J Comp Physiol A (2006) 192: 373–380 DOI 10.1007/s00359-005-0075-4


T. Aran Mooney Æ Paul E. Nachtigall Michelle M. L. Yuen Temporal resolution of the Risso’s , Grampus griseus,

Received: 24 July 2005 / Revised: 29 October 2005 / Accepted: 6 November 2005 / Published online: 30 November 2005 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Toothed and (Odontocetes) Modulation rate transfer function Æ RFR: Rate are known to echolocate, producing short, broadband following response Æ SAM: Sinusoidal amplitude clicks and receiving the corresponding echoes, at ex- modulated Æ SPL: Sound pressure level tremely rapid rates. Auditory evoked potentials (AEP) and broadband click stimuli were used to determine the modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) of a neonate Introduction Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, thus estimating the dolphin’s temporal resolution, and quantifying its Odontocetes, or toothed whales and dolphins, are physiological delay to sound stimuli. The Risso’s dol- known for their exceptional auditory sensory systems. In phin followed sound stimuli up to 1,000 Hz with a sec- adapting to an aquatic life, odontocetes have evolved ond peak response at 500 Hz. A weighted MRTF unique capabilities including broadband , high reflected that the followed a broad range of rates sensitivities, rapid neurophysiological re- from 100 to 1,000 Hz, but beyond 1,250 Hz the animal’s sponses, and short temporal resolutions. It is presumed hearing response was simply an onset/offset response. that these capabilities have developed to survive in an Similar to other , the dolphin’s AEP response underwater world where sound travels five times faster to a single stimulus was a series of waves. The delay of than in air, and where light is quickly attenuated and the first wave, PI, was 2.76 ms and the duration of the often limited at depth or at night. All of the odontocetes multi-peaked response was 4.13 ms. The MRTF was tested to date have demonstrated the ability to echolo- similar in shape to other marine mammals except that cate. the response delay was among the fastest measured. Toothed whales have demonstrated the ability to Results predicted that the Risso’s dolphin should have make at least two types of sounds, echolocation clicks the ability to follow clicks and echoes while foraging at and burst pulses. Marine echolocation clicks close range. typically consist of short, broadband pulses of sound, as short as 40 ls (Au 1993) and temporally spaced between Keywords Risso’s dolphin Æ Grampus griseus Æ 5 and 500 ms (Madsen et al. 2004a; Penner 1988). Modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) Æ Echoes from targets such as fish prey will return to the Auditory evoked potential (AEP) Æ Envelope following animal in a similarly rapid fashion. Field recordings response (EFR) have demonstrated that odontocetes, including sperm whales, beaked whales, and delphinids, vary the - Abbreviations ABR: Auditory brainstem response Æ location inter click interval (ICI) and decrease the ICI AEP: Auditory evoked potential Æ DAQ: when approaching prey (Johnson et al. 2004; Lammers Data acquisition Æ EEG: Electroencephalogram Æ et al. 2004; Zimmer et al. 2005). Just before prey capture, EFR: Envelope following response Æ FFT: Fast Fourier clicks are produced at their most rapid rates with min- transform Æ ICI: Inter click interval Æ MRTF: imum ICI of 5–20 ms, which is referred to as the ter- minal buzz. It is yet to be investigated whether the T. A. Mooney (&) Æ P. E. Nachtigall Æ M. M. L. Yuen auditory system of odontocetes may be able to individ- Research Program, Hawaii Institute of Marine ually follow these outgoing clicks and received echoes of Biology and Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii, this terminal buzz without the masking of either sound. 46-007 Lilipuna Rd, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA E-mail: [email protected] To do so, the auditory neurophysiological responses and Tel.: +1-808-2475063 temporal resolution of toothed whales must be fast and Fax: +1-808-2475831 highly derived. 374

