba (.ulvea- 1'rtxtnct At Kast Paao flra I only N. Ttetrencmcnts by for more hour, In- ll .uiuioo tletet elote., viiu HAD aaroemcnt wim that there had twh rallroada and uoaet thun ntf and Nome ton, ii. mi k al Huu Autunlu l(alluv stutlon. C. II. Kulic. presiding judge, and YBgTKBDAV.Milil.ll no dsuiagtt from the Insect inetit In western bltiKiilnohs flei.u in. teresting points ware io ovase tina. i wg aud hut little drought out. t vouipuny uanuy gives notice uu tha x. n.iuD. nao i tlimngt' of any veal the lahnr alt nation a fa- that a associate Judgea. kind. Nervousnaaa over ultb less He urged that no farmer go into ihi BJvalVlUa. Ttb day of April, 1U14, between ibu hours me poasuiiiiiy or peat apiaad vorable color." lvtivuuv.1 UAÍL No. it At kmoba'a e thr being huslntsa too heavily, hut said that i of 30 a. to. and 4 p. m. It will aell. Jt lis l'recluet raataurant, Wemknesa ef Few Ittocks Held the by tba cool, rainy wrathar prevailing oo Alameda aveune. C. M. Held, proalding In Cbtsok Baa- - carload of In.ga ahould he shipped out team track un Mills Ht., lu Kl Patu. Kl Harkat During tbe soutbweat tended to tnnke uver-ag- Duo's Meekly Review. Lt, JO UOSWttt. Judge, and U- W. V'eogbuua, U. A. Brwck- - tha market IVeoa iliiu i'aao cuuuty, Texaa, at nubile uutcry. to aasai. higher My file 4 saftcfutcrf of every day. If tha alfalfa Via wall Uua, In tv i ii.aiu i.eii in aa tha part of the day, Prese blgheat uiucnec, aaaOClate 1.. farmers Pecoa country WUU av. at a. . SVM. the aud boat bidder, for judgea. hut rinai tradlog on h rut her New York. Anrll 3. Review of the lived f. ancka poUtoca fur tba purpoae of satlofy-tn- auarp Dun's tomor- up to (.any aaiviva wavins aa laao 1'rvelnct No. tt At JCI I'aao Trunk Fac Hi lh J.ssocl0ld Presa row will siij- ' their nppnrtuniilea during the p.aabvr p. va. cbaygea dua aald company atfutusi (hla Henrs In wheat ti,... twti years. a .. aud t;:o tory warabouaa, corner Cottoo avenue and Ncm York, April 9. The trncea of asvti "Current movement of ..an. ntxt a u. en. ahipmeot. for freight and storage ttiurgaa i. u. lat tlou to plentiful ralos t luting ...... iloO uuu i.i. leva iv. i. morgan. presidio bullUb spirit which propelled tba innr-ke- t throughout wastaru somewhat below normal, particular Vlalt to Toyah nlley. j auu tue cost or aalr, tbe aald ty tba riii-n- , v nr i l O..UU. " tbls pmpai Judge, and Philip Bbn, ll. s Uutwat upward earlier In to Hire iiriBjii ne aoll has re- y In the east. Weat and south there la 1'nder the ausptcea of tho Pocoa having bocn cunvpyod by auld compauy ae tha week aeeiaed eently t . ilia Aruva. yutu iiu.ik. aa aeaociaie Judges hnva ooaad away today. Jn Isulated in rnuaed rfJIayll. On he oihar more flctlvlt y slid hualneaa .mil i i. íínnimarrlal Mr a common carrier and having remaiuud ut No. 10 muí. i, eiaeasiFaye club French vlaltad 1'reclnct At lilgbland park firs atauctiB prices csrve way sharply. omínete sent nord of too qillta confident. bec,atiao of ilH gnnernlly the Toyah valley. Including on hla UoawaU 44 llOv Ua duattnatluii uuclnlmed wltbout payuifot It'll Charlea rmik arowth. world shlpnienta promlsad a a. Mil morí. tiraaldloa few pa .ai OUI y 1:40 uf aald charges. 'These potatoes wera Weakneaa oflk stocks hald tbe whole tn he light and inoa trip, hy am) auto, both the gTav-It- i'ioacuo liov Judia. and Norwood Hall, J. T. UilL In chat k. Missouri 1'aclflc Blumped receipts northwest allowed "In spite nf (he attractlle rule- - for train A:Ja ablpped frum Cantral Pulot, Ore., hy vi. n aUilve. aa ajaoclale ludvavsm. market oír. w - arid pump: water systems. am Tibbie tba n- aiKiis oi inning u money, borrowing light mid "I a:JO Medford Warebouaw Co., to tbemaeiveg ut 11 At ludaoaui on tbe annoancemeat of tba failure of offerings my Uvdidu U:ev PraoUct s0. vnt i.uinir for that and roads Corn shorts became decidedly nei rous uf enuillirrrlal continue rest rh ted dellghied with trip.'' he aald, "and M UI I'aao. Thla property may be cornar Ulsauurl other touId v.- A. claimed oy and Brown y tbe Itockefeller Intaresta. .i.', run many or tnem covered m Katrenehmenl stin chameter Ises tha Iron would not ha mi n for any- a:uo Ita lawful owner any time before itretiis. u. tsaum. prcaiaioic nd Which st.