Parish Magazine Property Maintenance

Small Building Work, Issue no 67 July 2015

Interior & Exterior

Decorating, etc. Shop officially opened by the Bishop of

“They took the dream and built it” No Job too Small

Rev Anne Brown thanks the shop committee for making her dream come true.

Tel: 01566 773752

Parish Magazine Committee

Helena Northmore (778744 [email protected]) Helen Masters (775545) Phil Parsons (777179), Cherry Pyke (776998), Sue Vernon (772640), Peter Northmore (778744), Mary Stoneman (773375) Alison Barham (777561)

Advertising rates are as follows, for a full year (six issues): quarter page: £30 half page: £60 full page: £120. Please speak to Alison Barham on 777561. email; [email protected]. Personal announcements are free of charge.

Copy for the next issue of the Magazine should be given to a member of the editorial committee not later than 7th Sept 2015. (Please remember to attach your name and telephone number in case of queries.)

L to r Rev Anne Brown, Sue Wood-Smith (manager) and the Rt Rev Tim Thornton 32 1

The Official Opening of the Community Shop South Petherwin Website Monday 20th July 2015 Parish Council Catch up on all the latest parish news ‘’Oh my goodness! ‘ Rev Anne Brown exclaimed in amazement as she walked into and information! Visit the website at Diary Dates 2015 the Church and saw over a hundred people waiting to see the grand opening of the community shop. Nestled in a corner of the Church, carefully crafted so it blends in Parish Council Meetings with the wood surrounding it, the shop stood ready for business to begin. are on the second Wednesday each month. The project started over 2 years ago when the , Tim Thornton, chal- Congratulations lenged to think about ways of ‘Doing Church Differently’. He wanted all of Evie They are held the Anglican Church in the to find ways of ‘being church’ in the May to- October at the Village Hall, st 21 Century. Rev Brown took on the challenge. She had only been living in South daughter of Mark & Kerry Williams Petherwin for about a year but says she was aware how people were mourning the November to April at the loss of the village shop and how for many this had increased social isolation and loss Christened Methodist Chapel Hall of independence. She said, using the words of Martin Luther King,” I had a dream that the church could help, by offering its space to the community for a at South Petherwin Chapel Members of the public welcome at shop.” She added “after lots and lots of hard work, setbacks and success, and huge on Saturday 11th July. all these meetings support from the Diocese of Truro, a team of highly committed and motivated peo- ple have managed to deliver the dream.”

Rev Brown started the proceedings to officially open the shop by welcoming Bishop Tim and thanking all those on the shop committee particularly Cindy, both Mikes, Philip, Rik, and her husband Chris. Without their dedication and perseverance she said the project would never have got off the ground. Rev Brown introduced Sue Fold up single Wood-Smith, the new manager, and spoke of her hard work behind the scenes. bed Bishop Tim then awarded certificates to four children who had entered a competition to design a poster advertising the shop. The first prize was won by Josie Hosking. The posters can be seen in the Church porch. £15 ono.

Following this, Bishop Tim walked to the back of the Church, accompanied by Rev Brown and Sue Wood-Smith, the new manager. He blessed the shop, cut the ribbon, 07977929173 and declared it officially opened. There were loud claps and cheers and an air of huge excitement as people moved forward to take their first look inside the shop. Sue Wood-Smith confirmed that from Tuesday 21st July the shop will be open Advertising Mon-Saturday from 8am to 12.00. There is also a target date for the post office to We have some advertising spaces open on 10th September. available, so if you would like more

details please contact Alison Barham On behalf of the village, the magazine committee would like to thank Rev Brown for her vision, encouragement and hard work, which she has fitted in to an already tax- on 01566 772596. The Parish Maga- ing work load. The official opening of the shop was a happy occasion for all the vil- zine is free and distributed to all lage and a huge achievement for Rev Brown and her committee. She said “We are households in the Parish, reaching hoping to put the heart back into the village by serving the needs of all those in the over 930 people. community’ If the opening was anything to go by, it is a work already in progress. Helena Northmore Eva Tucker (6) enjoying the new playground 2 31

