
For tho A PAPER >Snb«tanlialDevelop-< > f f\ n> f IUHIH or uur I own I PEOPLE and Valley | THE NEWS AND THE VAN NUYS CALL


LET'S HELP THE BALL TEAM MAKING PROGRESS VAN NUYS TAKES IT'S A GOOD ADVERTISER ON WATER MATTER WOMAN'S CLUB One of the best advertising me- CELEBRATE COMPLETION The council and public service com-1 diums which any town can have is mission have both approved Engineer • THE RETURN GAME a good ball team. This was clearly Miilhoiianu's plan for providing funds i MET WEDNESDAY shown this week when Manager L. G. AE lirHTIMr CVCTEM to build the necessary mains to furn- • Fancher received a letter from a iciil itqut-UUCL Uitl'cl Lo tiic Silli Fci- ; team near San Bernardino asking for w Liuiiiiiiu M The sche'me is to assess the pro- MRS> QEORGE SALISBURY TALKS DEFEATS SAN FERNANDO TEAM a game to be played here. He can ac- posed district with its proportion of i count for a request for a game from the cost of building the Franklin i f\»i uniKPHfil n iriPIMTF BY SCORE OF 14 TO 10 that territory in no other way than THOUSANDS OF AUTOMOBILISTS FROM ALL PARTS OF SOUTHERN canyon trunk line, and also its share i u" nuuacnULU O^ltllV-C that the manager of that team read of what is known as the proposed j in the papers an ac- CALIFORNIA WERE OUR GUESTS FOR A DAY Glendale line, which later is to be! count of a ball club having been or- built to supply the districts to the Ladies Wil| Entertain Gentleman at Visitors Take Strong Rally in the Ninth ganized here. When the club was northwest of the city. i started here a week or two ago all Program Begins With Concert and Tour of Inspection at the Johnston This will produce a combined total j Their Last Meeting to be Held Inning But Fail to Overcome the Los Angeles papers published a of ?3C3,000, and with this money Mr. ! Big^Lead of the Locals report of it, and this account was sent Organ and Piano Factory—Cars Form Parade to for Mulholland proposes to begin the con- ] June 29 in Masonic Hall all over this part of the state. Every- struction of the Chatsworth line, com- i one who read the sporting page heard Big Barbecue—Mardi Gras Carnival Here in Evening pleting this line and purchasing the | of Van Nuys, some of them probably Chatsworth reservoir site from the! ^ _ The San Fernando baseball team The Woman's club was very de- for the first time. proceeds from the sale of water to. lishtfully entertained on Wednesday came to Van Nuys last Saturday for The celebration at Van Nuys and had been secured for this event, and There is good material here for a Owensmouth last Saturday of the Joe Romero, the famous Spanish chef, the . i afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. C. a return game with the local team, fast team and everything possible is The plan will relieve the city from j Sutton on West Virginia street, Mrs. and met defeat by the score of 10 completion of many miles of improved was the master of ceremonies at the boing done to get the players in highways and the turning on of elec-. barbecue. Even with this great the necessity of another bond issue. I Ward Sutton assisting. A large nurn- to 14. shape for the season. It takes money The valley committee is busy now ; fc r of members and the following With the exception of the last in- trie lights on the Ventura state high- amount of beef, and with the accom- e to put a team on playing basis and way was one of the biggest events panying dishes there was hardly a securing the remaining rights-of-way guests were present: Mrs. Robert C. ning the contest was a nice exhibition the people here should encourage the scrap left when the throng had com- foi the distributing system, and as ; Miller, Mrs. Comegys, Mrs. L. Brown of the national game. The Van Nuys which the San Fernando 'Valley has players by their attendance at the witnessed in all its history. pleted its demands. The Van Nuys soon as they are ali secured the forma- i and Mrs. R. 4. Owens. team showed that they could play games. A good grand stand has been band was on hand during the festival tinn nf the San Fernando Valley Irri- j Mrg_ M'. p. Reed was welcomed into ball either in the field or at bat. Al- built on the local grounds an'" it is These two towns, one little more gallon districl and a bond issue to ; ti, i and 'the following names than three years old, the other of still and furnished entrancing music. e c UU| though there were -several -errors large enough to accommodate a good Just as darkness was beginning to build the distributing system will be |wer c proposed: Mrs. Elfee Kerch- ?.cle on onch sid*?, mo?t of tbom sized crowd. A covering will be add- shorter existence, were visited by thousands of visitors who had come bit-iti across tilt) \alley a switch \v,i3 i.