February 2017 Priceless The VICMOG GAZETTE VICMOG OFFICE BEARERS 2017 The Official Journal of the Victorian Morgan President: Bill Emerson Owners Group Inc. Reg No: A0029564Y Email: [email protected] Correspondence to: Phone: 0418 427404 Registered Address: PO Box 3044 Rowville, VIC 3178 Vice President: Frank Malerba [email protected] Email: [email protected] February 2017 Edition Phone: 0417 898001 CONTENTS Secretary/Public Officer: Ted Houston REPORTS Email: [email protected] From the President 3 Phone: 0438 717303 Secretary's Report 4 Treasurer: Ramsay McKay Social Secretary's Report 5 Email: [email protected] ARTICLES Phone: 0419367312 Rally of the Incas 8 Social Secretary: David Jenkins Ladies Lunch 11 Email: [email protected] January Meeting 13 Phone: 0421 400984 Morgan Media Release 15 Regalia Officer: Frank Malerba 2016 AGM report 17 Communications Officer: Brian Hardy Morgan Miscellany 19 Email: [email protected] For Sale 20 Phone : 0408 516988 Club Register: Helen Davis Phone: 0425 742064 Check out our website at: www.vicmog.com.au (The members password is Plus4 ) Club Plates: Mike Devine and our Facebook page at : Email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/MorganOwnersGroupInc Phone : 0407 946699 Peter ffrench ...... Brian Hardy EDITOR Email: [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHERS...... Kerry Garrett, Laurette Macwhirter and Warwick Bisley Phone: 0411 030151 ROVING REPORTERS...... Laurette Macwhirter, Ron Phil Macwhirter Bayley, Mike Devine, Warwick Bisley, Lyle Honess, Email: [email protected] Chris Van Wky and Carol Jenkins Phone :0417 050791 CAMS Delegate Phil Macwhirter CONTRIBUTIONS We are always on the lookout for VP MOCA-Vic: Colin Bartlett articles of interest to our readers. We request that copy be provided electronically, preferably as a Microsoft Committee Member Phil Macwhirter Office Word document file. Photographs should be sent Committee Member: Michael Aisenberg separately. Please send all contributions, letters and advertising enquiries to the editor to: [email protected]

COVER PHOTO Phil and Laurette enjoying a well earned Ale at the finish line of the Rally of the Incas in Lima Peru

2 Macwhirter giving us sound advice at our first meeting, I ( Editor's Note: Our new President look forward to his contribution. As a small club, I feel it couldnt find a new broom so he is essential that we cater for all our members and I ask making do with a new mop) you to keep this in mind, this is your club, not the committee's, our job is to try and provide you with a diverse range of events and activities for your enjoyment.

I also want to take this chance to congratulate Chris and Marlene on their fantastic news regarding the import of Morgan 4 wheelers into . I think we have all felt for them both with the change in design rules and the possible demise of their business. Chris has been a lifeline to us of new Morgan owners joining the Club.

PRESIDENT'S We have had a first committee meeting where we have focused on what we will do to celebrate our Anniversary event. We have inked in a date of OCTOBER THE REPORT 15TH. Scratch this on your desk or whereever you put Hi Everyone, your reminders to keep this date free. As we move towards this, I know Brian will keep us fully informed on It will take me a bit of time to get used to this, I think my what we have proposed. Biggles gets the job done pseudonym may need a makeover in this new role. I look back at the names of I am pleased to see both Mike Hansen and Pete past Presidents and Committee Members and realize I Ffrench both looking well after their respective have big boots to fill here. surgeries. Alison and Mike are off on a trip to the Antarctic and other regions as a form of rehab but I Speaking of big boots, I would like put on record our think Alison is conditioning Michael for bigger sincere thanks to our immediate Past President, Chris adventures this year. Look out Everest, I think we see a Page, for his fantastic job in this role. With his calm couple getting ready for an assault. manner, his endless patience and his great common sense, he steered our Club through a period of great For all of us who know Edgar Hanes (Fjord Ford) he is expansion and change and managed to hold it all on the mend after a scary bout of meningitis. We all together. Thanks again Chris. We hope you enjoy your wish him a speedy recovery. There is something about sea change (or is it perhaps a river change?) and we seeing Edgar working on his lathe as he listens to look forward to catching up whenever you are in town. classical music.

