Walk Circular walks 11 This walk covers a variety of terrain including heathland, chalk quarries and downland as well as grassland with Walk: approx. 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours the opportunity to see a variety of flowers and wildlife.

lifestyles Whipsnade Planting began in 1930 by Edmund Kell Blyth assisted and hazel with displays The village of Whipsnade was not named in the by Albert Bransom as a memorial to three friends who of bluebells and wood Domesday Survey and was possibly an amalgamation of had perished during the First World War. anemones in the spring. lands recorded in 1086 from and and possibly , indeed during the 12th Whipsnade Green Downs Century much of the parish was still wilderness. A settler This is part of a network of 213 Commons found The downland landscape is very distinctive with rolling named Wibba cleared a piece of the woodland giving throughout the and the Chilterns Area hills, steep escarpments, fine views and areas of open the parish the 13th Century name of ‘Wibba’s Snaed’. of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and is much grassland and scrub. valued locally as an area of open access land with a The church of St Mary Magdalen at Whipsnade was first strong local community interest in its use. The chalk was formed at the bottom of a shallow, mentioned in 1228, the tower, built from bricks possibly warm sea approximately 70 million years ago by the obtained from the dell in the field behind the church, Typical of many of the Chilterns Commons the Green accumulation of the remains of microscopic plants and dates from 1590 whilst the nave is more recent dating has undergone changes, particularly since the end of animals on the seabed. When sea levels fell and became from 1719, the pulpit inside is 17th Century. the Second World War and the decline in traditional hay dry land, erosion sculpted the dry valleys and rounded making and grazing has resulted in an increase in scrub hills that we see today. Tree Cathedral and rougher grasses. The Tree Cathedral is a tranquil place for worship and Chalk grassland is a very rare habitat that was meditation and is designed to match the ground plan The meadows are a most attractive part of the traditionally managed by large flocks of sheep; this kept of a medieval cathedral. It is not consecrated, but Green and the habitat gives the Green its distinct the downs open and alive with wild flowers and insects. occasionally hosts services, and is permanently open to ‘commonland’ character. the public without charge. Owned by the National Trust Gradually sheep grazing declined, and after World War it is managed and funded by the Trustees of Whipsnade Whipsnade Heath ll ceased altogether; this meant that the Downs became Tree Cathedral. Whipsnade Heath was once an area of open heath but overgrown and scrub began to invade threatening since the decline of sheep grazing, trees and scrub the grassland communities, and resulted in the The plantings are laid out to form a nave, transepts, have colonised much of the site. The Heath offers an disappearance of some grasses and flowers. Fortunately, and chancel for public worship, chapels for private interesting mosaic of grassland, scrub and woodland, again sheep are grazing part of the Downs and prayer and remembrance, cloisters for meditation, and mainly consists of dense scrub areas with a volunteers help to keep the grassland open, allowing and a cloister garden for relaxation with a dew pond mixture of hawthorn, elder and blackthorn. The more a varied mix of grassland and scrub to benefit as many at its centre. open woodland areas include oak, wild cherry, beech species as possible. Walk Circular walks 11 Whipsnade Walk: approx. 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours

Healthy walking Ordnance Survey maps Why not get out and get healthy? There is no better The route is covered on Ordnance Survey Explorer map way to start than by taking a walk. Just 30 minutes 182 available from local bookshops and some petrol 1 a day can improve health and well-being, reduce the stations. risk of heart disease, help to prevent diabetes, improve 2

