
Allelopathy and the Secret Life of altissima "

Rod M. Heisey -

Although the reputation of the tree-of-heaven as an ornamental has declined over the past century, investigations now underway may discover a new role for the species as the source of a natural .

Ailanthus altissima () has been opathy." Many produce chemical com- extremely successful in invading and dominat- pounds that have no apparent role in life ing certain habitats since its introduction to the processes or structure; hence, these com- in 1784. In parts of the northeast- pounds are called secondary metabolites. As ern United States, especially in southern Con- techniques for identifying naturally produced necticut, southern Pennsylvania, and the lower chemicals have improved in recent decades, it Hudson Valley of , A. altissima forms has become apparent that plants manufacture a nearly pure stands that are resistant to invasion great diversity of secondary metabolites, includ- by other tree species.’ ing terpenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, A number of characteristics contribute to coumarins, quinones, , and phenolic the invasiveness and success of Ailanthus compounds. Humans have found a variety of altissima, often called tree-of-heaven. First, the uses for some of these compounds, including versatility of its reproduction methods provides menthol, a terpenoid produced by mint; nico- a decided advantage. The trees regularly produce tine, an alkaloid produced by tobacco; caffeme, large crops of winged that are widely dis- an alkaloid produced by the coffee plant and persed by the wind. A. altissima can also spread other species; and salicin, a phenolic compound rapidly by sprouting from stumps or from its having analgesic properties, from the willow wide-ranging lateral roots, particularly in open- tree. Why do plants produce secondary metabo- ings or at the edges of forested areas. Another lites ? An early hypothesis suggesting that they of its advantageous characteristics is the were simply waste products of normal metabo- extremely rapid growth rate that enables it to lism has been largely discounted, since it does outcompete many other species, especially not explain the wide variety of secondary when reproducing from root or stump sprouts. metabolites. Much evidence now indicates that Average heights reported for one-year-old trees some of these allelochemicals, as they are in south and central Pennsylvania were 1.3 feet termed, play a defensive role for the producer for seedlings, 2.7 feet for root sprouts, and organism, protecting plants from herbivores by 6.0 feet for stump sprouts; two-year-old trees making the plant tissues toxic, perhaps, or by averaged 3.9 feet, 5.6 feet, and 9.2 feet, respec- reducing their palatability.3 Other compounds tively.2 These rates make A. altissima one of the have antimicrobial effects and may protect fastest-growing trees in the temperate zone. plants from invasion by pathogens. Another role that secondary metabolites may The Secret : Weapon? play is that of allelopathy (Greek, allelo-, of one Another contributor to the invasiveness another; patheia, suffering), the inhibition of and success of Ailanthus altissima may be a one plant’s growth by another through the pro- secondary metabolite that provides competitive duction and release of toxic chemicals into the superiority through a process known as "allel- environment. Many secondary metabolites have 29

A typical stand of Ailanthus altissima showing a sparse understory with scattered Ailanthus root sprouts been shown to inhibit or plant including negative effects on insects, fungi, pro- growth in laboratory tests, and entire books tozoa, viruses, and cancer cells.’ In A. have been written attributing a broad range of altissima has long been used as medicine and as effects to allelopathy;4 however, some research- insect repellent.~ The first publications on allel- ers question how widespread or important it opathy by A. altissima were by Mergen (1959) really is in natural habitats.~ Two examples and Voigt and Mergen ( 1962), who reported that where the argument for allelopathy seems water extracts of foliage and stems were injuri- most convincing are the purple sage (Salvia ous to tree seedlings of other species. The major leucophylla) in the coastal sage scrub commu- phytotoxic compound produced by A. altissima nity of and the black walnut (Juglans was recently identified as a quassinoid com- nigra) in the eastern Umted States.~ But in fact, pound called ailanthone.9 allelopathy has not yet been proven to exist in A major tool for research on allelopathy is any plant to all researchers’ satisfaction. the bioassay, a test that allows us to isolate phy- totoxic compounds and quantify their effects Testing for Allelopathic Effects under controlled laboratory conditions. A good My research has focused on two areas: ( 1) deter- bioassay should possess high sensitivity, give mining whether Ailanthus altissima actually reproducible results, and take a relatively short is allelopathic under natural conditions, and time to perform. I usually use seeds of garden (2) evaluating the potential of its secondary cress (Lepidium sativum) for bioassays, because metabolite as a natural herbicide. they germinate rapidly and are very sensitive to Members of the Simaroubaceae, mcluding phytotoxins. A basic bioassay involves placing Ailanthus, produce a class of bitter-tasting seeds on filter paper in petri dishes, secondary metabolites called quassinoids, treating them with plant extracts, and then which exhibit a wide range of biological activity incubating them under standard conditions. At 30 A

