Huntingdon NewsNews andand viewsviews fromfrom youryour TownTown CouncilCouncil Issue No. 11 June 2018 Huntingdonshire History Festival 2018 | Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment Freedom Parade Also: Welcome to the new Mayor of Huntingdon June 2018 The Bridge Arts Festival THE BRIDGE Arts Festival is bringing an Extravaganza of Art to Huntingdon & Godmanchester, over the weekend 6/7 April 2019. You will see work from our twinned towns, visual and performance art, everything from paintings, sculpture, carving, photography to music, theatre, dance and art workshops, something for everyone. ALL FREE TO VIEW. HOW can you help to make this project come to reality? The Bridge Organising Committee of volunteers (from Huntingdon & Godmanchester Twinning Association and representatives of the Town Councils) is working hard to put everything in place. A variety of venues will be involved including the Town Hall and Library in Huntingdon, Queen Elizabeth Hall and Baptist Church in Godmanchester and both town squares. The backdrop to the Festival will be a ‘yarnbomb’ of sites, showcasing the skills of all you knitters and crocheters out there! We need YOU to help us make this ambitious event happen for our towns! If you are interested in participating in the yarnbomb contact us at yarnbomb@ or call/text Liz on 07972 281579. We are starting to knit now, there’s a lot to do! If you would like to find out more, perhaps on how to involve your group or to help as an individual contact us at
[email protected] or call David on 07546 528274.