-e- 1 .ou Lincoln moo lh data it. ludu. aatimatea ware sbsrp advance. In the end almoat snd trade Home how- thing. You have heat hog coun- II lo.vaj- - of thla sala by payment of all j: tt Atvas. O. A. Critcbelt, W ts Various made of United dlsappenred betterment, the i;aj nutuvun freight Ml n repon under fríe selling ou the part ever, Is still manifest In copper " you ad- Ft Miiuu cburgaa and coat tbla advertisement Lrouioie, ua associate juuajea. btatea eel' unfilled ton use to of leading holla. try In the world. If will take S V!"""4 iSJ uf ou he preaentad next weak, hut all th Tbe ttiieaatneea of sbortB i Aogvil j :oo 1 :OU application to T. M. labasttar. Agent 1'recluct No. lit At corn-- was une to u vantage of your opportunities.' ..JO northwest r agreed In predicting a abarp con- revival of demand on tba Heat nutos, i a iwu vj Octavia and Mlaaourl slrtswts. W. c, or At careful drivers. Phone The farmers of Hooves county will .... t . Curniuio tl KAI.K ik) Lavl pari inuiiamee interior, weetern nnd ( Fuao S:00 full ktaudord works oo mining orealdiug Judge, aud John Cagney, Uavrga traction. atiii th western points, It said, 510. Advertisement.) pro huhl purchnae two hundred head metullurgy, includlug complata I. C- m .New luiflluess uuriuK H'c last ten wai 'iurougb fare .me Way 8.U. lul.rmv ilars (hat Argentina corn Imd been pur- of brood sows hosra - and couraa. was reuurled bvlU-r- Home saltta and .within tho uJuiU o CM1U per una- - Uauo ba- mining milling cara 1'raclnct No. U-- At 'kit a flra atatluu J sllcbtlr chased within the lust twenty five AANUKftAO. TCXAH. i, - copper metal at nn hours nrxt six weeks, buying through tho vara ; Uavi- ITinea. J. U'Nalü. praojtatlng Judga, and U. K. of 144. adraucu of 'if 000,000 . arriar on iaeuor eicaai were reported hare. to the eitent bushela Fort Worth Stock Yarda company, cara. Cornwall, C. C. iiluck, u. C. bootli, as Oats trailed corn, but did not ns Hpúiat uu uiall Increased rash rtoldlmcn liidh-ule- show Hi Timra rorvt spoatfent which the absolutely "..iny for maala eacb wiy In uasoclate Judgaa. wre mamen eitreincB Kit were nislnlr handles anímala mluuiaa Although wa try to keep paca with cur 1'reclnct Nu. 14 At gar- hy tba atatlstlca of known currency move- traders Handerat.n, Ti naa- - - Mm. C. profit on , .ao. Creer Electrlo bullish Iiwnln, without to themselves, and 1 a. iv evari ta, wa na ver MW K ror toe wean. caso BOgW1(LL 4DT0 Cg rant aro quite aura age, Nortb blanaas. A. Taylor, pra- - uienta KBtimaias tr In provisions tbe dwindling r ni .if hy her dmightt r, Mrs terniH most favorable .to the farmer Pooua laa. whetirer Mrs. Hankhurai Is in Jail, ur has luinir juua;a, ana a. larpeuier, Kdwia gain in the bank Btatstueut ware about Mnry, hna returned from a y iicri and Oparatora. 11. i. minisvru miij ifniporary airenglli ala of who shows hlinaelf capable of caring .i. jusi starved bar way out. Thumaa,.J. J 9tln. as aaaoclata jutlgos. H.WAOOO. On the bulge salHus pressure several months at 1'reclnct No. 19 At Uro,.' pkiiuo-lu- llouil riurtualloiia were not vtldr Increaaed Harhtle, t'ul. for the animals. rrasar nun me cioaea mu Mrs. Y. c Moveir fon 111 I. VI. RAILWAY abop, 912 Nortb Uragon atraat J. J Chaiires wen Irregular. Total sales, fct. mir.oi etient h dtyn The frrlgathm Problem. IN STATION III nt M TUftJE (Villi. General Villa probably won't settle down Keevli. praaldlug Judga, and Tbao. Lg Ul0,0ti0. nlted HUtaa bonds urn hanged uitl) relatlvcB Alpino ihla weak P. Fog, the necond speaker of 0 MKTAt. MABHKT. .1 In F.l ratio whan tb,e Urns for his ratlra gara, V. J. WlllUma, J P. U Connor, on call. Ilex und Mrs K, Hunrii eftjlhe evening, has charge of the survey KllacUva a. roont arrlvas, as It may if bg long as tisauclate judges J huraduy for C ortigtoclc for a sh is elng made nf the Pecoe val- - Tabla No. a. Hill llvas Nu. 10 a Cum ornthat Navaaavbar ISU. ". Precinct At Puel stay. ley. u general IS. anougQ. pany, North ttanu r street. L. K. Hakr, STOCK MARsfJCT. thr Assorialrd ft ma and made talk. He iMuuuuiu Tiuio only. I li.a)dlug judge, and M. it Uluan, a t. Now York. April 3. Conner In New Vnrb Mta D. Ii. Anderson und little stated that hla mtaslon hare waa not lili la. Charlea kl. tiafteb, , aa lusiu. Htack Mat mini apoi ana daughter Icfl Sunday a visit to knock or boost any proposition, Syeteaa. associate aianuarn June, for to lo K. P. Judges. th AtiOOtmttd n.it".' i i". m ifuiaon auiet spot relatives at Bracdretl but In Inveitlga.r. nn.l to make hla Arrl.a 17 - or. 17s Od ; Ftoui Nortb and tail 1'recloct No. --At tilobe UU Is. It. Ves- New York. April 3. - fulures. 16 2a (Id. Mrs Lemons, a ho has been lh rep.irt to hesilnuarler.. 