Burst pulses are similar to echolocation clicks in the Popov 1995). These rates are 20–40 times that of pre- individual pulse, but are typically spaced with extremely viously measured land mammals. short ICIs of approximately 1–10 ms (Lammers et al. Recent work has explored the acoustic capabilities of 2004). These are often produced in a social context the Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, a pelagic species of (Herzing 1996). Because of the rapid click rate of burst squid-eating odontocetes whose offshore habitat often pulses, it is also uncertain whether the producing animal limits the species’ sightings and interactions with hu- follows the click, the echo or both. mans. This includes the first audiogram of this species Although there have been a number of studies of the using behavioral psychoacoustic methodology (Nachti- auditory system of cetaceans, there are only ten pub- gall et al. 1996), as well as a recent redefining of the lished audiograms (Nachtigall et al. 2000) out of 83 species’ audiogram using AEP techniques (Nachtigall species (Rice 1998). Further, the temporal resolution of et al. 2005). Further investigations have demonstrated the odontocete family has only been investigated in six the Risso’s dolphin’s echolocation capabilities and signal species (Dolphin et al. 1995; Popov and Supin 1990; characteristics (Madsen et al. 2004b; Philips et al. 2003). Supin and Popov 1995; Szymanski et al. 1998). In order The goal of this study was to measure the temporal to better comprehend the physiological abilities of resolution from the maximum rate following response odontocetes, it is necessary to measure the hearing (RFR) rate of a Risso’s dolphin using AEP measure- capabilities and temporal resolution of those uninvesti- ments. The MRTF of the Risso’s dolphin as well as the gated species. One method to measure the temporal physiological time lag of the animal’s auditory response resolution of the auditory system is to estimate the was measured. modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) using audi- tory evoked potentials (AEPs). The AEP technique is a noninvasive and rapid method to measure the hearing Methods range and temporal resolution of . It is a method that requires no training of the subject and is used also Subject and facility to assess hearing responses in human infants (Hecox and Galambos 1974). The study animal was an infant male Risso’s dolphin G. In humans, the AEP response to a single click or tone griseus that stranded off the southwest coast of Portugal pip is actually the summation of neurological responses in May 2004 and thus its exact age was unknown. from multiple sources (Kuwada et al. 2002). For this However, due to its small size and the presence of fetal reason, AEP responses consist of several waves, PI, NII, fold markings on the animal’s body, it was determined PII, NIII, PIII and NIV and are often termed an audi- to be a neonate. For assessment and care, the animal tory brainstem response (ABR). These waves are all was brought to a rehabilitation facility at ZooMarine in visible at the onset of an envelope following response Guia, Albufeira, Portugal. During the experiment, the (EFR), but if a stimulus is played at a rapid enough rate, animal measured 147 cm long, weighed 47 kg, ate well most of the waves blend together in a sinusoidal fashion. and gained weight. The study was conducted for four In dolphins, a similar blending seems to occur (Supin consecutive days in late May, 2 weeks after the strand- and Popov 1995). ing. Two weeks following the experiment, the animal Evoked potentials are used to measure hearing died of pneumonia and possibly a secondary viral capabilities by modulating the amplitude of a tone at a infection, both of which were unrelated to this work. specific rate. As the subject’s auditory system responds The animal was housed in an open-air, covered, to the tone, it may follow the envelope of the loud–soft concrete rehabilitation pool, 3 m deep and 5 m diame- modulation of the tone by a corresponding EFR. ter. The artificial sea water depth was kept at a constant Determining the amplitudes of the EFR at various level of 1.1 m and 19C (Fig. 1). Pumps and filters modulation rates provides the MRTF. A typical MRTF recycling the water in the tank were turned off 15 min is low pass in shape, and the corner frequency of that before the beginning and during the experiment to MRTF can be inferred as the temporal resolution of the reduce bubbles in the water and background noise. A subject (Supin et al. 2001). desk adjacent to the tank served as the observation and Auditory evoked potentials have been used to esti- data collection center, where the equipment was housed mate MRTFs and thus temporal resolution in several and where the experiment operators were seated. species of mammals. Human maximum MRTF re- sponses were measured at 10–50 Hz (Kuwada et al. 1986; Rees et al. 1986). Gerbils may be the fastest Experimental design and stimuli presentation measured auditory system of terrestrial mammals, with responses measured at 100–150 Hz (Dolphin and During the experiment, the animal was moved toward Mountain 1993). The highly specialized auditory system the middle of the tank and held in position by the of odontocetes has a much faster temporal resolution experimenter. The animal became relaxed in that resting with the killer at 800 Hz (Szymanski et al. 1998), position, decreasing its breathing rate and relaxing its the false at 1,000 Hz (Dolphin et al. 1995), muscles. During a sound presentation, the dolphin was and the at 1,200 Hz (Supin and stationed 0.5 m from the center of the tank, on axis of 375

