Ghani Backs HIA Deal, Engagement with Russia

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Ghani Backs HIA Deal, Engagement with Russia Quote of the Day A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 William Styron Add: Sarai Ghazni, District 3, Kabul Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3592 Saturday May 20, 2017 Sawr 30, 1396 Price: 15/-Afs Peace Agreement with HIA may Encourage other Ghani Backs HIA Deal, Groups to Reconcile: Ghani KABUL - President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has said the success of peace agreement with Hizb-i-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) was made possible as a result of sincere efforts and strong commitments and hoped the agreement may encour- Engagement with Russia age other rebel groups to join peace process, presidential statement said on Friday. The president expressed the views during a meeting with el- ders from southeastern Paktia province. The meeting was or- ganised to commemorate the death of Haji Sardar Ahmadzia, a Jihadi and tribal personality. The president referring to the peace deal with HIA said the agreement was reached on the bases of sincerity, strong com- mitment, and judgment. He hoped peace agreement with HIA would help encourage other militant groups to renounce violence and join the recon- ciliation process. “Your are the ambassadors of peace and stability with the val- uable advises of you more ways for peace would be explored and further killing and destruction ...(More on P4)...(2) Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia to Sign Trade Agreement KABUL - Finance Minister Eklil Hakimi and Saudi Arabia’s Commerce Minister Majid Bin Al Qasabi met in Riyadh on Thursday to discuss a range of issues including the peace pro- cess, bilateral relations and projects funded by Saudi Arabia. According to a statement from the Afghan Ministry of Fi- nance, the two parties have agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding in the near future on strengthening trade relations. KABUL - President Ashraf the security environment. What is important about our Afghans wanted to see work azine.He recalled the sponta- The two sides also conferred on Afghanistan’s export of saf- Ghani has underlined the “Our challenge is simulta- people: they take a certain on dams, livelihood and con- neous celebrations across the fron, carpets and dried fruits and the first meeting of the joint need for working concurrent- neity. You cannot make the degree of insecurity as con- nectivity projects,” the presi- country on the completion economic commission. ly on developing the coun- economy wait for security. textual…” dent said in a wide-ranging of the Indian-funded Salma Saudi Minister Al Qasabi announced he would visit Afghani- try’s economy and improving You have to be able to do it … Hit by 40 years of conflict, the interview with the Time mag- Dam ...(More on P4)...(1) stan this year, added the statement. (Wadsam) HRW Calls on U.S to Gen. Murad Appointed as Incumbent Parliament Hurdle Improve Civilian Protection Deputy Interior Minister KABUL - Human Rights strategy is a crucial opportu- to Fresh Elections: TEFA Watch (HRW) on Thursday nity for adopting changes to KABUL - The Transparent Elec- called on the U.S Defense De- minimize civilian casualties.” tion Foundation of Afghanistan partment to urgently adopt This comes amid ongoing (TEFA) on Thursday said keeping measures to better protect ci- reports that the U.S govern- silence and not announcing speci- vilians in the Afghan armed ment is currently conducting fied date to hold elections showed conflict. a review of its Afghanistan the government’s reluctance. In a letter to the Defense Sec- strategy and support to the However, the CEO office said the Afghan government in its ef- retary James Mattis, the hu- KABUL - The Afghan National Army Deputy elections would definitely be held. forts against the Taliban, Al- man rights watchdog said: Chief of Staff General Murad Ali Murad has been Naeem Ayoubzada, TEFA’s head, Qaeda, and Daesh-affiliated “Increasing numbers of civil- appointed as the deputy interior minister for se- told a news conference here that armed groups. ian deaths and injuries from curity. six months had passed since the Civilian casualties in Af- holding the elections had badly the electoral bodies shouldn’t U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan A spokesman for the presidential palace, Shah electoral commissions launched ghanistan have steadily in- impacted political, social, eco- await the government’s deci- raise concerns that the pro- Hussain Murtazawi, said Gen. Murad has been their activities, however, a date creased in recent years, with nomic situation and security in sion and should function as an cedures for vetting airstrikes appointed for the post based on the recommenda- for holding parliamentary and 2016 seeing the highest toll the country. independent organ and devise are inadequate,” said Brad tions of the Ministry of ...(More on P4)...