For Sale Morwenna Honda Petrol Mower HRX 426 17” cut with roller. Quick sale £50. Call Paul on 01566 777561. love and hugs The South Petherwin Community Shop Committee

Mum, Dad, Jacob and New Parish Clerk Callum xxxxx I am really pleased to have been selected to be the new Parish Clerk for South Petherwin Parish Council. My hus- band and I moved to the village from Hampshire a year ago,

and love living here and being involved in the community. CONGRATULATIONS I was a Parish Councillor for a time in Hampshire, but Peter please bear with me whilst I learn the ropes of the Parish for an excellent & funny performance Wendy Smith`s Clerk role in South Petherwin.

in ‘Adams Family, the Musical’ The past couple of months have been busy ones for the Parish Council, with the `Special birthday` down at Sterts, completion of the annual audit, the successful VE Day celebrations and the Parish 8th August. Meeting which was held in May. This was a well-attended event and it was great to running during July & August. From see what an interesting and diverse range of clubs and organisations the parish has. Love the high heels!!! All at At the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council (also held annually), the Sue xxx South Petherwin Chapel Council elect their officers. Councillor John Whiting wished to stand down as Chair- man after three years in the role, and many thanks go to him for all his hard work. Lunch Club . Councillor Dawn Rogers is the new Chairman and Councillor Phil Parsons is the new Vice Chairman. Good luck to both of them in their new roles. If you’d like to advertise any item for sale, or celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or Alison Barham, Parish Clerk just shout about something special please email [email protected] or You can contact me on 01566 772596 contact any of the magazine committee (details back page) email ; [email protected]. 30 3

South Petherwin Community Fund The wonder of

Grants available from wind turbine funds Elderflowers

The South Petherwin Community Fund is back in business. We have sufficient funds In June and July, elder bushes can be to make grants to individuals or community groups. This is community money seen in the hedgerows and woods, full given by Otter Power, who own the wind turbine at Trevozah, and is available to anyone who lives in the Parish and can provide evidence that the grant will be used of their fragrant white flattened flower to benefit the community or someone within the community, even if an organisation heads. These make a delicious cordial is outside the Parish. We would especially welcome applications from people who and a sparkling drink. Later in the have not previously applied. summer the flowers become purple Do you or someone you know, need financial support to attend life enhancing berries, full of vitamin C, which can be made into wine, added to pies. events? We welcome applications from individuals. However, we cannot help with The flowers provide nectar for a variety of insects and the berries are debts or household expenses. This year donations have been made to the Pre School for IT equipment, to St Paternus Church for a table for village events, and towards eaten by birds and mammals. Many moth caterpillars feed on elder the purchase of the defibrillator in South Petherwin village. foliage, including the white spotted pug, swallowtail, and dot moth.

For an application form please contact Rachel Jeffery. 01566 777974. The word ‘elder’ comes from the Anglo Saxon word ‘aeld’ meaning Or Email: [email protected] fire. The hollow stems of young branches were used for blowing air

We would also welcome applications from people who live or work in the Parish into a fire. They have also been used to make simple flutes, whistles to become trustees of the fund. Being a trustee involves treating applications and peashooters! It was thought that if you burned elder wood you fairly, confidentially when necessary, and a limited time commitment with would see the devil, but if you planted elder by your house it would approximately four meetings a year to discuss applications or other matters. To keep the devil away. Judas was said to have hanged himself from an make initial enquiries about becoming a trustee please contact Rachel as above. elder tree. Why not make your own elderflower cordial? It’s much cheaper than Beautiful Gardens buying it and it’s delicious on a hot day, diluted with sparkling water in or soda water. South Petherwin Elderflower Cordial – for 1 pint (600 ml) you need to pick 8 sprays of flowers. Put them in a large, scrupulously clean container. Dissolve 1 lb (450 gm) sug- ar in 1 pint (600 ml) water over a gentle heat and when completely dissolved, pour over the flower heads. Add the juice and grated rind of a lemon & 1 dessertspoon of above—Newcomers to the parish, citric acid (from chemists) or cider vinegar. Tony and Margaret’s tranquil garden at Stir well, cover, and leave to infuse for 24 Sunways. hours. Strain through muslin or a double piece of kitchen paper, and Right—Mandy’s wonderful vegetable patch in bottle. Keep in the fridge. Sue Vernon her front garden in Paternus Close