deliver biologically effective amounts of the toxin from Ailanthus altissima trees to nearby soil. Stemflow collars were placed around A. altissima trunks, and rain was collected as it flowed down the trees. At the same time, pre- cipitation was collected m open areas nearby to serve as a control. The water samples were then tested using the cress seed bioassay. Surpris- ingly, stemflow stimulated more cress radicle growth than either control precipitation or deionized water.’1 In retrospect this result was not unreasonable. The outer bark of A. altissima (low in ailanthone) probably prevents Chemical structure of ailanthone (molecular weight the toxin from being leached from the high- 376), the phytotoxic compound produced by ailanthone inner bark in large enough quantities Ailanthus altissima. Allanthone is bitter extremely to inhibit plant growth; the bark may also con- and belongs to the class of called compounds tribute inorganic nutrients or hormones quassmoids. growth to the stemflow, thereby offsetting the effect of the end of the incubation period, the growth of any ailanthone that does reach the soil. In any the radicle (the initial root formation) of the case, the results certainly did not support treated seedlings is compared to that of control stemflow as a mechanism responsible for allel- seedlings that received only deionized or dis- opathy under natural conditions. tilled water. In order to learn whether ailan- thone could indeed serve as an allelo- pathic agent for Ailanthus altissima, I first needed to find out where in the tree the phytotoxic compound is found. This was important because the location helps determine the quantity of toxin released into the soil as well as the release mecha- nism. I began by assaying water extracts of different A. altissima tis- sues, using the method described above. Phytotoxic effects were high- est for the inner bark of the trunk and the bark of roots and branches, intermediate for , and lowest for the thin outer bark of the trunk and for the wood of the trunk and roots.l° These results suggested two possible release mechanisms for the phytotoxin: (1) extraction Bioassay of water extracts of Ailanthus altissima root bark on of toxin from bark and foliage by seeds of barnyard grass (BYGR, crusgalli), corn rain, followed by stemflow down (Zea mays), and garden cress (Lepidum satmum/. The seeds were moistened with (left to mghtJ deiomzed water for control or a branches and trunks; or exudation (2) water extract of A. altissima root bark correspondmg to 1 gram of from roots. bark m 5000 and 500 milhhters, respectmely. Both concentrations Tests were designed to learn which of extract caused considerable mhlbition of radicle growth of all of these mechanisms, if either, could three species compared to the control. 31

Effect of addmg Ailanthus altissima leaflets and root bark to soil on growth of garden c,ress The pots rec.emed (left to mght) no bark (=control); 2 grams of leaflets and 2 grams of root bark from which ailanthone had been extracted with methanol, and 0.5, 1, and 2 grams of non-extracted root bark The non-extracted bark caused obmous inhibition of cress growth, but bark from which the allanthone was removed with methanol stimulated growth compared to the control contammg no bark. The leaflets reduced cress growth shghtly, butt much less than the bark. To test whether significant amounts of 0.8 percent of dry soil weight reduced cress seed- ailanthone could be released by Ailanthus ling emergence to 39, 21, and 5 percent respec- altissima roots, some roots were added to soil m tively of that m pots containing no root bark; petri dishes. Control dishes contained identical cress shoot biomass was reduced to 55, 25, and soil, but no roots. The dishes containing roots 5 percent of biomass in the control pots. Dry were stored m a refrigerator (to retard degrada- leaflets added to soil m similar quantities only tion of the toxin by soil microorganisms) for 6 or reduced cress emergence to 94, 88, and 93 per- 13 days to provide time for the toxin from the cent of that in control pots and shoot biomass to roots to exude into the soil. The dishes were 81, 81, and 64 percent. These results support the then removed from refrigeration, seeds of garden hypothesis that exudation of ailanthone from A. cress were placed on the soil near the roots, and altissima roots is a mechanism whereby allel- radicle growth was measured 3 days later. The opathy could occur, whereas exudation from results showed that significant amounts of leaves probably is not. ailanthone had been released from the roots. The experiments described so far had a seri- Exposure of the soil for 6 days to fine roots (less ous weakness: the Ailanthus altissima tissues than three millimeters in diameter/ reduced used had been removed from the trees and cress radicle growth to 50 percent of that in the injured by cutting or drying. It could therefore control soil, and exposure to larger roots (five to be objected that the experiments did not mimic ten millimeters in diameter) reduced cress natural situations. Another investigation was radicle growth to 74 percent. In soil stored for 13 performed to assess more realistically the days, cress radicle growth was reduced by expo- potential for allelopathy caused by root exuda- sure to fine roots to 33 percent of growth in the tion of ailanthone. Soil within two centimeters control soil and to 74 percent by exposure to of A. altissima roots was collected m a twenty- larger roots. year-old stand of trees and assayed usmg garden In another test Ailanthus altissima root bark cress seeds. Control soil was collected from a and leaves were added separately to soil in pots nearby forested area containing few A. altissima and the effect measured on garden cress seeds. trees. Cress radicle growth in soil from near A. Root bark strongly inhibited growth of the altissima roots was 85 percent of radicle growth seeds, whereas leaves had a much weaker effect. in control soil. The bioassay was repeated Dry root bark added in quantities of 0.2, 0.4, and because the difference was so small; in the 32