through a custom built signal shaping box that could attenuate the click bursts in 1 dB steps. The outgoing stimulus from the signal shaping box was sent to the projecting and was monitored using a Techtronix TDS 1002 oscilloscope. The signal was played through an ITC-1032 transducer with a reso- nance frequency of 38 kHz. The amplitudes of the stimuli were calibrated before data collection by placing a calibrated hydrophone, a Biomon 8261, near the dolphin’s head while the dolphin was in the cor- rect position. The received peak-to-peak level (V) of the click stimuli were measured with the calibrated hydrophone. This Vp–p was converted to peak- equivalent rms voltage (peRMS) by subtracting 9 dB. Fig. 1 Experimental setup shown in a cross-section of the research The peRMS was taken as the RMS voltage and used to tank. The subject was stationed by the researcher 1 m from the calculate the SPL by referring to the hydrophone transducer so that melon and lower jaw were below the surface of sensitivity. These values were taken as the received level the water. Water depth was 1.1 m and diameter of tank was 5 m. of the click. The animal was always stationed in the same position, the blowhole directly under the hanging weight. A rope was strung across the tank, from which the transducer and stationing marker were hung. Sides of the tank were lined with sound baffling cushions (not AEP recording and measurement pictured) The animal’s ABR was recorded using two standard the diameter of the tank. The transducer used to pro- 10 mm gold EEG electrode sensors placed on the surface duce the stimuli was positioned 0.5 m from the center of of the subject’s skin, attached by two latex suction cups. the pool (which was 1 m from the subject), at a depth of Passive conductivity of the animal’s AEPs from the skin 30 cm, and also on axis to cross-section the tank. surface to the electrode was enhanced by standard The stimulus was a broadband click from 1 to human EEG gel. One suction cup was embedded with 40 kHz designed as a rectangle function that was 50 ls the recording electrode, and was placed 3–4 cm behind in duration. The rate at which the click was played the dolphin’s blowhole and off to the right, i.e., over the varied from 100 to 2,000 Hz (Table 1). This broad- animal’s brain. The second suction cup contained band nature of the stimulus ensured that the animal’s the reference electrode, and was placed on the back of presumed and the click bandwidth the animal near its dorsal fin. The animal rested at the would overlap. Clicks were digitally generated with a surface with most of its head and lower jaw underwater computer that contained a custom LabVIEW data to receive sound input through the major tissue routes to acquisition program that was created with a National the ears (Ketten 2000; Mohl et al. 1999; Norris 1968) but Instruments PCI-MIO-16E-1 DAQ card. The DAQ with the suction cups in the air. card converted the signal from digital to analog, using The received signal was then amplified 10,000· using an update rate of 200 kHz. The signal was then played an Iso-Dam Isolated Biological Amplifier. The Iso-Dam as well as a Krohn-Hite Filter Model 3103, with a Table 1 Fourier transform and peak-to-peak averages of Risso’s bandpass of 100–3,000 Hz, filtered the responses for dolphin AEP when stimuli were played at varying rates (from 100 anti-aliasing protection. The amplified and filtered re- to 2,000 Hz) sponses were transferred to an analog input of the same Click rate Fourier transformed Weighted pk–pk DAQ card in the same desktop computer. The received (Hz) AEP (lV) AEP (lV) signal was digitized at a rate of 16 kHz. In order to extract the recorded AEP from noise, the entire trial was 100 0.02 2.35 extended to about 1 min by averaging 1,000 samples of 200 0.14 2.77 300 0.69 3.01 the stimuli that were presented at a rate of 20/s. 400 2.80 4.60 The optimal stimulus amplitude that would result in a 500 3.99 5.37 suitable EFR from the animal was initially unknown for 600 3.35 4.27 this species. Therefore, the initial sound was low in 700 1.76 1.87 amplitude and was slowly increased until a clear record 800 1.21 1.37 900 2.05 2.13 was established (Fig. 2). The first stimulus was played at 