4 29

Ruth Burden Community Trust

Dear All, I am pleased to announce the launch of the Ruth Burden Community Trust Fund which is being administered by the Community Foundation. The Ruth Burden Community Trust supports community projects within the parishes of Launceston South and Central, , South Petherwin and . Grants range from £250.00 to £1,000.00 larger sums can be awarded in exceptional circum- stances. First time applicants will take priority. For further information on this and to make an application please visit our website . Kind regards Kirsty Kirsty Philpott· Operations Manager· Cornwall Community Foundation My working hours: Monday –Friday 9.30am to 5pm Suite 1, Sheers Barton, Lawhitton, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 9NJ Tel: 01566 779333 Cornwall Community Foundation. Registered Charity No. 1099977. Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No. 4816191

The wisdom of later years…

As I was lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realized that at my age I don't really care anymore. 1. If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal. 2. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, but is still fat. 3. A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years. And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so!!

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes

28 5

Camp Kernow By Esme Blake

A letter from the Methodist Minister at South Years 5 and 6 went on residential. The site Petherwin Chapel as she leaves the parish. was very eco-friendly and in years to come I hope it will make the country an eco- friendly place.

Dear friends, There was a wide range of food for us to make and eat: breakfast was always fruit

and cereal with toppings like seeds and This is the last article I write for you, as Malcolm and I are moving to Norfolk at the strawberries, followed by French toast, eggy end of this month, for me to take up an appointment in the Central Norfolk Circuit. st th bread, bacon rolls or American pancakes. We actually leave here on 31 July, but won’t be moving into our new home until 4 For lunch we had wraps or sandwiches with August, as we are going via Bolton to take a friend’s wedding. fruit. Tea was homemade burgers , spaghetti As you can imagine, we are surrounded by boxes, and are busy sorting things out. bolognaise or one night we made our own That of course isn’t always easy – can I really throw that out now, or should I keep it pizza and cooked it in a large outdoor piz- “just in case I need it”? Over the years most of us accumulate a lot of clutter, and we za oven. some children made elderflower need to sort it out every so often. cordial.

That’s true of our lives as well. Many of us carry lots of unresolved issues. It may be My favourite activities were kayaking and that we are harbouring resentment over something that someone said or did many tree climbing. It helped me to be a lot more years ago. We may be finding it hard to forgive someone, or even a group of people, eco-friendly. for something they did. Many of us are good at seeing sarcasm or insults in what to someone else was a perfectly innocent remark, or was meant in fun, but we didn’t Camp Kernow by Theo Hoskin. take it that way. Perhaps we are struggling to forgive ourselves for something we Last week from Monday to Friday have said or done. class four went on a residential

camp to Camp Kernow in Truro. We Unfortunately, all of these things stop us from growing and developing as a person. They hold us back and stop us from moving on. We actually need to take a good had to be at school for 7.45 on Mon- long look at them, and ourselves. We avoid doing it because we know it will be ex- day. As soon as we got there we sat tremely painful, and we may need to say sorry to someone, so we put off doing it. around a fire circle and Charlie and Claire (the people who worked That’s where, for me, my faith is so important. I can ask God for forgiveness, but I there) talked about how the camp can also ask him to help me face difficult situations and help me to forgive others. I worked. Archery was our first activi- also know that, although we are moving to a completely new area, God will be there ty and then fire lighting and mak- in all our journeying. He has already gone before us, and will be with us every step ing bread on the fire. Over the week of the way. we did really fun activities such as

I pray we will all know God’s help and courage as we move on. Thank you for all kayaking, technical tree climbing, a wild woodland evening walk, wild that we have shared together, and I know you will give Rev Jo Smart a warm wel- food foraging, animal tracking, come and support as she takes up her ministry with you from September 1st. cooking, washing up and campfires.