'I hnva ti .M am : i i .iliforubvu Do You Want a Posi siugcr. prwataiug juugv, aud IT. j Wk:k Amalgamata'l (.upper rin In New York aaar anot Ai7 Ht your l:Mlpui w, nuquor. - guet of har daughter, Mrs. W. ll found, how.'vir. he aaln, ''that i.ouieu stale uiauaa.. ría, ia. asurr, u. as asao- Agricultural oi.tt" itn in iiimon nrtn au.t, eiibj ioa - i l 7 :Mlpm Judgyaja. American 171 Manfleltl, returned to Mnrnthin Wed problem rrer.- la not one of good fer- : to uiucarl-t- Paao Local. tion, or Good Em- .late American Beet Hugar futures, 10s. Tha votara to auataln 11m - on Im nesday. tile land, for of you hsve sn Fruio me dastrinc uruuti- ri on Can Iron In ew l ork rt aud i:iu j thst " Spaclal . . 7 46 am to purpose Am' a i.U,iier City sltlon laeua honda for tba of praTarraaj lnndon Iron: Cleveland wnrrnnts. Als "Id slmndsnce You have only to put tho . J :S0 ployees? pruvldlug funds for purcbaslug cuy oa , uuiaao State Lliulled piu public Ainerlcnu Car In iNew .ork unlet at Ai ilw t v. flood waters .r thla rver w.harc ihav . 1 .ill nía I t;bodi bulluiag alUs aud tvt cractlutt uud I.emi In London, Aa. u Mail ns ng y Ameritan t ot'ou oil ilk m:kd classes? ask skííaix belong In Morse"' for uai' on tha .'vorlSXWJ:"lultf KSst 1'el.ai- j euat t uil a clt pu Idle big h ar b vol npeltrr In New York inlet Mt g.'. ,ki MOVED to 108 TEX AS bTTKEET. lur trie I building, fur American lea Hecurltioa Isnds snd' you huvo your problem 1 LAcal . .. ata aud cousiructtng periuaueut Spelter In London, f21 lfts a lw I bulld-irg- Llueeod tAdv.) Limited 1 lift I. Ill luiprovvmeatLs to tba puhllw aubool s American Isrfely solved." i.uldao Stale KI upug American !. onioi Ivc , allfurnlSR ...,w ..... of I'aao, aball have Baw Yerh gllvar. Im. .un Water Rlgilta. i tbelr t.viiiois autwUistlaUy tba following Amarl'-a- Hmeltlog a Iteflntog. When In doubt, buy liver. Mr iioaaitilllty ibe Wast words; Do preferred By LSaAssotHurad picas Pokk metitlon.nl lb' ,r and biprasa :.'.r. of In the mutter of ap- 1 villi American Huusr Heflnlng tloni Limited mmWfW "LPON PUOl'OBITIU.N TO tttoUfc e j male 1 Ainarlcau To). A Tal Mexlvan dollara, tf,',- propriation of water. of till it Spaclal UUNDb KUU PUUCUAblNU CITY I'L i uiiiier l UC gCiiUOJ. BUILpl.Nu blTK6 A.Mj IfUJl Amarleaii Tobacco tact thsl the Pecos la an Interstate Mhnlug Co t. LaaU Metal uaa of CI HBCCTiBO A CITX i'l Uliial Anaconda stream, and la largely made BU Qiavada a i'aao aSraal. m UUUL BU4LD1MJ, AND r'OU At. ... iiy ih Assoriofsd press New (SasU Bretem ) ly farmers In Mextro. Tha fa PttUUANLNT IMl'BOV'tJ. praferren ,i Kt .1 Nortli J ArHva. !o !xuls. Anrlt Lead firmer at farts brought up que.tlnna that would i ,in tea MKNTK TO THit PVÜWC HCliuOL Atlanih Coast Line aJC.ir.sj 31174 Hpvlter dull nt lo-- i '. i:'L, Meilco Esprsas 10 :uu am have to be worked out. he asid. H paeeW S:10pa If you would like a position with bClLDirsOal Oft TUS CITK OF LL PAMO. Baltltuora Ohio Interesting hislory of lit" Si I'aao TLX AH: BclbleheSD KteCl Bl Pa o Metal. care as .,r the Hons ".pan. a concern where there is s future -- VOU laWUANCJB O UOND8 ' Brooklyn Uif( Transit Work of the reclamation eer Ice. and. a I'll Cklcavso Paaa. S:S0am Maslcsn Drone Kl Paso burloar orU-S- 10 i Kaum de- tlsitsa uiiyusei, to laattsimw of Canadian t'eclfir ...... In paaaina: ..mi high compliment ,., .. Faal Mail TX 100 m where then is aa opportunity to And tba uoods In small guaniltles, 4Tc. (or tba purtyoaa uf proi-Jiu- funda fur Cant ml Laatbar currency aearetary K. Larte of the de- velop ability -- Chesapeake otilo siesiean ir,i raso htiviua nrtcai SOU IT your to the utnioil try ttjr public scbuui balidiug siiaa, at to only), 30c. TSIVIKVWHtRt partment of the Interior. He aald. (.alveetaav, iimeri.hur a Saua lalaat, Rj ar aud a Oreat Western small quantities in this paper. Keen-mind- and for acting cvuaiructlax vitf CblraK "When Wilson picker Mr. lanr for inoaiirera mu. di.whi a Wast Ad public high gabool uailldiug, auu Car Chicago. Milwaukee aV fit. Pan), . Bl Pava i. mellar Quotation. place he selected the hruudesi in the Eael - Antea. permanent liuprov atuauta to tbg chb-uiff- A Kartbweatarn this employer! appreciate the fact In my ouruplett i Kaueet Kioreaa aopui aebcol bulldlsaga ef tba cilj at Ifll k'olorado Fual aV Iron (Corractad Dally ) men. opinion, who. baa real 10 .DO a 101 Sunaet Mali ...... pal that the enterprising, capable workers Teieie, auali bate upon tbalr Vsulota isss Bar al.rirr, MHo. that rhsir for nia.vjr reara. He Ii ,'aao, Consolidated .w . rr.,m tbe Welt uiually ass our Want Ada to find the subaAawuauy sua iwiuwiaa rua. leelaaar- - A fludgmi Pig Uad. LONGWELL'S TRANSFER a.at.rn man. and IS In ,.