^rr, :.i'.'s. c. E. CoVu, iirs. w. L. due to the condition of the diamond ed soon and those who attend the turned and the newly completed ley for their vote. Beedy and Mrs. J. S. Marlin. and not to the players. ic enjoy their hospitality and see games can do so in comfort. what wonderful achievements had lighting system along- the Ventura Mrs. Howard S. Trotter and Miss Neither side succeeded in scoring highway shown forth in all its beauty. SAN FERNANDO WILL HAVE ; Ruth Crandall were appointed to rep- during the first inning, although Van been accomplished since the opening LOCAL OBSERVATION STATION ; GRAMMAR SCHOOL EXERCISES of the tract in 1911. Some of the Together with the lights on Sher- resent the club at Ihe reciprocity Nuys put one and San Fernando two TO BE GIVEN THIS EVENING man Way they formed a ^complete ; luncheon given by the South Fasa- men on bases. In the second Frazer visitors had seen the valley when it The secretary of the San Fernando j uena Improvement Association next was but one vast field of waving circle, and compose the greatest su- went to first on four balls. The next The graduating exercise of the Van burban lighting system in the world. chamber of commerce has just re- ' Wednesday. grain, and when last Saturday they ceived a communication from Ford A. j The program of the afternoon was two struck out. Moore went down Nnys grammar school, the program traveled over the wide, magnificent The automobiles were again formed - on an error and Sutton got a hit, scor- for which was published last week, in line and the return trip was made Carpenter, weather forecaster at Los j of special interest, and importance to boulevards bordered with millions of Angeles, staling lhat the chief of the j the club as it had to do with the ing Frazer. Moore was caught at will be held in the auditorium this blooming roses and saw the beautiful along Canoga avenue, Ventura road home on a steal. San Fernando did evening at 8 o'clock. The first part and Sherman Way. Hundreds of auto- wealher bureau at Washington, D. C , | subject in which all women are natur- country homes and well kept orchards had authorized Ihe establishment of i ally and rightfully concerned, "House- not score. In the third inning Garri- of the program will be of a musical and fields they gained something of mobiles were in the procession, and son was put out at first, Kleinhen nature, and following this the grad- the magnitude of the master mind on arrival at Van Nuys the cars were a local reporting station at San Fer- i hold Science and Home Making." Mrs. fanned, and then Boatwright came uates, assisted by some of the sev- lined up along the side streets. The nando. Mr. Carpenter will go to that George Salisbury of the University of which conceived all the developments city early in the fall to look over the Winnipeg was the speaker of the af- through with a homer to left field. enth grade pupils, will present a play, which spread before the eye. Then band took its elation in the stand Davis went to first on an error and "A Day at School." No admission they realized that all the great am- which had been erected for the occa- field and make recommendations lo I ternoon, and delighted her hearers died there when Frazer went out, will be charged and all Iriends of the bitions and extensive knowledge sion, and the balance of the evening Ihe department. [ with the presentation of this subject. pitcher to first. San Fernando put school are urged to attend. which H. J. Whitley hafi gained in was spent in a Mardi Gras. There With a large acreage of citrus fruits j She gave enough of theory to exalt two men home in this inning. One number of the program was his years of work in development were several thousand people in Van around San Fernando and with the j the monotonous and commonplace in In the fourth Gibson, the first man omitted