Eleanor In our "free time" we could practice for a talent show which happened Rev. Eleanor Reddington, on Thursday night. On the last day The Manse, we did shelter building in the Coads Green, morning and had a delicious early Launceston PL15 7LU Tel: 01566 782240 email: [email protected] lunch. Then we walked down the hill to get on the coach home 6 27

School News Farewell and Thank You Well, Summer term is almost over and it has been jam packed. to Reverend Eleanor Reddington The house netball and rounders competitions went well and Sports Day was a great success, actually taking place on the th booked day. ( usually it is rained off) The Green team won. On Sunday 19 July a farewell service was held at South Petherwin Chapel for Reverend Eleanor Reddington. It was very well attended and Classes 1 and 2 had a trip to the Eden project to cement all the Rev Reddington thanked everyone for the gift she received from the work they had been doing on plants and how they grow. Before term ends they are Launceston Methodist Circuit. off to the beach for a talk with the RNLI and some sand art competitions. Classes 3 As we say goodbye to Rev Eleanor, we would like to thank her for all the and 4 have had their beach trip and also went to the town hall to see a play by Lu- hard work she has put in within our Parish, including the articles she has nabug. The following day the cast came and did a drama workshop with class 3. At contributed to the magazine. Also a special thankyou for all the support the beginning of July it was WOW week, this time it was a science week about recy- and kindness she has shown to our families in their time of need. cling and renewable energy. The children had to dress up as scientists and make We wish Rev Eleanor and Malcolm well as they move into their new home solar powered boats, which they raced at the end of the week, amongst other in Swaffham, Norfolk. projects. Mary Stoneman While this was going on, Class 4 had their residential week at camp Kernow, a total- ly off grid camp that teaches children about sustainability. This was a fantastic ex- Left to right perience for us all. There were solar powered showers, and compostable toilets with Malcolm and Rev a solar powered light. The children slept in a variety of tents e.g. geodome ,gurr, Eleanor Reddington tepee and even an upturned boat. They cooked all the food for camp, much of which with long time they picked from the gardens or foraged, and had zero food waste. They made wind friends William and turbines to generate electricity, learnt about foraging from a survival expert, and Beryl Dawson who enjoyed bat watching, kayaking, archery, technical tree climbing, shelter making and had come from Powys for the lots more. We were very lucky with the weather and when we returned tired, happy occasion and gave an and healthy we looked like we had all been abroad. It was a week that I'm sure we address at the service will all be talking about for a very long time.

Goodbye Mr Gray Sadly we say good bye to; Mr Gray will be leaving at the end of term after five successful years as head teacher. We are having a Michael Crump – We are so sorry to learn of Michael’s very special leaving evening on July 17th for all the chil- sudden death in July. He was very happy living in Daw’s House dren, staff and governors with food grown and for the past 12 years and often seen out walking his dog Patch. He cooked by the children. We wish him well at was a great football fan, often travelling many miles to support his team. He was a Community Primary School and thank him kind and courteous gentleman who will be greatly missed, not only by his wife and for his work and support at South Petherwin family, but by his many friends and neighbours too.

26 7

Saturday …..

On Saturday afternoon, a 1940s was held at the Methodist Hall. Cllr Julie Butler, Sue Vernon and Cllr Phil Parsons dressed as the period and helped to set the 1940s tone. Homemade scones were donated by several volunteers, Roddas kindly donated cream and Tesco's found strawberry jam for us.

The ladies manning the teapot were kept very busy and plates of creamed scones were constantly being brought out from the kitchen. Jonathan Blake lives in South Petherwin and offers personal service and access to uncomplicated independent financial advice.

Jonathan Blake Money Management Limited Unit 1, Holwood Business Centre Blunts, Cornwall PL12 5DW

Tel: 01752 851748 Mobile: 07970 011651

E-mail: [email protected]

Jonathan Blake Money Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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Rezare Cottage,Rezare,Launceston, PL15 9NX E: [email protected] 0128801288 341095/07836533535341095/07836533535 For more information or advice, contact us by the following: TEL: 01566 782402/782536 FAX: 01566 782741

