Inside this month: *Guiding News *Prize Bingo *School Report *Parish Council Annual Report *and more ….

[email protected] 26 1

Illingworth Seddon Chartered Financial Planners is based in the Old Mill at Old Mill Place just off the High Street in the bustling village of Tattenhall, .

St Albans House Church Bank Tattenhall CH3 9QE

The firm commenced in 1960 and has served businesses in the North West since then, providing Accountancy, Audit, Taxation, Payroll Services and Business Advisory Services to small and medium sized businesses, charities, clubs and individuals.

[email protected] 2 25 FROM THE RECTOR

When tragedy strikes, it may shatter our hopes for security and peace. We may need to reach out to others, or we may need someone to reach out to us. How can we find comfort in times of suffering and uncertainty? Scripture provides a hope-filled answer. When a nation faces tragedy, how can it "Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cope? And how do we work through the grief cry; do not be silent at my tears; for I am a individually when we suddenly lose a loved stranger with You, a sojourner, as all my one? There is hope for the future. You can fathers were" (Psalm 39:12). God answers find comfort and assurance! We all desire to prayer. David begins the very next Psalm have a secure, predictable and peaceful world. exclaiming, "I waited patiently for the Lord; But when tragedy strikes, we awaken to new and He inclined to me, and heard my realities. cry" (Psalm 40:1). God will hear your cry as The Manchester and London terrorist attacks well. Notice this encouraging promise: "Those shocked us. We suddenly realised our who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who community and individual vulnerability. We continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed lost young innocent lives whose future was for sowing, shall doubtless come again with bright and adults who had done no wrong. rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with How can we cope with such loss? Those who him" (Psalm 126:5-6). We may have lost our have lost loved ones need comforting. They loved ones through the acts of the evil one but need hope and reassurance. As Scripture says: this has made us even stronger as a nation. "Therefore comfort each other and edify one We look up to our creator who has all the another, just as you also are doing" (1 power in the universe. There is hope in the Thessalonians 5:11). If you know someone resurrection of the dead. As the Apostle Peter who needs reassurance, give comfort. Let that wrote: "Blessed be the God and Father of our person know you care. When a loved one is Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His hurt, we suffer with them. The Apostle Paul abundant mercy has begotten us again to a wrote "there should be no schism in the body, living hope through the resurrection of Jesus but that the members should have the same Christ from the dead" (1 Peter 1:3). When care for one another. And if one member tragedy strikes, we can help others. We can suffers, all the members suffer with it." (1 encourage, serve and comfort. We know that Corinthians 12:25-26). We can identify with God is the "Father of mercies and God of all those who suffer because we, most likely, comfort." We can express our grief and we have also suffered at one time or another in can share our tears as King David did in the our own lives. We can empathise with their book of Psalms. We can come before our High pain and with their loss. Our tears can Priest and Intercessor, Jesus Christ, to receive demonstrate a deep concern for our friends the comfort and help we need: "Seeing then and the victims of tragedy. In times such as that we have a great High Priest who has these, we can only look up to a greater power passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of in heaven to give you that comfort. "Blessed God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all with our weaknesses, but was in all points comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us that we may be able to comfort those who are therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, in any trouble, with the comfort with which we that we may obtain mercy and find grace to ourselves are comforted by God" (2 help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:14-16). Our Corinthians 1:3-4). loving Saviour and High Priest is willing to give us mercy and grace in time of need, and He God's very name is "the Father of mercies and can sympathize with our tragedies, because God of all comfort." When we share our He has been there. He suffered for us, as the sorrow with our Father in heaven, He gives Apostle Peter stated in 1 Peter 2:21. We comfort. Several of the Psalms express King continue to grieve but with hope and with no David's sorrow as he shared his intimate spirit of surrender to the evil one. feelings in prayer. You, too, can pray using the Psalms. David cried out in prayer to his God: May the souls of all those departed, rest in peace.