1,000 2.37 2.35 77 dB re: 1 lPa sound pressure level (SPL), the second 1,250 0.15 0.54 at 91 dB, the third at 96 dB and the fourth and final 1,500 0.12 0.48 stimulus level was 101 dB, the level at which all of the 2,000 0.06 0.37 following experimental stimuli were presented. An Note the decline in the AEP between click rates of 1,000 and MRTF had not previously been determined for the 1,250 Hz Risso’s dolphin, and therefore the rate at which to first 376 present the clicks was based on prior published data of vided frequency response spectra and allowed the weight other odontocete species such as the bottlenose dolphin of the modulation-rate fundamental to be determined. and . These species follow a stimulus The amplitude of the FFT peak was calculated as the presentation rate of 1,000 Hz relatively well (Dolphin AEP response amplitude of the animal to the click et al. 1995; Supin and Popov 1995), and hence the initial stimulus at the corresponding modulation rate. A higher stimulus was presented at that rate. peak reflected a greater response to the corresponding The modulation, or click presentation, rate was then click presentation rate. varied, presenting clicks to the animal at rates from 100 Although Fourier transforming the EFR provides a to 2,000 Hz at the above the SPL (Table 1). During the rapid assessment of the animal’s response at a certain data collection, the AEP of the animal was monitored frequency, it does not weigh the number of stimulus and a 30 ms window starting at the onset of the stimulus presentations per unit time. Within a 20 ms stimulus, a presentation was recorded by the same custom Lab- 100 Hz click would be presented only twice, whereas a VIEW program mentioned above. Each window was 1,000 Hz click would be presented 20 times. Thus within successively averaged during collection and simulta- the recording, the subject may only have two AEP re- neously viewed as the data was being collected in order sponses at 100 Hz, but 20 responses at 1,000 Hz. The to ensure good data signals, and then saved for offline Fourier transform does not account for this bias, but data analysis. rather will reflect the greater energy at 1,000 Hz. To adjust for this, a weighted response amplitude was de- rived using a custom MATLAB program that would Data analysis average the peak-to-peak amplitude of the physiological responses to the click at each presentation rate. The To quantitatively determine the EFR magnitude, the 20- response amplitudes determined by both methods were ms portion of the record that contained the response then plotted against frequency of click presentation to cycles were fast Fourier transformed (FFT). This pro- determine the MRTF and estimate the temporal reso- lution of the Risso’s dolphin. Further analysis was conducted using EXCEL and MINITAB software. 101 dB The time lag of the subject’s auditory responses was measured using the multiple waves of an auditory brainstem response (ABR), a type of AEP involving a series of 5–7 ‘‘waves’’ evoked by clicks or short tone bursts of acoustic stimuli. It was possible to capture the entire ABR of a single click by using the initial response 96 dB to a low rate click. In order to measure response delay, the time at which a response reached its maximum or minimum value was conservatively determined to be the onset latency of the response peak. In order to determine response duration, the point where the response wave 91 dB started and stopped had to be defined as well. Within the 30 ms measured window, the onset of the signal was then defined as the point at which the first peak (PI) of the wave was 10% larger than the average noise level, and the offset was defined as the point when the declining slope of the last null wave (NIV) was 10% 77 dB greater than the average noise level. The duration of a single AEP response was measured as the time separa- tion from waves PI to NIV. Delay mean values were 1 µv measured from the first click in each of the thirteen stimuli presentations and adjusted for the system delay, 40 ls from the start of A/D conversion to activation of the loudspeaker, and transmission delay for 1 m (670 ls, c=1,490 m/s). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (ms) Results