(! with in'; SDoaet Limited 8 :et) am upon rurws)tiw7i v inriLM Denver Bio Draude Wlra bars, ' western people. A million duller', j 4 M pni right positions. And employer, them- BONDfJ POlt i'LKcHahim, cityi FBI errad Lead (London, ÍM it. II Do pref worth of business Coas ov.r Ms deal, )tl guaaat Kipreae . SO pa, L1C SCHOOL lit .St. HITifig AND Dlstilltrs'. nacnrliiea selves (retir use our CUetifiéd Adver- A CITTt vary day. snd tbe fsct thsf a msn y,.T taa aavet lleparl FOR KUk.CTI.NtJ PU ftiMJIl . ...y....e...... Waafclr Ai. Aat.maMSe. Raeks, Ureef. . Erta caliber la viHltnf te devote Knnaat S.leam tising .cctiop find worker!. HCUOOL AND VUU COat. Oo prsjtarrau of that try Turn IMl'ltOVg-PaiNT- lot Ilreiisl.e Sueltar (juolstloas.) Aou'Sasaaae Trssks 10 a Bipn W.D0 pra UCCTINti PbltMAM.M hla bralne to problema of fhls sort unlet hi Oi, 2d Drefrrred Sliver, KM Light Savi Heavy veajai-r- - I our Wsm Ads now. Your posi- TO t'Usí PUBLIC í Baullaa. testimony to bat worth sad ta, hCiluo leñera l.'upaaj, 14.1. 1. eloquent ratttoralss 0 51am tion may be edvtrtiied there today. ULILDINOB OF THE CITY OP XL t AUX riraai aarihern ora linearity" u Ruoaet Kipraas SSWpas TKXAg; Grant Northern Ora Ctfg, COTTON Haratow tlolng to Deines-M-r. pea it isn't ' ' V 101 Suaaai Limitad Hl:l. If describe your qualification, ALAIN BT IIBUANCK OF BONOS Illinois ('antral Fogs menilorved In no etljuc chsrscter And aaeb votar skaii atrlka out frota hla Interhoroagh-Mtt- . User T.rk Catta. be in Denver on April and At of work fou want in a "For thst will held Taama raaafla ballot iba word Iseuanoe of bonds DO pi ef erred a congratulsicd people oil too Haat Arrl-ro- a Want Act It will pay you. or Agjtnst laauanca af boada," accordlug llarvngtar fit A..ooaf..l Jreil v, snd the Prom International '.. X.er April " -J- cat quiet Oeorve E. Ba.ega l F ltSBl as be dsatSSSJ u va4 for of against t La eald pM. V.rS. ipoi taa thr feci tnsi "ajar?" Inter Hsrlne ni. U.tO; ilka. Dr. Carl Smith iinou Hall .. props alt log. iRt.rnntlonpl Psp-- r i. . self. would he a.ut Is thst nieallag by SBt llieDepart. rump BUPXtJR. BLOOD. SKIN, LIVBR sasoelstltut Upon the e evert a Inn. rot of the reaulta of ntarnat fftnsi K West Tensa Rerlamsllon . T 1., U VKSTIM MiBSBTa VJfU HI. - i anaos ...... a... raid eWtloa. tka action of the city coun- aU-s- s City ftawthern .... SUOfKY UiVkli to reprtsont lbs intereaia of this tou- 4 Iiat Kipreai ..topea cil iu ordering tbe Issugnce af uio huada UhlgV sftiW .' raft Werlk llvailoek. and lb paaalog ' tba ordlaaoca altoraaaM j M7-S- , Use ,'". - Rosana nal Rail war af aeasjea ahall ba declarad ta ba ra tifiad, ar net Dootevllta ft Naahiltla .... is- asaeial Wire la raa Tls.ee Fvaaa i ' aoaordlog Ht. P. A Hie. fas,. Ca.l flaoJorvaJ Bank OpaninfITfinlSsttW1IU ratted, to tka ras ult of sali Minn Havft IM - KorSTU-Banner "Thm Be- - Co. Now mir- Bldff. Want Ad Wqy" ttiacuon, ana toa nonas nogu m issued, Mlaaoon ft. s usas at íeiaa rort Worth. Tel., April 3. Hug-e-

s ' at . liv i ....'.' i- '.laij.: aali. ajast- "''líaBÍa

giassiM-asa-a- 12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. Saturday. April 4. 1914. wife, leys street, starch II. H Paao's Hnett Millinery Salon" soy. fit HINOJOS To R Hinojos and When a grocer returns HOTEL tU North Campbell street, Mart it V Up to $7.50 and $330 a alrl. a dissatisfied customer's FLANDERS FIERRO Crux Fierro, asea 49 Tailored Untrimmed reara, 1117 South Kansas street, is 133-13- 7 WMt 47th St. April t. Burial in Concordia county money, she keeps what . cemetery. Hats Shapes New York City WIIJSON Andrew WnTson, acsd 7 rvwr onr roadway years. Hotel Dleu, April 2. Remains left of the goods. b shipped to Tularoea, N. M. 1HK Tha kind of $28 rlsht a hotel la CHAVEZ Anecleto Chaves, aed the right locality. In tha heart 1 yoars. Hotel Dleu, April 1. Burial of tha theatar district and adja- In Concordia cemetery. You see why, don't cent to tha shopping: canters. OIBBON- Frank Olbaon, axed to Positively fireproof. Excellent years, Hotel Dleu, March 10. Re- bro- or- mains ahlpped to Terra Haute, Ind. you? use a culslna and an sacaptlonal a We can't New jijTNKINS Neleon N. Jenkins, Great chestra. A larsn addition Just 47 years, Hotel Dleu. April 1. Re- completad, cnhtalnlns library, mains shlpepd to Buffalo, N. Y ken, of goods; Easter Moire till ..nn billiard hall. jUMNStih so win I . jonpson. package Itandaoanely PnrnishWI Rooms, aaed 4 4 years. Orandvlew addition. April S. Burial In Masonic Concordia Blouse & Wool Privan- - Bath, cemetery. that isn't We want TRBAB J. Dolorea Treaa. afed SO it 91.80 Per Day Upward years. 