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xmm NOR WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1881. j.::*j-.'.;j KiW' hr-f: j VOL 1XIV -NUMBER 17 WHOLE NUMBER 1738. , r«gf!£^

The Modest Circus Agent. u'i tuft From the Providence Journal. soul with the -highest ambition,, sind to fill Iiif£ on'a Texas Sheep Ranch. ** NORWALK GAZETTE, Girlhood. BOLD km SILVER WATCHES. THE JLITT.LE OIil> WOMAN. n ..*.£ 3. ihany a tender heart with sympathy for him N. O. Picayune. ' TO OOMPLETELT SURPRISE THE PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Four rooms over atore-of 6. ft S blossom fore- Whose story it records." Andjp it was; for V TVift; An exquisite incompleteness In the many article? which have of late R. J PUBLIC. Rockford Quick Train Railroad 11 C. C. BETTS. ,—35 Doses A. BALLAD OF NEWPORT. . by genius and energy, unaidecFby wtalth or shadowing fruit; appeared, concerning that wonderland of the 935 jcepts. A Mothers' family conductions, moreover of _ Jewish de­ Detroit Free Press. Ctae Second Oldest Paper In tUe State. Watches a Specialty. ooms TO LET.—First and Second Floors A sketch faint in its beauty, •with promise emigrant, the State of Texas, in regard to its over I. A. Meeker & Co's Drug Store. En remedy for sleepless and irritable There's a liitlp old woman lives over the way, scent, he made himself leader of the House An advertising agent for one of the great quireR at 21 Main Street. ' 11 of future worth; agricultural advantages, mineral resources, A Good Line ol Children. The Recipe of Old D«. In a gambrel-roofcd cottage unpointed and oif- Commons, Minister of Finance in the .turcus combinations has been in Detroit for a gray, A plant with some leaves unfolded, and the and natural wealth of all descriptions, the week past, and yesterday he sat down long OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. O LET.—a handsome Dwelling House with Pitcher, Free from Morphine, and most commercial oij countries, and twice Gold and Silver Plated Jewelry 10 or 12 rooms; good street, for $20 per month And where the brown grape vine is climbing • rest asleep at its root; writers have dealt with their subjects only in enough to answer a few questions. The in­ T Enquire of B. J. STURttES, ii ot Narcotic. Formula p ublished- To deck with their future sweetness the Prime Minister of one of ths mightiest of and Plated Ware.' 11 Real Estate Agent. across, a general manner. But as the sum total of terview started as follows: with each bottle. For Flatulency, A. H. BYINGTON & CO. Tbe sliinglesjgre covered with patches of • fairest thing oh the earth. \ this life 5s made up of little things, we must "flow many diamond pins will you wear assimilating the food, Sour Stomach, 8 Day Strike Clocks, from S3.50 up. 1 Day moss. Bread and Bolls. pay as strict attention, in drawing a chart, is this summer, and what will be their value ?" A. H. I^^igton, J. E. ELLS, G. N. ILLS Strike Clocks, lrom $2.25 tip A large stock of Apartments to Let. Feverishness, Worms, and Disor­ Womanhood, wifehood, motheihood—each a Spectacles and Eye Glaeses, lrom 20 cents a pair dered Bowels, Castoria has the larg­ as soliciteus to point out the shoals and sunk­ "I shall not wear any. Oufshow has made up. Watch G^scs 10 cents cach N tho Brick Houses on Leonard street. In­ By the wood fire-side, in the winter she sits possible thing, - *MISS PARLOAS METHODS. ^ » [ quire at LEONARD'S COAL OFFICE. est sale of any article dispensed by Dimly seen through the silence that lies be­ en rocks, as to make known the deep water a new departure in that matter, and nobody In a list-bottomed rocker, and sings as she Subscription $2.0(1 per year, iu advance. Druggists. , ' ' tween then and now; TEAST BREAD. and swift running currents. exccpt the man in the ticket-wagon will be Single Copies 5 Cents. Staler, aiJ Wheeler & Wilson To Let. knits Two quarts of flour, one-half cupful of ' On the prairies of Texas, the two most allowed to wear diamonds. I am just going T ... *' Something of each and all has woven a magic ART OF HOUSE. 28 West Avenue, with 8 or In a quavering voice with a tremulous croon, yeas^ nqjriy one and'one-half pints of water, remunerative pursuits' are cattle and sheep up to the express office to send my seven SEWING MACHINES. 9 largo rooms. Enquire oi And the click of her nsedle keeps time to ring. ... -i Plttf • F.A.VOLK, Linking the three together m glory on girl­ one-half si tablespoonful each of lanf and raising. Of these, the latter is the most cer­ pins, four rings and sleeve buttons home to Entered at the Post Office at Novioallc, Conn., the tune. as Second-Class Matter. >• All Goods at Priccs as Low as Lowcst.'at * hood'* brow. London Society. sugar and aalt,.: gift the flour into a bread tain, the one on which the most dependence my brother." pah, an&'^ffer taking out a cupful for use in can be placed, and is, therefore, the one to How many consolidated shows do you ad­ A.W. Austin's Jewelry Store To Rent. Her Bible she reads.slowly turning the leaves, kneading, add the other ingredients. The which a man desirous of rapidly accumu­ O. cra House Block, Ncrwalk, Conn. HE upper part ol a house on Slain Street; C or And she garners'1 bright grain from its'1 Benjamin Diraeli's Career. ' vertise ?" Advertising Kates T 8 rooms it desired, very desirable location. ASH-TONIC water must be about blood warm, about. lating a fortune should turn his attention. "Only thirteen, but we havo exactly six­ Barn room if desired. Possession can be given beautiful sheaves; immediately. Enouirc at this office. 8tf ii. Perfected Purifier of tlio System ninety-six degrees. If the flour is kept in a That portion of Texas, which represents to teen. We do not intend to do any blowing Four lines or less, 1 time 50c., 3 times $.1 00 And the tears dim her eyes a9 she lifts them Benjamin Diiraeli, who died early on TONICIncreasing the strength, obviating tht cold, toom in winter the water mustbe a trifle the emigrant the most prominent fortunes One square, one insertion 1 00 J. G. GREGORY & CO. on high ; Tuesday morning, lS>th inst., was bom Dec. this summer, but will practice the modesty Per week for continuance 50 Desirable House to Let. (ffeclsof detnlity, and restoring healthy functions." warmer than blood heat, or else the flour for sheep raising is Falls andi.adjoining dodge. We have twelve clowns, but adver —WEBSTER. In search of her treasures laid up in the sky- 21,1804. His father, Isaac Disraeli, was the One Sqvare, three months 4 00 DRUG-GKCSTS, UITABLE for one or two families roomsvery must be warmed a little. Beat with a strong counties, situated around VVach. This tisa only ten. Wo have ten elephants, but " " six months 7 00 For Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, author of "The Curiosities of Literature" and S nice and convenient, with Borough water in­ In her best Sunday gown, whether ailing or spoon. When well mixed, sprinkle a little Conclusion I arrived at after having ridden advertise only eight, and so on right " •' one year, with paper 15 00 Successors to EDWABD F. WEED, side and a never failing well of excellent soft wa­ the many forms of Liver Com­ fe other works. His mother was Maria Baseti, Two " " " " .... 25 00 ter outside; good cellar, nice grounds, pleasantly well, - « • flout-on the board, turn the dough on this, over two-thirds of Texas, and all of the through ?" situated grounds in a good neighborhood .'Con­ plaint, Impure and Impoverished a Hebrew lady of great beauty and remark­ Three ' " " " " .... 30 00 No. 38 Wall Street, Norwalk, Ct., She trots to her meeting at the sound of the .. and knead'from twenty to thirty minutes districts which could offer inducements for j"Have you the only man in Ihe world who crete and llaggMg walk to Church, Schools nnd Blood, and Functional Derange­ able accomplishments, whom his father marr Quarter of a column, one time 5 00 Post Office. Kent reaeonablcand immediate pos­ bell, Putback in the pan, hold the'JaKl in the stock men to- ma$ settlemMit.. The can turn a double somersault over sixteen " " one year 50 00 invite the attention of the public to their complete session given of W..K. NASH, 193 Main St. ments attendant upon Dfbility, and ried in 1802. While Benjamin was yet a stock of " Norwalk, June 28,1SS0. • * SO And she sits in hef pew like a wren on a '*>' tend to soften, and. rub it over the dough, country is rolling prairie with sltfrts of tim­ horses ?" " One-half column, one time 10 00 for Building up the weak', Ash- child the family withdrew from the syna­ " " ono year -60 00 Tonic is doubtless the most prompt perch. it you flon't like lard use butter. Cover so ber. "No; there is another man who can do it; Pure Medicines and Drugs, gogue with which they had be#n connected, Full column, one time 20 00 Store to Rent. and ccrtain remedy yet devised. In This little gray dame in a Puritan church. ^ as to exclude air and dust, place in a warm The houses in which the ranches ^.domi­ and although he is in state prison we didn't " " one year AJ50 00 and in 1817 be received Christian baptism 1-2 11>. bottles, 75 cents; Six bottles, place, and let it rise eight or nine hours. In ciles , are usually built of logs, plastered with wan't to say we had the only one. We shall One inch constitutes a square. 1 anda full line of V - HE capacious and handsome Store lately oc, Our very old people remember, they think, 1:1 Of his boyhood and early education-little is cnpled by Messrs. Earle & Smith,on Wall St.» $4. Accredited Physicians anti the morning shape the rolls and loaves; if the thick sticky earth of which' the soil" is pra'ctic no deception and carry no humbugs." Tnear the old Norwalk Hotel, it comprises two When her hair wa3 as glossy and black as;'' known. In 1820 he entered a law office," but Special Notices 25 per cent, advance on tlie TOILET & FANCY ARTICLES. Clergymen, who may desire to test loaves, rise one hour and bake one hour for a composed. The high price of lumber, and ;"Have you the only baby elephant?" floors, 24x95, with requisite counters and shelves, a mink. soon finding he had no taste for the law b e above. suitable lor any lirst class business. Everything the Tonic, will be supplied with not moderate sized loaf. When rolls are made the distance which" it Tnusjt be carried, ne­ • "Yes sir, but we don't advertise it. We Local Notices in Heading Columns, 25 Also dealers in lain complete order. Possession given immedi­ And her cheeks red as roses, her teeth white ': gave up his place to his brother Ralph. Af­ exceeding six bottles, at one-half they are better when allowed to rise two cessitate this primitive style of architecture; Cents per line. ately. Apply to JACOB WEEKS, or this office. as pearls, - ter a brief interval of foreign travel he pub­ don't want to be mean toward other combi­ Yearly advertisers restricted |to the business the retail price, money to accom­ hours. A large loaf requires less rising than for the skirts and motts of,timber are com­ contemplated at tfie lime ot contract,but are Pure Winos& Liquors for And this little old woman the fairest Of-i lished his famous novel "," the nations." pany the order. Sold by Druggists, a small loaf or rolls, for the reason that it 1 permitted to make ni8"utlily changes ol 'their ad- / For Sale. . posed almost entirely of, what is knowif as "Have you twice as much capital invested 'rertUements. Medicinal Purposes. girls. • chief characters in which were faithful pic­ -| Q ACRICS of Meadow, 8 acres Pasture, and and by D. B. Dewey & Co., 46 Dey ; will rise some when placed in the oven,while "post oak." This wood, though too short, as an other traveling show ?" Marriages and Deaths inserted gratuitously. 2 tures of himself and of persons well known -L€f acres Woodland.near South Wilton Church. St., N. Y. - She had a dear lover, alack and a dayi (he -smaller quantity of ' dough -will soon and knotty to be sawed into lumber, affords "Yes, sir; but we don't say so on the bills. Obituary or Funeral Notices 15 cents per line. Careful attention paid to the dispensing ol phy­ 4tl4 Apply lnS. H. SMITH, Newtown Avenge. in society. The originality.vivacity and wit All unusual cuts and devices 25 per cent, extra* sicians' prescriptions. Zg A sailor who sailed from tbe beautiful bay;... begin to bake and fermentation will cease, excellent material for" pickets, posts, and Thfe public don't care about the capital, but of this book gave it great celebrity, and it was FOB SALE. And the summers may blush and the winters, > pans in which bread is baked do not require rails, and 'its durability equals th£t of "fat want to see the animals." - translated into the principal languages of EVERAL very desirable Building Sites lor may pale, .,, muc\i growing.. Business purposes, situated on Water Street. Europe. In 1828 he published in. one vol^ pinej" and in toughness and hardness of-: "Will your-elUbt parade be a mile long?" L. N. PHINNEY, M. D., (I II. Kendall, M. 1) S 1 iAnimportaht thing in making bread is the Residence .'fnd (J lllce, No. 62 Wall Street. Bnquire of F. W. MITCHELL, Real Estate Agent But their sun never shines on his,home- -1. ume "The Voyage of Captain-Pepatiilla,^ a fibre'it compared favorably with iron wood.'? "Two of them, sir, but we don't advertise kneading. Three things are necessary to. Office Hours—0 to 9 a. m., 12 to is and 7 to 8 p.m. coming sail. ... r ,..t7t gay and good humored,' but flimsy, satire,- As soon as the log cabin is constructed, the that fact. We let people come and be agree- Slates at I. A, Meeker & Co's.Norwalk, and Still- NORWALK, CONN. FOB SALE. make the bread light: carbolic acid gas (the which met with little success.- The next year work next in hand is a corral for Sheep ; and bly surprised." son's and Plaiated's Drug Stores, So. Norwalk. Office second WO very desirable Building Lota on West At a little round table from over the sea, yeast), moisture (the milk or water) and air door west from T Main street. Apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. he began an extended tour in Italy, Greece, through this a prudent herder runs a shed for , ''Have you got an elephant which has killed She sits at the sunset and pours out her tea, 1 (the kneading). Every ! time the dough is CHARLES W.MANY, Danbnry B. 11. Albania, Syria, Egypt, and Nubia, and re­ the housing of his sheep in winter and bad seven men Depot. Dental And the delicate cup and its saucer are white ' dandled, turn the layers so as to get'plenty of weather. "Seven! Why he's laid out eight this operations in all For Sale Cheap. turned in 1831. Shortly afterward he pub­ Surgeon Dentist. branches as for­ As a floating pond-lily just kissed by the ' air into the folds. This can be done by good This shed should always range east and very winter! I think the lists foots up merly. Painless VALUABLE FARM forJtale, near the vil­ light. lished his second fashionable novel, "The extract ion of Alage of NewCanaan. Three quartersol a mile kneading. When the kneading is finished west, with the north side and dnds boarded thirty-two, but we don't advertise-it. An NOIIWAIiK, CONN. teeth by aid of from Depot, Churches and Stores, known as the liniment. Young Duke," and in the following year Miss Lucy Weed farm. Enquire of and the loaf shaped for the pan,draw a sharp up so as to exclude the piercing cold of the elephant is an elephant, and what's the use of LAtGBING WILLIAM L. WARING, or of And the ship under sail, with its flags^ the another novel, "Gontarini Fleming, a Psy Office corner of Main and WalVptrects. Nitrous- (3 AS a specialty The most Powerful, knife across the top and let the sides fall away. northers. A roof thatched with straw is S. Y. ST. JOHN. mast, . ii; etiological Autobiography." blowing about it," Oxide Gas administered. New Canaan, April G. 1831. Penetrating and Pain-relieving arid roll together under the loaf. What was N. 1?.—Dr. Kendall spends Mondays in Ridge- All laden with memories brought from the ;• At this time Disraeli made his first attempt preferable to one of' boards or planks on^ac­ "You have two or three man-eating tigers, Helft. • 42 remedy ever devised by man. It Bijst the inside of the loaf will then be the past, to enter Parliament and was defeated. In count of the warmth it gives. of course?" DENTIST. soothes Pain, it allays inflammation, top and give a nice appearance when baked. Is painted upon them as life-like and fur 1834 and 1835 he tried again and was de­ A shed of this description, 100 feet long, "Of course—seven or eight of them, and it h«als Wounds, and it cures Sugar is not -put into breadsimply toWeeten RANK T. HYATT would respectfully HE well known property of WILLIAM C. As the mirage that floats in the orient air. . feated again. In the meantime he wrote and four feet high at the eaves, and with a depth we also have -a list of the names of people call tbe attention of the public to the Tact RHEUMATISM, it,' but to assist fermentation. If wheat has Fthat he is now prepared to execute all ordors ap­ T STRtET, situated onHigh Street, in the Bor­ published several books. "The-Wondrous' of eight feet, is amply large to accommodate who have been eaten by them, but we make ough ot Norwalk,containing one acred ground Sciatica, Immbago, Scalds, His ship that he sailed in, his sweetheart to, bejen grown in a wet season and dried it will pertaining to dentistry. Having bad 13 years prac­ fronting on High and Main Streets, with commo­ Tale of Alroy," an Oriental romance of froin 2,000 to 2,500 bead of sheep, and. the no blow about it." tical experience with the late Dr. Frank Brady is I, A. MEEKER & Co. dious Dwelling House, with all the modern im­ Burns, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Swell­ wed not make as good flour as when the season a guarantee that none but the best • 1 work and provements, large Barn, and out buildings, and ings, Frost bites, Quinsey, Salt extraordinary eloquence and power.depicting rancher will find the labor expended in its VHave you a boa-constrictor forty-eight erlect satisfaction will be given. Oall and seo By others forgotten—the sunset grows red—. * has been dry* because it absorbs too much im at his residence adjoining the Methodist Par­ one-half of small house on Main Street. For fur Rheum, Itch, Sprains, Galls, and the adventures of a prince of the house of construction will be repaid him fifty per feet long?" E tber particulars enquire of BURR SMITH, Agent. But tbe little old woman just murmurs a moisture. Such flour can be improved by sonage. N orwalk, April 11th, 1881, 15tf Lameness from any cause. Suf­ David, who m the twelfth century proclaimed cent. "We have one sixty-two feet long. He's prayer, heating a panful at a time in an oven. ferers from himself the Messiah and called the Jews of The best corral fence is constructed in the the longest and largest snake ever imported, ALEX. S. GIBSON, And smiles as she knows that her lover is GEAHAM BREAD. - • For Sale. PAitf IN THE BACK, Persia to arms, appeared in 1833, accompan­ following order: Pickets of eight feet long but we give him only one line on the bills." there. • " One piiit of milk or water, one pint of Organist of tlie First Congregationalist Churchy Fever Sores, Eruptions, Broken Ij•: ied by "The Rise of Iskander," a tale found­ and ground sufficiently' deep to steady them "Have you a sacred cow of India ?" A House and about one acre flour, one pint of Graham, one-half cup of 21 Main St., Norwalk, Conn., Breasts, contracted Cords, Neu­ But a day will soon come when the lilac's ed on the revolt of the famous Scanderberg the upper end bei&g secured by a scantling., "Yes, sir, and tbe sacred ox of Sapan, and Teacher ol' aufear, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half cup of Land on Prospect Hill, ralgia, Palsy or dislocated limbs; perfume ^ against the Turks in -the 15th century; a gTbis description of fence is necessary when a sacred calf and a sacred pig, but we don't Piano-Forte, Organ and Musical May be had on reasonable tcrmB. Apply to and owners of horses, planters, me­ Through the half-open window will float political pamphlet entitled "What is He?" the corral is at a distance from -the ranch. blow over 'em. We let the public come in E. W.STUART. flour into a tleep pan and add the milk 6i Composition, YOU WILL FIND chanics, merchafits and professional through the room, r in 1834, in which he tried to explain his po­ ;0r when the wolves are about. and separate the sacred from the unsacred Norwalk, March 16th, 1881. i2tf water, beaf very thoroughly, add the yeast Lock Box 39, P. O., NORWALK,CONN. men everywhere, unite in saying, that And the house will be quiet and she at rest, ' litical views; "The Revolutionary Epic' In some portions of the country a good themselves." and let it rise over night. In the morning FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS willbuy CENTAUK LINIMENT With a" single white rose on her motionless ^ and "The Crisis Examined" inttie same year- i protection is made by laying on the-grouhd^ "Will you have two circus rings ?" Strictly Pure A a small place on the hill east of Wmnipauk add the salt, sugar and Graham, which beat Hurlbiitt & Kelyea, facing the Lounsbury & Bissell Factory. A brings relief when all other Lini­ breast. and "A Vindication of the English Constitu­ and covering a space of about six feet in "We shall have four, but we don't put it ohancc for a poor man to secure a home ol his in gradually, Trim the mixture into two own. Apply at the GAZETTE OFFICE. 