2-8 Rutland Gate
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2-8 RUTLAND GATE Transport Statement 16/02/2021 DOCUMENT CONTROL ISSUE SHEET Project & Document Details Project Name 2-8 Rutland Gate Project Number M000704 Document Title Transport Statement Document History Issue Status Reason for Issue Issued to 0.1 Draft Draft for Comment Internal 0.2 Draft Cycle & waste amendments Internal 0.3 Draft Draft for comment Internal DP9, Squire & 1.0 Final For comment Partners DP9, Squire & 2.0 Final For comment Partners DP9, Squire & 3.0 Final Submission Partners Issue Control Authorisation Issue Date Author Contributors Name Signature 0.1 14/01/2021 GP LS D Hart 0.2 15/01/2021 GP LS D Hart 0.3 01/02/2021 GP LS D Hart 1.0 01/02/2021 GP LS D Hart 2.0 09/02/2021 GP LS D Hart 3.0 16/02/2021 GP LS D Hart TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Report Structure 1 2. Planning Policy & Standards 3 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (2019) 3 2.2 London Plan (2016) 3 2.3 Publication London Plan (2020) 3 2.4 The Freight and Servicing Action Plan (2019) 4 2.5 Westminster City Council: City Plan (2016) 4 2.6 Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan (2018) 5 3. Existing Conditions 6 3.1 Accessibility 6 Public Transport Network 6 Pedestrian Network 6 Cycling Network 6 Highway Network 6 3.2 Car Parking 9 Provision 9 Existing Basement Access Ramp 9 4. Proposals 10 4.1 Introduction 10 4.2 Car Parking 10 Provision 10 Proposed Ramp Alterations 10 4.3 Cycle Parking 11 4.4 Framework Delivery and Servicing Strategy 11 4.5 Waste Strategy 11 4.6 Trip Generation 12 5. Construction Logistics 13 5.1 Introduction 13 5.2 Access 13 5.3 Operation 15 5.4 Strategies to Reduce Impacts 15 6. Travel Plan 16 7. Summary 17 Tables Table 1: Publication London Plan Cycle Parking Requirements 4 Table 2: Forecasted Waste Generation and Storage Requirements 11 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 This Transport Statement has been prepared by Momentum Transport Consultancy on behalf of Vision Perfect Global Limited. 1.1.2 The proposals consist of a refurbishment of the existing building to allow for its continued use as a single family dwelling, including repair, partial demolition and alteration to parts of the existing building façade, demolition and remodelling of the existing fourth and fifth floor levels resulting in a minor increase in height of the existing building, and minor basement excavation at level-2. The building is located at 2-8 Rutland Gate, SW7 1AY in the City of Westminster. The location is shown in Figure 1.1. 1.1.3 The property was previously utilised as a single dwelling and had previously gained planning consent for 13 residential units in 2016 (REF: 16/01278/FULL), though this is now lapsed. The existing building remains a single residential dwelling and is currently vacant. 1.1.4 For full details and scope of the application, please refer to the submitted Planning Statement prepared by DP9. 1.1.5 This report has been developed following pre-application discussions with the Waste Officer and Transport Officer at WCC on the 7th and 8th of January 2021 respectively. As a single residential dwelling, policy does not typically require a formal Transport Statement to be submitted, however, given the large size of the development this report has been developed in order to set out the effects of the proposals and provide clarity to officers. 1.2 Report Structure 1.2.1 This Statement discusses the existing conditions for accessing the property and assesses the predicted transport impacts of the Proposed Scheme. The Statement is structured as follows: • Section 2: Planning Policy and Standards • Section 3: Existing Conditions • Section 4: Proposals • Section 5: Construction Logistics • Section 6: Travel Plan • Section 7: Summary 1 Figure 1.1 RUTLAND GATE 2-8 The Serpentine SERPENTINE ROAD PROPERTY LOCATION Serpentine Gallery Property Location Kensington London Underground Gardens Hyde Park DGEWILTON PLACE KNIGHTSBRI SOUTH CARRIAGE DRIVE SEVILLE STREET CE Knightsbridge PLA KENSINGTON ROAD TON KNIGHTSBRIDGE WIL TREVOR STREET PRINCE'S GATE WILLIAM MEWS St Paul's Church St Nicholas Kent TREVOR PLACE ROAD SINGTON Preparatory House EN EXHIBITION ROAD PALACE GATE K School RUTLAND GATE RUTLAND J A LOWNDES SQUARE Y M E HYDE PARK GATE W MONTPELIER STREET PLA HARRIET WALK N CE S HYDE PARK GATE EST O STERLINGMONTPELIER STREET SQUARE R MONTPELIER WALK WILTON CRESCENT QUEEN'S GATE MEWS ENNISMORE GARDENS RUTLAND