(4) district council polls was yet to be Adams, Asia director at Hu- recorded since 2008 with a to- specified. He said the government was plan for holding the elections. man Rights Watch. tal of 11,418 (3,498 deaths and “The country’s electoral environ- yet to decide whether to hold “The current National Assem- “The U.S review of its Afghan ...(More on P4)...(5) Taliban Ask Teachers ment is plagued by the govern- the parliamentary and district bly, the mandate of which has to Compile Results in ment’s silence and subsequent council elections simultane- ended long ago, has been a big Afghanistan Steps up Work to confusion and it seems the elec- ously or separately and no hurdle to elections and elec- their Presence tions are cancelled this year.” practical steps had been in this toral reforms,” said the TEFA Strengthen Export Sector JALALABAD - Some teachers in eastern Nan- He said the prolonged delay in regard so far.Ayoubzada said chief, ...(More on P4)...(3) KABUL - Afghan industry will provide a blueprint for garhar province have accused the Taliban of inter- leaders, small business own- competitiveness and develop- fering in their work, saying they have been warned No Evidence Russia Aiding Evidence of Russian ers and public sector repre- ment of the country’s export not to prepare results without being supervised by sentatives on Thursday met sector and strengthen links the insurgents. Taliban: CEO Office Military Support for in Mazar-e-Sharif to explore between export development The Taliban have allegedly ordered teachers in Afghan Taliban is Growing provincial trade challenges and socio-economic growth. Khanikhel and other districts not to go to banks to KABUL - Afghanistan villagers caught in Taliban and solutions that can feed The event was jointly or- collect salaries and receive pay from accountants territory in the northern province of Kunduz, by into the ongoing design of ganized by Afghanistan’s within schools. The rebels also insist on supervis- the border of Tajikistan, recently began reporting the country’s National Ex- Ministry of Commerce and ing compilation of results. unmarked helicopters at night landing and leav- port Strategy (NES). Industry (MOCI) and the Af- A teacher from Ghanikhel, who wished not to be ing quickly from known Taliban hideouts, or at A National Export Strategy ghanistan ...(More on P4)...(6) named, said he had a ...(More on P4)...(7) least areas outside of government control. Others spoke of smugglers bringing in shipments of small boats across the quiet river, called Panj on NATO Agree to do more in Fight Against IS the Tajikistan side and Amu on the Afghanistan, KABUL - NATO top brass has between the two countries. recommended that the military al- KABUL - The Chief Executive Officer’s office on It didn’t take long before suspicions arose of an in- liance shall join the international Thursday said no evidence existed to show Rus- ternational outfit at play. The locals feared going coalition fighting the Islamic State sia’s military support to the Taliban, but cautioned close to the tightly controlled Taliban enclaves to group, a media report said on such contacts with terrorists were dangerous for investigate. Around the same time, reports from Thursday. peace and stability of the region. the U.S. started growing that Russia was once Earlier, U.S. President Donald CEO spokesman Mujib Rahman Rahimi told re- again meddling in Afghanistan -- this time by Trump has demanded that NATO porters in Kabul about reportedly growing Rus- arming the Taliban. do more to combat terrorism. sia-Taliban ties that the Afghan government was “I believe what Russia is attempting to do is they NATO Military Committee head yet to find evidence to prove Moscow was helping are attempting to be an influential party in this General Petr Pavel said Wednes- the Taliban. part of the world,” Gen. Joseph Votel, chief of U.S. day that “there is a merit for He said the Russian Federation had already Central Command, told American lawmakers in NATO becoming a member of spurned reports regarding Moscow military assis- March. “I think it is fair to assume they may be that coalition.” themselves. NATO’s role could include training local forces and helping to tance to the Taliban. providing some sort of support to [the Taliban] Pavel said armed forces chiefs build militaries and institutions, he said. Rahimi said any contact with the militant group in terms of weapons or other things that may be agreed “that NATO can and NATO countries do not want the alliance engaged in active combat against should be established through the Afghan govern- there.” should do more” to increase the Islamic State militants, even though all are individual members of the anti-IS ment otherwise it would endanger regional peace The recent onslaught of the Taliban into the north capacity of Iraq and other coun- coalition.US President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet NATO leaders in and stability.A day earlier, Baghalan police chief of Afghanistan -- once a relatively stable place tries fighting IS to better defend Brussels next week.
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