6tf ments, Oils, Extracts and Embroca­ tion" in 1835. In 1830 he published a series width with pieces of prickly pear. These on the bills. As I told you at the start we are small bread pans which have been well but­ tions have failed. And the angels will come with their glittering . of letter to the London Timet under the pieces speedily take root, send out runners, making a new departure. We shall not ex­ Dr ugs and Medicines, wings, tered; let rise one hour in a moderate oven. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, signature of "Runnymede," which were read and in a short space of time are an impassible aggerate. We shall not even tell the plain House on West Avenue While the parson he prays, and the choir it . If you wish muffins, rise one hour and bake Room No, 4, UpStalrs, with great interest on account of their re­ barrier to man or beast. truth. No diamonds—no trumpets—no snide FOR SAIiE OK TO BENT. sings, one-half hour. If you want to use all Gra markable wit and sarcasm. Toward the A work to which a rancher should early challenges—no .humbug offers—no fields of GAZETTE BUILDING, NORWALK. At Reasonable Prices. HE house on West Avenue now occupied by felwols And bear to the home that is fairer than day ham, put the sponge to rise with Graham lend his energies is the construction of a to­ the cloth of gold. We are going to sail along T Doctor Hitchcock. For particulars enquire close of the same year he published a love of E. J. HILL, at his Lumber Yard, Water The little^ old woman from over the way. instead of flour, and use half the quantity of in a gentle, modest way and give the people .story, "Henrietta Temple'-; and in the bacco dip, as follows: Street. 8 HOME LAWN SCHOOL, yeast. REMOVAL! spring of 1837 appeared "Venetia," a novel, A pen is built, and leading from it a lane five times the worth of their money. That's Prescriptions carefully compounded. HIGH STREET, Norwalk. Snmmer Term If I Could Keep Her So. PAIJKEB HOUSE BOLLS. commences April 18th, 1881. in which he portrayed the characters and Vfith converging sides, the smaller end closed all—children half-price and no lemonade sold B. S. BLASCER,( A Splendid Residence 29 One andthree-quarterspints of newprocess by a gate which will admit of the passage of inside the tent. Has removed to Lockwood's Building, WallStrce 3tl5 MISS II.M. STEVENS, Principal. appearance of Lord Byron and Percy Bylshe flour, one-half cup yeast or one-half cake foot ol" Main, which has been refitted and furn­ FOR SAIjB. B¥ LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON. but one sheep at a time. Beyond this gate for Boys and Day Shelly. compressed yeast, one tablespoonful of sugar, ished with a choice stock ot NO COMBINATlOJSl. rilliE well known place formerly belonging to OARDING SCHOOL an inclined plane descends to a vat filled with He Stood tlie Test. JL SETH ELY, deceased, situated within three B School for both Sexes. Summer Term begins Just a little baby, lying in my arms, At last, 'in 1837, Disraeli got into Parlia­ one of butter or lard, one pint of boiled milk, minutes walk of Post Olllce, Churches- Schools, May 1th. D. S. R. LAMBERT, Principal, warm tobacco juice. The opposite side of . The other morning a young man of affable Groceries, Crockery, Glass, &c., and Railroad Depot. Said place is situated on 3tpi5 Wilton, Conn. Would that I could keep you with your baby ment. His maiden speech was a failure. blood warm. Mix the butter, salt and sugar IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC! the dip differs only in not having a gate at manners presented himself at the box office He gives his personal attention to his business Water Street near Chapel, and containsAbout one charms; When he began te speak O'Connell and his with the flour. Dravfflfcke flour to the sides of and invites public patronage. hall acre of lahfl, Iroit of all kinds in ablndance. •the top of the inclined plane. of a variety show at Petaluma,and requested FRAJiK T. HYATT, House contains fourteen rooms, with all conven­ T5-J?. FITOBE'S crowd raised such a hubbub that he could Helpless,clinging fingers; downy golden hair, the dish , and pour the milk and yeast in the A tobacco dip is used for the purpose of a press pass. iences, gas, water, and bath, in ikct all modem not be heard; but as he took his seat he center. Cover the dish without stirring, and Geo. Ward Selleck, Practical and Mechanical Dentist, improvements. Also large barn, carriage house, Where the sunshine lingers, caught from curing the sheep of what is known es scab. "You don't claim to be a journalist, do stabling, coal room, wood house, and henery. other where, said, "I have begun several things many let it stand all night. In the morning knead Office and Residence WEST AVENUE, adjoining This place commands a fine view ot Norwalfc This disease is simply a sore, which, on you ?" asked the manager, glancing suspi­ Has in his New Store, • Methodist Parsonage. tl27 Harbor, and is suitable lor any gentleman doing Blue eyes asking questions, lips that cannot times, and I have often succeeded at last. I and let it rise to a sponge; roll, cut and business in New York returning the Ban, e day,as healing, leaves a scab about the size of a sil­ ciously at the good clothes and innocent speak, will sit down now. but the time will come shape. The reason for not stirring the flour HARDENBROBK'S NEW BL08R, WALL STREET, it is within one hour and twenty minutes ol For Boys. ver dollar. On this spot and ^bout the size expression of the applicant. Grand Central Depot and two minutes ot horse Spring Term will commence April Roly-poly shoulders, dimple in your cheek; when you will hear me." In July, 1839, this with the milk is that by standing the gluten Stt cars in Norwalk. For further particulars enquire . 4th, 1881. Pupils received at any age no wool will grow for a year, md where one "Yes,I do, though; I'm on the Fleatown A complete assortment ot the best class of Ol HORACE S. ELY, ~ . over six. Young Ladies are also admitted to the Dainty little blossom in a world of woe; prediction began to be fulfilled. He then in the flour absorbs the moisture in the milk Day Department, both in the Primary and Ad­ posse'&es ttfo or three thousand bead, and Snapper." LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS OF HORWALK, IN SPEAK­ 22 Pine St. N. Y. Thus I fain would keepyou,fo'r I love you so. made a speech which was listened to with and fermentation proceeds slowly,which gives or JAMES MITCHELL, Real Estate Broker, vanced Course. Sessions arranged to accommo­ each sheep bears one or more scabs "On its "Hum! What is your department ?" GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, ING COMMUNICATION TO DATE. 7ail2 Norwalk, Conn. date papils wishing to commute on the cars. attention and praised for its ability. In thai a very nice texture to the bread. It is better growled tbe manager. "I was a newspaper Adams Bros Market Penmanship and Bookkeeping, a specialty, Rougish lit tie damsel,scarcely sis years old— body, the loss can easily be conceived. &c.,for family use, at Popular Prices. His stock Adams & Stevens Market taught by teachers ot large experi ncc. Free year he published his five-act tragedy,"Couni and healthier to use a good quantity of yeast man myself once." Farm for Sale. Hand Drawing and Painting also taught. Young Feet that never weary, hair of deeper gold; The cure is easily and simply effected by is at all times fresh and good, and will stand com­ Asch, J OB J Office Ladies and Gentlemen fitted Jor College. Alarcos," founded on an old Spanish ballad, and less heat in mixing bread. Good flour and parison with those of any Grocer in town. Call HE subscriber offers his Farm for sale, situa­ Restless, busy fingers, all the time at play, dipping the flocks jn this tobacco, being "I do the 'Answers to Correspondents,'" in and leave your orders. 2Stl' Beard, E Residence Reference: any lormer patron. Call or send lor and in the sam6 year contracted a most for­ good yeast with plenty of kneading will give Tted in the Town ol' Greeulield, -in Saratoga circular. Applications may be made to careful, however, to move their range,,as a asserted the youth. Beatty, J. P. & Bros. Office Co., In the state ot New York, nine miles from DR. J.O.lflTOH, Principal, Tongue that never ceases talking all the day; tunate marriage with the wealthy widow ot good bread. If Parker House rolls are wanted "Do, eh! Lemme see: what was the Betts, H. S Druggist Saratoga Springs. It is pleaaontlv situated on Norwalk, Conn. Blue eyes learning wonders of the world return to the lame grazing ground would W. E. QUINTARD, a rise ot gronnd. 95 acres of land, which is lavor- Windham Lewis, bis friend and colleague in for sapper mix them in the morning at 7 and Brush, F. W., M. D Office ably divided into pasture, plow, meadow and about, '' again bring the disease among the flock. fastest mile ever skated backward for money Byington, A. H. & Co.. .Gazette Office the representation of Maidstone. The h ippy knead at 12 ; between 3 and 4 they will be a wood land>; with a large house; the size of tho NOEWALK LATIN SCHOOL Have come to tell you them—what an eager But what is more to be feared than the scab in tbe United States ?" general FiroisMi Water, Clarke, E. C., M. D .Residence barn 30 bv 40, wagon house and stabling, hay loft influence of this union he has himseli sponge, and can be rolled and shaped to bake over the same, 23 by 43, and grainery 16 by 18. shout! • is the screw worm; for the former does not "That question is always signed 'Nim- OPPOSITE HORSE B. R. DEPOT. Comstock Bros Norwalk Will be sold cheap; part of the purchase money Beldeii Ave., near Wc«t Ave. acknowledged in the'graceful dedication of at 6. By using double the quantity of yeast it ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, A, M., Principal. cause death—the latter does. rod,'" said the young man promptly, "and MTOrders attended to day or night. Retidenco • Comstock Bros South Ncrwalk can remrin on mortgage il desired, or will ex­ Winsome little damsel, all the neighbors one of his novels to a "perfect wife." will do to mix them at 10 a. m. Main Street, ii doors lrom Union Avenue, Crofut & Knapp Upper Office change lor.village property. Forfurther particu­ MISS R. M. NORTHROP, LOUIS J. SEYMOUR know; Often in clipping a cut will be made in the the answer is, 'Died in Brazil, 1446.' " lars inquire of "SILAS P. TUTTLE, Assistants, In 1841 Disraeli was elected from the WHITE MOUNTAIN BOLLS. " Crofnt ifc Knapp Lower Office tl51 "Norwalk, Conn, Thus I long to keep you, for I love you so. skin, or it may be torn open by a briar or "Correct," said themanager. "When was The Boys' Department meets in the Beldcn borough of Shrewsbury, and in 1844 publish Seven cups of flour, one-fourth, cup of The Norwalk Firs Insurance Co., D. &N. R. B Freight Office splinter; in the wound, however small, a Cleopatra hung ?" Homestead, at S:30 A. M., and 1:30 P. M. It will ed ", or the New Generatiop,' white sugar, one-half cup butter, two cups Has now compleieu its' Dann, William E Stable prepare boys for College,Scientific Sehool,orBusi­ Sober little school girl, with your strap of.' blue fly, which makes its appearance during "Trim with deep ruching and bake before Farm for Sale. ness Terms 840 per year; Latin,Greek, Getmen In 1847 he was returned as a member from ooiled milk, the whites of two eggs, scant 18tli Successful Business Year. Ferris, J. H Residence FARM ot seventy acrcs, well preserved and and Higher Mathematics, S7,D9 each extra. books, the summer, deposits an* egg from which is a quick fire." And bas not outstanding a Dollar ot unpatfef losses Ferris, J. H Coal, Upper Office in a gocd state ot cultivation, situated at The Girls' Department meetsin the room lately And such grave importance in your puzzled, Buckinghamshire, and in the same year ht tablespoonful of salt, and one-half cup of Jerusalem,A so called, in the town of Hempstead, occupied by Miss Carter, at S:45 A. M. Terms $40 hatched a worm, which, after the manner, "Did Oliver Cromwell have a blue wart on or ol claims for losses. Ferris, J. H Coal, Lower Office published " in Heaven." He now yeast or one-half of a yeast cake. Melt the Long Island, N . Y. Said farm now belongs to es­ without extras. A limited number ot girls may looks; of a screw, makes its way through tho flesh. bis chin?" N« S0IIN9 COMPANY IMSURESAT LOWER RATES. Gibson, A. S. Residence tate ol' Giloa Seymsur, late of Norwalk, Conn-, board with the Principal. Special terms will be began to be conspicuous in the House of butter in the milk, which are blood warm, WM.0.3TR1SEX, Pres., S. £. OLUSTKAS, Treas. Gregory Bros Stable deceased. For furthej particulars inquire ot ED­ made for young children, cither as day pupils or Solving weary problems, poring over sums, If it enters the abdomen it will attack the ' '"B takes the trick, of course." WARD SEYMOUR or SILAS I*. XUTTLE, Ad­ as boarders. Commons. Ke greatly distinguished himseli oeat the eggs to a stiff froth, add all the in­ GEO. R. CowXEs.Sec'y. Gregory, J. G., M. D Residence ministrator lor said estate. Part of the purchase Tet with tooth for plum-cake and for augKv; entrails, or if its course is stopped by a bone "Was Queen Elizabeth bandy-legged, or Both Departments are under the Principal'sper­ by a remarkable speech in ;which he attacked gredients to the flour, knead well, let it rise Gregory, J. G. & Co Druggists money can remain on bond and mortgage is de­ sonal instruction. plums; r it dies, and, festering there,' causes untold only bandied in one leg ? and how do you 7J7TNA INSURANCECo.ofHARTFOBD. sired, SILAS P. TUTTLE, Fourth Quarter opens April 11th, 1881. Sir Robert Peel for alleged treachery to hU over night and in the morning shape into rolls, Jlh Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual. Hat Forming Co Office tf Administrator. Relcrencos and 1 nrther Information will be found Reading books of romance in your bed It agony to the Wretched animal, which suc- take ink stains out of marble ?" Higgins, li. L , M. D Residence- in circulars, for which address the Principal. party in the adoption of the free trade theory. let rise one hour in a warm place (better two Capital and Assets, 96,716,893.77 night, ccrabs to this horrible disease. "Inquire at any hardware store. Patagonia Hill, E. J Lumber Yard There were several of these attacks ana hours in a cooler place), and bake thirty Insures against loss and damage by Fire, on terms Hilsdon, W Market Desirable Property for sale. Waking up to study in the morning light; The presence of the parasite is made was discovered by Benjamin Franklin, in adopted to the hazard and consistent with the they established Disraeli's reputation as one Hitchcock, D., M. D Residence Very desirable place on East Avenue. Anxious as to ribbons, deft to tie a bow, minutes. known by the bloody water which runs from 1293." laws of compensation. OOWLbS A MfiUKlLL, of the most powerful debaters and most keen Rolls should be rolled thin and cut in one sole Agents for Norwalk and vicinity. Holmes & Keeler Grocers A Also, a lew choice Building Lots situated on Full of contradictions—I would keep it so. the wound, aod can be gotten rid of by "That settles it," said the manager prompt­ Hoyt & Olmstead ._ Office Usborn Avenue, for sale cheap. Headman Bros., and polished satirists in the House. In 1840 way : cut with as little waste as possible, for Also, a nicely located House and Lot on Mer- applications of calomel to the diseased parts. ly shelling out a private box check. "I see QBARLliS -S. LOCKWUOO, Hoyt, I. Mortimer 7....Druggist win Street near Wc3t Avenue, for sale at a bar­ Sweit and thoughtful maiden, sitting by my' he became the leader of the Conservatives in those made from the pieces re-rolled will not Hungerford, H., M. D Residence One of the greatest inconveniences .to you've, got 'em all by heart. Pass right in." gain, Enquire of tide, Parliament. In 1852, England rubbed her be as delicate as those first cut. When cut Hyatt, J. W Office S.. E. OSBORN,East Avenue, A which a sheep raiser is subjected is the great —iSan Francisco Post. Fashionable Draper and Tailor, tfll . or to D. W, Fitch; W est Avenue. All the world's before you, and the world is ; eyes at seeing the audacious Disraeli. Chan double them, end to end, and place in a tin Keeler, E. O...* .... Residence Gazette Building, Norwalk. •.Is**- distance which he is compelled to haul wa­ wide: Csllor of the Exchequer, member of tht baking pan* In case you do not cut them AND Kendall, J. C., M. D. .Residenoe ter and wool. Four and five mile; is not The .Language of Sweet Sixteen. Knapp, Burr Office Small Place for Sale. e Lateot 13 Main St reef. Hearts there are for winning, hearts there' . Privy Council and leader of the ministerial with a cutter, snip off small pieces .of the considered far in a dry season, and instances Detroit Free Press. GE&T3' FUamsniNQ EMPORIUM Leonard, C. T. & Son.. .Conl,®ast Side SMALL, two-story House, with one acre of are to break: 1 5 party in the House of Commons.' The Der­ dough and roll in the hand, tucking in the Land, near Broad River Bridge, is offered • V have been known where it has been brought "My daughter never uses slang," says Main Street,Norwalk, Oonn. Leonard, C. T. & Son.. .Coal, West Side A Has your own, shy maiden, just begun t SI of the same.'.year ..this biB waa defeated. double their original size before being put in Norwalk Hour Office Ail the listening angels saw that she was fair,..-. The usual method ,pursued to procure a would hear: Norwalk Iron Works Office The Derby administration was again snuffed the oven, and bread should be double. For Sale or to Bent. Ripe for rare unfolding in tbe upper air; : w supply of water is at some suitable place to "Meet me on the Ave'this aft' and we will Norwalk Lock Co Office CORNER DRUG STORE, out, and in 1860 it was succeeded by the A TWIST LOAF. People's Market, Norwalk Mills _ Office .r'' - Now the rose of dawning turns to lily white,' construct a dam across what iai, known as a go to the mat'." Palmerston-Russeli Cabinet,ahd on the daatb This is done by simply taking two long Mo. 19 MAIN STREET, Palmer, E. M. & Co Office And the closed shut eyelids veil the eyes "dry creek,"!so' that wben it rains the water "No, not this aft' on the Ave'." A House on Fair Street.- SflTorwalls., Ot. of Palmers ton, Oct* 18,1865, by the.Rusiseil- rolls of dough, catching them in the center HE very best of BBGF, delivered dailyto Pardee, E. V., M. D Residence from sight. will fiow down the bollows'and be held in "Well, good aft' I" our customers. Ale a, in their season. Veal. Phinney, L. N , M. D Residence Gladstone ministry, which in turn w^s dis­ and then braiding the four ends. This gives TLamb, Mutton, fork, &e.,at the lowest All the past 1 summon as I kiss her brow— this reservoir, called in prairie parlances a "I had a perfectly mag' time, and don't Plaisted, G. B Druggist Apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. rupted in 1866 and succeeded by Derby again Maraut Rules. Vegetables UQCt (fruits a full Babe, and cfcikl, and maiden, all are' with me a handsome loaf. tank. The water thus secured is often in a you forget it." treshand varied supply daily received. Market Propeller Dock Norwalk Daily Messenger. as Prime Minister, and Disnwli at his old" OTHER RECIPES. "Don't give me away, Kate !" wagon, sent about town every morning. Prowitt. J. T Hardware now. horrible Condition from remaining stagnant . . JAMKS K. WIXSON. W. 1ST ewcomb. post of Chancellor. Disraeli continued to be A Creamy Omelet—Four eggs, one tea- "Well, I softly exclaim!" Randle, J. C Store Oh! my J|part is breaking; but Qod's love I for so long, a time, but the people drink of it should AND OULD announce that making daily trips to the acknowled leader in the House, and be spoonful of salt, two of milk and one of but­ Raymond Brothers Upper Office New York, he.is prepared to act as Messen­ know— without any apparently bad effects. "I should blush to murmur!" Now for Your Order si .... Lower Office Building Lots. W was the chief supporter of the bill which, ter. Beat the eggs lightly with a spoon, add Raymond Brothels ger to transfet any errands or business in the city, Safe among the angels, He will keep her so.- In the winter these tanks swarm with all "I should remark /" Rowan, R. H Office EVERAL dwellings, various prices iu differ­ and to purchase and brin)::up small articles for extended the right of suffrage to all house­ the salt and milk,put the butter in a hot pan, "/ should mutter I" A.VING sold out all of my old stock and re­ ent portions of Borough, either to let or for those who may wish. Careful personal attention —The Interior. manner of aquatic birds, and afford excellent plenished with new 1 am now prepared to Sandiforth, L. W.. Residence saleS at reasonaole priccs. Also several places, given lo all orders. Orders can be left at store ol holders in a borough, and to every person in pour in the mixture and cook four or five "Ishould smile!" serveH the public with tbe Sherman, S. J Residence entsido ol Borough limits—one in Winnipauk J. LESTER GREGORY. 