muscle strength even reduce anxiety and depression. Did you enjoy the walk? 8 So make today the day you start to enjoy This is one of a series of circular walk leaflets produced 4 and enjoy good health. For information on healthy by Council. If you wish to 5 walking log on to www.walkingforhealth.org.uk request a leaflet, give us some feedback or report any 3 problems encountered, please contact us on 0300 Planning your walk 6 300 8085 or e-mail us on recreational.routes@ 7 The car park at is the suggested centralbedfordshire.gov.uk starting point and the route is described in an anti- clockwise direction. However, you can begin at any Tips for enjoying your walk point and walk in either direction. 9 Parts of the walk can become muddy especially Crown Copyright. 10 All rights reserved. after heavy rain, so strong waterproof footwear is Central Bedfordshire Council. 11 Licence No 100049029 (2013) Refreshments, parking and toilets recommended. Take care where conditions are rough The Chilterns Gateway Centre at Dunstable Downs and do let someone know where you are going. Please has adequate parking, toilet facilites and refreshments be aware that much of the walk is unsuitable for Walk available throughout the year during the opening wheelchairs and difficult for pushchairs. 1 Sandy and Everton 7 Rushmere and Stockgrove 2 8 times displayed. ­There is also limited parking (approx 3 - Shillington 9 Totternhoe 7 spaces) at Whipsnade Heath car park. Other walks 4 - 10 Dunstable Downs 5 Ampthill - Millbrook 11 Whipsnade To discover more walks in Central Bedfordshire visit 6 Woburn - Greensand Ridge walk Public transport www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/countryside or For information contact Traveline 0871 200 22 33. www.letsgo.org.uk The closest train station is at , on the Bedford to Or why not explore the Greensand Ridge by following St. Pancras Thameslink Line contact Traveline or www. the fabulous Greensand Ridge Walk, a walk that passes @BedsCountryside­­­ thameslink.co.uk through many of the area’s most valuable landscapes and historic towns www.centralbedfordshire.gov. CBCountryside­­­ uk/greensand­­­­ Central Bedfordhire’s Travel Choices has Walk From the Chilterns Gateway 8 Continue through woodland, Circular walks supported the printing of this leaflet. 1 Travel Choices is a Sustainable Travel Centre walk down past the follow the footpath straight on and Transport project for Dunstable, Windcatcher and turn left on to the to kissing gate and cross into 11 and . bridleway. pasture, cross field to roadside Whipsnade For further information, please visit www.cbtravelchoices.co.uk opposite Greenend Farm. Walk: 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours 2 Continue along the bridleway, through the gate into a grazing 9 Cross the road and follow the meadow with a line of beach trees footpath to the right of Old then a woodland on your left. Greenend Farm which leads down This route can be walked in onto Codlings Bank. Walk Central Bedfordhire’s Travel Choicconjunctiones has with FrCiromcular the Chilt Walkerns 10 Gateway Continue3 Leave thr theough gr woodland,azing area through supported the printing of this leaflet. 1 8 Circular walks – Dunstable DownsCentr toe walkcreat downe a past the followthe the gat footpathe and immediatstraight onely turn In the valley bottom turn left Travel ChoicNes is a Sustainable Travel 10 Robertson and Transport project for Dunstable,longerCentral Bedfroutordhire.e’Windcatchers Travel Choices andhas turn left on to the to kissingleft andgate c andontiune cross along into the through kissing gate and walk Walk Corner 1 From the Chilterns Gateway 8 Continue through woodland, Circular walks Leighton Buzzard and Houghton Rsupporegis.Centrtedal Bedfthe printingordhire’ sof Tr avelthis leaflet.Choices has bridleway following the sunken lane. diagonally uphill across pasture to go 11 Walk 14 bridleway. 1CentrFrome walk thepastur Chiltdowne, ernscr pastoss Gat fieldtheeway to roadside8followContinue the f ootpaththrough strwoodland,aight on Whipsnade For further information, please visitTravel Choices is a Sustainable Travel Circular walks supported the printing of this leaflet. through kissing gate by telegraph www.cbtravelchoices.co.uk and Transport project for Dunstable, WindcatcherCentre oppositandwalk turn downe GrlefDir eenendpastt onectly theto theafFarm.ter the to house,kissingfollow turngat thee and footpath cross intstroaight on Walk: 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours Travel Choices is a SustainableContinue Travel along the bridleway, 4 pole and continue straight on and Leightandon Tr ansporBuzzartd pr andoject2 Hought for Dunstable,on Regis. Windcatcher and turnlef leftt thr onough to the the gapto kissing in the gate and cross into 11 Chilterns bridleway. pasture, cross field to roadside Whipsnade For further information, thrpleaseough visit the gate into a grazing Cross the road and follow the through kissing gate in chain link Leighton Buzzard and Houghton Regis. 