Effect of treatments of ailanthone pre-emergence, photographed 6 days after spray (top row of flats), and post-emergence, 5 days after spray (bottom row of flats). Apphcation rates are (left to mghtJ 0 (control), 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 kilograms of ailanthone per hectare Plant species are (front to back of flats) redroot pigweed (), garden cress, velvetleaf, foxtail ~Setaria glaucal, barnyard grass, corn, and (m post-emergence flats only) seedlmgs of Ailanthus altissima. All plants were killed m the post- emergence treatments, even at 0 5 kg/ha, except velvetleaf, which was m~ured at the higher rates of apphcation, and A. altissima seedlmgs, which remarkably showed no m~ury even at 8 kg/ha

second test, cress radicle growth in soil near nonsterile soil was used in other dishes. The A. altissima roots was 77 percent of control dishes were then incubated at 25 degrees Centi- radicle growth. grade for time periods ranging from 0 to 21 days, The investigations of root exudation provide and the soil was subsequently tested for phyto- evidence that ailanthone may be released toxicity with a cress seed bioassay. Strong into the rhizosphere of Allanthus altissima toxicity persisted for 21 days in the dishes con- in amounts sufficient to influence the growth taining sterile soil; by contrast, it persisted for of other plants. Before concludmg that A. only 2 or 3 days and rapidly disappeared thereaf- altisslma is allelopathic, however, another fac- ter in the dishes containing nonsterile soil. A tor had to considered. Many organic compounds similar pattern was observed when powdered are rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms; Ailanthus altissima root bark was mixed with juglone, for example-the allelopathic com- soil and incubated. These results clearly demon- pound from black walnut-can be degraded rap- strate that the toxic effects of ailanthone in idly by soil bacteria to concentrations below soil are short-lived, probably because of micro- which phytotoxicity would occur.’2 If the same bial degradation, and raise questions about is true of ailanthone, its biological effectiveness allelopathic potential of A. altissima under could be greatly reduced. natural conditions. The persistence of ailanthone in soil was Ailanthus altissima as a Herbicide therefore examined. In one investigation, a solution of ailanthone was mixed with soil in Regardless of its ecological role, ailanthone is a petri dishes. In some dishes, soil that had been very powerful herbicidal compound: in the sterilized by autoclaving was used, whereas standard garden cress bioassay, radicle growth 33