This year we celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of our I had a call from a chap who had spoken to Brian Hardy Club which is a glowing testament to past committees' about buying and owning a Plus 8. I suggested he take efforts, especially in having past and present treasurers my Plus 8 for a drive and I am pleased to hear that he is with Scottish names and ancestry. Ramsay has assured going to go ahead with the purchase. It seems it was on me that he will carry on the Scottish doctrine as the Ebay in the States and is a right hand drive. He keeper of the purse. confessed to me that he has a fondness for classic , especially English ones. I was suitably impressed when I have relinquished my position as Social Secretary and he rocked up in a Sunbeam Tiger:- the sound of that David Jenkins has taken on this role. David is a very was like listening to a different type of music. It is capable person I am sure he will keep us fully informed pleasing to see another Plus 8 hopefully in the Club. of events etc. (“Hooray”) but it is red (“Boo”)

It is nice to see that the committee has a sprinkling of Cheers new and old members, I am pleased to see Phil Bill Emerson


I hope you all had a great Australia Day.

The Club had its first catch up for the year at Frank and Sarah's place in St Kilda last Sunday and I have to say it was a treat, having lunch in the Art Gallery, then having a wander through Frank's private collection. A real experience. WE ARE OFF TO THE VICMOG LADIES LUNCH I’m looking forward to our 50th Anniversary lunch in October. Your committee recently had a meeting to lock in the date and venue. CARE TO JOIN US ?

Members are spread far and wide and some don’t get a chance to come to many of our regular events, but I’m When: 12 Noon on Tuesday 14 February 2017 hoping everyone will try and make our Anniversary Lunch a day to remember. VICMOG is only a small club Where: Heide Café, Heide Museum of Modern Art, 7 so it is important that everyone makes an effort to celebrate the day, it will be well worth it. I often get Templestowe Road, Bulleen 3105 phone calls from members that I’ve never met, so it will be the perfect occasion to see you. Cost: A la carte menu only – no fixed price lunches. You don’t need to drive, re-build, re-assemble or even own a Morgan to be welcome at the Anniversary Lunch! RSVP: Helen has provisionally booked for 12 but she No new members now for a few months no doubt due to needs to have firm numbers. If you would like to Chris’ temporary importing problems, and current attend, please contact Helen at: memberships are now up to date, so your faithful [email protected] secretary can have a short relax. or phone 0425 742 064 Kind regards


Phil may not be able to walk on water, but it seems he can drive on it

4 Of course I’ll be enthusiastically assisted by Carol (The Navigator). As I compile these notes today it's 38 degrees outside and the deadline for this report is an excellent excuse to stay inside and do something useful. Too hot for a spin with the top down. Morgans were designed for cooler climes and English country lanes so I’ll leave our car in the shed today. As you browse through our proposed calendar you’ll notice quite a few TBA’s. I have a long list of exciting destinations for Thursday RDO Luncheons and a few to which we may return, however I’d like to hear from anyone who has a restaurant, café, pub or even a greasy spoon they would like to recommend. Importantly we also need to confirm locations for Club Meetings over the next few months. If you are happy to host a BYO lunch and have your street filled with SOCIAL Morgans on a Sunday afternoon please give me a call. SECRETARY'S My contact details are : email: [email protected] REPORT Mobile: 0421400 984

Greetings from your newly appointed Social Secretary! Cheers Bill’s welcomed elevation to the top management of VICMOG created a vacancy which the “faceless men David Jenkins and women“ amongst us considered me a worthy applicant. Most of the time I’m social and I have a working computer so we’ll all find out if I’m up for the job soon enough won't we!

FEBRUARY VICMOG ACTIVITIES Sunday 5th February The RACV Great Australian Rally. Info at www.greataustralianrally.com.au. Due to no responses, there will be no VICMOG arrangements for this event Sunday 12th February 30th Annual Picnic At Hanging Rock. A $20 entry fee and gates open at 08:00. Close to Woodend and organised by the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Inc. If a few members are interested in attending this eclectic car show let me know and we can coordinate our arrival. Could be a warm day! More info at www.mradmc.com.au Tuesday 14th February VICMOG Ladies Lunch. 12 Noon at Heide Café, Heide Museum of Modern Art, 7 Templestowe Road, Bulleen Victoria 3105. RSVPs are essential to Helen at [email protected] or by phone to 0425 742 064 Sunday 19th Feb Club Run/BBQ/Lunch Meeting - Badger's Weir Picnic Grounds. BYO picnic lunch and Drinks We will be meeting up at 10:00am Stamford Hotel Car Park off Wellington Rd Rowville then heading up to Gembrook for morning tea, then via the Gembrook Launching Place Rd and Warburton Highway across to Woori Yallock then on to Badger's Weir and lunch