8 25

Papillon Fund

Group Travel Further Grants available from wind turbine funds

Enterprise park, Midway Road, , PL31 2FQ The Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF) is welcoming applications to the sec- ond round of the Papillon Fund. Application forms and grant guidelines, including 2015 EXCURSIONS full eligibility, are available to download from our website -, or contact the office on 01566 779333 for further 24th July Steam train to Minehead with Lynmouth/Lynton information. The application deadline date is the 7th September with the grants 7th August Tiverton Horse Drawn Barge panel reviewing applications on the 5th October 2015. 9th August Gatcombe festival of British Eventing 19th August British Firework Championships Plymouth Tregadillet and District Age Concern was one of five community groups to receive grant funding from the Papillon Fund. This grant will be invested into the premises improving and renovating the outside area. These improvements will make such a FOR BOOKINGS AND BROCHURE difference to the user group making the building more accessible and user friendly. PLEASE CONTACT 01208 77989/ 01208 72669 South Petherwin Play Park will also see the installation of safety matting making the

16 TO 70 SEAT COACHES AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE HIRE, CORPORATE WORK, play park accessible to local residents in all weathers making the most of the valued WEDDINGS (CAN INCLUDE STAG & HEN PARTY PACKAGE) AIRPORT TRANSFERS. equipment. South Petherwin Emergency Defibrillator Group, Tregadillett Communi- ty Hall and Tregadillett United Church were also awarded £1,000.00 each. Website;

Email: [email protected]

Clean the Village Hall!

Sue Vernon sent out a rallying call to the village hall committee ; ’ The Village Hall needs a spring clean!’. Who could ignore the call? Well actually we all tried, but the parish is small and there are very few hiding places.

So it was on a fine summer’s day in June, several members of the committee, aka daft volunteers, met in the hall armed with brushes, mops and buckets. Sue had efficiently prepared a list of tasks TO BE DONE. The list looked daunting but we divided them up and set to work, with Sue leading the way. In no time at all the windows sparkled (well looked better) the toilet was fresh and clean (well cleanish) and the floors and table gleamed (can melamine gleam?) Spiders and cobwebs didn’t stand a chance.

So thanks to Bill Salt, Peter Vernon, Helena Northmore, Mike and Velda Ryalls for their hard work and most of all to Sue Vernon for managing the whole campaign and keeping the troops morale high with home made and coffee. Now let’s see who dares go into the hall with muddy boots……...

24 9

Is this you? Or anyone you know? Angela Peerless (nee masters) sent us this photo of the South Petherwin Ladies football team taken LOVATON BOARDING CATTERY Feline Advisory Bureaux Listed Cattery F in 1972. Daws House, Launceston, PL15 7JF O Home from home holiday for your cats, run by a qualified Veterinary Nurse; pick up and delivery service available. Modern purpose built PVC cattery, deluxe heated penthouse chalets O Please ring Andrea for more information on 01566 778501 or email T [email protected] or visit B A L Adrian Davey Painting & Decorating L Exterior & Interior Painting, Wallpapering

Home 01566 780477 Mobile 07729500390

The cricket season has just passed the half way mark and South Petherwin Cricket club first and second teams are battling to maintain their league positions. Club chairman Derek Clemence is pleased with the overall club performance , " we reached the final stage of the area Village Cricket NIC PARKER Knockout competition” he told the magazine. “The club hosted the Tamar C Evening League final between and Whitchurch. Paul Clemence Mobile now plays for the Cornwall over 50s and we have a junior player Taylor R Gerry who has been selected for the Cornwall under 11yrs. "The club is hair- always looking for new I talent and we dresser Fully Insured Lady Gardener welcome spectators RHS Level 2 Certified C coming along to Do you need extra help to keep support us Fully Qualified your garden just the way K For fixtures and more over 20 years experience you like it? information go to- Competitive rates E Ladies, Gents and Children Whether it’s regular appointments or a particular garden project, I offer: - Or ring Planting and care of beds, border & Derek Clements on T Containers, design and re-design 07810 493583 or Tel; 01566 772393 ideas.weeding, digging and general Mob; 07816 183125 tidying, pruning and cutting down, lawn Roger Gerry on and hedge cutting 07973 909556 South Petherwin Cricket club first team 36 Trelinnoe Gardens South Petherwin 07968 170130

10 23

A Personal view…..

