Wawanesa Medical Clinic June 2019 LIONESS EXPRESS
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2 Council met in a regular meeting To receive presentation by Westman on May 21, 2019 at 9:00a.m. In Communications Group; the Nesbitt Hall in Nesbitt, Mani- To support Westman Communications toba. Council members present Group marketing plan, in principle; were: Councillors, Hargreaves, McGregor, To receive written communications; McDonald, and Sowiak. Head of Council To receive written and verbal committee Dave Kreklewich presided. reports; Published by Wawanesa & Area Lioness Club The following motions were approved: To give second reading to By-Law No. To accept the agenda for the May 21, 02-2019; 10th Annual Flea Market 2019 meeting; To give third and final reading to By- The Curling Clubs of Wawanesa Curling Clubs' fundraiser! To approve the minutes of special Law No. 02-2019; would like to say a huge Thank You to Judging by the funds raised from meeting of Apr 15, 2019; To approve Bell-MTS application No. everyone who helped with Wawanesa's gate admittance, attendance was around To approve the minutes of meeting of M004766-2019; Apr 16, 2019; To approve Bell-MTS application No. 10th Annual Flea Market last weekend!! 1000 visitors this year! We have around To approve the minutes of special M004767-2019; We were thrilled with the outcome of it 100 vendors and our vendors had very meeting of May 3, 2019; To give direction to staff to obtain pric- positive feedback for us about the day. and how smoothly everything ran. To approve general accounts payable in ing for a hydrologist study and UV Disin- It was a great team that worked to- New this year was a bouncy castle spon- the amount of $162,497.33; fection System for consideration; gether to make the event happen this sored by Cargill and a special Mother’s To approve the Direct Deposit 0083 in To authorize Councillor McDonald to year! It could not have been such a suc- Day draw necklace, donated by Reesor’s the amount of $11,843.12; meet with Wawanesa Lions Club to dis- cess without the hard work put in from jewelry and won by Connie Johnson To approve Direct deposit no. 0086 in cuss updating information sign on High- all the volunteers - the set up/take down from Killarney! the amount of $11,245.50; way #2; crew and gate workers (and Glenn We're very proud of the event and To approve Direct deposit no. 0088 in To deem Pound, Pail N’ Paddle a com- McGregor who organized hoping next year's Flea Market on May the amount of $13,932.51; munity event held July 5-7, 2019; all of the setup/take down 10th to be as big a success! To approve Direct deposit no. 0089 in To authorize a fire training exercise in and gate!), canteen prep & -Amanda Ellis, Curling Clubs of the amount of $217.96; the Village of Nesbitt; To approve Direct deposit no. 0087 in To authorize CAO, Finance Officer and workers, pie makers & pie Wawanesa the amount of $4,748.75; Council members to attend the 2019 workers, 50/50 workers, To approve Utility accounts payable in AMM Western District Meeting on June rainbow auction workers the amount of $8,677.71; 6, 2019; and donors, our vendors - To receive the Statement of Revenue To authorize a member of Council to at- who take the time to come and Expenditure Report to April 30, tend the Brandon, Wawanesa and Souris exhibit their wares for the 2019; School graduation ceremonies on behalf weekend, and everyone To receive presentation by J Kelloway of the Municipality; Read the paper online paper the Read else who supported our regarding water compensation; To submit the Water and Wastewater Re- www.lionessexpressnews.wordpress.com This page sponsored by Wawanesa Mutual Insurance. To receive presentation by Regional newal Plan 2019; Planning Technologist of Manitoba In- To approve the application to construct Deadline for Next issue June 25, 2019 - 10:00 a.m. frastructure; water control works in SE23-8-19WPM; Please drop all articles and ads at Lucy’s Flowers & Gifts Send a subscription to someone - only $40 per year Continued on page 4... 4 3 ...continued from page 2 To receive the Water Treatment Facil- Build Your Own Basket! ity Improvement order from Workplace Spring is here! Safety and Health; To receive the Nesbitt Shop Improve- ment Order from Workplace Safety and Seeds are in! Health; To accept $159,919.50 quote from 204-824-2369 Acres Industries Ltd in for the fire chassis and to send a letter to the Min- From the Bedding Plants are in! Open for Coffee ister of Municipal Relations detailing A nice selection of hanging pots, the information; History Book Monday-Saturday To approve application for fibre optic geraniums, petunias, merrigolds, fillers. The founder of the installation along Hwy 2 and Road Wawanesa Mutual Hot Dogs, Hawaiian Melts. 