is typically reduced to 50 percent by a solution down into the seed zone. To test post- containing only 0.7 milligrams of ailanthone emergence herbicidal effects, the crude extract per liter (0.7 parts per million~.’3 Ailanthone or purified ailanthone was sprayed directly onto is therefore being evaluated for commercial emerged seedlings of and crop species. use, since a natural herbicide could have several Strong herbicidal effects resulted from both advantages over synthetic ones: (1) rapid pre- and post-emergence applications, but the degradation of the herbicide in soil or water, post-emergence effects were especially striking: resulting in less environmental pollution; even the lowest application rate of ailanthone (2) reduced dependence on fossil fuels since the herbicide could be made biosynthetically rather than from petrochemi- cals ; and, perhaps (3), lower toxicity of the herbicide to non- target organisms. Ailanthone can be described as a broad-spectrum herbicide that is toxic to many plants, both weeds and crop species. It has its greatest effect on annual plants shortly after they have emerged, but it also has a significant pre-emergence effect. Ailanthone is toxic to both monocots and dicots, but dicots tend to be the more sensitive. It has a very low degree of selectivity; however, Ailanthus altissima seedlings and certain species in the Malvaceae such as cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and vel- vetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) are resistant. Initial investigations of the herbicidal effects of Allan- thus altissima were made in the greenhouse using a crude extract of root bark. Later, after the herbicidal com- pound had been identified, purified ailanthone was used. Both the crude extract and the purified ailanthone were Field trial of post-emergence spray with extract of A. altissima bark mne sprayed onto the surface of soil days after apphcation. The plot at top (control) received no extract, and the plot belowrecemed the 1 1 ailanthone sown with weeds and crop spe- eqmvalent of kilogram of per hectare. The predommant is Galinsoga ciliata. The crop plants are cies to test for pre-emergence (front row to back row) corn, cauhflower (Brassica oleracea var. rtalica/, herbicidal effects. The soil was tomato (Lycopersicon esculentuml, and green bean (Phaseolus vulgans/. then watered so that the herbi- A sigmficant reduction m weed populatlon of the treated plot is cidal material would be carried apparent, but m~ury to the crops is also evident. 34

A mature A~lanthus altissima m August Showmg the charac,tenstrc compound leaves, gmmg a somewhat palm-like appearance, and abundant clusters of mpening samaras.

(equivalent to 0.5 kilogram per hectare) caused Weeds and crops were planted in the field and complete mortality of most plant species tested. sprayed after emergence with an extract con- The most recent tests of ailanthone were taining a known amount of ailanthone. Symp- conducted in outdoor field plots. Because large toms of damage were evident on many weeds amounts of the herbicidal material were and crop species within a few days of spraying. required and isolation of pure ailanthone is As demonstrated previously in the laboratory, expensive and time-consuming, a crude extract ailanthone does not persist long in the soil, so of Ailanthus altissima trunk bark was used. new weeds germinated and some injured weeds 35

