Office: Residence: Department of Political Science 2001 Hillside Drive, Lot 8 Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47401 210 Woodburn Hall Bloomington, IN 474-5-7110 Phone: (812) 856-2822 Email: [email protected]


Ph.D. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, December 1997 Dissertation: Building Democracy by Winning Votes? A Study of Politicians and Institutions in Transitional

M.A. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, December 1994

B.A. State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York, May 1983


2009 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Indiana University

2016 – 2017 Director, Russian Studies Workshop, Indiana University

2007-2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Indiana University

1997- 2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Penn State University

1998-1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University

1996-1997 Instructor, Department of Political Science, Penn State University



Candidate Strategies and Electoral Competition in the Russian Federation: Democracy Without Foundation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Series in Comparative Politics, 2006. 1


with William Bianco and Kwan Nok Chan, (2018) “Legislative Rules in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council,” Journal of Politics, forthcoming.

“Protesting the Post-Soviet Space: The Relative Influence of Structure and Agency,” Post-Soviet Affairs, 34.5(2018): 297-316.

with Rostislav Turovsky. Legitimising Victories: Electoral Authoritarian Control in Russia’s Gubernatorial Elections. Europe-Asia Studies, 70.2(2018), 182-201.

"Studying Russia’s Authoritarian Turn." Russian Politics 1.4 (2016): 337-346.

With Irina Soboleva, “Navalny’s Gamesters: Protest, Opposition Innovation, and Authoritarian Stability in Russia.” Russian Politics, 1.4 (2016), 347-371.

with Sarah Oates. "Mind the Gaps: Media Use and Mass Action in Russia." Europe-Asia Studies 67.2 (2015): 285-305.

with Jacob Bauer-Bir, William T. Bianco, Nicholas D'Amico, Christopher Kam, and Itai Sened. "Predicting Majority Rule: Evaluating the Uncovered Set and the Strong Point." Journal of Theoretical Politics (2015): 0951629814562289.

with William Bianco, Christopher Kam, and Itai Sened, “Party Relevance and Party Survival in New Democracies,” International Area Studies Review, 17, 3 (2014): 251- 261.

"The Putin Factor: Personalism, Protest, and Regime Stability in Russia." Politics & Policy 42, 4 (2014): 567-592.

with Irina Soboleva. “Looking Beyond the Economy: Pussy Riot and the Kremlin's Voting Coalition,” Post-Soviet Affairs, 30, 4 (2014): 257-275.

with Anton Sobolev, and Irina Soboleva. "A Well-Organized Play," Problems of Post- Communism 60, 2 (2013): 24-39.

“Political Preferences and Party Development in Post-Communist States,” Demokratizatsia 20, 2 (Spring 2012): 113-132.

with William Bianco, Christopher Kam, and Itai Sened, “Explaining Transitional Representation: The Rise and Fall of Women of Russia,” Journal of East European and Asian Studies 2 (February 2011): 137-62. 2

with Christopher Kam, William Bianco, Itai Sened. 2009. “Ministerial Selection and Intra-Party Organization in the Contemporary British Parliament," American Political Science Review, 104, 2 (May 2010):

“Engineering Victory: Institutional Reform, and Formal Institutions and the Formation of a Hegemonic Party Regime in the Russian Federation,” with Anna Lowry and Brandon Wilkening, Post-Soviet Affairs, 23, 2(April-June 2007), 118-137.

“Strong Partisans, Weak Parties? Party Organizations and the Development of Mass Partisanship in Russia,” Comparative Politics, vol. 38, no. 2(January 2006): pp. 209-228.

“Building State Capacity from the Inside Out: Parties of Power and the Success of the President’s Reform Agenda in Russia,” Politics and Society, 30, 4(December 2002): 555-578.

“Programmatic Party Cohesion in Emerging Post-Communist Democracies: Russia in Comparative Context,” with Herbert Kitschelt, Comparative Political Studies, 35, 10 (December 2002): pp. 1228-1256.