RSVP please to: [email protected] Thurs. 23rd February VICMOG Monthly Thursday RDO Lunch Run to “’At The Heads”, 1A Jetty Road, Barwon Heads. Meet up at 10:30 at BP Little River, Geelong bound, Princes Freeway & Pousties Road, Little River.

Please RSVP to: [email protected]

5 2017 VICMOG CALENDAR MARCH Monday 13th March Labour Day/Moomba Sunday 19th March 2017 Shannon’s Phillip Island Classic Cavalcade. Meet at ‘The Settlement’, South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne at 07:00 for breakfast and a Club Run down to Phillip Island. Participate in The Shannon Walk. Tickets essential! Look out for more details. 23-26 March 2017 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix Thursday 30th March VICMOG Monthly Thursday RDO Lunch Run to “The Plough”, 31 High Street, Trentham. On Thursdays they have a ‘Locals Menu’ which sounds interesting. On the way some great driver’s roads and interesting landscapes. Meet up at 10:30 at BP Calder Park on Calder Freeway outbound just after Calder Park Raceway. APRIL Saturday 1st April Great Macedon Grand Tour. There is also a dinner on the Friday night with guest speaker . Tour on the Saturday and a Picnic in the park on the Sunday. This is a great event if you haven't tried it yet. Entries for this event will close on 3rd March. More details at: www.macedonrangesgrandtour.com.au . 14-17 April EASTER Tuesday 25th April ANZAC Day Thursday 27th April VICMOG Monthly Thursday RDO Lunch Run. Destination TBA MAY Sunday 14th May Sunday Club & Committee Meeting. Venue TBA Thursday 25th May VICMOG Monthly Thursday RDO Lunch Run. Destination TBA JUNE Friday 16th June Club Meeting. Venue TBA Thursday 29th June VICMOG Monthly RDO Lunch Run Destination TBA JULY 8-9 July VICMOG CHRISTMAS IN JULY Top Secret Location. A fine table, good wines and excellent company. A golden opportunity to blow the cobwebs out of your Morgan on quiet country back roads in a picturesque part of the State. More details will be forthcoming Thursday 27th July VICMOG Monthly RDO Lunch Run. Destination TBA AUGUST Thursday 31st August VICMOG Monthly RDO Lunch Run. Destination TBA SEPTEMBER Sunday 17th Sept Picnic/Monthly Meeting at Rolls Royce and Bentley Concourse. Venue TBA Thursday 28th Sept VICMOG Monthly RDO Lunch Run. Destination TBA OCTOBER Sunday 15th Oct VICMOG 50th ANNIVERSARY LUNCH. Celebrate the first 50 years of VICMOG ! Reminisce over decades of Morgan activity in Victoria. Not to be missed! Thursday 26th Oct VICMOG Monthly RDO Lunch. Destination TBA NOVEMBER Sunday 19th Nov VICMOG AGM/ Club Meeting. Warwick & Paulette's, Coldstream Thursday 30th Nov VICMOG Monthly RDO Lunch. Destination TBA DECEMBER Sunday 10th Dec Christmas Meeting /BBQ Venue Phil and Lyndy, Shoreham





If you thought that was a bit quiet in November and December, it was probably in part due to the VICMOG's own Dynamic Duo, Phil and Laurette Macwhirter, as well as Phil and Lyndy Blunden being out of town participating in the amazing 2016 Rally of the Incas.

Starting in Buenos Aires, the route of this Rally headed south along the Atlantic coast before crossing the continent and heading north up Chile's Pacific coast and into the high Andes through the Atacama Desert then into the land of the Incas to Lake Titicacathe ancient Inca Capital of Cusco and the lost City of Machu Picchu, eventually finishing up in Lima's capital, Peru. The Rally vechicles covered some 9,981 Kms.