Fig. 2 Click stimulus (bottom trace) and rate following responses The plotted functions of the subject’s response to stimuli recorded using four different stimulus amplitudes (101, 96, 91, and 77 dB re: 1 lPa). All AEPs are relative to 1 lV. Each stimulus was of increasing SPL are shown in Fig. 2 Stimulus intensity played for 20 ms, and AEPs were recorded during a 30 ms window, was increased from 77, 91, 96 and finally to 101 dB re: beginning at the onset of stimulus presentation 1 lPa, where the AEP was clear, level, and distinct from 377

2.5 a 77 dB 2.5 b 91 dB high-frequency cut-off. The function decline was more 2 2 gradual at the lower , declining after 300– 1.5 1.5 400 Hz. Using the weighted pk–pk results (Table 1), the 1 1 responses to lower frequency click rates were of higher 0.5 0.5 amplitude (Fig. 5). Above the lower frequencies, the v)

µ Risso’s MRTF was still the same general shape, 0 0 00.5 1 1.5 232.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 23 2.5 regardless of methodology in data analysis. When lower rate stimuli were used, the frequency 2.5 cd96 dB2.5 101 dB spectrum of the EFR revealed present in the

Amplitude ( 2 2 EFR (Fig. 6). These harmonics were multiple peaks of 1.5 1.5 the fundamental frequency and separated by amounts 1 1 equal to the fundamental frequency. For example, when 0.5 0.5 0 0 00.5 1 1.5 232.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 23 2.5 Frequency (kHz) 6

Fig. 3 Fourier spectra using a click repeated at 1.0 kHz varying the SPL. Sound intensity of the click stimuli series for each respective 5 graph is labeled on the graph. A SPL of 101 dB re: 1 lPa was determined as the amplitude of stimulus presentation level for all modulation rates when quantifying the MRTF 4 v) the background noise. The response here was a sinu- µ soidal AEP, as is typical for higher frequency modula- 3 tion rates.

A portion of each AEP was fast Fourier transformed Amplitude ( 2 and viewed in the frequency spectrum (Fig. 3). The corresponding peak at the modulation frequency was taken as the amplitude of the response. As SPL in- 1 creased, the peak at 1,000 Hz increased, thereby reflecting the same trend as the AEP. Again, at 101 dB, 0 there was a very clear peak, distinct from the back- 100 300 1000 5000 ground noise. The Risso’s dolphin MRTF using the FFT data was Frequency (Hz) low-pass in shape, similar to that of other odontocete Fig. 5 Weighted modulation rate transfer function based on the MRTFs (Fig. 4; Table 1). This animal showed obvious average of the peak-to-peak values of the Risso’s dolphin’s AEP at following of click rates up to 1,000–1,200 Hz. There was each respective response a lower frequency peak at 500 Hz and a higher fre- quency peak at 1,000 Hz. The MRTF was relatively broadband, spanning from 200 to 1,200 Hz, with a clear a 0.2 kHzb 0.4 kHz notch at 800 Hz. Beyond 1,000 Hz there was a steep, 1.2 3 1 2.5 0.8 2 0.6 1.5 0.4 1 5 0.2 0.5 v) µ 0 0 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 030.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 v)

