186 Feb. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006

The President. So you’re bringing down January 28 the average. In the morning, the President had an intel- Mr. Sanchez. Bringing down the average. ligence briefing. [Laughter] In the evening, at the Capital Hilton The President. We want Justin Sanchezes Hotel, the President and Mrs. Bush attended of the country to dream big dreams and to the Alfalfa Club Dinner. think big. Look at the product they’re think- ing about. I mean, this is a big idea. And January 29 there’s people willing to risk capital on the In the afternoon, the President partici- idea, and you’re willing to risk time in it. pated in a speech preparation session for his Mr. Sanchez. Absolutely. January 31 Address. The President. And it’s going to happen, isn’t it? January 30 Mr. Sanchez. It will happen. In the morning, the President had an intel- The President. Yes, and America will be ligence briefing. Later, in the Family The- better off for it. This is a good way to end, ater, the President participated in a speech for our people to understand there’s a direct preparation session for his January 31 State connection between research and develop- of the Union Address. ment, technology, and quality of life. This In the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the country has a chance—it needs to make a President participated in a signing ceremony choice: Are we going to lead, or are we going for a Presidential proclamation in honor of to fear the future? I hope after this discus- the fourth anniversary of the USA Freedom sion, people sitting around here and listening Corps. ought to realize we ought not to fear the fu- The President announced his intention to ture but shape the future and continue to nominate W. Ralph Basham to be Commis- be the leader. And by leading, our people sioner of Customs at the Bureau of Customs will realize a more peaceful world and a more and Border Enforcement in the Department prosperous world and a chance to realize of . dreams. And that’s what America has been The President announced his intention to all about in the past and it should be about nominate Paul DeCamp to be Administrator in the future. of the Wage and Hour Division at the De- Listen, thank you all for the panel. It’s partment of Labor. been a great discussion. God bless. The President announced his intention to nominate Edward P. Lazear to be a member NOTE: The President spoke at 9:10 a.m. at Intel of the Council of Economic Advisers and, New Mexico. In his remarks, he referred to upon appointment, to designate him as Charles M. Vest, president, Massachusetts Insti- Chairman. tute of Technology; Norman R. Augustine, chair, The President announced his intention to National Academies’ Committee on Prospering in nominate Jeffrey L. Sedgwick to be Director the Global Economy of the 21st Century; and of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the De- Mayor Jim Owen of Rio Rancho, NM. partment of Justice. The President announced his intention to appoint Mark Sullivan as Director of the U.S. Secret Service at the Department of Home- Digest of Other land Security. Announcements The President announced his designation of the following individuals as members of a Presidential delegation to the 2006 Olym- pic Games in Turin, Italy: (head The following list includes the President’s public schedule and other items of general interest an- of delegation), Ronald P. Spogli, Barbara P. nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and Bush, Roland Betts, Brad Freeman, Dorothy not included elsewhere in this issue. Hamill, Eric Heiden, Kerri Strug, Debi Thomas, and Herschel Walker.