Now even Phil Macwhirter would have to admit that perhaps a Morgan was not the ideal vehicle to take on such an ardous treck and he put an amazing effort into restoring a Railton for the trip. Unfortunately, due I am told, to unresolved engine issues with the Railton, as the shipping deadline drew ever closer, he had to bite the bullet and pack their trusty old Plus 8 "Puce Goose" into the shipping container bound for South America.

The Blundens, equally keen on not destroying their Morgan, had purchased and modified a readily disposible vehicle (an Austin Healy) for the trip.

So while the fates had thus conspired to put the Puce Goose once more in the firing line, it did add a few

8 Just about to get bogged Morning Tea

more countries visited to this vehicle's already incredible total. So having now driven through 32 different countries, it would have to be a contender for the world's most travelled Morgan. Laurette kindly sent me some of her phots of of the trip and I managed to dig up a couple of other shots, so enjoy. You can read more of their amazing adventures at their Blog: pucegoose.blogspot.com.au.

I have published the Rally results on the next page. Studying them you will see in a field of 37 vehicles, both the Macwhirters (coping with a broken spring and broken speedo cable) and the Blundens (coping with not being in a Morgan) had very creditable finishes, The Blundens in their "Claytons" Morgan coming 12th and 14th respectively. It is particularly pleasing to note all the MGs were well down the list and I am sure Wally will be rather chuffed with the Sunbeam Tigers performance.

9 Rally of the Incas - November 13th to December 9th 2016

Overall Results after Day 27 at MTC27.3

Vintageant PosCar Time Medal Class Driver NavigatorYear Car CC

1 40 176:28:37 F 1USA2 Chuck Lyford Pam LyfordUSA 1938 Chevrolet Fangio Coupe 3540 2 16 176:33:24 F 2GB2 Paul Carter Vincent FaircloughGB 1936 Bentley Derby 4¼ 4250 3 1 176:34:30 F 3GB2 Graham Goodwin Marina GoodwinGB 1925 Bentley Super Sports 4500 4 12 176:39:07 F 4AUS2 Paul Kirkham Mariella KirkhamAUS 1934 Ford 40 B Tudor 3916 5 70 176:41:33 F 5DK2 Lars Rolner Annette RolnerDK 1928 Bentley 4½ Le Mans 4398 6 11 176:41:50 F 1GB1 Nigel Dowding Mary AntcliffGB 1934 Aston Martin MkII 1495 7 17 176:51:58 F 6B2 Anton Gonnissen Inge WillemenB1929 Bentley Special Speed 8 5675 8 8 177:07:29 F 7GB2 Keith Ashworth Norah AshworthGB 1927 Bentley 4½ Le Mans 4500 9 37 196:18:38 F 8GB2 Mark Wilkinson Robert WilkinsonGB 1926 Bentley Speed Six 6597 10 3 214:33:06 3USA5 Brian Shields Colin ShieldsUSA Hire Car 11 18 319:23:49 7GB5 Peter Thornton David GarrettGB Hire Car 12 2 338:36:36 8GB5 Philip Noble David BrownGB Hire Car