53 Main St., cr with Mr. v;';; sport. Not the least important individual J. Moiuus BENEDICT,Po3t OfficeNewaDealer. a county who had a forty shilling freehold. , minutes, giving to the pan the rapid motion -"Are you going to the musicale ?" Sherman, S. J Stablo Also several Builrting lots in.and out of Borough, Help the Children Grow Erect.) about a ranch is the shepherd's dog. This BEST OF EVERYTHING Office ti49 Enquire at this Office'. In February, 1868, Earl Derby resigned and; the same as when cooking other omelets. "You just bet I am!" Smith & Palmer William Blaikie, the author of "How to animal is,- however, too well known to re­ Smith, W. H. & Co Hardware Disraeli reached the goal of his ambition- Plain Cup Cake—One-half cupful of but- HEAP KEJiT-A house near Broad River NEW MARKET ! Get Strong and How to Stay So," spoke quire a description at our hands, and its "Have you got your lesson in physical IN TUE Solmans, A, . i.. Office Bridge. Will bo rented at a lowprice. he became the Prime Minister of England.1 tev. one of sugar, one of milk, three of flour, Steamboat Dock South Norwalk CApply at the GAZETTE OFFICE. No. 6 Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. before ihe Brooklyn Teachers' Association reputation for faithfulness, sagacity, and do­ geography ?" THE BEST OF A majority of the members were, however, three of eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, two cility is too well established for it to want a "What do you take me for ?" LIVJERT ZiINB Stillson, G. C Drnggist recently on "PhysicalEducation." "Iwant,', champion at this late day. But to fully ap­ St. John, C. E Residence rji O BENT.-A Barn on West Avenue. Ap­ Beef, Yeal, Mutton, Iamb, Pork, opposed to the course of the ministry im the of cream tartar; flavor to taste. ; . "I told the Guv' I wanted a new hander- at this most reasonable prices. Single or Double ply at the GAZETTE OFFICE. 12 said he, "»o see if in an informal talk wt preciate shepherd's dogs one must see them HAMS, POULTRY, &c., always on hand at very question pf disestablishing the Ohuroh of Teams cither by the day or hour, with or without Western Union Telegraph Norwalk can't hit upon some way in which we can" in charge of a flock, guiding and managing it chief dress." drivers. WILLIAM K. DANN, . Western Union Telegraph, So. Norwalk lowest market prices. GAMEnl all kinds in its SCHOOL-TEACHING.—In a conversation held &*!<•. 14; K. Depot, Norwalk, season Try me1 will try to suit Ireland, and Parliament was dissolved. The with hardly a word of command from the "Did he tumb'e to the racket ?" Opposite D. Rental of Telephone, per quarter, with use of Oliarles F. Obew, Gmia W. F. LOCKWOOD,ivW late with Adams Bros. bring the physical education of school chil­ feeling of the people manifested itself in the in November, 1831, the then venerable ex- shepherd. "Did he trail?" line.S6 25; Rental of Telephone and Transmitter dren down to a practical basis. Our children, • 6LEANIIHESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. with use of line. S9.00. No charge will be made PIANO TUNER, &c. ejection of a Liberal administration, Glad­ President John Adams gave his views as to One man and a dog can, with ease, control who are healthy and buxom when they begin' - 1,800 head of sheep. In spite of all the dis "Did he catch on?" . lor putting in instruments. Oritcrs received at I. A. MEEKER'S DRUG stone becoming Prime Minister. Disraeli the benefit he had received from teaching advantages under which a sheep raiser may "He forked over, girls, an d it's my treat I' G. A. FBANSB'S tiTORE, 20 Wall Street. lyB school work, come out pale, sickly, and with"'- now gave more of his time to literary pur­ school in his youth. His remarks are quoted have to labor, no enterprise offers so many These are the sweet girl graduates who Free Reading Room. PURE MILK. round shoulders. If you require the children " suits and in 1870 published "," his from a diary kept by the Hon. Josiah Quin- inducements to one with but a small sum at stand up in the month of roses and read HIS is a coinlortable room fitted up for the Delivered in Norwalk and South Norwalk, at under you to sit far back on the chair and to , bii-'i 1 i • Mng and Hair Cattiui Saloon. vour door, every morning. his disposal. With a capital of §1,000 it is T benellt ot tlie public generally, situated on hold their chius up you will cure them Of ^ politico religious novel, which so enraged cy: possible for a man in five or six years to be charming essays on "The Real and the VOX A east side of SontU Main Street, over Rood's Jew­ C. T. Leonard & Soft, ^the Fenians, Communists and Jesuite, and - 'Mr. Adams talked freely, and said: "After Ideal," "Life as it Should Be," "Reforms," elry Store, Clark and Lane's Blo"k, nearly oppo­ AT 6 CENTS PER (JUART, being round shouldered, and the lungs and worth $25,000 or $30,000 Sheep, on an Pleasant Shave, site Railroa-i Denot, South Norwalk, Ot. it is which had aa-enormous circulation, 80,000 I left college I came home to Braintree to average, do not cost over forty cents a head and other practical subjects, and who turn Artlatlc Hair Cut, or , open lrom 9 a. m.. to 9:45 p. m. Tbe room is well By REMSOX BEOS. other vital organs will have free and healthy in the United States alone. In 1863 Victoria see my friends, and then went to Worcester, per year—and this includes shepherd's hire from admiring teachers, to whom they have thorensh Shampoo liehted, warm and comfortable. It is supplied COAL, WOOD, _ play. Another simple plan is to have the and an occasiobal feed of cotton seed iu bad with four dailies, two weeklies, and several ' , TB3ES MODSXa offered Disraeli a peerage which he declined, lo keep school to support myself, while at listened with tears in their mock-serious CALX* AT monthly paners and journals, beside a number of children bend over backward until they can weather. These figures seem almost incred­ instructive and interesting books. but accepted for bis wife who was made the same time I studied law with Judge Put- ible, but they were given me by parties en­ eyes, lo say in a low aside, "He's giving us Mr. Franke's Hair Catting Saloon, Masons' Materials j Hair Dressing & Bath Rooms see the cciling. This exercise for a few Vicountess Beaconsfleld on November 28, nam. gaged in the business. taffy, girls," and who christen everything No. 1 GlZBnB BUILDING, COFFEEBOOM. Wall Street, Up Stairs. minutes each day will work a wonderful 1868. She died Dec. 23,1872, and Disraeli "I advise every young man to keep school. There are • those who labor' under the that does not^pl^^thpm^J|snide." Particular attention given to LadieB and Child­ There is a Ooffee Room on the same floor and a cleanliness. Comfort, Artistic Workmanship and transformation. If a well-qualified teacher mistaken idea that sheep Can do, without "any ren's Jiair Cutting and Shampooing. lady in attendance from 9 a. m , to 9:45 p. m., to gentlemanly Attendance arc leading features of assumed the title of Lord Beaconsfleld. In I acquired more knowledge of human nature serve HOME MADU articles mentioned below, this cstablishmcn t. could be employed to superintend the physi- , covering, but they have been sadly deceived, "Do all the good you can, to all the people at the following priccs: For Drains, Sewers, W oils, &c.t February, 1874. came another Conservative while I kept that^hooJHhpnwhile f •1^s a' and a year's experience will to their aorrow AT HOME TO EVERYBODY. 5 cents cal development of the children tbe best you can, as long as ever you can, in every 1 Cup of Coffee, with crackes, 13. APJ3LLV Proprietor. triumph. Gladstone's patty was swept from the-bar, than while"! was in the world or convince them to tlje contrary. In Texas, I Oup of Tea, with Crackers, 5 " :• At Lowest Caslf Prices. ^ - results would be seen." / • v/ place you can." This is the advice given by Hot and Cold Water Baths Cocoa - r> " power, and Disraeli once more became the politics or at the courts of Europe. It is tho as elsewhere, money dsesjiot grow on. trees; Brown Bread and Butter, 5 " if it did, the crop on the prairies would be old Scotch David to his lassie, and is good » •• head of the administration. He held the best method of acquiring patience, self-com­ Sandwich, - - - Drains and Wells Dng and Piped Several young men were sitting together, small indeed. But it does grow on tbe backs for this side too, and, if joined with Watt's Cake, - fl " office until the Liberal vietory of 1879, when mand, and a knowledge of character. of the merino sheep, and one has but to shear pEN sio ns. Doughnuts, - - - 5 " Black Enameled Card Board, and a young lady happened to approach" the child rhyme,— Piece of l'te, n " vicinity. One ''real sweet" young fellow Gladstone again assumed the reins. It has it off. . ' ; Pensions and Bounties got for Crullers, - - • - - b " Also Sole Agentf or I'll not willingly offend, . > seeing, as he supposed, tbe young lady look­ been said of Disraeli by one of bis admiring A wealthy banker is going to marr^ Mille. The life is one of monotony, full of disa­ Ham, - - - 10 •• greeable inconveniences and a few hardships Nor be easily offended, all Soldiers of my own and otlier Por« and Beans, with bread and butter 10 '• Patent Tinder Wood, ing at him, remarked, playfully, and with a Croizette "to enable her to quit the stage,and 16 " fellow countrymen: "His career'is a ro­ yet one is am^ly repaid by seven, or tjep^yj 'XZf What is ill I'll strive to,mend, ; Stewed Oysters, Carmine and Blue to; Fancy M becoming simper, "Weil, Miss , you thus prevent her following the example of Regiments, &c. needn't look at me as if you wanted to eat mance, but a romance that teaches a thou­ p, — iie can"then lav tfsii , Ana endure what can't be mended,— The Cheapest and Best Kindling out. Tty it Sara! Bernhardt and .starring in America." If of sheepfraising, foriie UlArUIMIQTC can obtain TYPE me." "O, no," sweetly replied the young sand useful and noble lessons, that will have gratitude is not- dead in this country, our shepherd's crook and play upon'his Shep­ might serve as home or school or life motto W. H. NOBLE, . l*IM\jri I 'NIO I w METAL at tho GAZETTE omCS, W Branch Offlcc ftt H. f?. Betts' Drug Store A. H BYIKGTOM & CO lady; "Inever eat greens." ' power in the times when the party passions people will present the aforesaid banker with herd's flute, or any other musical instrument to our young Americans, ' "v " '% BRIDGEri#T,OONN. he may select. - - of today shall be cold to.flre many *• young a bandaome tesUmonal, I

' ,f w TBS week and made an able argument before Tlie Army of the Potomac Re­ April showers are dusty. Terrible Explosion in West •' The Steamboat. ' For Sale, v Secretary Windoui, Asst. Sec. French, and union. The first week of steamboating has just NEW UPRIGHT PIANO, good maker, in Uorwalls Gazette. The demand for ice is increasing. Stratford. perfect orfer, tot Salaorte Kent, eott pres­ W-Y Vy\A/\r the Chief of the Tariff Division of the At the twelfth annual reunion of the Socie­ been completed to the general satisfaction of entA owner W5 last winter. Will exchange It lor Treasury, -in favor of a change in the new ty of the Army of the Potomac, which will be the large numbers who have availed them­ a Top Carriage. Anyone wishing* Piano will HO BAiiXJ, Misses St. John The public schools arc in session again. THE COUNTRY SHAKEN FJJR. do well by addressing P. O. Box 726, Stamford, Tuesday, April 26,1881. rulings as to duties on knit goods. It was held in Hartford, June 8, General Wright selves of this easy and economical way of Oonp. ItlS Friday Evening, April 29th. MIXES AROUND. AT THEIR understood that the argument of Mr. Kellogg will preside, Daniel Dougherty of Philadel­ reaching both the upper and lower parts of • The management takes pleasure in announcing The Horse Railway track is to be still fur­ the city. an engagement as above named for one night enly Editorial Jjetter. was so convincing that the Treasury- would phia, will be the orator,and Colonel Sumner, ABOUT 800 KEGS OF POWDER .EX­ Oxen for Sale. of the famous of Bridgeport, the poet of the occasion. It ther repaired. It was Mr. White's intention to have the recede from their present scale of import » •» PLODED. OR Sale, one pair of well matched nice Oxen, OOXiliIIIH'B WASHINGTON, D. C.. April, 23, 1881. i9 expected that President Garfield and Gen­ Americus in readiness to begin the season as F Tire years old. Or wonld exchange them duties on all such goods and return to the Real estate is booming—judging by the for an o'der'pair, not more than eight years old, Forvalt Fair CiSs DEI® GAZETTE erals Sherman, Sheridan, Slocum, Hawley announced in his advertisements, not because that weigh not less than three thonsand lbs. former tariff assessment of duties. clouds of dust. ' .AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE DONE. Itl7 B. GILBERT, Belden's Hill, Wilton. Banker's Daughter •AND v.The dreary dead-lock in the Senate is still DEFACED BILLS. and other officers will be present. he considered her any better or safer thant.be COMBINATION. uqbfttken and gives no new promise of giving As per recent order of the Secretary, Barnum's all-in-whitc bill stickers v(gre in About twenty minutes past eleven, last Adelphi, but simply for the reason that he Under the auspices of A. M. Palmer, way. Senators Morrill and Sherman yestcr- National Bank notes can now be sent by S. of T. town yesterday. Thursday forenoon, the people of this vicin - thought she might be more acceptable to the M1CBOPATHT. Union Square Theater, New York. ajy^sSte'd the true position of the two express to.the U. S. Treasurer, in this city, The Grand Division of Sons of Temper­ ity were startled by a sudden and terrible public. J.C. COLLIBR, - - - - Manager MBLLIN Among the benefits of this Praotiee is the parties; The Republicans having a constitu­ for redemption, in sums of $1,000, or its ance of the State of Connecticut, are to hold Miaco's Humpty Dumpty troupe occupied crash, followed immediately by a rumbling The Americus will be ready for service in In Bronson Howard's celebrated society play.the ESTABLISHMENT tional majority insist upon their constitution­ multiple, without any cost to the sender for their semi-annual meeting in New Canaan, the Opera House last night. noise similar to an earthquake. ^All eyes a few weeks, and will then bo put on the successful treatment of Malaria, and the nu­ Bankers Daughter. al right to conduct the business of the Senate route, if it shall seem to be the desire of the Oan ehow yon the Finest Assortrrfent of Millinery cxpressage. on Thursday, the 28th inst. The Annual were instontly turned in the direction of the Illustrated with elegant scenery eaifcd by this and Fancy Goods* A new stock of in their own way. The damocratic minority The high price of-meats this s vason is net people, who patronize the boats. merous forms of disease arising from this Company. Splendid coatnmes, and the following 1-. o. DEPT. Session will be held in Norwalk in October Cartridge Shop, where it was at first sup­ recognized artists,P. V. Bangs, Signor Msje- r.sscrt the "solid South" doctrine, that the A very considerable quantity of dynamite next. owing to the high price of ice. posed the explosion had taken place, but in But an examination of the Adelphi by eause, without the use of Quinine, a remedy, rone, Charles Walcot, E. L. Til ton, Harlon Fors- majority shall not govern. That is the vital has been exploded (by the newspaper re­ a few moments it became known that one of those who have experienced her greatly im­ UHDERWEAR AHD HOSIERY issue. The special animus of the bourbon OBITUARY. Tho First Congregational Suiulay school proved sailing qualities, during the past which given in large doses is the origin of al­ porter?) tlie past week, in and about the P. the powder magazines owned by the company lier, David Hadson, T. McBrido. Not withstand Just received, which wo nrc oellinff very cheap. r.volt is the dread that the Republican en­ O. Dept. The gossip is that 2d Asst. P. M. held a Sociable last Friday evening * and located in a hollow back of Old Mill week, has led to the conviction that in the ing the great expense attending this engagement Onr stock of Millinery consists ot HENRY M. BISSELL. most as mueh sickness as the malaria, for there will be no increase in price. Admission 35» couragement given Mahone tad Riddleberger Gi;n. Brady has discounted the famous Hill in West Stratford, had blown up. There important considerations of speed, comfort 50, and T5 cents. Box sheet now open at Hoyt's Mr. Henry M. Bissell, the cashier of the Col. C. If. Northara bus donated $40,000 drug store and Spencir's jewelry store. Xiafest will result in the overthrow of bourbon de­ "Whiskey Ring" frauds "by a large major­ were three of tho magazines. Altogether and safety as well; she is equal if not su­ which it is prescribed. With the aid of Mi- Central Bank since its incorporation .in the to Trinity"Oulitye for a uew dormitory. mocracy in Virginia and ultimately disunite ity." Gen. Brady's friends, on the other year 1W>9, has passed away, after many containing about twenty tons of powi^ and perior to the Americus. In the way of Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Silks, ... eropathio remedies, I have eared numerous Satins, and all kinds of Straws. Onr artistically their solidity throughout the entire South. hand, protest his innocence as do all parties months of enfeebled health and intense suf­ locatud about 500 feet apart. Two of them ENTERTA1NMEN1 trimmed fering. He was very well known in our Tho auction Sale of the llamt:i'sls.-y place, BY THE Mr. Mahone's candidate for Sergeant at Arms accused. The charges will be investigated were of corrugated iron and the other of Levi Warner says that if the present Board cases of Malaria with whom all the other (I is'not the person the Republicans would per down to hard-pan, by P. M. Gen. James,and village and county,and universally respected, East Avenue, is to be held next Monday. of Burgesses gives any legal notices to the ROUND HATS AND BONNETS A position of great trust and responsibility brick, the latter being the one blown up. It Gazette that he shall resign from the clerk­ see prefer. But ex-Confederate as he is, he no guilty man will be allowed to escape by forms of practice had failed. The Neuralgia, LITTLE SANF0R1) OB ATpBS" like his, coming in daily contact with every was built by the Winchester Arms Company ship of the Board.—Democrat. of New Haven, assisted by local talent, nnder the will just suit you. is for paying something of his State's debt, his connivance. class in the community, called for fine busi­ The gipsies have come to t iwn—some in auspices of Concord Division, S.ol T., on fcbout twenty years ago. The two iron We don't know whether the above is cor­ Dyspepsia, Irritation of the Heart, Nervous while bourbons by every possible tricky A BIG HEADED PRESIDENT. ness ability and much tact. And Mr. Bissell rags, some in tags and sonic in palace cars. buildings were erected by the cartridge com­ WEDNESDAY EVENING, Hay 4th was not only highly appreciated by his Board rect or not, but tbia we do know the GAZETTE Mourning a Specialty device seek to evade payment of any portion It has always been known that President of Directors, and deservedly popular with pany. has not had one cent's worth of work or ad­ Complaints, and all the chronic forms of dis­ In Sons of Temperance Hall. The city Temperance Association present­ A nd Bonnets made to order at short notice.: of it, and higher and above all, Riddleberger Garfield possessed a big heart and a prodi­ their patrons, but better' than all was faith­ The scenes on tlie streets when the shock vertising given to it by the preeent Court of PROGRAMME -PABT I. in his paper and on the stump, has openly ful and conscientious to his trust and dili­ ed the Rev. J. V. Saunders with a gold watch. ease arising from Malaria, can be oured-by Instrumental— Miss Jennie K. Nash, giously large intellectual structure, but it of the explosion was felt beggars all de­ Burgesses, except one advertisement ordered Recitation—The Fireman, Miss Viola Crape Be-finisiied and made to and boldly proclaimed for an honest, unbiased was left for your enterprising and worthy gent in its discharge. To say that he was a scription. People ran in all directions, and Recitation—Polly's Letter, Little Flossie man of unflinching honesty and integrity, by the Highway Committee, neither have we removing the cause which can be accomplish* Duett— Miss Jennie K. Nash and J.Cantteld look like Now. and untrammeled vote and for a fair and hat manufacturers, Messrs. Crofut & Knapp, The members of the Phalanx, ami their there was a general stampede from buildings Reading— Mrs. Emma R. Sanford Ladles haying crape discolored or soiled will industrious to a degree prejudicial to him­ asked for it from the Court or any member nnd it to their advantage to have the same refln- honest count. If all the voters of the South to discover that President Garfield has the lady friends, dance to-night,at Hardenbrooli's •d by Mieropathy. . Recitation— by Little Flossie self ; prompt and accurate in business; a ge­ of all kinds, as if the people expected them thereof. Ve have had it stated to us that Recitation—The Law I'd make. Miss Viola isnca by this process, which gives the crape all are permitted to vote as they desire, and largest head of any of his predecessors of nial gentleman and a good citizen—to testify Hall. 4 to fall. Women ran into the streets and Recitation-Cris' Letter, Little Flossie of its original lustre and color; removes all delet­ •Ai»—» one committee appointed by the present JOHN W. Mc. LEAS, M. D. SOng-Merry Birds, Miss Viola erious matter? that it may be worn at all times by their votes are counted as cast, then farewell modern times. He wears a large "No 8" to bis devotlofl as a husband and father—is reaching there fainted. Mothers grasped tho most sensitive and effectively protects it from only a partial, though faithful tribute to his The Music Festival in New York commen­ Board had positive orders to give their ad­ Song—The Buttercup, Little Flos all damage by dampness on salt air. to the bourbon, minority domination known tiie,' and the Messrs. Crofut &• Knapp in % PART II. worth. His death will be deeply regretted, ces next Tuesday/and continues through the their children in their arms and sought vertising elsewhere. At the same time we NORTH ATENUE. LADILS' OWN COMBINGS made ui> in the as the "solid South," and the ex-Confederate making him one of their superbly fine soft and many warm hearts will have the tender- Solo— by Miss Jennie K. Nash mcttl manner. All the latest styles of FRIZZES* week. "** refuge wherever they could. The scholas in are told that the Court has never taken any Recitation—Rock or Ages, Mia* Viola etc. Brigadiers know it and fear and tremble a fur hats, had to get a special block made to est sympathy with his afflicted family. The the Summerfield School were thrown vio­ Beading— Mrs. Emma B. Sanford funeral was very largely attended on Sunday action in the matter, whatever, and that so Farm to Rent, Recitation—Josiah and Maria, Viola and Flossie . SWITCHES VERY CHEAP. their impending overthrow. construct it upon. Gen. Grant's head was Spring is just commencing to take hold. lently from their scats, to the floor, and the far all has been left to the clerk without in­ Duett—Who is knocking on the outside gate, We are agents for the Universal Fashion Com­ afternoon from Grace church.