9 11 Gateway www.cbtravelchoices.co.uk bridleway. fence, follow the footpathoppositpastur alongee, Gr creenendoss the field F toarm. roadside Whipsnade For further information, please visit Centre meadow with a line of beach treesContinue alongfootpath the bridleway to the right, of Old fence. Walk: 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours www.cbtravelchoices.co.uk 2 side of the house boundaryopposit toe Gra eenend Farm. Walk: 4.5 miles/7.2kmStart point Time: 2.51 hours then a woodland on your left. ContinueGreenend along theFarm bridleway which leads, down This route can be walked in 2through the gatkissinge into gat a gre,azing walk through9 Cr theoss fieldthe road and followEnter the tree plantation and follow through the gate into a grazing Cross the road and11 follow the meadow withont a lineo withCodlings of beach fencing Bank. trees on the right9f ootpathto the next to the rightpath of Old left downhill past brick Dunstable conjunction with Circular Walk 10 3 Leave the grazing area through thenmeadow a woodland with a onlinegat your eof that beach lef t.leads trees into theGreenend meadowfootpath Farm to which thebuilt right leads shed of down Old to join track by the Downs – Dunstable Downs toThis creat route a e can be walked in the gate and immediately turn 10 In the valley bottom turn left then a woodlandar onound your the lef t.Tree CathedrontGroeenendal Codlings Farm Bank. whichquarry leads’s downchain link fence. Robertson N longer route. conjunctionThis route withcan be Cir walkculared Wlef inalkt and 10 contiune along the Leave the grthrazingough ar eakissing through gate and walk Corner 11 3 onto Codlings Bank. Downs conjunction12 with Circularbridleway Walk 10 following the sunken lane.Leave diagonallythe grazing PLEAuphill area SEthracr ToughossAKE pastur TIMEe toTO go Follow the track with the fence 14 House – Dunstable Downs to create a 3the gate and immediat5 ely turn 10 In the valley bott12om turn left N – Dunstable Downs to create a the gatthre andough immediat kissingEXPL OREelygat turne THEby telegr TREEaphIn the valley bottomline turn on lef yourt right to the corner, Robertson longer route. Directly after the house,lef tturn and contiune along the 10through kissing gate and walk N C CornerRobertson longer route. odlings4 Bank bridlewayleft and fcollowingontiunepole andCA alongtheTHEDRAL continue sunk theen strlane.Bearaight slightly diagonallyon and thrrightough uphill with kissing acrossbear gat pasture right ande walk offto gothe track onto the 14 Corner 13 left through the gap in the Chilterns bridleway followingthroughthe kissingthe Tree sunk Cathedr gatene lane. inal chain onthr diagonallyyour linkough lef kissingt, uphill gat acregently byoss t pasturelegr risingaphe to headland. go Follow the Gateway 14 fence, follow the footpath along the 4 Directly fafenctere.c theontinue house, and turn walk on thrthroughough kissing the gatlefe byt handtelegr fieldaph edge in the direction Centre side of the house boundary to a Directly after the house, turn pole and continue straight on and Slough Wood 4left through theTree gap Cathedr in theal car parkpole and continue strofaight a mixed on and tree plantation with tall Start point 1 Chilterns left through the gap in the through kissing gate in chain link 2 GatewayChilterns kissing gate, walk through ftheenc fielde, follow the footpathEnter tree along plantation the and follow aerial on skyline. 11 Cross the road withfencthr oughe.care andkissing gate in chain link CentrGate eway with fencing on the right toside thefenc of nexte, the follow house the pathboundary footpath6 left downhill toalong a the past brick DunstableStart point Centre follow the road towarfence.ds Follow the headland path with 1 gate that leads into the meadowside of the builthouse shed boundary to join to tr acka by the Enter tree plantation13 and follow Downs Start point 1 kissing gate, walk Kthrensworough theth, pastfield the chur11 ch, downhill the copse on your left and turn around the Tree Cathedral kissing gate,quarry walk ’sthr chainough link the f fieldence. 