GATE TREVOR SQUARE ENNISMORE GARDENS ENNISMORE MEWS ENS S GARD INCE E PR E PRINCE CONSORT ROAD N N N N Royal I S I D SM A M S O College of O R O ENT EN RE N C UNWIN ROAD R Montpelier O H CRES KENSINGTON GATE D ENS T ANS MOTCOMB STREET Music RD P PAVILION ROAD R E GA G M A Galleries A O G R R B LOWNDES STREET QUEEN'S GATE MEWS S D HA C E E WS BROMPTON PLACE N PRIN ME S CADOGAN PLACE AYRTON ROAD NS RO WELLS WAY AD BROMPTON SQUARE BEAUFORT GARDENS QUEEN'S GATE TERRACE CHEVAL PLACE ELVASTON MEWS PRINCES GATE MEWS PETERSHAM PLACE BEAUCHAMP PLACE PRINCES GATE MEWS QUEEN'S GATE IMPERIAL COLLEGE ROAD COTTAGE PLACE HANS STREET G T STREE A L EXHIBITION ROAD PONT O R M OVINGTON U C S G ROAD E S TRON FRANKLAND ROAD S W SLOANE STREET P AM ME The YEOMAN'S ROW SQUARE T E TERSH E R Oratory LYALL STREET R MUSEUM LANE CHESHAM STREET O QUEEN'S GATE PLACE S E CADOGAN LANE A Victoria and N G CADOGAN PLACE D E E R QUEEN'S GATE GARDENS D Natural R TO Albert Museum CE A N LA G P TE History OE N R L O CADOGAN SQUARE R R LENNOX GARDENS U T A H C CADOGAN SQUARE T R Museum E CLABON MEWS E NS G DE E L GAR ALEXANDER SQUARE EL L E MW PAVILION ROAD CRO E A SOUTHWELL GARDENS N T B WALTON STREET CROMWELL ROAD OVINGTON STREETN O E R O N St Stephen's C O A X P PL M L THURLOE SQUARE EGERTON GARDENS HASKER STREET G E P A Church LO THURLOE SQUARE A C UR T R E H O STANHOPE MEWS EAST D T N FIRST STREET STANHOPE GARDENS E N R S CROMWELL ROAD O M A E CADOGAN PLACE D W EATON T STANHOPE GARDENS S CADOGAN GATE Gloucester STANHOPE MEWS WEST HALSEY STREET South MOORE STREET Road THURLOE STREET ELLIS STREET ERRACE T GLOUCESTER ROAD Kensington REE N ST G A ASHBURN PLACE O ROAD RAWLINGS STREET AD INGTON C HARR BUTE STREET PELHAM STREETP DONNE PLACE E IVES STREET COURTFIELD ROAD D L OA H R A Scale Bar N ONSLOW SQUARE M MOSSOP STREET O P DENYER STREET PT L D SLOANE AVENUE 0 200 400 M M A A LUCAN PLACE O C O R E R B M LD A O LH FU Data is available under the Open Database Licence, © OpenStreetMap contributors 2. PLANNING POLICY & STANDARDS 2.1.1 The Proposed Scheme has been designed in accordance with relevant planning policies, including the following. 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (2019) 2.1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has been produced by the Department for Communities and Local Government, published in February 2019. 2.1.2 The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies and how these are expected to be applied. The NPPF replaces almost all existing national guidance in the form of Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs) and Planning Policy Statements (PPSs), although the accompanying guides largely remain in force. 2.1.3 The NPPF requires the following to be ensured when assessing any development proposals: • “Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be, or have been taken up, given the type of development and its location; • Safe and suitable access to the property can be achieved for all users; and • Any significant impacts from the development on the transport network can be cost effectively mitigated to an acceptable degree”. 2.1.4 The NPPF requires all developments that will generate significant amounts of movement to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed. 2.2 London Plan (2016) 2.2.1 The London Plan (Mayor of London, 2016) is the strategic plan for London and sets out an integrated economic, environmental, social and transport framework for London’s development over the next 20-25 years. 2.2.2 The Mayor states that the London Plan will have a new focus on quality of life and transport provision will play a part in this by “ensuring Londoners in all parts of the city have adequate efficient transport networks and services, and the support for cycling and walking to enable them access to jobs, social and other similar opportunities while minimising any adverse impacts on the environment or quality of life” (para 1.44). 2.3 Publication London Plan (2020) 2.3.1 The Publication London Plan was formally approved by the Mayor as a new London Plan in 2020 and was sent to the Secretary of State for consideration. The Secretary of State responded to the Mayor on 29th January 2021 to confirm the Mayor can now publish the Publication London Plan with no further changes. Similar to the London Plan (2016), the document sets out the integration between housing, social, economic, cultural, environmental and transport policies to achieve what the Mayor refers to as “Good Growth” for London.