last week.' F. J. Eddy has work had found their consummation Nuys that evening, and Sherman Way probable location of the state experi-1 the domestic routine, and gave such up, got a bit, but was caught at was a veritable Broadway. mental station near there daily tem- hints of the practical application that written a song expressly for this oc- in the project which he has fathered every woman had a treasure to car- third, Forbes went down on an error casion and It will be sung at the here in the San Fernando Valley. Many of the local people had cos- perature reports will be of interesl to tumed for the evening, and the vis- many. These reports will be published ry into her own homemaking. Mrs. and Moore got a hit. Sutton was conclusion of the entertainment. The Even before the noon hour auto- given a pass, and when Kleinhen got itors secured masks and all participat- each day in the Los Angeles and oth- Salisbury will leave soon for her name of the song is "We Love Our mobiles began to arrive for the after- northern home, but is planning to re- a two-base hit Van Nuys registered School." ed in a dance on the boulevard. Con- er city papers. noon program and evening carnival. fetti was thrown in abundance and turn to Van Xuys next year to reside. three tallies. The next two men at Af 3 o'clock the Van Nuys band as- The club members wrill look forward bat struck out. Van Nuys got two the motley crowd enjoyed itself to its sembled down town and marched to fullest extent. Staid business men with pleasure to her return. more in the fifth. Gibson got hia the factory of the Johnston Organ The next meeting of the club will base on balls, Forbes rapped out a FRUIT CROP FINDS forgot their daily cares and en- BIGGEST LINER NOW and Piano Manufacturing Company. tered with zest into the even- be the last of the season, and will be hit and when Hendricks placed one Here the vast throng had assembled the annual open meeting when the for two bases Gibson and Forbes ing's frolic. Each one danced as his READY MARKET for the short program, and for a tour fancies dictated. There was the waltz, UNDER BRITISH FLAG i gentlemen will be the guests of the crossed the plate. Nothing doing in of inspection through the factory I club. In order to have the program the sixth, but in the next the home the tango and ragging. For one night, building. The program consisted of eijeh one was care free. The dancing | desired it has been found necessary team came through for two more, selections bv the band and a song; AOn I If.tCO ArUIITAMIA Gibson getuug to nrsl on a pass ami FIT ON THIS SEASON'S CROP, "Columbia," by the pupils 01 tne van when the guests began to return to LARGEST SHIP AFLOAT. I evening the 25th to Monday evening, Forbes being hit by the pitcher. Both Nuys grammar school. After this the their homes. | June 29th. This meeting is to be scorett on a hit by Moore. Three men visitors were conducted through tile High Prices Paid by Canneries As- Some of the most prominent good Maritime Marvel Is Over 900 Feet j held in ihe Masonic hall. The house came home in the eighth .on thrpe factory and the manner of construct- roaco advocates of California and Long—Has 60,000 Horse-Power committee will be in charge. sures'Growers of Big Profit—Pres- ing the big pipe organs was ex- hits. Kleinhen got to first on four ent Year Far in Advance many supervisors from this and sur- Engines—Many New Safe- At the close of the program i balls, Boatwright on an error. Davis of Last Season plained in detail in the various de- rounding counties were present dur- ty Devices Installed pleasant social hour was spent, and and Frazer got hits, while Gibson partments. the hostesses served delicious refresh- ing the afternoon and evening and ; and Forbes both laid down their SACRAMENTO, June 9.—High Following the trip through the fac- inspected the work which has been NEW YORK, June S.