11 Enter tree plantation and follow with fencing on theand right past to thethe Oldnext Hunterspath Lodge left downhilllef pastt int obrick copse at the way mark post. Dunstable 11 with fencing on the right to the next path left downhill past brick WalkWalk Dunstable Downs 12 Central Bedfordhire’s Travelgat Choice thates has leads intopublic the meadow house,From the to Chiltthe ernsbuiltWhipsnade Gatshedeway to join trackFollow byContinue the the path thr oughto the woodland, roadside and CircularDowns walks PLEAsupporSEted T AKEthe printing TIME of TO thisgat leaflet.e that leads intFollowo the1 themeadow track with thebuilt fenc shede to join track8 by the Circular walks House 5 12 quarry’s chain link fence. Downs Isle of Wight Travel Choices is a Sustainablearound Travel the Tree Cathedrlineroundabout. onal yourCentr righte walk to down the c ornerpast the, turnf ollowright theto join footpath Isle of str Wightaight onLane Farm EXPL10ORE THE TREE around the Tree Cathedral quarry’s chain link fence. Downs C 11 and Transport project for Dunstable, Windcatcher and turn left on to the toand kissing continue gate toand junction cross int witho B4541 12odlings Bank 11 CATHEDRAL Bear slightly right withPLEASEbear TAKE right TIME offCr TOoss the the track road ont witho the carFollowe to the track with the fence 11 13 HouseDowns 12 Leighton Buzzard and Hought5on Regis.PLEASE TAKE7bridleway TIME TO. 12 Follow the trackpasturat withRobere, the crtsonoss fenc fieldCornere to .r oadside WhWhipsnadeipsnade House the TreeFor Cathedr further infalormation, on your please left, 5visit gently rising headland. Follow12 the EXPLORE THE TREEWhipsnade Heath carline park. on your right to the corner, 11 Homefield www.cbtravelchoices.co.uk opposite Greenend Farm. C EXPLORE THE TREE line on your right to the corner, Walk: 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours Allcroft Farm odlings Bank continue and walk on throughCATHEDRAL the lefBeart hand Fslightlyollow field Continue theright edge tarmac with in alongthe path dirbear theection and rightbridleway then off the, track ontCrosso the the road with care and Walk: approx. 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours C 2 14 Chute 13 Wood odlings Bank CATHEDRAL Bear slightly right with bear right off the track onto the Slough Wood 13 Tree Cathedral car park the Tree Cathedrof aal mixed fonollow your tr thrtheee lefough plantation ft,ootpath the gat strwithgentlye aightint tallo risinga on grazing headland. FollowCrturnoss left thethe toroad return and ftoollow the the Farm the Tree Cathedral on your left, gently rising headland.9 Follow the 2 aerialthr onmeadowough skyline. woodland. with a line of beach trees Chilternsfootpath Gateway to the Centre.right of Old Cross the road with carcontinuee and and walk on through the left hand field edge in the direction 6 Kensworthcontinue and walk thenon thr aough woodland the on yourleft hand left. field edgeGr ineenend the dir Fectionarm which leads down Slough Wood Tree Cathedral car Fparkollow the headland pathof a withmixed tree plantation with tall Slough Wood This route canfollow be walkthe roaded intowar ds Tree Cathedr13al car parkKe y of a mixed tree plantation with tall 2 aerial on skyline. onto Codlings Bank. 3 2 conjunctionKenswor withth, Cir pastcular the Wchuralkch, 10 downhillCross the roadthe with copse carLeave one and your the grlefazingt andaerial ar turnea on thr skyline.ough 6 Cross the road with3 care and The walk Parking – Dunstableand Downspast the Oldto cr Hunteaterse a L odge6follow thelef rtoad int ot owarcopsetheds at gat thee and way immediat mark post.Followely turn the headland10 In path the withvalley bottom turn left N follow the road towards 13 Follow the headland path with Robertson Landpark longer routpublice. house, to the WhipsnadeKensworth, pastFollow the thelefchurt pathandch, downhillctoontiune the roadside along13 the and copse on your lefthrt andough turn kissing gate and walk Corner , past the church, downhill the copse on your left and turn Isle of Wight Wood roundabout. and past the turnOld Huntrightbridlewayers to joinLodge Islefollowing of Wight lefthet Lane intsunko cenopseF lane.ootpath at thediagonally way mark uphill post. acrPublicoss pastur housee to go 14 Farm 10 9 and past the Old Hunters Lodge left into copse at the way mark post. public house,and to thecontinue Whipsnade to junction withFollow B4541 the path to thethr oughroadside kissing and gate by telegraph Cross the road with carepublic to house, to the 4WhipsnadeDirectly after theF ollowhouse, the turn path to the roadside and Isle of Wight 7 roundabout. at Robertson Corner. turn right toBridleway join Islepole of Wight and c ontinueLane strPicnicaight on ar andea Isle of Wight Old10 GreenendWhipsnade Heath car park.roundabout. left through the turngap inright the to join Isle of Wight Lane Chilterns Homefield Nature RFeserarm ve 10Farm through kissing gate in chain link Gateway Allcroft Farm fence, follow the footpathand