Classic PosCar Time Medal Class Driver NavigatorYear Car CC

1 65 176:25:23 F 1B4 Joost Van Cauwenberge Christine De LandtsheerB1973 2994 2 62 176:28:35 F 2GB4 Richard Martin Travis ColeUSA 1972 Datsun 240Z 2393 3 33 176:29:12 F 3CH4 Marco Halter Claudia EngelhardtD1963 Coupe 5700 4 53 176:32:12 F 4D4 Amin Hwaidak Jens JarzombekD1965 Ford Mustang 4735 5 57 176:33:02 F 1NL3 Mark Winkelman Colin WinkelmanNL 1968 Porsche 912 1584 6 52 176:34:26 F 5GB4 Alan Beardshaw Tina BeardshawGB 1965 Sunbeam Tiger 4261 7 41 176:36:00 F 2USA3 Stan Gold Brant ParsonsUSA 1965 Porsche 911 2000 8 59 176:37:14 F 6GB4 David Roberts Jo RobertsGB 1968 Triumph TR250 2498 9 34 176:38:51 F 3AUS3 Blair Healy Mary HealyAUS 1964 Peugeot 404 1600 10 50 176:38:55 F 7CZ4 Jan Hradecky Dana HradeckaCZ 1965 Mercedes Benz 230SL 2334 11 36 176:42:27 F 8D4 Clemens Lansing Agneta LansingD1959 Mercedes Benz 219 Ponton 2195 12 14 176:42:45 F 9AUS4 Philip Macwhirter Laurette MacwhirterAUS 1969 Morgan Plus 8 3528 13 26 176:44:07 F 104 Christoph Ley D Alfred ReichhartA1959 Mercedes Benz 220S Ponton 2195 14 30 176:44:40 F 114 Dennis Varni USA Kathleen VarniUSA 1961 Ford Falcon GT 5700 15 51 176:48:42 F 124 Phillip Blunden AUS Lynda BlundenAUS 1965 Austin Healey 3000 MkIII3000 16 55 176:53:26 F 134 Hans Middelberg USA Jurgen GrolmanD1967 Ford Mustang 2890 17 48 176:53:38 F 4NZ3 Stephen Partridge Corgi La GrouwNZ 1958 Morris Oxford 1800 18 64 177:06:08 F 144 Bill Gill AUS Katherine GillAUS 1972 Mercedes Benz 350 SLC 3500 19 66 177:21:38 F 5B3 Michel Leempoel Francis BlakeGB 1972 Peugeot 504 Coupe 1900 20 61 177:32:28 F 154 Barry Nash GB Malcolm ListerGB 1969 Rover P5B 3500 21 68 177:35:21 F 164 Layne Treeter CAN Len TreeterCAN 1960 Chevrolet Impala 4600 22 35 178:11:22 F 174 Garry Boyce NZ Ken WilliamsNZ 1964 Mercedes Benz 220SE 2195 23 63 181:37:34 F 6AUS3 John Crighton Marian CrightonAUS 1972 MGB GT 1800 24 31 182:43:37 F 7GB3 Nicholas Pryor Lesley StockwellGB 1962 Volvo PV544 1780 25 60 189:41:30 184 Andrew Long GB Gina LongGB 1968 MGC GT 2912 26 22 189:57:32 F 8AUS3 Chris Clemons Tim ClemonsAUS 1952 Sunbeam Talbot 90 1944 27 21 190:59:13 F 194 Leon Bothma ZA Hester BothmaZA 1947 Bentley MkVI 4250 28 23 192:07:48 F 204 Richard Everingham ZA Seonaid BeningfieldZA 1953 Bentley R Type 4566 29 25 192:29:07 F 9USA3 Ed Howle Janet HowleUSA 1967 VW Type 1 - Beetle 1600 30 69 193:31:12 1NL5 Dirk de Groen Alexandra de LespinasseNL Hire Car 31 67 195:49:40 2F5 Serge Berthier Jacqueline Thome ep BerthierF Hire Car 32 39 200:24:37 F 103 Gavin Henderson GB Diana HendersonGB 1965 Porsche 911 1991 33 54 221:48:19 214 Dominique Vananty CH Daniel SpadiniCH 1966 Citroen DS21 2175 34 38 222:23:32 4D5 Andrea Hammelmann Paul HenschelD Hire Car 35 32 235:20:56 5D5 Hermann Frye-Hammelmann Gisela HammelmannD Hire Car 36 58 242:04:23 6B5 Ronald Vetters Ann PutsB Hire Car 37 24 308:07:54 113 Mario Illien CH Catherine IllienCH 1955 Citroen 11B 1911

Classes 1: Vintageant (pre '41) up to 3000cc 2: Vintageant (pre '41) over 3000cc 3: Classic cars (pre '75) up to 2000cc 4: Classic cars (pre '75) over 2000cc 5 - Specials

09/12/2016 20:57:51 mtc1.uk www.endurorally.com

10 The 2 course set menu pleased all and the added glass JANUARY VICMOG LADIES LUNCH of wine topped off the afternoon, some went for two which was really, really relaxing. Helen, Evelyn, Jeanette, Alison, Marlene, Heather, Gayle On Tuesday January 17, nine ladies braved the high and I join in thanking Kate for organising the venue and temperature expected for the day and set out to the very the booking. picturesque environs of the Sandringham Yacht Club. A great choice Kate. We were seated in a great position enabling us to see the beautiful Port Phillip Bay at its finest and a working Helen Davis is organising the February lunch at Cafe Yacht Club in action. Heide for St. Valentine's Day February 14 @ 12noon. The atmosphere was idyllic and the chance to catch up Please think about attending as it is a fun and enjoyable with everyone re their Christmas and New Year day out. celebrations and the health and well being of loved ones was uplifting. Carol Jenkins