14 Santa Fe street; April s. Sale cemetery. From Orand Central Station, Burial In Concordia county her to have it. She'll ears marked "Broadway'' with- I Pennsylvania7 biat- SI'KS FOR ivrvoRcrc. Today $4.95 in ii tranafar; find-o- ut lon. 7thAva. oars Vlthout Hone ywHI Allcant SBotue Was Wife her mistake. transfer. or Another When He Married Her Booklet Vponf request. Kay I.. Honeywell, who separated U Honey- good; H. R. SHARES. Firop. from hla wli;, Margaret The goods are well, on February 20. Instituted suit In A Offer Today the Thlrty-fqurt- h district court yea Phenomenal ty iiG terday to have their marriage an they are the best sales- - nulled. Ha allegas that at the time & they were married that aha was the Bandeau Sailors Watteau Hats O L IN THE COURTS. lawful wife of William C. Crawford of I'hlcASru Thn weddlnir took Itlace men we'vegot. rhlrt) fourth District Court. July g, and Honeywell allegan Dan M. Jackson, Judge. Une didn'tiu,get her divorce from Craw- - Robert w. Parrla vi W. E. David- - frd in th circuit court of Cook V T HIS sale today of new Bandeau Sailors, Niniche shapes and Watteau effects son. suit on notes and for foreclosure county. Illinois until July HI of Hen; filed. Honeywell also sets forth thatÍ.he be- - will prove the most interesting Millinery Event of the year. The phenom- Uay H Honeywell vs. Margaret U .h. was a amarle woman when fchimsre Beat waa lets las aslsWs.ats Honeywell, suit for annulment of h. married and that when he learned enal values are the result of careful buying and planning to give to The White marriage; nicd. . wife's 'former marriage they A Schilling ft Company San Francisca) rignt Hoursion vs. Alta Mabelle l.,iarated House customers the very newest Millinery Creations at a price far under value. lioiirston, suit for divorce and custody or cnua; bewitchingly minor rued. F'oery Kidney VUls BacoeasftU for .stales without giving bond. The Every hat worth a third more than price named. All trimmed in fthpiinutlim and Klfliicr Trouble. was recently made at Forty-fir- TO FIND District Court. to take, to fflve (ood JAPANESE Washington at the request of the the moi fascinating styles of the hour. A. m Walthall, Judge. Kasv aulck Josephine Crosby results, positive In action for back- Japanese ambassador. et al. vs. O. II. ache, weak hack, rheumatism, kidney Idle Since Outbreak of strife. 8. A. H.v Co., trespass to try title soafi as you Japanese, many ot whom have suit; on trial. and bladder traOMes. As REFUGE ON COAST The The Bandeau Sailors and Watteau styles are byJar the most favored modes of hi.gln inklojt llfrir.''" '"'' '(' benefit been Idle and destitute since th. out' V. J. Boyd, of revolutionary disturb- S,.-- . lal of their heaJIng tJuAltles. break tha the season, and we were fortunate in being able n secure this remarkable collec- ItlHtrlct Court. Ofle, TeuuutaysLsa'Aflrakm two ances In Chihuahua, have been prom'. M. Nasle, MXTY-FIV- txr Judfe.... bottles of Fhley KldneW Pills, my PAKK THROUGH Eli Ised work In Lower California. It 'is tion of stunning hats at a price concession which enables us to offer you the ll...... - at ti I i i,... ni kidney trouble aro PA AO BOUND FOR lll.lis OF also said that they were in no little "V Darnell et al.. Bull on notes and for rneumatism CALIFORNIA. danger territory choice of many styles CI lili ll CI f'IV-- Ktilif Hale ana eirecmu l.owllt in constitutionallat at $6.95. rorevlosure of lien juaameni ur ; In Mexico plaintiffs. . x'h.hl. dtmr A. owing to the popular belief E, Ryan. (Adv.) frin Idle, and In Soaae Caam DenUiute that the Japanese government was un- n duly friendly to the Huerta regime. Early Shoppers Today Will Secure Best Selections. County Court. Hinco outbreak or War, waahlnc-to- ow, m alinee and night only, (.'rants Thcen Npcclal PrivUettc- - A. 8. J. Eylar, Judfe. HI M. Escobodo, charged with selling .Tawior" thawac. Albert tayior in For eo: tea Paw - Ymir aby." (Adv.) Optical Co. Texas street. (Adv.) See Center Arcade Window Display iifin.tr wunn ll icnnm- nitn ninini Jl Sixiy-flv- e Japanese, realdenta of y filed. Mi state Chihuahua, were Toi Whits A the bf allowed aiufoe. drivers, rhone I. ii Is' Parra, Opening alaht Mottr United through Best careful charged with assault - Bldg. to enter the States ( ) and battery; complaint filed. Co. New Store- the port of El Paso yesterday to' travel tit. Advertisement. country I,ower Sty HARD. through this to Cali Justice Court. SAN