CELEBRATE COMPLETION the Council and Public Service Com-1 Diums Which Any Town Can Have Is Mission Have Both Approved Engineer • the RETURN GAME a Good Ball Team

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CELEBRATE COMPLETION the Council and Public Service Com-1 Diums Which Any Town Can Have Is Mission Have Both Approved Engineer • the RETURN GAME a Good Ball Team For tho A PAPER >Snb«tanlialDevelop-< > f f\ n> f IUHIH or uur I own I PEOPLE and Valley | THE VAN NUYS NEWS AND THE VAN NUYS CALL VOLUME III VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 NUMBER 41 LET'S HELP THE BALL TEAM MAKING PROGRESS VAN NUYS TAKES IT'S A GOOD ADVERTISER ON WATER MATTER WOMAN'S CLUB One of the best advertising me- CELEBRATE COMPLETION The council and public service com-1 diums which any town can have is mission have both approved Engineer • THE RETURN GAME a good ball team. This was clearly Miilhoiianu's plan for providing funds i MET WEDNESDAY shown this week when Manager L. G. AE lirHTIMr CVCTEM to build the necessary mains to furn- • Fancher received a letter from a iciil itqut-UUCL Uitl'cl Lo tiic Silli Fci- ; team near San Bernardino asking for w Liuiiiiiiu M The sche'me is to assess the pro- MRS> QEORGE SALISBURY TALKS DEFEATS SAN FERNANDO TEAM a game to be played here. He can ac- posed district with its proportion of i count for a request for a game from the cost of building the Franklin i f\»i uniKPHfil n iriPIMTF BY SCORE OF 14 TO 10 that territory in no other way than THOUSANDS OF AUTOMOBILISTS FROM ALL PARTS OF SOUTHERN canyon trunk line, and also its share i u" nuuacnULU O^ltllV-C that the manager of that team read of what is known as the proposed j in the Los Angeles papers an ac- CALIFORNIA WERE OUR GUESTS FOR A DAY Glendale line, which later is to be! count of a ball club having been or- built to supply the districts to the Ladies Wil| Entertain Gentleman at Visitors Take Strong Rally in the Ninth ganized here. When the club was northwest of the city. i started here a week or two ago all Program Begins With Concert and Tour of Inspection at the Johnston This will produce a combined total j Their Last Meeting to be Held Inning But Fail to Overcome the Los Angeles papers published a of ?3C3,000, and with this money Mr. ! Big^Lead of the Locals report of it, and this account was sent Organ and Piano Factory—Cars Form Parade to Owensmouth for Mulholland proposes to begin the con- ] June 29 in Masonic Hall all over this part of the state. Every- struction of the Chatsworth line, com- i one who read the sporting page heard Big Barbecue—Mardi Gras Carnival Here in Evening pleting this line and purchasing the | of Van Nuys, some of them probably Chatsworth reservoir site from the! ^ _ The San Fernando baseball team The Woman's club was very de- for the first time. proceeds from the sale of water to. lishtfully entertained on Wednesday came to Van Nuys last Saturday for The celebration at Van Nuys and had been secured for this event, and There is good material here for a Owensmouth last Saturday of the Joe Romero, the famous Spanish chef, the San Fernando Valley. i afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. C. a return game with the local team, fast team and everything possible is The plan will relieve the city from j Sutton on West Virginia street, Mrs. and met defeat by the score of 10 completion of many miles of improved was the master of ceremonies at the boing done to get the players in highways and the turning on of elec-. barbecue. Even with this great the necessity of another bond issue. I Ward Sutton assisting. A large nurn- to 14. shape for the season. It takes money The valley committee is busy now ; fc r of members and the following With the exception of the last in- trie lights on the Ventura state high- amount of beef, and with the accom- e to put a team on playing basis and way was one of the biggest events panying dishes there was hardly a securing the remaining rights-of-way guests were present: Mrs. Robert C. ning the contest was a nice exhibition the people here should encourage the scrap left when the throng had com- foi the distributing system, and as ; Miller, Mrs. Comegys, Mrs. L. Brown of the national game. The Van Nuys which the San Fernando 'Valley has players by their attendance at the witnessed in all its history. pleted its demands. The Van Nuys soon as they are ali secured the forma- i and Mrs. R. 4. Owens. team showed that they could play games. A good grand stand has been band was on hand during the festival tinn nf the San Fernando Valley Irri- j Mrg_ M'. p. Reed was welcomed into ball either in the field or at bat. Al- built on the local grounds an'" it is These two towns, one little more gallon districl and a bond issue to ; ti, i and 'the following names than three years old, the other of still and furnished entrancing music. e c UU| though there were -several -errors large enough to accommodate a good Just as darkness was beginning to build the distributing system will be |wer c proposed: Mrs. Elfee Kerch- ?.cle on onch sid*?, mo?t of tbom sized crowd. A covering will be add- shorter existence, were visited by thousands of visitors who had come bit-iti across tilt) \alley a switch \v,i3 i.