—The Cunard mente. sticks. Moore got the third hit and prices being paid by canners will af- tory the automobiles were formed done on the roads in this valley. liner Aquitania, the biggest British ^ Kleinhen, Boatwright and Davis fect considerably the amount of fruit into line and a journey was made It was a big day for Van Nuys, for ship afloat, arrived here Saturday. FATHER CAMPBELL SAID scored. In thejast inning Sutton got sent East this year, is the freely ex- through the principal streets of Van Owensmouth and for the San Fernan- The Aquitania is 53,000 tons dis- MASS IN VAN NUYS SUNDAY a pass to first, Hendricks and Klein- pressed opinion of a number of promi- Nuys and the adjacent territory. The do Valley. It witnessed the comple- placement, nearly 15,000 tons more hen fanned and Boatwright got a free nent fruit men. It is pointed out that parade then returned to Sherman tion and illumination of the greatest than her sisters, Lusitania and Maurc- • On trip. Sutton stole to third and came at present the canneries are in direct Way and followed the famous boule- system of boulevards ever construct- tania of the same line , last Sunday. Feast of the Holy She is also 901 feet 0 inches long, j Trinity, Father Campbell celebrated home when the catcher allowed the competition with shippers of fruit, and vard to Owensmouth, where the bar- ed, and the dedication of the most mas ball to slip past him. Davis closed because of the direct competition with becue was to be held. extensive system of suburban light- 11G.5 inches more than the other two, i s here at 9:30 a. m., having said and 97 feet beam, 9 feet more than her ; mass in Burbank the same morning, session by flying out to catcher. In shippers of fruit, and because of the Almost a ton and a half of beef [ ing ever attempted. : the meantime San Fernando had put large returns they are able" to assure predecessors. The propelling machin- He wr<= greeted by a large class of three men home in the seventh and growers, many orchardists are selling ery, which develops approximately GO,- "first communion" candidates, who five in the ninth. to canners. With this condition ship- LADIES' AID SUPPER | SEND NEWS TO FRIENDS 000 shaft horsepower, weighs never- were previously well instructed by Forbes went into the pitcher's box pers are in hearty accord, for the re- PROVES FINE SUCCESS LIVING IN EASTERN STATES theless only 9000 tons against 993G Mrs. O Lonnell. In the last inning for Van Nuys, but sult will be the taking off the market tons for the Lusitania, showing the The ladies of the Altar society had the previously ever present surplus progress in naval construction. The i everything nicely prepared for the oc- the five scores which San Fernando The supper served by the ladies of We have on hand a good many secured in that inning were not due which acted as such a demoralizing Aquitania also burns less coa! thaneasion, the altar and sanctuary being the Lusitania. icruitifufly decorated with flowers. to his playing. The Van Nuys boys force. the Presbyterian church in the parlors copies of last week's issue of the "I believe," said the president of one Thursday evening of last week was a News. This issue contains all the There are S-l separate compart- After mass Father Campbell, ad- opened up at the close of the game ments in the Aquitania, in addition to dressing those present, expressed his and several errors were costly. of the largest fruit shipping concerns, success in every way. The menu important information concerning Van "that the high prices the canners are 41 in the double bottom. pleasure at again being with the good The box score and summary follow: served was bounteous and appetizing Nuys and the surrounding territory, There are 10 transverse bulkheads i people of Van Nuys, and congratu- Van Nuys paying will have a considerable effect upon the total shipments of deciduous and the net proceeds of the evening :md it would prove interesting reading extending in most cases'to 19 leet ] ]ated those who came from afar, Gala- ABR HPOA above the load line, with a minimum j Owensmouth and Lankershim. Kleinhen. 