lll WORKING fornla, where they will be given work James J. Murphy, Judge. in the cotton fields on the western Preparations for Kxpoaltlon Which peninsula. party Beasle Moore, charged with as mil vuvnnevw. The left El Palb fined 16 and costs. open in January men In a special car to a Houth- - Milf jrlalra Special Correspoarfenl attached Pioneer Phone ex- rn Pacific train, accompanied bv two Court. San Diego. Cal-- , April S. Tne United States Immigration officers, Justice position In Ban Diego to be opened Plaza 4380 E. B. McCllntock. one who will remain With them until they Rublo Thomas, charged with bur- - January 1, HIS, and to continuo again cross over to Mexico. Japanese whole year la now well advanced In aniah - English , "The Store of Service ' ' , glary; complaint filed. Consul Shotoku Baba of Chicago waa Kiii, hi the matter of preparation. also with " Thomas and Parish Holt, Diego very start made the party. keeping - Stenography charged with burglary; complaint San at the Held Permit one gremt Improvement over previous lYom Bryan. I Manager riled. grounds The Japanaae were ape-- R. F. DAVIS, anofher comptrte . ticket nominRtcd cpurtment here la made up of vol Kl Co. vs. H. exposition. Heretofore and granted Paso Book l. Kvrldge, been, clal permission p 1484-146- 5. Tract Bid. ELECTION FIGHT IS and put Into thu field. unluura who serve wholly without pay suit for $20.85; filed. hulldlnga of great fairs have by Secretary Bryan Cauaeir of Movement. mu in- organization la chartered, aun for the rnost part, useless sfter their mane in journey through the United The dlanalUfactlon with the preneni the department haa been trying alnce Realty Transfers. close. This will not be true la tho board, whl.-- compromise, the origi- Augitat of lust year to prevail upon ,,f lite Ran Dleao exposition. nal ticket, haa grown in part from th) the board to turn over the funda f H. H. Goodman et al. to Rachel Balboa Dark, the fourteen hundred ON IN ALAM0G0RD0 of board toward the vol he An Miller, northerly one and one-ha- ... mamip.A fur the eXOOBltlOll. attitude the department to the department. it So unteer fire department; and from the iitorncy haa been retained and has feet of lot and aU at lots and .. , , . nermanent nlayrround moat peralel ent reporta to the effect been Instructed to go Into court and 11, block 1, "."" and show olaco for the clly. Cotton Seed Products and Stock Salt - K OPHOttlTIOX Other considerations and I Kl.KVKNTH H"l that the lioard eofnpeomiMed wHh try procure n rU'i to havu tlw ' ' a. ivntunml I'lavmi Tí) IMIKHKNT TOWN' IWAKIÜ KK-- s aaloon mnnHgcment In the recent hoard rerund the money to the depar 20. I9TJ. CT a.b i.m, In. on aervea tht We are iiBiaxfttfrs for COTTON SEED PRODUCTS and l IN AMil llI U l I of the amount of Hornee to be ment. Oooilman Produce Co. to J aenei nlinu.a, ... vi,ilnir site ana is 2 STOCK specialty. paid. Realden three two oauaea, thcra Saloon lóense C'otnpromlM. Miller, southerly feet of lot I, " " srrfli tiires for the exposition ana SALI, dar lota our Write for quotations. are itlll others who feci reaentful over It Is said upon good authority thut lots T and . and northerly feet of , n.nt park for 8an Diego. The Tru(rc limrge! Willi 'on.iromlo , .,,, agree-mi- lot bloc Campbell's addition, out wuh this Retail Store I jA Offlee Warehouse With IShIimw mid wun I nrur Trr.-nm- t the failure of the hoard to order an the board entered Into secret IS. rround. hav. !d Itl tall OT 0 OH of hitn..-- Hi ViMnpany election of of fleer n In April of last with the management of the sa- lis.uuu; uct. it, isi. Durooae in view, and the nuuoinas 160 N. Stan to nV U. UU. Cor. 2nd Chihuahua. year, when the statutes provided that loon to reducé tha license In September Goodman Produoe co. to Rachel are of enduring material and con fl. niOt. an election ahould be held. from $1.800 $1,600 a year, re- Miller, northerly 25 feet of lot 11. so designed that they ean tip HprcUtt Cnrrtpndrnt to tha struction, rimr Fire Department Wrangle duction to remain In effect for a pe block HI. Campbells addition. be utilised later as museums, art gal- Almmusordo, N. M April I Th riod of two years. The mayor sticks (6.000; Oct. 27. 