—Westchester, N this town, containing near 200acres, suitable Violo and Flossie pany's Perfect Fitting Patterns. We °cll The A GKEAT SPEECH^ the next largest. The hat they made him Grass is beginning to color, and sprouts are window on the north side of the school structions. As he does not feel exactly (or Dairy purposes. Rent reasonable, and im­ Buckeyc Cookery. (White Plains, N.Y.,) News. Imediate possession given. For further particu­ Rccitation—Little Mable, Miss Viola By universal acclaim, Frye of Maine,made while President was in size a 7J. peeping out. building were nearly all demolished. A friendly to the old GAZETTE, for reasons best Duett— Miss Jennie K. Nash and J. Canfleld Mr. Bissell was quite well known and had — lars inquire at this office. Itpl6. Recitation—Mrs. Brnee's Complaint, Miss Viola Stamping neatly & promptly done. the ablest, most damaging an&Jinanswerable CONN. PATENT CASE. a host of warm personal friends here, he hav­ panic immediately took place and it was known to himself, it is natural, perhaps, that Dnet—Search lor a wile, Viola and Flossie A fine monument has been erected to the some time before the pupils could be assured D net—Wedded life, Viola and Flossie arraignment of tlie bourbons yet uttered in Thursday the U. S. Supreme Court was ing spent the greater part of his youth here, he should go elsewhere without regard to the* Splendid Building for Sale Recitation- Polly and Bobby, Flossie Misses St. John, the Senate. He did not rely upon newspaper occupied in the hearing of an appeal from memory of the late Mrs. Louisa A. Smith, in that all danger Was past. Dishes were best interests, of the Borough. But it is AT Recitation—You put no flowers on my Papa's and married ^here. Ha was a son of Dr. grave, .. Viola KTo. 88 Main St, reports of murders, arsons and other political the decree of the Circuit Court of the U. S. Emery Bissell, who used to live in what is our cemetery. thrown from shelves, and broken, chimneys quite time for the Court to take some action AUOTIOHT. Instrumental— Miss Ida Carter JVOR17ALK. CONN. Snilo m A IKES MITCHELL will sell at Public outrages by means of which the Republican for the District of Conn. The suit involves were tumbled down, blinds wrenched off, in the matter, for if they permit this thing Beeitation—Last Hymn, Miss Viola now the Congregational parsonage on East The Bernhardt is very much like March. J Auction on FRIDAY, MAY 6th, at 2 o'clock Instrumental— Miss Jennie K, Nash majorities of the South were cowed down the action for an infringement of a patented Avenue. At one time he was in partnership doors unhinged, and people in standing po­ to continue they will be just as much respon­ p.m., the fine building sitnated on Franklin Ave­ Admission 23.cents; tickets to be bad of the She came here as a lion and will leave as nue, (west sfde ot Avenue,) belonging to J AMES members. 2tl7 and suppressed and solid bourbon candidates sash lock. The Hopkins &Dickinson manu­ with his brother, William E., in the drug sitions thrown down. Sickly people, or those sible as is if they had really passed a vote MCLAUGHLIN, Esq. size of Tot 60x200 leet. quietly as a lamb. Sale positive. Terms made known at time of sale. returned, but he gave the court records of facturing Co. appellants us. P. & F. Corbin, business, about where the drug store of Dr. with delicate constitutions were seriously directing it. Already this season several 2tl7 JAMES MITCHELL, Auctioneer. EUGENE FANCHER, their own state! to prove his charges of bru­ F. H. North, and Chas. Peck. The case was J. G. Gregory & Co., Wall street, is now lo­ affected. The jar from the explosion last Borough meetings called to transact the bus­ Parlor Rock Grove It is reported that Mr. Burnham, of Sauga- JAMBS MITCHELL, Auctioneer. J 17 Main Street, talities." This fact led the wily Senator argued before the Supreme Court by Thurs« fall was not a circumstance to this one in cated. lie was also, we think, at "one time tuck, is about to erect a fine barn on his iness of the Borough and advertised by the' AND Brown of Georgia, to accuse Mr. Frye of ton of R. I., and Wetmore of N. Y. severity. in the dry goods business, and finally enter­ premises, to oost .$3,000. clerk in his own way, have been failures for For Sale at Public Auction. being the mouthpiece of the administration BARNUM'S SHOW. The remaining magazines were completely H71LL be sold at Public Anctlon on SATUB- Pio-Nio G-rounds ing the Fairfield County Bank he graduated, want of getting out the smtft number of Tf DAY. MAY 7th, at 2 o'clock, p.m.. the place because the Attorney General had, forsooth, Barnum's great show made one of the from there and went to Somers, N. Y. State, A young son of Martin Lawlor, Water St., demolished and the powder.left standing in votes necessary, and extra expense has there' on Spring Hill iormerly belonging to Michael O'- On the line ot Honsatonie Railroad, having been & Bearne Size oi lot 50x220 feet, good house and renovated and many attractions added thereto, Boots Shoes granted him the courtesy of examining the most universal sensations here ot any event kegs just as it had been stored. The grass as cashier of a bank, and from there to White fell off the dock, last Friday, but was res­ by beeu incurred to call other meetings. Are in excellent condition. Place is bounded on the are now offered to the public for Southern court records. Mr. Frye's speech since the Grand Army Review.. More peo­ Plains. He married, while residing in Nor- took fire and threatened this, but the danger the Burgesses to control the creatnres of north by property ot A. H. Byington, easterly bj cued by two men who happened to be near. Thomas O'Neil, southerly by highway, and west­ was most able, earnest and eloquent, and the ple lined the streets to see the parade, which wdlk, Miss Harriet Mott, daughter of Mr. was averted by men after some work, ex­ their own appointment, or are they to erly by land o' David Sterling. For lull particu­ • For Sjrii & Sn'rier fear. Pine Tree State has gained rather than lost had been lengthened out to over a mile in tinguishing it. Every brick in the blown- lars apply toT JAS. or F. W. MITCHELL, Sunday School Pic-Nics and Langdon Mott, and a sister of the late Chas. Whitelaw Reid, having won a rich wife, tamely sit and be ruled by one of their own 2tl7 Real Estate Brokers, 31 Wall Street. in argumentative and oratorical power in the length, than were present to view the last B. Mott, who was for many years postmaster is going to vacate his -position as editor of up building was scattered to the winds and appointees. "Will the dog wag the tail or Pleasure Parties of every description during the season ol 1831. exchange she has made of Senators. It is inaugural procession. The President's fami­ here. Mr. Bissell was of a mild and genial the New York Tribune,and go t<3 Europe for not a vestige was left to mark the spot. A the tail wag the dog ?" LADIES' FINE SHOES, conceded that Frye, had he remained in the ly, Foreign Ministers, Members of Cabinet stone wall near by was blown down and a Auction Sale! For terms, &c., apply to General Offices Honsa­ disposition, ever kind and obliging, and made a season. tonie Bailroad Co., Bridgeport, Conn. House, wonld have been chosen Speaker, a and Senators, were all at the show. One friends with all whom bus'ness brought him tree torn up by the roots. Large stones Were CONTBACT AWARDED.—The Yale Lock JAS. MITCHELL, Auctioneer, L. B. STILLSON, Supt. 111 all Widths and Styles. H. D. A VERILL, Gen'l Ticket Agent. 17 position of higher power, influence and Southern Senator seen there at an early into contact with. We understand that he A large audience gathered at the 2d M. lifted and carried a^ay. The ground about Company of Stamford, are about making a WILL SELL ON honor |fen a seat in the Senate, and it was hour in the afternoon", was asked if the Sen­ was blackened and scorched. There were no Men's Fine Hand & Machine Sewed has been most untiring and faithful in his E. church, Sunday afternoon, to listen to a very important addition to their already large Tuesdayi May 6d, at a personal sacrifice, therefore, tfiat Frye houses in the vicinity, the spot being an out Notice. ate had adjourned? He replied, "No indeed, work at White Plains, not having taken a temperance address by Miss Greenwood, of factory, by erecting a new brick .building AT 10 O'CLOCK, A.M. consented to accept Mr. Blaine's vacant seat but that democrat over there (pointing to a vacation in years. His last visit to Norwalk Brooklyn. of the way pne. 275 feet in length and four stories high. Wilton Taxes. Boots and Shoes, •>—m At the Summer Residence of L. H. Biglow, Esq., in the Senate: but his speech of Wednesday senatorial associate), came to me and said he was on the occasion of Senator Ferry' funer­ A cow that was tied in a barn about two Yesterday the contract was awarded to Mr. the lollowing property, to wit:— HE nndersigned gives notice that he has re­ That cannot Fail to Please yon. has placed him so conspicuously at the fort was sick, ami The Congregational, and Baptist and Meth­ ceived iheltax bookol the town ol Wilton, wanted to pair with me as he al. He leaves a wife and one son; the son miles distant from the scene of the explosion Henry Seymour of this 'place, who contract Five Cows, blooded stock, four Horses, two Ttbe list of 1880, lor immediate collection, and front, as the ablest and readiest debater in here he is up here to the circus ahead of me.' is cashier of a bank at Mount Vernon, N. Y. odist churches united in a service of prayer was turned completely over, and had to be to finish the work in ten weeks. The com­ of them yonng and speedy, one Coaeh, one that he will meet all persons liable topav taxes SLIPPERS IN GREAT VARIETY. that body, that his friends have no reason to The first night of his exhibition they had to at the Congregational church on Sunday helped up, in the same vicinity, a lady who Buggy, (Stiver's make,) one Depot Wagon, on said list at the house of LeGrand W. keeler, pany propose to erect two other buildings the one Farm Wagon, two Horse Carts, one in the town ot Wilton, on the 31st da? of May, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Leather, regret the sacrifice he seemed to make in stop selling tickets at 6:30 p. m., an hour be, DIED.—on Sunday morning after a long evening last. 1881, from 9 o'clock in the fore noon until 5 «•—• was standing on a chair whitewashing a wall present season. Sleigh, two Saddles, two sets of Double Har­ o'clock in the afternoon to receive all taxes | and Findings. giving up the assured speakership of the fore the show opened, because the canvas and protracted illness, Sarah A., wife of Mr. was thrown down and considerably shaken nesses, two sets Single Harnesses, one Horse remaining unpaid on that day, and that after F Eugene Fancher, the Main street dealer, the 1st day of July, 1881, interest at the rate PRICES THE LOWEST. House for his place, in the Senate. could not be made to hold the people, an# it William Hands. The deceased was the last up. A woman living in one ef the houses The ringing of the Fire bell last Saturday Lawn Mower, one Hand Lawn Mower, one ol nine per cant, will be charged on all remaining will be glad to have you examine his styles Hay Cutter, one Stalk Cutter, one Boot Cut­ Sugene Fanclaer, A POSSIBLE NO QUORUM. was estimated that fully twenty thousand of six children of widow Cunningham, and •nearest to the scene of the accident was afternoon proved to be not a fire alarm, but unpaid. ROBERT W. KEELER. of shoes for spring and summer wear. Read ter, one Seed Sower, three tons Salt Hay, two Collector of taxes of town of Wilton on list of 17MAIN STREET, NORWALK, CONN. • Several senators are talking of leaving here people went away unable to get in. Quite a the aged mother now, in her 86th year, we thrown down and had her arm broken in two an adveitisement for some sort of a Borough Corn Shellers, one pair Bob Sleighs, one 1880. , forlheir homes with the purpose of not re­ number of colored people, who had purchas­ his new adv. Wilton, April 25,1881. 4U7 believe is left alone in her old age to mourn places. meeting. But few seemed to know what Mowing Machine, 200 bushels of Corn, un- ARRIAGES FOR SALE CHEAP.— turning at this session. Senator Slater in­ ed tickets very early, did a thriving business her departed ones. Mrs. Hands has always The damage in this place is very slight shelled, Plows, Harrows, Chains, and other A Single and Double Carriage, tor one or The exodus to Europe has commenced. it was for, and others cared not, and the twoC horses, in good order. Apply to tends going to Oregon next week and ho by selling them out to more eager white lived in our midst, her family having moved when compared with the amount done in first-class Farming Utensils, and .all in good Five steamers left New York la&t Saturday, result—after long rioging of the bell—was a order. The same day, in the afternoon, will 3tl5 F.BELDEN. does not expect to return. He will be paired parties for $3.00 per ticket. It is stated the here while she was but a few years of age, Bridgeport. St. Mary's church suffered quite and the season promises unusually well for failure to gather the legal number-of voters be sold all the with Senator Piatt of Conn., who is also show carried away not less than $25,000 and living, marrying and dying here, she severely. The walls are cracked in several 4 Cases Ladles' the ship owners. necessary to transact business. Instantaneous Photography. going home to attend to legal engagements profits as the result of its two days exhibition leaves a good and untarnished name as a Furniture * ^— places, and a large amount of glass broken. NONWAIII'S SPECIAL ABTIST, WHITNEY, entered into before he had any knowledge or contained in said house, consisting of Carpets, here. P. T., with his usual enterprise, got legacy for her two children. The Adelphi is making splendid time this The two large pla'te glass windows in the "iST Now is the time to select your Wall Sliprs ail Newport Ties. IN NEW YOKK, ASSOCIATED WITH ROCK - anticipation of the present prolonged dead­ autograph notes from Gen. Sherman, Sir store on Main street, occupied by the Ilowe Matting, Bedroom Seta, Sofas, Crockery, Tin WOOD* IN HIS NEW DOWN TOWN GAL­ season. On Saturday sb. Scheiring. Silks, warranted, and Satin do in the public schools ot the U. 6. JL . that the first step in this direction is for the mean to insinuate that the drama was in any In Danbury, April 21, Walter C. Sparks and Another lot of 11-4 QUILTS at $1. i Oin* Brothers* Liodg-e. London, in June. The controversy over the respect weak, but in the comparison of ad­ opinion that the company cannot be held Lyons, Black Cashmeres, Each new edition has become more and TP! democratic senators to prevent the success of Miss Amanda O. Stearns. more The Standard. JCI . The tickets for the anniversary excercises at matter was caused by the captain of the jectives we wish to impress the_ fact that in liable for damages caused by the explosion. and Mourning Goods, < ecommended by State Supt'a Schools in Mahone and Riddleberger. R the Lodge Rooms in the Centennial Building Harvard crew declining positively to row at the production of the piece with talents of If such is the fact, then our town authorities etc., Laces, A good line of PRINTS at 5 cts. 30 States, and 50 College Pres'ts JRi FIFTH CONN. VOLS. BOUNTY. the actors invested the drama with a sub­ is rr NOT THE STANDARD? have been distributed, and there is every New London. He claimed that the quarters should take the matter in hand and act, and Fringes and The Second Auditor will transmit to the limity of beauty for which the authcr is not DIED. Published by fl.AC. MEHBIAM,Springfield, Mass. reason for expecting a large gathering of of the Harvard club, at that place, last year, wholly responsible. The plot of the play that promptly. There is a general feeling of Gimps, Treasury, for payment, on Monday, forty \/W\/VW\/VVV/\/VW\/\/\/\A/W\A/\/' A job in CAMBRICS at 10 cts. BISTRICT OP NORWALK, ss. Probate Court members and their families and friends of were not suitable, and unless the people of cannot be fully disclosed without an ex­ insecurity. Here is at least twenty tons of "completed" claims of veterans of the gallant In Norwalk, April 24. Sarah A., wife Of Win. just received. Calicoes and Ging- Apili 19th, A.D.1881. _ the order. Grand Master Hill presides, New London would furnish better, he would penditure of space which is'not at our com­ •powder stored near by. No watchman is Hands, aged 39 years, t months, 14 days. ICstate of ELIJAH BETl'3, late of Wilton,in olfl 5t!i Coon. fo: their bounties. Others mand, and to attempt a brief synopsis would „ liams, New Goods, Ladies' and said District, deceased. Grand Chaplain Maxcy, of Bridgeport, makes not consent, to the crew rowing there, but employed to warn people of the dangerous Dar Fufleral from St. Mary's Church at 9:30 a. OKDEBED-Thatthe Administrators exhibit their be about as satisfactory as tearing the m. Wednesday, solemn requiem high mass will be Gents'Summer Underwear Our stock of DRY GOODS is com­ Will be finished as rapidly as possible and cent would insist upon Saratoga or Springfield. Administration account to thiB court for adjust­ an address, Vice Grand La Fayette Craw veil from the extremities alone of an inter­ contents of the buildings, not even a notice oelebrate^ by Rev. Father Russell and two assist­ ment,at the Probate Office in Norwalk, on the 6th to the Treasury for final payment of the §100 full line, Hosiery and day of May, 1881, at 9 o'clock, forenoon; and will favor the audience with one or more Yale, however, was well satisfied with New esting statue. It must suffice, therefore, to­ is posted anywhere in the vicinity. In such ants. . plete, and we are offering bargains bounty out of which these. brave boys have ssy that the human passions are delineated Notions full that all persons interested in said Estate aay be Recitations, and Brother H. P. Price will London, and as the challenged party claimed a condition of things to continue ? Is it In South Norwalk, April18, Charles Minor Gil­ notified thereof,the Administrators will came this been kept so long, by reason of an erroneous with so such finesse and intensity that they bert, aged 25 years. order to be published in a newspaper printed in have, charge of the music. It promises to bo the right to name the coarse. A meeting of right? It is not long £flgo that while a ' st ock. In every department. and illegal ruling of the War Department at are carried to the verge of exaggeration with­ In Norwalk,. April 13, Lorenzo W., son of David Fairfield County and post a copy thereof on the an occasion of much interest. the Harvard students was called, when the out awakening a consciousness of the immi­ load of powder was being carried through Green, aged 19 years, 3 months and 27 days. signpost in said Wilton, nearest the placc where {lie close of the war. the deceased last dwelt,at least ten days before position of Yale was frankly admitted to be nent danger to caricature of nature. So Lake street, the kegs began to roll off the In Norwalk, April 23, James McNerney, aged 85 said 6th day of May, 1881. DR. CUILDS. , cleverly has the autho>r-artist painted this years. Call and see us. We mean business. ltpl7 ASA B.WOODWARD,Judge. Military Affairs. right and it was yoted that the crew should wagon on to the ground, and if the friction Give me a call. Terms Cash. Wednesday's Wasliington Republican pub­ picture of domestic misery and affection,that In South Norwalk, April 16, William Mhyhew, Companies D and F will turn out for an­ row Yalethis year, and on the course named of a bullet fired from a gun at long range is aged 53 years. DISTRICT OF NORWALK, ss. Probate court lishes the. following news item: there is not one glaringcolor to vulgarly out­ At Rowayton, April 10. LeGrand W. Craw, April 25th,1881. nual parade and inspection next week Thurs­ by Yale. Yale offered Harvard their quar­ shine the delicate tints, and thus attract a sufficient to cause a terrible explosion, is Estate of JOSHUA C.SMITH, late of >orwalk, Rev. T. S. Childs, formerly of Hartford, aged 71 years. day, May 0th. Company H of Litchfield, ters, but the offer was declined, and Harvard reluctant attention. All is harmony, all is there not a grant deal of dadfer when a keg In Wilton, Rhoda Beers, aged 87 years. in said District.deceased. Conn., who has so ably and acceptably filled natural, and yet all is extreme. Having spoken The Court of Probate for the District of Nor­ lias been disbanded. The 2d, 3d and 4th will probably sec that comfortable quarters of powder is dropped from a wagon con­ In Riverside, April IE, James G. HamiU. walk hath limited and allowed six months from the pulpit of the Western. Presbyterian thus of the play it will be difficult to do full In Westpbrt, April 17. Harriet J. Sherwood, J. F. BENNETT, the date hereWfor the Creditors of said Estate to Regiments, and the artillery, will encamp at are prepared for her crew. The -Yale crew taining several hundred pounds of it. They exhibit their claims lor settlement. Those who church during the winter, has left the city justice to the company, if a comparison of aged 34 yearg. April 20, Henry Monroe, aged 81 Scofleld & Hoyt, Niantic. is in daily training now under the direction eulogies is made. For while we have said tell us that but a small quantity of powder years. 