[email protected] 24 3 The Churches of Tattenhall, Handley and Open Forum Headteacher and Governing Body of the Churches without Walls The proposed fencing of the Park School Park Primary School to have a discussion boundary was raised. The electors regarding the proposed erection of the Rector: Rev. Canon Lameck Mutete, The Rectory, Tattenhall 770245 present expressed regret at the loss of fence’. Churchwardens Tattenhall Dee Mason 770553 Cathy Kitchin 07825 330760 70% of the open space of the Park and The Parish Council and Ward councillor Handley Alex Park 771277 Christine Walley that there had been no consultation with were commended for the outcome of the Burwardsley Jean Dutton 770379, Barbara Sculthorpe 770418 the community prior to the decision. It three appeals, a result of leading the was resolved that the chairman should development of the Neighbourhood Plan. write to the Governing body requesting Cllr. Iain Keeping (Chairman) 'that the Parish Council engage with the CHURCH NEWS

DIOCESEAN NEWS Safeguarding Training for parish volunteers Date 17th July 2017 This is a re-run of our popular face to face course which will provide:  An overview of safeguarding with children and adults at risk  An explanation of parish roles, responsibilities and accountability  An understanding of the challenges of safeguarding in a church context  Information about how to recognise and respond to a concern


The Malpas Deanery Clergy Chapter is to be held in St Helen in Tarpoley on 3rd July.

ST ALBAN’S CHURCH, TATTENHALL SERVICES Sunday mornings 8.00am and 10.30am Last Sunday of the month 6.00pm Wednesday 10am and 7.30pm (Quiet Prayer Time)


A special thanks to all the leaders who came to our Leadership workshop on the 13th May. It was a day well spent as we looked at the ‘7’ Healthy Marks of Our Church’. We also wish to extent our appreciation to the Rural Dean; Ian Davenport who came to support us on the day and concluded the day by encouraging us all.


The Letters Inn was once again temporarily converted to a gathering of worshippers on Sunday the 4th June. This was part of our Evangelism and Outreach service to our local community which also coincided with the ‘Manchester and London Vigil’ which we held together as church and community. As if the service was not enough, our Quiz Master, Steve conducted an exciting quiz which was won by more than one group and, to be fair on them all, the prize was given to the most smiling face on the day. After the service, we were served with a sensational variety of Traditional Chinese meals. We give thanks to the owners of the Letters Inn for giving us another [email protected] 4 23 opportunity to express our faith with our local community. TATTENHALL & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL INVITATION TO THE ROYAL GARDEN PARTY

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING in discussions with the flooding issue This year our church and community was blessed with two honourable invitations The annual Parish meeting was held in the on Tattenhall road junction, James Orme from her Majesty The Queen. These were Jack and Joyce Raine and the Rector, Barbour Institute on 25th May 2017, of CW & C Highways has assured us this work will be completed this summer. Father Lameck, and Perpetua. The two families would like to thank God and His Councillor Ian Keeping chairman. people both in our community and outside for all your support in making this day “Glebe Meadow and the Church graveyard have also been on the agenda and I feel a reality. It is through working with such loving and caring people that such an Chairman’s report this debate will be ongoing and a honour finally finds its way to ordinary people like us. May God bless you all. The outgoing Chairman, Councillor Neil resolution found through continued Matthews, thanked the Councillors on communications. The meadow and its behalf of the community for their boundaries is something that is still work in ALPHA COURSE IS BACK! continued hard work, commitment and progress, and with the assistance of time that they volunteer on a regular basis. Andrew Hull and TWIG I think we need to An opportunity to explore the meaning of life. He reported on the past year as follows: prioritise this issue going forward. Alpha – Autumn 2017. The next Alpha course begins on the last Wednesday in “The Community Land Trust is now a legal September. It will run for 13 weeks until December 2017. To register for the “As we meet for this annual meeting it is entity and now has legal status with the course, please fill in the form sent through our parish magazine during the month great to see the groundwork on the school Financial Conduct Authority, a housing of August and return it to our Alpha Administrator Andy Morris on 770323, the field play area starting. Getting this project needs survey is being undertaken by Rector or the Churchwardens. off the ground has taken much time and Cheshire Community Action, I am sure the effort by the Parish council and the Parish council will continue to support this. Who is Alpha for? dedicated Parents Playground committee “Last year was another busy year of Alpha is for everyone; no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as group and is a prime example of a strong planning with 42 planning applications much or as little as you wish. We don’t assume any background knowledge of or community working in partnership for the being received and considered but the belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome. good of the village. main planning news was the success in the “We again have had lots of compliments as appeal process as the secretary of state What is Alpha? to the appearance of the village around has dismissed the appeal and refused Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in an informal, fun and Christmas time and the bunting and flags permission on the 3 sites. This was friendly environment. The Alpha course consists of a series of talks and looking at for the summer celebrations, there is fantastic news for the village it’s been a different topics. You don’t have to come to the whole course – just pop along for obviously effort involved in doing so but it long journey with lots of hard work from the first night and see what you think. No pressure. certainly adds to the aesthetics of the many individuals to get to this stage. The course follows a simple and relaxed format- dinner when you arrive- watch a village. “I would like in my position to congratulate 30-40 minute DVD- discussion groups (with no pressure to talk you may just want “The Christmas event, although on a the Post office in returning home, and to listen) smaller scale, was a great success with a wish Bolesworth continued success with large number of children enjoying the the International and Carfest events, they Talks include: magician and father Christmas, the hog continue to work with us on traffic issues roast and carol singing was a great success and many local businesses benefit from  Who is Jesus? and I feel was greatly enjoyed by all who these renowned events.  Why did Jesus die? attended. “Finally, I wish to thank my vice chairs  How can I be sure of my faith? “Tattenhall Online has become a great councillor Black, Pritchard and Councillor asset to both the Parish Council and the Keeping who has stepped up to the breach  Why and how should I pray? wider community. The team’s efforts in to become chair. I am very grateful for all  Who is the Holy Spirit? maintaining the website are very much the help and support I have been given, I  How can I resist evil? appreciated. also wish to thanks Jean for her assistance  Does God heal today? “We have continued to support the and glad that she is recovering. I wish Remembrance Sunday along with the both Councillor Keeping and all the council  How can I make the most of the rest of my life? Church, it has become a very well continued success with the year ahead and supported occasion each year numbers the challenges it will no doubt bring.” If these questions seem to be of interest to you, then all you have to do is get in seem to grow and I do know that a group touch. of cyclists from Rossett plan their route Village cup especially to attend. I think we should all The Village Cup was awarded to Joyce be proud of how both the young and old of and Jack Raine, for their valuable the village stand together to remember. contributions to the community. “The Parish Council has also been involved [email protected] 22 5 FROM THE REGISTERS