1913. leries auditoriums. Th matter between the board and T. et ux. B, K. Mo- - and political pot In Alamofordo that has the flr department reached a crisis to his original statement that th-- A. Quenada lo omellli nl to City, meatlng, board stood pat and made no con rales, smith ' lot 10. I. lock J, lOASt Hall, on nark la only ten minutes dis- Nlmtnorpil placidly until almost time ui the last regular when the 1 ,..., - board to apend for a cession whatever. W. H. Jfleher, th Kl Paao, $8.76; March f...... ctaM il,.i.,o' hnslnesH dls- to vote In lina I un y eefunrd motor lOttu Ltingnecker to ,, . the electron iff fire truck, or to turn over to the do lessee of the saloon, says that the set Amencan ... ,0Ü tret above sea level. to bubble and boll furloualy. A waa ftatiaraciory to out Lumber Investment Co overlooking the city, Point Loma, San partment to be no expended, the sum tlement him, --"2? 1600, . 4r. will not commit himself further. Mr. 4, block ion. Higniana I)leBO bty n,i the Pacific an Ideal man meetlna wtu held at the Alamo of l.4Zr of lln depnrtment'n mon 3. Our Special Low Prices on Meats rordo Commerctil club last rilKht and "ey which the board haa In hand. Tit Iteber a very guarded statement bears March she for both fair and park. Bo com out the report that the board entered Maude K. Pearson to J. A. McMn manding Is the location that tun tigni Into an agreement with him, pledging hon, lots 21 and II, block II, Altura rfn the an al dome of the California At This of Should mm to secrecy, it Is significant that Park, $400; April 1. state building, 600 feet above water Season the Year the minutes of the meeting at which level ta visible to marinera 100 mllea the settlement waa made were not Bulldlns Permita, at sea. Thtl building was provided Be ef Interest to the Housekeeper read at the last regular meeting, and Pete Gonsalea to build an adabe. for by an appropriation of 1160,000. are not open for public Inspection. 1015 Houth Santa Fe street, 1250. Tlio .Now Ticket. M. Crux, to build an adobe garai nlNNCn-DANC- This mat kill i mi usual, will have a fine lot of Fresh Fish The mass meetlnx which was held 2(29 Tularosa street, 150. Paso del Hone Hotel will tire for today week, Market dftiner-danr- e and next the end of the Lenten season. Overland ad- last night decided to call Us ticket P. G. Glron, to build an adobe ery Tbursdsy svsningrrom the People's" ticket. It Is made up dition, Virginia and Blghth streets, to tl o'clork. Dinner served rsoni 7 to o We Mtxkajbe Prices. as follows: f or mayor, Kobcrt N. 176. , ., l,.rU- dsnrlns .until 11 o'clock. 7(0 eXTTS BEEF. LAMB. Woodworth; for trustees, Charles W. thtrge Tor Itbls reservstlon, which 4hou1d Arnold, Kdward Oliver, i.. N. Jones he made earlfT Admission, tacludlng din Loin Steaks, Leg Lamb. SATURDAY'S SPECIALS. and it. Hughes; for recorder. VITAL RECORD. ner, 11. (AtrNlv pound , . 20c pound 20c Dan O. Park. ap IllrUis. Steaks, Lamb Chopa, Home Hens, pound C The chairman of the meetlna dressed 22 pointed the following executive com TKKKA.AS To J. J Terraxas and pound 25c pound 25c Yard Eggs, guaranteed, dozen 30c mitter, which Is to ha vi. entire charge TUCSON BOASTS OF of the campaign: Stanley Holden. Round Steaks, Lamb Stew, Hamburger Steak, pound . . , I 12 Vic Thomas A. Pace. J. K. Itobrrts. Oro. pound 18c pound 15c Weigele, Jr.. James Brownflold, Jr. Pot Roast, pound Lift 1 2 Vic Ixm Hi re. Shoulder Steaks, Hirer Are RAILROAD STATION Home-Dress- ed Profs. It. V. Hase F. U Rlxby Doughn 124c Poultry. Steak, pound . . . 20c and 2& pound of th faculty of the New Mexico Trust will remain Hamburger Steak, Particularly Choice. Do it now give your order. V Agricultural college arrived yesterdc.y ui afternooa and beganJiU mornlag on Every houaewlfe who battss her own THAT OF Kl. I'AHO MOUTHWK8T pound '. 15c Hens. Phone 1500. the Ihree-da- y apurae onlectures.whlch bread know, that If a Uttl Uto Is added I.IIN HAII) TO UK Miw in. Shoulder Pot Roa. Fryera, la being given under the auspices ol to tha sponge, (he bread vfll not dry out I II I I, IN ISNITKD hi ATi;s. the lamosrordo Commarclnl club as quickly. In this recipe JLtstn Is ..MiwrnA pound ; . . . 15c " i Ducks. They made a short drlva through the to make dough nuts I ut wai remain moist Official of Pennsylvania l,lno Chuck Pot Roast. valley late yesterday afternoon mul fresh davvT Veteran Turkeys. and for txvmni - a Aareea With Citlaena That Tlielr today will visit several of the pump Well pound 12k - Boast. Are Fcundcl ing planta. K C will be found to tve distinct ad- Stew. BUTTER. i. vantage over any ottjer Biakina Powder douannuu, CTk. L doable acting típrdmí CorreapomdiMt 10c tor i Uu Time pound ...... Our Special Sunny-aid- e, COMMISSIONERS TO bikini! powder with whl?l I a Urge batch of Tucon. Arts.. Apcil I. B. H. I ...veil doughnut s may be mixed and fried a few at of Philadelphia, division superintend PORK. pound 35c a time. The last will be at light and nice ent of the Pennsylvania railroad, wn Maricopa Creamery, Buy every I for over railroad "Cash" Leg Roast. astMnru. haa traveled Pork pound 30c DISCUSS HIGHWAYS tha United States, had his profae pound 20c C alonad aoul stirred by the beauty Process. K Potato Doughnuts the passenger station of the Kl Paso Potk Loin Roast, pound Money Mu. Nevada of Baking at Southwestern railroad so deeply 30c and Save - - Br Brigt, pound . . 