"Ideological vs. Regional Cleavages: Do the Radicals Control the RSFSR Parliament?" Journal of Soviet Nationalities 1:3 (1990).


with Irina Soboleva, Luke Shimek and Anton Sobolev, “Defining Common Ground: Collective Identity in Russia’s Post-Election Protests and Rallies,” in Cameron Ross, editor, Civil Society Awakens? The Systemic and Non-Systemic Opposition in the Russian Federation: National and Regional Dimensions, Ashgate Press, 2015.

with William Bianco, Christopher Kam, Itai Sened. “The Uncovered Set and Its Applications,” in Jac C. Heckelman and Nicholas Miller, eds. Elgar Handbook of Social Choice and Voting, Northampton, MA: Elgar, 2015.

“Russia’s Political Parties Under Putin,” in Henry Hale and Ivan Kyrilla, editors, Russia in the 2000’s: Stereotypes and Viewpoints, Moscow, Russian Federation: Planetka, 2011. (in Russian).

“Political Parties,” in Graeme Gill and James Young, editors, Handbook of Russian Politics and Society, Routledge Press, 2011.

“The More Things Change: Coping with Transition in the New Russia,” Werner Schaie and Glenn Elder, editors, Historical Influences on Lives and Aging. New York: Springer Publishing, 2005.


“The Ties that Bind: The Importance of Region in the Construction of Social and Political Citizenship,” with Cynthia Buckley. 2001. Blair Ruble, editor, Fragmented Space: Russian Regions in Transition. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

"Political Ambition, Elite Competition, and Electoral Success in Saratov Oblast." In Timothy J. Colton and Jerry F. Hough, editors, Growing Pains. Russian Democracy and the Election of 1993. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1998.

"The Russian Parliament and Political Consolidation." In Douglas Blum, editor, Russia's Future: Consolidation or Disintegration. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1993.


Elections, Protest, and Regime Dynamics: Russia 2008-2018, book-length manuscript under review

With Norbert Chan, “Disaggregating Social Movement Organizations: Action and Education Networks on the Eve of Occupy Central.”


“Why Alexey Navalny is Important in Russia and the World. A look at how Navalny challenges Putin's regime.” Public Seminar, March 14, 2018. Available at: the-world/

How the Kremlin Is Using the Moscow Renovation Project to Reward and Punish Voters, PONARS Policy Memo 518, March 2018. Available at: punish-voters

“This May Discredit Putin in the Next Election,” Essay in the Monkey Cage Symposium, “The Russians Are Protesting, Why?” March 31, 2017. Available at: symposium/#.WQjY5Inyu-4

“The Depiction of Russia at the Woman's Marches,” PONARS Eurasia Discussions, January 27, 2017. Available at:

“Russia’s 2016-2018 Election Cycle: Popular Engagement and Protest Potential,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 438 August 2016. Published in English and Russian. Available at:


With Rostislav Turovsky, Timothy Model and Thomas Wonder, “Measuring Electoral Competition in Russia’s Regions: New Tools for Political Research,” Working Paper Series, National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, November 2014.

“Beyond United Russia: The Kremlin’s Efforts to Engineer Ruling Majorities,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo, Number 302, September 2013. Available at: efforts-engineer-ruling-majorities

“Thief or Savior? Contesting Personalism in Russia’s Rallies and Protests,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo, Number 213, September 2012. Available at: russia%E2%80%99s-rallies-and-protests

“Russia’s Growing Opposition,” The Monkey Cage, May 7, 2012. Available at:

“More on 2012 Russian Presidential Elections and Post-Election Protests,” The Monkey Cage, March 6, 2012. presidential-elections-and-post-election-protests/

“The Complicated Views of Pro- and Anti-Putin Protestors,” The Monkey Cage, March 2, 2012. anti-putin-protestors/

“The Most Recent Anti-Putin Protest: Evidence of a Nascent Russian Civil Society,” The Monkey Cage, February 5, 2012. recent-anti-putin-protest-evidence-of-a-nascent-russian-civil-society/

“A Well-Organized Play: Symbolic Politics and the Effect of the Pro-Putin Rallies,” Working Paper, Basic Research Program Working Papers, Higher School of Economics, Series: Political Science, WP BRP 05/PS/2012.