10 Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. neglect to present their accounts,properly attest­ for Wooster, Ohio. He has been tendered In Sonthport April 20, Setli Buckely, aged 76 ed, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. of Mr. Fred. Wood, and in a few days a small nothing more of the play than it deserved, is brought from the magazine at a time; to All persons indebted to said Estate are requested the position of president of the Uniiersity A break -in the street mains opposite the the company are entitled to still greater years. April 18, Samuel G. Bunnell aged 6e to make immediate payment to steamer will arrive in" New Haven harbor say the best of* it, that is a misstatement. years. nHElF HEST-A house near Broad River 3tl2 CHARLES HOLMES, Administrator. of Wooster, but has not yet , signified liis •residence of Mrs. Lyiies, Wall street, on praise, and that is impossible." * * * In Fairfield, April 18, Mary Wilson aged 71 ly Bridge. Will be rented at a low price. which Mr. Wood will use for coaching pur­ conclusion, we would recommend all who The vyriter knows better. Let usjhope that Apply at the GAZETTE OFFICE. intention of accepting it. Mr. Childs, during Thursday noon, flooded the streets in that In years. poses. take pleasure in theatricals to visit the Theat­ this is the end of these calamities that the In Bridgeport, April 31, Peter Lynch, aged 54 Remunerative bis stay here, has made many friends, vicinity. The water came faster than the re Royal during the present weak, and see years. April 22, Charles H. Shepherd, aged 20 O BBNT,-ABarn on West Avenne. Ap­ 29 Main Street Employment! community is called upon to witness at cer­ years. April 18, Dennis Mullin*. aged 47 years. T ply at the GAZETTE OFFICE'. 12 all of whom, while regretting his departure, sewer (?) could carry it off, and the result Thursday evening the cry of fire was raised one of the best emotional dramas on the One or more smart, active and responsible per­ tain intervals. W. April 19. John MeGrath, aged 87 years. April 19, sons, male or temale, wanted to act as AGENTS unite in congratulating him upon the honors was that Mrs. Lynes's yard was flopded in a on the streets of the Borough, and the appa­ American stage." Margaret Hnlten, agtd140 years. April 20, James in every town in the State. Mnst be well known — •«. • Mead, aged 70 years. April 17. Abigal W. Greg­ •nd ot good reputation. No CAPITAL REQUIRED, oestowed upon him. very unpleasant manner. This lady suffers ratus of the Fire Department was moving up in the same manner every time there is an The man who wears a fleece-lined stocking A tooth-pulling shop is known as a sore ory, aged 66 years, April 16, J. Clinton Bronwell PIANO TUNER, &o. 1 obtain TTPS Energetic parties, with good recommendations, THE TREASURY/ Main street in a wonderfully short space of is apt o feel down at the heel.—Loicell Giti- aged 21 years. MACHINISTS^ !f Ali »tth« can make good wage*. Addtesi with references. unusually hard-rain, and something ought to gum manufactory* —Philadelphia Chronicle- In West Stratford, April 19, John Pelhant, aged Orders received at I. A. MEEKER'S DRUG tiASUCTX;XTS oitlDB. Box 832, »kw BATIK, 0T. «i7 Ex-Congressman Kellogg was here last be flone to relieve her from this annoyance. timfc. Nobell alarm. Brq^ fire, . herald. . . 63 years. , STORE, SO Wall Street. l;3 y^,,)^-«.-.-.i^fa.^-y^V la.fifrW.iAwta&aA Afrfift.s^j.fUn^frr'.^i.^ 111? »' ^ 1 -ityft f'Wi ^mmfci»« <«>n» iMrtwnHfH^ffl

s 3 WESTPORT. Fatalijby anion ff Brakmpanies; others to negligence of ttie em­ ployees themselves, but by far the greater is similarly infested, who make it theii Bead Carpet Co. French QMaa, tion, and the arrival of bales oCotton can Rev. Mr. Hart of Westport. number are unavoidable. Some are killed or bnsiuess to carefully re:td. .lie newspapers, THE Several young men and boys appeared out make it. The impression prevails that the maimed b^ trains jumping the track and and when they find a statement that can be Sunday with straw hats thus doing all they institution will be a success. Families from going over embankments or bridges, others possibly tortured into a grouud for libel to are injured while coupling cars or making OFFERING MLB BAflDID & MOSS BOSS could to encourage spring weather. England who will work in the mill arrived induce the pretended injured person to em­ IS *3?3bL© Hi^ace. up trains, while others receive injuries by ploy them, holding out the hope of large and PATENTED. Patterns; perfect goods, not seconds, just Mrs. Clarissa Raymond observed her last week. imported at a very low price. being knocked from the top of cars by bridf- certain damages. The whole thing is simply 1. This brace in its peculiar construction has all 1. This brace in its peculiar construction has all ninety-ninth.birthday yesterday and present The shock of the explosion in Bridgeport, e3 and slipping and falling from icy cars in blackmail in the name and under.the forms • Fof the Season of 1881. the advantages of a Suspender for the Pantaloons, the advantages of a Chest Expander and Skirt Stamped and Decorated Tea.Sets, appearances seem to indicate that she will Thursday, was heard here. Some thought a winter. Many are hurt iu collisions, but of law. These so-called lawyers, who dis­ Shoulder Brace and Chest Expander combined. Supporter combinod. these accidents may usually be attributed to Mattings, at 12 1-2c. 'lN 2. It doos not disarrange tho shirt b030m. '• It expand* the chest an l gives l'rcc respira­ ami Chamber Sets, observe her "centennial" as well as the na­ building had fallen, others that a steam grace an honorable profession, never mean 3. It cannot slip off tho shoulder, tion to tho lungs. carelessness either on the part of employers that the suits they induce unsuspecting per­ 4. There is less strain on tho button oi the pan­ X. It keeps the shoulders perfectly'straight. At Trices that will warrant you a bargain. I tion. boiler had burst, and one man who w£s or employees. ' ^ sons to bring shall go to trial. In nine cases taloons. 4. It relieves back, hip, and abd'trminnl organs have just received a new stock of spading in a garden thought it was a swarm Ingrain Carpets, 25c. Paper Hangings 5. Each scction of the pautaloonscan bcmljust- by supporting the entire weight of clothing from Mr. Gould IX Jelliffe is in a serious con- out of ten they are Willing to make a com­ ed independently tho shoulders. UPl^TOCi Cs!rOOC9LS dition by reason of the typhoid pneumonia. ,of bees in the air. Capt. Samuel Clark of The ringing of the fire bell for meetings is promise for fifty or a hundred dollars, which He offers a large variety of New Patterns in B. Bv means of the back strap, a gentle or pow­ 5. It is worn without any inconvenience what­ erful brace may bo obtained. Such as Spoons, Knives aiid l''orks, of the Mr. J. W. Hubbell is investing in a new South Norwalk, who was fishing off Caukeen's very "annoying to members of the Department some newspapers pay rather than be subjec­ Lowell Ex.Super. Ingrain 80c. all the different grades, from the Cheapest ever and imparts new life to the wearer. ted to the-annoyance aud inconvenience of 7. In rainy weather the pantaloons rally be rais­ C. It is valuable to children while at tneir stud­ RODGEiiS' make. Also a-large lot of- If it must be struck, however, let it be done Brown Blanks to the Richest Gold Embossed ed lrom the heels without interfering with the ies, obliging tbemto always sit erect. roof for his dwelling, paint and other im­ Island, said the shock actually jarred his going into court. As a measure of protec­ Papers. His new Borders, Friezes, Dadoes, front. in a manner as distant as possible from the TABLE am POCKET CUTLERY, provements. bo&t. tion against these harpies au amendment to Body Brussels, $1.25 to $1.50 and Ceiling Decorations, are • unexcelled in Ill Ordering by Post, Send Cheat measnre. Sent Post Free throughont tlie The prices too low to mention. The funeral of Mrs. Anna Scribner, an aged There were present of the clergy at the usual fire alarm. • • the libel law of Missouri is suggested by thy Artistic Colorings and effect, and his line of United States. Price 75c., $1.00, $1.SO, $2_0O. Make Postal orders St. Louis journals. A similar 'change to the » Hollands, Oil Shades and Dado Shades is un­ Payable to AX. TOOKBH, Xa s s 2&£ s HP :S , resident of Wilton, was attended at the Zion's •Fellowship Meeting last week, at the Con­ Tabic, Hangings Braeket and Joseph E. Sheffield is the largest tax payer statutes on the subject here might be of very surpassed. lie buys these goods from first Hill M. E. church on Thursday last. gregational church besides Rev. Mr. Hart, great advantage to respectable journalism—. ,Anda lull line ofThe » 1309 BROADWAY, cor. 34th Street, W, Y. Cliandi tiers. in New Haven, paying- taxes on property as­ m hands, and at The funeral of Mrs. Rhoda Beers, mother pastor, Rev. J. "A. Hamilton of Norwalk, Herald. Oomstools.»Bros,, SiTorwalls., Agents. We have a full assortment of WILLOW & of the late W. W. Beers of Bracchville, was Rev. Samuel Scoville of Stamford, Rev sessed at $595,716. Ex.-Gov. James E. WOODEN WARES. TIN WARE, the Gondii's iafclc ot Jtusiness Tact, Frank Thompson of Wilton and Rev. J. English comes next, his property being as­ BOTTOM PSIGIS FOR CASH, New York and my own manufacture. attended at the residence of her son-in-law S. Burlington Uawkeye. Legrand Grumman, yesterday. Holman of Southport. sessed at $411,100. • ; , Which enables him to offer Great Bargains, Stoves t&s .—:—o~•«—o 1—'• After all his life-long work upon the plat­ and At the annual meeting of Christ church Prices the lowest, and I'anges the largest " Ben, the Barber," having so far recover­ form and with the high fees his fame and and best in town. Call and see the IJXCLE DARIEN. parish, Monday 18th, the old board of ed from his injuries as to be able to resume abilities justly command, John B. Gough is LOW PRICES Nick B ang re, entirely new. Rev. Mr. Langloia' successor at the Meth­ wardens and vestrymen were re-elected; E business, has taken rooms over the store of not a rich man. His private charities are as To all, who will call and examino. Baby Carriages & Velocipedes A. Nash, organist and clerk ; G. S. Adams, odist church, came to town last week, and F. W. Jaqui, Wall street, where be will be largo and numerous as they are unostenta­ At prices (liat make them the ALSO AGENTS FOR At New York Prices. Ca.ll and examine out has taken the house occupied by Mr. L. He treasurer, and Messrs. Edward H. and immense stock before von buy, r.s it will eoafc glad to serve his friends. tious, for this great-hearted man does not let seems to have made a good impression on the Andrew C. Nash, named as delegates to the — •- -B' » Cheapest Goods in the Market. BAXTER'S BEADY MIXED you nothing to see our goods, and we will his left hand know what his right hand does. use you well if you do not buy. •. people. . . Diocesan Convention. At Memorial church The Borough water came into good play He has met with frequent and heavy losses STBICriiY PUJRE Mr. Bradford has been ofEered the pastor- W. L. Coley and Geo. Jelliffe, were elected at Winnipauk last Thursday noon. A fire on account of the tender hearted willingness wardens; A. S. Hurlbutt, H. B. Gilbert, Are now ready with their Stock of la. J. Curtis, atejof the Congregational church,'Oxford, N. started in the picker room of the Winnipauk with which he puts his valuable autograph LINSEED OIL PAINTS. Y. The field is large, the village pleasant, Lewis Bradley, E. S. Downs, W. E. Sturges, Milisiwhich might have been quite sierious, on the back of a friend's album of .ninety DAVID M. READ, i .v..-, MAIN STBJEKT.' - » and the salary nearly twice the amount Mr. and Eliphalet Gray, vestrymen; E. S. Downs but wfiich was extinguished by the use of days, and the almost infallible certainty with B. received in Darien." Mr. B. has not yet treasurer; J. S. Jones, clerk ; F. D. Marvin,, the: company'a fire apparatus. Damage slight. which he is compelled to get it back again Shirt Hands Wanted. accepted. There is such a unanimous, ear­ orgams; Joseph Spicer, sexton. Messrs. «—>•.—« • for himself when the three short months mim AND SUMMER A. S. Hurlbutt and W. L. Coley, delegates FERTILIZERS I I will commence my nest wish among the people that he should At the annual business meeting of the have flown. Mr. Gough ought to be worth One Block from the Depot. 3mt5 remain, that it is quite probable that he will to the Diocesan Convention. Connecticut Branch of the Woman's Auxili­ NEW SHIRT FACTORY half a million dollars, but like most men Abont the 1st of April, and will give employment As $35,000 of the capital stock of tbe" do so. No church could be more harmoni­ ary to the Board .of Missions, held in New whose hearts are wrapped up in and whose to a number of good operators on the Wheeler St Westport Land and Building Company have, Wilson Sewing Machine. The work wiU be dose* ously united in a pastor from present ex­ Haven ^Thursday, the following managers lives are corAcrated to some great work of in parts so that bands will make good wages. been subscribed'there can be little doubt that Steady work is insured. I will give work out to pressions. The church and sunday-school Wercelected for the Fairfield Archdeaconry reform, he is not a good business man, and the remaining $5,000 needed will soon be ' DOKT'T "enr good hands as usual. Apply to JOHX COOPER, have had a steady growth during the four for; three years: Miss Franklin Merritt, impecunious friends and suffering humanity No. 1 Chestnut St.. Norwalk. Conn. 2mplft taken, and that operations will commence. Stamford, Mrs. Henry Perry, Southport, Mrs. The C^ninnipiac Fertilizer Co years of Mr. B's. pastorate. liave got most of the money the great apos­ CLOTHING Olt SAMS.—APLATE GLASS WINDOW, It seems a great want of public spirit in As some of the names on the list of. sub;., Munson^Hawley, Bridgeport. CARPETS with Sash. 16 Call on E. O. KEELEB. tle of temperance hss earned by hard plat­ Until yon have seen our Stock. F Darien, that the people do not rise and repair scribers are those reputed tt> have^jjpken' f'- COMPRISING form work. Oliaiii Oarpots, Board can be bad the sidewalk between the Fost Office and the disparagingly of this scheme, it ianSafely br* , Coup's show,-which will probably visit • NEW LONDON, CONN., 25 cents to GO cents. OB two gentlemen, close to village,nice large Congregational church. claimed that idle rumora about men and Norwalk this season, is rivaling the greatest "Bkoiled Pigs Feet a la P.. T. Barnum'' ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, F room, in very pleasant portion of the town; : private fupiily. Enquire at this OtUc^ • All were glad to greet Mr. and Mrs. C. H. there, opinions should not always be taken show oh earth and surpassing it in some is. one of the dishes printed on the Sturtevant CO cents to SI ,00. Sjf Freudenthal in Darien on Sunday last. for more than they are worth. rSI points. It recently exhibited in Albany,and House bill of fare in New York. "Pigs' feet TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Manufacture MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' & CHILDREN'S, There has been no regret expressed that The funeral. of the late Mrs. Arthur the Argus says had the greatest spread of properly cooked, were given me to eat long 75 cts., 85 cts. and upwards. Also, the former proprietor of the Darien House Sherwood took place Tuesday from Memorial canvas ever seen in that city, the- main tent before I was permitted to partake of any WHICH FOR Goto Spencer's church, Rev. A. N.- Lewis, rector, officiating accommodating from 12,000 to 14,000 people. other animal food," said Mr. Barnum recent- Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Mats. has le f t town. Rumor represents it to have Large assortment ot Phosphate, Pine Island GUiand, Dry There are three rings in which performances fou been a vile place. The morals of Darien and Messrs. I. H. Jennings, Austin Jenriings, ly. ^ "When olcl and young feet are boiled Wall Papers, Plain and Gilts. are carried on Ground Fish Guano, and would not ha\jf degenerated, had it remained Arthur Taylor, Lewis B. Bradley, Charles J. dmultaneously, and these are two and one-half hours, as usual, the old A. DICKEKMAN & SOW, Elegance of Design, closed." There is no possible demand for two KetChum and James K. . Polk,- acting as pall surrounded by a hippodrome track,the course ones are tough and worthless. If they were 39 Washington Street, , South Norwalk, Ct E7E GLASSES & places for the vending of liquors in this part bearers. Besides other floral, devices on the being one-third of a mile.: -" boiicd three and one-half hours the young Variety of Patterns, . of the town. Were the people suftciently casket which was covered with black cloth, V • feet would burst and the gelentine swim . Substantial Worltmanship, 1 christianized, they would not exist. there was mat a'of white flowers bearing the 'The first week in May the .inspection-of away. Now,' he secret is to wrap each pig's " SPECTACLES, word "Rest." The choir sang, "I would the different regiments will be commenced foot in a cotton bandage wound two or three . Perfection of Fit, And [get your sijfbt properly fitted by the new ; REDDING. not live Always." In his brief remarks the iq order to see which companies shall be dis- times around it, and well corded with twine. OPTOMETER. There were services of song and sermons rector alluded touchingly to tlig pure life binded to comply with the bill reducing the Then boil them four Ijpurs. Let them Edward Street commemorative of the resurrection of our and christian character of deceased, of her Connecticut National Guard. The Fourth remain in the bandages till needed to fry, Have surpassed all their previous efforts. Lord and Saviour on Easter Sunday at both regiment will be inspected first and the great patience and submission to the Divine broil or pickle. The skin will hold it The rapid growth of their business has enabled them to introduce many the Congregational and Episcopal churches. will during a protracted illness, and of her First, Second and Third and Fifth Battalion together while being cooked, and when you improvements in the manufacture* of Clothing this season, and they are In the evening there was a largely attended good example. The remains were buried in Will follow. .The inspection will take the cat it you will find them all tender and Offers this week determined to'maintain their well established reputation for and interesting union praise service in the Willow Brook Cemetery. Deceased was place of the regular spring parade, and the delicate as possible." Housekeepers will be >:;i -c't Metlrodist church. 35 years of age- men will be paid for the duty performed. glad to get hold of this new way of cooking Rev. J. O. Munson, whose previous charge Thursday, the funeral of Henry Monroe, The order of inspection was decided by lot. pigs feet. .We say new, because it will be was in Southington, is the new Methodist (Qolored,) who died Monday, 18th, in the The four companies ranking the lowest will new to the general publie. It has been pastor. A large congregation greeted him 82d year of his age, took place,' Rev, Mr. ; be disbanded. known for a long time, and there is a hotel Fish and Potash, FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING, on Sunday afternoon, April 19. in , this state where pigs feet are a special Relyea officiating. The little house where 5 The ladies of the Methodist church have deceased had dwelt for time almost immem­ "Gatli" on Joe Johnston. feature of the bill of fare, and the reputation raised about $40, and have partly re-papered, orial was literally packed with those, his A few days ago I saw a dignified, striking of the dish has extended far and wide. They Pamphlets containing directions for use, analy­ AND LOW PRICES. face come out of the door of Congress, and '.. -'-r • ses, and other valuable matter can bo obtained of re-painted and re-carpeted their parsonage. friends and neighbors who had come to pay are cooked there in the way described by Mr. the following agents in this vicinity: Rev. J. S. Haugh, with his family, have the last tribute of respect to the memory of recognized, after a pause,. General Joe John­ Barnum. AGAINST ALL COMPETITION. . THEIR STOCK-OF removed to his new home in North Canton. one whom all revered. Mr. Monroe was one ston, the ex-member from Virginia and the AGENT FOE Mr. Albert Gorham has made quite a great Confederate Leader. This man must Lakoebt Book Published.