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January 31 The White House announced that the In the morning, the President had an intel- President will welcome Secretary-General ligence briefing. Later, in the Roosevelt Kofi Annan of the United Nations to the Room, he met with Samuel A. Alito, Jr., to White House on February 13. congratulate him on being confirmed by the The President declared a major disaster in Senate as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Su- Nevada and ordered Federal aid to supple- preme Court. ment State and local recovery efforts in the In the afternoon, in the Old Family Dining area struck by severe storms and flooding Room, the President had lunch with tele- from December 31, 2005, to January 4, 2006. vision correspondents. The President declared a major disaster in California and ordered Federal aid to supple- February 1 ment State and local recovery efforts in the In the morning, the President had a tele- area struck by severe storms, flooding, phone conversation with President Vladimir mudslides, and landslides from December Putin of Russia to discuss the situation in 17, 2005, through January 3, 2006. Iran. Later, he had a telephone conversation The President announced his intention to with President Evo Morales of Bolivia to con- nominate Benedict S. Cohen to be General gratulate him on his election and inaugura- Counsel of the Department of the Army. tion. He then had an intelligence briefing. The President announced his intention to Later in the morning, in the Oval Office, nominate Robert M. McDowell to be a Com- the President and Mrs. Bush participated in missioner on the Federal Communications a signing ceremony for a Presidential procla- Commission. mation in honor of American Heart Month. The President announced his intention to He and Mrs. Bush then traveled to Nashville, nominate Mauricio J. Tamargo to be Chair- TN, where, upon arrival, he met with USA man of the Foreign Claims Settlement Com- Freedom Corps volunteer Suzanne Bing- mission of the U.S. at the Department of Jus- ham. tice. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. The President announced his intention to Bush returned to Washington, DC. nominate Armando J. Bucelo to be a director February 2 of the Board of Directors of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (Public). In the morning, the President had an intel- ligence briefing. Later, he traveled to Min- The President announced his intention to neapolis, MN, where, upon arrival, he met nominate Todd S. Farha to be a director of with USA Freedom Corps volunteer Anna the Board of Directors of the Securities In- Edlund. He then traveled to Maplewood, vestor Protection Corporation (Public) and, MN, where he toured 3M headquarters. upon appointment, to designate him as vice In the afternoon, the President traveled to chairman. Albuquerque, NM, where, upon arrival, he The President announced his intention to met with USA Freedom Corps volunteer appoint Douglas DeMaster as Deputy U.S. Mike Martin. Commissioner on the International Whaling Commission. February 3 The President annnounced his intention to In the morning, the President had an intel- appoint William Hogarth as U.S. Commis- ligence briefing. Later, the President trav- sioner on the International Whaling Com- eled to Dallas, TX, where, upon arrival in mission. the afternoon, he met with USA Freedom The President announced his intention to Corps volunteer Sharon Randolph. appoint William B. Keleher as a member of Later in the afternoon, the President trav- the Board of Directors of the Valles Caldera eled to the Bush Ranch in Crawford, TX. Trust (Expert in Cultural and Natural His- The White House announced that Presi- tory). dent Bush will welcome King Abdullah II of The President announced his intention to Jordan to the White House on February 8. appoint Michael Robert Oestreicher as a

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member of the Advisory Committee for Checklist Trade Policy and Negotiations. of White House Press Releases The President announced his appointment of Kevin J. Bergner as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Iraq. The following list contains releases of the Office The President announced his appointment of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as of J. Scott Jennings as Special Assistant to items nor covered by entries in the Digest of the President and Deputy Director of Polit- Other White House Announcements. ical Affairs. The President announced his appointment Released January 30 of Jeffrey F. Kupfer as Special Assistant to Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec- the President for Economic Policy. retary Scott McClellan The President announced his appointment of Elisabeth Millard as Special Assistant to Released January 31 the President and Senior Director for South Transcript of a press briefing by Counselor and Central Asian Affairs. to the President Dan Bartlett on the State The President announced his appointment of the Union Address of Luis A. Reyes as Special Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel. Statement by the Press Secretary on Shaykh Sabah al-Ahmad Al Sabah becoming Ku- wait’s new amir Fact sheet: A Strong America Leading the Nominations World Submitted to the Senate Fact sheet: Affordable and Accessible Health Care Fact sheet: American Competitiveness Initia- The following list does not include promotions of members of the Uniformed Services, nominations tive to the Service Academies, or nominations of For- Fact sheet: The Advanced Energy Initiative eign Service officers. Excerpts: State of the Union Advance text: State of the Union Submitted January 31 Released February 1 W. Ralph Basham, Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec- of Virginia, to be Commissioner of Customs, retary Scott McClellan Department of Homeland Security, vice Robert C. Bonner, resigned. Transcript of a press briefing by Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Energy Paul DeCamp, Samuel W. Bodman, Secretary of Education of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Wage Margaret Spellings, and Office of Science and Hour Division, Department of Labor, and Technology Policy Director John H. vice Tammy Dee McCutchen, resigned. Marburger III on the American Competitive- ness Initiative Edward P. Lazear, of California, to be a member of the Council Transcript of a press briefing by National of Economic Advisers, vice Ben S. Bernanke. Economic Council Director Allan B. Hub- bard and Special Assistant to the President Jeffrey L. Sedgwick, for Economic Policy Roy Ramthun on the of Massachusetts, to be Director of the Bu- President’s Health Care Initiatives for 2006 reau of Justice Statistics, vice Lawrence A. Transcript of a press briefing by Secretary Greenfeld, resigned. of Energy Samuel W. Bodman

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