20c KH.HT WAY IMM'l Or ll o School fans. that he now makes his winter hom 20 Iba. Granulated Sugar .90c NtHtTM IitlP WOKK1KS AD- - here, partly for th. pleasure of con Spare Riba, EGGS. viK'.ms or' oooil HOAUM. 4 cups four: f gg: 1 mp temnlatlmr It. pound Fresh Saragoea 10 lb. Pail Cottolen $1.40 awoar; i htm (.aanooaVb While Tucson realised that Its new 17k Farm TV Bp MkVlo ft-ct- sr; proud on Chopa, Egga, 10 lb. 'Pail Snowdrift $1.30 kifort Co Prntuado IVon- - K C Bakim i railroad had done Itself this Pork dozen ' , 35c eriy unrs (, imI l.a,Ml , aaU; UatpaonM work It remained for a railroad au pound Special Fatscy, Guaranteed Fresh per dor 25c as Mr. txivell to declare 22k nur iiouic. ataos; I one colli tnaad thority such Sausage, Maricopa Pure Creamery Butter, hreth Daily, per lb. .30c asíala: I cap milk, or mors that the station la not matoneo any Bulk dozen 25c the United states. Large Size Pkg. Gold Dust, par pkg 20c County Judgti S. J where In pound 15c Albo.i Kvlur "I ata familiar In a general way,' FISH. Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb . 25c Hid yeaterdny tnt Mxclal meeting he says, ''with ail tha railroads In this MUTTáMLAt of the county cummaxMuonere' court 1 have mor. than once Trout, Freeh Smoked Hams, per lb . . . 20c country and hud Item riillt'd for Monday aiternvon tried to think of a city having such Leg Mutton, Bacon, iL.e) . county Rock Cod. Fresh Smoked per lb mm 21c when road work would be (he an agreeable and costly arrangement eubjrcC (or dte ueelon. pound . . . . Red Fien, Fresh Salt Pork, per lb. . . 16c Ths sood rmda ot stations and grounds asthax of ..... all advMory .board, compoeed or citlaena th. Southwestern. Few bear favor- k Halibut. 4 pkga. Krhtkle Com Flakea for. . . . 25c in the difTerent prcclnutu In the coun- - eogi- - able comparison. I am a, civil , , ty. will meet - - . . . , 3 Tall Cans Evaporated Milk for ,25c with the conimlaslorwre I DHT SS WOII IIQI m Catfish. Hubmlt plana eusgea Sift tane timet, tas Bout, sat HStMd M ',,,., and and oiler with rertry and feci warranted in saying that tha S"..V.2faMutton Stew.. baking Beat Sandaba. 2 Cana Standard Pack Tomatoes for tttnu (or .carrying on the work with Powder.. egfa . , better, thea stülausina X rnet l ID V". ui ,mj,.u, u. y. 2jQajjM Standard Pack Corn for .'. the view to giving Kl Paao county station and groundsIl... la good, from ad pound 11ILtC Cr.be. more mil. of good roe da than any standpoint aa well aa on. or 2 Cana Standard Pack String Beans for. . . "nSternatef' aessh.tlo 15c other county In the ntate. M utility." We will havlr extra meat cutters anUvclerks Diamond M Flour (none better) Ktirlit-of-W- Prublm. sao Rous mixturen MR. t soft dough, roll Mr. Lov.ll haa bean with th. Penn to handle 24 lb. aack TBci 48 lb. Perhaps the matter which la giving rounds, psacaaaoiew sylvania for fifty year. For a long our big crowds today. $1.50 the rmtnleal otter more oncern tfcaa uwceaiarwsaa tne vipi and try to Heap tat. time he waa la charge or th. Broad any other In carry! ns on the work of enough Street station at Philadelphia, which building good roa la Inability Fit far frying should net be hot Telephone. 800, 801, 802. 218 San Antonio Street. da the brown the doughnut easts) It has risen. handles upwards of ste trains .v.ry to aecure the iveceaaary right-of-wa- y te twenty-fou- r noure. LION GROCERY from cerium property ownem on the When the doughnut i dropped into the fat COMPANY north loop road between Y aleta and it tutu to tas eortoci. as soon as it Weatoa'i skssr l.unch: strlefly Mai Km beam, Some plan la expected to be ap it should bt turned aad turned a number tary; opened Toda 310 San Antonio. Monday afternoon thaws whO. cookie. This reda, it ex- - 109-1- 1 S. devised at the tAv.) Ardoin's they tske Market moeUrc whereby theae property ccOent as do not tas let la owners can be purauaded to docd over end win May ateist far days. nlng fa)tfñ I Scott Whit. the neceaaary right-of-wa- I Co. w Stores-H-