—The new edi­ of those men who never allowed prido or tion of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, FANCY GOODS, Raymond Brothers, South Norwalk, change and improvement in the arrangement have been born in Jefferson's or Madison's passiou to get the upper hand of him. His just issued, is believed to be in the quantity V - -: • - • X- • . : . •; ^rr'r- J. H. Ives, Danbury, j Le ; of his homestead. He has changed the po­ upright walk and correct life during three administration for he was at West Point of matter it contains, by far the largest vol­ ,T. H. Valden & Son, Branchville, sition of his barn and turned it round so that qnarters of a century among us is proof of Academy as early as 1825. He is one of ume published. It new contains about 118, J. F. Sii/liman & Co., New Canaan. GENT'S FURNISH8N0 GOODS it now faces the east instead of the south. the men who made the war between the sec­ 000 words defined, and nearly 15,000 words Rod Crystal I Acme Eye Glasses: this. Once every year, on Christmas Eve, and meanings not found in any other diction­ Hosiery, Gfloves, &c. He has moved the wagon sheds, and is about from the time Christ church was completed tions respectable to their posterity by observ­ ary. The Biographical Dictionary, just ad­ F " ^ UNEQILALED. • moving the store, so that both will be taken in 1835, until within a very few years ago, ing the laws of nations; and when he sur­ ded, supplies a want long felt by the reader J.Spencer, away from the street and stand in closer rendered his army Sherman's respect for him, and student, in giving the desired informa­ old age evidently ^hen preventing, was his who had been his constant antagonist, was proximity to his barn. tion so briefly. Never was any one volume MAIN STREET, SORWALK. , face and that of his aged wife seen in such that he gave him terms the political so complete as an aid in getting an education. Will open to-day the Cheapest arid BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS. Mr. John'Nickerson has re-shingled the the gallery of that church. Unlike some of authorities would not approve. Finest stock of - Spring Goods! house which he occupies. ' . his race he took no part in politics, never I am told that he voluntarily went out of Hartford, Conn., April 21.—Mrs. Wal- Congress because he thought it was not bis clamoring for what many termed, "their der, a German, while burning brush in a GREENWICH. sphere, and that ought to entitle him to a swamp in Canton, was surrounded by the The Post Office has been removed to Mead's rights," but was always satisfied with the monument, considering the .material which flames and could not escape. The clothing Latest Styles of Hats! brick building. conditions of things, political as they existed crowded into that Congress*'and with no was burned from her body before her screams Spring Qoods! and never was made a freeman until last fall, Other motive, apparently, than to draw the brougflt assistance. STAMFORD. Salary. Here and there you see a gorilla, PARASOLS when he felt it his duty to vote for General •—• i ' Consisting of all the Leading Styles in Plain and BRIDGEPORT. as dey was gone out to-night I thought I 60 THEN £>0 SALE ! Fancy Straws. Waterbury Watch Co., same place. York. . Sold in fifty cents and dollar sizes; The body of Daniel Ryan, who disappear­ would get into some family whar day respect­ Foster, Blaokman «& Co. " " " Silks, Satins, Kibbons in all the new Shades, No. 240,430, Tool holder for turning lathes ed de panic.'" reduoed rates by the half gallon and gallon. The celebrated EX LOCIf OOD'il ed last November, was found floating in Bridgepoit harbor Friday, appearances indi­ Charles W. LeCount, South Norwalk. When an old backwoodsman was about to Beware of worthless imitations. Air-slacked Lime, 'Flowers and Feathers in endless variety. cating that he had been accidentally drowned No. 240,471, Elastic support for Sleeves, take his first ride on a Mississippi steamer he Berwick, Comstock & Co. " " " . I XL SIDE HILL PLOW, Full line of Shaded Ostrich Tips and Plumes. ry?V>- at the time of his disappearance. William E. Smith, Ans'onia Conn., assignor was asked whether he would take deck or Tlio Cause of Science MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY. On Monday of last week, James Lennahan to Burkhard Goodman, New York. cabin passage. "Well," said he, in a resign­ has received an important addition iu tho T. H. MeGraw & Co., 2nd quality " ." •Warranted to work well. Ladies' own material made up St. Trimming 50c. THECEI jEEH-ATED* drove a load , of goods across the railroad ed sort ot way, "I've lived all my life in a elegant observatory which H. H. Warner, Mapes Prepared No 240,491, Sash Cord fastener, Hezekiah cabin, and I guess a cabin • passage will be poprietor of the valuable Safe Kidney and Straw llats Bleached and Pressed 40 to 50 cts. track to the rear of a Water street store. These Shingle are of last year's cut, have After unloading he started back end was run R. Young, Meriden. v good enough for a rough chap like me." Liver Cure, lias erected at Rochester. 2tl6 HORSE PLOWS, 18, 18 1-2, Immense Success. WHITE R over by a train of cars. Both of his horses No. 9,680, Machinery for splitting and A darkey down in Florida was told that if : -<• 19, 20 and 21, and the old were killed and he was dangerously wound­ Beveling leather, Christian Daucel, NewYork he burned asafcetida in his room it would An Indian Boy's Love-Letter.—A love been well housed anil covered, and are in j Manures, ; Dr. S. W. FISKE, ed. ' It is now thought that be will recover. Sewisag ,-^-<,4' and Edward C. Smith, Westport, Conn., drive out the mosquitoes. He tried it, and letter picked up on the floor of a school with Peekskill 2 1-2 D. Of Norwich, Conn., liie Celebrated The Bathing Company have leased those says that he didn't stop to see, but ha doesn't CLAIRVOYANT LPHY8I0IAN. Hampton's views on .cc-education need not good condition for use. I will fully warrant Best, Easiest Running:,Cheap-' charming lots of Barnum's west of Sea Side original No. 196,197, dated October 16, 1877, believe the skeeters are cussed fools enough to AND Park, and will erect buildings 165 feet front, Reissue No. 9235 dated June 8,1880,(reissue.) stay in the room. He is looking for the inevitably shock even pedagogic sensibilities. Peruvian Guano, MAGNETIC HEALER of 30 YEARS PRAOTICE est in the World. including fifty bath houses. recommender of the remedy.—Boston Post. Written in an unknown tongue, however, them equal to any made, and far superior to With tho above assortment wc do not lose sight Also BC31NESS andTESTMED1UM, The Lee Arms Co. have removed to Ilion, of the i'act that it is time to paint, &e.fan«i we Will visit Sonth Norwalk, Conn., regularly every • "The thruble wid the country, sor, is ab ° A story is told of an old gentleman who with only the names to betray it, a transla­ claim.to have the best Standard boods that there Month .at the City Hotel, where he can be con­ New York. always took notes of his ministers sermons, arc in this market or country, In Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fitzgerald, have gone senteeism," said an Irish car-driver to the tion by the private interpreter seemed only the great majority of brands that are manu­ sulted Wednesday and Thursday, April 27th and tourist. "But there are not many absentees and on one occasion read them to the minis­ Potash and Fish, 28th, from 9 a. m to 9 p. m. to Europe for the summer. ter himself. • '-Stop, stop!" said he, at the a proper precaution. If I confide it to the Also at the Sterling House, Bridgeport, Friday, in this part, I hear," was the reply. "Not factured in what would be called here, "thun­ April 29th, nntil 9 p. m. many absentees, is it.' "Well, thin, let me occurrence of a certain sentence; "I didn't gentle reader, the Indian lovers will be nei­ Waflsiortl, lartiiez & Lnnpan's The Doctor can also.be consulted at his office Summer will com6 aryi the spring close tell ye the counthry's just full of absentees.". say that." "I know you didn't," was the re­ ther the worse .nor the wiser, while some So. 270 Chapel street. New Haven, l'rom the 10th before many a young man will get his spring prepared Paint, until tho 26th at 3 p. ra. ot every month. Punch. ply ; "I put that in myself to make sense." others may find in it valuable suggestions for der shower" mills. As is well known to the Land Salt, clothes. —London * 1 , . i-; All who need any counsel or treatment are in­ "I thought of America," said Sarah Bern­ A stock broker returning to his office the similar vited to call. The Doctor ha3 the gilt to describe Some men are never more possessed of a correspondence. Atlantic, Jewett's & English White every pain and secret disease at sight, and with hardt to a reporter, "as comprising New other day, after a substantial luncheon.,with trade, such shingles are cut from butts, rotten his vegetables medicine and Healing Power com­ devil then when they 'are self-pbssessed.— his client-, said, complacently, to his head Normal SonooL, February 3,1879. Lead, French and American. J r*v-- York, Boston, Philadelphia and a place gS''Miss : I said I like you, and I | Ashes, bined he is enabled to cure all.kinds of diseases Yonkers Gazette. where they kill pigs in the west called Chi­ clerk"Mr. Putkin, the world looks differ­ Zinc, also iu a short time. The Doctor has had 30 years Gold is not pleasant to the touch. We so ent to'a man when he has a bottle of cham­ want to give you a letter. Whenever I give hearted and refuse logs, are sent to shipping experience as a Healer and Physician, as thpu- cago." She acknowledges that she made a yofi letter, I want you answer to me soon. sands can tes lily to the many astonishing enres judge from the manner in which gold headed wonderful mistake. pagne in him." "Yes, sir," replied the clerk, ho has perlormcd. He makes speedy and rapid t .J ->v • 1 canes are carried. significantly, "and he- looks different to the That's all I want, and I will answer to you cures in nearly evety case he unde tnkes. All Professor Swing says "the coming man will world."—Puck. soon after. When you give me letter, it points, traded for mill supplies and then Stable Manure, &c., curable cases mnst yield to his mode oi treat­ Cupid used to bring down his game with raises me up. It makes me heart-glad, sister- ment. The success of the Doctor sstonishes the be temperate, chaste, merciful, just, gener­ jnost distinguished physicians. He cures when noiseless arrows; now heshoots with a bang. ous, charitable, large-hearted, sweet-tem­ Cincinnati has established a matrimonial in-law. When I talk, I am not saying any­ • i - tr'. • ''«*'• ' —Courier-Journal. benefit society, the .benefits being payable at branded with the merchant's names, are sold kf Always in Stock, at . all other treatment tails, ami the patient is re­ pered, christian, a good neighbor and a faith­ thing foolish. Always my heart very glad. which js stored to perfect health. The Dr. was lion, with t- Adam ought to have said "Hardly Eve," ful citizen." If that is so the coming man the members' marriage instead of at death. I want you let me know your thought. I naturally healing and curative powers. Hi;, laaj. It is a sad commentary on Ohio girls that through the country as a first quality a'rtiele. netic passes give power ami strength to tl-eitis- •.ftVt-5. Hil? ' when he was tempted to bite the apple.— can never be elected to office.—New Orleans always "like you and love you. I am honest Whiter than the best White Lead, -easod organs, aud with the immense Mir.iiiers Keokuk Constitution. Picayune. men have to be paid to marry them, but in a about what I say, I always keep in mind. I that lloek to his rooms, scarcely one goes away State where every male citizen expects some does .not blister, crack or peel off, Raymond B?os., The contribution box is superior to the Baseball, it will be remembered by the old want always we smile at each other when They are tho refuse of^creation and a swindle who does not receive benelit. His pric s arc so time or ctfher to enter public office, home meet. We live happy always. Tthink that's has 25 per cent, more body than reasonable that rich anil poor alike can be restor­ For beauty ol stitch, and rapidity of motion 1 v,; ' , . ballot box. It is never stuffed, and in no settlers, is a game played by 18 persons u products are naturally unappreciated.—Bos­ best way, and you think it is and let^me ed to i ealtli is uneqnaled and reisns supreme kingover at danger of repeaters.—Boston Transcript. . wearing shirts and drawers. They scatter ton Transcript. ' White Lead, and having tested Soutla. KTorwalls.1 Ot, The Doctor also gives valuable advice on busi­ Fewing Machines. The Company give a warrant! ;v -a a kntiw. And I want'to say one thing—don't from the si ump to the consumer. Such shin­ ness matters and atl.theaffairsot liie, bothsocial for 5 years wiUi each Machine. Suppliesconstant! , "I don't so much mind," said Mr. Henpeck aroupd the field,and try to catch a cannon bal thoroughly we can recommend it. and financial, includingjourneys, lawsuits,gains, lv on hand Repairing done at reasonable rate. Jfei covered with raw hide. The game is to get "But, my deah fellah," said the newly- say anything to Henry. I don't think that's —"I don't so much mind a woman's having a arrived Englishman- to the Galveston hack right. And I say again, when I give a letter, lossc , absent lriends, and great success in se­ This Machine on-cxhibitimi at ITS Main 3treetk > mind of her own, except that in such* case the people to pay two shillings to come inside gle are dear at a dollar per thousand under With these tacts before yon, which we can back lecting lucky nnmoers. Sittings for business at- corner Plymouth Avoi;m\ t" the fence. driver, who had crlled him "Colonel"-r-"but keep nicely and' not show to any one. If up, give us n call and wo will please you botli in fairsor examination ot llio sick, §1.00. Communit she usually takes charge of her husband's my deah fellah, I doni't belong ta the army, they know it, it not good way. They take cations by letter upon business or liealth mus- 47 JOHSi H. AIKEN. A grout, »- -tf also."—Lowell Courier. ''Boss, I've come up here from Texas to quality aud price. i j , L * contain $2, age. Bex, n lock of hair, and stamp. yer know." ';That don't make any differ! us away and that is the reason don't show it. the market, and at the same price is simply European Tickets Address Lock Box t^SG, Norwich Conn. A bright little three-year old, while her strike the old man for an officc. I'm poorer ence. Here in Galveston we call almost Hear me, this all I am going to say. I like • For further particnlurs send stamp and pet a mother was trying to get her to sleep,became than nine kinds of cats! Can't you lend me every loafer and deadbeat colonel or major. circular. you and I love you. I won't say any more. a fraud upon a confiding public. Come and FOIl SAX.S, interested in some Outside noise. She was a quarter |til the dead-lock is btoken?" Have a kerndge, General ?'' ' My whole heart is shaking hands with you... I 'TAB.*: NOTICE. told that it was caused by a cricket, when she |'Reallj»" said the astonished citizen, feeling AT THE Use Dr.Fiske's Valuable Liniment tor man or Black EiiaieleS Carti tafl: 5 . one °^ t^° towns of Wyoming Territory •kiss you. - Your lover, beast. It cannot bo equalled tor [lie cure of Rheu­ sagely observed: "Mamma, I think he ought in his pocket and holding the silver piece re­ examine a genuine article. .: j}::;"J: JO" luctantly in his hand, "I don't know you." is a placard in a hotel dining room which GAZETTE OFFICE, matism. Neuralgia, Sprains. Swellings, Weak or to be oiled." announces that a discreet waiter, who was ,-t-Henry W. Ludlow, ih Harper's Maga­ Stifl Joints, Contracted Uords, Chapped Hands, A Denver alderman who was a witness in " 'S no difference. I'll be a rich man next never known to tell even the time of day is I BY Tltfi RENOWNED Cliillblains Sore Throat, Corns, Bunions,Tooth­ Ganuine-aiiii Blue fo! FalVWorfc year, and then—" the smile of encourage­ zine for April. ache, Bruises and Aches of ail kinds, Rheumatic a case in court refused to answer the ques­ employed to carry milk punches and hot m i— Nos. 15 and 17 Water Street, 14 Pains in all parts ot the system. It loaves ttiu tion, "Have you not introduced four women ment that followed drew the quarter, and the toddies to ladies' rooms in the evening. The E. J. HIK.li: Guiou Line of Steaniters. skin soft and without irritation, and is a quick to the same railroad conductor as your wife ?" gentleman from Texas next remarked: "I same hotel says that guests will find a sewing A Paris dispatch says that Adelina Pfftti ChoiAe of either the Abyssinia, Arizonia, Xeva- and effectual external remedy. No one should be A, H. BYIKGTOlr'l CO ? think I'll go and wrap myself around some­ has signed an engagement to visit America, F NORWALK, CONN. da. Wisconsin, or Wyoming# Will Boll you at without iu -Price 50 cents. For salo by alt drug- Modest chaps, those aldermen.—Free Presst machinej a grand piano, a clergyman, and all same rate as cbargcd in New York ulty. giits. thing huqjp" other modem conveniences. and ym arrive next October, <-V ^ -M -•» * J- * _• »»•!*. -» —. v <•i'l' «U#

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tlie Return Message, TEMPERANCE. CONVEYANCES^ SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY, f - '"W^S Contributed by Ladle# of Horwalk Temp. IJnionO ! / ij«< .42 ;rJo Iff' Gazette. EDWARD BVEEKTT HAW. SAWFNGI PLANING DA.KBURV & KOBWALB K. XK A pair of Italian twins are now being ex-r IIarpet'» Magazine. Absttrpity oi? LrpwtsK.—ITere is a worthy SUMMERAKBANG£H£NT. hibited in Vienna. From the sixth rib down­ housekeeper iphdiWrWiSe is infested with Band & Scroll Sawing &Turningv NEWTORK Commencing Nor.29,1880. ward tho boys are grown together- They-i • * lOSday, April 26,1881. She parted from him with the old han­ Best in the world. Lasts longer than any other. MANUFACTURER OF •p'-rv. — AND— D AIL ¥ TRAIN 8 rats. They hwgp|flfe&t|ieir way into every Always in goodcondition. Cures Boree.cuts.bruiB- COCA BEEF TONIC. have but one abdomen and two feet. The ,.^ , kering for something better. What was ea and corns. Costs btit little more llian the imi­ Doors, Saslies, Blinds, Mouldings, Leave Norwalk Bridge for Danbury. amiss? Must it always be amiss? Had all part of it. not only in the tations. Every package lias the trade marK. Call Boxes, Packing Cases, Win­ NORWALK. 9 37 a.m., Mail. Mi-- upper part of the body is completely deVe!-; V f~Pt! "Make Home Happy- garret and cel%. bvtf^.the kitchen, and for the genuine, and take no other. 4 28 p.m., Accommodation. oped in each, and the intellectual faculties of|i!f • women this hitch, this jar, with the men A YKAR and expenses to a^erUS dow Frames, &c. 616 p.m., Mail. they loved ? Of course she loved him. Of even in the park«r retting, destroying, de t Free. Address P. O.A Still we adhere to Low Bates - 8 07 a.m., Sunday A. each head are of a normal character. All the More than building showy mansions,' >777affi Augusta, Maine. I have on hand tools for 150 patterned Mould­ course he loved her. Why could not there filing everything; Of coarse she is trying to ings, and will, when desired, make toolslor new operations of eating, drinking, sleeping, More than drees and fine array; expenses. $G Outflfa styleB. Constantly in stock FAKE ONLY83 CENTS. Arrive at Norwalk Bridgt/rom Danbury. be the abandon and joy she had always destroy them,, and she >9 Silling a good in&Oo., Augusta,MP 7 34 a.m., Mail. speaking and thinking are performed by each " ? More than domes and lofty steeples, Pickets, planed and pointed, Fence 109 p.m.. Accommodation. ; dreamed of in her girlhood when she read of many. But tohearfcis touc&Ovand she iOIVORCESWLTHOUT Ralls and Trimmings, 5 28 p.m., Mail. Highest Medals. Indorsed and Prescribed by child independently of the other. Further'*' More than station^ power, and sway, 9crance,'5EWSSI BRACKETS ofall descriptions, and WINDOW EicwsiOE Tickets to O.Mnro 9 05 p. m., Freight. than this, it is quite possible for one to suffer" love ? cannot lkart^&ttdiy:ty.m^pities ' full information for FRAMES made to order at short notice. INSIDE Medical Men of all Schools. Make your home both neat and tasteful, 17 West 11th at. N.Y. L .W.S ANDirOBTfi ,8apt, "Shfc" was Ruth Lindsay. You would them and Wte ai place jatepared whert she is Professor Duncan Camp, aad indisposition without effecting the other.'' Bright and pleasant, always fair, keeping ap^ding a fetf - the rais that • Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce bell, M.D., President The children are in perfect health, and are ' Whfcrje cac'i henrt shall rest bontentcd, have called her a queen anywhere. Tall, SOOTING and FLOORING. TURNING ol all MEW YORK, MEW HAVEN A HARTFORD RAIIR0AD. College of Physicians and'Surgeons, otc., they may live' iand breed ati& i^^stocfrgood descriptions. , THE 1'OPUfjA.lt AND SWIFT STEAMER now over thrco yeara of ~ ' Grateful for cac'i pleasure there. handsome—oh, so handsome !