µ 2.5 cd1.0 kHz 0.5 2.0 kHz 3 Amplitude ( 2 0.4 1.5 0.3 2 1 0.2

Amplitude ( 0.5 0.1 1 0 0 030.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 030.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 Frequency (kHz) 100 300 1000 5000 Fig. 6 Fourier spectra of records at click modulation frequencies of Frequency (Hz) 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, and 2.0 kHz. Response amplitudes are on the y-axis and in lV (note the different scales). The x-axis is in kHz. At 0.2 Fig. 4 Modulation rate transfer function based on peak values of and 0.4 kHz the peaks at higher frequencies are harmonics in the Fourier transforms of the Risso’s dolphin’s AEP. Peaks typically AEP found at lower stimuli modulation rates. An arrow points to occurred at the modulation frequency of the click presentation the fundamental response at 0.2 kHz 378 using a 400 Hz click rate, as in Fig. 6, there was a clear 1 peak at the fundamental frequency of 400 Hz, as well as 0.8 peaks at the frequencies of 800 and 1,200 Hz. 0.6 The harmonics resulted from an AEP that deviates in shape from a normal sine wave (Fig. 7). V) 0.4 µ An ABR from a single click was taken out of the 0.2 series of clicks in the animal’s rate following response 0 (RFR) (Fig. 7b). The compaction of these multiple -0.2 ABRs in the RFR resulted in the deviation from a ‘‘normal’’ sine wave response as in an EFR in Fig. 7. Response ( -0.4 Thus, harmonic components as seen in Fig. 6 were a -0.6 result. -0.8 The Risso’s response was also measured at click 010152025305 stimulus rates of 1,250, 1,500, and 2,000 Hz. At these Time (ms) rates that were greater than 1,000 Hz, the Risso’s dol- phin did not follow the sound as an EFR but rather only Fig. 8 Onset and offset response to click stimuli at a rate of as an onset and offset response to the click stimuli 2,000 Hz. Peaks at 5–6 and 25–26 ms are likely the onset and offset (Fig. 8). responses to the click stimuli The peaks of these various waves were used to mea- sure the onset response time of the Risso’s dolphin’s initial response to an auditory stimulus. Mean response PIII, and 5.17 ms for NIV (Table 2). The total duration time for the Risso’s dolphin was 2.76 ms for PI, 3.29 ms of the multi-peaked response was also measured at for NII, 3.78 ms for PII, 4.18 ms for NIII 4.56 ms for 4.13 ms.

Discussion a 3.5

2.5 The MRTF of the Risso’s dolphin presented here re- vealed a similar shape and temporal range to that of v) µ 1.5 other odontocete cetaceans. The animal’s capability to follow stimuli presented at a rate over 1,000 Hz indi- 0.5 cated that the animal has a very high temporal resolu- -0.5 tion, beyond that of most mammals and similar to other echolocating odontocetes. -1.5 The particular shape of the MRTF revealed several -2.5 peaks and notches, including the largest response peak at 500 Hz and a second, corner peak at 1,000 Hz. The 0102030 corner frequency of 1,000 Hz is important for two rea- Time (ms) sons: (1) it is the modulation frequency used for sinu- soidal amplitude modulated (SAM) waves in AEP b 3.5 audiograms for the species, and (2) it is the predicted NIV temporal resolution of the subject. For this Risso’s 2.5 dolphin, the AEP audiogram was conducted soon after the MRTF, and the corner frequency of 1,000 Hz was

v)1.5 Amplitude (

µ NII NII 0.5 Table 2 Measured response delay to click stimuli

-0.5 Wave Response delay (ms) SD Amplitude ( PI PII -1.5 PI 2.76 0.157 PIII NII 3.29 0.099 PII 3.78 0.050 -2.5 NIII 4.18 0.101 051 2 3 476 PIII 4.56 0.101 Time (ms) NIV 5.17 0.094

