Grassroots 4
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issue 3 2004 the Ógra newsletter A 32 County Organisation? Inside this issue: Fianna F il, the Real Republican Party Interview with G.A.A legend P id S National Youth Conference 2004 Preview TIME TO ORGANISE IN 32 COUNTIES? Irish politics has undergone dramatic changes ing the future for Irish Politics throughout the island. They want since the first ceasefires of 10 years ago. Many of Fianna Fáil to organise in the North. This matter is being debated at all levels within Fianna Fáil. Hopefully a decision will be taken the political parties and groupings have been soon. involved in seismic shifts and have created the Meanwhile, the number of people from across the North of space for politics to begin to work. Ireland who are making the case for Fianna Fáil to organise on an all-Ireland basis is growing. In a wide-ranging interview It has not been easy, and compromise has been slow. Progress almost two years ago in the Sunday Business Post, An however has come, but the responsibility has now passed to a Taoiseach Bertie Ahern eluded to the fact that Fianna Fáil as a new generation. The most pressing issue on the island of Ireland party had to seriously look at the issue of organising on an All- that now faces all those involved in politics is to prove to many of Ireland level. The comments were seen by many in the North of our communities that politics works. This is especially the case in Ireland as an indication from Bertie Ahern that Fianna Fáil were the North of Ireland. going to implement the motion passed by the membership of Fianna Fáil at a previous Ard Fhéis, which called on the party to organise on an 32 county basis. Fianna Fáil as a party have a vision for the future of our island, and our relationship with our neighbouring island, that isn’t com- promised by the wishes of private army. For Fianna Fáil to con- tinue to be the driving force behind ‘securing the unity of our island’ we must bring to Fianna Fáil new members and new activists who see a New Ireland that moves beyond violence, division and distrust. One of the key factors in the success of Fianna Fáil through the years has been the level of support enjoyed by Fianna Fáil across all sectors of Irish society. While many of the founders of our party, and current members hailed from the North of Ireland, Fianna Fáil now must play a more active role in the changing environment that faces politics north of the border. National Youth Committee meet in Derry Every generation of leaders in Fianna Fáil have had to face up to electoral challenges, and changed circumstances. None more so Political leaders have to show that it is through politics and dem- than today. Apathy has now emerged as one of the biggest ocratic debate that injustice, inequality and division can be over- threats to Irish politics, yet we in Fianna Fáil, have knocking at come. History in Ireland has unfortunately shown us what hap- our door, numbers of dedicated activists wishing to join our party, pens in the absence of a credible political alternative. Therefore, to get involved and to be part of Fianna Fáil for the future. for politics to succeed, there is an onus on all political leaders and parties to take brave decisions and to lead. At various stages of the peace process on this island, the various political “One of the key factors in the parties have had to make changes, and face up to the changed success of Fianna Fáil through the years has been realities of the day. The Good Friday Agreement is the culmina- tion of much of this change. It is not the end of the process, and the level of support enjoyed by Fianna Fáil across for Fianna Fáil The Republican Party, we must continue to argue all sectors of Irish society.” and put forward the case for the re-unification of our island. The changed political environment that now exists has brought Many in Fianna Fáil are already convinced of the need to take up tremendous changes to the communities that live along the bor- our mantle as ‘Soldiers of Destiny’ and embark on a political der, and for many people politics is now beginning to work in the challenge to organise in the North of Ireland. Others within the North of Ireland. Cross-border activity through business is work- party are hesitant, but the onus is now on the membership of ing. More and more of our sporting organisations are breaking Fianna Fáil to speak. At the next Ógra Fianna Fáil Youth down prejudices and distrust through cross-border and cross Conference, to be held in The Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan in community activity. Cross-border co-operation is now increasing November, this issue needs to be debated. An opportunity should in all sectors, from tourism to transport, and culture to commerce, be given to those that have approached Fianna Fáil to let them and politics must respond to this. put their case to the membership of Ógra Fianna Fáil. Likewise, the next Ard Fhéis, likely to be held in Spring of 2005, should The Good Friday Agreement and the subsequent All-Ireland also be given the same opportunity. endorsement in a Referendum, has changed the dynamic of poli- tics on this island. We in Fianna Fáil can be justifiably be proud Fianna Fáil in the aftermath of the disappointing Local and of the role played by Former Taoisigh, Charles Haughey, Albert European Elections has begun a process of listening to the Reynolds, and currently by Bertie Ahern in bringing us to this membership, and bringing about changes internally within the point. Historically Fianna Fáil never organised and contested party. To miss the opportunity, provided by such reform, to thor- elections in the six counties. The All-Ireland Referendum in May oughly examine the proposals put forward by Fianna Fáil 1998, has changed the context of politics on this island. Fianna members and supporters in the north of Ireland, would be a Fáil must now respond to this changed political atmosphere. wasted opportunity. Many people from Northern Ireland have approached Fianna Fáil Politics does not stand still, neither should members, Ógra members and public representatives asking to Fianna F il. join our organisation. They see Fianna Fáil as a party represent- - Cathal Lee (Leas Cathaoirleach gra) 2 Michael Moynihan TD, gra Cathaoirleach Well it’s autumn again and time for a new academic year. It really doesn’t seem that long since we were last looking into the start of a new college year – it certainly doesn’t feel like twelve months ago! Of course the start of a new academic year means the begin- ning of a new recruitment drive for Ógra. Last year – thanks to the hard work of the staff in headquarters, the members of the national youth committee and of course those involved in the third level units themselves – we enjoyed a very success- ful recruitment campaign. This year we hope to surpass that achievement. There are some that believe that young people and students in particular have little if any interest in politics. While there are probably some people who fall into that category, my experience has always been that most students have a strong interest in politics of one kind or another. The recent local elections were testament to that fact. for youth stretches to the Taoiseach himself who is a keen Although Fianna Fáil fared badly the one silver lining was the advocate for young people and their place in the political sys- success of our young candidates and the energy and enthusi- tem. asm of their young supporters and canvassers. It was proof that young people are interested in politics and that they want I think it is important to remember these facts when joining to get involved. What’s more it showed they are prepared to Ógra. You are not just joining another campus society, you put the work in and are a vital part of Fianna Fáil. are joining a political party – and not just any party but the most successful and influential party in the history of this It should also be remembered that despite that electoral set State. Sure there is plenty of craic along the way but most back and the image that certain other political parties might try importantly, like all the other members of Fianna Fáil you have to portray, Fianna Fáil has far more young members than any the chance to contribute to the running of this country and to other political party in this country. Other political parties may making Ireland a better place to live. be flavour of the month, but Fianna Fáil and Ógra continue to be the largest and most successful political party on practically That’s what gives Fianna Fáil its strength and what should every campus throughout the country. excite the members of Ógra. It’s also what we hope will drive us on for another successful recruitment campaign and what Through their involvement in Fianna Fáil, our young members will help us bring in lots of new members to further reinforce have had the chance to have a real input into what is happen- our party for the future. ing in this country. They have helped form the policies and laws that have governed our country. The senior Fianna Fáil Is mise le meas, party has always valued our young members and that respect Michael Moynihan T.D.