Marriage POLICE CONTACT NUMBERS 27th May Thomas David Robert Selby and Kimberly Baker EMERGENCY calls ONLY: Ring 999 Burial of Remains INCIDENT calls: Ring 101 22nd May Anna Angela Spencer Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111 Baptism 4th June Hannah Katie Burford

ALL SAINTS CHURCH, HANDLEY SERVICES 1st SUNDAY Family Service 9.15am 3rd SUNDAY Communion Service 9.15am An Evening of Song ALL SAINTS HANDLEY GOLF CLASSIC 2017

th with the Tattenhall Singers Friday, 15 September from tee time 10.30am at Green Golf Club th Cost per team: £50.00, meals included. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause or obtain more information, please contact Jon Mosley on 01829 771279. July 11 Alternatively get in touch with the Churchwardens. All proceeds will go towards the maintenance, upkeep and refurbishment of All Saints Handley Church which has at 7.30pm been in our parish for over 1000 years. Please do not miss this one!! at the Barbour Institute ST JOHN’S CHURCH, BURWARDSLEY SERVICES 2nd SUNDAY Songs of Praise 4.30pm 4th SUNDAY Communion Service 9.15am Proceeds to the Opal Club

SUPPORTING THE LIFE OF ST JOHN’S Tickets £6 from Carol A few years ago, we launched the ‘Legacy Pot’ for the church. The idea is based on supporting the life of our church through giving just once a month through ‘Legacy Pot scheme’. All you need is to get in touch with the Rector, Church Wardens or our Telephone 770861 Legacy Pot Steward and Treasurer; Jeanne Parson on 01829 771227 and you receive a pack of twelve envelopes which you can always bring back to church anytime during the year. There is also another method of giving which is convenient Price includes to those who wish to make a direct debit. The Treasurer can always give you the Church’s bank details. This is scheme is convenient for all those who are connected to the church but find it difficult to come to church every Sunday when we meet for a drink on arrival and worship. The future of our church is in our hands and together we can make a difference and thus ensure that we leave a legacy for those to come after us. Why wait. Just get your pack and be part of the ‘Legacy Pot team’. tea and cakes from the WI