continue along theto junction with B4541 Farm Follow the tarmacMerlin path and thenCross the14 roadCross with the car roade to with careand and continue to junctionfence. with B4541 Chute Centre Wood 7 Cross the roadside with of car thee tohouse boundaryat Rober totson aOther Corner P. aths Church Hill follow the footpathFarm straight on7Whipsnade Heathturn leftcar topark. return to theat Robertson Corner. Farm Start point 1 Homefield Whipsnade Heath car park. Farm Allcroft Homefield through woodland. Chilternskissing Gateway gat e,Centre. walk through the field 11 Enter tree plantation and follow Tree Allcroft Farm Follow the tarmac path and then 14 Cross the road with care and Chute Cathedral Wood Farm 8 Follow the tarmac pathwith andfencing then on the right14 toCross theW thenextoodlands road withpath care lef andt downhillOpen past brickspace Chute Dunstable Wood Kensworth Kensworfollowth the footpath straight on turn left to return to the Farm 5 follow the footpathgat streaight that onleads into the meadowturn left to returnbuilt to shed the to join track by the Farm 4 Chapel Key Common Downs thrthroughough woodland. woodland. ChilternsChilterns Gateway Gateway Centre. Centre. 3 Farm Kensworth around the Tree Cathedral Nationalquarry Trust’s chain link fencWildlife. e Trust Whipsnade 11 Kensworth The walk Parking 6 Downs 12 PLEASE TAKE TIME TO Follow the track with the fence House Heath KeKeyy 5 12 3 7 3 Landpark B4540 CountrysideEXPLORE THE TREE Code line on your right to the corner,

Dell C Footpath PublicThe walk house Parking odlings Bank The walk Parking Wood GCABeTHEDRAL safe – planBear slightlyahead right and with bearG Krighteep off dogs the undertrack ont closeo the Farm Whipsnade 139 LandparkLandpark thefollow Tree Cathedr any signsal on your left, gentlycontr risingol headland. Follow the Wood Bridleway GcontinueLeave gatandPicnicFootpathF eswalkootpath and aron ea prthroperoughty the as PublicPubliclefGt handConsider house house field edge other in peoplethe direction © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Central Bedfordshire Council. 1000 49029 2013 Dogs are welcome on all ourW sitoodes and rightsOld Gr ofeenend way but do keep them9 under control and away from any grazing Nature Reserve Farm Slough Wood 9 Tryouee Cathedr find themal car park ofwww a mixed.countrysidea tree plantationccess.gov with tall.uk animals as well as other visitors and please be a considerate owner; clean up if your dog leaves a mess. 2 Merlin G Protect Bridlewayplants and animals, Picnicaerial onar easkyline. Farm Old Greenend Other Paths 6 Cross ChurtheBridleway roadch with care and Picnic area Hill Nature Reserve Old Greenend and take your litter home Farm Nature Reserve FarmFarm follow the road towards Follow the headland path with Tree 13 MerlinMerlin Kensworth, past the church, downhill the copse on your left and turn Cathedral 8 Kensworth Farm Woodlands OpenOtherOther spacP Pathsathse ChurChurchch 5 Hill Hill Farm and past the Old Hunters Lodge left into copse at the way mark post. 4 Chapel FarmFarm Common TreeTree public house, to the Whipsnade Follow the path to the roadside and Farm Cathedral 8 Woodlands Open space Cathedral 8 Isle of Wight KensworKensworthth National Trust WildlifWoodlandse Trust Openturn right spac toe join Isle of Wight Lane 5 5 Whipsnade 10 roundabout. 4 6 Chapel Farm CommonCommon 4 Chapel Heath and continue to junction with B4541 FarmFarm 7 7 Cross the road with care to Wildlife Trust B4540 Countryside Code NationalNational T rustTrust Wildlifat Robere tsonTrust Corner. WhipsnadeWhipsnade Whipsnade Heath car park. Dell 6 6 Homefield G Keep dogs under close Farm Heath Allcroft Farm G Be safe – plan ahead and Follow the tarmac path and then Cross the road with care and Whipsnade 7 Heath Wood 14 Chute B45407 Countrysidecontr Codol e B4540 follow any signs Countrysidefollow Cod the efootpath straight on turn left to return to the Farm Dell Dell G Dogs are welcomeG on all our sites G Leave gates and properG GtyBe as safe – planConsider aheadthrough otherand woodland. people G KKeepeep dogs dogs under underChilterns close close Gateway Centre. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Central Bedfordshire Council. 