Or NMIMBY (No More in My Back Yard)

There are few greater enthusiasts for all forms of renewable energy than me as those who know me will testify. For years I have been a protagonist for water, wind, solar and biomass, all of which we have in plentiful supply locally and which, with a bit of ‘nous’ ( ‘common sense’ to you and me) can be put to good use.

But, from my viewpoint (pun !) the pendulum has swung too far for our village and parish! I have never felt so hemmed in as I do now from the SIX wind turbines that I have had thrust upon me and that are visible in every direc- tion from my house. There is no escape, whichever way I turn. What has fuelled this is the long term subsidy', particularly for ‘wind energy', that is little short of greed. If I had wanted to live where I could enjoy ro- tating windmills I would have emigrated to Holland. HOUSE AND GARDEN Not many parish residents will have heard of Hebden Bridge. It is a WOODCRAFT beautiful village in Lancashire where they have installed a water driven electric generating source using the principle of dear old Archimedes, Multi-skilled tradesman with over 30 Andrew years experience: professional (the venerable Greek that sat in a bath of water and wondered why it carpenter and joiner- Hosking overflowed). If Hebden Bridge can do it without blighting and altering general household the natural environment, why can’t we ? The answer is plain. It’s too easy. maintenance-bespoke handmade household The technology is simple enough, and no doubt can be made more effi- Springfield & garden furniture- cient and effective (look how wind has developed in a decade). At least kitchens and Tregaller Lane, Daws House - let’s think about it. After all we do have the Inny, and just a few other bathrooms small Launceston, Cornwall household plumbing PL15 7JH rivers nearby. So, please, NMIMBY. Please think OUTSIDE the box for a jobs Tel 01566 772537/ change. Water mills, salt and fresh, powered our needs in conjunction 775818 but not instead of wind for centuries. It is time for ingenious thinking Looking for an honest worker and a reliable friendly service? If so, call Arthur Philp on Designer & Maker of NOTE— The Magazine holds a strictly impartial standpoint towards wind or Quality Furniture & Joinery turbines and aims to present a cross section of views. If you would like to make 01566775289 your opinion known please email [email protected] or contact any of the 07890104755 committee on the back page .

22 11

Gardening Matters Radford Plumbing Midsummer and time to enjoy the garden with alfres- co eating and entertaining, fruit picking and the first Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting harvest of nurtured crops. Kitchens, Bathrooms, Wet Rooms General Plumbing, Tiling Electrical Work, Jobs in Midsummer Flooring Carpentry, Plastering Pruning Wisteria starts to send out long tendrils after  Free Quotes flowering, these can be cut back by two thirds over the summer months.  All work to high standards and guaranteed  We manage your project from start to finish Stone fruit trees such as cherries, plums and also rowan trees are pruned in summer. They are prone to bacterial diseases such as

canker and pruning at this time helps to avoid this. Guy Radford Hardy geraniums and other perennials can be cut back after first flush 01566 782 070 / 07825 611 580 of flowers to encourage fresh foliage and maybe further flowers. [email protected] Sowing and planting Wood View, North Hill, Launceston, PL15 7PQ Continue to make regular sowings of quick crops such as salad crops and leaf crops such as kale and swiss chard.

Sow Biennials such as Sweet Williams, Wall flowers and Foxgloves.

Specialist manufacturer of top quality sheds, sta- These can then be transplanted when large enough, ready to flower bles, summer houses, garages, gates and fencing next spring. Ella Charman at sensible prices, made to your requirements Email me at [email protected] Lower Landlake, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 9LU. Tel-01566 774791 SERENE REIKI . Email- [email protected] Natural healing for the body and mind. Reiki is an invisible, gentle energy that works by balancing a person’s energy system, promoting the body’s own natural ability to heal, on all levels. Rubbish and Recycling Collection Dates Japanese Face and Foot massage. Both rubbish and recycling are collected on a WEDNESDAY. Japanese face massage can improve the appearance of the skin. Rubbish is collected every Wednesday Japanese Foot massage the feet are the very foundation for our physical being.

Recycling (and garden waste for subscribers) on alternate weeks. Serene Reiki gift vouchers £25 buy your loved one a very special gift.