101W; Insurance Company, Muffins, Biscuits, To amend tender with R. Smith and Alonzo Fowler Cinnamon Buns, Pie… Son with respect to Well #4 in accor- Kempton, was from Other lunch items available dance with correspondence with A. Nova Scotia. March dated May 16, 2019; with advance notice. To receive correspondence from G. Kirby; Wawanesa School invites you Congratulations Class of 2019! To amend lighting contract with MB Order your Graduation corsages early Hydro to include 120 Commercial to join us in celebrating our Street; To postpone the June regular council 2019 Graduation Ceremony WIFI Available meeting to June 25, 2019 to allow the 2 Monday, June 24, 2019 Instruction can be Printing, faxing, photocopying, posters, resumés new members to take their Oath of Of- 4:00 p.m. provided if you need help. office supplies, banners, and custom made cards fice; Wawanesa School Gym To adjourn to meet again on June 25, Representative Seniors Independent Services Office 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Nesbitt Hall; and General Business 204-824-2369 Fax: 204-824-2008 Text: 204-724-4997 See website for full video and minutes at Undergrad Awards Program 112 - 4th Street, Wawanesa, MB R0K 2G0 oakland-wawanesa.ca Thursday, June 27, 2019 Correspondence: - Read and filed. 1:00 p.m. ROLLING SPOKES AGENT The complete texts of the minutes are on Wawanesa School Gym file and can be viewed by anyone during regular office hours. Please consider this your invitation Hours: 6:30 am – 5:00 pm Sat. 7 am - 5 pm to join us as we acknowledge and For assistance after hours, please call 204-824-2369 or cell 204-724-4997 recognize the academic and athletic accom- plishments of Grades 5-11 students. [email protected] * Visa, MC & Debit 5 6 LIONESS EXPRESS Letter to the Editor Glenboro Pharmacy MLA Cliff Cullen’s article “View from the really mean for students and schools in the Items, with payment, may be dropped off at: 8 Legislature” in the March 28, 2019 paper communities of Mr Cullen’s constituency? Lucy’s Flowers & Gifts 204- 27-2841 [email protected] stated “our government is increasing in- In short, reduced provincial funding for Between 6:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Sat. vestments for health care, families and edu- school divisions year after year with no way Box 341 or [email protected] cation to their highest levels ever.” Mr to recover those losses leaves us with no op- Fax: 824-2008 For information: Cullen went on to say “Funding for kinder- tion but to make cuts in services to students. [email protected] garten to Grade 12 education has increased The Progressive Conservative government’s reduced funding in combination with the Deadline is 10:00 a.m. on the Monday – Friday by $6.6 million” and “Our Progressive last Tuesday of the month. 9:00 am-5:30pm Conservative government will continue to limit on the levy increase has resulted in the stand up for Spruce Woods constituents loss of our local school boards’ ability to as- and for all Manitobans.” sess and address local student needs – forc- Deadline for Next issue While Mr Cullen’s facts may address the ing us to contravene the Public Schools Act June 25, 2019 overall provincial picture, they definitely which states “democratic local school divi- do not speak to the reality of the school di- sions…play an important role in public edu- cation that is responsive to local needs and Please don’t delay in submitting your articles visions we represent. To imply that local and ads. The earlier the better! FREE Delivery to your school divisions have experienced funding conditions.” Rather than “standing up for increases when the facts speak otherwise is Spruce Woods constituents”, Mr Cullen’s COMPILED AT Lucy’s Flowers & Gifts home in Wawanesa! both misleading and confusing to the public Progressive Conservative government have we all serve. In a time of ongoing inflation instead willingly placed a significant burden of this government’s fiscal approach on the (MB CPI annual increases of 1.6% and Wawanesa Medical Clinic June 2019 2.4% over the last 2 years), both Prairie backs of our local students. We believe it is Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Spirit and Southwest Horizon School Divi- important to share the real truth about pro- 8:30 am to sions have experienced three successive 2% vincial education funding in Prairie Spirit 1Sun cuts in annual provincial funding. For the and Southwest Horizon School Divisions. Nurse Practitioner student working in the Clinic 4:30 pm for the month of June two years prior to that, it was a 0% funding Jan McIntyre, Chairperson, Dr. Lee increase. There is no way to interpret these Prairie Spirit School Division, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cuts as increased investments in education.