1000 49029 2013 FarmFarm Dogs are welcome on all our sites and rights of way but do keep them under control and away from any grazing Be safe – plan ahead and WhipsnadeWhipsnade you find themKensworfollowth anywww signs.candountrysidea rightscc ofess.gov way,c.ukontrc ontrbutolol do keep them animals as well as other visitors and please be a considerate owner; clean up if your dog leaves a mess. follow any signs G Protect plants and animals,G GLeaveLeave gat gateses and andunder pr Keproperoper controlytyty as as andGG ConsiderConsider away otherfrom other people peopleany © Crown© Crcopyright.own copyright. All rights All rightsreserved. reserved. Centr alCentr Bedf3alor Bedfdshiroredshir Council.e Council. 1000 100049029 49029 2013 2013 DogsDogs are arwelce welcomeome on onall ourall our sit essit andes and rights rights of ofway way but but do do keep keep them them under under contr control oland and away away fr omfrom any any gr grazingazing and take your litter homeyouyou find find them them wwwwww.c.countrysideaountrysideaccccess.govess.gov.uk.uk animalsanimals as wellas well as otheras other visit visitorsors and and please please be bea c aonsider considerateat owner;e owner; clean clean up up if yourif your dog dog leaves leaves a mess.a mess. grazing animals as wellThe as walkother Parking G GPrPrototectect plants plants and and animals, animals, Landpark visitors. Please be a considerate andand tak take eyour your litt litterer home home Wood Footpath Public house 9 owner; clean up if your dog leaves a mess. Old Greenend Bridleway Picnic area Nature Reserve Farm Merlin Hill Farm Other Paths Church Farm Tree Cathedral 8 Kensworth Woodlands Open space 5 4 Chapel Common Farm National Trust Wildlife Trust Whipsnade 6 Heath 7 B4540 Countryside Code Dell G Keep dogs under close Farm G Be safe – plan ahead and Whipsnade follow any signs control G Consider other people © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Central Bedfordshire Council. 1000 49029 2013 Dogs are welcome on all our sites and rights of way but do keep them under control and away from any grazing G Leave gates and property as you find them www.countrysideaccess.gov.uk animals as well as other visitors and please be a considerate owner; clean up if your dog leaves a mess. G Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home Walk Circular walks Countryside code 11 ● Be safe – plan ahead and follow any signs ● Keep dogs under close control Whipsnade ● Leave gates and property as you find them ● Consider other people. Walk: approx. 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours ● Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home www.countrysideaccess.gov.uk

1 From the Chilterns Gateway Centre walk 6 Cross the road with care and follow the 11 Enter tree plantation and follow path left down past the Windcatcher and turn left on road towards Kensworth, past the church, downhill past brick built shed to join track to the bridleway. downhill and past the Old Hunters Lodge by the quarry’s chain link fence. public house, to the Whipsnade roundabout. 2 Continue along the bridleway, through the 12 Follow the track with the fence line on your gate into a grazing meadow with a line of 7 Cross the road with care to Whipsnade right to the corner, bear right off the track beach trees then a woodland on your left. Heath car park. Follow the tarmac path onto the gently rising headland. Follow the and then follow the footpath straight on left hand field edge in the direction of a 3 Leave the grazing area through the gate through woodland. mixed tree plantation with tall aerial on skyline. and immediately turn left and contiune along the bridleway following the sunken lane. 8 Continue through woodland, follow the 13 Follow the headland path with the copse on footpath straight on to kissing gate and your left and turn left into copse at the way 4 Directly after the house, turn left through cross into pasture, cross field to roadside mark post. Follow the path to the roadside the gap in the fence, follow the footpath opposite Greenend Farm. and turn right to join Isle of Wight Lane along the side of the house boundary to and continue to junction with B4541 at a kissing gate, walk through the field with 9 Cross the road and follow the footpath to Robertson Corner. fencing on the right to the next gate that the right of Old Greenend Farm which leads leads into the meadow around the Tree down onto Codlings Bank. 14 Cross the road with care and turn left to Cathedral return to the Chilterns Gateway Centre. 10 In the valley bottom turn left through 5 PLEASE TAKE TIME TO EXPLORE THE TREE kissing gate and walk diagonally uphill CATHEDRAL Bear slightly right with the across pasture to go through kissing gate Tree Cathedral on your left, continue and by telegraph pole and continue straight walk on through the Tree Cathedral car park onand through kissing gate in chain link fence.