YOUR LOCAL MORGAN SERVICE CENTRE For servicing, mechanical repairs and tuning of classic Morgans of all ages We also stock an extensive range of early 4/4 engine & gearbox bits FjORDFOUR MOTORS 23 Spray Ave Mordialloc Contact EDGAR Phone 9587 1588

11 TO BE A PART OF THE VICMOG 50th ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOK We are looking for VICMOG members to share their special recipes which we are planning to publish as a special momento of our Clubs 50th Anniversary What we are looking for is a soft copy of a photograph of your Morgan and also a photograph of your special dish (.jpeg or similar file ). These two photos should be sent with a separate Word document ( .doc or .docx ) containing: a. A brief story of your dish b. A list of Ingedients, and c. Method of Preparation listed in steps. Please send your pictures and your separate word file by email to Kate at: [email protected] If you could please get these to Kate by 31 March 2017 and she will take it from there and you can be a part of VICMOG History


The longer you live, the more you learn. For example before 22 January, I for one would not have believed that VICMOG members were heavily into the contemporary art scene.

Inside the place was buzzing with VICMOG Members, catching up and sucking up contemporary culture like there was no tomorrow. There was, however, some confusion as to where the art work stopped and the furniture started but this was soon resolved. It was really great to see Pete ffrench back on deck and looking trim, taut and terrific.

Then Frank and Sarah kindly volunteered their St Kilda Frank and Sarah had arranged a number of tables and Gallery for the January Meeting and the numbers just after the usual attempts at incinerating pieces of meat, poured in. So it was rather pleasing to rock up to the we were all seated and enjoying a great lunch and the front door of the Jackson Gallery in St Kilda, work your great companionship which is the hallmark of our group. way around a couple of classic Morgans and you were met by this rather welcoming sign. Lunch was followed by a quick meeting with our new

13 President, bringing all and sundry up to date with the committee's planning for our Club's 50th Anniversary celebrations.

After the meeting, Frank kindly took a number of members upstairs to view his very extensive art collection.

Eventually, fortified with Frank's marvellous coffees and Sarah’s wicked desserts, we headed off into the heat of the late afternoon. If there is a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon I don’t think I have come across it yet. A big thanks is due to Frank and Sarah for the incredible kindness and hospitality in hosting us.

14 Media Release The Return of Classic Morgans to Australia 6 December 2016

Due to a change in ADR requirements Morgan Cars Australia has been unable to take orders for the Classic Morgan models during most of 2016.

We are have been working the Department of Transport in Canberra and with their assistance have now resolved the specific issues that impacted on small volume importers. As a result we are delighted to announce that the ADR Approval has been re-instated.

Morgan enthusiasts in Australia can once again order a new bespoke and hand built Classic Morgan.

The Morgan Classic range remains as before, but the improvement of the exchange rate versus the Pound since the Brexit vote, now allows for some pricing adjustments making access to Morgan ownership even more affordable.

For 2017, the Ford powered Classic Morgan range is now priced as follows:

• Morgan 4/4 – 1.6 litre 4-cylinder engine $89,900 • Morgan Plus 4 – 2.0 litre 4-cylinder engine $99,800 • Morgan – 3.7 litre V6 engine $139,500

15 Straddling the design of the Classic Morgans, but fitted to a modern all aluminium chassis as used for the Aero 8, is the Morgan Plus 8 model. An iconic Morgan model nameplate.

The Plus 8 still looks like a Classic Morgan, but is on fact a ‘modern’ Morgan under the classic bodywork. Sporting a 4.8 litre naturally aspirated BMW V8 engine, with a choice of manual or automatic transmission.

•Morgan Plus 8 – $220,000 4.8 litre V8 engine

The flagship of the range is the new Morgan Aero 8, which like the Plus 8, has a new fully independent ‘wishbone’ suspension and a stiffer chassis. What sets the Aero 8 apart is its very stylish new body design.

•Morgan Aero 8 – $275,000 4.8 litre V8 engine

The innovative Morgan 3 Wheeler completes the Morgan line-up. There is really nothing quite like it on the market. A really unique driving experience!