FROM THE REGISTERS Marriage Raffle 27th May Richard Campbell and Rebecca Smith

[email protected] 6 21

HOMEWATCH want an afternoon in a fabulous garden followed by tea and homemade cakes

come along. Dear Residents something is Tattenhall Library garden has been given As many of you are aware there was suspicious. a makeover by the Rainbows, Brownies break in and an attempted theft at the and Guides. Rural officer contact details. Post Office last Month. The offenders PC Gerard Gigg Congratulations to Amelia Ratledge and gained entry by cutting out a pane of glass in the front window. Thanks to Please call 101, or anonymously ring Amelia Briscoe who are the first in the unit the alarm system and the prompt CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111. It’s been another busy year for Tattenhall to finish their Baden Powell award arrival of the Police and despatch of If you wish to e-mail Ged his address Guides. There can’t be much we haven’t activities and are awaiting their Baden the Police Helicopter, the three is [email protected] done! Powell adventure weekend. offenders to make off at speed empty FREE UV marker pens are available We’ve tried out Footgolf; had a mince pie A big thank you to all the parents who handed. It is not known if there were make it possible to run the Guides. any arrests made. on request at the ‘Drop In’ at the baking competition; another much loved One evening in the early part of last Barbour Institute, one for each movie night and a Theatr Clwyd panto Whether they are transporting their month a man threw a beer bottle at person attending. This is held every trip. daughters to and from weekly sessions or the wall of a house on the High street, Tuesday 10am – 12noon; all are We raised £450 for Comic Relief with our have helped with transport on trips and smashing only inches from a window. welcome so come along for a chat & Talent Show. This included a backstage visits further afield or have been involved Had children been in the room it could sort out the world’s problems with tour of Theatr Clwyd to understand how to in weekly meetings or on trips, it wouldn’t have been much more serious. Police endless cuppas and biscuits for £1 per produce a show (a big thanks to be possible without them! attended immediately and a man person, along with security advice Tattenhall Amateur Dramatics (TADS) for Another thank you to Caitlin Taher who’s known to the Police was believed to thrown in for free (Community Safety their contribution towards our show been our Young Leader this year as part have been spoken to. It is not known if Wardens on the first Tuesday of the staging and costs). of her Gold Duke of Edinburgh. She’s he was arrested. Month) There is also the occasional set Electrostatic HomeWatch window Well done to the three teams who been an invaluable help and we’d like to up of the indoor short mat bowls for stickers are now available - please see completed the Scouts Cheshire Hike in wish her well with her A’ Level results, the Drop In info below. If your existing those who like some mild exercise with April after 6 months training. DofE expedition and her future HW sticker needs to be replaced, or their cuppa. endeavours. We’ve had our unit holiday returning to st you are a new member and would like With your free FREE UV marker the ever brilliant PGL activity company Claire Harris, 1 Tattenhall Guides pens all that is required is that you one, please get in touch. (see photo); served refreshments for the [email protected] mark your valued items with your Tel: 07739 102616 house name or number and Postcode. annual TaCTile arts and craft show and at For futher updates of when the Tattenhall Hall’s open garden afternoon. Sometimes items are stolen and th next Tattenhall Police Surgeries or discarded that are of no value to the We’ll be there again July 16 so if you when and where the next bike marking thief but of great sentimental value to will be held, please call 101 . Police you. Think about it, what have you got surgeries are usually held at Alison’s to lose. Café between 12.15-1.15 pm and If you would like to be included in the Library between 12-1 pm our e-mail HomeWatch updates contact list, send your details The Police always welcome your call to [email protected] toget on 101 so let them make the decision her with your address & phone to attend or not. number in case of e-mails If you aren't sure you can always call bouncing back. HomeWatch 771641 for advice or Graham Marsden 771641 CRIMESTOPPERS anonymously on 0800 555 111. . More resources means Police back in our areas and better response times so make that call on 101 when you feel

[email protected] 20 7 Tattenhall‘s Village Hall TATTENHALL’S VILLAGE HALL High Street Tattenhall Chester CH3 9PX 200 CLUB Email: [email protected]