—and still» Trains leave 8o. NortvalkforNew York at 12 47 says: "It has moro than realized my expec­ Kindling Wood HpUt and ready for use, put a. m, Washington Ex. via Harlem ttiver; 4 31. ex.; tations." lovely; younr, but strong; grave, but and may be ready fbr when she 5 18 ex.; 5 SO, (137,7 45 ex.; 73 4, 9 04 ex.; 9 35,10 38 shall want. Now What' would you think of up in Barrels. ex. a. m ; 120,2 56 ex.; 4 30 ex.: 5 33,6 24 ex.; 6 65, ProMsor J. ML. (Jaraoclian, rountogtboHorU, P0l, b„ „r>f Tin re each bent -viii rest contented, clieeifui; jo,, ous, but wise ; loved by all her To the Boys of New England. M.D., Professor of Surgery New Yorle Medi­ 9 18 p. m. ex. For New Haven, 1 <8 ex.; 6 52 ex.; extended by the energy and enterprise of . ldom wishing far 10 rotim, school companions, I'alf worshipped by half such a woman ?" Do you. believe tljere ever BURR KNAPP, 9 01, u 2U ex.; 10 48 a. m„ 1211 ex; 145. • 12 ex.; 4 20 cal College, says: " My patients derive marked was such ap one? Was. ever s6iwi a fool ex.; C 07 ex ; 6,50,942,11 34 ex.; 11 58 ex. and decided benefit Irom it." modern explorers, comparatively little has 3 0/ i£-roaming, s ill will ever, the met), Ami Ruth had parted thus, dissat­ Foot of Marshal Street, South Norwalk, Ot AMSH.ICUS, For Springfield, tf 52, 9 28 ex. a. in.; 12 11,145,2 12 Cherish happy thought« of home. seen in woman'i clothes? And yet what ex.: .6 SO ex ; 11 58 ex. p.m. Express fm Boston Professor H. Goallon, been dene in the exploration of correspond-"1 isfied at heart—though she was too proud to Will leave South Ivorwnlk, every morning, (Sun­ via Springfield !> 28 a.m. 13 11,212.1158 p.m. via M.D., Physician to Ihe Grand Duke of Such a home makes men, the better, own this—from Alfred Moshier. They had better do those do who wear the garb of days excepted,) eommcncing on Monday, April New London, G 52,9 28 a. m., 2 12, 6 34,11 45 p.m. Saxony; Knight of the Holy Cross, etc., says: ing portions of the southern hemisphere. magistrates, ar,d who are selling licenses the 1 17 STOP ORGANS. 18th, 18S1, at 7:50 A.M., on arrival ol the Dan- "Itgives more tono than anythinglhave ever At the head of an American expedition, ' . ' Sure sod lasting t ie control, been entjageil, now several weeks, since tlicy bury and New Havun trains. Iteturuing will prescribed." country over to sell intoxicating liquors, and leave fier'22 K.Ii.,foot of fulton Street, at 2:45 EW YORK & PHILADELPHIA NEW LINE Lieut. Wifkes believed that he had establish­ Home with pure at.d bright siiriound'mge, crossed the oseau on the Parlhia. CSID DRCO Oct. Coupler 4 Sets a.M.,and lrom«roolof 33rdStreet, JS. It.,at tfsOO N BOUND BROOK KOOTE Sir IBo1»«r4 Christison, thus make drunkards and ruin families', and p. »., connecting surely with the train lor KOR TRENTON AND PHIL ADELI'HIA. LL.D., P.It.S., Physician to her Majesty ed tbe existence of an Antarctic continent; Lsaves its impress on the soul. "I will not worry any longer;" said Ruthj oliO-uAui ISecds, $8S.OO, Commencing April 3d, 1881. hurry thousands upon thousands who other­ Uanbury leaving at fi: 1 - p.m.,and the New Haven the Queen ; President Jioyal British Associa­ and this discovery was verified a year later 1 aloud. She girt herself for work. She went PIANOS $125 and upwards sent on trial. Cat- trains going east. Passengers lor. Brooklyn can Leave New Yorkfrom station 0. R. R. OI N. J., tion, etc., etc., says: "The properties of the wise might be useful and happy to a pre alogue 1TUBJ3. take the Fulton Ferry at the head ol the 1'ier. tootot Liberty for Philadelphia. Coca are the most remarkable of any known to by Sir James Ross, who found the extensive Kates of Postage. down t > oi l Mrs. Royal's and washed the Address Pass-cngurs can proeure Single and Exclusion Ninth & GrcenTitreets, at 7:45, 9,11:15 a.m. 1:30, mature death and a drunkard's grave—ajul TiuketBforall Stations on the Danbury Kailroad 4,4:30,5:30,7,12p.m. On Sunday at 8:45 a.m. tho medical world, from repeated personal Victoria Land, with mountains 14,000 feet baby, who needed it badly, aired the bed­ S.INIKS, F. ItliATTV, Washington, N.J. at the Captain's Office on the boat. 5:30,12 n. m. trials I am convinced that its use is highly The following shows the rates of postage room while Mrs. Royal sat over the fire. eternity! L«t the sellers and their sup­ jO- Panscngers and Baggage conveyed to and For Third * Berks streets, at 5:30,9,11:15, a. m. beneficial and tonic." high and an active volcano. The expedition 1:30,4:30, 5:30,7, p. m. On Sunday at 8:45 a. m. 1 on letters, printed matter, and mail matter, She went to the French reading and laughed porters the world over think of this, and say irom the Depot at South IvorwalkFree <}t Charge. Valuable in malaria; ague; malarialdebility; now being fitted out for Antarctic explora­ Refreshments served on board at all hours. For Trenton, warren and Tuckersts.,5:30,7:45 dumb ague; low fever; marasmus; paralytic; foreign and domestic: whether the vile practice shall be continued. 9, 11:15 a. m., 1:30,4:00,4.30,5:30,7,12, p. m. .On tion under the auspices of the Italian Geo­ her best and brightest as the professor read B EATTY'S WHITE'S PKOPEIiiLEICS Sunday 8:45, a.m., S:30,12 p. m. .spinal and nervous affections; female weak­ First class—Letters, an d all matter wholly VL'Ami Inconnu." She came home, and —Rev. Br. Pond. Will continue to malic regular trips bctweenNor- Return trains IcavePhiladelphia tor New York: nesses; bilious and liver affections; weak graphical Society, will, it is stated, be fur­ CHURCH ORGANS, walk Bridge and New York. Freight received From stations Phila. A Reading Railroad, throats; palpitation and other affectionsof tho nished with everything necessary for a pro­ or partially in writing, and all matter sealed looked round her work-room for something from and delivered at the freight depot of the Ninth & Green Sts., at 7:30,8:30, 9:30, ll,a.m., 1:15 heart; epilepsy or falling sickness; weakness JiVcry dsty jit noon, jm'HrfHy, nftt-r April . a longed voyage, it being the intention of the against inspection, three cents per half ounce that would take her out of herself. "I will Intemperance a Disease.—It is not only Danbury & Norwalk Railroad for all stations, also 3:45,5:40,6:40,12p.m. On Sunday at 8:30a. m„ of thevoico of actors, singers, public speakers Balloon six feet liiirh wilt Ik; released'from tbo CHURCH, CHAPEL AUD'PABIOB. ShepaUg Railroad. _ , . ... 5:30,12 p. m. or fraction thereof. Postal cards, one cent. probable but certain that many cases of in­ top of Oak Ilnil, "Boston, and a reward of a suit of the and clergymen; colic; flatulency; seasickness; party, under the command of Lieut. Beve, talk with the newts and moles," she said. I HT'Spccial arrangementsforfrelght toand Irom From Third ft Berk streets, 4:45,8:20,9:15 a.m., falling out of the hair; asthma; shortness of Second class—Regular publications issued ebriety have been excited and brought into clothes will be paid ti> the boy -who captures it and New York can be made with this line 10 percent, 1, 3:40,5,6:fc5,11:30 p. m. On Sunday at8:lo, a.m. to winter in the polar regions. will see what they are saying." •returns it to Boston. "We also give to every cus­ BEATTY PIANOFORTES less than by the 4:30, ]>. m. breath; wasting diseases; etc., etc. It is grate­ tomer in our boys'department, an inflated Parisian railroad. fully refreshingand restorative after prolonged as frequently as four times a year, when So she lifted her telephone from the wall, activity by voluntary acts, and perhaps by a Produce sold lree ol commission and returns From Trenton,Warren and Tucker strees, 135, The following experiment very prettily Balloon, 90 centimeters in diameter! GRANil, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT. promptly made at the highest market rates. 5:40, b:30,8.00,9:05,10:08,11:36 a.m.2,229.4:24,6:30, mental and physical strain. Itis pleasantand shows the gain in weight by oxidation. A mailed by the publisher or by news agents to called Caesar's boy Pompey, and bade him wicked, and inexcusable disregard of pru­ The stock of Men's and Boys' Spring and Sum­ •ar All persons arc forbid trusting any of the 7'25, p.m. On Sunday 1:25,9:20a. m.,8:l5 p.m. agreeable, and is readily retained by the most mer Suits and Spring Overcoats is complete, and TicketB for sale at tootot Liberty St., 239,261. subscribers and news agents only, two cents dential measures in commencing the practice surpasses in variety and general excellence all Best arid Sweetest-Toned Instruments in the. employees of tho boats of this line on account ol. delicate stomach. Dr. McBean (British Medi­ handful of fine zinc filings i3 placed on tbe carry the heavy plates, and went down to World. the owners thereof. 401,944,957.1323 Broadway,and at the principal cal Journal) found it of great service in eon- per pound. of drinking. Is syphillis any the less a dis­ former displays. In three hundred New England hotels, New York. sumption. Baron vori Humboldt says he scale-pan of a common balance, which is her (Jreaming-place in the garden. She sent towns and cities we are represented by established Tickets for sale and baggage checked at loot of Third class—Transient newspapers, books, Pompey away sank the plates herself,; with ease on account of the moral delinquency .Agents, in whose hands full lines oi" Spring and S30, $40, $50, to"$l,000, 2 to Libert; St., X.K., C.R.R. of N. J., and at principal has never known a case of consumption or then brought into equilbrium by weights in circulars, and all other matter wholly in under which it may have been contracted. Summer Samples will be found, and ^vitli whom 32 Stops. PIANOS 8125 up to Railroad and Steamboat offices in New England. asthma among thoso accustomed to its use, the other scale.pan. The application of t. her trowel, in the border, and bogan to listen our trad** can confidently deal. "Every Instrument fully Warraut" DON'T FORGET IT! JOSEPH S. HARRIS, H. P. BALDWIN, and that they live to a great age, retaining their print, rate one cent for each two ounces or to the endless sounds, which came in a Geo. Burr, M. B. ^ When you i;o to Ronton be r-ure and visit Oak ed. Sent on Trial. Bcautilnl Illustrated Cat­ General Manager. Gen. Pass. Ag't. mental and physical faculties to tho last spirit lamp now readily inflames Ihe finely .Hull—the laiuoui', one-price, reliable Clothing alogue and Steel Plate Engravlns tree. (Cosmos). divided zinc, and as it is slowly converted to fraction thereof. Reproductions by hecto­ strange refrain, as grass grows, and dews House. Those desiring to buy are requested to visit my To take your Meals on the SOLD BY ALL DHUGGISTS. graph and similar processes are classed as Whiskey Pats Samples and rules fur self measure sent to any factory here, and select the inbtrument in person. a cohesive mass of oxide the scale-pan will distill, and crystals take form in mother How .—Some years ago, address. Address or call on Prico One Doiiar Per Bottle. Steamer descend, showing that in burning it has printed matter. earth. She was soothed by the unrhythmed we had in our employ a man Who ran out of B, W, SIMMS & SON, #3-PREPABED ONLY BY-®# Fourth class—Merchandise and[all matter music more and more did it rest her, when the office several times a day to buy a drink DANIEL F. BEATTY, C N-W The Liebig Laboratory &. Chemical Works Co,, gained in weight. OAK HALL, On tbe down or up passage and save an hour in HEW YORK, PARIS, AXD LOXDON. not included in the other three classes which suddenly. of whiskey. Every time he went the cashier lyl3 WasKlngton, New Jersey. the city lor business or pleasure. The It is claimed that more rain falls now in has not been declared unmailable, as being was instructed to drop ten cents -into the 82 to 44 Street, Boston, Nebraska than.formerly,and that this rainfall "Taap, tap, lap—tap—tap, taapt—tap, The olJest CioLliing House in New England. liablie to damage the mail or injure the taap, tap—tap—tap, tap, tap—taap—long drawer to our credit. At the end of Grand aid Stations Eestanrait is increasing with the march of settlement persons of those handling it in the mail, and short, in tones no moles uses ribr root seventeen months-the man who had gone out Combination Clothing Co., Agents, and consequent cultivation. ^ "v rate, one cent per Fi£1N« SCSI- had hit upon Mr. Trowbridges' curious dis­ COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, meridian,beyond the Mississippi to the Sierra are many, none was greater than that involv­ "Every class is reforming itself as fast as MACHINE or HAND USE. Hay, Straw and Farmer's Prodncc, by /YmER MEDICINE. A Thoroiigh Blood covery, by which you can take, with the Onion Seeds, <&c. A.J.MEEKER&BUO. DENVER, LEADril^E, Purifier, A Tonic Appetizer. Pieaeant to the Nevadas, is mostly 12 to 16 inches. The ing the total disappearance of his propeity it can. Drunkenness has long ceased to be Norwalk, April, 1880. taste, invigorating to the body. The most emi telephone, anywhere from the ground, the Salt Lake, San Frartcisco, nent PSxnICIANS recommend theso Bitters annual amount in Great Britain averages 35 a prevailing vice, in the upper sections of Our General Catalogue of at the time of his death. Mr. Maxfield, his "return message," as the electricians call it. pniZEi MCBDAZjS DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, for th 'ir curative qualities. Trial Size, SOc. inches; in France, 20 to 21 inchees; farther society. The middle classes have shaken Full si ze (largest in market) SI .OO. administrator, who knew much of his affairs She sent her return message by mail to the GRANTED AT Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Colnmbua, and all W Tltlf Til EiTT. JB» from the coast, in Central Germany and themselves pretty well clear of it. The VEGETABLE, Pointsin the Territories, and. the West. Also, for For the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs, says# that while he did not have as much faithless Alfred as soon an she reached the LONDON, PARIS, Milwaukee,Green Bay.Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Mar­ Russia, only 15 to 20 inches ; but about the money as was generally supposed, yet, being better part of the artisan class has done the NEW YORK, VIENNA, quette, Fond du Lac, Water tawu, Houghton, Nee- Ule nothing I)U4*'« AH*KRS SAFE KID' house. Her mystery was solved. He did FLOWER, nah, Menasha. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron. NMV AND 1-1VER CITKE." It BUUids Alps, it is mostly 35 to 50 inches, , T in his room in Waterford, one day, just same. The vice, Lord Fife declares, lingers PHILADELPHIA, CINCINNATI, UNRIVALLED. Thousands owe their health not love her. And she—she^had been trying A FULL LINE OF Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse, Owa- and happiness to it. WWe offer "Warner's The researches of P. Plantamour h&vd only in the lowest grades of the community, AND CHARLESTON, S. C. FIELD, and tonna, and all pointsin Minnesota, Dakota, Wis­ before his departure for England and while from mere loyalty, to love him. She wrote consin and the Northwest. Site Tonic Bitter*" with £qnal confidence. shown that every rise in temperature is ac­ he was arranging his business affairs, "so where wages have risen of late years while A tConncil Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago A H. H. WARNER, Rocbeater, N. I her proud note of dismissal with absolute .. FOR SAIiE BT V TREE SEEDS, companied by an elevation of the ground, thati" as Charles said, "if anything should education has not penetrated. In other North-Western and the U. P. RJys depart from, joy- arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot. MnrianTO LOAN onBealBstateSecuriiy, and a fall of the thermometer is markecMby happbri, mother will be all right," he saw a words, the entire nation is becoming sober, For 1SS1, is now ready lor mailing. At Chicago, close connections are made with IVIOney Enqnire ot O.E.WILSON, No.6 She went to the reception at Mrs. Mandell's the Lake Shore; Michigan Central, Baltimore A Gazette Building, Norwalk, Ct. 32 ti a,sinking of the ground level. The extent pile of notes on the table amounting to about though we must wait a few years more be­ VAN HOOSEAR & AMBLER, Shipping Tags, Ohio. Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago once more perfectly happy. J. M.THORBURN & CO. A Grand Trunk R'js,and the Kankakee and Pan of the movements i3 in some cases quite re-'. . twelve thousand dollars, which he thought fore the process will be complete," ^ Dealers in DRY GOODS, FANCY Handle Routes. markable. Close connections made at Junction Points. was all the money Charles had. He had a General Putnam's l>uels. GOODS, CARPETS, &c. 8m9 4tl3 15 John St., New York. Western Mortgage Fragments of celestial bodies in the form valuable gold watch and chain. The chain One of the discoveries of the temperance It Is tbe ONLY LINE running A good story is told of General Putnam, of meteors occasionally reach us from the- was of solid gold, a present from the Cali­ reformation—perhaps the most important of PUILM AN HOTEL DINING CABS tlm the revolutionary hero, in Forney's "Anec­ BETWEBK o s , distant regions of space. These stones ex­ fornia miners, very heavy, though plainly all—is, that for persons in health, and to be PRANG'S Afford excellent'security and a dotes of Public Men." He accepted a chal­ Chicago and Council Bluffs. emplify the same chemical and crystallo- wrought, and worth alone several hundred used as a drink, intoxicating liquors are Merchandise Tags BETTER RATE OF INTEREST lenge and fixed the time,and as his antagonist PULLMAN SLEEPERS OR ALL RIIHT TRAINS. graphic laws as the rocks of the earth, and dollars. He had also a diamond pin of never useful; they only serve to excite, Birthday Cards, Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets Than any other Investment, have afforded no new element or opinion of considerable value, and two diamond rings. approached he was greeted with a shot from never to nourish and strengthen; and that ARNOLD, via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse Putnam's gun at thirty rods. ' As Putnam FOB SALE AT THE to buy if they do not read, over the Chicago A An experience of Twenty-fire Yeara any kind. Besides, his last season in London was very the habitual use of them is injurious and North-Westcrn Railways. If you wish tbo Best enables me to select GOOD. SAFJS LOANS, the A very Te markable deposit of petroleum is successful: for some six weeks, he netted was reloading his gun his antagonist ap­ Traveling Accommodations you will btiy your interest and principal payable at my office, dangerous, causing more suffering and pov­ GAZETTE OFFICE. { AND } Tickets by this route, K7*AND WILL TAKE , described as existing in' Venezuela between three hundred dollars a night. He was also proached and said: "What are you about to erty, diseases and deaths, than any other NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets GEO. W. MOORE, do! Is this the conduct of an American CONSTABLE & GO. by th2s Line. MARVIN HUGH1TT, the Rio Tara and Zulia. Near the former liberally paid for his contributions to cause whatever. This is a late discovery, 2d V. P. & Gen'l Manager, Chicago. 281 Main Street, there rises a sand bank about thirty-five' "Punch." But of all this his mother never soldier and a man of honor ?" "What am I Carriage Making and if it be true, as we believe it is, then the 2tnl2 HARTFORD, CONN. yards in extent, and some ten yards in received a cent, and not so much as a single about to do ?" was the reply of the General. practice of selling licenses for the sale and AND . WESTWARD. "A pretty question to put to a man you height. On its surface is visible a collection relic. Previous to his death he had cleared use of it loses all its consistency, loses its DEAD LOCK TAG FASTENERS Yourselves by making money when a of cylindrical holes, apparently artificially the old homestead of debt, aqd had willed to intend to murder! I am about to kill you ; entire foundation, and becomes one of the [golden chance is offered, thereby al ,T EC H and, if you do not fight in less time than it ways keeping poverty from your door made, through which streams of petroleum, his mother a small property at Yonkers, N. grossest and tfost dangerous absurdities.