Central Bedfordhire’s Travel Choices has Walk From the Chilterns Gateway 8 Continue through woodland, Circular walks supported the printing of this leaflet. 1 Travel Choices is a Sustainable Travel Centre walk down past the follow the footpath straight on and Transport project for Dunstable, Windcatcher and turn left on to the to kissing gate and cross into 11 Leighton Buzzard and Houghton Regis. bridleway. pasture, cross field to roadside Whipsnade For further information, please visit www.cbtravelchoices.co.uk opposite Greenend Farm. Walk: 4.5 miles/7.2km Time: 2.5 hours 2 Continue along the bridleway, through the gate into a grazing 9 Cross the road and follow the meadow with a line of beach trees footpath to the right of Old then a woodland on your left. Greenend Farm which leads down This route can be walked in onto Codlings Bank. conjunction with Circular Walk 10 3 Leave the grazing area through – Dunstable Downs to create a the gate and immediately turn 10 In the valley bottom turn left Robertson N longer route. left and contiune along the through kissing gate and walk Corner bridleway following the sunken lane. diagonally uphill across pasture to go 14 through kissing gate by telegraph Directly after the house, turn 4 pole and continue straight on and left through the gap in the Chilterns through kissing gate in chain link Gateway fence, follow the footpath along the fence. Centre side of the house boundary to a Start point 1 kissing gate, walk through the field 11 Enter tree plantation and follow with fencing on the right to the next path left downhill past brick Dunstable gate that leads into the meadow built shed to join track by the Downs around the Tree Cathedral quarry’s chain link fence. Downs 12 11 House 5 PLEASE TAKE TIME TO 12 Follow the track with the fence EXPLORE THE TREE line on your right to the corner,

C odlings Bank CATHEDRAL Bear slightly right with bear right off the track onto the 13 the Tree Cathedral on your left, gently rising headland. Follow the continue and walk on through the left hand field edge in the direction Slough Wood Tree Cathedral car park of a mixed tree plantation with tall 2 aerial on skyline. 6 Cross the road with care and follow the road towards 13 Follow the headland path with Kensworth, past the church, downhill the copse on your left and turn and past the Old Hunters Lodge left into copse at the way mark post. public house, to the Whipsnade Follow the path to the roadside and Isle of Wight roundabout. turn right to join Isle of Wight Lane Farm 10 and continue to junction with B4541 Cross the road with care to 7 at Robertson Corner. Whipsnade Heath car park. Homefield Allcroft Farm Follow the tarmac path and then Cross the road with care and Wood 14 Chute follow the footpath straight on turn left to return to the Farm through woodland. Chilterns Gateway Centre. Kensworth Key 3 The walk Parking Landpark Wood Footpath Public house 9

Old Greenend Bridleway Picnic area Nature Reserve Farm Merlin Hill Farm Other Paths Church Farm Tree Cathedral 8 Kensworth Woodlands Open space 5 4 Chapel Common Farm National Trust Wildlife Trust Whipsnade 6 Heath 7 B4540 Countryside Code Dell G Keep dogs under close Farm G Be safe – plan ahead and Whipsnade follow any signs control G Consider other people © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Central Bedfordshire Council. 1000 49029 2013 Dogs are welcome on all our sites and rights of way but do keep them under control and away from any grazing G Leave gates and property as you find them www.countrysideaccess.gov.uk animals as well as other visitors and please be a considerate owner; clean up if your dog leaves a mess. G Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home