Crazy Creatures Diplocaulus magnicornis Diplocaulus was a large -like Time: 300-250 million that lived between 300 and years ago 250 million years ago.

Diplocaulus was similar to many Period: living today. It could live on land and in water. It was around 1m long, The making it much larger than most Boomerang amphibians today, and had a very unusual head! Newt Your task 1: Draw Diplocaulus. It had:

A bony head shaped like a boomerang A cylindrical body A long thin tail Smooth skin Your task 2: Diplocaulus was an amphibian. How many other amphibians alive today can you name?

Creature Fact! Your task 3: Humans use objects with similar shapes to Diplocaulus' head to help them move quickly on top of water. Diplocaulus What might these be? swam using a Hint:something you might take to the very long flexible beach tail – moving a bit like an does today!

Your task 4: Diplocaulus had a very unusual head with two long horns or bony lumps at the back of it's . With little eyes and tiny nostrils this gave it a very strange face! Draw a close up here! Your task 5: What kind of things do you think Diplocaulus would have eaten?

Your task 6: We know Diplocaulus was an amphibian. Do some research to find out 4 facts about how amphibians live. Diplocaulus might have lived the same way!





Research key words: Amphibian Vertebrate CRAZYOMETER! How weird do you think this creature was?

Boring! Yeah Ok A bit weird Really weird! Woah! By Camelops - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,