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The May draw took place at the Sandstone Ridge festival on 21st At the Barbour Institute this Regular Classes are held at the May. Andrew Hull drew the prize winners: £50 to number 52; month: Barbour Institute – Which one do you fancy trying? Contact £25 to number 46; £15 to number 76. Every Friday from 9.30 – 11.00am - barbourinstitute@btconnect for Tattenhall Village Market –Come along more details. Carolyn Vickers drew the numbers on 3rd June at the Christian to the Market for an array of delicacies, Monday Zumba Gold Aid Plant Sale. The winners were: £50 to number 58; £25 to produce, crafts and a cup of tea. Yoga – Iyengar th number 20; £15 to number 68. Thursday 6 July, from 2pm – TOFS Summer Party. Contact: Noel Tuesday Coffee Morning – Atkinson (Chairman) on 01829 770808 all welcome If you haven’t won yet, there’s still plenty of time. for details. Hip Hop Street Dance th Karate The next draw will be on 1st July Tuesday 11 July 7.30 – 9.30 pm Tattenhall Singers Summer Concert. Tattenhall Singers at the Prize Bingo at the Barbour Institute. This fundraiser is in aid of Tattenhall Wednesday Adult Ballet Opal Group, with refreshments courtesy CLiC Computer Club Membership closed on 25th November but if you didn’t have a chance to get of the W.I. Hip Hop Street Dance Sunday 16th July – The Barbour involved, there will be another opportunity in the Autumn of 2017. W.I. (3rd Weds) Institute are again supporting Tattenhall Hall Open Gardens. Thursday Yoga Tattenhall Hall, from 2pm. See TOFs – Tattenhall Over Fifties (1st for more details. Thurs) 200 Club news! U3A Main monthly The 200 Club Draw is run by the meeting (3rd THE GRAND DRAW FOR £1500 Tattenhall Community Association, to Thurs) raise much needed funds for the Rainbows Barbour Institute, Tattenhall’s Village 1st Tattenhall Guides Hall. WILL TAKE PLACE ON Friday Tattenhall Village The recent 200 club draw brought the Market total prize money won so far to an Beading Group SATURDAY 7TH OCTOBER 2017 amazing £1130! And don’t forget the (monthly) grand prize of £1500 to be drawn in Italian October, to celebrate the first 12 months Zumba Gold of this exciting initiative. As the saying Toddler Ballet goes - you have to be in it to win it – Children’s Ballet LIMITED TO 200 MEMBER S Details of how to join up the next wave Bridge Promoter: Pat Black of entrants to the 200 Club will be Tattenhall Community Association, Barbour Institute, available soon. Saturday Craft Club (monthly) High Street, Tattenhall, CH3 9PX Registration No: 16/02113/LOTTO

[email protected] 8 19 TATTENHALL and DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL member of our team who has The Governors, staff team and I touched the lives of many through would like to express our sincere her class teaching, numerous gratitude for her immeasurable residential visits and her enthusiasm contribution to our school over this Parish Clerk: Jean Dutton, Hill Farm, Burwardsley, Tattenhall and involvement in many sporting period of time and wish her a very 01829 770379; email [email protected] events. long and happy retirement. Chairman: Iain Keeping