“Thief or Savior? Contesting Personalism in Russia’s Rallies and Protests,” PONARS Conference Policy Memo, September 15, 2013, memos/2012-2/

“Welcome to North Korea, Predicting the Effect of Russia’s New Protest Law,” e- International Relations, July 4, 2012, korea-predicting-the-effect-of--new-law-on-meetings-rallies-demonstrations- processions-and-pickets/

“The Complexity That Is Current Russian Politics,” The Monkey Cage, politics/, December 9, 2011. 5

“On Potential Deals in the Super-Committee (with William Bianco), The Monkey Cage,, November 8, 2011.

“Putin 2012: More Expert Opinion,” The Monday Cage,, September 27, 2011.

“Problems of Political-Legal Culture and Civil Society, “ Conference Proceedings, The Russian Constitution at Fifteen: Assessments and Current Challenges to Russia’s Legal Development, Occasional Paper #304, Washington, DC: Kennan Institute, 2010.

"The Utility of Self-Governance: Elinor Ostrom’s Contributions to Knowledge," with William Bianco. Transnational Corporations Review 2 (2010): 124-7.

“Nobel Winner’s Work Challenges LI on Consolidation (with William Bianco). Newsday, November 27, 2009.

“Global Research, Local Applications,” (with William Bianco). The Journal Gazette, December 11, 2009.

“Predicting the Results of Russia’s 2007 Parliamentary Election. What Can We Learn from Political Science?” September 2005. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security. Available at

“What Does Winning Mean in 2003? A Candidate-Centered Analysis of Upcoming Parliamentary Elections,” October 2002. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security. Available at

“Putin’s Tightrope: Maintaining Support in the Face of Domestic and International Policy Demands,” December 2001. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security. Available at

“Power as Patronage: Russian Parties and Russian Democracy,” February 2000. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security. Available at

“Supporting Democratic Institutions Rather than "democrats" in Russia.” 2000. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security. Available at

“The Role for US Democracy Assistance: Helping Build Parties from the Bottom Up.” 2000. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security, available at

“Programmatic Party Cohesion in Emerging Post-Communist Democracies: Russia and Other 6

Post-Soviet Cases.” 1999. Policy Memo, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security, available at


2018 US-Russia Foundation, “Urban Activism and the Development of Civil Society in the Russian Federation: A Research Workshop,” ($47,320.00)

2017 Indiana University, Social Science Research Council, “Protest and Political Participation in Non-Democracies,” ($15,000).

2017 Russian Studies Workshop, Indiana University “Exploring Social Support for Moscow’s Housing Renovation Policy,” (Teaching and Research Grant).

2016 “Repression and Resilience in Russia’s Public Sphere,” College Arts and Humanities Institute, Indiana University ($6,600).

2016, Trustees Teaching Award, Indiana University.

2016, “Strengthening Russian Studies at American Universities through the IU Russian Studies Workshop,” Carnegie Corporation of New York ($1,000,000)

2015, “From Maidan to Donbas: Protest Participation and Political Engagement in Ukraine,” Institute for Advance Study, Indiana University ($9,900)

2015 “Political Protest and Stability in Hong Kong: Mapping the Space of Contentious Politics in the Umbrella Movement, Ostrom Workshop Research Grant, ($20,000)

2014, Research Fellowship, Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, New York University

2014 Research Fellowship, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

2014 Trustees Teaching Award, Indiana University

2012 “Subnational Electoral Competition and Regime Change in Russia, 1993-2013,” National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, co-Principal Investigator ($56,041)

2011 Fulbright Scholar, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

2010 Mellon Endowment, Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University. ($5,000)


2009 Faculty Summer Research Award, College of Arts and Science, Indiana University ($8,000)

2008 National Science Foundation, SES 0832970, “Conference on Sustainable Democracy,” with Co-Principal Investigator William Bianco. ($49,792).