Fig. 7 a Rate following response of 400 Hz click stimuli. b Series of Delay mean value measured from the first click in each of the AEP waves (PI–NIV) from a single click stimuli. b is a close-up thirteen stimuli presentations, adjusted for a 710 ls system and section of the AEP highlighted in (a), and shows the physiological travel time delay. Units are ms. SD is the standard deviation from delay as well as the series of response waves the mean of the delay of each wave 379 used as the SAM rate in the presented tones (Nachtigall more than an order of magnitude greater than the Ris- et al. 2005). so’s dolphin measured here (Yost 1994). This high temporal resolution presumably evolved as Although size may be of less importance, the evolu- an adaptation to the physical consequence that sound tion of the auditory system played a key role in evoked travels about five times faster in water than in air, and as potential response latency. Cetaceans have evolved in an part of the animal’s echolocation ability. The echolo- where sound travels five times cation click of an odontocete is very short in duration, faster than in air, and evolution favored adaptation for and has been measured from a Risso’s dolphin to be short echolocation clicks, short echo delays, and rapid from 30 to 50 ls, with the inter-click interval (ICI) at a neural processing. consistent 20 ms (Madsen et al. 2004b). However, in The duration of a single AEP response, measured other odontocetes such as bottlenose dolphins or beaked from the onset of the initial wave to the offset of the last whales, the ICIs will often vary, ranging from 5 to wave in a single ABR, corresponded well with the 500 ms (Madsen et al. 2004a; Penner 1988). Presumed echolocation click patterns of odontocetes. This re- burst pulses of Hawaiian spinner dolphins (Stenella sponse duration of the Risso’s dolphin was measured to longirostris) have an ICI as low as 1.5–2 ms (Lammers be approximately 4.13 ms. With a minimum echoloca- et al. 2004). Although variations in Risso’s dolphins ICIs tion click rate of 5 ms (Madsen et al. 2004a), the animal have not been published, many odontocetes vary the may click and follow the response, as the stimulus (the inter click interval with target range and it is reasonable click) is occurring at a rate of 200 Hz, well with this to at least compare these other odontocete results with animal’s measured MRTF. However, echolocating ani- what a Risso’s dolphin is likely to be capable of using. mals are usually receiving an echo as a result of the click This Risso’s dolphin MRTF reflected that the animal’s returning from the target. Field recordings have shown auditory neurophysiology could follow sounds at a rate that foraging odontocetes in their final approach phase of at least 1,000 Hz, or on the order of one per milli- click up until they are 1 m from the target (Madsen et al. second. Based on the MRTF, the animal measured here 2004a). Therefore, the click and echo additively traveled should easily be able follow echolocation click trains a distance of 2 m, which would take 1.34 ms considering including burst pulse trains. the two-way travel time of sound in water and assuming The AEP of the Risso’s dolphin was made up of a speed of 1,490 m sÀ1. At this range, the echolocating several peaks. This was visible at the onset of the SAM animal would hear a click and then the echo 1.34 ms, or stimuli. As in other terrestrial mammals, the various 746 Hz, apart. Sounds presented at a rate of 746 Hz are peaks and valleys of the response most likely stemmed well within the 1,000 Hz, Risso’s dolphin MRTF pre- from different sources (Kuwada et al. 2002). In addition, dicted temporal resolution. Judging from the MRTF, the auditory physiological response delay of the subject the Risso’s dolphin should also be able to follow the was measured by the latency of these peaks. The re- clicks of these final foraging phase clicks if they are sponse delay of this animal was extremely rapid, be- produced at a rate consistent with the published tween 2.76 and 5.17 ms, for the various response waves Hawaiian spinner dolphin burst pulses (Lammers et al. of PI-NIV (Table 2). This time delay takes into account 2004). However, the animal may not have the ability to the 710 ls system and travel time delay. These results follow both the click and the returning echo within a compared favorably to those of a bottlenose dolphin burst pulse because here the clicks are being sent out Tursiops truncatus, for which delays were measured be- faster than 1:1 processing allows. tween 2.0 and 4.5 ms (Supin and Popov 1995). Consid- The recovery time of the animal was of certain ering our conservative method of determining a peak’s interest as well. This duration of the Risso’s dolphin’s onset, the response of the Risso’s dolphin was quite fast. single AEP response (Fig. 7) was measured at 4.13 ms. However, the response delay of the Risso’s dolphin However, the AEP consisted of a series of waves, each was