Package ‘mokken’ March 8, 2021 Version 3.0.6 Date 2021-3-8 Title Conducts Mokken Scale Analysis Author L. Andries van der Ark [aut, cre], Letty Koopman [aut], J. Hendrik Straat [ctb], Don van den Bergh [ctb] Maintainer L. Andries van der Ark <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 3.5.0), graphics, poLCA Suggests MASS Description Contains functions for performing Mokken scale analysis on test and questionnaire data. It includes an automated item selection algorithm, and various checks of model assumptions. License GPL (>= 2) URL LinkingTo Rcpp Imports Rcpp NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-03-08 21:10:02 UTC R topics documented: mokken-package . .2 acl..............................................8 aisp .............................................9 autonomySupport . 12 balance . 13 cavalini . 14 check.bounds . 15 . 16 1 2 mokken-package check.errors . 18 check.iio . 19 check.monotonicity . 22 check.norms . 23 check.pmatrix . 25 check.reliability . 26 check.restscore . 28 coefH . 29 coefZ . 32 DS14 ............................................ 34 ICC ............................................. 36 mcmi ............................................ 37 MLcoefH . 38 MLcoefZ . 41 MLweight . 42 plot.iio.class . 44 plot.monotonicity.class . 45 plot.pmatrix.class . 47 plot.restscore.class . 49 recode . 50 summary.iio.class . 51 summary.monotonicity.class . 53 summary.pmatrix.class . 54 summary.restscore.class . 56 SWMD ..........................................