— CARPETS. Those who always take advantage ol mixed with boiling water, gush out with takes old Heath to hang a Tory, you are a theHELP- good chancescha for making money that are ot- IMPERISHABLE Y. What became of the rest ? Res. Enoch Pond, M. B. IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, AT fered, generally become wealthy,while those who great violence, accompanied with a noise gone dog." Of course the other turned and do not improve such chances remain in poverty. resembling that of several boilers blowing ran away. The second affair was with a Have now open their full line of American We want many men, women, boys and girls to PERFUME. Our predictions for the future: Good companionship is one of the best work for us right in their own localities.' The off steam. The column of vapor that as­ June 15—Southerly gales, preceded in British officer who challenged him. Putnam remedies for intemperance. Carpets, Ingrains, Tapestries, Brussels, Mo- business will pay more than ten times ordinary accepted, fixed the time and place, .and quettes, Wiltons and Axmlnsters; also, their wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and afi cends from the spot would donbtless be seen Chicago by heavy frosts and snow; the Dr. John Todd has wisely said: "I wish Spring Importations of Foreign Carpets, new that you need, lree. No one who engages lails to Murray & Lanman's when the Englishman found him he was to say in regard to beer, that while I think it Gazette Office. make money very rapidly. You can devote yonr from a long distance were it not shrouded by street cars will run during the early part of and exclusive designs. (The whole at less whole timo to the work, or only your Bpare mo­ seated near a barrel, apparently containing is not so intoxicating as other drinks it de­ price than they have been offered for many tbe thick forest, to which the petroleum beds the day. ments. Full information and all that is needed powder, smoking his pipe. The General moralizes awfully. years.) tent lree. Address Stixbon & Co., Portland,Me. FLORIDA WATER, that evidently lie underneath, give a perpet-. June 20—Increasing cloudiness, followed India Whole Carpets, Hugs and Mats, Oil REPAIRING. requested him to take a seat on the other A man was lately killed at Spring town by ual greenness and freshness of foliage. From; • by light snow; winds from all directions. the cars. In a drunken stupor he slept on the Cloths, linoleum and Lignum. AT .Canton .Matting3, a cargo just received. one of these holes oil has been collected at July 4—Severe thunder storm in the morn­ side of the cask, and then set fire to a-match track, and was instantly killed. a.TILI^T'S, Bast fnr/rOILET. BATH. communicating with the contents of the m—<•>—*> the rate of four gallons per minute. A very ing ; Ma at noon; the thermometer will Main Street, South Norwalk, Cl. curious phenomenon has been occasionally jump around like a French dancing master; barrel. The officer looked at the burning We copy the following from "the testi­ and SICK ROOM. fuse and retired. As .he moved off the Coupe Kockaway. in good order, for sale. MAM seen in Venezuela, consisting of a frequent northwest winds at 2 p. m.; one of the mony of a veteran (the late Dr. John Adams, WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THB GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, General said "You are just as brave as I of Dr. Wm. Adams, lately deceased), ejflnOutlit sent free to those who wish to engage WILL 8KB BY EXAMIIHMO THIS MAP. THAT THB lightning unaccompanied by thunder, which heaviest snow falls nf the season. Coal will father Broadway & 19th. St 8*1 >n the most pleasant and profitable business took you to be; this is nothing but a barrel to the value of the labors of Sunday School j|"J known. Everything new. Capital not re- MRS. LYDIA E. !>INKHAMV i3 observable from tlie bar at the entrance of begin to advance. Ittmeapohs PAUL of ij'srrfis", MASS. ;1; of onions, with a few grains of powder oa missionaries!" ^ IpUquired. We will furnish you everything. $10 ttvxaeo imtta n the Lake of Maracaibo, and which ha3 been July 15—Colder; all railroads blockaded; NEW YORK. a day and upwards is easily made without staying : top, to try you by ; but you don't like the "The American Sunday School Union is away Irom home over night. No risk1-whatever. JJicnaska attributed to the vapor ascending from the'- *i' river frozen tight and all business suspended. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are Cienega de Agua Caliente. It is more prob- July 39—Still colder; thermometer 75 de­ smell." worthy of the confidence and patronage of making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as •(OOM all. It commences its operations at the right much as men. and young boys and girls make Vvrthxnattm able that this appearance, called by mariners , grees below freezing point; several deaths- Mr. Evart's Joke. great pay. No one who is willing to work lails to "El farol de Maracaibo," is due to the in­ point. It does not interfere with any other make more money every day than can be made in MOUC br*JC. from exposure may be expected ; coal $82 Chicago Tribune. ' a week at any ordinaiy employment. Those who flammable gas that permeates the whole per ton and still advancing. Secretary Blaine, is ^reported to have re­ benevolent enterprise, but gives aid and engage at once will find a short road to fortune. ctcdtt encouragement to them all. Its labors and Address II.II ALI.KTT & Co., X'ortlanil, Maine. district to such an extent that it is known by;? August 15—Intensely cold; snow in the cently said that it would be the policy of the efforts are in the very nursery of ths church, oooooooot- the natives as ''El Inferno." There is nci " ' Chicago •streits 15 and 20 feet deep; ice Administration not to keep any one in the OOiOOOiOOiOiij PS 3 doubt that the supply of petroleum is very training children in the right way, that in i-! c<5 eo m icj'd ss g-° i selling at 10 cents per ton; coal $125 per foreign service who had already been there large, not only at this point, but in the neigh-;f;: :; subsequent life they may be prepared to €©• AugttMSS—Still snowing. be removed. 5 ^ The very large and constantly increasingsales of the u VEGSTABL:ABL3 COMPOmm borcalis, accompanied by sound? Such,is the;-.,; AugOsi 110—No end to the snow. Mr. Eyarts, who was present in the room, giving advice to others; but for myself,— WSP0UIWJX now retiring from my field of labor, and ex incomparable BAKING- IPOWDliU is proof The Positive Cure ; much-mooted question which is being reviv-. August 31, and for the remainder of the listened to the efforts of these gentlemen, and that tho publicappreciate and will buythe best goods. ' For all Female Complaints. td among British scientists. The evidence j. pecting very soon to drop into my grave,— Nothing but the purest and healthiest ingredients ifeO ^soq mojj fi TO yq*r—No prediction can be made. approved Secretary Blaine's policy, when ihe .3 o THIS PREPARATION RESTORES thb bsoop rra from my own observation of the necessity ever enter into its composition; IT 13 WARRANTED UATURAI. CONDITION, DEJECTS SHB VITAI, POWEB of observers and writers from the time of- "' following colloquy is said to have occurred: TO CONTAIN NO AIiTHUT, or anything tmhealthfhl, sasimoad oqj ABIGUT, STBENGTHENSTUE HTJSC1E9 OT THB UTERU3 Ticitus to the present day is quoted to prsve; and benefits of Sunday schools, I do not and we solicit an unpredjudicod comparison with, AXD LIFTS IT INTO PLACE, AND GIVES IT TONE AOTJ Total Yield of tlie Big Bonanza. Evarts—I'm a civil service reformer ; but STRENGTH, so THAT THS cotb ' isradical and en­ hesitate to say, that is I could bequeath any other Baking Powder in tho world. that the mystic light of our northern skies The consolidated Virginia mine has pro­ then, if you really intend to inaugurate this fSTTry one can. For sale by all grocers..^) no paanqo'Bjnu'Bjijf tire. It strengthens THE BACK andpelvic re- $100,000 to the various benevolent societies OIOX; IT GIVE3 TONE TO THE WHOLE KERVOP3 ST8- produces a decided sound. :. duced $64,970,777.95 in bi^bn, and paid new policy,'I would advise you to begin some­ STEELE it EUEUYi UfiaTn, Now Haven, Conn. CSCAGOTROCK ISLAND & PACIFXC R'Y TEM; IT RESTORES DISPLACED ORGANS TO THEIB in our land, I would give one-half of it io NATURAL POSITION. THAT FEELING OP BEARING Pillows as Jjil'e Preservers., : $42,930,000 in dividends, and the California where else. Don't disturb Mangum. Is The Great Connecting Link between the East and the West!. DOWN, CAUSING PAIN, WEIGHT AND BACKACHE, 13 'the society that takes care of the children.' Tfca mafn line runs from Chlcsffo to Council SletpinQ Cflfifor sleepingpurpose^ and Paliics mine has produced $46,738,831,044 in bull­ "Why?" T^ii^qnMsinp-throuahJolIetro^wa. La SftHe, Dining Car* foreating purposes only. One other ALWAYS PBR1LANBNTLT CmiSnar ITS CSE. In the new steel steamship Parisian, "May all who read this farewell testimony SLnAHM Mo?&& ItockIsland. DaTenporVWes* great feature of our Palace Cars !s a SMOKING Itw-ai, at all timras and under all ctrcnin. "Well it would be " CO U1 ifbe^ IaC&N where you can en** your "Havana" recently completed at Glasgow for the ion and paid $31,330,000 in dividends, m gq stances, act in harmony with the laws that "Be what ? Hasn't he been there a long of an aged and retiring missionary, have WILL IT CURE ME? - Des Moines (the capital oilowa), Stnart* Atlan­ at all hours of tbe day. govern the female system...... Allen Line, and now nearly ready to make making a combined product of $111,707,608 Said fi man whose woetfegone counte­ tic. and Aroca: with branches from Bureau j?or theenre of Kidney Complaints of cither time i" much of the wisdom which is from above, nance ami broken down constitution Junction to Peoria; Wiltoa Junction to Musca­ sex, this Compound is nnsnrpassed. her maiden voyage across the Atlantic, the and $74,250,000 in dividends. All this tine. Washington* Fairfield Eldoiu Belkn^p, IiVdia E. Pin&hoia's Vegetable Compcmd •'Yes ; but you see " and which is profitable to direct. plainly showed truces oi disease—asnffer- tjeSreTtile. Princeton. Trenton,GaJlatin, Game* Kansas "City. Leavenworth and Atchison, con­ pillows with which the stateroom beds are wealth came out cf one of those nodules or er with Nervous Dyspepsia, in whose ron, Leavenworto, Alison, and Kansas Cityj nections being made In Union Depots. Is prepared at the proprietorslaboratory. John Adams. stomach the most delicate morsel lay like ron, Leavenworth, At< The principal K, B. connections or No, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. supplied constitute, in case of danger, an concretions of ore in the great Comstock "I see nothing to prevent his removal." lead. Refreshing sleep and quiet nerves this great Through l,lne are w follows. "But, then •" were strangers to him,ami he despaired At CHICAGO, with all diverging lines for the Price, $1. Six Botiias to one address, $5. effective life-saring apparatus. These pil­ vein, popularly known , as bonanzas. These Tlie Birth of a Kangaroo. a a 1 Mrs. Pinbhamfreely answersallletters of inquiry. of ever beinp; well. vllleC oskaloosa, Pella, Monroe, ? "B""*". ???' ^t ENaLBWOODj with the L.S. A M.S., and P- 1 nodules are the sugar plums occuring here "Well, then, what?":. »•" jj Wo advised him to take Mt. Zlon to Keosauqua; Newton toMonroe: Des ' " Address as above. lows, which have been invented and patented . Just after Mr. Barnum had retired from and ;there in the vein. Many have been "Why, he's dead." '^At^Vam!ikoton HTIOHTS. With P., O. <6 St. by Mr. Woods, superintendent of the vic­ "Dead!" the ring in the Madison Square Garden, New ^At taSAtl* with IH-CentjE. R. . ness. and Torpidity < tualing department of the Parisian, are made; : ' found in the vein, first and last, but the one SIMOHS LITER REGULATOR • AtP»ORM,w!th P. &E.iI. B.4 York, on Monday evening, where he had which he did, and in a short time was not from Chicago tnto the State of Kansas. JOHNSTON, HOllOWAI & Co., of the hair of the moose, and arc so con­ in the ground of the California and Consoli­ "Yes! as dead as Julius Csssar. He died ix with "Milwaukeeand Rock announced to an applauding audience his only relieved butcurcd. Iifland Short line?and Rock Isl'd i Pep. Rds. Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, Fenn. structed that in the heur of danger the pass-mi: dated Virginia Companies, mentioned above, eight or nine months ago." Reader, if you are suffering with Dys­ D return from Florida in robust health, Mr. J. pepsia or Liver Disease in any form, do At AVENPORT, with the Davenport Division : engers can immediately fasten them around ^ was the chief of them all. They occur in The North Carolina delegation retired. not wait until the disease has taken a fast BOH Through cars are also run betweenMilwau- C. M. & St. p. R. R. . DIAMOND SPECTACLES! A. Bailey came running in from the menag­ ke?'aid Kansas City, via the - Milwaukee and At WEST LIBEBTT. with the B. C. R. & N.R.R. the vein with as much regularity as do hold uppnyou,butiise the Regulator when At GBIHNBIX, with Central Iowa R. R. _ their bodies in a way that will make their: The Nuisance of Smoke.—Even drawing- erie to see him. A few words were spoken the symptoms first show thomselves. It ETI?eIS"^3reat Rock "aland " Is magnificently AtDM MOUtB8,with D. mT* F, D. B. B. sinking impossible. The pillows consist of plums in a pudding. A& John Mackay says, has relieved untoM suffering. SIMMONS equipped. Its road hed Issimply perfect,and ltt At Council. BtvtPSi wlthunion Pacific R.R. - rooms do not escape the curse; men whose then Mr. Barnum hurried out after Mr. LIVER REGULATOR is not an alcoholic truck ^Is laid with steel rails. At OMAHA! with B. & Mo. B. B.R. (in Neb.) TRADE two parts, one to cover the chest and the "Bonanzas are where you find them." They stimulant, but a PURELY VliUETABLK At COLtlMBCSJTOOTION/wlth B.O.R.&N.R.R. dress is accepted as proof of good manners Bailey. Those who were privileged to What will please you most will bethe pleasure . AtOTTOTCWA, with Central Iowa R. other the back, and the two portions can be are Sound at times and places most unex­ REMEDV that will cure when everything of enjoying your meals, while passing over the St. L & Pac., and C„ B. and Q. B. Rds. often carry into the parlors of their lady follow the two showmen found themselves else fails. It is a l.iultless family medi­ beautiful prairies of .Illinoismots ana Iowa, In one of readily fastened by the passengers themselves. pected. With all the knowledge gained in cine. Docs not disarrange the system. < our maKnmcenf " These Spectacles are manuiactured from "Mi­ acquaintances Bickening suggestions of after in front of the kangaroo cage. Inside of the Is no violent drastic purge, but nature's 0 Xhrougn Expr nute Crtstal Pebbles Once secured to the bodies they cannot . twenty years, our mining men cannot wlate meal, asgood as " melted together, and cage a pair of animals balanced themselves own remedy. The friend of everyone,and for seventy-five cents. arc called diamond on account of their hardness bo removed by the pressure of the water- bonanzas in advance of the picks and drills. dinner cigars or cigarettes, while half the will not disappoint you. A single trial Appreciating the fact that a majorityma; of the A and brilliancy. Having been tested with the po- men who go out of the theatre or opera on their hind legs and stout tails as |,upon will convince you that it is the cheapest, 0 people prefer separate apartmentsments for different %hi lariscope, the diamond lenses have been found to Tbe end of a pillow supports the chin, and Could any of them have done so, the big purest and best Family Medicine in the nurposes (and the Immense passengerpassei business ^{'tKAMifa Citt, with all lines for the West admit fifteen per cent, less heated rays than any three-legged stools and gazed out upon the Bf this line warranting It), we are pleasedtoan- therefore keeps a person's head above water,. . bonanza—the grandest of all thus far dis­ house between the acts come back again to world. uounce that this gomp -1888. I most be paid to him, and one-half ot all bills con­ Herald. ______tastefully arranged to order »t«liort tracted as above will be paid by him. phile Gautier wrote a sonnet.to her, Cabanel formerly worked in separate galleries, but it Y former connection with Journalism for a painted her portrait. Worth dressed her, amphitheatre passed through the menagerie CrXlEA-T M long period, has given mo an extensive ac­ notice. JAMES POTTER, was found desirable to place them in the The committee on judiciary, who had been on its way to the street the news soon spread quaintance in all the departments of the Govern­ . Executor of Estate of Ezra Curtis. and Leon Cugnot took her as the model of . L asked to investigate and report on the query ment and all exceptional facilities. > Prompt at­ Bridgeport, March 18,1881, 12 his pretty statue, "La Baigneuae." Hfer real; sune galleries as the men and boys, and the from one to another, and the happy parents tention given to all orders reqniMng personal ser­ from Toledo, "What is the duty of a mem­ CASH SALE vice at the National Capitol,which may be for­ name was Adele Terchout, and just before '; society and mutual influence has been pre­ ber of the state legislature ?T' reported as fol­ held a numerously attended levee; but tfee warded through the office of the Kobwaik Ga Mullings Bros., the Franco-German war broke out she de-ji dictive of lxn^flcial results. The female lows : 1. To take a free pass from ebery rail­ infant, frightened by the noise and numbers FOR THIRTY DAYS, ZETTE. 41 10P SOTIDE. clined an qffer of marriage from an elderly.', duke, with a very ancient escutcheon. At t :tegraphlsts belong to the class from which road in de stated Dis puts him in a poishun insisted for the most part on keeping its ?utnt furnished lree, with lull instructions ALL SIZES and COLORS, LL persons owing or keeping a dog or doss ocaiafftnta behind the counters of shdps are to wote agin railroad monopolies an' subsi­ chamber. Mr. Bailey says this is the only , AT for conducting the most prolltable business Carriages & Wagons A within the limits of the town of Norwalk, one time she owned one of the finest man­ dies. 2 To be absent as often an' >s much kangaroo ever born in this country, except la ay one can eagage in. The business is so are hereby notified that they mnst, on or before sions in the Champs Elysees, had twelve recruited; these posts however, arc open to •lUe£--.(easy to learn, and our instructions are so MADE TO ORDER. the flrst day of May next ensuing, cause said dog horses in. her stables and a bushel of dia-~ as he kin, an' to draw his salary wid prompt­ one in Cincinnati, the mother of which had SIPsimple and plain, that any one can make great N EAT «1 Y PRINTED or dogs to be registered, numbered, described and woJieo of all grades. Great accuracy, ness an' dibpatch. 3. To push frew bills fa- just been brought from Australia. That one profits lrom the very start. Ho one can fafl who Repairing in all its Branches. licensed for one year, in the Town Clerk's Office, monds in, her dressing case. Last week this; general intelligence, «nd quickness are re­ vorin' de interests of himself an' friends. 4. lived only a few days; but the parents of this 36 Main St., Bforwalk, Conn. is willing to work. Women are as successful as and shall keep around its neck, a collar distinctly dazzling creaturc died in a Parisian hospital' men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many -AT- marked with its owner's name and its registered To spin out de seshuns as as long possible in one are both tame and acclimated, and Mr. This stock mnst be closed out to make roomfor absolutely destitute, and the disease which • quired for the work, which is as a rule, satis- order to draw de salary. 5 To let no occa- hare made at the business over one hundred dol­ number. carried her off was the most hideous which ; i !• c torilyaccomplishecL Bailey believes they will raise it. my large stock of Goods Tor Spring Trade. lars In a single week. Nothing like it ever known FOR SALE FOR IHE HOLIDAYS. Attention is called to the handbills posted in shun pass widout makin' a speech, and to belore. All who engage are surprised at the ease VERY LOW RATES, every School District, containintr In lull tho State could befall a pretty woman—a lupsus vorax, have ebery one ob dese speeches printed an' and rapidity with which they are able tp make A line of SLEIGHS of our own Acts in relation to Bogs. or cancer in the face, which totally disfig­ sent home to an anxshus constituency. The "What," asked the teacher, "was the money. Ton can engage in this business during AT ISAAC 9ELLECK, Jit., ured her. Like Zola's Nana, the only ves­ L t a couple of old maids get hold of a greatest obstacle Washington encountered in For Sale. your spare time at great profit. You do not have manufacture, made from Selected ii4 KS1 WIlfLIAJl C. SAMAIIS," eh -icJ bit of scandal when together and you report was accepted and filed, and Brother crossing the Delaware ?" And the smart bad. Very desirable Alderney Bull Calf, 10 days to inv st capital in it. We'take all the risk. materials. Neat, stylish and durable. NELSON J. CRAW, tige left of her beauty when she died was; Gardner complimented the chairman of the old: Dam. Flora 3d, an extra butter cow. sire These who need raflf money should write to us Board#! Selectmen, her matehlew hair, which measured nearly- tin v.- 4 CAM Of boy thought for a minute and then made an- ImportedA by Mr. Burnham of Saugatuck. Both at once. All furnisMilree. Address,TRUE ft Co., committee on bis research and intelligence. awer, "The toll man." Augusta, Maine. . _ i. O.A.UVLLlftCtB, . J.8.MOXLINQB I Norw*Ik, April M8SIJ five fee** Two minds with but a single thought, Free Press. registered. Can be seenat LKDGE WOOD FABU, GAZETTE OFFICE. Two tongues that wag m •> ' y ...... >--v

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