2b fruits from this state in 1914. It is not amounted to almost $50. At the candy to your friends who live in the East- basaS| so evident now, when prices in the in the others of 9 feet above the j Concluding, he stated that since Boatwright, ss booth some very dainty morsels were ern states. You would help advertise water line. In addition there extends January last he said mass in Van East are still high, but once the sea- on sale. Davis, p., 3b son for the southern products opens, uur town and valley if you would get on each side of the boiler rooms, a | N-,1VS every third SllndHyi and hopec] Frazer, cf Following the supper a short pro- longitudinal bulkhead IS feet from the ; you will see many farmers turning gram was given in the main room of some of these papers and mail them. to do (he same 1MltiI the atten(]ance Gibson, Ib. their products to the canners. outer skin, the intervening space form- j cou]d warrant to hai.B mass more frc. C. Forbes, 3b., p 4 3 1 1 the church. The first number was by The information is boiled down so ing coal bunkers. longitudinal bulk-1 3 10 "Choice crops of Bartlett pears are a men's chorus and the applause they '.hat it does not require a great amount uuently. Moore, c 5 1 selling at ?50 a ton, and apricots in the heads divide the machinery main com- He also added that he had been W. Sutton, rf 3 2 1 0 received showed that they had made a of reading to get the facts. There has partment into three separate rooms best districts bring up to $40—al- hit. Mrs. Gilbert, a sister-in-law of royally received by the people of Van Garrison, rf 1 0 0 0 though the ordinary prices run from never been another town or section and the condenser compartment into 1 0 Mrs. H. F. Leslie, who was visiting two sections. Xuys since his first advent among HendricKS, If 4 1 ?25 to $30, and these prices are for •vhich has developed as rapidly as them. orchard run, although the orchards are here, sang a very pretty solo and en- A novel feature in the machinery core. Miss Caroline Wright of Los Van Nuys and the San Fernando Val- for the simultaneous' closing of the Total 40 14 10 27 9 5 of the better class. This means that it MUCH PUBLICITY FOR San Fernando will be difficult to secure pears for Angeles gave a reading. Mrs. Mar'; iey. But our Eastern friends do not doors by thu captain on the- bridge i Sntton favored the audience with a vo- that the system is divided into two in- THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY AB R II PO A E shipment, and in a short time hard to realize what has been accomplished : 1 cal solo. Misses Caroline Wright and dependent units, one for the doors in • Booker, If - 55 2 obtain apricots. here. The best way to tell them is to Torris. 3b 5 2 1 "In peaches, the situation is differ- Marion Elmers, both from Los An- transverse bulkheads, the other for; All of the Los Angeles Sunday pa- Chapman, ss 5023 1 ] ent. Nobody is looking for peaches. geles, read a dialogue which was very send them a copy of last week's News. those in the longitudinal division walls, pers, of the date June 7th, devoted F. Candelot, Ib S 0 0 6 0 0 The shipper does not want them, for ably presented. The men's chorus They will be sold for five cents while Thus such doors in the latter as re- i much space to the San Fernando val- closed the program with another quire to open for stoking the boilers ley and the celebration held in the Garcia, cf. - -. 5110 1 the Georgia peach crop is of large size 'hey last. S 0 and excellent quality. The canner song. All taking part in the enter- may be independently opened or Van Nuys-Lankershim tract Saturday, Somora. c 3 tainment were called back for en- closed, while all the doo'rs in the main The Times. Examiner and Tribune all S. Porter. 2b., p 3 1 1200 1 is not in the market for them, except ;MONTAN/>N BUYS VAN NUYS 3 0000 for some special varieties, and prices cores. '. ACREAGE FOR FUTURE' HOME transverse walls are kept closed at had full reports of the later event, The ladies of the church feel very the will of the hcaptain. . and the Times devoted one full see- P. Candelot, p., 2b... -11 _ run all the way from $17.50 to $32.50. Dried peaches are bringing fair grateful to the two young people who i B. G. Lane of Burns. Mont., visited Again, in every compartment is an tion to a general resume of the im- prices." came from the city to aid in the pro- ; four years ago. electric instrument which by any un- provements that had been made over Total 39 10 7 27 9 5 gram. They gave very entertaining due rise of temperature rings a bell the entire valley during the past few Score By Innings Comparative shipments in carloads ' During his stay in this section of the show 191-1 still far ahead of 1913. al- selections and have exceptional abil- on the bridge and records the location years. Van Nuys 0 1 1 4 2 0 2 3 1—14 ity along that line. I ."late