Jo Hawkins, Headteacher Tattenhall Parish Council met as residents saw as established usual on the first Monday in the access rights of the general Sports Reviews month which was on 5th June public to much of this area. The 2017, at 7.30pm. legal processes that such bodies Year 3 & 4 Hockey report by team captain Eva Williams The meeting started as usual should follow were debated at length with much concern raised. In May year 3 & 4 B team went to Deeside ramblers Hockey Tournament. with Open Forum although just The team of eight consisted of Oliver Wilson and Harris Cawley from year one member of the general It was agreed that Tattenhall & three and Sophie Moore, Isabelle Stewart, Austin Morgan-Williams, public was present. District Parish Council should Lawson Morgan-Williams and me Eva Williams from year four. Our first It was reported by the clerk that formally join ChALC (The match was against Tiverton B, Tattenhall scored three amazing goals all the legal requirements Cheshire Association of Local which led to our first win. The final score was 3-0. Then we played regarding the advertising and Councils) and use its training Waverton B, it was a close match but Waverton were the slightly stronger filling of the vacancy that has facilities for the benefit of all team and they won 2 goals to 1. After that we played Tiverton B again, and existed on our Parish Council had councillors. this time the score was 1 all. Our final game of the day was against been completed, and an At this meeting, the Parish Waverton B, but sadly when the final whistle blew the score was 3-0 to application had been received. Council was required to complete Waverton. Then it was the results, sadly we didn’t go through to the semi- It was unanimously agreed that Annual Governance Statement finals but we did become the runners up in our group so we got to play a Esther Sadler-Williams, should be and approve the Audit Annual friendly match against Tarpley B who won 2-0. Great teamwork from formally elected to the council, Return. everyone. I would like to thank all the parents for transporting us there and the clerk was instructed to Work on the new play area had and back. And a big thank you to Mrs Curry for coaching us up for this complete all the necessary started, with drainage being the tournament and Mrs Aird and Mr Sarginson for supervising us while we documents for such appointment first item to be tackled. Some were there having an experience of a life time. to be made. issues had been identified with Y3/4 Hockey Report by Katie Bevan (Captain) Tattenhall A Team Considerable discussion took regard to ownership of the fought three hard battles against three strong opponents. Unfortunately place regarding the proposal by manhole on the land which we lost two and drew one, and so we didn’t make the semi-finals. In detail: the Governing Board and required investigation. In the Match 1: 2-0 Tattenhall – Mickle Trafford dominated Headteacher of the Park School meantime, a different method from the start and scored in the first couple of minutes. They continued to fence a considerable area of using sump drainage would be used. to dominate and after half-time they scored again. Match 2: Farndon 2-0 the park with a two metre high Tattenhall – We started to play better with Theo and Georgie standing fence. Very conflicting views Cllr. Chapman reported on the satisfactory progress being made out in midfield and attack. There were some good individual moments, but were expressed by members from both sides of the argument. with the Community Land Trust. again we were beaten by a better team on form. Match 3: Delamere 1-1 It was agreed the Parish Council Discussions were ongoing Tattenhall – At last we looked like a team that could win. Katie and Ranija should consult with the school regarding the possible opening of shone in attack and Harriet shone in defence. In fact the whole team over its proposals and request a railway station at Tattenhall. looked strong. When Delamere scored it seemed to make us want to win consultation with local residents Progress was expected to be even more. There was some lovely play at the end of the first half and a before any fencing took place. As slow. great goal from Roahon. In the second half we dominated with two good proposed, the fence would Cllr. Doug Haynes attacks but two good saves from a determined Delamere. We can be proud restrict what many village

[email protected] 18 9 Material for the Parish News should be sent to the Editor, Headteacher: Mrs Jo Hawkins preferably by email to 01244 981260 [email protected] If email is not possible, VIP Assembly day included a debate on Unicef’s please forward written At the beginning of May we welcomed Rights of a Child discussing whether contributions (typed if former pupil and Liverpool FC aid should be kept at home or sent possible) to 22 Greenlands, footballer Ben Woodburn, along with abroad. I am very proud that two of Tattenhall. the Director of Cheshire Ice Cream our children bravely took the This Newsletter is published Farm, Jonathan Fell, to school as microphone to offer their opinion on by St. Alban’s Parochial guests for a special assembly. The this topic. Church Council. The views assembly marked the unveiling of two York Residential expressed are not brand new football kits for the Year 6 had a fabulous time during necessarily those of the school’s Year 3/4 team and Year 5/6 their residential in York although the Council or the Editor. team. The new kit was proudly weather was a little wet during the Copyright on all parts of this sponsored by the Cheshire Ice Cream visit to Harewood House. The children publication remains with the Farm. Ben Woodburn, Liverpool’s thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the contributors. Prior youngest ever goal scorer, presented National Railway Museum on Thursday permission to copy or publish, the children with trophies won during morning, enjoying a great workshop on in any form, must be this football season. These included obtained from them. forces and seeing gigantic engines on Chester School’s League Winners and display. Visits to the Minster and Application for the inclusion Chester U11 Cup Winners. I would like Castle Museum were enjoyed by all of adverts has to be approved to thank both our guests for taking by the Editorial Board, such and a spooky ghost walk made requests being directed to the time to come and see the children everyone jump! The luxury of the Steve Robinson, email and for making it such a special and hotel and lovely food made us all feel [email protected]. memorable occasion for them. See the lucky to have had this opportunity to school website for photos. create some lovely memories as a Governing Body News class during our last term at I would like to officially announce that Tattenhall. the Chair of Tattenhall Park Primary Co-opted Governor Welcome PARISH NEWS DEADLINES 2017 School Governing Board, Mrs Pat I would like to take this opportunity Friday 14th July, Friday 11th August, Black, has taken the decision to resign to introduce and welcome Steve Friday 15th September, from her role after many years of Williams to our School Governing Friday 13th October, dedicated service. On behalf of staff, Body. Steve is a former Head Teacher Friday 10th November pupils and the whole school who brings a wealth of experience and community, I would like to thank her skills to our Governance team. We look for her leadership and support during forward to a successful working TATTENHALL BRIDGE CLUB this time and wish her the very best partnership with him over his for the future. forthcoming term of office. School Council/Pupil Voice Event Staff Farewell New members welcome! A friendly introduction to club bridge Members of our School Council set Mrs Pearson has made the difficult You do not need a partner just come along – we have a host system. off to take part in an Inter-Schools decision to retire at the end of this We meet at 7 p.m. every Friday in the Barbour Institute, High Street, Council/Democracy event at the JH academic year, following 16 years of Tattenhall, CH3 9PX Godwin Primary School. It was a dedicated service to Tattenhall Park fantastic opportunity to learn from Interested? Primary School. Mrs Pearson has been others and share any school projects a very well-respected and professional Contact Val Meeks :- Email [email protected] or phone 01829 770781 with children from other schools. The