2006 National Science Foundation. “Characterizing Party Influence in Legislatures: A Cross-National Analysis,” with Co-Principal Investigator with William Bianco, Christopher Kam, and Itai Sened. ($181,262)

2000 Smith Richardson Foundation, Principal Investigator ($60,000)

1999 Penn State University, Research and Graduate Studies Office, Principal Investigator, ($8,800)

1999 National Science Foundation, Small Grants for Exploratory Research, Principal Investigator ($30,000)

1999 CELT Teaching Grant, Penn State University, with Lee Ann Banasak, ($5,500).

1998 National Science Foundation Award, POWRE Program, Principal Investigator ($98,000)

1998 National Council for Soviet and East European Research, Co-Principal Investigator, with Herbert Kitschelt, Research Grant ($35,000)

1997 Faculty Recognition Award, College of Liberal Arts, Penn State University

1997 National Council For Soviet and East European Research, Co-Principal Investigator. Research Grant ($74,626)

1995-1996 National Security Education Program, Graduate Enhancement Fellowship

1995-1996 National Science Foundation, Dissertation Enhancement Grant

1995 International Research and Exchanges Board, Dissertation Field Research Grant

1995 Graduate School Conference Grant, Duke University

1994-1995 Graduate Studies Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Duke University

1993 Travel Grant, Harvard University Research Project on the 1993


1992-1994 Social Science Research Council, Joint Committee on Soviet Studies, Graduate Training Award

1991 Research Travel Grant, Carnegie Corporation of New York

1991 Olin Fellowship, Department of Political Science, Duke University


“Russian Elections 2011-2017,” Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Russia, October 2016.

“The US Election and Russia’s Interests,” European University in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Russia, October 2016.

“The Failure of Modernization Theory. Contemporary Autocracy and the Challenge to Political Science,” Keynote Address, October Reading, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, October 2016.

“Political Protest and Stability in Russia, 2012-2016,” Center for Russian and East Europe, and Central Asia, University of Wisconsin, October 2016.

Elections, Protest and Regime Stability in Russia,” Public Lecture, Summer Language Workshop, Indiana University, July 2016.

“The Unexpected Strength of Weak Oppositions,” NUPI Annual Conference, Oslo Norway, November 2015.

“Russian Street Politics in Symbols and Discourse,” Visiting Fellows Seminar Presentation, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland.

“Two Models of Mobilization: The Organization of Pro- and Anti-Regime Street Actions in Russia,” Oxford University, October 14, 2013.

“Patterns of Discontent: Identifying the Participant Core in Russian Post-Election Protest,” Russia’s Winter of Discontent: Taking Stock of Changing State-Society Relationships, Uppsala University, Sweden, September 6-7, 2013.

“A Well-Organized Play: Symbolic Politics and the Effect of the Pro-Putin Rallies,” Explaining Contentious Politics in Russia: Innovations in Theory and Data Collection Conference, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, June 13-14, 2013.

“Defining Common Ground: The Language of Network Mobilization in Russian Protests,” Cultures of Grievance in Eastern Europe and Eurasia Conference, Princeton 9

University, March 8-9, 2013.

“Bounding Protest: Pussy Riot and the Battle for Political Participation in Russia,” Ready for Democracy? Religion and Political Culture in the Orthodox and Islamic Worlds, Indiana University-Bloomington, February 28-March 2, 2013.

“Explaining Post-Election Protest in Russia,” Harriman Institute, Columbia University, January 28, 2013.

“Resurgent Russia,” Changing American National Security Priorities, 2013-2020, Indiana University, November 29, 2012.

“Democracy Challenged. How to Counter the Erosion of Democracy,” Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Oslo, Norway, October 23-24, 2012.

“Political Protest and Regime Stability,” PONARS Policy Conference, Washington, DC, September 15, 2012.

“Explaining Protest: Russia After the Elections,” PRIO, Oslo Norway, June 18, 2012.

“Competition in Regional Elections in Semi-Authoritarian Systems,” Territorial Governance in States and Authoritarian Regimes: Challenges and Response, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia, February 24, 2012.

“The Failure (and Subsequent Success) of Institutional Engineering,” Presented at “Two Decades of Post Soviet Independence: What Have We Learned?” PONARS Eurasia, IERES, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Kennan Institute, December 7-8, 2011.

