ASH-TONIC Water Must Be About Blood Warm, About

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ASH-TONIC Water Must Be About Blood Warm, About V; - ; . 5- : ' / \ > ' " V.'-V •"- ••' .;.*V;';'' ' ' : — — - •-rr-r-^r: r.;"C - ' -"; rSSl :,0£ :H"i!l.§l. v-'ICfWCffl? ' - - :- -- A <- ••;• -~.;r -.••••: :-; •; s , . :. m t R r'JO'A xmm NOR WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1881. j.::*j-.'.;j KiW' hr-f: j VOL 1XIV -NUMBER 17 WHOLE NUMBER 1738. , r«gf!£^ The Modest Circus Agent. u'i tuft From the Providence Journal. soul with the -highest ambition,, sind to fill Iiif£ on'a Texas Sheep Ranch. ** NORWALK GAZETTE, Girlhood. BOLD km SILVER WATCHES. THE JLITT.LE OIil> WOMAN. n ..*.£ 3. ihany a tender heart with sympathy for him N. O. Picayune. ' TO OOMPLETELT SURPRISE THE PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Four rooms over atore-of 6. ft S blossom fore- Whose story it records." Andjp it was; for V TVift; An exquisite incompleteness In the many article? which have of late R. J PUBLIC. Rockford Quick Train Railroad 11 C. C. BETTS. ,—35 Doses A. BALLAD OF NEWPORT. by genius and energy, unaidecFby wtalth or shadowing fruit; appeared, concerning that wonderland of the 935 jcepts. A Mothers' family conductions, moreover of _ Jewish de­ Detroit Free Press. Ctae Second Oldest Paper In tUe State. Watches a Specialty. ooms TO LET.—First and Second Floors A sketch faint in its beauty, •with promise emigrant, the State of Texas, in regard to its over I. A. Meeker & Co's Drug Store. En remedy for sleepless and irritable There's a liitlp old woman lives over the way, scent, he made himself leader of the House An advertising agent for one of the great quireR at 21 Main Street. ' 11 of future worth; agricultural advantages, mineral resources, A Good Line ol Children. The Recipe of Old D«. In a gambrel-roofcd cottage unpointed and oif- Commons, Minister of Finance in the .turcus combinations has been in Detroit for a gray, A plant with some leaves unfolded, and the and natural wealth of all descriptions, the week past, and yesterday he sat down long OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. O LET.—a handsome Dwelling House with Pitcher, Free from Morphine, and most commercial oij countries, and twice Gold and Silver Plated Jewelry 10 or 12 rooms; good street, for $20 per month And where the brown grape vine is climbing • rest asleep at its root; writers have dealt with their subjects only in enough to answer a few questions. The in­ T Enquire of B. J. STURttES, ii ot Narcotic. Formula p ublished- To deck with their future sweetness the Prime Minister of one of ths mightiest of and Plated Ware.' 11 Real Estate Agent. across, a general manner. But as the sum total of terview started as follows: with each bottle. For Flatulency, A. H. BYINGTON & CO. Tbe sliinglesjgre covered with patches of • fairest thing oh the earth. \ this life 5s made up of little things, we must "flow many diamond pins will you wear assimilating the food, Sour Stomach, 8 Day Strike Clocks, from S3.50 up. 1 Day moss. Bread and Bolls. pay as strict attention, in drawing a chart, is this summer, and what will be their value ?" A. H. I^^igton, J. E. ELLS, G. N. ILLS Strike Clocks, lrom $2.25 tip A large stock of Apartments to Let. Feverishness, Worms, and Disor­ Womanhood, wifehood, motheihood—each a Spectacles and Eye Glaeses, lrom 20 cents a pair dered Bowels, Castoria has the larg­ as soliciteus to point out the shoals and sunk­ "I shall not wear any. Oufshow has made up. Watch G^scs 10 cents cach N tho Brick Houses on Leonard street. In­ By the wood fire-side, in the winter she sits possible thing, - *MISS PARLOAS METHODS. ^ » [ quire at LEONARD'S COAL OFFICE. est sale of any article dispensed by Dimly seen through the silence that lies be­ en rocks, as to make known the deep water a new departure in that matter, and nobody In a list-bottomed rocker, and sings as she Subscription $2.0(1 per year, iu advance. Druggists. , ' ' tween then and now; TEAST BREAD. and swift running currents. exccpt the man in the ticket-wagon will be Single Copies 5 Cents. Staler, aiJ Wheeler & Wilson To Let. knits Two quarts of flour, one-half cupful of ' On the prairies of Texas, the two most allowed to wear diamonds. I am just going T ... *' Something of each and all has woven a magic ART OF HOUSE. 28 West Avenue, with 8 or In a quavering voice with a tremulous croon, yeas^ nqjriy one and'one-half pints of water, remunerative pursuits' are cattle and sheep up to the express office to send my seven SEWING MACHINES. 