[email protected] 10 17 BROWN KNOWL METHODIST CHAPEL Rev. Marian Jones 01978 810292

Brown Knowl The men have a walking group and Methodist the ladies get together for meals Chapel is now out. over 100 years The Network meetings have old. It was inspirational speakers each month. Guiding in Tattenhall is flourishing! built in the The guest this month is Rev. R st Broxton Diggle, who will celebrate 86 years 1 Tattenhall Rhiannon [email protected] foothills after John Wedgewood had of ladies enjoying the Fellowship at Rainbows (5- Marshall brought Methodism to the area, and 2.30pm. 7yrs) replaced the original place of The young people join the nd worship. 2 Tattenhall Louise Gibson [email protected] congregation on Sundays at Plans to refurbish the building are in 10.45am before they repair to the Rainbows (5- 01829 771 001 place, with fund raising events chapel hall for their own meeting. 7yrs) taking place each month. st Coffee is served afterwards in the 1 Tattenhall Louise Gibson As above Coffee is served on alternate hall. Brownies(7- Thursday mornings in the chapel For up to date news, look at our 10yrs) hall from 10.30am. website: st 1 Tattenhall Claire Harris firsttattenhallguides@hotma Afternoon teas take place from 2.30pm on Saturdays on 1st Guides (10- or contact our minister, Rev. Marian July and on 5th August Jones, on the number shown above. 14yrs) 07739 102 616 Margaret Cox Senior Section Claire Harris 1stmalpasseniorsection@g (14-18yrs & 18- & 25yrs) Sam-Dakin 07739 102 616 Evans

There are enough girls in the village wanting to join Brownies and Guides to need more units opening! This can’t happen without adult volunteers. If you, or someone you know is interested then please contact one of the above Leaders Tattenhall Tennis Club and we will be happy to point you in the right direction. You will be part of a Sunday 23rd July team, not on your own and find it is rewarding and enjoyable to volunteer with from 10am Girlguiding. There are many opportunities for training and international trips for volunteers. If anyone is wishing to help at any of the units then please let us Grand opening know! of newly refurbished Tennis Courts The Senior Section, based in Malpas, has been re-opened by myself, Claire, Refreshments and free tennis sessions the Tattenhall Guides Leader and Sam, the Malpas Guides Leader for any girls aged 14yrs upwards in the area (anyone who is happy to travel to Malpas!). for all ages Seniors offers many awards to be achieved (e.g. Queen’s Guide, holiday permit, Everyone welcome. Young Leader); opportunities for international travel; and to represent Girlguiding for more information email: [email protected] nationally and internationally but it is up to the girls themselves what they want to do. www. For more details on registering as a volunteer; expressing your daughter’s interest; or information on the different sections at Girlguiding go to Tattenhall Tennis Club is sponsored by I

[email protected] 16 11 The July meeting of Tattenhall W I Do come along for a free taster visit will be on Wednesday 19th July at and meet our friendly group. Our 7.30 pm in the upstairs other monthly room of the Barbour activities include, Institute. scrabble,craft, local walks, Our speaker is Mr Martin book club and (health) coffee Wood and his talk is club. Our annual bee walks entitled - Have Bell Will have started (once a month) Yell. Mr Wood has been for one hour to identify and Shrewsbury's town crier for record this important 30 years, is reputedly the pollinator. For further information tallest town crier in the world and his call Anne 771994 or Esme 770709. talk is humorous and lighthearted.