“The Uncertain Outcomes of Certain Elections,” Presented at “Russia: parties, parliament and power,” Annual Conference NUPI, Department for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Olso, Noway, Wednesday 23 November 2011.

“Losing Ground: The Decline of Women’s Participation in Post Soviet Electoral Politics,” Presented at the conference Women in Russia: Politics and Policy, Loyola University of Chicago, May 3, 2010.

“Engineering Victory: Russia’s Transition to a Hegemonic Party Regime,” presented at the Russian Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 7, 2006.

“Engineering Consolidation: Explaining Electoral System Innovation in Post-Communist States, presented at the conference: Mobilizing Democracy, NY, Russell Sage Foundation, February 3-5, 2006. 10

“Translating State Resources into Political Dominance: The Prospects for the Consolidation of a Dominant State Party in Russia,” presented at the conference Kremlin Power and the 2003-04 Russian Elections, Indiana University, February 29-20, 2004.

“The More Things Change: Coping with Political Transition in the Russian Federation” for the Historical Influences on Lives and Aging Conference, Penn State University, October 13 and 14, 2003.

“Democracy Interrupted: The Interaction of State and Society in Russia,” Paper presented at the conference State-Building in Post-Communist States: Toward Comparative Analysis, Yale University, April 27-28, 2001.

“Candidate and Parties in Russia” and “Parties, Incumbency and Legislative Action,” Presented at the Executive Program for Members of the of the Russian Federation, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April 25, 2000.

“The Evolution of Russian Parties and the Party System in Comparative Perspective,” presented at, “Russia Votes: Preview of Russia’s Duma Election,” Davis Center for Russian Studies, the Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project, and the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University. November 29, 1999.

“Beyond Procedures: Understanding the Quality of Emerging Democracy,” Presented at a roundtable on “Virtual Democracy in the Eurasian/East European States: Ten Years After Communism,” the Regional Advisory Panel of the Eurasian/East European States of the Social Science Research Council. November 10, 1999.

“Assessing the Impact of Elections on Democratic Consolidation,” PONARS Policy Discussion, Washington, DC. November 5, 1999.

“The Ties that Bind: The Importance of Region in the Construction of Social and Political Citizenship,” with Cynthia Buckley. Presented at the Conference on Russian Regions. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center. August 27-28, 1999.

“The Political Impact of Electoral Systems: Institutions, Incentives, and Elite Behavior,” Presented at the Yale-Central Asia Summer Seminar on Designing Institutions to Meet the Challenges of Democratic Governance. July 24, 1999.

“Programmatic Party Cohesion in Emerging Post-Communist Democracies: Russia and Other Post-Soviet Cases.” Presented at the Program on New Approaches to Russian Security Conference, May 6-8, 1999.

“Programmatic Party Cohesion in Emerging Post-Communist Democracies: Russia in Comparative Context,” Presented at the Director’s Seminar, Davis Center for Russian 11

Studies, Harvard University. May 4, 1999.

“Reflections on Institutional Advancement after Communism,” Presented at “Science and Culture in Russia and the Soviet Union: A Symposium in Honor of Lauren Graham.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 24, 1999.

“The Political Implications of Mixed Electoral Systems: Candidates and Strategy in the Russian Federation,” CREECA, University of Wisconsin, Madison. November 4, 1999. “Democratic Institutions and Politician’s Campaign Strategies: The Case of Russia,” Conference on Economic and Political Liberalization,” Duke University Department of Political Science, February 28-March 2, 1999.


“Movement Resilience in Contemporary Autocracy,” Paper presented Paper prepared for the First Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, Tartu Estonia, 12-14 June 2016.

“ “ Paper presented at the PONARS Academic Conference, Aleksanteri Institution, University of Helsinki, Finland, June 2016.

“Early Risers, Stalwarts and Protest Tourists: Differential Participation in the ‘For Fair Elections’ Movement,” Paper presented at the 14th Annual Aleksanteri Institute Conference, Helsinki, Finland, October 21-23, 2014.

“Gamesters: Electoral Innovation and the 2014 Moscow Mayoral Campaign,” Paper presented at the 14th Annual Aleksanteri Institute Conference, Helsinki, Finland, October 21-23, 2014.