^rr, :.i'.'s. c. E. CoVu, iirs. w. L. due to the condition of the diamond ed soon and those who attend the turned and the newly completed ley for their vote. Beedy and Mrs. J. S. Marlin. and not to the players. ic enjoy their hospitality and see games can do so in comfort. what wonderful achievements had lighting system along- the Ventura Mrs. Howard S. Trotter and Miss Neither side succeeded in scoring highway shown forth in all its beauty. SAN FERNANDO WILL HAVE ; Ruth Crandall were appointed to rep- during the first inning, although Van been accomplished since the opening LOCAL OBSERVATION STATION ; GRAMMAR SCHOOL EXERCISES of the tract in 1911. Some of the Together with the lights on Sher- resent the club at Ihe reciprocity Nuys put one and San Fernando two TO BE GIVEN THIS EVENING man Way they formed a ^complete ; luncheon given by the South Fasa- men on bases. In the second Frazer visitors had seen the valley when it The secretary of the San Fernando j uena Improvement Association next was but one vast field of waving circle, and compose the greatest su- went to first on four balls. The next The graduating exercise of the Van burban lighting system in the world. chamber of commerce has just re- ' Wednesday. grain, and when last Saturday they ceived a communication from Ford A. j The program of the afternoon was two struck out. Moore went down Nnys grammar school, the program traveled over the wide, magnificent The automobiles were again formed - on an error and Sutton got a hit, scor- for which was published last week, in line and the return trip was made Carpenter, weather forecaster at Los j of special interest, and importance to boulevards bordered with millions of Angeles, staling lhat the chief of the j the club as it had to do with the ing Frazer. Moore was caught at will be held in the auditorium this blooming roses and saw the beautiful along Canoga avenue, Ventura road home on a steal. San Fernando did evening at 8 o'clock. The first part and Sherman Way. Hundreds of auto- wealher bureau at Washington, D. C , | subject in which all women are natur- country homes and well kept orchards had authorized Ihe establishment of i ally and rightfully concerned, "House- not score. In the third inning Garri- of the program will be of a musical and fields they gained something of mobiles were in the procession, and son was put out at first, Kleinhen nature, and following this the grad- the magnitude of the master mind on arrival at Van Nuys the cars were a local reporting station at San Fer- i hold Science and Home Making." Mrs. fanned, and then Boatwright came uates, assisted by some of the sev- lined up along the side streets. The nando. Mr. Carpenter will go to that George Salisbury of the University of which conceived all the developments city early in the fall to look over the Winnipeg was the speaker of the af- through with a homer to left field. enth grade pupils, will present a play, which spread before the eye. Then band took its elation in the stand Davis went to first on an error and "A Day at School." No admission they realized that all the great am- which had been erected for the occa- field and make recommendations lo I ternoon, and delighted her hearers died there when Frazer went out, will be charged and all Iriends of the bitions and extensive knowledge sion, and the balance of the evening Ihe department. [ with the presentation of this subject. pitcher to first. San Fernando put school are urged to attend. which H. J. Whitley hafi gained in was spent in a Mardi Gras. There With a large acreage of citrus fruits j She gave enough of theory to exalt two men home in this inning. One number of the program was his years of work in development were several thousand people in Van around San Fernando and with the j the monotonous and commonplace in In the fourth Gibson, the first man omitted last week.' F.
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