he came through the San V?.r- of the instrument affected, and thus The proposed Beverly-Van Nnys Kan Fernando ..n 0200030 n—10 though cherry shipments, now nearing i nando valley, and then formed a de- the end of the season, are being rap- indicates outbreak of fire. A multi- boulevard, which is to be built Stolon bases—Forbes. Moore, Hen- LADIES SURPRISE ONE i sire to own some land here, on which plicity of hydrants are provided, with through the Benedict canyon, was fea- dricks. Sutton (2). Chapman. Camle- idly overtaken by those of 1913, and i lie could make his fut;;ro home. In will probably be passed this week. OF THEIR ASSOCIATES immonsD pumping power, for extin- lured in the automobile sections as Int Two-base hits—Kleinhen. Hen- i ronformitr with this desire be has guishing fire. providing an important and needed The other varieties, owing largely to ^ purchased, through the Janss Invest- drioks. Home run — Boatwright. the earlier season, are still far in the Mrs. B. B. Stalloup was the recip- From tho holds there are trunks to outlet from the valley to the beaches. Double plnyp-GibPon. Hits—Off Da- ient of a very pleasant surprise Fri- ment company, a ranch south (if Vnn an instrument on tho bridge fitted . lead. The comparative figures are: Nuys along tho Ventura state high- vis in s innings, 4: off Forbes. 1 in- 1914. 1913. day of last week. She had boon at with a powerful exhaust fan. so that RUN OVER BY WAGON IN nins, 2; off Candelot. ~, innings. C; off the grammar school enjoying a lunch- way. Mr. Burns will at once get tho presence of smoke and air contin- Cherries 13!) 133% 'rees on ihe tract so that when he STOPPING RUNAWAY TEAM Porter, 4 innings. 4. Struck out — .Apricots 1C3% 47% eon with ihe domestic science clas* uously drawn from any hold is indi- By Davis. S; by Forbes. 1; by Can- in the morning and when she re- is ready to move here permanently cated. Through the same trunk a i Poaches 51^ 4 the trees will bo well along toward While attempting to stop a runav.'ay delot. G: by Porter. 7. Bases on Plums 71 'A 1S% turned to her homo at noon she foumi great volume of steam can at once 'he bearing ago. bo directed into the hold for the check- team at his home on Third and Castro, balls—Off Forbes. 1; off Candolot, 1; a company of Indies from the Metho- Fred Brock was knocked down and off Porter, •!. dist church at her home. They h:i.—Coun- good time. have completed arrangements for a CHICAGO. June 0—Judge Foell of general social which will bo held at tho superior court hold that Pitcher srabbert one of the horses and w,is ciotv 'of the Prosbyiorian church nro I ty officials returned recently from an (ieoriro Johnson must remain with the ?"'»ok by the wagon and knocked invited to he. the Kiicst.- nf Mrs. H. F. | mitomohilo mp over dm San Born.ir- LANKERSHIM WILL PLAY the borne nf Mr. r.»'l Mrs. Willi-m BALL GAME HERE SUNDAY (-ampbri!!. halt n mile oust of town, Cincinnati club in the National league. J"»'n, one. of the wheels passim; over Ifslio nt her homo on Castro avenue dino Mountains Crest road. The Su- Johnson jumped from the Nationals lns llol'>'- Although his injuries are for an nll-dav session Thursday, June pprvisors came back with their opin- Tuesday evening, .June It!, at H Mnnngor Fnnrhor of the V;in -Vr-: o'clock*. A luncheon will br served, 1 and Finned a contract with iho Kansas not considered very serious, he was is i um-i- Vill be served l.y the K'tis more than ever firmlv fixed that City Federals, although under contract uikon to the sanitarium, where he was hosle" -Hid a chai'KO of twenty-live thorn is the utmost necessity for build- baseball team iias secured a. gain* fiir which a ehnrgo nf 10 cents will lie made. All people of Van Nuys and with tho Reds. Cincinnati granted an ! attended by Dr. Patten. He will re- rents per plate will lio made. I ho ing a splendid main highway along the with Lankcrshim, which will be playis: crest of the mountains from IMnecrest on the local grour.d.i Sunday after ' ie'nity are cordially invited to at- injunction restraining the pitcher from ! main in the sanitarium a few days proceeds to go to the troa.iiirv of tho tend. playing with the oullaws. i until he ie fully recovered. society. A large attendance is urged. to Bis Bear Valley. noon at 2:30 o'clock.