Next recycling dates are 5th and 19th August and 2nd, 16th and 30th Sept Sue Bonsor Reiki Practitioner/Teacher/Master, & Tsuboki Face & Foot

Masseur based in Daws House, Launceston, Cornwall. Call me on 07771 976436. Helpline number-; 0300 1234 141 See me on Member of the UK Reiki Federation

12 21


A Neighbourhood Watch Scheme enables communities to work together with the police and limit the opportunity for crime and anti social behaviour through increased awareness of crime prevention measures.

Your Local Neighbourhood Watch team co-ordinators are: The Village Helen Masters 775545 Tiny Meadows Richard Beacham 773614 Tregaller Lane & Tremeale Mary Stoneman 773375 and Crispin Earle 774038 Daws House Andrea Foster 779181 School Watch Gillian Sleep 773300 If you are interested in joining please contact one of the above. Police contact details can be found in the` useful Tel No`s section on page 17

20 13

Now we are deep into the season of fetes and fairs and country shows. One of the treats typically found at fairs was the . 'Fairing' was originally a term for an edible treat sold at fairs around the country, which were given as a treat to children or by men to their sweethearts. In Cornwall, the fairings contained and became famous around the The first step for bright young things. country when a Cornish manufacturer started selling them by mail order in 1886. Our experienced staff develop “warm and caring relationships with the The same manufacturer still makes and sells them to this day. However, a quick children that foster a general sense of trust and well-being” look at their website and it states that their old oven has broken and they can't send and “help to promote the development of early communication skills and a any biscuits out at the moment, so why not have a go at making your own! positive attitude to learning.” Ofsted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday : 9am – 3pm Sieve the following ingredients together: 200g plain flour, 2tsp bicarb, 2tsp baking Friday : 9am – 1pm Lunch Club: 12 – 1pm powder, 2tsp ground mixed spice, 3tsp ground ginger, 1tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp fine £9 half day / £18 full day Cornish sea salt, Rub in 120g butter until the mixture resembles the colour and consistency of sand. Stir in 120g caster sugar and 2 tbsp crystallised ginger cut into We now have places for funded two year olds. pea-sized pieces. Warm 4 tbsp golden syrup and pour into the mixture. Mix For more information call Rachel on 01566 779476 thoroughly into stiffish paste. Roll into walnut-sized balls and place on greased bak- Charity Number: 1024955 ing sheet allowing room for them to spread. Put in a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees C & bake for about 10 minutes until browned & with a cracked top. Enjoy!

Alison Barham

South Petherwin village hall wall mended at last!

Phil and Bill, Flower Pot, restored the wall reusing stone from the David Elcock existing wall and from the old school house wall. Friday evening’s work was reward- ed with a ' cuppa tea' thanks to the residents of the school house. Not exactly a short break. We had a discussion on hospital care, loneliness, wind turbines and the reuse PLUMBING & HEATING Our experienced dedicated equine of lime plaster as mortar for the wall! Vets now provide a weekly half price

Saturday mornings talk revolved around Peter and Abbi's friendly dogs and how visit on Mondays in the Launceston Tel: 01566 774249 area. We offer a comprehensive, much of the wall should be repaired! Decision made - fix the damaged part but leave Mobile: 07977 041905 affordable service for all horses, big the rest to the local experts. Peter and Sue Verona or small, from stud work to routine Surveyors gave the go ahead. No ‘cuppa tea' breaks were allowed on Saturday but both workers were vaccinations. Our fully mobile digital Trevale, pleased that by lunchtime the task had been X- ray units, scanners and dental tools Daws House, completed. It was decided to christen the wall allow us to bring modern Veterinary Launceston, Adrian ; a distant cousin to Hadrian!!!! skills to your stable. Cornwall Note :This wall was restored using recycled materials PL15 7JE plus a bit of sand and cement.

Thanks to Phil Parsons and Bill Salt for doing a great job- Magazine Committee 14 19

Stars in the making!