“Burning Down the House: Protest and Regime Change in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes,” Paper Presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting at the American Association for Eurasian and East European Studies, New Orleans, LA

“Beyond Institutions: Explaining Regime Outcomes in Post-Socialist States,” Paper presented on the panel, Post-communist Transformation: a Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis,” 2012 Annual Conference, Higher School of Econmics, Msocow Russian Federation.

“Putin After 2008,” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, DC, November 16-19, 2006.

“Engineering Consolidation: Explaining Electoral System Innovation in Post-Communist Democracies,” Paper presented at the 2005 American Political Science Association Meetings, Washington DC. 12

“What We Have Here is a Failure to Consolidate: Russian Political Development in Comparative Perspective,” Paper presented at the 2004 American Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago, IL.

“Explaining the Rise of Dominant Political Parties: The Success of United Russia,’ Paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Toronto, Canada.

“Electoral Institutions, Uncertainty, and Candidates’ Electoral Appeals: Learning from Past Contests,” Paper presented at the 2002 American Political Science Association Meetings, Boston MA.

“Building State Capacity from the Inside Out: Parties of Power and the Success of the President's Reform Agenda in Russia,” Paper presented at the 2002 American Political Science Association Meetings, Boston MA.

“Democracy Interrupted: The Interaction of State and Society through Russia’s Party System,” Paper presented at the 2001 American Political Science Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA.

“Crooks, Cronies and Democrats: Variation in Party Affiliation and its Effects on Contemporary Russian Parties,” Paper presented at the 2001 Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago, IL

“The Political Implications Of Mixed Electoral Systems: A Comparative Framework,” Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, Boston, MA.

“Citizens and Parties in Transitional Russia,” Paper presented at the 2000 American Association for Slavic Studies Annual Meetings, Boulder, Colorado.

“Mixed Electoral Systems and Partisan Affiliation: the Russian Case,” Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

“Issues, Identities, and Programmatic Parties. The Emerging Russian Party System in Comparative Perspective.” (with Herbert Kitschelt). Paper presented at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC.

“Democratic Institutions and Politicians’ Campaign Strategies. The Case of Russia.” Conference on Economic and Political Liberalization, March 1997, Duke University.

“To Join or not to Join: Partisanship and the Consolidation of Democracy in the Russian Federation.” Paper presented at the 1996 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA. 13

"Building Democracy by Winning Votes: Studying Electoral Politics in Transitional Russia," Presented at the Social Science Research Council Graduate Student Conference on Post-Soviet Domestic Politics, July 3-13, 1995, St. Petersberg Russia.

"Candidates and Strategies: Political Determinants of Election Outcomes in Russian Parliamentary Elections," Presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

"Candidates and Strategies: Consensus Mobilization in the 1993 Parliamentary Elections" Presented at the 1994 Annual Meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Chicago IL.

"Legislative Institutions and Political Change in Russia." Presented at the NSF Workshop on the Politics of Economic Reform in the Former Communist Bloc States, UCLA,1993.

"The Development of Legislative Politics in Russia: The Formation of a Parliamentary Committee System," presented at the First NSF Workshop on the Politics of Economic Reform in the Former Communist Bloc States, UCLA, 1992.

"Developing Democratic Institutions: The RSFSR Congress of People's Deputies," SSRC Summer Workshop on Soviet and East European Politics, June 15 – July 1, 1992, Toronto.


Advisory Board, Kenan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, 2016 - present

Editorial Board and Associate Editor, Russian Politics, 2015 – present

Panel Chair, 14th Annual Aleksanteri Institute Conference, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, October 21, 2013.

Discussant, 14th Annual Aleksanteri Institute Conference, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, October 22, 2014.

Discussant, Workshop on Politics in Russian Regions, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, December 15, 2011.

Discussant, “After the Commonwealth of Independent States: What Comes Next?” American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, November 22, 2006.


Coordinator, APSA Working Group on the Mechanics of Voting, 2005-2006. Session Chair, “Do Elections Matter?” PONARS Policy Conference, Washington DC, December 12, 2003

Panel Chair and Discussant, “Elections and Democracy in Post-Soviet Russia,” American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Meetings, Toronto, Canada, November 2003.