shorter by several metersecond than what was pre- lasting 1–1.5 ms. Thus it seemed that the animal’s viously measured for a killer whale, Orcinus orca (Szy- auditory system may be able to recover from a single, manski et al. 1998). It has been suggested that the longer short duration pulse of sound in 1–1.5 ms, or a series delay was a result of the longer neural pathways of the of pulses stimulating the auditory systems up to larger killer whale’s auditory system. This was likely to 1,000 Hz rate, corresponding very well with the ani- be a factor in determining response lag times. However, mal’s maximum MRTF values. This result is in a comparison of the time lag of the infant Risso’s dol- accordance with the fact that AEP responses are phin in this study (weighing 76 kg), to that of adult measurements of compound neural activity (Kuwada bottlenose dolphin (upwards of 170 kg), showed that the et al. 2002). As stimuli presentation rates approach size of the animal does not necessarily indicate the speed 1,000 Hz, our measurement of the multi-wave response of the auditory response. This was especially true if blends to reflect only the most prominent waves. marine and terrestrial mammals are compared. Cat AEP However, this is likely an accurate estimation of the latencies have been measured on the order of 10–50 ms animal’s maximum auditory temporal processing be- in their delay, considerably longer than that of odont- cause EFRs fall off at rates beyond 1,000 Hz. Sounds ocetes measured (Farley and Starr 1983). Human AEP modulating at a rate beyond 1,000 Hz rate may only latency at the NI wave is approximately 60–90 ms or have an onset and offset response (Fig. 8), i.e., a re- 380 sponse to the sound stimulus turning on, and the sound Ketten DR (2000) Cetacean ears. In: Au WWL, Popper AN, Fay stimulus turning off, and the click stimulus may not be RJ (eds) Hearing by whales and dolphins. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 43–108 followed. This indicated that if the animal were to Kuwada S, Batra R, Maher VL (1986) Scalp potentials of normal produce sounds, such as echolocation clicks, at a rate and hearing-impaired subjects in response to sinusoidally less than 1,000 Hz, it could easily follow the clicks. amplitude-modulated tones. Hear Res 21:179–192 If the animal were to click at a rate higher than Kuwada S, Anderson JS, Batra R, Fitzpatrick DC, Teissier N, D’Angelo WR (2002) Sources of the scalp-recorded amplitude 1,000 Hz, which may occur in burst pulses, the animal modulated following response. J Am Acad Aud 13:188–204 may not follow individual clicks but rather the series of Lammers MO, Au WWL, Aubauer R, Nachtigall PE (2004) A clicks as a single event. Sounds produced at a temporal comparative analysis of the pulsed emissions of free-ranging rate greater than 1,000 Hz would most likely reflect a Hawaiian spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris). 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J Exp Bio 207:1811–1823 should be followed reasonably, but the echoes returning Mohl B, Au WWL, Pawloski JL, Nachtigall PE (1999) Dolphin hearing: relative sensitivity as a function of point of application may overlap and thus be masked. Thus, at least in some of a contact sound source in the jaw and head region. J Acous cases, the animal may not need to detect the individual Soc Am 105:3421–3424 echoes of the click produced. Nachtigall PE, Au WWL, Pawloski JL, Moore PWB (1996) Risso’s dolphin hearing thresholds in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. In: Kas- telein RA, Thomas JA, Nachtigall PE (eds) Sensory systems of Acknowledgements The authors are in grateful appreciation to aquatic mammals. DeSpil, The Netherlands, pp 49–55 Pedro Lavia and Elio Vicente of ZooMarine Portugal, acknowl- Nachtigall PE, Lemonds DW, Roitblat HL (2000) Psychoacoustic edging that none of the data would have been collected without studies of dolphin and whale hearing. In: Au WWL, Popper their generosity and scientific interest. Also, the authors thank AN, Fay RJ (eds) Hearing by whales and dolphins. Springer, Alexander Ya. Supin for invaluable continual advice, Darlene R. Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 330–363 Ketten for referring the task, Trevor Spradlin and Roger Gentry Nachtigall PE, Yuen MM, Mooney TA, Taylor K (2005) Hearing for advice about permits, and Whitlow Au and our colleagues at measurements from a stranded infant Risso’s dolphin, Grampus the Marine Mammal Research Program of the University of Ha- griseus. J Exp Biol 208:4181–4188 waii. Two anonymous reviewers provided valuable advice on the Norris KS (1968) The evolution of acoustic mechanisms in odon- manuscript. This study was supported by the Office of Naval Re- tocete cetaceans. In: Drake ET (ed) Evolution and environ- search grant N00014-98-1-0687, for which the authors thank Mardi ment. Yale University Press, New York, pp 297–324 Hastings and Robert Gisiner. 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