Revelation Chapter 15 July 29, 2021 Scriptures Matthew 5:13-14 Hebrews 9:27 KJV 1 Cor. 3:11-15 2 Peter 3:8 Matthew 6:19-21 NASB Rev. 14:1-3 Exodus 25:16 :44 KJV Deut.31:24-26 Ezekiel 28:12-13 Rev.14:6 referenced.

Outline Revelation 15:1 ➢ Final series of Divine Judgement. ➢ our alone was found to be the only human being who was by GOD’S Law each qualified, willing, and able to redeem mankind, the Earth, & all of creation from a sinful fallen state. ➢ In the original Greek the statement is these coming Judgements will complete GOD’S wrath. ➢ The word used for completion is the very same word Jesus used upon the cross when He referenced that His work of His Purpose as our sacrificial Savior to pay our Sin debt unto our Heavenly Father was complete. Revelation 15:2 ➢ John is referencing 2 separate distinct groups of Saved peoples now Raptured before GOD’S Heavenly Throne. ➢ Hebrews 9:27 KJV makes clear that all interpretations and speculations such as reincarnation or coming back as different forms of existence are merely man made fables. ➢ Wood, hay, or stubble are human selfish motivations and ambitions. ➢ Gold does not corrode so it represents our Faith. Silver in the is our pay- as in our reward for helping others attain their goal of gold of their Faith in Jesus. ➢ Gems and costly precious stones are our works and deeds done in love in the Lord for others. Our works and deeds are evidence of our faith and reward-not for salvation.

1 ( James 2) ➢ The reward judgement of the Church known as Bema had to have happened after the Rapture while during the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation. ➢ The main wheat harvest Rapture occurs. ➢ John describes the Trib. saints as to differentiate them from the Church saints. Each now in Heaven. Revelation 15:3-4 ➢ Having the songs of and of Christ combined and sung at the same time means the Old and the New Covenants of GOD are now one. ➢ There are covenants between Adam & Eve & Jehovah Almighty, yes they too had promises from the Lord prior to Moses and the Law, after this was Abraham and His Promises, next came Moses and the Law, then came us within the Church of Christ, and next will come the combined Law & Grace Millennial Kingdom Age. Revelation 15:5 ➢ What is recorded here for us is the initiation of GOD’S Law that is finally getting ready to be dispensed upon the fallen, sinfully corrupt, rebellious-human and angelic. ➢ GOD just called court into session, Almighty Jehovah just opened His legal proceedings against those who are in rebellion against Him. ➢ First all prophecy will be fulfilled upon the living who deny Heavenly Father and His Messiah and then Justice will be dispensed upon the unsaved dead. ➢ Unsaved in Hell’s holding cell awaiting sentencing, for their verdict of guilty has already been pronounced upon them at their time of death. ➢ They were not found within GOD’S nor within the book of Christ. Revelation 15:6 ➢ 7 Angels carrying the final 7 plagues of GOD. ➢ 7 Angels specifically mentioned before. ➢ The wrath of GOD’S Law is now being carried by the 7 Angels of the Church Age. ➢ 7 Angels with Golden sashes covered with precious stones. Revelation 15:7 ➢ 7 Angels who were carrying the last 7 plagues or judgments to be placed upon the Earth; GOD’S Wrath was added to them. ➢ Church and Law ages are now combined. ➢ Different versions will call the bowls by the name of vials as a description of the vessels. ➢ It appears the unusual bowl John saw is what we would today call an urn to hold the ashes of the dead. Revelation 15:8 ➢ The smoke of the Lord is the Shekinah Glory of the presence of the Divinity of the Holy Spirit. ➢ No one could go near the Temple of GOD. ➢ It is unsafe, for death is in this place. ➢ The Jewish sabbatical festival feast calendar. ➢ 3x a year pilgrimages were required to Temple.