For further information, please contact:

Chris van Wyk Morgan Cars Australia 362 Swan Street. Richmond, Victoria, 3121 Telephone: 03 9329 0344 Mobile: 0417 370 224 Email: [email protected]

16 2016 AGM REPORT

Owing to unavoidable circumstances our 2016 AGM wound up being held in December rather than its traditional November slot. As a result, there has not been any Gazette write up on it and knowing some are allergic the Facebook where I put up a MogBlog item on the day, I thought I would do a coverage in this month's edition of the Gazette as well.

Our 2016 AGM in accordance with a very long standing VICMOG tradition was held in the magnificent gardens of Warwick and Paulette’s beautiful Coldstream home.

We were fortunate with beautiful weather and 26 Morgans were in attendance. One of the annual Morganing highlights for me is watching Warwick and Our hosts had tables and chairs up on the top of the hill Paulette’s lush green middle lawn fill with Morgans of all under the trees and lunch was soon being cooked and colours, ages and types. Unfortunately Warwick’s 3 consumed. After the meal came the business end of the Wheeler had an attack of stage fright or something day with our AGM which sadly was Chris Page's last similar and refused to make the 100 yard journey from its duty as VICMOG President. garage to the lawn and missed the line up.

Bill Emerson on behalf of the members presented Chris

17 with a plaque in appreciation of his outstanding service to our Club and wished him and Debra all the best in their new home in Northern New South Wales.

We speedily dealt with the meeting's formalities. Highlights were:

Bill Emerson was elected Club President for 2017 David Jenkins was elected Social Secretary for 2017 All other Club positions remained unchanged. Our full annual fee for 2017 was set at $50. Associate fee remained unchanged at $10 Bill was presented with the 2016 Morganeer of the Year Award, and the Prototype 50th Anniversary VICMOG Car badge was unveiled.

Our sincere thanks go to Warwick and Paulette for their incredible kindness and hospitality in hosting this very large gathering yet again and a special thank you to Paulette for her magnificent desserts which are always a highlight of the day.


A couple of interesting items for you this month. The first is thanks to a lead from Mike Devine who drew my attention to this in the December issue of MOG Magazine. This 1929 3 Wheeler hit the market in late 2016 and according to the website below , it is still up for sale if you happen to have a lazy $115,000 to spare. www.oldtimeraustralia.com It has a very unique history having found its way to Malaya in the 1930's then in 1941 just prior to the Japanese invasion, it was dissassembled, coated in oil and buried . It was dug up again at the end of the war in 1945 and put back on the road. In its latter years it was part of the late Robert Holmes a Court Classic Car collection. So it has had a very interesting and varied life.

The next item is courtesy of our former Editor, Mr Warwick Bisley. He sent me this photo he had taken while passing through Zagreb. Now what he was doing passing through Zagreb I am unable to say, having neglected to ask, but I am guessing it is the sort of out of the way place that 3 Wheeler owners tend to go. Anyhow I love the poster and the concept of Retro Men's Grooming Products :- Moustache wax anybody? Though thinking back to my boyhood days in the early 50's I can't really remember a man's grooming product on sale other than Brilcream. Perhaps I am not retro enough. The font that " Morgans " is typed in probably looks a bit familar . Have a look at a Morgan Script Badge that adorns many of our cars

At least they used a different capital M.

19 FOR SALE - More details on the Morgans listed below can be found on our website: http://vicmog.com.au/morgans-for-sale/

1971 Morgan 4/4 4 Seater 1949 Morgan 4-4 Series 1 Built in Oct 1971. It is in good condition This series 1 Morgan 4-4 Roadster is fitted being an older restoration. Powered by the with its original Standard Special 1260cc Ford Kent motor, the vehicle is in its original overhead valve engine and 4 speed Moss factory specification. gearbox. It runs and drives exceptionally well. Contact Martin Peet on 0357551018 or 0408579341. Contact Philippa Hall on 0402 317 042 or ...... $35,000 ono [email protected] ...... $40,000 ono

2005 Morgan Roadster 3 Ltr. V6 1979 4/4 Morgan. A beautiful car to drive, with comfort and 22,000 kms on clock, Ford Cortina Engine. performance, very reluctantly being sold Front end rebuilt at 20,000 kms. Garaged due to health reasons. whole life. In very good condition. Wife says must sell. Best offer. (Vehicle is located in Contact Gerald Snelling on 0414 378031 or Geelong) 07 55378031 Contact Charlie on 0447 004737 Email: [email protected] ...... Offers sought ...... $125,000