L to r Chris Tibbetts Georgia Harvey Matt Parsons Three Launceston College students, Chris Tibbetts, Georgia Harvey and Matt Parsons, all from the parish, took part in the schools musical production, ‘Smokey Joe's Café’. Following the performance, one parent commented on JAMES WILLIAMS CARPENTRY how much they had enjoyed the show and said ’The musical was a non stop Bespoke Storage Solutions rock and roll foot tapping performance. It was so good to see and hear the Window & Door Replacement & Repairs young talented performers singing, dancing and the musical accompaniment.’ Great to see the local talent. Well done to all the cast and musicians! Kitchens & Bathroom Fitting Hanging Doors Plastering Flooring Tiling Hay time rolls round again We take pride in our excellent reputation to please our cus- Hay harvest at Beacon Farm. Half tomers through hard work, precise workmanship and good the field was bailed by a Big Square housekeeping. bailer and the rest with a tradition- Please check out our website al small square baler. The Big bales are all handled with a machine but the small bales still need someone to

T: 01566 248308 M: 074113 77720 place them on and off the trailer by hand!

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The Really Useful Page Dates for your diary

WHAT WHEN WHERE WHO Sunday 20th September Harvest Service, supper and auction. 6pm St Paternus Church Contact Barbara Cobbledick 772559 Lunch Club Mon 24th Aug Methodist Hall Wendy Smith

Mon 28th Sept 782204 Sunday 4th October Harvest Festival Service. 11am. Methodist Chapel Coffee morning Sat 8th Aug and Methodist Hall Tony Smith Contact Tony Smith 782204 Sat 12th Sept 782204 Tuesday 6th October Harvest Service and supper. 6.45. Methodist Chapel Knitting Most Thursdays West Petherwin Muriel Parsons Contact Mary Stoneman 773375

at 2pm Farm 773027 BIMBO’s Every Monday Methodist Hall Vi Brook (except B/hols 779243 Church Services and lunch club Community Shop New!! dates) St Paternus Church (C of E) Sunday worship at 11.15 (no service on 5th (In St Paternus Church) Bell ringers 7pm Mondays St Paternus Leon Vanstone Sunday of the month) Church 773619 Vicar; Rev Anne Brown 01566 770649 Opening Hours-

Skittles 7pm Tuesdays Village Hall Peter Northmore Church wardens ; Deborah Adams 7744244 Mon – Sat 8am – 12.00 778744 Barbara Cobbledick 772559 Vi Brook 779243 (Not open on Sunday)

Methodist Chapel Bingo Last Wednesday Village Hall Pat Locke Sunday Service at 11am of the month 774671 Manager; Sue Wood- Smith 2pm Steward; Tony Smith 782204

Table Tennis 10am Tuesday Village Hall Sue Vernon mornings 772640 Useful Numbers South Petherwin Parish Council S. Petherwin Cricket Weekly practice S. Petherwin 07810 493583 Emergencies:

Team and fixtures Cricket ground 07973 909556 The Parish Council meets on the second Police Ambulance Fire Brigade Coastguard 999 Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm in the Police (Non emergency-general Enquiries) 101 E; [email protected] Village Hall . It is open for anyone to come and listen in. Environment Agency—Emergency Hotline 0800 807060

South West Water 0800 169 1144 Parish Councillors are: Western Power Distribution - emergency 0800 6783105 Useful Information Crime stoppers 0800 555111 Chairman: Dawn Rogers The Little Red Bus (Launceston Community Tel 0300 1234 100 Clerk: Alison Barham Transport Partnership) covers South Petherwin area Tel; 772596 or email; Citizens Advice Bureau on Thursdays. For information, ring 777960 Website; [email protected] Village Hall: To hire hall, contact Sue Contact number ; 03444 111444. Vernon 772640 Councillors: Lines open 10am - 4pm. Alternatively text the word 'CAB' to 82727 for a ring back service. Methodist Hall To hire hall, contact Wendy Email ; [email protected] Michael Screech, Andrew Hosking, The Launceston office is only an outreach centre open once Smith 782204 Cornwall Councillor: Neil Burden Adrian Finnimore, Roger Kneebone, Nik Burgess, Julie Butler, Phil Parsons a month. The main office is located in Bodmin. Oil Syndicate Contact Sue Vernon 772640 01566 782286 [email protected] John Whiting, Chris Powlesland Access information on

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