9 largo rooms. Enquire oi And the click of her nsedle keeps time to ring. ... -i Plttf • F.A.VOLK, Linking the three together m glory on girl­ one-half si tablespoonful each of lanf and raising. Of these, the latter is the most cer­ pins, four rings and sleeve buttons home to Entered at the Post Office at Novioallc, Conn., the tune. as Second-Class Matter. >• All Goods at Priccs as Low as Lowcst.'at * hood'* brow. London Society. sugar and aalt,.: gift the flour into a bread tain, the one on which the most dependence my brother." pah, an&'^ffer taking out a cupful for use in can be placed, and is, therefore, the one to How many consolidated shows do you ad­ A.W. Austin's Jewelry Store To Rent. Her Bible she reads.slowly turning the leaves, kneading, add the other ingredients. The which a man desirous of rapidly accumu­ O. cra House Block, Ncrwalk, Conn. HE upper part ol a house on Slain Street; C or And she garners'1 bright grain from its'1 Benjamin Diraeli's Career. ' vertise ?" Advertising Kates T 8 rooms it desired, very desirable location. ASH-TONIC water must be about blood warm, about. lating a fortune should turn his attention. "Only thirteen, but we havo exactly six­ Barn room if desired. Possession can be given beautiful sheaves; immediately. Enouirc at this office. 8tf ii. Perfected Purifier of tlio System ninety-six degrees. If the flour is kept in a That portion of Texas, which represents to teen. We do not intend to do any blowing Four lines or less, 1 time 50c., 3 times $.1 00 And the tears dim her eyes a9 she lifts them Benjamin Diiraeli, who died early on TONICIncreasing the strength, obviating tht cold, toom in winter the water mustbe a trifle the emigrant the most prominent fortunes One square, one insertion 1 00 J. G. GREGORY & CO. on high ; Tuesday morning, lS>th inst., was bom Dec. this summer, but will practice the modesty Per week for continuance 50 Desirable House to Let. (ffeclsof detnlity, and restoring healthy functions." warmer than blood heat, or else the flour for sheep raising is Falls andi.adjoining dodge. We have twelve clowns, but adver —WEBSTER. In search of her treasures laid up in the sky- 21,1804. His father, Isaac Disraeli, was the One Sqvare, three months 4 00 DRUG-GKCSTS, UITABLE for one or two families roomsvery must be warmed a little. Beat with a strong counties, situated around VVach. This tisa only ten. Wo have ten elephants, but " " six months 7 00 For Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, author of "The Curiosities of Literature" and S nice and convenient, with Borough water in­ In her best Sunday gown, whether ailing or spoon. When well mixed, sprinkle a little Conclusion I arrived at after having ridden advertise only eight, and so on right " •' one year, with paper 15 00 Successors to EDWABD F. WEED, side and a never failing well of excellent soft wa­ the many forms of Liver Com­ fe other works. His mother was Maria Baseti, Two " " " " .... 25 00 ter outside; good cellar, nice grounds, pleasantly well, - « • flout-on the board, turn the dough on this, over two-thirds of Texas, and all of the through ?" situated grounds in a good neighborhood .'Con­ plaint, Impure and Impoverished a Hebrew lady of great beauty and remark­ Three ' " " " " .... 30 00 No. 38 Wall Street, Norwalk, Ct., She trots to her meeting at the sound of the .. and knead'from twenty to thirty minutes districts which could offer inducements for j"Have you the only man in Ihe world who crete and llaggMg walk to Church, Schools nnd Blood, and Functional Derange­ able accomplishments, whom his father marr Quarter of a column, one time 5 00 Post Office. Kent reaeonablcand immediate pos­ bell, Putback in the pan, hold the'JaKl in the stock men to- ma$ settlemMit.. The can turn a double somersault over sixteen " " one year 50 00 invite the attention of the public to their complete session given of W..K. NASH, 193 Main St. ments attendant upon Dfbility, and ried in 1802. While Benjamin was yet a stock of " Norwalk, June 28,1SS0. • * SO And she sits in hef pew like a wren on a '*>' tend to soften, and. rub it over the dough, country is rolling prairie with sltfrts of tim­ horses ?" " One-half column, one time 10 00 for Building up the weak', Ash- child the family withdrew from the syna­ " " ono year -60 00 Tonic is doubtless the most prompt perch. it you flon't like lard use butter. Cover so ber. "No; there is another man who can do it; Pure Medicines and Drugs, gogue with which they had be#n connected, Full column, one time 20 00 Store to Rent. and ccrtain remedy yet devised. In This little gray dame in a Puritan church. ^ as to exclude air and dust, place in a warm The houses in which the ranches ^.domi­ and although he is in state prison we didn't " " one year AJ50 00 and in 1817 be received Christian baptism 1-2 11>.
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