recovered within a few weeks of spraying. A References single application of ailanthone would therefore Bell, E. A. 1981 The physiological role(s) of secondary be insufficient to control weeds over an entire (natural) products. The Biochemistry of Plants, ed. P. K Stumpf and E. E. Conn. NY: Academic growing season. Future research will investigate Press, vol. 7, 1-19. ways to extend the herbicidal effects over a R. F. 1978. mhibits under time and to minimize to Fisher, Juglone pme growth longer toxicity crops. certam moisture conditions. Soil Science 42: 801-803. Conclusion Society of Amenca Journal Harper, J. L. 1977. Population Biology of Plants NY: Despite the positive results of many laboratory Academic Press, 369-381. investigations, we do not yet have enough infor- Heisey, R. M. 1990a. Allelopathic and herbicidal effects mation to state unequivocally that Ailanthus of extracts from tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima is allelopathic: too little is known of altissima) Amencan Journal of Botany 77: the complex interactions and potentially miti- 662-670 . 1990b. Evidence for gating circumstances that occur in the natural allelopathy by tree-of-heaven Chemical environment. from an (Ailanthus altissima) Journal of However, evolutionary Ecology 16: 2039-2055. standpoint it makes little sense that A. . 1996. Identification of an allelopathic compound altissima would the to a expend energy produce from Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae) and compound unless it somehow conferred a selec- characterization of its herbicidal activity. tive advantage. It is certain that ailanthone has Amemcan Journal of Botany 83: 192-200. powerful herbicidal effects and may have Hoffmann, J J., S. D. Jolad, L. K Hutter, and S. P. evolved to inhibit competing plants, but it may McLaughhn. 1992. Glaucarubolone glucoside, also have other functions. Anecdotal evidence a potent fungicidal agent for the control of grape downy mildew Journal of Agricultural that it is toxic to some and suggests fungi may and Food Chemistry 40’ 1056-1057. therefore function to protect A. altissima Hu, S. Y. 1979. Allanthus. Arnoldia 39: 25-50. ~ - against fungal pathogens. It might also act as a J. S , and E F. Brouse. 1926 The Ailanthus Tree m deterrent to herbivores because of its Ilhck, feedmg Pennsylvama. Bulletm 38. Harmsburg, PA. extremely bitter taste, a possibility suggested by Pennsylvania Department of Forests and the fact that few animals feed on A. altissima Waters. plants. Clearly, there is much we have yet to Klocke, J. A, M. Amsawa, S. S. Handa, A. D Kmghorn, learn about ailanthone and the secret role it G. A. Cordell, and N. R. Farnsworth. 1985. Growth plays m the life of A. altissima. mhibitory, msecticidal, and antifeedant effects of some antileukemic and Endnotes cytotoxic quassmoids on two species of agricultural pests. Expementia 41: 379-382. 1 Illick and Brouse 1926, Hu 1979, Pelgler 1993. Massey, A. B. 1925. Antagomsm of the walnuts (Juglans 2 Illick and Brouse 1926. mgra L. and J. cmerea L.) m certain plant 3 Swam 1977, Bell 1981. associations. Phytopathology 15: 773-784. 4 Rice 1984, Putnam and Tang 1986. Mergen, F. 1959. A toxic principle m the leaves of Ailanthus Botamcal Gazette 121: 32-36. 5 Harper 1977 6 Muller, C. H, and R. del Moral. 1966. Soil Muller and Muller 1964, Muller and del Moral 1966, toxicity induced by terpenes from Salma Massey 1925, Fisher 1978. leucophylla Bulletm of the Torrey Botanical Club 93: 130- 7 Klocke et al. 1985, Polonsky et al. 1989; Hoffmann et 137 al. and Pierre et al. 1992; Trager Polonsky 1981, 1980, Muller, W. H., and C H. Muller 1964. Volatile growth Ogura et al 1977. inhibitors produced by Salma species. Bulletm 8 Yang and Tang 1988. of the Torrey Botanical Club 91: 327-330. 9 Heisey 1996. Ogura, M., G. A. Cordell, A. D. Kinghorn, and N R. 10 Heisey 1990a. Farnsworth. 1977. Potential anticancer agents. VI. Constituents of Ailanthus excelsa 11 1990b. Heisey (Simaroubaceae). Lloydia 40: 579-584. 12 Schmidt 1988. Peigler, R. 1993. A defense of ailanthus. American i3 Heisey 1996. Horticultumst 72/2/: 38-43. 36

Pierre, A., M. Robert-Gero, C. Tempete, and J. Polonsky Plasmodmm falciparum m vitro. Amencan 1980. Structural requirements of quassinolds Journal of Tropical Medicme and Hygiene 30. for the inhibition of cell transformation 531-537. Biochemical and Research Biophysical Voigt, G. K., and F. Mergen. 1962 Seasonal variation in Commumcations 93: 675-686. toxicity of ailanthus leaves to pme seedlings Polonsky, J., S. C. Bhatnagar, D. C Griffiths, J. A. Botanical Gazette 123: 262-265. and C. M. Woodcock. 1989. of Pickett, Activity Yang, R. Z., and C. S. Tang. 1988 Plants used for pest as antifeedants quassinolds against aphids control m Chma: hterature review. Economic Journal of Chemical Ecology 15: 993-998 Botany 42: 376-406. Putnam, A.R., and C. S. Tang, eds. 1986. The Science of Allelopathy. NY: Wiley Rice, E. L. 1984. Allelopathy NY: Academic Press. Rod Heisey, professor of biology at Penn State Umver- on a farm in Lancaster Schmidt, S. K. 1988. Degradation of ~uglone by soil sity, grew up County, Pennsyl- vania. While a student at the of bacteria. Journal of Chemical Ecology 14: graduate University a the 1561-1571 California, Davis, and postdoctoral researcher at Pesticide Research Center of Michigan State University, T. 1977. as Swain, Secondary compounds protective he became mterested in allelopathy and the use of Annual Remew Plant 28: agents. of Physiology natural products for controlling agricultural pests. 479-501. His research focuses on plant ecology and microbial Trager, W., and J. Polonsky. 1981. Antimalarial activity ecology, with emphasis on allelopathy and natural- of quassinolds against chloroquine-resistant product pesticides.

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