Discussant, “Structural Theories of Party Formation in Post-Communist Europe,” Annuals Meetings of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, September 2003

Chair and Discussant, “Party Formation and Political Cleavages in Post-communist Europe" at the Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 2000.

Discussant, “Democratic Transitions,” Annual Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 1999.

Discussant, “Studying Political Institutions in Transition.” Meeting American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, MA, October 1995.

Discussant, “Legislative Institutions in Post-Communist States.” Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 1994.


Faculty Member, Teacher Training Workshop, “Ten years Into the Transition: An Inter- Disciplinary Workshop on the Former Soviet Bloc in the Post-Soviet Era.” Sponsored by The Center for Russia, East Europe and Central Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, June 20-23, 2000.

Election Observer, National Democratic Institute, Russia, December 1999

Member, New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS) Working Group, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, DC.

Member, Working Group on Russian Regional Development, Kenan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC


A review of "The Quest for an Ideal Youth in Putin’s Russia I (Mijnssen) and The Quest for an Ideal Youth in Putin’s Russia II (Lassila)." Anthropology of East Europe Review 31.1 15

(2013): 152-154.

A review of David White, The Russian Democratic Party Yabloko: Opposition in a Managed Democracy, Canadian – American Slavic Studies, 44 (December 2010): 229-231.

A review of Stephen White, editor, The Ruling Group in Putin's Russia in Slavic Review, Volume 69, Number 1 (Spring 2010): 266-267.

A review of M. Steven Fish, Democracy Derailed in Russia. The Failure of Open Politics, and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss, Resisting the State, in Democratization, 2009.

A review of Thomas Carothers, Confronting the Weakest Link: Aiding Political Parties in New Democracies, in Perspectives on Politics, 5 (207): 653-655.

A review essay “The Communist Legacy in Post-Soviet Elections: Looking Beyond Redemption,” based on Anna Grzyzmala-Busse’s Redeeming the Communist Past. The Regeneration Communist Parties in East Central Europe, in Government and Opposition. Redeeming the Communist Past. The Regeneration of Communist Parties in Government and Opposition, vol. 40, no. 3 (Summer 2005): 464-472.

A review of Richard Rose and Neil Munro’s Democracy without Order in Political Studies.

A review of Steven Smith and Thomas Remington’s The Politics of International Choice, in Congress and the Presidency, 29,. 2 (Autumn 2002): pp. 236-237.

A review of Peter Mair’s Party System Change in Studies in Comparative International Development,


1997- present Reviewed articles for American Sociological Review, American Journal of Political Science, World Politics, American Political Science Review, Europe-Asia Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Party Politics, Slavic Review, Comparative Political Studies, Electoral Studies, and Journal of Politics

Reviewed book manuscripts for McGraw-Hill Press, Princeton University Press

Reviewed proposals for the National Science Foundation, National Security Education Program, National Academy of Sciences, Title VIII Program, Fulbright

Member, Review Panel, National Security Education Program, 1997



Graduate Seminar: Russian Politics Graduate Seminar: Comparative Politics Graduate Seminar: Political Parties and Party Systems Graduate Seminar: Democratic Political Institutions Graduate Seminar: The Political Economy of Dual Transitions Graduate Seminar: Competing Approaches to Political Decision-making Graduate Seminar: Electoral Authoritarian Regimes Introduction to Comparative Politics The Politics and Government of Western Europe Freshman Seminar: Democracy and Elections around the World Freshman Seminar: Why Don’t Young People Vote? Freshman Seminar: Democratic Architecture: Is Democracy Possible In Iraq? The Politics and Theory of Democratic Transitions (Junior and Senior Seminars) The Politics and Government of the Soviet Union and Russia (1917-Present) Russian Politics Soviet Politics: From Revolution to Revolution (1917-1991) Democracy and Market in the Russian Transition Senior Seminar: Democracy and Elections Senior Seminar: What Political Science Can Tell US about the Crisis in Haiti Senior Seminar: Political Protest