TATTENHALL SURGERY Handley & District Parish Council have a new website at The Surgery will be closed for half a day on 27th July and 22nd August, from 12.30pm where you can find more information about the Council. The Surgery will reopen at 8.00am the following morning. In cases of emergency, please ring 01829 771588.

During the month of June many days were far from flaming! Members and volunteers ventured to the Cheshire Ice Cream Farm on a very wet and windy Tuesday, ANNUAL SHOW which was far from ideal to visit such an attraction. However we all enjoyed an ice cream, thanks to the generosity of Jonathan Fell, and for some members it was their first visit. Sunday 3rd September 2017 at 2.30pm On the first Tuesday in July we are looking forward to going to Bolesworth Castle by kind invitation of Mrs Diana Barbour. This is in the Barbour institute, Tattenhall one of the highlights of the year and we are most grateful to Entries will be accepted between Diana. Later in the month the Tattenhall Singers are presenting a musical 9.30am and 11.30am evening at the Barbour Institute with all proceeds to the Opal Schedules will be available in the village Club. This is very much appreciated by everyone at Opal, and we during July and August from Tattenhall do hope the concert proves to be successful in every way. village shops We would ask you please to support this event. and from the Barbour Institute

[email protected] 12 15 Chairman: Noel Atkinson 01829 770808 Treasurer: Jack Raine Secretary: Carol Weaver JULY 1st Prize Bingo Barbour Institute 7.00pm At the meeting on Thursday 1st WILL be the Summer Party. 200 Club Draw June members were entertained There will be afternoon tea and, a 3rd Parish Council Meeting Barbour Institute 7.30pm by John Hughes “The Singing first for the club, we will have a Farmer”. John told stories about visit from the Senior Amateur 6th TOFs Meeting Barbour Institute 2.00pm his life farming near Welshpool Theatre. 11th Tattenhall Singers Concert Barbour Institute 7.30pm and sang some good old sing-a- th Thursday 17 August is the 14th PARISH NEWS DEADLINE long songs. annual Summer coach trip to On Thursday 15th June a coach of Llandudno. This is always 19th WI Meeting Barbour Institute 7.30pm members and friends took a trip popular so get out your buckets 20th U3A Meeting Barbour Institute 2.00pm though Glossop to Holmfirth – and spades and please book your “Last of the Summer Wine” seats early. 23rd Tattenhall Tennis Court Flacca From Opening 10.00am Country. The day ended with a Finally, by popular demand, the visit to Huddersfield and was Thursday 7th September meeting enjoyed by all who travelled. sees the return of local singer, The meeting on Thursday6th July Nathan Turner. will NOT be the Summer Party as It’s a busy old Summer but we’ve originally advertised, but there always got time for new friends will be a speaker or entertainer. so come along and be a TOF TOFs’ birthday and AGM takes place on Thursday 3rd August and British Heart Foundation “Heartstart” Training 2017

The Heartstart programme includes: assessing an unconscious patient, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), dealing with choking, dealing with serious bleeding, helping someone who may be having a heart attack. The next sessions are from 2-5.00pm on: 3 June; 14 October 2017 Come and join us for the next meeting of West Cheshire Rural U3A Defibrillator Training 2017 th on Thursday 20 July Tattenhall Community First Responders have funded wholly or in part the provision of a number at the of defibrillators in the locality, and everyone should know how to use them. Barbour Institute in Tattenhall. The next sessions are on Saturdays, 2-4.30pm on the following dates: June Corner will introduce us to a range 26 August; 2 December 2017

of curios in her delivery of The training is being delivered by “Curiosity Corner”. Tattenhall Community First Responders at The Studio, Worley Court, Bolesworth Road, Tattenhall, CH3 9HW To book a place, phone either: Refreshments will be available from 2.00pm. Jill Raine on 01829 771895 or Rob Selby on 01829 770586 For further information on membership and forthcoming events please Cost: This training is provided free of charge - however donations to Tattenhall Community First contact either Hilary Scarratt 01829 770516 [email protected] or Responders are gratefully received. visit our website [email protected] 14 13